>>439976 i have an infographic on it somewhere The premise is that he went back in time, rescued her, then dropped her off with his younger self in his teenage years and that she was raised as his sister And then at some point created a new identity and married him
He said that he's busy. Isn't there a dota tournament going on or something?
I would be somewhat impressed if he was participating. But there's pretty much always a DotA tournament going on; Valve has really kicked the professional scene into tourney overdrive.
guess i'll go to sleep and endure another day of work
I fucking hate ticket scalpers so goddamn mumuch.
I just dinged the screen on my tv with the plug on my heater time to kms
Oh no
looks like it only caused a little dead spot no cracking or anything
it's like having a spot on your glasses you can't seem to get off
I have one of those oon mmy glasses. It's a bubble inside the lens. Also I watched this for the first time just now. >>>/watch?v=nKMTCze_fTw It's great
Ya I have to go to the job thing again today I wish I could just stay home
Isn't a newfangled nipple nibbler just a baby
Most of my gang is slaving over rails or frogs. I'm already done... I feel kinda bad but also happy that I can rest sore muscles. >>440108 Yeah frogs
Frogs are these X-shaped pieces of rail that you would have where trains would end up shifting. I think they call them frogs because they look like a frog mid jump from above.
i would have figured they were frogs because that's how the train jumps tracks
That's the other option
>Obstruct seal Lmao what the s hit Who ASKED for this
she's like a paladin yeah she also has a long range boop move and the buff banner
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
er, concheror?
is she releasednow or in the works? >>440122 also what happened to android posting typing works normally now but using SwypeI makesI charactersI appear likeI thisI nowI
maybe auto completeI is doingI ohI nopeI
auto spacing testo oh shit maybe this fixedI it ah fuck maybe not I guess pressing space causes extra characters to appear when using Swype, but using auto spacing fixes it
>>440161 This world is full of all kinds of hell creatures. The question is do you want to find out about the worm or spider that survives pickling processes
>>440163 i must know to protect myself and the ones i love from this creature tell me, how do i slay it
No, see you don't hit Grima with Matthew. You hit his friends. And THEN hit Grima with someone else. The ol' 1-2 Razzle Dazzle
Kirara π
also >obstruct seal
> > > > > > > >
They came out with Rival Domains and were like "yeah, someone will totally want this now
Kirara π
also def tactic seal
Would have preferred Spd Tactic
Kirara π
Kirara π
it feels like the difficulty of the entire tempest is much harder this time all the mobs have really high stats, like, tempest boss stats and the boss has way higher than usual
>>440254 How can you distribute them equally when some toys are better than others? Imagine being the kid who gets the shitty offbrand dart gun while the kid down the street gets the sick rapid fire nerfgun
I was about to say there's enough for everyone, but every toysrus in the US combined probably doesn't have a toy for each homeless kid Well, it might actually, since most homeless people have gotta be adults, I guess
>>440252 Until we have radically changed social conditions, we will simply have to accept this unfortunate but necessary evil of unequal toy distribution
>>440252 that's the best reason I've heard to hate the chinese have fun with the VVV it's some real sunrise shit
>>440260 Yeah I'm gonna Nuke China into being more convenient for me
>>440259 Have the kids engage in nerf wars over who gets the better toys then we conscript the winners into our super soldier program as they clearly have the potential
>>440258 what if we pretend to be ancaps but then at the last minute we pull out the rug from our fellow investors and reveal we were ancoms the whole time
so a while ago i told y'all about some alabama sheriff who was stealing food money from the prison the guy mowing his lawn heard and reported it and then got arrested for "trafficking" weed because he had weed infused butter
it turns out the sheriff stole $750k and he bought a $740k house with it
i have played for an average of 5 hours a day since it came out
Kirara π
jesus let's hunt some real life monsters
can i use a sword that turns into a fucking axe bigger than me
Kirara π
if you can find one sure
we'll have to kill some komodo dragons so i can make the lizard cb
>>440283 so now that we know clearly something will be done right
>get into 15 min teostra >8 minutes already elapsed >they kill the monster as soon as i get there >gold crown teostra and also some worthless gems all in a day's work
>>440297 yeah they will post a news article about it and everyone and their dog will reblog and like and send their prayers for the man who's life was ruined trying to do the right thing
Kirara π
i mean he might not get reelected as sheriff but he probably will me
the other day elon musk was like "the first people i send to mars will probably die" and nobody is like, "maybe we should work to make it safer to reduce that probability" everyone is like "yeah that's science"
>>440308 You're gonna make squinting Judge Juche upset
Kirara π
so i'm thinkin we start off by finding a ghost town and fixing it up and we get a lot of poor people to live there and get a good little society going then we go and start robbing the shit out of people and bringing it back to the town and the townspeople will protect us
>>440315 >fixing land some bourgie shitkid in New Jersey is probably sitting on waiting to sell off I'd rather just home invade the kid in New Jersey and take his shit
Ya and then it'll get flipped to someone and the cops are gonna show up And we're not right wing so it won't just be them shouting with megaphones for a week either
>>440317 >not stealing the land Just shoot whoever tries buying it
Kirara π
we will have been robbing people for a long time we'll have guns and traps set up everywhere squatter cities exist across the world
But he's british I think so this might be something else?
