I hope he had a satisfying life. There must have been innumerable frustrations living with his body, but he really contributed a lot to the world despite that. A good life lead.
>>438929 Feeling bad about a person whose works you've enjoyed ddying?
Basically I don't know the person and the person doesn't know me
I mean, I'm not crying or anything. But I've been studying physics for almost twenty years, Stephen Hawking was the closest thing we had to a living Albert Einstein. He was very well respected within the physics community and made many important contributions to the field. He's someone I've looked up to for most of my life.
Kirara 🚗
we feel some level of connection to people who's works we've enjoyed and appreciated for long periods of time we admire those people so it's sad to see them die
>they try to blame an assassination on the redhead princess >medieval setting meets modern investigation methods HAHAHA this show just is o damn amusing at times
You should watch Spitting Image. It was a comedy show with really weird sort of realistic puppets of contemporary (then) politicians and pop culture figures and they made fun of her quite a bit.
speaking off I need to get a new library card why isn't church moor part of capital region library union
btw, my library card is from 11.11.1995 making it older than some posters here I think
I still have one from 1998 somewhere
Kirara 🚗
ive never had one
What the fuck
Kirara 🚗
my mom got one in my name and used it to check out extra stuff instead of letting me have it
Also is amusing how the red dragon has a godzilla like theme to it >>438953 he is supposed to be one of the "guys who make science fun to the layman" but he kidna fails at it, and just plays it for the popularity and money
Tyson is the closest thing we have to a living Carl Sagan. >>438954 Just cause he doesn't make it fun for you doesn't mean he fails at it. Although Bill Nye is better at that.
Shame that michio kaku isn't so free to do that kind of shit
>>438951 I like how he chose a photo with himself in it
Kirara 🚗
michio kaku is fucking crazy
>>438953 What stuff foes he lie about? I don't really watch his tv show, he appears on some cosmology shows I watch though.
>>438957 Well yeah, a photo of him and Stephen Hawking
Kirara 🚗
>>438959 He fabricates a lot of quotes which usually isn't a big deal for comedy, but he presents them as fact while discussing science which is unacceptable imo
>>438961 In what context? Cause "a physicists history of physics" is a phenomenon that's been around for a while.
Kirara 🚗
off the top of my head, he always purposefully misquotes politicians talking about statistics and then tends to confuse median and average which bothers me so much
>While attending Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, Kaku assembled a particle accelerator in his parents' garage for a science fair project. jeeze
>>438965 I wanted to do that but I wasn't allowed to. Same with my fusion reactor
Niel Tyson is probably pretty intelligent and is doing good work in keeping people invested in science, but he's also a bit of an asshole and has the emotional sympathy of a pebble. He also takes the obsessive belittlement of personal faith and religion way too far, often in situations where he's doing it just to be an atheist asshole.
>>438964 Also how he portrays himself be quite "absolute authority of science" at times is bit disturbing
Kirara 🚗
NTD is very intelligent but he's an ass he's unbearable he acts like a complete shit on Twitter all the time
>>438970 He's Carl Sagan's successor, thats basically his job. To be the authority on science as a pop culture icon. Because most scientists are shit at public speaking >>438971 Twitter is just so bad
but he doesn't take the responsibility of it, actually.
Politics getting into science has really screwed up a lot
Kirara 🚗
like there will be a holiday and he'll see that people are enjoying iit and he just goes and tweets shit like HAPPY HOLIDAY EVEN THOUGH THE DAY IS ACTUALLY MEANINGLESS
The worst thing about pop science is how bill nye turned out to be evil!
>>438989 It's a backlash against stuff in the US. People are really preachy here. And religious fundamentalists actually do get in the way of a lot of things.
>>438991 if someone on metro with a green jacket punches you for no reason will you punch a green jacketed guy in the bus the next day just because he had a green jacket?
>>438995 No But if people with green jackets make the schools in my area teach thinly veiled religion in the place of science I will complain about that group ruining people's education.
>>439000 Then your analogy is terrible because a religion is far more nuanced than a coloured jacket.
>>439002 yes and also there are many religions and many forms of practicing religion just because one is in your face or hardliners of one are in your face does that make it just for you tot ake it out on all of them especially the ones that didn't mind you at all?
Kirara 🚗
>>438993 well that show was really bad but idk if id call iit evil
Nye is out of touch as fuck but he's generally a decent guy.
>>439005 yeh I would just call him naïve and stuck in the celebrity echo chamber he prolly just actually tought that was the right thing to do in his show
Nye is fucking great Err was He's okay now
Kirara 🚗
old nye was really good yeah he's alright now but that new show was horrible
Bringing science into politics wasn't a mistake in of itself, but the way its happening is.
bringing politics into science is a mistake
>>439014 That too But bringing science into politics is the best way to "fight" back
Kirara 🚗
bringing politics into anything is a mistake
bringing science into poltiics should be a must considering that there are still people who say climate change is a myth
>>439017 It is a must But some people do it wrong and it hurts science
>>439031 It's tradition or whatever But also can interfere with logistics, like go for it or whatever Well, if you really want to
>>439028 reminder that there are 17 Sephiroths in the U. S
I think people should be allowed to.
>>439031 I don't think it would be fair to the parents to deny them the ability to name their child.
Kirara 🚗
The resistance is often social so I'm not sure logistics is part of the resistance, I don't think it's that hard to actually change it >>439037 I'm not saying we should deny it, just that it's a weird and somewhat uncommon cultural thing
>>439038 I'm including that because it can Its not changing it thats difficult, it makes some stuff
Just like your identity in a social aand legal snese is tied tto your name and there are records related to it If you change your name, it becomes easier for people to fuck up something when doing random bureaucratic nonsense that society requires to be done for you to do something
Here atleast the name change is easy as fug though there are names you can't take or use
>>439038 By what do you mean uncommon? I think cultures where children are not introduced to their name by their parents or similar caregivers are far more common than not.
