>>440969 yeah i dont see how either worst case scenario, you just don't attack him over 50% hp and just let him walk at you and alm healin so...
>>440962 I take this back >>440970 Best post I've ever seen man You oughta be proud
>Lucina dies round 1 haha, I am a piece of shit
None of these units are capable of fighting Grima
i used frobin her res is kinda garbage though
Lucina and Vanguard Ike are both capable. But trying to make a team that uses 4* Gerome is hurting me right now. I can't one team clear
Kirara 🚗
i woke up at 8 and had a text saying i was supposed to be at a meeting at 8 so i threw on my professional clothes and made it by 8:15 and then i was leaving and said "i hope i die today" out loud to a colleague and someone's client overheard me and got worried and reported it and then some people rushed out to me at my car and started bothering me about whether or not I am suicidal
she probably thought it sounded meditative and reflective or something but twitter public won't feel that context
Kirara 🚗
thanks for your input lol what does that even mean
Kirara 🚗
oh she's a Scientologist
oh that makes sense
where's jammy i want him to see the mushroom ketchup
Kirara 🚗
i would love to see a study on the empathetic capacity of long-time Scientologists i wonder if time as a Scientologist can predict decreased levels of empathy
>>440990 he posted on the tweeter an hour ago he's probably floatin around
do you ever leave a song on loop and forget you're listening to music and then open up new youtube tabs and start playing music on top of it and it takes you a while to realize it
“My grandfather was born in Hawaii and is a citizen by birth,” Hanabusa noted during the hearing. Despite being a U.S. citizen, however, he was imprisoned in an Oahu camp called Honouliuli ― though the prisoners there used a different name: “jigokudani,” or “Hell’s Valley.”
After listening to her concerns, and for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, Zinke responded to the U.S. representative with a cheery and extremely tone-deaf “Konnichiwa!”
>>441053 do you do any cooking yourself? my baseline is a ton of frozen vegetables, eggs, bread if i dont know what to get or dont have much, i make sure i have those just toss the veggies in a skillet and fry them up, crack an egg in there near the end and have it with bread simple meal for like fiddy cents pasta as well, and cans of tuna -- boil the pasta, add tuna, frozen vegeta bagels, and some cheese
if i have some money, i like getting a slab of meat to make a pot roast with, with garlic and onions and potaters and vinegar
I have actually no idea what a kid's cuisine is, but it sounds awful is it like baby food?
>it's another Marias dog wants to spend 10 minutes outside at 4am night
>>441064 they're microwave meals geared towards kids, usually with a brownie or some other dessert in there the mascot is a penguin who i think is riding a skateboard but i dont remember for certain i am sure it is not a worldwide brand but i'm sure you have comparable things kids cuisine is like the band-aid or kleenex or aspirin it's the name just referring to all kids meals
We've got microwave meals, but they're like For everyone You just put a hole in the bags and pop them in the micro, they're actually fairly decent >>441069 >removing the bag What, and just put the plate in the microwave?
no nevermind i dont think that's a penguin and he's not on a skateboard but it's very colorful packaging for the kiddos >>441073 look at that tiny burger burger, corn, fries, and dessert all 7.0oz
they're gonna get sauce everywhere it isn't supposed to be everywhere it's gonna be on the pizza and why is it on the table and the carpet kid why are you trying to paint a pizza anyway who gave you that idea i bet it was that fucking bird again wasnt it he told you to do there where is he im gonna fuckin find him and kill him and make you watch
who would eat that crap?
Kirara 🚗
my mom got me that one all the time fucking corn and pizza
this is the one i usually got i think my dad would get me this or the chicken tenders or i think there was another one >>441089 they're honestly not terrible. they're just small.
>>441112 you'd still have people who could grow their own food given aid and tools to do it, completely dependant on food grown and brought from elsewhere and when that elsewhere has a bad eyar or total crob failure?
>>441113 so why exactly? USA is fertile as fuck so why not grow wheat for example?
