Thread #44599
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the list: youjo senki girls bike club seiren trickster chaos child? don't know what episode
Episode eight.
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okay let's start with trickster okay let's start
It's weird to me that in population-dense Japanese urban cities like this, that there'd be residential areas like this just left to rot.
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I don't even know what's going on much with the plot these days.
It's not that complicated.
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but it seems pretty stupid
That doesn't make it any more complicated.
He's so dead.
I guess his practice paid off.
Well okay. That's not really who I expected to RIP policeman.>>44623 Maybe that boyfriend she was fawning over for a chunk of the series was Twenty Faces all along or something.
so shes evil?
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don't trust girls especially if they sit around doing seemingly nothing all season well for two seasons more like
Why do you think I don't trust you.
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I'm the main character though, not some do-nothing side character. You can trust me because I'm the protagonist. okay let's chaos child okay let's start!
You're a midboss at best.
I wonder who's to die this week.
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nobody cute, I hope!
what time
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Looks like just random despair for this episode.
I guess that explains why the adult Senri that got killed or suicided wasn't Senri.
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I wonder if this disqualifies her from being the evil one. I guess it does.
Oh wow he's not dead yet.
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That part was confusing. IS she still Nono or did she turn back there at the end?
shes the pink girl the orange we know and the MC knows is dead
I think she's still pretending.
errr MC didnt know the orange girl only the pink pretending to be orange
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I guess it's the short haired slut if it isn't Nono. Nono is still best girl even though she wasn't originally Nono.
She's been Nono for the whole time we've known her so it still counts.
We've heard pretty much double the blue-hair's sound clips this episode than the rest of the show.
I didn't expect him to live after a scene like the one in the last episode. I guess the Japanese hospital system is pretty competent when it comes to anything aside from the Japanese cold.
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I'm amazed he still has eyes after his eyesockets turned to blood, his eyes bulged out of their sockets, and then he slammed them against the concrete.
He'll probably have severe sight problems long before it's natural for them to start developing.
ok what time now
18"20 18:25 18:30
okay thanks i had to do something so i might need a few minutes after you're done
Huh. Who was the one
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Oh, I guess that outfit is for manga girl. I thought it was for moe-nee.
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Here they are up against their Amagami duos.
i thought there was an a 10 year gap ish
These two are recurring characters. Designer or developer favourites or whatever. The kind of characters that disregard common sense to show up.
Oh shit this girl has 11/10 hair.
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Oh, it's gamer girl's super cute friend.
She's got nice fashion sense too. I like the long skirt over cardigan thing.
She probably had the best pilot episode out of the heroines so far.
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This current girl is probably the cutest yet but she's kinda plain. She doesn't have any really negative traits like the other two did. I'll be back in just a second.
Aside from being autistic but that rarely really ever counts.
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like rika said shes cute but bland
I like her dialogue. She kind of says pretty heavy things rather flippantly.
i need to shower quick before it gets too late ill be fast brb like 8 minutes maybe
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short ika shower braek, I guess!
Fifteen minutes instead of eight, not bad.
keikaku doori
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I'm shocked Ika could be so fast. okay youjou senki okay let's start!
yo go sen ki
Oh I was figuring it was getting late for you two. Or Squid at least I guess. Ready.
Vive la resistance
She steps rather daintily.
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Well, she's a little girl.
They're gonna fire on civilians~
It must be weird to hear these regulatory demands coming from the voice of a little gir- Oh well they just fucked themselves.
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wow those mages were riding cool magical horses
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Time for war crimes!
Oh a different ED.
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Can you make it through one more Ika?
Oh is that Mary Sue's father. I thought he died.
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>>44692 Everyone did! I guess he has a mission now. okay minami bike club! okay let's start!
The power of Mysterious Being X.
I wonder if they're going to Kamakura's giant Buddha as a part of the orienteering.
Oh wait I think I've been to this shrine too. Yeah. But that was way back in high school. There was this little kid that couldn't have been more than eight years old getting SWAMPED by pigeons on one of those plateaus. Little guy found it hilarious though.
Japanese shrines and temples are so neat.
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Bear girl is really mad.
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Oh, looks like she was a gaijin.
shes already better than the main characters s
I think she is a main character.
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I didn't expect them to pick up a new club member like this but okay.
GIANT BUDDHA I have a little metal Buddha I got for my parents from that giant Buddha.
This English is pretty good but it hurts.
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Yeah, as far as Japanese speakers go, her English is good.
But it feels like those people that speak English but include random Japanese words in it. Even if it's properly pronounced it feels awkward.
They all have matching pink fanny packs. That's kind of cute.
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Becoming a crazy bear cosplayer is a pretty effective way to hide your gaijin status.
the best thing about this show i sth eending song
But what about the endcards
>Next time, "Let's Go On a Trip!" BIKING ADVENTURES, GET
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Minami Kamakura(…).jpg )
Thanks for anime! I hope kuma gaijin does join the club!
thanks for anime
>>44736 She's in both the OP and ED she's gonna join the club.
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Oh wow I missed this by a long shot.