Kirara 🚗
>>439041 It's a cultural thing that's present almost entirely in European cultures Or was It's quite common now but the same kind of conventions weren't seen as often in cultures before contact with European cultures
Or are. I got my negatives turned around.
>>439043 And some asian ones And some midfle eastern ones (I'm including before western influence)
>>439005 You can find reports of him treating people badly when he's out of the spotlight all over the internet. It's on the internet so it can't be wrong.
>>439047 Asian ones, to some degree, but it wasn't a uniform thing among the various Asian cultures for quite some time Middle eastern, I won't argue, that's true, and possibly where the tradition actually started
I meant ancient greece anyways, which while incredibly influential on contemporary European culture, when people say western or European culture they mean usually like traditions that were present like 600 years ago and then in this context forced them onto other cultures >>439061 It's a meme
Kirara 🚗
I'd say ancient greece is European in terms of culture
Ancient Greece was a fundamental influence on the Roman culture, which in turn influenced pretty much all of contemporary Europe.
I guess my point was that the world is historically full of cultures where names are earned or awarded They probably outnumber those like our own, or did, before they were conquered
renaissance which formed good aprts of the changes to european culture, arts, architecture, administration and such were just ancient greece 's traditions brought to then "modern" times again
Anyways my guess is that the prominence of it comes from the fact that more organized societies do a lot of record keeping, and keeping track (in any sense, like taxes or land owned) of an individual when their name stays the same is much easier.
If my memory is correct, japan was basically "name yourself whatever" but once they actually had the shogunate power with Tokugawa's, the names were set basically, as administration, bureaucracy and especially TAXATION become things names, birth places and such record keeping become more important.
There was something similar in some middle eastern country or something i remember my friend talking about yhe other day
Well like They would get different names from different people
And many "name awarding" cultures just added to your names, not really replaced them. the ones that replaced names were more nomadic or tribal
And then in some cultures, you'd have a childhood name and be given (or choose) a name when you got older. There's also the practice of the death name.
or rather that is a buddhist thing to do in the particular buddhism they practice there
Well it's more of The Japanese celebrate Christmas, have Shinto weddings and Buddhist funerals, but aren't really that religious.
Kirara 🚗
>>439082 Archer doesn't have a name in Fate/Extella
>>439088 it is a weird synchronism of religions, considerign they have taoist traditions too also they don't celebrate christmas, they celebrate consumerimas
>>439090 They celebrate it, just not in a religious way.
I call what most people now celebrate consumerimas
They can get approximations from radiocarbon dating (original) documents that mention him. Not sure if anyone has done it, although there are other dating methods
btw do any animes actually mention the emperor of japan? even gate didn't actually mention him, despite people taking refugee in the imperial palace just alluded to him
Yeah I vaguely remember one where the main character had a weird name that was somehow associated with the royal family and people made jokes about it
btw i wonder does the current one retire or die who is it anyhow now?
>The Japanese government announced in December 2017 that Akihito will abdicate on 30 April 2019 oh
>>439128 The Emperor does serve as the head of church for the Shinto faith, or the sufficient equivalence. This involves a number of services and processions around some of the important dates of the faith, which are things a bit rough for an excessively aged man to perform. Lots of standing and kneeling in one place for extended times, or recanting long and complex mantras.
He will have had a short reign, like only around thirty years. Taishou was also short, like maybe 20 years or so.
sow hat will they call the era then? Hirohito's reign became showa era, right after his post-humous name.
>>439131 well hirohito reigned for what 60+ year long living monarchs usually leave short ruling heirs, unless they skip to grandchild
>>439130 doesn't he technically also appoint the parliament and prime minister or something though in all reality, I doubt not a single time has an emperor refused to appoint someone
Oh shit It's Pi day.
>>439137 It's his role in the same way the British monarchy appoints their members of state. In that they'd likely fall out of "divine" favour soon enough and be ousted if they actually tried to interfere with the democratic process.
I went and lookedi nto it, is that he can't actually decline appointing a candidate for PM as named by the diet so basically, he just does things that are required to make them "official", but practically can't refuse doing it
Yeah that's pretty much the British case too. Though in their case the ramifications are less written and more implied, but just as certain.
also apparently they have barely changed their constitution, since it was laid out to them by USA and co
>>439224 yes as long as he lets me keep killing people amuro has killed over a hundred people by this point i'm hoping he gets over 300 confirmed kills
>join random guy's dodogama hunt >we find the monster >immediately mounted >knocked over >knocked over when he gets up by wyvernsnipe >gets up, eats some rocks >knocked over with sticky ammo in the face >gets up >other guy put a trap >gets up >staggered by cluster bombs and barrel bombs >knocked over by katana helm breaker >limps away >katanaman throws a flash and traps it
Kirara 🚗
2 other people joined after we started fighting him and they didn't even get to the monster in time
Imagine being so brain broken that you legitimately believe stephen hawking died in the 70s and was replaced with an actor and this actor pretended to have ALS for 50 years
we were discussing a client today, one that has problems accepting failure, and the clinician said that the client said failing is really painful and i offhandedly remarked "how do you think i feel when you're not making any progress?" as a joke and she was writing when i said it but it seemed like she wrote it down as something to maybe say and now im kind of worried she's actually going to say that to her client i don't think she can pull that off so it might be bad
it's something i might say to a client that ive been with for a while because my approach to therapy is very candid and i try to eliminate power differentials or equalize them as much as possible but i don't think people can just grab parts of my style and adapt them generally im one of the few existential/humanistic oriented clinicians in the program and probably the only one at the clinic right now although a few of us have training in those styles
Guy's friends are hella good His local community, also hella good
Not a fucking narc among them
Kirara 🚗
>see business bandit on street >oh shit can i get your autograph? write business bandit please
Kirara 🚗
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/crime--law/update-business-bandit-strikes-again-this-time-robbing-broward-bank/c4Mwz9hy9albOeLW6lh3CO/ he's so well dressed
Oh yeah you can rummage through summer houses and stuff too Or winter houses I guess >>439306 The heat is better if you're outside You'll sweat and need water but you won't freeze
Kirara 🚗
yeah but it's still like 35-40c in the summer plus we have hurricanes
fuk Well, in the summer those houses are unoccupied right?