>>441112 they are given money, which is all taken by the local lords
>>441111 depends on what and for what purpose there are three types of corn one of which is the corn that is not particularly edible but is used to make ethanol products
But really, of course the US wouldn't actually do this, it's a joke proposal that requires people in power to already care more about human beings than money >>441124 Ya I know
>>441121 I guess it just is convenient enough plant to use similiar how rice is in asia, despite wheat being much more nutrient filled
>>441116 there is not a shortage that's causing people to become hungry hunger is a logistical issue, not a supply issue how do you organize and arrange for people to come get free food you gotta have people operating it still, which people do volunteer to do, but you know
Are most farmers in the US even p bourg? Aren't they all just employees of mega firms anyway?
>>441129 no there are chicken farmers who get contracted by tyson or other chicken industries as part of an arrangement where they get a whole bunch of equipment to become standard and then operate at a loss to compensate for the investment expenses and are kind of eternally bound to working with that company, which is kind of weird but it's sort of sustainable
corners just grow their corn and silo it and wait until it's a good time to sell it that has become very data intensive though, so usually a farm will have a consultant analyst using a lot of software to do those things they get some subsidies from the gubbament and there's a lot of policy changes every year for them to understand and plan for
it's very much the same as the old days of farming where a bad harvest can fuck you up except now they have some insurance against that through crop insurance it is more like running a company than a household though, and farms are quite profitable although farmers are quite poor they're buying million-dollar pieces of equipment yeah but that's their overhead they don't see a whole lot
>>441130 I see I'm still puzzled how they can be low on money but buy lots of land, but I guess there's LEGAL STUFF that separates the pools of money
>>441139 basically taxes you got old equipment and you get to decide how much of your money you want to pay to taxes or instead re-invest in your operation better spend the money to make the farm better instead of letting it get eaten up although the government still gets that tax money one way or another those assets get taxed when you die and then if the kids inherit it and want to sell it, it gets taxed again it's so fucked up
>>441139 the weird dilemna of having just enouigh money to live somewhat comfortably, but have your business still in eternal red
>when you find an amazing new artist and you wanna go listen to their other songs and then you find out their other songs are all songs you already know
speaking of subsidies, there are law companies here that practically make their living by translating the EU bureaucracy of agricultural subsidies to non-legal speak and help the farmers fill them up
Oh, I thought they just gave two stars. It's been so long though, and I either trashed or merged all those units. The only two star I have left is a Felicia.
I think once they wrap up the avengers story, they should pause for a while so that people don't get too fed up with superheroes
Kirara 🚗
they are doing one movie in 2020 and then three in 2021
but really it has been like 1-2 movies a year of superheroes since avengers and that isn't even with DC
Kirara 🚗
and they break a record nearly every time BP broke so many records
>>441204 yeah cause we have the "story" going on but once that wraps up, people might not be so up for it
Kirara 🚗
it's probably not going to wrap up, phase 4 will be more of what we have
There's always higher echelons of the Marvel universe to go after. And then there's more standalone series like Guardians of the Galaxy which can more or less move entirely on their own because space is big. Really big.
Kirara 🚗
we also still have a bunch of street level stuff in Netflix series
I guess people don't get tired of more of the same nowadays, when you think about it CoD and such in video games and WoW still kicking stronk and Furious series being one of the biggest cash cows in history nowadays
More of the same is a dumb way of putting it. People don't go to it because it's the same. The analogy between movies and games isn't quite there either because games have a lot of additional infrastructure that incentivises people to keep buying the next edition or next expansion.
Kirara 🚗
they're superhero movies but they're all very different
Another reason the "more of the same" argument falls apart is, the things people cherrypick out as why they're all the same, tend to common components that have been involved in action flicks or other "summer blockbuster" movies for decades now.
