i spitefully left my takumi at level one because i intend to use it for close counter fodder kirara will probably have a better idea i havent played for a while either. is there a new takumi or something i thought i heard people talkin about a different takumi but maybe that was just a ghb or something >>430615 after his shower or yours
Kirara 🚗
lazarus loves to lie on my feet and rub against my legs after a shower
>>430617 it looks viable to me but def gotta be careful if he attacks and doesn't kill the target, he'll get fucked up quick id run it through the mass duel simulator and potentially think about changing the seal to atk +3, seeing if that makes him more likely to one shot anyone
There is the alternative of not trying to meme with savage blow
Kirara 🚗
savage blow is better suited for low attack high def/res characters imo if you want to meme with it, id recommend something other than l&d, maybe close or distant defense
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There's also the matter of I have a dedicated Savage Blow memer already And I never ever use him
i dont find it particularly useful except for arena defense or tempest trials/respawn maps
Kirara 🚗
there are some niche places it can be useful like some GHB it's really good against some armored units and some QR units it can help with vengeful fighter and stuff a healer with pain is scary with savage blow but it really doesn't have a lot of use although a healer with it is helpful on maps like moon described
wall teams with pain savage blow healers on the backline is a pretty solid strategy but i have very few use cases for it the challenges that are available in the game almost always have more straightforward solutions that's my disappointment with the game lately teambuilding is so fun but what's the point when my main team does everything fine
Seems like the windsweep one is worse in the calculator
the value of windsweep is really in having a janitor on the team to clean people up i dunno if the duel simulator takes teamplay into consideration or not or what it does at all tbh
Kirara 🚗
nah, it doesn't it compares a unit against a bunch of other units in one on one it's good to a degree
u only won bc ur team doesnt mean ur good 1v1 me mid ill fuck u up
Kirara 🚗
the new Mt. Joy album popped up on Spotify today and it's pretty good
Who needs attack when your supers do 30 plain damage
Kirara 🚗
is she -atk?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't think so I should check however she probably just has really bad attack
Kirara 🚗
moonbow might be a better option so she can fire it off more often she'll probably have higher overall damage not 100% sure though i haven't done the math
my psychiatrist is working on some research using it to treat anxiety and he was telling me a bit about it and the research on it it seems pretty promising for depression although a little less promising for anxiety
Duel sim seems to recommend Iceberg with Slaying Edge +res over Wo Dao res
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that includes the fact that my Fir is -atk +spd
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but slaying moonbow does worse it would seem
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(which makes sense because no plain damage bonuses)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>430676 i mean can i take a +5 cecilia with a res boon and merge it into a +0 one with a def boon and come out with a +6 def boon it only goes one way right
>>430685 oh neat i have some i would like to switch for a better IV now that there are new units out that make certain stat values that were B tier now C tier like my +atk olwen she's useless without +spd now if you don't quad then she fugged
Increase the damage of Meteor by 200% 600%. When your Meteor hits 3 or fewer enemies, the damage is increased by 275–350% 675-900% but I do wonder does it apply to tal rasha meteorites
my vision is really funny things look really fuzzy and textured not fuzzy like blurry vision fuzzy like texture and marbling effects like there's stuff everywhere
Oh, is it hail? How much has it impacted the area? Are the roads and airplanes still working?
I think a similar storm blew through here last night. Though it mostly just dumped a bunch of that snow that sort of toes the line between snow and slush.
trees are falling and there is traffic Lets see, we've got over a thousand flights canceled in advance of the storm gotta love spending the day off inside
He's just super driven and innocent. He loves going to therapy and he loves talking with me and he feels like he gets a lot out of it. I gave him some college syllabi to look at last session and he told me today that he went home and studied them for an hour and a half and then he showed them to his parents and he was really excited. Whenever I offer suggestions, he's so excited at the prospect of developing more autonomy.
Also he doesn't show his emotions on his face a lot, but whenever I praise him, he starts to smile and then tries to hide it. He's a cute kid. Well, young adult.
I made a suggestion today and he thought about how his parents would react and got really excited at the idea of showing his parents he // his independence. He was thinking out loud and talking about how surprised his parents would be and ran through a whole scenario.
>>430733 No, he'd be fine without it, but he feels like he's getting a lot out of it. We're building his sense of self and increasing his autonomy and various skills.
The only problem is that he really loves business and wants to be a capitalism. But he also is super into environmental protection so that might not last. I'll support him either way.
>>430736 Yeah, really well. When he fails, he just works harder to make up for it.
Sometimes EU does good with its regulations, though about half of the members ALREADY had such laws and plans for sustainable development in place.
There are plenty of US businesses that deal with that kind of thing. Like companies that get hired by other companies to help them become more environmentally friendly and what not.
Oh I see. Well as we both know, IQ is a terrible predictor of success.
My dad's side of the family is full of people with gigantic IQs who can't operate in the real world because they're overly byronic and self-destructive. I'm lucky to be among the dumber people on that family tree.
IQ predicts several real world things rather well including job success and grades in school.
We use IQ and achievement level together to look for learning deficits and disabilities because that's what it's good for. Part of IQ is generally a very good test of working memory and the verbal portion of IQ is related to the degree which a brain degenerates naturally at old ages.
It's also a really good test for determining if you can fully appreciate Rick and Morty.
>>430750 Well, my dad's side of the family is full of people with crazy IQs like 140 and 150 and stuff who underperformed terribly because they just aren't able to be stable.
I said, maybe I can get her with the 20 orbs they gave us. And then I did. I had her already, but she was -spd, and my new one is +atk/-hp.
Put Chill Spd on the Armor team
My imouto is putting on a series of docudramas with her grade's drama class. Her group in particular is doing a bit on the Columbine shooting. I'm pretty sure this has been something in the works a fair while now so it's a little surreal how relevant it is.
Kirara 🚗
>>430778 >chill spd hector on a team with black knight
I thought about rolling for her, she's a good unit. I ended up not rolling. I got brave Ike and Dorcas in around 25 orbs off the legendary banner, so I can't complain about lucky people at this current time. I guess I got valentine's hector in like 15 orbs too.
hmm I think the question of Aether or Sol revovles around how tanky the unit is and how fast it can build up charge.
I have Sol on Mia, and use it when I want her to have good sustainability. I switch it out with an offensive ultimate when I want pure damage from her. Aether is super great on Ike since he has heavy blade and ranged counter.