Kirara 🚗
of course many snowbird homes are on the coast in floodzones although not all obviously
Kirara 🚗
in certain areas, there are abandoned factories or abandoned fruit packaging plants, though which may prove safe as a shelter during a hurricane so long as you can position yourself well inside
>>439312 depends there's a big cost-benefit analysis you have to do we know that we might get hit sometimes a week and a half in advance and have an idea of how strong it could be until about 4-5 days out from landfall, we don't have a solid idea where it will land, though we usually can't be sure until 2-3 days last hurricane, i intended to leave 5 days before landfall and couldn't because the streets were so heavily backed up with evacuees evacuate too early, you risk wasting a lot of money, usually $300-500 if you have a family unless you have an RV or something wait too long, and you'll be stuck in traffic for 8 hours and then run out of gas because there's no more gas anywhere
Florida has very poor infrastructure, in part because of the shape of the state, that makes evacuating difficult everyone has to go the same direction and there is basically one or two interstate highways that allow evacuation, although they're technically designed for military movement
hey moe does the word pocketbook refer to the idea that it's a book that can fit in your pocket or that it's a book that contains pockets i mean it's not really a book in the first sense anyway
>>439335 later gater have fun >>439334 huh im just wondering how the word came to be a pocketbook can fit in larger pockets but also contains pockets so is it a book of pockets or a book that is pocket-sized
i thought it was a book with pockets like a wallet
>>439337 it's got little pockets to hold your makeup and mirror and nail clippers and stuff >>439340 it's like a small pouch like a mini handbag that goes in your handbag but it's kind of compact, so it's got pockets to hold the stuff it's a broad term so it can be a lot of things i guess
yeah it's like a gender neutral term for wallet or handbag both of those things are pocketbooks theyre like subtypes i'm making up this taxonomy as i go by the way just based off my experiences
a wallet's a good example though because it has pockets and goes in the pocket more definitively
Well it's actually "pocket bok", but whatever bok is book anyway
there are pocket dictionaries and things that are just small reference guides that are made to be portable yeah i think pocket books exist as a word here too in the pocket-sized book sense but pocketbooks are books of pockets >>439348 bibles for pockets how to baptize a pocket how to give your chicken pockets
well yes but the predominant narrative has always been that they were stupid and warlike most primates are presented like that here it's necessary to view history like that in order to justify human nature arguments for present day society
I never heard the warlike part, I think Just the stupid part, which I always found kinda strange because how the hell would we know? Measuring skulls isn't science
Measuring the outside of the skull isn't science, but we can make assumptions on the size and shape of the brain from the inside of the skull. Which can show us potentially where their brain was developed relative to other people s in the human evolutionary chain.
If there's a large difference, I guess so yeah But we lived alongside these guys Right? Like they were just an offshoot of what eventually got here, weren't they?
Kirara 🚗
they and we existed simultaneously for a period of time the modern theory with the most support is that homo sapiens eradicated neanderthals in wars and territory disputes although most if not all humans have Neanderthal DNA
I believe the genetics for red hair is considered a likely contribution of the neanderthal DNA into the human genetic pool.
Kirara 🚗
I think I've heard that as well.
Also if I remember correctly, even if neanderthal peoples lived alongside us for a period of time, remember that for the stereotype of them being stupid and aggressive, homo sapiens of the time weren't exactly fucking geniuses either. We might've had a compareble bit of intelligence over them, but we were still using rudimentary tools and didn't have complex societies as we think of humans having.
What if calling the neanderthals dumb is actually the scientific community owning us over time, already knowing the neanderthals were dumb, but smarter than we are today Because we are actually REALLY dumb
Kirara 🚗
it's theorized that homosapiens developed complex language roughly 100k years ago but there's evidence that Neanderthals were capable of it and likely used language as many as 500k years ago
I think one of the differences between homosapiens and neanderthals is based on the shape of the skull and says that they had less developed brains in certain areas which led to lesser spatial reasoning ability compared to homosapiens also some other reasoning differences in general
>>439363 All this time we've been trying to figure out what the filter event is ...we are the filter event
Kirara 🚗
one of the major causes of neanderthal extinction may be that their reasoning was not as strong as ours and after the toba catastrophe which decimated homosapien population, the neanderthals were unable to repopulate as quickly as they would have needed to in order to continue as a completely social society they are estimated to have gone extinct roughly 40k years after the catastrophe, though, so im not sure i completely buy into that theory it's possible that there was less genetic diversity in neanderthals which would make the idea of toba make more sense, as their lack of genetic diversity would have eventually caught up with them and may explain why 1-4% of Eurasian DNA is attributed to neanderthals it's likely that the neanderthal DNA was included after toba
>>439287 It made it to the news here. Our local news reported on it.
>>439371 That's definitely a big part of it Although I'm not sure how much state taxes would go to infrastructure if we had them, considering Florida's track record haha
>>439372 Rick Scott is particularly bad Like some people I know in Florida politics in all seriousness refer to him (in private of course) as Florida's worst governor in the past 60 years. (Only because they don't remember what it was like before that)
>>439372 Anyways in the hypothetical Florida that had them in the first place, more money would be available to go to infrastructure and would than in real Florida.
Kirara 🚗
it's interesting that there weren't any protohuman species in north or south america ever only records of homosapiens
>>439382 I don't believe there's any great apes native to the Americas either, right? Which would imply our common ancestors didn't ever journey far from their home environment to cross land bridges of the past. You can't have proto=humans in a part of the world without proto-proto-humans.