My friend is a depressed, suicidal, mentally and emotionally distraught piece of shit with a victim complex, and doesnt want to help themself I think they are obssessed with the aesthetic and drama of being unhappy all the time
test this imageboard
>>441217 I have devoted my life to keeping this person alive for the past 3 months and it is getting incredibly tiresome
>>441217 >>441219 Could I please have these two posts deleted and this post itself
I'm really worried. Her condition deteriorates and gets better on a regular basis. But i don't know what's causing her to get worse. She's already kind of old.
Kirara 🚗
sorry to hear about your dog getting sick again, it must be really stressful
I already know part of what the cause is, she has chronic pancreatitis and its flaring up. But anytime it flares up it can get really bad because it kills her appetite and we give her her medication with food. Without the meds she'll get even worse. To the point where we'd have to take her to the vet and they'd put her on an iv and get all sorts of stuff. But we can't afford to do that again.
Well, not right now anyways.
>>441231 That's so weird to me. As far as I can remember, the teacher's union my mother belongs to has striked like, every four or five years like clockwork.
Kirara 🚗
>>441241 strikes are almost impossible to do in a lot of places because they're purposefully made difficult and a judge can order the police to end a strike (and they usually do)
>>441242 We have strikes all the time here. The Illinois/Chicago teachers unions are pretty mob like. In a bad way too, to the point where people were abusing the system to get extra pensions and the pension fund is drained pretty bad. The whole thing is really complicated. Although you're SOL if you teach in the city public schools. Unless you're teaching at the select enrollment ones.
Oh shit I just realized, the lectures the book im reading adapts from were given at university of Auckland.
>>441245 I can't remember if there is a separate state one. But that is how unions work. Some of them anyways There's a national union with local branches.
i've got a sample pack (20g) of yellow sulawesi i have not tried it if you use legit kratom you can order a sample pack for a dollar limit one though
Kirara 🚗
yeah i got a sample pack of yellow
supspec sends a random 20g sample with a quarter kilo though or at least they did last time >>441252 you just ordered that or you got that before?
Kirara 🚗
no, i just ordered it along with stuff i know ill use
Kirara 🚗
this week has been rough i coulda used some but im out
i got some red bali just arrived yesserday i dont really want to take any right now though because it makes me feel like a human which i am not used to
Kirara 🚗
i usually just use green yeah feeling human is weird i been tryna learn to be human again recently
>>441264 i mean what are you referencing i guess not asking for a source but can you explain
Kirara 🚗
trump thinks that anyone convicted of selling drugs should get death penalty and is planning on trying to push for it however, the supreme court previously decided that only murder or treason can be eligible for the death penalty, back when you could get death for sexual assault
>>441266 well, it sounded pretty outlandish so i thought you were extrapolating from something more subtle and that's why i asked for an explanation a quick google just revealed that it's pretty straightforward my bad my expectations didn't accomodate for something that retarded
Kirara 🚗
oh, yeah he literally has said that it's def hard to believe because it's so stupid even by lowered standards
i thought you were saying maybe that restrictions on the death penalty were lifted and that it could be applied to any felonious criminal but that due process probably wouldn't suggest it, coupled with some rhetoric about fighting the war on drugs no none of that just straight up murder people selling opiates because doctors are too afraid to anymore so people have to buy from each other if they dont want to fucking die
Kirara 🚗
yeah lol it's so ridiculous luckily it's unconstitutional but still he praised duterte a while back for stopping drugs
i could possibly see a case for huge international traffickers because that's a little different of a crime than just distribution like if a cartel bigwig from south america was apprehended in the states but like even then you wouldn't kill em you'd probably hold them and negotiate with colombia
>>441271 to be fair, we'd probably just assassinate them as long as the other country let us
undermining the integrity of a nation isn't really something the us courts are set up to adjudicate anyway the cia handles that before it even enters the legal system if possible idk i still have a hard time believing this is remotely real is it just some political tennis to shut down a bill by adding ridiculous measures into it or something
>>441270 >someone praises Chavez for doing some good stuff This is literally cultural marxism >Trump praises a literal, currently active fascist who uses death squads against drug addicts This is just normal actually