i went into another tempered teo with the same guy and he didn't cart at all and we finished in 7 minutes maybe he was just drinking bone hurting juice last quest
apparently they sent me an email telling me i have an intake today but they sent it to me during spring break and i didn't see it so i missed an intake and i'll probably get in trouble for it
Kirara π
meanwhile i'm being forced to cancel an appointment with a client for tomorrow because nobody wants to work i love hierarchy it's so good how i get in trouble for simple mistakes but the people in charge can do anything they want and i suffer the consequences for their decisions
The seam where the bottom of my thumbnail meets my finger has been fraying in one place for a couple days now. It's visually annoying and feels awkward to the touch. But tearing off the fray is one of the more stinging things to do.
Whatever you do, leave it alone Human beings are dumb, we have a compulsion to sabotage our own healing process
Kirara π
sabotage your healing process
and face the bloodshed
I have a compulsion to pick at the parts of my drying skin that flake up off the body. It was really bad in high school; where I would pull off like a centimetre squared worth of skin at times. The habit still rears up whenever I'm getting kind of stressed out about something.
>The game industry is dying. Why? >Because we're not allowed to have tits that bounce in games anymore Man, it's like we don't even know where the real bottom is. What even IS THIS
>>440353 so it's a game where you get to pull elsa's teeth out or what
>>440356 it says super mom pregnant but that is CLEARLY spidermommy
Kirara π
i can't get over this i want to download them but i'm afraid to
i need to know how they are making money can you buy a premium scalpel to cut the baby out instantly
I haven't had bottled water in so long. The tap water in the parts of the city I move through is pretty good, so I just drink from the faucet or from water fountains pretty much.
Kirara π
i wish I could do that the water here is all poisoned maybe ill get a water filter
>>440398 Wait, this wasn't common knowledge? Fuck The amount of time it takes for scientific research to make it into mainstream news really throws me off sometimes.
So this is a thing. https://kemono-friends-count.goodroid.co.jp/
ever fall asleep so that you somehow lie on top of your arm, like head resting on arm and then wake up to your arm being 100% numb like can't evn move it territory? Man that is a weird feeling
>>440430 every day i dont even have to fall asleep ontop of it to do that it's like you still have your shoulder muscle working so you lift your arm up and your brain is like "yeah im bending the elbow now" but the whole arm just flops down and you're like "brain are you lion to me"
Man was I panicking the first time it happened to me
http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Travel/men-allowed-tiny-supershe-island-finland-open-women/story?id=53079578 Hmm now I kinda wanna go raid this place I have a boat afterall
Just means we have good circulation system nah I have had it few times afterthat when napping real real tired but having lived 26 odd years and just FIRST time had it at that age few months ago was weird
I get it whenever I sleep on my arm. And some times even when I sleep and put -fold my hands up on my stomach. I generally have to throw my arm with my shoulder to actually get it to move from where it is.
The battle of the century, american ninja hero vs somali pirate
If you're doing Cavalry team for it, go with Camus or use Cecilia w/ Triangle Adept >>440446 Camus is the cavalry unit who also has Gradivus like Hardin. So he can counter at range
He also has the Anti-Cavalry Nullifier A skill Grani's Shield. So he's good to use on this map. Big problem is that he's blue and has low res so both Ursula and the Gronnwolf user can probably still kill himanyway
You know what would be an amusing settign for an isekai series some general is transported to a world where skills such as >>440447 exist making all the strategies and expertise he has built up over the years practically moot
It's not as interesting if the person who gets teleported in becomes useless. It's different but it's just "well, what do you do with this person then?
>>440449 they'd still be a master strategist, it just would make it amusing them going all "okay time to prepare a unit of spear to deal with their cavalry" "actually this guy just has anti-cavalry skill and can take on all the cavalry alone"
If you want to do it with all infantry, I recommend using Fjorm.
The poison dagger still hurts so bring Dist Def and Drive Def seals if you have it. >>440457 Use the B skill that she comes with. >>440458 You WANT the B skill that she comes with for this. It helps her do more damage with Ice Mirror
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>440456 I thought about that. I haven't really invested in her too much, she's missing a B skill and assist
Grand Hero Battles currently give rewards for having a team of only Cavalry or only Armored units. or Flying or Infantry. It's either 2 orbs or an extra copy of the unit. >>440466 Armored is like HEAVY armored.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You get special quest rewards for clearing the hardest maps of GHB with a team of-blue's got this Inf would be infantry, ie people on foot who aren't armored
btw ain't it weird how film prices havn't changed at all they ask you about same prices for a digital copy of the film as they asked for a bd physical of it 10 years ago.