>>439382 Maybe the europeans showed up earlier to ice them
Kirara 🚗
>>439384 Right, the only primate ancestors in North America were there 50 million years ago and died out when the world cooled. In South America, they had plenty of primates, but they supposedly couldn't cross the deserts into North America.
Kirara 🚗
The primates in South America never split off into anything approximating a great ape, though.
I believe cro-magnons are thought to originate in Africa as well as around India while neanderthals originated further north of those, but still somewhere around the middle east.
Considering great apes developed simultaneously in various places, I wonder what stopped the development of them in South America while monkeys wouldn't be able to cross a desert, great apes may have and protohumans almost certainly could have
>go to sit >my boss' boss' boss is sitting the mext seat over >nope the hell out of there
>>439391 Well, now they know you are afraid and will take advantage of that. For real though, why wouldn't you sit next to them?
she never sees me >>439392 her soul pressure is crushingly strong
>>439387 While I'm no anthropologist, I hold the philosophy that the human evolutionary line was for the longest time, one of exceptionally good luck above all else. Being in the right part of the world at the right time to get the right environment to evolve matters a lot for how our ancestors managed to flourish well enough to become us.
So did you sit down and then stand up, or not sit down at all?
Kirara 🚗
>>439394 I agree that luck is a big part of it, but considering that two human-like species and homosapiens developed simultaneously in different environments is interesting.
I was just reading a theory that the development of great apes may have been related to the transition to ground dwellings, where primates that ceased to live in the trees grew larger in size and lost their tails. That theory would explain why there wasn't any parallel evolution in South America, where there was never any incentive for the primates to move out of the trees.
Christ It's not a fucking mystery It's convergent evolution
>>439396 i just was looking at my options and then noped away and sat elsewhere
Oh my bad convergent evolution was the wrong word
>>439397 Yeah, even as someone who hasn't really done much studying in the field, when you mentioned the monkeys of South America earlier I was thinking that the environmental shift from trees habitats to alpine and desert-like conditions would probably be too drastics for them to move through. So it checks out even from a mundane thinking position.
Anyways, if you guys are particularly interested in learning more about this. I suggest reading On the Origin of Species, rather than just going into books on human evolution. Cause a good foundation in the field will help you think about it from a better perspective.
>>439394 i think saying it's luck is like saying the pyramids of egypt were just lucky rockpiles when you look at the timescale here, and at least like 20-ish years for generational memory, every generation only moved slightly from the rough conditions they were in before, with the social structure really being defined by "how da fuck do i survive" it might seem like the right place right time, but i'm pretty willing to bet human and pre-humans would have made it work almost anywhere
like that puddle analogy where, without context of physics and how the world works, it'd be a miracle how the water contained in the puddle exactly has the same shape as the container around it whatshisname put it a lot more elegantly than that douglas adams
>>439407 I'm going to beat you to death with a book.
>>439403 Nitpicking the first analogy first, I don't quite think it works because there was purpose and complexity in the making of the pyramids that kind of leaves behind basic survival instincts.
But I don't think a sufficiently rewound ancestor of humans could have made it anywhere. You go far enough back and you will encounter a mammal that was fundamentally reliant on the ecosystem it lives in to survive; and so if the ecosystem isn't developed in just the right way to allow the creatures to grow in numbers beyond its holding capacity, the species will just die out until the ecosystem is rebalanced again. Before proto-humans developed the functions that allowed them to migrate over fairly inhospitable terrain, or hunt creatures that were previously too fast or threatening to hunt, they were too inter-connected
i'd argue there was purpose and complexity in surviving too but carry on sorry to interrupt
tabbing in between work and this so i post when i can i know it's annoying
Oh wow I got a rejection email for a job I applied for. Usually they just never contact me. How nice of them.
Thanks /moe/.
Anyway they were just another mammal that was contained within their ecosystem, not liable to make it work for them, and would have remained that way if they hadn't by sheer luck developed in the right environment to cater to the evolutionary line that would become humans.
Now I really need to do some studying today so I can't really keep doing this.
>>439412 was it nicely worded at least i'm trying to do recruiting for my client and im doing a strict no contact thing because i dont think i could handle having to send out all the emails to tell people they didn't make it too much anxiety and too much negative correspondence they just apply and if they're good then we'll onboard them
Kirara 🚗
an example is that in south america, the "luck" that caused monkeys to leave the trees and develop into great apes, assuming that theory is correct, wasn't there i dont think the survival of humanity was luck necessarily, but there were some lucky environmental breaks that caused us to evolve along this path
>>439414 A little, I think it may have been based on a template but I sensed a little bit of a personal "made for me" touch.
>>439415 it's interesting to call it lucky environmental breaks when it likely was increasingly harsh survival that forced us to have to work together and develop language in order to hunt in groups and educate our young and stuff all the apes and monkeys have some level of language, but if they were really pressed for harsh survival they'd have to sharpen their specific signalling because they have to communicate more complex situations "hey, i'm gonna flank that antelope, don't scare it. we need to scare it towards the open plains instead of the forest so we can track it down until it's weak" isn't easily conveyed with a few chirps and grunts
i think certainly at the time, it wouldn't have been lucky, but from our perspective as homosapiens, we're lucky that those increasingly harsh conditions existed perhaps the same will be said of us after we destroy the balance of the planet
Can we say by chance instead of by luck?
>>439418 Wouldn't it be lucky to get increasingly harsh survival that's not increasing so steeply that it's not a rate that can be safely countered by education and societal development.
