A judge in the Maritime Provinces is facing some heavy negative feedback, after he acquitted a taxi driver of sexual assault charges. According to the judge, drunk people can definitely give consent, which means the heavily intoxicated woman the driver tried to sex in the back of his cab was a willing participant.
At least it's not as bad as that one judge, who when presiding over a rape trial, asked the rape victim why she just couldn't keep her knees shut. Why are all the judges up here seemingly total cunts.
>>44910 By being drunk and alone she was basically begging for it. >>44911 hey rookers.
The REAL cunts are these High Court Judges, let me tell you. These guys take about 80 pages to say what I could sum up in a couple of paragraphs.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Fucking everyone is like that, I hate that shit. Especially in psychology.
I had to do a report on this one a couple of years ago http://nswcourts.com.au/articles/judges-that-fall-asleep-during-trials/ the judge kept falling asleep during a drug trial
It wasn't enough to overrule the conviction though. The high court was like >well. even if the judge kept falling asleep, you guys did still get caught selling drugs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
People look for any bullshit reason to appeal. It doesn't matter if its valid or not
Best Buy still isn't giving stock information for the Switch. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh
bangKirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>44921 If you drive to Seattle, they have them at the Amazon Bookstore there.
>>44920 Maybe they know its going to flop so they're not stocking any
>Drive ;_;
Never mind that Seattle is on the OTHER SIDE OF THE CONTINENT.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's a long bike trip!
>>44924 No they're not even saying they don't have any. I WISH they'd say they didn't have any. They're just saying stock information is not available at this time
>>44925 man. that reminds me. I bought a book I needed on Amazon and I found a second hand copy for like $5 but I was in a rush and didn't look at where the sender was so now I'm getting charged like $30 for shipping
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you'll be a long rider
Ice cream Eye scream
Kirara have you watched the delayed episodes of Long Riders yet?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I watched one of them. I've been saving for a rainy day.
That's what Rika and I got through too. Maybe next time hours align we could finish it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Oh, yeah. I'm up around 4am usually so next time there's a switch between shows and I'm around, maybe we can do it then.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"i love emilia"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wait does neko die
I think I'm gonna do it. Take the gamble.
If it fails there's a nearby EB Games that has the new Story of Seasons and I want that too.
As jealous as I am of all the moes that can stay up past bed-time I'm not one of them. 12 o'clock like a little bitch.
What I don't get is, she remembers a Masamune from her childhood. But she's completely unable to make the connection between the two Masamunes she knows. I mean he even brought up the old nickname she gave him and she's still not putting two and two together.
Dude Bush is a pretty chill guy
He did 9/11, but maybe it's time to forgive and forget
>>44936 She probably gets put on a bus and shows up in the epilogue or ending climax.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>44945 yeah it's stupid i'm gonna be mad if she ends up seriously conflicted between the fatso and the real masamune
Considering she seems to have peculiar tastes in physical attributes. It's gonna happen man.
In a way really, it's actually super funny. >I like this man for his body but this one is a much better person!
Everyone is trying to make Masamune chubby again. What's one more on the pile?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's his fate to be fat, obviously. You can only avoid fate for so long before it makes you fuck your mom and you take out your eyes when you realize you fell for fate's keikaku.
You can't underestimate the depth of his RESOLVE, Kirara!
Take off your clothes kirara
>>44954 To be fair Oedipus had no clue he was defying fate. The whole tragic shit of his story was that all of it was pretty much beyond his control.
Bush made a book of portraits he did of veterans, and the proceeds from selling it apparently will go to some chairty for vets What a guy
>>44958 Bush wasn't a great president, but he's not a bad person. He Bush family is really fun. Daddy Bush is a bro, too. Went skydiving for his 90th.
Well he knows who his mother is and he doesn't seem to be a lolicon so he's probably safe.
He seems like a great guy though
Also >all these Bush interviews happening lately >not long before, Dave Rubin interviewed Glenn Beck, who talked about how reasonable and intelligent Bush actually is in private, and the dumbo he was as president is a character COINKLEDENCE?
Oh wait I didn't catch this the first time around but
Mary Christine Krause (aka Gel-san) Debt: 2,200,000 yen ($20,000) Reason: Owes parents for tuition to study in Japan
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hahaha and she owes her parents money for it they must be really upset with how she ended up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>allowed to do whatever they want in order to meet their first sales target doujin material
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
gaijins are crazy
Maybe I should get bea sometime so I can have most of the party and in dark element.