>>440489 For example I pretty much learn of games by steam telling me they are out and I bet they don't even ask for that much money if at all for that "new on steam" stuff you get on login
They need to reach a wider audience than just TN though. These games typically aim for sales in the millions so they spend so much on advertising. Really I think they should just scale the whole production back
>>440496 Probably. I don't think the normalfags who buy call of duty look at the steam frontpage and whatnot as much as you and I do Lately more and more publishers have been giving away free copies to lets players instead of traditional reviewers
>>440498 Jesus christ I take it back They did not need to hire Robert Downy Junoir No one is gonna see a call of duty advert and think "oh robert downy junoir is in this"
and I bet most gamers find their stuff on youtubers and such, who don't get that much money from the companies if at all aside from "free copy"
>>440494 that is the point is that advertisement really necessary more and more buy digital copies and less and less watch the traditional media, where those ads run on TV and cinema being the most expensive forms of advertising
>>440494 It was one of those "Hey these celebs also "play games" type ads like those cringy, but amusing "mr t plays wow" or "ozzy osborne plays wow" from back in the day
The setup for Ursula's map doesn't give you a lot of mobility for kind of team. You're trying to break into a stronghold and right at the gate is a dagger that can go through walls. Unless you have a ranged flying unit (which are only obtainable as 5* gacha units and are usually holiday event units), you can't counter it. So you start the fight off with a damage disadvantage
Well of course that kind of game just limits it anyhow.
but I was thinking in terms of actually fighting a battle with only flying units all you need to do is bombard them from height their projectiles can't reach you or if they can, that you have enough time to dodge
afterall, a rock dropped from heights is quite an effective missile
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>440503 fliers can go over everything except literally a wall
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>440504 More // Morgan loves daggers so much she falls over dead at the sight of them
Games usually balance flying units by making them really suspectible to ranged firepower, but if you actually think about it how often does infantry for example shoot down an assault helicopter? or an airplane at that matter
But considering usual fantasy tech it would be quite limited spells and archery basically maybe some firebombs but baiscally, flying units would be similiar to skirmishers or actually they would just be that avoid combat while harassing the enemy and scouting the area
and if they can actually carry more than one rider, you could use them as effective raiding force too
and that once again brings back the question "how do you build a fort that defends against flying enemies and ground enemies at once?"
>>440508 if youre gonna compare a person riding a flyin horse to an assault helicopter then you'd have to upgrade the bow to an RPG in which case it's pretty feasible
Depends on how low the flier is to the ground. I think in the case of something like fire emblem it's assumed that pegasus aren't strong enough to just fly high out of a bowmans reach
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
how did I miss you
>>440511 you just have a moat on the ground and a moat in the air duh
If I merge her up to +4, I can use close counter to make F Robin into a pretty respectably strong unit. She'll require merges to really realize her potential though because there's an important speed threshold around 34 speed it seems.
I'd like to find a good unit for it, though! Funnily enough the best unit I've been able to put together with it on the mass duel simulator is F Robin.
What would you do with close counter if you had it?
I have Close Counter and there's no one I want to put it on
The defensive skills are just so important though. >>440543 Of course it does. Duel Sims are only going to be able to comprehend stat setups. It's why I don't really bother with it. They're good for setting up arena def since you can't do too much useful strategizing for it. But most of my teams are very focused on stat shifting and debuffs.
no I actually sit in my room with the lights turned off sneering at the world for having interests but when I'm not doing that sometimes I browse 4chan
for a second there i really thought you were going for the undertale meme i was about to wowme2
you sure got used to reddit quickly i had to leave 4chan when it got to reddity and barely go there now i guess it's good to be flexible like that!
i don't even know why i stopped posting there the only time ive been there in the last 2 years i made a thread about Texhnolyze and it got like 20 good posts before it died
somewhere beneath the rotten exterior lies posters who can make words andn ot memes
Or twitter I guess, but I'd rather stick my face in a wood chipper. I haven't found a place more interesting than 4chan, even if it sucks compared to what it used to.
Twitter is it's own mess
Kirara π
well, it's good that you're flexible enough to welcome reddit into your heart
sure i can you're sitting in a pile of filth and not making an effort to move on while i've moved on and made interesting and useful new connections with other people i have intelligent people to discuss my interests with off of /moe/ i can have a lot of fun joking around and have serious discussion and also encounter some of the dumbest people in the world
>>440563 what other places Seriously where else should I go to talk about Japanese cartoons
i want a place where people can take things vaguely seriously but also not shove the ruurus in your face twitter doesn't allow long enough posts for me to enjoy reading it
I'm not invested in 4chan but I guess if you are invested in it you'd get more mad about it. I don't really get it. I just sort of watch people spout garbage and save nice images or decent shitposts.