>>439421 i dont think that fits either where was the chance fortuitous in the overall picture i guess, lucky for the evolutionary path we'd be taking >>439422 it is lucky, yeah, but it just seems strange >>439420 i wonder how that fits in today with things being pretty awful maybe it's actually lucky
>>439423 i think to us, it's unlucky without a doubt, but it might be lucky for others later
>>439423 >lucky for the evolutionary path we'd be taking This is kind of the luck I've been talking about this whole time though. I don't mean that the species of the time were lucky, like turning up protein-rich nuts under ever leaf. But that in an excessively complex and dynamic planet, in order to get to the homo sapiens, even to get to the proto-proto-etc. species before us, it involved that species of the time being in the right environment to cater to their evolution into the species that would eventually evolve and evolve and on and on to become homo sapiens.
we're pretty lucky that so many people got cancer or else we wouldnt know how to treat and prevent cancer
Kirara 🚗
it's kind of a funny perspective
i wonder how smart dinosaurs would have gotten if they werent banned
Kirara 🚗
they got smart enough to circumvent the ban by changing out characteristics here and there
that meta was broken af anyway too many jank strats i bet they would have eventually been trending towards energy efficiency and something resembling civilization i bet some of the smaller dinos were already able to use tools
>>439430 >Ban feathered reptiles? Fine we'll just become fucking BIRDS instead!
Kirara 🚗
they did x-rays of archaeopteryx bones and found out that they were hollow, suggesting it was capable of bursts of flight like a pheasant
pocket bones
Kirara 🚗
>>439431 lizard people holy shit the jews are dinosaurs
Oy ver *vey Shut it down
>>439435 Give yourself sixty years and you'll be one too.
Seriously though Fuck auto correct it should know Oy Vey
I write down shit I think of all the time cause it helps me remember it for later and think more about
I was going to say that, but then I realized Moon's probably not talking about forgetting them.
When I'm laying down in bed I get all sorts of creative bursts. Like I can fully visualize a picture I'd like to draw or something like that. But then I get out of bed in the morning and I'm like "how do I even draw a straight line". It feels more along those lines than just forgetting it. I'unno though.
>>439443 yeah kinda the connections lending to the process aren't there anymore i'm a lot of a mental person, and i kind of have like a mental workspace a very real organizational interface just like you'd have a desk to work at and without my drawers and my rolodex and my secretary i can't do any of those things when i go home
Or a better way of putting it. I could describe the image I visualized in literal terms to someone come morning. But the capacity to visualize it is just gone.
Oh, yeah, I think I know what you're talking about now You remember the idea, but like, some of it is fuzzy somehow and you can't reason your way back to what you had
>>439445 Yeah, I can sympathize a bit I think. My mental space is pretty much always chewing on something, but there's a certain gear shift my conscious thought needs to do in order to interface with that properly. And I don't really know how to trigger it besides going and laying in bed, hah hah. Trying to translate creative thought into something concrete, liking writing or drawing, when I'm not in that gear shift is like trying to pull tapioca balls out of opaque molasses.
i actually really like doing the work that i do with transcription even though i dont like the task itself, the process of doing it keeps my lexical reasoning occupied for six or eight or fifteen hours straight and that region of the brain is such a powerful parsing center that we naturally want to sort our higher thoughts through there but i can't because its occupied, so my higher-level thoughts just sift around a long time and find other ways to get parsed it's a very similar feeling to working on a difficult puzzle or a really hefty math problem you make little advancements or just sit and ponder about it for a while, and when you make any moves forward it feels really rewarding
but i can't really retrieve them in a resting state because it's not stored lexically, which is kind of what we use when we're being normal people and my ability to use words to convey my thoughts hasn't been as on point over the last years either psychologically that would be considered a sign of cognitive decline, but i dont think that's the case it's just that i'm using a more mathy subroutine as my thought engine
i guess this isn't novel or interesting, it's the same for artists and stuff too who get too pent up and want to express all that stuff through painting >>439448 >pull tapioca balls out of opaque molasses hang up i got a thing you'd like i gotta remember the name of it though some french poet i know youre studying though
>>439448 I was really hoping you were going to say "out of a tapioca scrotum".
found it from Tresure // The Treasure of the Humble by Maurice Maeterlinck
>“As soon as we put something into words, we devalue it in a strange way. We think we have plunged into the depths of the abyss, and when we return to the surface the drop of water on our pale fingertips no longer resembles the sea from which it comes. We delude ourselves that we have discovered a wonderful treasure trove, and when we return to the light of day we find that we have brought back only false stones and shards of glass; and yet the treasure goes on glimmering in the dark, unaltered.”
i always liked this piece
That's good
Moon have you ever read "What words ought to exist?"?
i dont think so it sounds like something i would have but i dont recall doing so that's a common trend for me though
Here http://tom7.org/papers/sigbovik2011tom7whatwords.pdf I may have recommended it before, but i know you're often busy. It's very good. It's silly though
have you read shannon's original papers on linguistic entropy i think they were published through bell labs it's on their website with tons of other neat shit
>>439452 I might've heard this before; it's faintly memorable to me at least. I do like it though.
>>439457 If I had it was a while ago. God knows I've downloaded over a 100 papers off of their site. Also in this paper the author developed a statistical model for what words that ought to exist but don't, this is a fraction of that data set.
>>439460 ...top critics praising your movie exclusively for its plethora of references to other, good franchises is probably the saddest thing imaginable
Kirara 🚗
my impression is that the content of the setting is memes
>>439464 Kind of yeah, but the content of the real world is also memes. >>439463 Aside from comedy shit like robot chicken, previously no major work of film or television has been able to reference this wide a selection of pieces of poo culture. Thats what sets
Kirara 🚗
memes... the dna of the soul
legit kratom is having a st pat day's sale 250g for 23 dollar
>>439465 Seemingly, there was good reason for this social taboo of referencing every piece of media you can get the rights to
Kirara 🚗
actually it was probably because the rights to characters were owned by a diverse group of people until recently when many of them were consumed into a few different companies
>>439465 robot chicken is fuckin awful my ex brother in law watched that so much and would get me like dvds of it for christmas i'm like, fuck dude, i cant even tolerate this shit it's so annoying and unfunny and it was like every fucking time i had to visit with him god i'm glad he's gone from the family
>>439470 Monopolizing of media properties has shown itself to have far worse consequences than we thought possible
Anyways it's like kingdom hearts but for rockin 80's nerd shit instead of disney crap
>>439472 I couldn't really find it funny even as a kid. Jan, Kirara, and I saw some of it at one of the hotels we crashed at last year and it was just as bad as I remember it being.
