Thread #438988
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amo,e anime too
Koi wa Ameagari Black Clover Cardcaptor --Episodes 9-10 Dagashi Kashi Dame x Prince --Episodes 6-9 Grancrest Senki --Episodes 8-10 HakuMiko --Episodes 8-9 Overlord Sora Yori Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-10
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oh look how fast ika appeared and the list is up too! okay black clover overlord koi wa ameagari sora yori sound good?
Good enough.
good shows tonight!!!!!!!
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black clover is usually good although the last episode was very bad i'm sure they will improve black clover okay lets start!
I have not found an episode of it to be good yet. Mediocre
tilde HATES BLACK (clover)
black clover is like a 7 max its not bad but not great either its ok
I'd give it a mediocre at best.
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It has a good OP and ED and good characters and most of the episodes are good but last episode was really bad, you can't really make any excuses for it
The entire show has been uninspired shounen tropes with the only claim to originality being the specific arrangement of them this time around. FIghts aren't really impressive, it's just a back-and-forth beatdown until Asta inevitably out staminas the opponent or I can't remember his rival's name anymore, he comes along and does super magic powers and saves the day. least it has great openings!!!
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ika is spicy tonight.
Oh that meme.
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>>439065 impressive angle
The fire people seem like less horrible people than most of the other knight groups at least.
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So far they've been pretty nice. I guess their attribute is probably that they value strength.
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looks like its not over yet
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overlord 2 okay lets start
Obaa Road .
i hope that girl who ratted sebas gets punished
Tuare must be really broken inside to not be freaking out over a lich sitting in the parlour room.
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Sometimes Ains does really hardcore stuff. he's a softie on the inside and surely doesn't intend for her to die. But what if Sebas did it?
Crawfish knight was the back-up.
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I guess he had a plan after all.
The incantation and motions for that teleportation spell were kind of flashy. Didn't quite fit Ainz in his skeleton body.
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I wonder what they'll do with this girl.
There's always space for more maids.
Well that's an age-gap. He's also probably not human either.
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Yeah, he's probably some sort of immortal or undead or something.
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Getting interrogated by a super lich is probably intimidating.
Oh maybe there's a little more than yandere to the Princess' dark side.
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yanderes are usually very capable.
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oh now she's gone back to yandere.
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varying degrees of want
I wonder if this is part of Solution's plan to get rid of Tuare or if its the evil people moving independantly.
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I had a feeling something like this would happen. Ains extended his protection to her though. So I imagine he'll do something about this.
i wonder what the ending was about
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And that is what will put his forces in the middle of this plot involving the princess, probably.
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okay koi wa ameagari okay let's start
Ame ame ame ame
Wow her friend picked up fast.
she has the power to see the side of her face from behind thats pretty amazing
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another yandere
Oh I read a chapter with this guy in it. It was really hard to tell from the manga whether it was a guy or a girl. The voice helps.
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I guess he does look kinda girl.
The chapter I saw had him in one of those fuzzy turtleneck sweaters too, so it was even more gender-neutral. The artstyle in the manga is close enough to this but it didn't do and -any favours in making his gender distinguishable either.
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So he secretly writes novels, but does he get published?
I wouldn't be surprised if he never gets them to a publisher in the first place.
Sudden Russian.
I guess they are both some degree of literary snob so it makes sense.
Suupaa Muun
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Good episode.
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sora yori okay let's start
The sun's rays are super-intense on a proper total snowfall. When everything is white and really reflective, it's really easy to get sunburnt, even in the middle of winter.
Man she gets MAD.
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Looks like she's having a tough time this episode.
Oh hey some Antarctica Mahjong.
Wow you can't just go reading people's mail like that.
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Don't worry, it will lead to everything being okay!
There's a lot of kind of mentally unstable people that get to go to Antarctica.
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Only crazy people would go to such a cold place.
I'd totally go for a while. And I'm perfectly normal.
shes totally gonna tell them off
Momma Bear Shirase
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This is like the most embarrassing thing that could happen for her.
im happy the way it went
Shirase using her social awkwardness powers for good.
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thanks for anime! off to sleep and then work
Thanks for amine.