>>440570 Well let me preface this with the fact that I take a neutral position and think people should just browse whatever they want without judgment
but I would unironically browse reddit before I browsed twitter You're welcome to your own opinion but I've found that twitter is full of fags, has an anti-intellectual character limit imposing upon intelligent discussion, and you can get banned for farting there.
It's good for collecting images but I don't see much more use in it.
>>440576 well, idk what you mean by fags, but stuff like that is one of the reasons it doesn't surprise me you're still on 4chan or would like reddit the character limit isn't imposing upon intelligent discussion which is pretty obvious to anyone that wants to have an intelligent discussion also you won't find an intelligent discussion on 4chan or reddit either lol and you can be a literal nazi and threaten to murder people without getting banned, so
Kirara you didn't answer my question
Kirara π
>>440571 just go to one of those /jp/ offshoots or something you won't find anything as good as old 4chan anywhere but at least those aren't reddit
You can't write an actual paragraph on twitter without reorting to that 1/7 bullshit where you have to space your post out over 7 tweets. That's so limiting. I think it's even more harmful to discussion and more anti-intellectual than reddit's upboating system.
I'm not really arguing that there's a lot of intelligent discussion on 4chan, I just don't think there's a lot of intelligent discussion on twitter. In fact I don't think that many people are even capable of intelligent discussion, people are mostly stupid.
I don't really like super strict rules either. I don't really care if peopel are literal nazis, opinions aren't illegal. Credible threats of violence are illegal, even on 4chan.
>>440580 Some of them are nice yeah But they all move slow as shit It's like your choice is between 1 post a day or a storm of cancershitposts
>>440578 >threaten to murder people Are you talking about threatening to murder specfic people or anons. Like "gragh anon I'll kill you"
I think you can still find decent discussion but only for niche topics Like look at /po/, it's just papercrafts and origami. No trash memes no politics. It's why I like /jp/s mahjong thread because I can ask stupid questions anonymously without it being tied to some sort of identity.
>>440585 Well I don't like death threats but I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Raids have been banned for years. If you're criticising the presence of /pol/ then sure fuck that board
a lot of people get direct death threats from the various hate groups on twitter i have been DM'd and told that i would be found and killed for being jewish before
i have friends that get rape threats and stuff too
>>440581 small posts are more intellectually limiting than censorship?
you'll love twitter if you don't like super strict rules i've been banned on 4chan for much less than the stuff i've posted on twitter in my lifetime, 4chan was actually super ban happy, ridiculously so, and rules barely mattered because you could get banned for doing nothing wrong
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
can't you be shadowbanned or banned on twitter for curse words
You only get banned or shadowbanned on twitter for stating the obvious
Kirara π
>>440586 no, but you can if you're part of the left and threaten someone in a comedic way (e.g. "i want to shove legos down your throat until you choke") comedic might be the wrong word but you get what i mean
Can't you be banned on twitter just for going against the site's politics? I've heard that the site is very political. I don't post there though.
>>440590 I think character limits are extremely limiting. It's hard to talk about anything remotely complex in two sentences.
>>440581 I just have to drop a >I think it's even more harmful to discussion and more anti-intellectual than reddit's upboating system. this is almost categorically false
Character limits are limiting but when you have no limit to your post amount, its unimportant. Character limits also force people to get to the point quicker. You can expand on things as much as you want.
Well, I've heard about a lot of sites, like youtube, and twitter, and reddit deplatforming or demonitizing, or stuff like that against people who don't follow the groupthink of today. Even you said yourself that one of the bad points of 4chan is that you don't get banned for being a literal nazi, which kind of infers that else where you probably would be. Which is probably true. I'm not really endorsing being a literal nazi, but I think anywhere that allows literal ocmmies should probably allow literal nazis since both groups are about killing tons of people and making life shitty.
I just think that major sites should be more like utilities and free for everyone.
I guess that's kind of a tangent though. I just don't like the character limit.
This post for example, would have been spaced over like 6 tweets if we were on twitter.
There's little meaning to things you aren't enjoying, and if you are enjoying something, then that's all that really matters.
Kirara π
>>440593 you can't really talk about things being anti-intellectual when you so frequently fail to read and understand posts with more content than a short post like this
>>440598 I'm just saying it's hard to believe you're concerned about the character limits being anti-intellectual when you regularly fail to read long posts on /moe/ properly or somehow end up inserting your frequent misinterpretations into the arguments.
You wrote eight sentences. You could condense it into five with less words and say the same thing. That's what twitter does to people. Makes them say more with less. Constraints do that to you.
>>440599 Well, a lot of that is because our lively debates, not arguments, are centered around reframing things in a beneficial way. Most people don't even notice when I do it, you're very talented to notice it so often!
>>440601 Yes, but when it comes to facts, it's different. You stated that I said things that I absolutely did not say or imply in anyway. It wasn't a reframing, it was an outright falsehood.