Kirara 🚗
celica gets +4 to all stats when her HP is 100% so healing more often may be better
Grima is good and all but I think he's a little bit of a meme. I haven't had any trouble with him since any arena team needs the ability to easily deal with green armor anyway.
The brave units did a good job breaking the mold and switching up the weapons from the normal versions of the units that were featured. Hopefully that means we'll get a unique and useful Celica.
hey kirara i might need to talk to you about something i dunno i'm kind of confused at the moment i think i'm having some mental health problems interfering with my work and i should probably give my client a full disclosure but i don't know if i'm having problems or just bein hypo i might just have contracted the flu and be getting sick or something but my whole day has been a confusing blur i'm losing like several hours at a time and i dont know where they're going
>>430829 Well if you want/need to talk, feel free to hit me up. I've never lost hours from a flu. Are you losing them in a sorta dissociative way or like, a black out way, do you think?
i'm not sure i know what was occuring in my brain at the time but what i thought was twenty-ish minutes is several hours i've been having weird visual hallucinations all day like having textured vision and those swoopy things i don't remember most of the work i did i dont know what the name of it is but i know there's a designated symptom for what i'm talking about with textured vision it's like everything looks felty or marbled but that could be intraocular pressure causing legitimate vision problems i suspect maybe microseizures coupled with my monotonous work leading to a sort of hypnotic state the heavily blaring audio and having to keep it at a high volume to hear the speakers beneath the sound of the fan or AC or whatever heavy rumbling sound for eight hours straight i think it's hyperstimulating a lot of the subconscious regions to filter out that systemic noise and my executive function when working is overly repetitive so my conscious mind is heavily restricted at both ends and i step out of that tasking environment and feel confused and ... what's the word hesitant speech and action i'll just find a spot to stand and the urge to gather my bearings blocks out all the environmental noise and i'll just stay there kind of catatonically even if someone's talking to me not that that happened just now, no one was talking to me, but it's a feeling i recognize from history quarx has seen it happen to me quite a few times while i was his roommate
i think i'm really sick and that i should stop my line of work and the right thing to me right now is to tell my client that i'm having mental health issues that i can't articulate at the moment and that we should temporarily sever our professional connection but if this is brief and episodic i don't want to put myself in a situation where i can't make enough capital dollars to survive and make things worse in the long [sic] run
yeah i'm really bogging down /moe/ a lot with this too and i normally just purge all of //////
my adderall and slightly less lorazepam than normal a small dose of kratom, half an energy drink about a half ounce of alcohol per day to quell withdrawals (half ounce after adjusting for concentration, so pure alcohol, but i didn't want to say i'm having a half ounce of pure alcohol because that'd make me go blind) about four cigarettes per day no weed now while explaining it nor during the moments of confusion, nor during the last several days probably mid-high sugar intake i took the kratom a full seven hours before starting work and it was one flush teaspoon my adderall dose is 10mg i took 20mg spread out over three doses two days prior
my lorazepam doses are 0.5mg i took one today when i first noticed some strange feelings, roughly at noon the odd feeling started around 10:00 and progressively worsened until about 5:30, with a brief relief when i took my lorazepam, but i attribute that more to getting up and getting fresh air than the lorazepam itself
all my rx doses are like super baby doses too so i can't imagine any of this causing real problems the most notable thing in my bias mind is a sharp shift in mental mindset somewhere in between where the thoughts that were causing me discomfort suddenly became comforting and kind of uncontrolled
physiologically, the blackening vision and smallscale hallucinations reminded me of oxygen deprivation, which is why i thought maybe flu or lungborne infections i haven't been able to eat anything in a while but i'm not having the irritability symptoms of hunger that i am used to and i'm not taking a large amount of stimulants to suppress my appetite
>>430840 Overall, it sounds to me like delirium which is of course episodic, so an infection or the flu could explain it, especially in conjunction with reducing your alcohol consumption since all of those things can cause episodes of delirium. And benzos are of course used to oh hmm
i havent reduced my alcohol consumption i've been pretty clean for the last six-ish months and drinking less than a casual drinking >>430842 i normal take my benzos while working i usually take one in the morning and one in the evening and then a very small drink late at night like half a beer kind of drink the strangest disturbance is maybe the adderall which i normally never take in excess of 10mg (i'm prescribed 20 twice a day but take 10 once a day, and only on very rare days at that) and 10mg is a pretty baby dose
in terms of non-substances, i have had very little work the past few weeks i did a lot on tuesday, wednesday, and thursday with some sleep deprivation, but not a lot of it in comparison to what i've comfortably handled in the past today's load was a generic load of work i did sleep before doing today's work
i legitimately think that it had something to do with the audio itself i had to work with today the nature of my work is extremely detail-oriented, and to have something which perturbs the human voice spectrum and blares over it for eight hours straight i feel like that is the source of my audio and visual hallucinations because there's a lot of stimuli that my brain has to systemically filter out while still focusing on the more detailed, subdued particles underneath and i was extremely overstimulated on a non-conscious level with no other sensory receptors responding to much besides a bright screen and the smell of cat litter in a small, cramped room
does any of that make sense or is it just hypo rambling
>>430844 a little bit so on the short-term, but i'm caught up on long-term sleep debt saturday, sunday, monday i got tons of sleep i took 90 minute naps very frequently during my work marathon and also two four and a half hour sleep sessions i was working hard during my waking hours though
I can't really say it's the cause of your problems, but as a flu veteran I can tell you that this year's flu will mess you up if you don't get enough sleep. I didn't have memory loss but I did have fainting spells, like straight up going unconscious while on my feet and falling to the floor. Might want to get 8-10 hours a sleep per night if you can.