Kirara 🚗
>>441274 he's been talking about death sentence for drug dealers for months now and gushing about some countries that do it now he wants a bill that will do it
like this is literally his plan to fight the opioid crisis killing drug dealers
there's no opioid crisis the only crisis is a feud with the cartel and the opioids are a big pawn in that i understand the reasoning for not legalizing it though, because that pushes the cartel into the darker avenues of human trafficking but this whole opioid crisis has been a pile of shit
by legalizing i mean removing some of the restrictive policy that is making it difficult for users to acquire their medication
>>441276 >someone gets caught with drugs >interepret the amount as being for the purposes for distribution >execute them We're gonna get rid of all the political opponents
>>441302 summoning a new unit costs 3-5 orbs and expanding five slots costs one orb, so it is not usually a purchased function it's something easily done with free orbs over time
>>441312 140 orbs is a bad deal the 75 orbs is a better deal also if you're going to buy large amounts of orbs, buy google play cards at discounted prices instead of paying the full amount through the app you can get like 20% off digitally too no less, just through a vendor
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't plan on buying orbs ever again tbh I have FeMorgan
essentially you can get 188 orbs for 80 dollars but there might be a remainder in there depending on what orb amounts they offer as to how many youre gonna get
>>441328 Rei I got the answers for that math problem do you still want em I'm assuming you both still have the question saved or do you want me to repost it
>>441340 Problem B >traditional variable and constant names Man I got another assignment and I was so confused for an hour because they used upper case and lower case ks to represent different variables and I didn't realise it
>>441338 Yeah I didn't know how to re-arrange them
But dam it was good I should have made some rice or something to mix the bacon+onion topping things I made so i could have eaten half of it tomorrow instead of today but oh well
>>441343 Seriously though Don't call a variable c1 unless you have a damn good reason too Well I guess they did
>>441344 i have been steaming my eggs lately well not steaming but like fry up rice or noodle or vegetables, then crack an egg on top in the skillet and cover the skillet to let the heat cook it without really frying it then enjoying the yolky egg on top of a bed of grain or veg i have been enjoying that a lot for some reason
I only realised when eating them, that it would have worked better as omurice or fried rice but by that time, it owuld have been way too late to make rice oh well there is always next time
y1 and y2 (implied subscripts) are also terrible names for constants
>>441346 I rather like more mixing the egg with the stuff on skillet
>>441349 i like mixing the yolk with it, so i dont wanna mix while it's still in the skillet i usually beat the eggs and then add it to the mixture, but lately for some reason i have not wanted to i want that yolk
>>441352 well it's economics, not math, so they're not just staging problems to demonstrate the process they're staging the process to demonstrate the concept you could imagine if you were problem-solving an applied field, you might label your variables more intuitively to the contexts
>>441350 this time I just caramellised the onions and reds and then added bit of soy and oil to it and then threw in the bacon and some chilisauce let them simmer untill bacon was ready then used the residue stuff on the pan + some more oil to get it off to make he 2 omelettes and had the baconions as toppings with cheese
You get anymore homework?
real tasty, but bit too oily in the end would have benefited from say bread cubes or rice or somethign to absorb the oils and grease
Hrrrm Maybe I should make paninis
>>441356 i've become so immersed in the generalized case of a problem that doing specific cases feels oddly difficult to me >>441358 reds? red onions or what do you mean i love caramelized onions though did you cook the bacons separately first
>>441359 Yeah I got another assignment although this time I'm not sure I'll need help. I can upload it anyway if you just wanna look at it for funsies or something
>>441362 nope all in the same pan I wanted the onions to soak up the flavour from the grease along with the soy works damn well, but you really need to either make a sauce out of them or have something to absorb the oil+grease, cause that while doesn't ruin it, brings down theo verall eating experience
Also when I said i hadn't done any difficult math in a while I meant like lagrangians or computing eigen vectors Or diagnolizing matrices by hand I do single and multivariate stuff in my head all the time, same with ODEs
>>441365 https://my.mixtape.moe/emubmo.pdf I'm just gonna give you the whole pdf and let you find whatever interests you Have fun
>>441368 Oh yeah I have a book adapted from a series oof physics lectures given at your uni in the 1980's.