>>440607 Yeah, but you know I really dislike having words put in my mouth and being told I said things that I didn't. I'm fine with embellishment and reframing, but outright falsehoods about what I say bothers me.
>>440541 i have been considering putting close counters on robin as well but i only have one close counter to give so i am hesitant i like threaten atk personally because it helps grind the special counter but res seems good as well
I had a Psych quiz today that I neglected to study for and still flew through it in like seventy minutes. I forgot to even check the time limit, though it was probably two hours. Feels pretty nice though.
I think bigger surprise should be, that people used it in the first place.
There are people that will follow any new project Google puts out. They also aggressively linked the app with YouTube, which does encourage people to try it out.
>>440623 That you don't do it on purpose stresses me out.
I think my phone's battery is starting to go or something. It went from around 20% to shutting down when I left the house into cold weather. It took me the most of an hour to find somewhere I could charge it downtown, since I don't carry the charge cord around.
Google+ is Facebook without your family and for that reason alone, it has worth
google+ is useful for semi-professional interaction, scheduling and so forth since it's integrated into gmail and you will likely be having some group emails with colleagues and stuff scheduling social work things or creative projects thar require a lot of correspondence i dont really like it but i dislike it less than facebook
>>440623 mass duels emulator is like all one on one stuff i like the threat in attack because after the enemy phase, when they've been doubled by QR already and are low, they are probably not gonna be able to deal any more damage to robin in the upcoming turns and you can focus on some other threats and charge your special as they hit you with a pillow that's one reason i would like close encounter on her so that she can just eliminate them the next enemy phase without wasting a player turn or taking the damage she is my tanker though so i dont need her to dish out the damage, just store that special for when you've got something tricky to deal with
that is just my playstyle and you have corrin and other good sorta tanky units though i've got reinhardt, a dancer, and a support/glass cannon cordy
>>440630 Yes, but this is my third winter with the phone and the first time it's happened.
>>440634 Well, if you think I'm misunderstanding something, just correct me. I'm not one of those people who gets defensive when corrected. My head is fine. I just turn on low power mode when I get home from work.
I dunno, you hold pretty aggressively onto your misconceptions.
>>440637 That's because I don't let people tell me how to think. If someone feels they're being misunderstood I don't get upset if they want to clarify though.
I think I'm pretty forthcoming about correcting myself when I'm wrong though.
I get a bad rap for being stubborn and never apologizing but I am actually quick to admit when I'm wrong and quick to apologize when I have done wrong. I just often get people insisting that I do those things when it isn't appropriate. I'm not going to admit that I'm wrong when I'm not! That's not being defensive, that's just not being a pushover.
>>440647 the word carries a variety of connotations it's also got some inherent heaviness about not being able to accept criticisms, which itself is a criticism and can be a little provocatory in that sense even when it's not meant to be because people aren't good at mental osmosis
>>440649 i guess my definition of not defensive is being open to new ideas or others input even if it immediately strikes you as wrong responding to their input with questioning before rebuking them
>>440660 yeah sure we can include monty python and black adder too why not
>>440655 Well, I consider it a non-issue, but if you feel like I misunderstood what you were saying, I am kind of confused. You said >you won't find intelligent discussion on 4chan or reddit either >and you can be a literal nazi and threaten to kill people and won't be banned
It seemed like you were listing off bad things about the site to me.
>>440661 yeah, but put into context, you're tryna present a new idea to someone and it's not meshing with them, so if you toss out verbiage like that it's a little expressive of your inability or unwillingness to adapt to someone else's thought structures to explain it there's an inherent bottlenecking to conversation and if you can't find the right trajectory to land your message, then say the other person is bein closed-minded, it is a little dismissive it is not necessarily bad, but it's not the most helpful strategy either
>>440663 Oh, I see. I was saying you can't get banned on Twitter easily. I was refuting your statement.