>>430846 my memory-work issues are more related to the hypnotic nature of it i think you've probably driven a common route in a vehicle a bunch and you arrive at your destination without consciously realizing you traveled the whole path before it's the same kind of thing you just start occupying your head instead of occupying your physical space and forget some of those things phone call hang on
>>430847 unrealness? i had a sort of hyper-realism moment earlier that made me feel heavily convinces that the normalcy of my typical moments are a // unreal maybe i dont know what that term really refers to it wasn't a manic moment it kind of felt like i noticed something that i had been trying to keep a secret from myself though like a hyperconsciousness kind of thing as dumb as that sounds
i feel like i'm in heavy denial about my mental health state and that every day i pretend that i am fine to do work hurts myself and my clients i really feel a strong urge to just tell them about the concerns i'm having so that it's not something that continues to pressure me but i'm living paycheck to paycheck really so i don't have the option to do luxurious rich people things like take care of myself
My general impression is that while your mental health state isn't the greatest, you seem to overestimate how bad it is, although I do think there are times where it's worse than others. Right now, you seem pretty normal to me in the way you're able to describe things and the level of insight you have which I wouldn't expect to see if you were having some kind of episode. What you said about it being related to the audio you were working with sounds pretty feasible to me, although I think it's probably a combination of a bunch of little things that might have just all come together to mess with you. It definitely doesn't sound like you should be worrying about whether or not you should try to distance yourself from any clients to me, but it's definitely something to monitor, If it doesn't go away, I'd probably be concerned about it being some kind of organic delirium, either from being sick or maybe (but probably) /// (but probably not) something worse.
If you need to borrow a little bit so you can take a break or go to the doctor, I got your back.
>>430850 thank you for the offer but i don't think that's feasible i still owe this year's taxes and back taxes i still owe saya too and another friend who i've been fully intending to pay back for two years now but every month is such a struggle it's just a waste
i don't blame the audio entirely as i would have been able to take my benzos and slowly tread through it at my own pace on a normal day but i think it's a combination of a challenging task that asks the best of me while i'm at my worst the confusion was pretty intense, but things i think a person could normally get confused about but witnessing it contrast with my work responsibilities really made me question a lot of things why i'm constantly treading that line and it's such a fragile break compared to people who are so stable in their jobs that they get a few weeks off to avoid a nervous breakdown after several decades of loyalty to the company versus me on the verge of it daily and feeling expected to suffer through it because that's what responsible adults do there's such a huge mental health disparaty and it's not well-represented
the news isn't helping with making it seem like mental health is a public danger they're trying to make it sound good by thinkg // thinking we're taking better care about mental health but the public fear is "Oh, mental health problems we gotta keep this person from slicing up a school with a machete bc guns aren't available to them" it ends up even more taboo and ostracizing
maybe i should be the first person to commit mass suicides on myselves
i was thinking a lot about oliver sacks today and the subjects he interviewed that were blind regarding visual hallucinations and how their descriptions of the hallucinations helped him pinpoint the specific subregions of the brain that contained that kind of storage to distort very specific details like teeth or eyes of the entitites they hallucinated
it made me really think about schizophrenia which is really rampant in my family, and very specifically my dad i know there are a lot more significant symptoms than auditory hallucinations but given that i have a job that's specifically around audio processing, specifically of voices i was wondering how that could possibly change the manifestation of auditory hallucinations usually considered as hearing voices my brain breaks down speech on such an unconscious level is it unreasonable to think it wouldn't manifest on that level but a much more broken-down level that doesn't occupy my sensory consciousness i'm making all sorts of errors in my work it's ridiculous my meticulous attention to detail is actually inhibiting my work which would be easy if i could just take a step back and look at it on an overall level every sound i have to process and organize and i do get audio noise, if not hallucinations, just due to the sensory stimulus itself and hyper-sensitivity lexical audio
the little things that make me unable to interpret tone that makes me second-guess what someone actually said because i have a paranoid feeling inside that strays me off the innocuous tone of simple dialogue and puts higher confidence that what's being spoken matches my internal tone
when i'm doing work like this, i feel like i'm not even doing it i feel like i'm watching myself doing it and observing the patterns, like you would with a simple neural network designed to recognize simple constructs, like integers or linguistic characters every moment is spent trying to measure the entropy of the contained system, and every task i engage in inv
>>430853 involves identifying the system dynamics and measuring the channel bandwidth between the systems and i feel like when i'm transcribing, i'm using a subroutine to document that channel's volume (dialogue between two systems) and that the me that is me is actually focused on measuring that channel and backpropagating my subroutines
it sounds really fuckin stupid but it's a reality to me so yeah, if you consider adjusting your perception to the reality of the universe as unrealness, then yeah i have moments of unrealness i feel like i classify it as delusory behavior because it's less functional than a perspective that's biased around the human perspective of things, building off the foundations we don't even realize we have
i feel like i've driven myself insane with my systems obsessions but i feel like that's a shitty way of saying i have a view of the universe that isn't shareable and functional where we're at in society
i spend a lot of my days trying to cope with that imbalance, and trying to function so that i can make money to survive and then trying to remember that i'm making sacrifices to survive, and that my ideology is something i should pursue more thoroughly and every day that imbalance seems to grow worse because i'm more strained to do my socionormative dance and do what i have to do to survive and then try to remember why i'm surviving for, to peruse the deeper layers of reality that's why i have such recurring obsession with abandoning society and living off the land, or just getting imprisoned so -somebody- will take care of me prison life is probably not much worse than the real life i've lived and i get food and shelter for free and then sometimes i think this line of thought is a clear indication of psychosis, and then i think that's just because that's what's normative, and the process starts all over im just kind of scared in general
I got to see my imouto up on stage performing for a docudrama night for her school's drama class. I'm really proud of her for getting up there on stage. The entire class did a really astounding job with the topics for their individual bits, with some good stage work and acting amongst the lot of them. Pretty enjoyable.
that's great tell her i'm proud of her too
Thanks! She's at a wrap-up party with her group right now, but I'll let her know when she gets home.
>>430866 hey sorry to keep drilling this awkward subject do you think i'd maybe qualify for disability i've always shunned the idea because i thought it was being scummy but i gave it an honest shot for a long time i was lucky to even find work that let me stay home and not be interfacing with people but i can't even do that anymore now and i'm a little spooked i'm behind on taxes and i use but dont abuse substances i feel like that's all just enough that a psych wouldn't take me seriously and i'd be having a hard time trying to do that i want to work and i love working and i even love my work and being busy but i think i'm hitting that point i told you i'd eventually hit marryin a rich guy is an option but nobody wants a crazy girl like me and i'm already taken anyway im wonderin if big guv can do somethin to take care of me afterall
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
So true
Doll hands are the devil's plaything
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
wait you’re a girl? who
renaldo mom
Kirara 🚗
>>430868 i don't think it's impossible but i think it'd be difficult for you to get on disability not because i don't think you meet the requirements but because the system is fucked up yeah not having documentation of your military injuries makes it harder too since those would be a good place to start with pursuing it
i mean i have those records at the reynolds army hospital and a doctor can get them i can't though because the military is fucking dumb my military injury is not at fault though i was having mental illness long before that oh yeah i should have clarified i meant for mental illness there are circumstances in which i can function but it's so contingent upon novel experience and stimulation that i don't think it's a vocational feasibility unless i can find a job as a professonal buddy who spends time having adventures with emotionally supportive friends
i can process ridiculous amounts of information and think topologically but those aren't too vocational either when it's obsessive i dont want to leech the system but i dont want to become a homeless family either family of one
I was thinking more that you could use the heatstroke as a jumping off point to justify potential disability. I know it's not exactly honest but you can't get on disability being honest.