Kirara 🚗
>>439474 the book, yeah, but the movie is all 2010s memes with a few exceptions
>>439475 that mickey mouse shit where they were super fucked up was way better
>>439481 Yeah that was one of those situations where super young kids watching wouldn't get it but all the older people would understand how coked up they are. Though no young kids actually watch Cartoon Network anymore so they were probably just aiming to get kicks out of the adult viewers.
>>439481 did you ever see that original, actual mickey mouse cartoon where he's at a factory and making swiss cheese by taking a block of cheese and putting his dick in it to make holes
what's air pirates >>439489 it might not be but i wouldnt be surprised walt was kinda fucked up
>>439491 Group of anti disney cartoonists who parodied a bbunch of disney stuff and got sued There was a book about it called The Mouse Versus the Air Pirates
>>439493 why a mouse anyway mickey mouse is not cute or lovable shouldnt the figurehead of animation have been something more reasonable kids dont love mickey they cry at disneyland because he's terrifying
Cause Disney lost the rights to Oswald the Rabbit and was so butthurt about it that to this very day his corporation is making it so that shit can't go into public domain.
Oh wait the book was called Get this book in print▼
My library My History Books on Google Play
The Pirates and the Mouse: Disney's War Against the Counterculture Front Cover
Here's a blurb about it on the comic book legal defense fund website http://cbldf.org/2013/05/disneys-bloody-attack-on-the-air-pirates/
>>439497 >Disney's War Against the Counterculture I believe it
Well, the air pirates challenged them. >The first cover, by London, showed Mickey Mouse piloting an open-cockpitted, propeller-powered plane with two sacks labeled “Dope” tied to its fuselage. The second, by Hallgren, had Mickey and Minnie on horseback, hands raised, confronted by a bat-winged, green-cloaked figure with a revolver in his right hand and the “Dope” sacks in his left. The contents were generic underground comix: sex, drugs, and revolutionary politics. (The least of these was politics. In fact, No. 1′s back cover instructed, “And always remember, kids, politics is pigshit.”)
The Air Pirates had gone after Disney partly because of its reputation for striking back. But Disney had not obliged. So O’Neill gave copies to a friend, “the gay son of the chairman of Disney’s board of directors.” He smuggled the comics into a board meeting and laid them out around the table like notepads. “We called them out,” O’Neill says. “I mean, why have a fight if no one comes?”
>>439500 >And always remember, kids, politics is pigshit This is good
And the great part it's not a top down movement Nobody's ordered from up high to bounce
every day was a walkout day for me or walk in i guess i just would stay home then go whenever i felt like it usually after lunch because lunchtime at school is mandatory and extremely cliquey and i didn't have any cliques so it was really embarrassing to have to have nowhere to sit and noone to eat with for 45 minutes you weren't allowed to leave the commons either or you'd get a citation fuckin school sucks
School was all right for me. Kids were allowed to leave the grounds during lunch and move about how they wanted during it. Though I don't know how it would have been still if I didn't have friends to eat with. I probably would have just gone walking and eating or something, I'unno.
the kids at mine were really mean so i didn't have any friends and the teachers are really mean too if you're an outsider because they think you're on drugs or a troublemaker it's so much bullshit i did make a few friends but after finding out how poor i was they didnt wanna hang out not judgmental on their part but just didn't have attitudes that meshed i didnt have their social graces and couldnt do all the middle class activities they wanted to do
>>439521 Could you give me a quick summary of why rifles like the AR aren't ideal for home defense again. The topic's come up somewhere else.
Kirara 🚗
>>439522 the AR is rather long which makes it less than ideal for maneuvering in restricted space, especially by untrained people, like you'd find in a home environment. Moreover, it's rifle, so it's harder to quickly aim or shoot from the hip in close quarters Shotguns are long but because of the nature of shotgun shells, they're better suited for home defense than a rifle Generally, at least A handgun is the ideal weapon for home defense
Really I feel like a shotgun is WAY better for home defense than any rifle could ever be You're not facing off against military personell, you're facing A Dude in a t-shirt and hoodie
You don't need to hit more than once or even fire rapidly, you just need Something to connect with the dude and he's going the fuck down
I don't think a lot of home defense situations end with more than one shot fired He's unlikely to have a gun, and most likely he has that in case YOU don't, so he'll bounce Well, so it seems to me anyway
I mean yeah, if you're worried about an armed gang, you might want something better But if they're in superior numbers, fighting back might just get you clipped by one, maybe taking one down with you It seems like you'd be better off just accepting it at that point, or calling the cops even if I'm not super into that idea
Kirara 🚗
handgun is better than shotgun due to maneuverability and the greater number of shots you can fire
shotgun is generally going to be better if you're assaulting a location but not for defending, unless you have a crew defending the location
>>439530 I'm unsure of the possibility due to prices, but maybe a shotgun just for the scare factor could be good, but have a handgun as well
Shotguns are INSANELY scary
Kirara 🚗
shotguns are good for scare factor in raids but not defense if you're outside a door and threatening to breach, and make sure they hear your shotgun, it tends to help them decide to give up if im in my house and someone else is breaking in, they have to be close enough to me that im in danger to hear it and they have to be not be making too much noise tto hear iit
>>439529 you're kind of polarizing it there it's either one dude or it's a whole armed gang it's not really like that crews usually run two or three people and they're all carrying just because you have to if you're going to whip out the gun for self defense, they're going to do the same because they're afraid they could die they'd rather not do this usually, but put yourself in their position you're gonna go into a home that may be armed and you may get shot even though they're committing a crime, they're being put into a self-defense position as well and don't want to die
i haven't had a group of guys break into the house, but i have had them stalking around and looking for points of entry, so i fired three rounds off from my AR and they chose to back off