>>441364 im too cool for homework that shit's for nerds just solve the generalized case and the legwork afterwards is trivial
I really do love tthe definition of trivial in this context though
Fuck Haven't heard back from that guy on Craigslist.
whatya buy
Nothing Someone is getting rid of a bunch of graduate level math and physics books for free. And i want them But of course because they are interested in efficiency, they did not post a phone number.
Aw hun, it's okay. Thanks for goin up to get it for me anyway, that was sweet of you I got some vinegar and ranch in the fridge I can just use either of those instead of italian, it's no biggie i've got some garlic bread in the oven if you wanna stay and have a piece with me, or do you have to take off to hang out with your friends?
Just make your own dressing with vinegar And mayo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>441395 there's apple vinegratte and ranch dressing in the fridge but she says it wouldn't go with the salad
You know what i haven't made since you were just a wee lad? tomato soup and grilled cheese why don't you hang around with your mum for a bit and i'll make some up for you it won't take long just, can you help me fix the computer wi fi thing? it's blinking yellow lights and i've been wanting to send your aunt a message on facebook all day but it's too slow i really appreciate it
I've been excited to try it with this new electric griller i got it at walmart for eight dollars, can you believe that? and i found this spray ghee that i can just spray on and it makes the grilled bread so golden-brown toasty without being hard it's great you'll love it i'll make you a couple so you can take one with you when you go
>>441405 are you one of my son's internet friends? you can come over and visit next time and I can make you one as well if you would like. I wish I got to meet more of his friends!
that's better >>441408 thanks mrs. moom I'll be sure to invite more of your son's friends over uh no wait that doesn't sound right I'll bring my other friends over next sorry I''m clumsy with my words
you have a toaster to toast the bread? don't microwave it after toasting that's gonna be gross just lay the cheese on the bread and then set it ontop of the toaster to gently warm the cheese
you don't have a skillet and range or toaster oven?
I could just girl the halves as seperate and put it together I suppose
a good grilled cheese is done in either a panini griller or a skillet, fried, despite the name of grilled cheese butter the bread, flop it in a skillet, flip the bread once one side is a little fried, toss the cheese(s) on, collapse the sandwich and grill one side, flip, serve with soup dip sandwich in tomato or potato soup
I had a grilled cheese sandwich along some pea soup once, I was surprised how well it turned out. Really I could just go for the grilled cheese itself though.
I heard it on the radio on Wednesday and its been stuck in my head on and off since then. Although yeah, robot unicorn attack probably made them a lot of money from the exposure it gave them to people who would otherwise not really know about the band. I'd like to see the itunes sales statistics for Always, I bet it spiked quite a bit the day that came out.
Oh yeah i found a really kickass night club. http://www.debonairsocialclub.com/ I'm thinking about going to their Neo Thursday event next week. They also do 80's trivia there.
all of them suck I'd rather spend my evening in a good pub or bar with plenty of beer tap options
Ah yes, because by definition nightclubs don't have plenty of beer options, you especially would know because you've been to every single one in the world.
Well I know that nightclubs here don't splurge on beer selection ask for 10+€ entrance fee and are usually 2-5€ more expensive per drink than any other place
it's not the beer that's the problem it's the atmosphere
>>441462 oh good i was just looking for you what's your tempest team i can do a one-team run consistently just fine but im having trouble with deathless runs this time
>>441460 also this clubs are noisy loud filled with people filled with people out to party like there is no tomorrow quite many things I rather dislike
Okay Yeah, that's kind of the point of a night club. Some people like partying to loud music.