>>45013 At least it comes with the freedom benefits of being able to date freely. All in all as long as they're serious about the job it seems like a pretty good deal for the lot of them.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Takahashi Ran only owes 500k jpy Just get a job
I feel bad for Plant Manager-chan. She didn't even do anything, it's all her parents' fault. But she also has the largest burden of the group.
>kei in little over an hour and a half Fuuuuck. If I want to go out I still need to shower. It'll be hard to make the round trip and shower in under two hours.
Maybe you should... SWITCH up your plans
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I should get zelda for wii u sometime if I don't get a switch anytime soon
Oh shit yeah I love this song
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Lyria's attack buff is what improves at 65 hoo boy
Oh boy, April's MOGRA falls on the first of the month.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey granblue not-playing-anymore nerds, you should grab lyria from the event since all you have to do is beat chapter 1 (there's no loyalty bar)
Making you have to grind loyalty on Lyria would be a pretty ridiculous troll on the dev's account.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Blue is the Meguca MOGRA mirror defunct with the site's new coding?
Lat took it down a while back
RIP. Guess I'll cross my fingers that the other ones are good enough to run on shoddy phone data.
>>45033 http://insel.cafe:8000/audio.ogg This is the one that's up Been working for quite a while. >Parappa the Rapper Aw shit
I just use the ustream
I do too, but I want to listen to MOGRA when I go out to try my luck at getting a Switch. And I can't really work a stream all that well on my phone. Er, video stream. Audio streams can usually run even if you put your phone to sleep.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWEKoi-
This sounds like SamFlam but I don't think it is. Oh it is.
MOGRAnon has a new pasta page because people started fighting over Yuri on Ice and derailed the MOGRA threads, hah hah.
>>45042 Were they that upset about YOI being a Masterpiece(TM) that they couldn't handle History Maker?
There is a lewd variant of that image and I was scared. Good job picking the right one without paying attention me
Beats me, I've missed out on the January and February streams. Seems like they just got mad about the show because music from it got played during a set and devolved the thread into arguing over it.
Yeah, I bet. Happens all the time. YOI is both popular and gay. And History maker is too good not to be played. So I can see why he had to do that.
Oh hell it's below -10C outside. ...It was ~15C last weekend ;_;
Okay time for Good Switch Hunting.
later wub
>piano Oh man, I really like this mix
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Lyria has a win pose where she bounces a spherical vyrn like a basketball
Also these were not the pants to wear in windy -12C weather. Send help.
>>45048 Yesterday it was at 70% stay >>45054 Change pants
Too late bus is here.
This set is awesome.
Hah hah I should have dried my hair more thoroughly before leaving. The dampness is turning to ice and stiffening it.
I should get something to eat
I just did that
I should have eaten before SHAVADAVA start playing. Oh, it's not the good Shavadava remixes
Is this Oh boy, it is. shakkazombie
the current one?
my PC died' Laptop ahoy
This one's good
zenkai powa
What show is this from again, anyway? I know I've seen it
Is it tatami galaxy?
Well, I know this one
I hope someone's recording this MOGRA so I can download it and cut it apart later
There's a guy that records MOGRA every month and uploads to Nyaa. He even cuts the rip up so each DJ's set is a separate track.
God forbid Russia launches a nuke, and Trump's advisors scramble to put together a 45 minute episode of "Today in the world" with time for advertisment and shit to show Trump
Briefings aren't entertaining unless the world is crazy over it
McDonald's is running it's free all-day coffee again. Which means cheap large coffee.
I would be so fucking stoked to be getting briefings and shit I'd be the first motherfucker in the room
How anyone could have as their first thought when they think about how long the earth takes to go around the sun to be one day is fucking beyond me, but the other one I can UNDERSTAND I think it's retarded and I severely doubt I'd make the same mistake, but I can see it
Yeah I don't know but I made the math mistake Although I also misheard the question a little
>>45117 it's just an auto response for a lot of people, they learned that in 3rd grade and never fucking touched it again
how did you get the sun if it's cold out? sun not actually hot?? flat Earth??
What's it really mean for something to be blessed anyway?
Really fucking nice.
This is a neato mix of U.N OWEN.
UNknown 404 - SHU x GUCCI
The earliest Best Buy may be getting more Switch consoles is next Thursday. Which isn't surprising considering that was the last day before release. But they also said they're not sure since Nintendo is shipping independent of their (Best Buy) normal shipping orders. Video gaming is hard.
I'm a little shot since while I was showering earlier I had a great idea. Since the Switch is portable I could totally go at it while I'm on the cardio bike I've now got. Just put it on a light routine for an hour and play while pedaling. It would give me something engaging and interesting to kill time to while I'm stuck in one place.