>>430876 it's pretty honest considering i did have a heatstroke which was the prospective basis for prescribing me adhd meds
but military stuff isn't a good jumping off point for reference, my uncle who is documented by the military to be an agent orange case spent almost 30 years doing back and forth with the VA before seeing any benefits all that time being after agent orange info was publically recognized
i would have to contest the army doc's diagnosis [sic] of "symptoms of heatstroke, symptoms of overexertion, and symptoms of bronchitis" to those actual conditions seven years after the fact having since been otherwise injured, prescribed various medications which i've been selectively compliant with, some substance use, and various traumatic events it's a hard case to fight there and i might end up getting like fifty bucks a month from the va if i did demonstrate it also having to clear up that i lied about my ekg when i joined the army and that i knowingly joined with a bad heart and signed that waiver
regardless of all of that ive got some mental fuckups now that keep me from functioning in about any environment unless there's a vocation compatible with catatonia and hallucinations maybe i can get a job as a president of untied states but i dunno if theyre hirin
>>430877 yeah i guess military won't work then idk i think it'd be hard to get on disability maybe it's worth a try though
>>430881 i just have to not be able to function for work right and probably demonstrate that with a clean system minus my scripts i can barely function in any aspect of life i may be better in a couple days or something but today was really scary if it's persistent and stays this way i hope there's an option left i literally can't afford to die yet it's too expensive
>tfw bang
(good feel)
Kirara 🚗
>>430882 yeah, you'd have to show that you can't function they'd probably give you a bunch of tests and say you can though
if they have a job they say i can do they're welcome to hook me up
i can't wait for vocational therapists to be overtaken by AI so somebody who's completely disabled with three broken legs and no collarbones, blind and unable to use their hands could go in and the AI would find the one possible job they ever could do and hook them up with it "hey man you're in look spacex was lookin for a captain for their first launch of disabled astronauts we'll get you ready to go by monday"
>I know what are required for everyone to be with mary poppins. Just look around the castle snowman friend and it's down where dreams extend forever above the colors of sugar. John highest height will face onev'ry kite business if you'll sick your friends daydream all around the world of your creed. Just gon need three words to make kings share candlelight mancub surprise thieves vie cruella born life and beggars reason me through faith in their daughters who knew how precious bells of notre dame dance around the moonlight. Definitely flipping your future family love tonight as typhoon mary poppins hooks on cards and your days watching this stuff hammer out to the bells of john henry magic. Staring straight in your eyes la vie bluebird magic dance with all the colors of john henry indescribable hallmark bluebird surprise.
I don't like to count most of Texas as part of the South East Texas, like Houston or Texarkansas are definitely South, maybe even Deep South, but Central Texas is very midwest as is DFW West Texas is basically New Mexico, as is South Texas, and North Texas is just a bunch of fields
It's definitely saturday now regardless of your sleep schedule!
my friend has a bunch of hentai on his walls and two dakis in his room on one hand it's cool that he gives so few shits but on the other hand it's like oh god why please dude come on
what if you don't go to bed for 20 hours and wake up on sunday? will it never have been saturday?
alright how is this for an idea making a bucket lists of things to do and then when we arrange them all on a giant dartboard and when we aren't sure what to do we throw darts at the board blindfolded
Here I was planning fun things like Matthew w/ Smoke Dagger + Gunnthra nuke And the game went and did this to me Now I have to figure out something else fun to do. Can't transfer Blizzard OR her B skill so she's pretty much worthless as a inherit unit
Kirara 🚗
Imagine chill speed with flashing blade
>Gunter, Cecilia woo 10% on legendary banner ... 3.3% chance for a Brave Ike.
i think you can be attracted to one or two men without being gay gay implies a preference for men to the extreme if youd like some women and some men, that'd be bisexual but you can be bisexual with a preference for women
>>431179 She would be ideal for a combo with my Celica. Her tome buffs Celica, so Celica will have like ~64 atk during Celica's first attack. Then Delthea would have two breath of life 3s to finish off whatever Celica doesn't kill and bring her back to full hp for another attack. If I had Shigure, I could put his tome on Mae and make that work, though. But I don't.
>>431181 delthea has to be adjacent to celica in order to target the same ememy
how is delthea gon attack the same unit as celia while being adjacent to her for breath a life
oh it is a sword celica i did not notice
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah sorry
right now im using lance lucina with her because she buffs and has renewal so she can heal Celica but it's not ideal and I want a full Echoes team I can probably make Genny work, but I won't be able to heal and finish off enemies at the same time while buffing. I want breath of life 6 to ensure Celica gets healed back up enough.
Kirara 🚗
genny might work with absorb and breath along with atk tactic or something even if she fails to finish off the enemy, it might work out generally celica is going to have like 64 atk and be spamming glimmer, so Genny might be able to make it work despite just being a healer
>>431194 Well, I think I've set Genny up to do what Delthea would be doing. Too bad there aren't many Echoes characters in the game. I don't really want to use Lukas but he's probably the only option I have unless I go with Catria. Hopefully they'll give ud more units.
Delthea is a good choice for a blue for that team, but I think Lukas is good too. Lukas is one of the best physical walls in the game. He works well with an ignis build too. The only complaint I have with him is that he's blue, which means the units he's good at hunting are really not all that hard to kill in the first place. Most red units are very strong offensively but easily dispatched.
i set up a very powerful lukas for the team but i don't really like lukas i like his character but i don't like his art, i guess I just need a blue unit and the only other Echoes blue unit is Mae, aside from Delthea. But if I use Genny instead of Delthea, then I need to use a melee unit for the blue unit.
Oh, I'm surprised. I love his design, his art in both games, and his voice. He's one of the top tier FE males.
