Koi wa Ameagari Cardcaptor --Episodes 9-10 Dagashi Kashi Dame x Prince --Episodes 7-10 Death April Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-10 HakuMiko Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-10 Yuru Camp
That's actually true, he doesn't really play around with his lmiits too much. He's just kind of the strongest by default.
Yeah he just absorbs skills like nothing and has all the skill points he could ever spend. Doesn't really goof around with how he's got the debug UI still in place.
The magnitude of the homunculus' voice doesn't say much about her emotions.
Oh he's wasting points now.
I guess just having the skill points for crafts doesn't make him godo -good at them right away.
Yeah I wasn't being entirely serious there. I'm pretty sure he's got some kind of debug UI since he isekai'd in the middle of debugging the game. So the infinite or equivalently finite amount of skill points he's got is because of that.
If the item box hammerspace spell doesn't keep things warm, where does the lost heat go? Does it just dissipate into the nothingness?
If I ever end up selling books to secondhand shops, I should include bookmarks with them. The shop I buy most of my books from will pretty much always include a free bookmark with the sale; and it's appreciable to have on hand since I usually start reading as soon as I get on the train home.
Though I can't imagine a scenario where I'd be selling my books.
I don't think I'd ever sell books. Easier to keep them around and you may read them again one day.
Ramen daisuki okay lets start!
Yeah it's such an alien concept to me. But I'm also a very possessive person when it comes to what's mine.
I like the concept of it though. Books can get expensive for people and secondhand shops sell them on a lower price.
People that can recreate flavours without recipes, determining content solely from flavour, are like, above human ability to me. It's like being able to play a song by listening to it by ear, but on a more ridiculous scale.
Who would call a menu entry "tasty X" though. It's like going into a pizza parlour and seeing "tasty pizza" on the menu. What are you supposed to do with that.
And then the Ramen Ojou goes to Osaka anyway.
Osaka is a pretty cool place though. Really flashy without the hyper-crampedness of Tokyo. Instead it's just cramped, hoh hoh hoh. You can get there in like an hour and a half or two hours from Kyoto too, so it's an easy day trip.
oh this is bad I'm getting hungry this late at night
I had to snack on sweets earlier. It's the only thing I had that I wouldn't have to spend half an hour putting together. This would have probably devestated me.
Na na na na na na
Koizumi is an actual black hole when it comes to food.
Well things went from ramen hijinks to real as fuck all of a sudden.
I feel kind of that camping out on an open field like that is kind of, I dunno, dull camping? Not in full spirit? I'd take a camping lot in the woods, surrounded by trees, over it any time.
I can tough it out without a jacket around freezing. but I have a big comfy jacket that I can feel good in while it's freezing.
Oh hell that's genius.
>>440926 I haven't worn a winter-tier jacket in years now. My hoodie is insanely insulated on the inside though and I have some really warm sweaters. Big jackets drive me mental with how much they encumber movement so I opt for alternatives whenever possible.