>>45139 It's one of the songs I used to listen to when I first got into touhou. It's from a really good SOUND HOLIC album. Same one Drive My Life came from
>the US president outright states there was surveillance of him pre-election This is getting OUTTA HAND
Make fares low again
>>45149 There was and it's been common knowledge for months to everyone but him He only found out because Breitbart did an article on it
It was legal, too
Yeah but now it fits his narration that everyone else are filthy spying traitors so his staff can do it too.
I'm just waiting for Trump to tweet "I made him a steak."
>Barack: Well done.
>If you grow especially close to a pet, you can designate them as your furmiliar by speaking to a certain someone in Tsuyukusa >furmiliar Why this.
I've never used the pet mechanics in any of the new Story of Seasons games and here they are adding new additions to them.
>>45158 Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. Story of Seasons is the re-named long-running English name of Bokujou Monogatari, or Harvest Moon as it used to be known.
implying you don't know what nerd glasses look like you dweev
Whenever I go for new glasses in the future I might go for something more like your old ones. Though I really don't want ones with separate nosepads like those.
oh wow spotify has dmc ost
The inside of the gamecase cover has this dorky "which pet is best for you!" quiz.
http://edition.cnn.com/2017/03/04/politics/former-official-denies-trumps-phones-were-tapped/ We've known about it for a long time, but it never happened
>>45179 My room is a dust generator. You could jump the multiverse with the amount of dust my room creates. I've just long given up keeping things dustless.
>>45178 we know it was filed for and approved at least
There's so many songs I pretty much only ever hear as remixes on MOGRA than on the rare occasion I hear their normal version, I completely fail at recognizing them.
>>45197 This account seems very real I believe that is what a child would write
This supposed 7 year old is verified I should get verified
>7 years old >handwriting that good and consistent OK
it pretty much looks like someone trying to writel ike a kid
During an age where kids in developed countries with good education systems are still being taught how to write properly, as well as learning to somewhat understand what punctuation marks work, this politically active 7 year old has mastered the comma. Adults still struggle to use the comma properly.
my handwriting in America
My handwriting noticeably atrophies if I don't do any writing for a decent amount of time. It loses consistency and neatness. But it gains it back again within a couple days of long writing. My handwriting was once called "chickenscratch, but in a weird way that it actually looks really neat and tidy".
from some random notebook my beautiful handwriting
>>45206 The comma is a bad habit. You need to properly finish your idea But nevertheless its good to know people care about this.
>>45213 I know, goddamnit I use commas way too fuckin' much
I write differently for formal stuff than when I'm just idly chatting through text. I kind of let my text follow my line of thought like it's just words coming out of my mouth, so my commas are more of breath pauses than actual subject separation.
>>45216 Should what? Adhere to your inanity or act how I damn please?
>>45218 Nobody has any idea how to use a semi-colon; it's basically extinct.
I know how. Like this. ;_;
The symbol is literally self-explanatory. It's a fusion of a period and a comma, so use it in a situation where neither punctuation mark is quite suitable.
Or just use it like I do when I'm typing idle conversation and just throw it in whenever I'm taking a bit of a larger "breath pause".
it's // the symbol is a specialized comma, not a period with // fucking the symbol is a specialized colon, not a period with a comma on it, though that is somewhat an intuitive way it's mainly for indicating to the reader that the sentence that's to come is still connected to the sentence behind it. A period would be fine, but it conveys less info.
it's probably most commonly used in dense lists still though like when listing groups
>>45226 Oh yeah, I know that the actual design of the mark doesn't really have much to do with periods or commas. But I've found looking at it that way is a good rule of thumb when utilizing it in writing. I don't write of a lot of dense lists though. and by not a lot I mean none.
>The face design with eyebrows that best resemble mine in Story of Seasons is called "Funny Face" ;_;
I don't think i've ever seen eyebrows in games like mine
With how light your hair is, have you even seen YOUR eyebrows?
there once was a man from nantucket
shape and thickness sure but not colour >>45231 they are 2 or 3 colours same as my beard
there is light hair the same as my hair then there is mix that is light at the root, but darka t the top and then dark hair with few pitch black hairs
It's just the same old sights and the same old sounds I want to take my car and drive out of this two story town
We depend on you We depend on you
takeeee oooon meeee
As much as I dig the Porter Robinson mixes these guys always come out with, it's always pretty damning that he's not a surprise guest again whenever they get played like this.
Oh that was a slick switch. It wasn't even a transition but it felt well timed.