You could consider using Mathilda. Even though it would mean using a horse with an infantry build, I've seen some builds for her that are fairly decent even standalone. I have a Mathilda fanatic on my friends list who has a pretty decent one.
>>431198 I love Mathilda but I don't have the resources to build even a decent one. If I were going to use a horse with my resources, I'd use Camus. But I want Infantry Pulse on this team so using infantry units is ideal.
Which leaves me with Lukas unless they introduce more characters.
Well, maybe Lukas will grow on you. Lukas is my go-to guy when the problem is "quick, I need a guy who can tank an entire team". He can even take on Hector as long as the specials fall the right way.
The team is built around Celica. I can't add Alm in unless I have a proper blue unit.
Originally, the plan was that it'd just have Team Celica characters, but I can't make Mae work. If I use Alm to heal Celica for Beloved Zofia, then Alm can't fully use Falchion.
hmm With Alm I was thinking about trying out Renewal 2 / Brave Falchion. A lot of times he will blow something up with his falchion, but since he only regens every other turn he'll be standing there with -5hp. If you used renewal 2 / brave falchion, he'd have more staggered smaller heals instead of the 20hp bomb every other turn.
Kirara 🚗
idk, my alm always has full hp due to aether, renewal, and heavy blade
Honestly I think Faye just needs a new unit. It's messed up they made her an archer in the first place. I hope they do some Echoes themed banner some day and she gets on it.
They're getting a little better at it. They've at least realized now that the burning blade characters are popular. They seem to have caught on to the fact that Ike is popular too.
That's not really getting much better. They made one or two decisions that were decent but are still making weird and horrible decisions. For example, yes, binding blade is popular. Now we have three Roys and four Lyns. That's really ridiculous. They should be giving other characters some fame. Plus, they designed Lilina really badly compared to nearly every other character they've introduced in the last couple months. Now we've got the weird Grima robin and the Celica that's a sword unit even though she's already outclassed by a ton of existing sword units. Introducing Grima so close to the introduction of both Myrrh and Hector is really bad timing, too. They are learning to do things differently, but not much better.
The everybody is evil banner is definitely one of those weird out-of-left-field banners. I don't hate that they do stuff like that though, my only real complaint with that banner is it only has one character I really like on it and she's just another red sword.
I get tired of the repetitive Lyns but I think it's progress at least that they've turned their attention to older games. The Myrrh banner was a really good banner too. I hope I have a chance to pick up a Myrrh with better IVs at some point.
There are a lot of characters that make more sense for the banner than Grima. They tried to fill a role that they just filled. Their philosophy for when to introduce characters is poorly developed.
>>431219 That's a good point. Making Grima red would solve every problem with him.
They just don't think about what they're doing. They probably just tell artists to throw something their way and then they base the character around whatever gets thrown at them.
given that robin is already green and blue grima probably could have been better red who even uses tiki
I'm glad they didn't make Grima red though, because it would make him even more OP.
Kirara 🚗
he's not really OP right now there are better options for him in both a dragon and armor team
a good myrrh is probably five times better than a good grima and a good Amelia or new hector is better than a good grima the new Hector is a lot superior to Grima
grima fills no roles or niches and brings nothing interesting to any teams but grima is the only character with ward dragons so you can't take ward dragons and his super strong B skill at the same time which is stupid
Because he's redundant is one of the things that limits his usefulness. If he were red, he'd fit into dragon teams really well and he's better than either Tiki.
I agree that he's a weird and almost wasted unit, that's one of the reasons I didn't roll for him.
Kirara 🚗
it's weird that they neglect obvious areas of deficit like red dragons they just don't seem to plan ahead
Kirara 🚗
also the fallen event spoils their most popular games
it's also very weird that they didn't introduce the warriors original characters into the game i of course don't want those uggos but it's weird that they didn't
Kirara 🚗
it's weird that they introduced leon without valbar
>>431221 gacha games can get away with this because they don't have to expect that you have certain characters. I don't have a good Amelia, Myrrh, or even a bad Hector. Grima would slot in just fine.
Kirara 🚗
>>431231 sure, im not saying they should never introduce something like grima im saying that they're filling roles they just filled when there are so many areas of deficit that still need to be filled they should be making sure you can actually create a team to fully utilize what's available before making characters that don't add anything it's also poor business strategy considering the whales that are satisfied with characters they just got last week don't get any incentive to whale for the new one considering whales spend $1000+ pretty frequently, they're missing out on a lot of money due to poor timing if they had released this banner in two months, it would have been much better timing and made a lot more sense they also could have just replaced grima with something else and added grima later at a more opportune time
>>431230 It was a strange decision. Maybe there wasn't a strong enough reaction to the green girl.
Kirara 🚗
it's probably because the team that designs the original characters doesn't know how to make good guys except for like one character all their villains are really cool and interesting and then we're stuck with alfonse
The network extender I use to get Internet for my PC got wonky about two hours back and I haven't been able to get it cooperating yet. Not having Internet is pretty frustrating.
>>431235 I think the problem with Gunnthra or whatever is acutally that she's a gacha character. They can't characterize her because not everyone one is going to have her. With Fjorm they gave her away so we can at least get to know her, even though she's an inferior Sharena.
Kirara 🚗
>>431237 gunnwhatever is a story character just like fjorm, she just has only shown up a few times and in passing
they should just get the team that does the villain designs to do the hero designs
They should also give that one designer that's the work for Awakening and the Fates games so much work. Er, not so much work. The way they draw faces always looks so flat.
>>431245 The problem with her Chill Seal is that it targets low def targets rather than res targets. So she's spiking against enemies that still likely can survive her. It doesn't work out as nicely as you want it to
Kirara 🚗
i am honestly pretty upset about aniki's death he was such a cool dude
I didn't really know who he was all that well. I knew he was a person and his influence on some parts of otaku culture made him like a shadow hanging over that culture. So it's a shame that he's passed in such a way.
He did a lot of charity stuff and engaged with everyone really intimately. He used to ask for recommendations for mobage and anime and stuff on Twitter and he'd ask questions about them and really get engaged with his fans.
He got a dog the other day. Like two weeks ago. He was honestly a really friendly and loving guy.
He died in a car accident so that might be intensifying my emotions, though.
I was jjust in the /JP/ thread. I really really regret not getting the figma of him.