>>441466 i got frobin, b. cordy, rein, olivia i can get everyone to grima with full hp and frobin can double grima but she dies if he's over 50% hp so i gotta use olivia to tank two blows and deal some damage then sac my rein to get him under 50%
>>441446 hi I was looking for the song from robot unicorn attack and I found this place p neat thing you got going on here
i could just milk it out, healing with cordy, but that map is pretty defensive i guess i have to clear everyone out in record time if i wanna handle grimmy
>>441465 Well I hate that and people like that so from my point of view there are no good night clubs in helsinki as there is no such thing as "a good night club"
On the runs where my first team dies, I use Lucina + Delthea against Grima. I have her falchion refined so as long as she caught Delthea's buff and is standing next to someone she hits Grima for about 75. I was really bummed when I wasn't rolling well, so I can understand that lack of motivation.
>>441476 No it can keep existing to contain the party goers so they don't ruin my night in establishments I enjoy
>>441478 i was actually about to post asking if you were around and once my image loaded you showed up what a coinkydink i am getting tired though thanks for the thoughts hope you have a good night good bye
>tfw you need your suit today, but had forgotten to unpack it from a suitcase from 2 weeks ago and it is 100% wrinkless now right and on that note time to go plan mah weekend
Apparently Korean zombie desk car ended. Of course though the tl group for the novels hasn't updated since 2016 But I bet they'd throw a huge fit if someone else tried to translate it
Usually stabbing homicides include that many. You have to stab someone a lot for them to die.
you can stab them in the temple and kill pretty quickly stabbings are usually done in a fit of rage though the stabber usually isn't thinking about killing them easily
really any targeted attack at the skull can easily kill someone, orI deal lifelong brain damage
they wear helmets and shit in football and combat sports for a good reason
except boxing and pro boxers almost always suffer terrible injuries for it makes for better spectacle without one though
Football players still get lifelong brain damage, it just has a slower onset.
I'm going to go eat ice cream. Unless it turns out that my dad ate the ice cream he bought me to make up for the ice cream he bought for me previously that he ate.
Oh yeah, i found a picture in my animal picture folder with high enough resolution that you can sort of see the photographer reflected in the dog's eye.
The final stage is easy as hell but GETTING there is so stupid. The hardest part of it is getting the one unit that can actually fight Grima to survive the journey.
By the time I have enough feathers for Eirika, I should also have gained enough Dew to do another Refinement. So I guess I can refine MaRTh's Falchion to Bond All
must be nice having a flying ranged unit Running 4* Gerome with no skills other than Hit and Run isn't helping me. >>441702 Yeah, but she's not dead weight. My team is impaired.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Elincia does more work than FeMorgan most of the time
samuuuu I keep having issues getting sync'd and the web dev console on firefox gives me this
>Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://doushio.com/hana/125/1aywgfu2/websocket?ctoken=023a17b3a9b5df3052384848fdb13ee69da1b4b236dbf13fb8cdcd9d5ca9a6c9df688d6c535f5aae34148d898b8f5efb455576b60c336028678bd9489b95544109b79993d5304c77726936cddb5818. What's happening?
Sometimes it will sync, like this tab is But I open another tab, usually it fails to sync until I refresh a few times
I don't remember when it started either, which sucks Would probably help troubleshoot
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
well let me know if it breaks again i've done everything i can on the cloudflare side
Still does when I open a new tab This one is staying synced sometimes Somehow*
Every now and then it'll desync though, and then it doesn't always come back
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
so it loads the thread fine but then the connection never syncs? weird
Yeah It'll keep retrying forever, if it fails the first OK opening some tabs
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
here can you open a bunch of tabs ima look at the logs
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
and like hard refresh
It synced one at first, and then it synced one on the hard refresh The rest of them are fucked though There's 10 total, if that helps
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
maybe the hard refresh is good then
we just don't know
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
o', i'm seeing no errors in my log but i don't really log errors comprehensively and i removed that client side JS bug catching service i used originally
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
ultimately if you're having wss:// connection issues that's you -> your ISP -> cloudflare -> me and it seems like cloudflare -> me is ok
Gotta be on my end then I guess I'll do some googling
i wanna play infinifactory but in real life
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
if only right coding ought to be a constructive thing we do in VR
i've been thinking a lot about VR workspaces lately it seems like a lot could be done
>>441803 Wanna make a tool that lets you do that then?