>slick switch that sounds dirty
A finn, a swede and a norwegian(norr henceforth) were capture by a tribe of cannibals while touring the savanna the cannibals declared they would eat the men, unless they could use a bow to shoot down a bird, proving their might as a warrior. Each man was given one attempt First came the norwegian, who asked for a calming drink before the attempt and was given it. He drew the bow, aimed at the birds flying over them and missed. He was swiflty executed. Second came the swede, he too asked for a calming drink and he too aimed and sadly, he too missed. THen finally came the finn. He asked for a drink like the others before him then a second then a third and after twelveth, he finally took the bow, drew it and shot down the bird with no problems The stunned cannibals asked him "how on earth did you do that blasted drunk." to which the finn replied "Is easier to hit a flock"
>a norwegian(norr henceforth) >Immediately reverts back to norwegian for the single mention afterwards
Hey isnot easy to trasnlate and remember an old joke at the same time
I need to finish watching this.
Ahh~ I wanna taste a Switch cart
Aw man the ACCA openign. Opening even. I was looking forward to people working with this one.
heavily considering going to the shop, but wouldn't know what to get
docking and undocking the switch apparently scratches the screen
voices inside
>>45300 I would argue people are probably just being dumb and expecting it to be some solid block of steel. You don't just jam your charge cable into your phone with no respect for the power outlet.
http://www.glixel.com/news/youre-going-to-want-a-screen-protector-for-your-nintendo-switch-w470245 If you gently slide it in and "miss" the USB-C prong, juggling the device into the slot (even carefully) eventually scrapes it against the hard insides of the dock, resulting in little hairline scratches that start to build up over time. There's no insulation or padding on the inside of the dock – so nothing protects the screen if you're clumsy.
Oh yeah,. there is rumour that nintendo might release a gear VR style headset hat the switch hand monitor could dock into
Power inlet?
You know why don't they sell wall coverings for the inside of the Switck dock instead.
Apparently the official screen protector doesn't stay on if the device heats up Hmmm
bad choice of adhesive element
Man I just like that word combo "Adhesive element"
I loathe screen protectors on a pretty basic level. They're annoying to put on, easy to mess up, don't feel nice.. I'd rather get something like microfiber cloth and just tape it to the inside of the Switch dock.
>>45311 To be fair, that'd be Nintendos fault, not the consumer's if it becomes a problem for people
Yeah it is I would demand they give you somekind of permanent covering or softening element inside the sticks
Well the problem is, the dock needs to not be well-insulated, since you don't want heat build-up. And soft elements are generally nice insulation. But I think something that breathes like microfiber would work fine.
This final MOGRA set is pretty energetic but the stream's so choppy for it ;_;
>year is 2050 >eeveryone else has quitted drinking >in the international museum of alcohol, there is a live exhibit where the last drinking man sits >doing nothing but drinking clock around my future
Oh here we go. It only could be so long before Kemono Friends invaded MOGRA too.
why is it so poplar? isn't it all cgi and shit
Because it's oddly charming to a lot of people. All the rough edges combine to produce a sum greater than the whole. Also the show's single most clear redeeming feature is that it has a lot of cute designs in it. So even if people don't really like the show they can prostitute their art skills and draw the characters from the show. Which even furthers the conversation and awareness of the series to people.
I mean the OP is pretty standard fare for a lot of MOGRA DJs so I guess it's no surprise. It's not even that bad really. But I can't stand mental associations to that show.
it does produce cute art
And the cast is pretty much all girls so it has a lot of yuri potential. But still.
Woo hoo owata.
Now to sleep and hopefully not sleep too long.
Off to the shop with me
bye forever
Why does Marielle's hair go green in S2?
Did it Maybe its cause of change of studios
It's not from the first appearance It's somewhere in S2
hmm curious maybe the blond aws actually wrong?
man sk I think you'd love these dried root vegetable chips
also man it is weird, how the s-group operates inr ussia and all of baltic states now...
are we going to have a fun time in cthulu will I finally succeed in exploding something
Tonight on Cthulhu: Questionable Allegiances!
Oh, I see!
A shocking truth will be revealed! Maybe two! Probably not three.
But who will find the truth first?!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can't believe that Vernon was the real mafia boss all along
You're going to be surprised at least once.
I'm tough to surprise so we'll see.