>>440665 i guess in such a situation it would be pretty rude, i only used the term because that's what rika used to describe it i generally try not to attack anyone on their beliefs so i have never actually called someone defensive to their face
i am not chastising you, your comment just provoked the thought in my mind and i felt like explaining it because im a fuckin tool
>>440670 yeah, it's just really a two-way street with that one "you're misunderstanding and being defensive" is kind of a thing, but really there's a failure to understand the person on both ends like yeah, call it what it is and maybe they are being defensive but so is the accuser, just on a different level i dunno i take a lot of anxiety meds so i dont usually get irked or defensive about stuff and am eager to sit and listen and rebutt and try to equalize that channel i dont always get how other people work sometimes
it does lead to people thinking i'm rather self-absorbed and like hearing myself talk or think i'm being preachy sometimes though i see where they're cumming from but it's not what i mean by it i'm just eager and get very absorbed in the discussion
>hey I think you're x >I am not x >Wooooooow look at you getting all defensive
i had a really good fragment going on this morning but then i had to work because there was an adjusted deadline to noon instead of five so i had to take my no-fragmenting meds so i could work and get it done on time and then it's payday and i didn't get paid on time and still havent gotten paid i sacrificed something special and may never get another opportunity at it
how many of you use the "not interested" feature on youtuber i've been using it and giving the explicit reason that i dont want recommendations based on X video and also that i'm not interested in the channel, and they keep recommending it to me even afterwards
i'm not particularly frustrated by it but it makes me curious about their algos i heavily silo, so i think it's some backpropagation that's reducing the weight but there's not enough other weights so it keeps recommending it i would think they'd put a hard decider in there when i say "i dont want to see recommendations from this channel" though
today was supposed to be pay day and i didn't get paid i got bills im gonna be late on now i can't handle this garbage i would quit if i had some backup but i dont that's not acceptable
that's the problem with having clients instead of a proper employer i dont get benefits i get fugged over on taxes and have to pay more taxes clients face no repurcussions for not paying on time or not paying at all and i'm really reasonable on my invoicing too i do good work, spend extra time making sure it's fine even though that drops my time-money ratio i'll work extra hours and not bill for it i kuyashi it
that's not really a good investment! it'd cost so much money and my clients are generally good people i wouldnt wanna do that to them not gonna sue for like 500 dollars anyway i'd lose more money than i'd get and i'd be a terrible person
i'm pretty sure i'll just get paid tomorrow instead of today it's frustrating though because i got bills due today so i gotta pay extra and inconvenience others and i cant really afford to be paying extra
a new bridge down south collapsed and killed a bunch of people it was a pedestrian bridge too
yeah ive been hearin about it all day i saw the headline and i thought "i bet it's florida" and it was
Kirara π
a bunch of cars are trapped under it it was finished like, Sunday they're still looking for the bodies and they dk how many people in cars are dead it's so sad
it's horrifying that's why i could never be a civil engineer someone's probably gonna die of guilt tonight for approving the plans
Kirara π
a lot of people probably feel so guilty right now i wonder what went wrong
we will find out im sure those stones dont get left unturned in a high profile incident
i know the urge is there to want to look and feel the intensity of it and you may feel guilty or selfish for shrugging it off but you gotta man it took me a long time to do that myself but don't engage things that invoke that trigger it doesn't help anybody and does indeed hurt you
Kirara π
one of my dumb ass clients finally got a job after four years and lost it in two days and then gave up on his dream of being a chef and wants to deny pokemon now
ive been becoming increasingly absorbed in systems theory lately and feel intense frustration in having to waste my productivity on trivial jobs to get paid i am very close to just quitting this nonsense and begin authoring some papers or at least writing a book but i do not think the outlook for that is good and i have no cushion
deny pokemon?
Kirara π
uhh design he wants to make some AR Pokemon game and he'll be the "idea guy" for it
>>440742 >lost it in two days How do you lose a job in two days usually they give you a bit of leniency for about a week or so
>>440745 >he'll be the idea guy for it Thank you Kirara, that made me laugh That actually made my day I thought "idea guys" was just a stupid meme but he's the real deal
>>440747 >that's a great idea kid let's just make it without you since you have no ownership or leverage in this
Kirara π
he thinks shark tank is going to fund it i kept reality checking him but he doesn't get it he's like "if they don't take me ill go to nintendo" "What if Nintendo doesn't like it?" "why would they not like it? i only want 1.5% of the profits from microtransitions"
he got mad when i suggested pokemon go already existed too
anyway he wouldn't tell me how he lost his job directly but i think he kept talking to people instead of working
>ar pokemon And you could go around in real world locations and catch pokemon. Yeah this sounds awesome, let's find a company that's done all the data matching for maps for us and buy them for our game that will definitely last a long time and not be forgotten after a year
Kirara π
he did have some good ideas but it's so unrealistic he has good reality testing usually but he can't understand other people's intentions so he doesn't understand why it might not work
Anyone can be an ideas guy Anyone can come up with things that sound like they'd be cool
Kirara π
yeah i told him that i said these companies have tons of ideas guys coming to them every day and very few get anything out of it and he's like "i can do it" like he actually has cool ideas like an AR blacksmithing simulator
>>440752 A black smithing simulator could be cool How does the ar play into it?