there's more to home defense than shooting an intruder there's a lot of signalling that happens to show them that you're not going to be overpowered and that you are actively defending your home that's usually all it takes, but if you pull out a gun and start shooting and youve got three guys reaching for theirs you really can't afford to only have one shot and imo pistols aren't going to do shit in terms of eliminating the threat before they can act
>>439523 i dont really think a handgun is as well suited as an AR ARs can be quickaimed and can be a blunt weapon, you have some options handguns are so easily disarmed in close conflict or in a panic if it's a 45 then you won't need to worry about lacking power i guess but i just dont see handguns as being as defensive a tactical shotgun is probably best yeah there's perks to each but i wouldn't say ARs aren't feasible or are disadvantaged
The big strat is to keep most of your house vented and refilling rooms with air before going into them, then venting when you leave
>>439543 I thin that one ship with 1 human + those engineer type aliens was most amusing with the human captaining it
But yeah, more than one shot seems very useful Handguns seem fairly ideal
Kirara 🚗
>>439545 i wouldn't say they're not feasible idk, I've never used an AR-15, just fully auto FBI M16s so my experience might not be completely comparable to an AR 15 I felt the weight of the rifle was a disadvantage It's one of /// I guess it was technically an M4 but i thought the old MP5 10mms the FBI had were way more maneuverable and like half the weight
I'm probably biased against shotguns in general because my body type isn't really ideal for comfortably using one as effectively as I'd feel comfortable with
i'll take you for some AR shooting sometime we can practice quickaim and all the other methods it's pretty fun
Shotguns are better for home defense in the sense that they can cause less collateral damage ie missing your target and then the bullet going through a wall and then hitting someone in thejr house next door And also depending on whether or not you're absolutely trying to kill anyone who breaks in you can just do rocksalt which won't penetrate as deep but will disable them Has the added bonus of not accidentally killing your family members if you shoot them thinking that they're an intruder (very common occurrence)
Ah wait, not ssure if rocksalts actually less lethal oone sec
Kirara 🚗
they are lethal less often but not less lethal
Kirara 🚗
but honestly >not having traps set up around your home
You could do a beanbag round, those are also lethal less often
i would like to add though that there's really nothing wrong with just a bat or a tire iron or something you are probably less likely to be a statistic if you approach the situation non-lethally it depends on the type of home invader you have, and it's hard to tell but if it's in the city or suburbs and they're on crack or something, you can spook them off pretty easily if you're out in the country and two trucks pull up and block your driveway and make their presence known, they're probably on meth and you need to be ready to seriously take them on especially out in the country is where you gotta worry about people doing real crazy shit they dont have to be sneaky at all police are an hour away, there's a lake two miles away to dump your body, and no neighbors are gonna hear anything and nobody will even know you're gone
Statistically most home invaders are not carrying a gun or a knife, also people really do shoot their relatives a lot I think that happens more often than shooting an armed intruder, lemme check
>>439566 Hmm considering honey and garlic having such properties and actually being anti-bacterial etc I guess the belief walked hand in hand with their actual effects
Kirara 🚗
it's interesting how many cultures developed similar beliefs but centered around a different object
>>439554 i have road spikes so if you come up the intuitive route you get fucked up i can't get packages delivered though
so something I have ignored before, but they say they had these office space for six months, meaningi it is also brand new and yet there is this kind of plant life installed yeah...
Could be fake trees.
implied to be real seem real too I mean you COULD install them whole liek that, but in general no a tree that big wouldn't survive the uprooting
They have technology that can let them tear apart DNA to get at memories and you're asking botany questions.
I know botany
Kirara 🚗
maybe it's older office space
>>439584 In the context of the world you live in and its technological state, yes.
Kirara 🚗
they're using items of eden to make trees grow
Seems pretty Templar-poi.
>>439586 yes but considering it is just our world few years itno the future with some specific advances in tech I presume plants work quite the same
Kirara 🚗
plundering history for ancient magical artifacts to improve office aesthetics
>>439589 Alternative history; the technology for the Animus has existed in their world since the late-1900s.
Nonetheless trees still are trees and the moss growth etc on it is way too early for it to have been there just 6 months, ignoring the obvious logistical issues of transporting and planting that size trees indoors
Kirara 🚗
they can move trees that size too it's done regularly
>ask fish to start preparing the stew for dinner while i'm on my way home >ask her to coat the beef with some flour and seasonings >get home >these look really weird, can you show me what you did >she used pancake mix instead of flour because they're in similar and unmarked containers
Yeah but I want to know who it is. I hope it will be a legendary version of Corrin since she's water aligned. She could be the water legendary. well a water legendary
>>439620 He's not a dragon, he's just some dork with a chainsaw.
>>439627 They introduce new types of stuff all the time without them being legendary. In fact, they haven't introduced anything new like that as a legendary.
If you feel like there's a high chance of it being legendary, it's based entirely on your hope that it will be.
Stats are pretty important. Even if a unit is cute, you can't use it if it's uesless. Faye is a great example, I'd love to use Faye but she just idn't good.
has anyone been able to get the robin infernal all-cavalry challenge the only red cav i have is cain and i'm not sure he would help anyway all my cav are kinda shit i want that robin so bad though i dont have xander or camus or even frederick all my horses are cavalry or roderick who's pf garbage
I haven't yet, but Xander is in the circulation so you can get Xander now.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I could send Eldigan in and he'd fucking die
the three-color setup makes it so tough unless you've got a decked out camus or something and there are no horse dancers to pull them to safety elise might work but i dont have her??
>>439660 Yeah, if you put summoner support on a character like Nino you're wasting it. All she cares about is attack and speed, and she actually cares less about attack than most characters because you're using her with a blade tome.
>>439658 I don't know of a unit that won't. Every point matters even if some matter more than others.