This one is something you won't see coming since the team has missed two opportunities to get the lore letter info from session 1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>The lore letter is STILL there wow what the heck
it's not there but you haven't gotten the info that was in it yet
I'll have to shoehorn it in somewhere
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I had some great ideas of my own so hopefully things go well next time
let's just say you better hopi to it get it ha ha ha ha
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't think I do
the Hopi are an Indian tribe
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah I see
hmm still need to find the trick for good night sky shots
『sk』Kirara☆Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Hey Kirara I got another uh Uhhhhhhhhhhh Idea?
for what
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I lied I was actually going to say I got another rusted harp, as a throwback to when you actually cared about those. But you don't care about those anymore So I backpedaled
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Pretty silly huh
『sk』Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes sk that definitely is the cute one
The show doesn't offer her a lot of competition
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
This isn't the first time you've said the exact same thing.
>>45449 Wiz is probably just a really strong DMPC.
>>45454 The best part is it's essentially saying every dad born in 1988 on the internet is a fucking nazi
I wonder if we can go a whole hour without politics
Kek A replacement for "LOL." If you're an Alliance player in the online multiplayer game World of Warcraft and you type "LOL" to a member of the Horde faction, it'll be read as "kek."
doesn't it come from lel
>>45460 No, kek comes from WoW, originally anyway But the kek we use today is likely built on lel, yes
It wouldn't be so common if most people who use it hadn't been exposed to lel already
REEEEEEE! An angry shrieking sound. Used ironically in the voice of a typical 4chan user. It's part of a larger joke that most people on 4chan are NEETs who live with their parents, play video games all day, eat only chicken nuggets, watch anime, and are on the autism spectrum. Typically, it's used to show anger at "normies" for invading their online spaces. There are memes of Pepe the Frog making that noise when he's angry.
I love how retarded all of it sounds when you try to explain memes to normies It's wall maria of internet culture
Shitposting A classic forum term for flooding a thread with worthless or annoying posts, either because you're bad at posting or because you do it on purpose to troll. The alt-right uses shitposting as a derailing tactic, kind of like a digital filibuster. The term is used flexibly to sometimes just describe any kind of online posting: tweets, memes, etc.
I've always been a great believer in the hostile nature of /a/ It's why /a/ has been able to stay /a/ It still changes, but less quickly than the rest of 4chan
I have never understood the people who complain about being unable to discuss things on /a/ You just have to lurk for like a month, it's not even that complicated
>>45485 wannabe degeneracy everyone wants to be degenerate now they don't know what it's like to be born degenerate like us NORMIES ARE A DIFFERENT SPECIES
>>45508 It's kinda a "maybe" Whatever the lightning hits is gonna catch fire after all
Are they flirting or are they trying to learn how to flirt?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they're supposed to be learning ENGLISH but they're all falling for blind
your profile images in that app are made INTENTIONALLY SMALL to avoid this
Yeah but it's just like when you're in Spanish class and you're next to an actual Spanish speaker and you ask them for all the curse words because you want to curse people out exotically.
Japanese men wants to learn how to flirt with AMERICAN GYARU
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they're not learning how to flirt though they're just hitting on her
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Like all of them
Tell her to change her profile image to a buff dude
>>45515 You gota go and teach them whose girl she is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
This is more funny than anything really It just keeps happening
>>45520 "I like your character and face." followed by saying // asking if she's popular with dudes One person called her a goddess in english Uh One person was going to take a trip to canada and offered to pay for her trip there if she spent her life with them
She's talked to each of these people for maybe about a day before this happens
TN !PcAPtAiNJo『sk』
Discord A popular chat application for far-right groups.
>A bad Italo-disco song from 1986. Someone in the alt-right discovered an obscure track called "Shadilay" by a band called P.E.P.E. (as in Pepe the Frog, the alt-right cartoon mascot). The song itself has nothing to do with the alt-right except the band name, but in a truly weird twist, the record has a cartoon frog on the vinyl label.
>>45562 It really is disturbingly convenient, isn't it?
The Kek tablet thing they use has a sort of x mark on it next to a frog That was the pattern on some election night thing
The article doesn't mention that the kek statue also has a head next to a monitor with meme magic in the middle carved into it
Spook s hit
I'm not sure we can afford thinking it's all memes and irony anymore There might be something to this kek thing, dude
I don't want to admit that
kek is the true name of jahve
The coincidences are too big
Yeah but I don't want to admit it
There's like You have a meme frog And then you have a meme phrase often used with the frog Turns out there's an egyptian object of worship NAMED that meme phrase, and it is a frog And there's also a band named the same as the meme frog as we know him, and the CD has a green frog on the front, and he's DOING MAGIC meme magic
wish that pc version of dmc3 wasn' t so shit and it would actually work
Let's start the Bounce Party We're anarcho fascists
The bounce is due to how the government will be under us. We drive it into anarchy, which will naturally reassemble itself as an authoritarian regime, which we intend to make a fascist one.