Kirara π
there's some new first person augmented reality headset he was obsessing over that has hand motion tracking and stuff and you'd just do blacksmithing in AR
Shit I am an awful person I saw hand tracking and immediately thought "oh good i can jerk off in virtual reality what is wrong with me why is that the FIRST thing i think of
Kirara π
that is kinda weird i mean you can do it irl
like whats the point even >>440756 yeah exactly except i help orz
Kirara π
wait what if it's an AR rhythm game
with your junk? that could be interestinf
>>440755 I'm actually confused as to what the point of that would be It's still your own arm Maybe you could use it to simulate someone else jacking you off? Except it's just your own arm
Kirara π
anyway my client is frustrating sometimes i can't believe he lost his job i thought AT LEAST it'd last a week i was expecting two weeks easy and we'd just work on improving his performance and problem solving NOPE
>>440763 Why would you jack yourself off in virtual reality Instead of reality reality
>>440761 i have a coworker whose boyfriend had a job for like two days recently as well and quit it is quite sad >>440764 I dont know
Kirara π
quitting is one thing but being asked to leave? i mean shit starting next session im not gonna let his bullshit slide no more "idk why they fired me" shit or "idk why my parents are upset i got fired"
>>440747 if i get it done i dont need to survive a book would sell though and commercial opportunities for it are plenty >>440745 "idea guys" aren't a thing there is no value in a concept which doesn't require work there is a significant time investment and work investment inherent with any idea, and the only way to pitch an idea successfully and make a living from it is also by demonstrating a significant commercial interest in it through research, which also comes with a heavy time investment
>>440772 Oh I did a dish washing job over the summer break I quit after 3 weeks because it was shit so I can sorta sympathize with him a tiny bit But in that job you really don't have time to fuck around because then the dishes pile up And you end up over whelmed and start running out of space to put dishes It's not hard to find dishwashers so I can see why he'd get fired Chefs don't really have time to stop and talk either so he was probably annoying them
>>440772 >so you're gonna write a book I could, why not? there's just no transition room is the only reason i dont i would like to properly author some respectable papers, but breaking into academica without being supported by a graduate program is not easy there's a little bit of leeway with mathematics, which i'm fortunate in that sense, but there are a myriad mathemagicians out there publishing stuff to arxiv for free so much so that no one has the interest to sort through them and take any of them seriously
i think that i could build a small following to grow from, but again, transitioning and cushion
>>440773 yeah like we even talked about making sure he works but nope dump ass he is not even trying he wanted to end the session 20 minutes early today because he was hungry
i was talking to my other clients mom and she wanted me to talk about him missing an appointment with me to him and she's like, "you can voice your displeasure" and i didn't get it at first and i was like, "oh, it's not a big deal, it happens" and she's like "i really think it's ok for you to be displeased!" people are so funny
i bet a lot of mathematicians would be deemed mentally ill by clinicians the people most connected with reality are being deemed disconnected from reality for not functioning through the same lens as people who have to get up and go do work socially each day we're not bound by the forced patterns, so their illusions don't glue us to the socionormative pathway
>>440786 pllease berate my child for his inadequacy
hey kirara remember that time i was going to buy a daki and you were like "dude no"
lol the last time I saw a psych she accidentally broke confidentiality with another client because we both happened to have the same first name It was really funny when she realised she fucked up
>>440789 Did you buy a daki Don't let Kirara tell you what to do man
>>440789 aw hun did your friends at school make fun of you for wanting a daki?? they are probably just jealous of you because their moms wont let them have a daki tell you what, after church on sunday let's go to the store and i'll buy you a daki for your birthday at walmart?? it will be a fun afternoon out, mother and son
>>440795 She showed me the emails where he was talking about his autism assesment appointment and it had his last name and everything And I had to be like "uhhhh that's not me" It was so funny
>>440791 but they're not! psychologists are the ones who are fucked up to tbh honestly they're like hall monitors who have a rulebook that they follow to a T and then anyone who is outside of those guidelines they just give them a yellow card and send them to the principal and think "man why are people this dumb??" without ever questioning the rulebook itself
not you, mind you, but the collective impact of the field on the social environment
i dont understand why but mom!moon makes my heart feel all funny is it nostalgia i dont know >>440794 what if we get trapped and some loser gets all the women
Kirara π
moon is a good mother hen
Kirara π
>>440797 yeah psychology is fucked up and psychologists are dumb as shit i hate it none of them have any understanding of mental illness besides what someone tried to describe from hearing a few patients describe it and we both know the patients are gonna explain it badly so the psychologist can understand at least something from it
>>440800 what do you do? oh im studying psychology. oh, that's neat. Yeah, it's really cool. I get to analyze everyone all the time and play mind games on them. Hey, have you ever heard of the zimbardo experiments???? it really showed a lot about human nature and it's really enlightening
>everybody i met in psych programs in university
Kirara when you tell people you're a psych do they ever ask you to read their mind or some dumb shit >>440803 Kirara I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10 guess what it is
Kirara π
yeah everyone says dumb shit when you tell them you're a psychologist it's always like "oh haha don't analyze me!!"
