Thread #437505
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Fate/EXTRA Koi wa Ameagari Cardcaptor --Episodes 9-10 Dagashi Kashi Dame x Prince --Episodes 6-9 FranXX Grancrest Senki --Episodes 8-10 HakuMiko --Episodes 8-9 Kokkoku Mahoutsukai no Yome Mitsuboshi Colours Takunomi Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-10
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Do we have Jan or Bang?
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hmm okay well kokkoku fate franXX mitsuboshi takunomi
Jan was just posting in the main thread I would imagine he must be around. Bang I can ping at least to let him know when we're watching FranXX.
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oh nanatsu is new too. Gotta watch that tonight. kokkoku fate franXX mitsuboshi takunomi the reason I'm doing kokkoku instead of cutting fate is to give jan time to get her e for nanatsu not because i think kokkoku is better than fate
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Though I guess we could just do fate first. I don't think Jan watches that. Let's just do that so Fate oh im dumb fate nanatsu franXX mitsuboshi takunomi okay lets start
Okey dokes. Though your second list is just your first one copy-pasted pretty much!
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She kind of sounds a bit of Illya.
This is really reminiscent of the witch realms from Madoka.
What the fuck is this carousel.
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>>437524 This whole episode has been classic SHAFT. A lot of techniques used in Madoka are being employed here.
Yeah. It's nice to see them again.
This was the girl that was Shinji's girlfriend in the school place before this whole crazy affair started.
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Seems like she's become emo.
Naasari Raimu
At the illustration in the ED that normally shows the arc's enemy Master and Servant, it just has Nursery Rhyme holding hands with another Nursery Rhyme. I wonder if she's a Caster contracted to herself or something.
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We see at the beginning of this episode where the alice girl is saying he needs to come back. Maybe osmething weird is happening tihs time around.
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nanatsu okay let's start!
Meliodas is gonna get the spirit orb
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he looks kind of disgusted did somebody steal his plushies there or something
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>>437541 He's realized that going off on his own means he gets less screen time.
She's got to gain the power to HEAL.
>Don't do that in public I guess they get all up to it in private.
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Wow, he used to have a pet bird instead of a pig. He's really traded down in his old age.
The pig's even named Hawk. Guess he never let it go.
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So he's got to rewind the memory of his waifu getting killed over and over again. Yeah that's pretty hellish.
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he has to relive his girlfriend dying over and over until he doesn't lose himself in wrath and destroy that city
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Seems like kind of an annoying trial. I bet he finds a way around erasing his emotions though. I guess everyone else is getting a powerup too.
Well everyone else needs a powerup.
king probably doesn't need a powerup
Hendy is such a silly nickname.
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rip gil
>literally shaking with anger >"send me in to the trial to control my anger again"
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She can just give him his powers back, she's the one making him do the trial. Yeah he might die doing the trial but he'll definitely die if he fights those demons without his power.
>>437558 yeah but many more people might die if he has his power and loses control again then again many more people will die if he doesn't stop the ten commandments
He a danger to everyone around him too though, if he has the powers without control over them.
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>>437559 >>437560 The first time he blew up a country but saved the world. The math worked out more or less. Looks like he found control though.
The math worked out because everyone else was already dead when he blew.
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She looks way different with her hair down.
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he has the same mouth and teeth that ban has
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Looks like we get ban backstory soon.
Everyone's getting backstory. Meliodas' bit was really nice though.
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this was a good episode
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okay now we need to find bang.
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this part got me pretty good>>437576 he said he might be a few minutes so i'll be right back
The way he expressed that he can't just throw away his love for her was really heartwarming. It's hard to not find that sort of thing endearing.
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:24 No. 437586
okay now you have found bang but bang needs to grab a BIG glass of water
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franXX okay thats everyone let's start
Just get three medium glasses instead.
fran s
just according to keikaku >>437579 yeah i teared up a little five mins later bang still pouring his water must be a big ass water>>437592 you fool you always take the first drink while you're still in the kitchen
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:29 No. 437592
BIG glass of water ah fuck i drank a third of it in one go i guess i better get another one! just kidding
Damn Goro you've got it hard.
writing poetry in his mind
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:30 No. 437595
zero two is cute kokoro is also cute ichigo is cute too
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>dude whats a book
>>437595 What about Miku.
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:31 No. 437598
well, what about her
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goro best boy
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:32 No. 437600
ya def
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How many episodes is this? I'm starting to feel that with this pacing, it needs 24.
I'm seeing it's two-cour, so should be twenty-four.
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That's good. two cour is what this needs.
Oh no. Poor Goro is just a bit too slow.
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:34 No. 437606
oh no my heart
oh fuck
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He still has it though. He's set up the flag for the path where she loses the one she has and he replaces it.
Wow Goro is really spilling the beans here.