The Japanese on twitter seem to miss him a lot too
http://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1068295058&ref=list If anyone has the money I suggest you grab it, it won't probably ever be available that cheap again.
by th
way kirara there is some level of precedent for spoiling their games in that warriors at the very least spoils grima too
not that it really excuses heroes i just thought it was repevent
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
>>431252 he was good to everyone for sure it's really sad
There's a meme version of a character and the official version of a character. Their official version is the true them. It's just like people, there's me, and then there's the meme Rika that ships everyone and is addicted to cough syrup.
>>431299 yes im aware of youre trying to say things to me sometimes you have to be up front with it I'm kind of a dense person
>>431302 You know how I get very sensitive about death, right?
I mean I guess that makes sense but of a guy you didnt know personally? Well I mean i wasnt attached to them myself so I guess I wouldnt be as affected Sorry for being insensitive
>>431309 It seems to me like I was very clear about how it was affecting me and even mentioned why it might be affecting me so much. It's interesting that you missed the important stuff like that but not the stuff about fire emblem!
So basically in normal day to day life, a robotto can sutain themself by eating food like humins but if they need extra juice for some inhuman actions, pop goes the battery juice
even more efficient would eb to actually separate them day to day tasks would be maintained by the "food power" and then emergency/combat/whatever came from a separate power source
>>431323 Interesting. Would it be capable of burning up organic matter that humans don't eat? Can she eat grass like a cow?
>>431327 The stomach part is essentially to make android or cyborg lives as comfortably human as possible, however it acn be disabled or missing on some models I guess some combat bots would be able to use any organic fuel in emergencies, when they can't refuel their main powersource and basic food is scarce
>>431328 It would be useful in a situation where they're unable to find traditional food or power sources. Could we consider solar panels? If they're far from a refueling station they can enter a sleep mode and absorb the sun before moving on.
So basically in bad situations a combat bot would be able to work as efficiently as human on any organic matter, however they wouldn't be able to use the full power of their bodies or if they actually did, they'd run out of power quite quick
>>431331 Nah there is no way to build a solar panel that is efficient enough and could be fitted on to a human shaped being
An internal dynamo or something that could be powered by the stomach engine, would be more efficient basically after hauling in enough nutrients and stocking up on them, the bot could hole up somewhere to recharge their combat capacity
So basically >main power pack that is used to perform the beyond human tasks >secondary power source that converts organic (eaten) matter into power and stores it for normal activity >tertiary back up power generator that can recharge the main powerpack with the secondary power if need be and main power pack could be charged or changed, depending on situation
>>431347 >can power up a pacemaker >needs to power up a robot body that consumes several times more power than a human body for long periods of high action time
>>431348 a battery that generates power from nuclear decay either through heat or various means meaning it doesn't require for the radiactive thing to emit that much or dangerous radiation, but it is still radioactive stuff
>>431349 I never said it would only have a nuclear battery. It would be a good backup source. If they other batteries ever ran out this one would recharge them without any external input, it coukd for example power an emergency SOS system, or some other bare minimum system.
>>431351 I'm asking for Reis definition to make sure we're all on the same page
>>431352 yes but I say a generator that turns any organic matter into fuel is much more efficient
>>431352 >so this low power battery would recharge the other functions you do know how much energy a human body needs for example of course android could survive being turned off (maybe), but if it is a cyborg the lifesupport would nee d quite high voltage
>>431356 I'm not talking about cyborgs, although it would be able to power an artificial heart.
Well of course for more high tech say deep space combat bots you'd have more functions but say a basic chassee for normal day to day androids, that much should be enough even the actual "main power source for high activity functions" could be removed, if there is no need for it say a robot maid but if you build a default model to include it, so with minimal modifications it can be either cyborg chassis, everyday android or a combat bot, why not do it? afterall even a day to day android could say do heavy lift work tht humans can't do.
>>431355 Technically nuclear energy is the most efficient but I know what you mean.
I guess for pure combat, in areas where an accidental spill of radioactive material isn't an issue, replacing the "dynamo" back up with a nuclear battery would make sense or even the whole food system, if it can produce enough energy
>>431362 There's really not enough material in it to have a spill hazard Fuck Brb
if your combat bots are nuclear powered and fight in residential areas or close by, anyone can spin that into "they turn children into cancerblobs"
People living in areas that are active battlefields have better things to do than complain about that. On a related note This is good. https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=19197
It's a super Republican senate so it's kind of weird that they approved the amendment that would have banned it in the first place.
I feel bad for those kids that survived the shooting. They must have been ecstatic when they heard the amendment was approved, only to be crushed 15 minutes after.
There's a fundamental problem with banning AR-15s and that's that the only functional difference between them and many guns is the tactical plastic attached to them.
>>431456 There's a fundamental problem in selling those guns in the first place, in that the only reasons to purchase them are to either have on hand to admire in person or keep on hand for the use of transporting and delivering a sizeable number of bullets into other human beings. I question the value of the prior and I find the latter despicable.
Some people hunt with them and some people like to shoot them at the range. I think hunting with guns is stupid if you're doing it for sport, though.
>>431462 I can somewhat lump range shooting into the admire category, I think that is kind of in the same vein of interest. Firearms of that caliber are way above the necessary means to hunt or defend oneself against hostile wildlife though. I do not believe for a moment you need a firearm like that for hunting. Hunting is just an excuse to own a gun like that, which is getting close to pathetic in my judgement.
>>431461 Be that as it may, gun ownership is a part of the culture here and is written into our constitution. If enough people wanted to do away with it, there's a way to do so - a constitutional amendment. There isn't enough support for that for it to currently happen.
My point was that the AR-15 is basically a meme gun, there's an incredible amount of focus on trying to ban this one weapon, even though there are so many others with the exact same capabilities. And if you want to look at solutions to gun violence - pistols are orders of magnitude more deadly than rifles. They kill a lot more people, because they are more common, more portable, and more easily concealed and transported. If you were going to look at some kind of gun ban with the objective of saving lives in mind, the first place you'd want to look is at pistols.
>>431465 I don't shy away from my opinion that firearms are abysmal and would like to see them eradicated from use period. But like you say, there's a gun culture in the States and so unfortunately that means you need some mean s of self-defense against them. My point is that assault rifles go miles beyond what is necessary for self-defense or protection for a person, and people who use that as an argument for the continued distribution of them are so transparent in their desire to own a gun like that for other reasons that I find it unconsciable. I don't like pistols either but the do not go beyond the functioning means for self-defense, so I don't go after them with the same venomousity.