>>440802 6 >>440803 i never bothered to tell them what i was studying, and they never asked either i thought that was pretty funny not even remotely curious about their environment, just eager to make an impact on it blindly whenever people did ask, they didn't know what medical physics meant, which is understandable it's not a particularly glamorous field one of the tipping points of me dropping out (besides financial and family reasons) was that i wanted to switch to theoretical physics and focus on informational entropy and organic encryption and they're like "that's not a field of physics" and now, eight years later, it's like the forefront of mathematical physics fuckin shitcans i hate professors and universities they dont know how to do anything besides feel smart in front of dumb kids
Kirara π
psychology attracts a lot of assholes and manipulative people that think they can help people by telling them they're thinking wrong
i am less upset by that since you're not a grad student but lyme disease is a disease that can come from tics, you probably know about it but don't know the word
Is it when you're allergic to limes
Kirara π
>>440804 academia has such a horrible culture full of such miserable people
>>440805 in order for somebody to be wrong and someone else to be right -- or thinking wrong and thinking right -- it has to be an open-channel interaction in a system capable of binary logic, which is not a simple scenario it's easy to look at ones and zeroes and say "yeah that's simple" because we're in an environment with those static elements functioning through our daily perceptions dig down deep and see the spectrum of context with which somebody is externalizing a concept and it's not that simple at all fuckin shit like asking a patient in a hospital "Do you know where you're at?" and if they don't say "I'm at a hospital" then it's clearly mental deficit happening right with such a vague question, based on their context of thought,t hey // they might not realize what you're referring to, because who would ask such a bland question if i was absorbed in my head and focused on organizing information because i was at a hospital and didn't have shit to do, and some asshole came up and was like "where are you at?" and the last time i talked to him, i was telling him about a particular problem in systems theory, i might say something relating to my mental state like "I'm at the intersection of measuring the informational entropy of X system and surveying its environment" and they'd just be like, "oh, xe's fuckin gone in the head let's induce a coma "
Kirara π
"what is today?" "what time is it?" it's fucking stupid
and if they don't understand what you're explaining, they assume you're out of your mind because they have doctorates and clearly know everything
i hate the whole state of everything why are they so bad
it's a shitty day it's time to buy yourself a fucking watch doc, you've got the money
they're clinicians and their field guides designate what they do based on statistics, as well as insurance effectively telling them to maim or permanently disable statistical outliers do you see why that's a fuggin problem
Kirara π
the whole system is fucking problematic and nobody wants to do shit about it psychs barely even care they ignore it and most want to do private practice so they don't have to deal with poor people ugh
Kirara π
you should have to be traumatized or mentally ill o something to be a psych
this is why we need applicable systems theory the encryption barrier of context between specialized fields leads to misunderstanding and ignorance on a toxic scale it is not particularly difficult even to overcome this it's human-achievable even, though more commercially utilized through machine learning i guess people don't need to ever be in charge of making those sorts of judgments they are not qualified to do so if they have spent their focus on being specialized people need to manage systems that do that, and then interface with them properly labelling people as mentally ill for being statistical outliers and treating them to be within the normative bounds -- or quarantining them if they cannot -- is not healthcare it's thought policing and mental fascism, with the people in charge of that being extremely specialized and unable to relate to other fields and other lifestyles
my interest in entropy and encryption is easily labelled as obsessive and delusional that's done because i'm not in a family of mathematicians, and i'm visiting people who are psychologists/psychiatrists to judge how i'm functioning?? how does that make any sense in any community of mathematicians, i would be considered extremely well-adjusted and i wouldn't have such social exclusions as i do living in this nonsense and a psychologist will take those two details -- social exclusion and eccentric behaviors -- and find something singular to encompass both of those things and say i've got anxiety leading to delusions, and am probably schizophrenic no i just think mathematically stop bein a hecking j*rk
Kirara π
they got worms for brains idk how to make any of it better
>>440819 brain with pockets or pockets in the brain
pocket brains
no brains of pockets you're being very specist to think pockets cant have brains
Kirara π
that's true that was very uncool of me i would like to publicly apologize for insulting pockets also imgay
i had a really big fragment this morning but i had to abort it with adderall because my work got bumped up to be due at noon i'm really upset about it because i don't think i'll ever get that opportunity again it was truly an enlightening experience though things make so much more sense than they normally do in my chaotic life it's like shaking off the years and years of being told you're fucking mentally ill and insane just to realize what it all means again and piece everything together i'm a little concerned about the future but i know that i dont want to be deluded into thinking that way again, that my thought processes are not functional and that i need to be doing this nonsense to get by i need the right platform to do what i need to do in this world and if i dont survive afterwards, that's fine, but i need to survive long enough to do it
I'm surprised we didn't catch any refugees due to the 4chan downtime. I guess we're back under the radar.
I've been so tired today. In all fairness I got much less sleep than I have been getting lately, but it did make today definitely exhausting. At the least I was awake for what was important.
Oh yeah Rei I got the results for that assignment back but they didn't give me the answers I'll try emailing the lecturer
>>440941 That happens to me every few days But I can only fall asleep on my shoulders, or my stomach. But skeeping on your stomach is bad for you so I avoid it.