>I know everything. Goro the sage
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:35 No. 437611
Goro is a good guy and now he's gonna fuckin die
D'aw and now he's really shy about it.
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:36 No. 437613
that raindrop tear on the window
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:36 No. 437614
Hot damn.
it's a fucking brain
With tentacles.
rip goro
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:38 No. 437619
wow holy shit is he actually gonna fuckin die
Man this mecha-dinosaur is weird as hell.
fucking rip holy shit
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:38 No. 437622
that major death flag and then instant death
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:39 No. 437623
He's been eaten.
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:40 No. 437625
It's funny how the write at this point knows that Ichigo/Goro is more important to the audience than Miku/Whoever and so put them in danger first, with Goro making the sacrifice
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:41 No. 437626
i could have worded that less confusing but i don't want to look away
Hah hah hah Zorome.
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>>437625 Well, the first two are both brats.
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he peaced out don't want to get hit by the fallout
>>437629 A wiser man than some.
In before Ichigo is riding in Strelizia with Hiro and Zero-Two and they have to fling her towards her robot after they free Goro.
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It will probably end with Hiro and 02 being too strong, yeah.
Oh man this is even crazier than what I expected. She's swimming through the robo-dinosaur herself.
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okay I was not expecting her just to go in. That seems dangerous and what was the point of ejecting her in the first place?
Well it looks like Goro had total control over the ejection process and didn't really ask if she wanted to.
>>437634 he panicked and wanted to save his waifu
Oh there it goes. Good thing Goro brought a spare.
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There it is. I saw that flag!
Like a fucking angel from heaven.
i like this pairing more goro is so cool
He's definitely gotten some really good character development. Before he was just kind of that tall guy who was friends with Hiro. But he's become a really good, full character.
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>>437640 This is the official pairing now that she lost her hairpin.
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:49 No. 437643
wow this hit me pretty hard jesus that was powerful
IchiGoro even got the kill on the mecha-dino this episode. A total win for them.
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/12 (月) 05:52 No. 437649
super cute SUPER CUTE aoty
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The style of these EDs has been so good too.
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ichigoro is going places finally
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mitsuboshi colors okay lets start
episode 10 right?
That's right.
whoa what is that white stuff falling down
Snow, probably.
Guess it's finally winter proper in Tokyo.
>>437660 what's a snow
Misery and suffering.
>Finds a snowman >Just bowls into it and totally destroys it These girls are BRATS.
looks tasty though
i want to tackle a snowman too
That guy that walked past had a look of considerable consternation on his face. Oh and there's the unko.
Saito is clever.
Weekly reminder that Kotoha is BAD AT GAMES.
Yui's being kind of Leeda-poi right now.
this is a sneaking mission
Wow those two have some acrobatic style.
These three are so silly.
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tilde vs some asshole kid
I have more than enough experience with asshole kids.
Poor oji-chan.
>I wish it would snow every day NO YOU DON'T.
The people of this shoutengai are so nice, always putting together games for these three to go at.
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Sat-chan is really kind of ADD.
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This is a good comfy show.
Yui really didn't cover much of the context behind why Sat-chan wasn't saying anything.
What a good use of her acorn!
Wow what a way to end the episode.
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They solved the mystery pretty well if you set aside the fact that it wasn't a mystery.
I figure it was a mystery. Just not a crime!
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that was a strange art shift
sometimes this show goes ULTRA HD MODO especially when it's a pan over still image s
>>437695 The studio isn't particularly huge and is animating two shows this season. It gets pretty QUALITY at times because of that probably. We'd get the nice art style like in >>437694 if things didn't need corners cut.
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takunomi ep 9 olaaaa also ikaaa okay let's start!
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>>437696 >It gets pretty QUALItY the finer points of poisoning yourself >>437699 if we're going for flair let's just drink a bunch of kerosene and eat a lit match >>437697 oleeeee
Biiru>>437698 If you're going to poison yourself, you might as well do it with flair and style.
Well she gave that up fast.
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time for dagashi
I think this show and Dagashi Kashi air in the same timeslot though, so it's kind of a neat reference.
so that's where she went she got lost
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This is very refreshing since the dagashi was taken out of dagashi.
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Maybe Japanese sweets work better with booze, I have never been able to mix alcohol and sweets.
Japanese sweets aren't really sweets like you might imagine from the word. Sure, a fraction of them might be sweet, but they also cover salty, savoury, and sour, and rely more on the more traditional Japanese concept of desert flavour, which tends to lean much less on sugar than western deserts and snacks do. All in all you're getting less sweet and more of other snacky flavours.
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keiki door
Poor women.
I like cheese crackers.
Too flat!
i want some sour candy now
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thanks for anime! time for sleep and then monday!
Yup, thanks.
thank you