>>439660 reinhardt if you boost his HP any then it ruins his one ardent sacrifice setup if you boost his speed, def, or res it's pretty pointless if you boost his attack it won't change whether or not he one hits the target tbh one rounds* rather
Lukas is another example of a unit that summoner support is kinda wasted on. Lukas has good attack and defense, but his speed and res are pretty much lost causes.
So you can give him higher attack and speed, no attack and defense, which is already high, and it will make very little difference in potential matchups and even if you boost his speed and res a little bit, it's not going to push him over any threshold, he will still be doubled by most units and mages will still blow him up.
Kirara 🚗
it may not make him alot better but it does make him better
i survive way too many GHB missions by 1-2 hp to believe that little pushes in Res don't mean much. Like... the difference between winning a GHB has been who do I put Spur Def and Drive Def on and in which spots will they sit.
>>439669 A little better, but it doesn't push him over any significant thresholds in terms of matchups won, and it doesn't really do anything to fix his problems. Summoner support is best on a unit that you can significantly improve with stat padding in some areas.
I can't wait to +9 Florina Actually, no, I can. I want this Eirika refinement next But then, I can +9 Florina >>439678 I don't have loyalties to any one hero. Especially not Matthew. I put it on him because he was in need.
>>439670 yeah if you wanna minmax then ideally you'd put summoner support on one of the units for whatever team you prop up for a challenge and just re-grind the support level every time you move to a new challenge what's the fun in that though you gotta prove your loyalty to your one true hero
>>439679 It sounds like you wouldn't have supported Corrin if she wasn't really good, though. I'd have supported Alm even if he was the worst unit in the game.
>>439680 While my Corrin is really good, Corrin isn't considered a good unit and is mostly thought of as a discount Nowi. I worked hard to make my Corrin good, she's unique.
Kirara 🚗
>>439681 corrin is considered as being in the second tier of best units for arena so to say she's not considered a good unit is demonstrably false
Dragons became considerably better once refinements came out. I don't think anyone really liked Fae that much until Light Breath became a master class team buff.
Kirara 🚗
>>439684 yeah, you took a really high tier unit, used it, and then it happened to get better i bet you wouldn't have done that with corrin if she weren't "workable"
I mean I hear you, but I can't really argue with you because I've never tracked the arena tier list very closely. I'm not even sure which one you're referring to. When I built my Corrin, it was my understanding that she was seen as a unit wholly inferior to Nowi as a tank.
>>439692 No way, I understand what you're saying. That stuff doesn't matter though. What matters is my mental state. Even if she was high on some list, I didn't look at that list when I chose Corrin!
I never denied that. That's not relevant to my argument. This is why I feel like you don't understand what I'm saying. And I'm not sure what about my argument is confusing to you because you picked out the post that probably best summarizes my argument.
Well, you say in that post pretty clearly that I wouldn't have supported Corrin if she wasn't really good. My argument is that she wasn't good in my mind because I only loosely follow the meta. Furthermore, I built her in a creative way that wasn't even meta at the time and people weren't using her in that way. So what the meta nerds thought at the time is double irrelevant.
I said that, but I also added something else to my argument. "I'd have supported Alm even if he was the worst unit in the game." That statement carries implications that are important to my argument and I think those implications are rather clear.
>>439721 It would be disappointing if she fell on her face every time I sent her out on the field.
Please take care to note that I bypassed this issue though, by making her strong. She was weak when I started with her and I made her strong. That's because I'm the strongest and I mold champions.
Well I began my carreer early when I was doing some kind of curry that had "add yoghurt" and all I had was a very flavoured berry yoghurt instead of the non-flavoured raw yoghurt you'd usually use
I like to light a candle and lie down in the bathtub and turn the shower on and let it fill up the tub but with really hot water so it makes me sweat a lot i find it very purifying and i don't think much during it it'd be expensive to do it fequently though
J That sounds fun, but I don't know the specifics of your heart condition, isn't that potentially risky?
It's alright as long as I'm careful. If I finish and jump out into the cold air outside my bathroom, it can fuck me up. I usually turn the shower off and open the door with the tub full and then sit in there for a few minutes when I'm done to allow the temperatures to get a little closer together.
>>>/@cmclymer/973792935484575749?s=19 its weird that people do stuff like this every time someone famous dies "all the famous people i liked that weren't related at all are having a party in heaven. stephen hawking was a known partier he'd want to party too"
>>439825 for what purpose what is the flour adding in value >>439827 have you considered that maybe everyone you know is a dumb as h*ck motherfucker
Kirara 🚗
i'm not a chef so i don't know but i know everyone i know does it and that a lot of recipes use it
>>439818 just make pancakes instead you've got the flour right there
Kirara 🚗
they are dumb, but the stew is good and that's all that matters to me if it works it works
is it a thick stew like gravy-ish that's what i think of with flour which might not be bad but breading a meat and then having a thin stew doesn't equate in my mind
Kirara 🚗
the flour is used to coat the beef and yeah it's a thickish stew i'd say
yeah i could see it working with a thick stew
I never do Well, not recently
Kirara 🚗
all i do is follow recipes generally i mean i can replace ingredients and stuff sometimes but that's the extent of my cooking ability
i would love to be a live-in chef and just cook people's meals and maybe nannying too bad that died out in the 70s hopefully i win the hecking lottery so i can do that full time for free
I should probably make my dinner soon.
>>439830 You're on the right track. The flour is used as a thickening agent for the stew. When my mother makes stew she coats the beef in a light layer of flour before she puts it into a pot to brown it and add salt and pepper. Then she puts it into the actual stewing pot with the stock and other ingredients, and the flour works to get the stew nice and thick. It's a pretty tasty way of making it.
We had leftover stew but it all got eaten while I was out for class. I'm upset I missed it now.
>>439838 i know right i am basically doing that right now as a caretaker i would rather do it for free for people who appreciate it, and moreover have a personal budget on top of it and also not be paying for rent and board and also not be having to work a second job
>>439838 Well yeah They didn't need to kill them, they could've just fired them instead.