Thread #436156
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Just need an ika.
Fate/Extra Koi wa Ameagari --Episodes 8-9 Beatless Cardcaptor Dame x Prince --Episodes 6-9 Grancrest Senki --Episodes 8-10 Hakata Ramens HakuMiko --Episodes 8-9 Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-10
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Well I let Ika know that we were here. I guess he's running a few minutes late.
He's been Osoika as of late.
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Yeah, I wonder if there isn't something going on with him tonight.
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I was expecting him to have showed by now.
Maybe he just doesn't like anime anymore!
hi i am alive
why didnt you start dumbos
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen(…).jpg )
There he is okay>>436197 we don't really have anything to start with. We have one remaining episode of cardcaptors, and I don't really want to leave Jan behind on it. hakata ramens beatless fate/extra koi wa ameagari
>>436197 We've got like a single episode of stuff we don't need you for by now.
I am still working for an hour or two. Enjoy your anime.
ok>>436201 shall we save ramens for you
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yeah We'll shuffle things to save ramen for jan. what episode of fate are we on?
Episode five.
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okay fate 5 okay lets start
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It's the POISON MAN He's come to save the day.
There has been a lack of AVE ROMA this epsiode so far.
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Yeah I guess this is the backstory episode.
Nero is such a good girl.
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 2018/03/10 (土) 06:27 No. 436213
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hi bang! you gonna anime tonight?
Come to think of it, there's a strange bit of irony involved in Robin Hood being a Servant for an actual knight.
Well that went bad fast.
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Shirou would run out there.
Well it seems this guy is a little Shirou-poi.
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When did protagonist-kun get demon lightning powers?
Aw he's not getting another girl for his elevator harem.
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After he went to the trouble of saving her, too. beatless okay let's start!
Rin has been pretty fun for how irrelevant she's been.
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This robot is nothing but trouble!
this show is very boring the heroine's design is my favourite thing about it
This is a kind of weird philisophical tangent they've fallen down.
Yeah but where does the line between object and human get drawn.
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>>436230 I liked the slice of life world building episodes. Now that the """"action"""" has started and it's just everyone plotting, it's become boring.
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I'm sure it's a little different since it's an English word in Japanese, but Marriage is a dumb name for a robot.
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Okay, we were looking out for Jan for Hakata Ramens. I think he said he was working for another hour, about an hour ago?
Another hour or two he said. So he probably won't be back within half an hour or so.
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hmm okay let's jump ahead to koi wa ameagari and see if he shows after that koi wa ameagari okay let's start
Episode eight.
shes cute too good for that orange
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Why is this girl freaking out so much?
Because she's crushing on the guy that likes Akira.
I hate the feeling of summer slipping away.
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>>436250 It's a bad feeling. But this time of year is a nice time of year because I can feel spring right around the corner.
I don't look forward to spring really. It's maybe even worse than winter, even if it's not so cold anymore. Winter is cold, but spring is messy.
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Oh, he's divorced with a son. I guess it's not surprising given his age but this is the first we've heard of it.
>>436254 First point, you sure you're watching episode eight? Second, assuming you're talking about her manager, we've SEEN his kid several times already. The MC even hid in the manager's cloest at home because she took the kid there to deal with a hamster. On top of the kid even showing up in the first episode.
I've arrived home need a few minutes to get situated
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>>436255 We were two episodes behind? Episode 9 is the latest episode.
we're on ep 8 why is he looking at her zit
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oh well shoot I'll switch over.
>>436258 They kind of stick out on most people's faces.
>"You're already a thief, 'cause you've stolen my heart"
Oh she goofed again.
>>436256 Five minutes from this point and we'll have Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens.
>Bemoans being an old man who can't get pimples anymore >Gets a pimple the following day
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ijay okay we just need jan for some ramens
moshi moshi gei desu
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hakata ramens okay lets start!
La Men
They're becoming a married couple pretty fast.
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Why did he get weird after asking for toilet paper?
he doesn't want to show off that he thinks about stuff
Probably because he's lived a life of either being an abused vagabond or someone who's had no one to rely on but himself. It's the kind of life that builds a mindset that starts to send off alarm bells when you're doing something as relaxed and easygoing as telling your spouse that the house is out of toilet paper.
The shitty ninja is still a shitty ninja at least.
That's a little clever.
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PTSD during baseball.
If this red-haired guy isn't dead before the backstory is over he'll probably be Lin's antagonist or something.
so this is why lin is so fucking gay
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>>436283 Maybe part of it.
>that's why i'm going to survive yeah rip fei-lan was nice knowing you
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Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince A(…).jpg )
4 years is a long time to be in killing school.
>>436287 murder is an advanced degree
They're also being trained to be pretty hardy too. It's more about being a super soldier than just a killer it seems. Oh yeah this is what I was expecting.
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He's growing his hair out already.
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Wow that episode went by fast. I guess that means it was a good episode.
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this show is really good >>436294 it didn't feel really rushed though but it also feels like it only just started
He's not dead yeeeet. Raibaru arc, go!>>436295 It's a bit campy at times but it's a lot of fun. Just a bunch of crazy killers killing people.
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>>436297 hey to be fair one of them is just a crazy killer killing killers
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well thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks. We should watch five or six shows tomorrow if Ika isn't super late as usual.
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hakata Tonkotsu(…).jpg )
thanks for saving this one for me!