>>431468 Yeah but you can't have a society without law enforcement.
>>431466 I would argue the opposite. You're welcome to your opinion though I should have started with that. I think shotguns and rifles are better self-defense weapons though, because if someone comes to your house you can grab one of them and use them, but they're so big and obvious that you can't sneak them into places like you could a pistol.
>>431468 That's all included with it. Total eradication of firearm technology from phyiscal use -- entirely.
>>431469 If no one has guns then why do the cops require guns for law enforcement Although tbh the basic premise of "destruction of all firearms" seems somewhat off to me because I highly doubt you'll be able to successfully accomplish it
>>431476 Batons, tazers, pepper spray. Our police officers don't regularly carry fire arms with the exception of special units. They do have fire arms but they're usually kept back at the station.
Besides there were plenty of societies that had law enforcement or similar services before firearms became a thing.
Tasers are not nonlethal weapons. They are incredibly deadly and the companies that sell them actively work to hide the evidence for it.
>>431471 But what if the millitaries of other countries don't lose their guns You'd be a sitting duck It makes sense fo cops since they act more autonomously and are supposed to be bound by the same laws that bind regular citizens but the millitaries of other countries aren't You're leaving yourself open to imperialism. Maybe not in Americas case since it's America, but would you tell this to a country like Finland or Ukraine?
Kirara 🚗
yeah but you can't trust cops to protect you i'd trust every american with a gun before i'd trust just cops with guns
People in other countries get arrested for posting opinions on the internet. My founding fathers told me that when people oppress you, you should shoot them.
>>431481 >police only go lethal when the use of nonlethal weapons isn't a viable option You mean, ideally they'd only go for lethal weapons when non lethal weapons aren't viable You state this like it's some sort of universal truth all cops follow
>>431495 I think that's missing the point The point being that the founding fathers were not perfect visionaries >b-b-but all these other parts of the world are doing it too
Kirara 🚗
your founding fathers told you that black people were less human that white people too
Kirara 🚗
and you don't shoot the cops oppressing you right now
>>431493 That's true, but you can't guilt me with that. Western civilization sluffed off the idea of slavery as immoral in a matter of a couple of centuries, where slavery is a time-honored tradition in other parts of the world for thousands of years.
Kirara 🚗
>>431495 i'm not trying to guilt you, but it's funny that you immediately thought i was western civilization has actually been using slavery for roughly 3000 years by the time it was abolished in the united states
And it's not like abolishing it has discontinued it.
Kirara 🚗
but my point is that the founding fathers said a lot of things and not all of them are right or relevant today
>>431496 "but they were slave owners" is a really common way that people try to discredit the founders.
The African slave trade started in around 1500. Slavery in the US was outlawed in 1863.
If you look at slavery and the western world, it was practiced for only a few centuries. Much less than just about anywhere else. Some places it's practiced even today.
And acting like the stuff they said is right or relevant today is putting them up on a pedestal. And Fuuuuuuuuck Hero worship.
Kirara 🚗
>>431500 ok but 1. that's not the argument i was making 2. that's not even close to what i said and 3. you completely jumped into a new conversation randomly because you took a keyword from my argument and assumed i was going somewhere else with it
the african slave trade actually started a long time before 1500 in fact it started roughly 3000 years before america abolished slavery
>>431491 Why does it matter if the founding fathers said it You should be able to prove and defend the point on its own regardless of whether or not the founding fathers said it
>>431500 Why does it matter if it's practiced in other places We're not talking about them No one's saying that it's okay for these other places to be doing it That's totally dodging the point The point being that the founding fathers said a lot of things and they weren't all necessarily correct The fact that other places are doing it doesn't make what they were involved in better or worse This is fucking stupid
>>431500 African slave trade is a lot older than that. I think you mean the Atlantic Slave Trade.
the founding fathers saying something doesn't make it right don't say "the founding fathers said so" to defend that belief because you believe it because you like it, not because the founding fathers said it
I think the founding fathers did a great job setting up a government that would withstand the test of time, and giving us the tools to revise things as needed as time passed. I think most of the places where we have majorly messed up are places where we've ignored their wisdom, such as letting political parties be a thing or letting the banks become so powerful.
Why are we talking about the founding fathers I thought the argument was about guns Have you just tried to segue off into a different argument in order to avoid addressing certain points If the founding fathers ate literal shit would you do it too? Do you think the founding fathers are some sort of visionaries who saw 300 years into the future and managed to account for the ways in which our current society and circumstances have radically changed? Saying "this smart guy said this" isn't an argument at all. You should be defending the point itself
>>431509 americans have no actual defense for why they need guns so much and so their go-to is "the founding fathers said we gotta kill the bad government sometimes"
>>431508 Where we've ignored their wisdom was when we freed the slaves, too. Their wisdom was literally genocide like 7-% of the time. 70*
>>431510 I don't agree with that. We both know that slavery was a hotly debated topic among the founders, and that half of them absolutely hated it. You even tangentially mentioned it yourself - the 3/5 compromise is called a compromise for a reason.
>>431514 You know what wasn't hotly debated? Genociding every single Native tribe they could except for like three of them. That was the wisdom of the founding fathers. They created a government that was truly unique and it worked for a long time. But it doesn't work very well anymore. Our govenrment provided the blueprints for a lot of modern nations that have taken what we have and improved it. But our government is designed to avoid change, so we can't progress the same as elsewhere.
>>431515 The biggest place we went wrong is because we ignored some of the smart stuff they said. Political parties are a terrible idea, because it lets people buy out our politicans. Letting the banks get so strong was a terrible idea, because it creates super powerful people to buy out our politicans.
>>431515 Yeah, if people get unhappy enough heads will roll. We're not quite there yet.
Kirara 🚗
>>431517 yeah but more than half of the founding fathers supported political parties and banks because more than half of the founding fathers were literally corrupt pieces of shit that purposefully tried to make sure the government was something they could control without regard for the people (who weren't even supposed to be voting in the first place)
Insurgency is super effective. The larger concern and the bigger what-if that could ruin everything is the fact that other countries will become involved/invade.
It's really fucking misleading to refer to APCs as tanks.