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
i keep thinking about it but not doing it freaking job
You ever read Snowcrash?
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
yeah at least twice
I got my copy as a gift from someone who parted out his (most of) his dead brother in law's book collection. The guy had a huge scifi collection. And then I loaned it to my freshman English twacher in highschool and never got it back. I'm thinking about calling her and asking ger for it. I also borrowed a book from her and never finished it. It was a copy of Faust with really really good annotations.
Ah She also has my copy of The 47 Ronin.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
neato burriot
For the most part I remember where and approximately when I got most of my books.
R.E.M. Green, Murmur, Document something else somewhere maybe Led Zeppelin III, IV, In through the out door Sex Pistols Nevermind the Bollocks and The Great Rock n Roll Swindle Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon, Meddle something else somewhere probably The Who Who by Numbers, Quadrophenia, who's next Pink Floyd Wish you were here The Clash The Clash, London Calling, Combat Rock Talking Heads True Stories, Remain in Light (Canadian pressing) little creatures Led Zeppelin Presence Rolling Stones Hot Rocks, Sticky Fingers,
Buncha Springsteen, grateful dead and steely dan Bunch of elo and misc classical/opera/baroque Some Depeche mode, psychedelic furs, X, Elvis costello, beatles, U2 , skinny puppy, Big black songs about fucking
>>441828 did they ever finish the wada manga? Oh this is nice
The manga was last updated on 2/25 and it stops after Uomi 'defeats' Mikotsu and our favorite squid seems to contemplate joining the dark side probably in reference to that one early bad end. It's not translated.
Maria I know you chose to pursue your own, uh, obscure games, but I think I may have neglected to add on that Mogeko Castle is 1/4 the length of Wadanohara.
Our record collection (excluding the misding stuff and the records I just took out) fills up most of a 36 inch long shelf with each record being like a quarter of an inch or so
>>441836 Does mogeko have any connection other than having the same creator?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>441839 No, but I think Mogeko Castle might have been their first game (though the one you'd play is a remake). Did you go into the bonus room in Wada?
I need to make a comprehensive list anyways, so when I finish that I can post it if you want samurai.
There's a ton i didn't list because you probably haven't heard of it or i forgot about it. The stuff is super unorganized.
>>441843 That cat thing at the counter is one of the titular "Mogeko" is why I mention it Since they're in all his bonus rooms it makes sense that I would think Mogeko Castle was his first
I also need to get a bunch of paper inner sleeves and plastic outer sleeves
he is dead died a long time ago from mesothelioma and it was just one guy, not a band i was posing as a poser
>>441848 Well do you want me to list everything? I could do the thing where I list stuff that isn One sex
sam on rye what's up with /tincan/ it throws a 502 instead of a 404 like i'd expect
I'm not saying "you probably haven't heard of it" to be dismissive. Its because when I talk about bands sometimes people go "geezer why do you always talk about bands no one has ever heard of" *geezer *geeze Fuck
For example if I said "I'm listening to 2 x 4 by Guadalcanal Diary" you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. But if I said "Next I'm putting on Fine Young Cannibals" >>441858 You said to tell me what records I had. Err tell you So I gave a brief listing of the most well known stuff I had.
Anyways I don't have a really good sense for what stuff people know about and what they don't. Its better than it used to be. But for stuff beyond like bands that have sold tens of millions of records i don't have a good gauge. There are also bands that have sold tens of millions of records who say "these two bands are my biggest influences" and those two bands haven't sold tens of millions of records but now their more famous. Should I expect you to know those two bands?
But sometimes I might want to say "hey guys check out this song its really good" but then people say stupid shit about me liking bands no one has heard of.
>>441858 I like music and I like talking about music. Its fun to share stuff with people because even if they don't know the band they might know something similar that I don't. I've gotten some really good music reccomendations from people here (mostly anon) and I like helping other people find music that they might like.
we are going to fly into vegas on the evening of May 4th, sleep at a hotel, and then go to zion on the 5th we'll stay there until the afternoon on the 8th and then head back to the airport i can't really help with your body, but if you think your body is ok to go, i can help financially and if not, we can do a more laid back camping trip without a lot of hiking another time
yeah. jan is arriving around 9pm in vegas on the 4th, and i'm getting there around 8pm on the 8th, i'm flying back around 11pm and jan is flying back on the 9th around 1am if you flew in early on the 5th, that'd work, too, we could pick you up from the airport, but you might not be very well rested i was planning on heading to zion around 8am on the 5th, but we'd stop somewhere to stock up on food supplies and stuff too
>>441883 i can arrive at 8pm on the 4th and depart 12:30am on the 9th at $131 roundtrip that's really reasonable but it is actually expensive for me to get to the airport and taking five days off... mou i can maybe make it happen it's frontier though
>>441885 don't feel pressured to come if you can't make it work, i'll come hang out in missouri sometime this summer and we can go campin if we do it close to you, you won't have to take so much time off and it'll be cheaper
yeah you can have them use abilities on you or vice versa to get combined skills that's not new but it looks like it's better done
It's an interesting take on the last 3D sidescolling Kirby that was out on the N64. I think that's the first one to let you suck up two different creatures for more complex power combinations. So now they're letting you use up to four powers in interaction at once.
>>441900 Oh I didn't know about that one, that's pretty neat. I'm impressed they pulled that off on the SNES.
>>441899 there was one on the snes whose name i cant remember because i only played it on emulator that would let you have a second player, and you could combine your skills together there was like a broom monster or something and i remember you could have a cat kirby using a broom to sweep up monsters it was freaking cool but i dont know what it was i dont know if it was released in the west
Kirara 🚗
pretty interesting i've only played the first GBA ones with the nightmares and stuff
At any time during play, Kirby can summon Gooey—a blue, long-tongued blob first seen in Dream Land 2. Doing so costs Kirby two hit points. When controlled by the computer or also a second human player, Gooey's abilities are similar to Kirby's: He can swallow enemies using his long tongue, then either spit them out or copy their abilities to a limited extent. Gooey's tongue is also capable of obtaining items similarly to Kirby's inhale, though it is also capable of grabbing stars, which Kirby would need to touch in order to obtain. Kirby can also inhale Gooey and swallow him, reclaiming his two hit points.
In addition to Gooey, Kirby can team up with any one of his six other Animal Friends, three of which were introduced in the previous game in the series. This friend mechanic allows Kirby to be ridden, carried or rolled, enabling new team-based abilities, as well as variations of Kirby's copy abilities. The friends Kirby can team up with are:
Rick the Hamster, who can only jump once but can stomp on enemies, run faster, doesn't slide on ice, and can scale walls. Coo the Owl, who can fly quickly (even against strong gusts of wind) and can let Kirby inhale in mid-air. Kine the Ocean Sunfish, who can only jump once but can stomp on enemies, swim more efficiently in water (even against strong currents), and can let Kirby inhale underwater. Nago the Calico Cat, who can stomp on enemies and triple-jump. Pitch the Bird, who has more versatile copy ability variants than the other Animal Friends, but cannot fly against strong winds like Coo can and is much more limited in flying due to his small size, only being able to fly like how Kirby can float. Chuchu the Octopus, who can only float for a limited time before gradually descending, but is able to cling to and walk across ceilings and can grab items with her tentacles (identically to Gooey's tongue; in both cases, this function is only usable without an ability as it replaces Kirby's inhale ability).
It does sound like that's the concept they picked up to build upon for the new one.