Kirara 🚗
police are allowed to own tanks and several police agencies in the united states own tanks
Kirara 🚗
>>431524 some police have to sleep at night the ones that aren't will be awake to kill people
>>431523 The US army was effectively beaten by average Vietnamese civilians in Vietnam. The army would be at a much greater disadvantage having to fight on home territory too.
>>431530 True to an extent, but one of the reasons that the US was unable to complete the objectives of the military action before the rest of the country folded was due to supply lines. US supply lines were severely disrupted by Vietcong activity, while the Vietcong ran most of their supply lines through neighboring countries where politics kept the US from striking at them. Supply lines are pretty much the untold story of vietnam.
Vietnam was pretty much won, occupying such territory just is impossible if the lcoals disagree Afghanistan is the same
>>431528 That's a gross simplification of the whole event. To act like it was only the Vietnamese civilians and nothing else that lost them the war is ridiculous. There was far more going for the situation than just that. On top of that, to expect the losses found there to not be considered and to expect the military to make the same mistakes they made decades ago is ridiculous.
Kirara 🚗
during the korean war, the us military killed 20% of north korea's civilian population with relatively few losses
Kirara 🚗
the most likely scenario is that the military will oust the leader that the people want to oust and take over and then calm the people down and just be more
Kirara 🚗
oppressive later
How did this stupid argument even start?
Kirara 🚗
florida senate banned ar-15 sales for two years but then 15 minutes later undid that vote so tilde said we should get rid of all guns eventually and we argued about guns until rika said the founding fathers said we gotta shoot the government dead
No idea and not gonna scroll up to find I was just making delish ramen
>>431540 Nice Banning AR-15s won't really fo anything though, there are plenty of other guns with similar capabilities that wouldn't be banned, they just aren't meme guns that people love
Kirara 🚗
yeah basically
Also >get rid of all the guns eventually I mean yeah, maybe that would be good for the world if there were no more guns, but thats probably not going to happen for like 10,000 or so years Or more
get rid of guns and you will have school stabbings
Kirara 🚗
probably not
And even so, to play the Kiritsugu here. Sheer numbers wise, the damage would be far less. I don't believe banning guns is the optimal route to decreasing violent school incidents like these. That is obviously the route of improving mental health and being more intelligent about glorifying violence and the weapons that produce such violence.
But that doesn't change the opinion of mine that guns are bullshit and should be eradicated from the entire Earth.
Well the rarity is more related to general state of society, though
ie. we have guns and we've had two school shootings in 100 years
Kirara 🚗
if you look at the profile of a mass shooter, you will immediately see that they are not the kind of person that will go on a stabbing spree 90% of the time
Yeah, that kid was bullied and reported as a problem child many times. There was a serious problem there before he started shooting people.
Kirara 🚗
it's weird to think people would jump to stabbings if guns were gone considering there are like bombs and stuff
There's a reason guns are The Great Equalizer, not knives.
Honestly they'd probably run a bunch of people over >>431558 Oh, bombs are allowed?
Kirara 🚗
you can build a bomb from household materials much more easily than you can build a gun
>>431563 You can build a gun from household materials too though, bombs are easier though so you're right about that
Kirara 🚗
yeah i knew you were gonna say that so i preempted you
Kirara 🚗
another thing about bombs is that most people trying to build bombs, especially young people, will kill themselves trying to create a bomb because the majority of online guides that aren't on the deep web are allowed to be there by the FBI because they've been deemed that they're bad guides likely to kill the would-be bomber
Yeah good enough for a one job thing but even after one shot, the accuracy would suffer
Kirara 🚗
>>431570 it's much easier to build a gun if you have access to ammunition in a situation where firearms are banned, it's going to be easier to build a bomb or chemical weapons than it will be to build a firearm and ammunition, though
Also if you absolutely have to look up hpw to make a bomb, you probably aren't smart enough to do it right Well, assuming its a teenager anyways Well, look up a guide
Considering with bombs you could blow up the school and even escape blame
Kirara 🚗
>>431578 most school bombers probably wouldn't have the know-how to escape blame the materials would be traceable to some degree and there would be genetic evidence most likely
Yup and the investigation would eventually find them, even if they knew some stuff but it would take time
of course a savvy guy could try to frame it on some violent organisation
There's plenty of time in the world.
Kirara 🚗
you also have to plant the bombs though which can be difficult for most people who fit the shooter profile because they generally don't have the social skills to gain access to the school when there won't be people around and because they're young, they won't easily be able to break in without being seen by a camera they won't be able to avoid traffic cams either if they do it while people are around it'll be suspicious and get reported or investigated
yeah and while say trash cans would work, it would be quite suspicious
well of course theyc ould come with couple bags, leave them in /one in their locker, carry one to die with them and so on and then boom
Kirara 🚗
someone left a pressure cooker bomb in a bag at my high school once and it immediately got reported and the police came and took care of it people are super paranoid about suspicious bags
bombs are also going to have a lower kill count than a mass shooting generally way more injuries, though unless you can manage to get the bombs in a populated area but that's going to be difficult at a school
Also the atlanta Olympic bomber investigation was really interesting.
>>431598 I think most chaotic way to do it, were to do throwable bombs and start tossing them in the cafeteria during lunch
>>431598 Alternatively, figure out points of structural load bearing and setting up bombs that can bring the
>>431602 at this point you will be caught for making the bomb, due to sheer amount of materials you need
>>431602 That requires too much intelligence on the part of the would be bomber
Kirara 🚗
>>431603 yeah this it'd be really hard unless your parents owned a construction company
Okay why do I even bother trying to contribute when I can't even finish a post when people jump in and say AHKSHULLY and say things I was going to write anyway. What's the fucking point.
>>431605 I guess if the kid has a car, they could do it
Kirara 🚗
hard for a kid to get the materials without a lot of money though since can't use credit cards
Although all of this is easier if they pay attention in chemistry.
>>431608 basically yeah a high schooler on fnal year might, but still... the sheer amount of money and effort would require them to be a psychopat or something
Kirara 🚗
well they are trying to blow up a school
true dat but you get what I mean
Kinda the profile of someone who plans to bomb a school and spends months to years planning it in detail doesn't really shout out the school shooter type
>>431614 yeh any kind of cluster bomb is basically the worst just explosion and it most likely will have just few casualties but a cluster could decimate dozens
Kirara 🚗
easy fix for all of this though no bombings or shootings if we get rid of all civilization and go back to the stone age babey
>>431617 I know how to make explosives with stone age level tech