Thread #430202
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cardcaptors dagashi grancrest hakumko sora yori toji miko death march ramen daisuki marchen yuru camp koi wa ameagari
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I'm thinking death march sora yori ramen daisuki yuru camp
That's fine but I'm gonna need a moment to restart then.
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okay just yell when you get back
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death march okay let start
Desu March
Oh yeah fucking SPOOKY owls.
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He didn't have resist leveled, that seems like one you should level on principle.
I'm a little confused why he didn't after Arisa tried it on him, but aside from that he might've just banked on it being too rare a skill to be worth spending points on.
what time
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>>4302182:05 oh>>430218 2:15
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I guess that confirms that the hair dye was magic.
And this Lich is either a reincarnated person from Earth or knows the whole affair.
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Looks like he ran into someone he couldn't just overpower.
>Could you make up your mind whether you're surprised or impressed? Why not both?
This Lich has what seems to be some pretty high-level magic.
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Looks like he's some kind of dungeon nerd.
It looks like Satwo has come to the same conclusion.
More girls.
What a helpful Dryad.
MORE girls.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 528x651, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 05 (…).jpg )
>used skill: abduction
That's kind of an interesting concept of being.
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okay sora uori yori too okay lets start!
Oh no
Oh this sounds like a tragedy in the making.
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The gossip engine is revving up.
Poor Zaizen.
They're bullying the captain now. That sounds like a bad idea.
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I wonder if their ship is an icebreaker. icebreaker ships are so cool
If they're heading into ANTARCTICAAAA it really ought to be. They could probably get to the base or landing site or whatever with a more normal ship and some luck. But for precaution's sake I feel the ship really should be one.
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Russia has nuclear powered icebreakers. Those are even cooler than normal icebreakers.
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I guess it is an icebreaker? Or maybe ot? YEah I guess not An or myabe so since they just called it an icebreaker. I thought icebreakers could just drive through the ice though.
I mean it's breaking the ice.
Using the ship as a giant ice hammer is a really cool concept.
It must be really rough on the captain, taking the daughter of the woman she lost on a campaign to the place she died.
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I know that mystery. It's so easy to pack stuff the first time.
Yeah it's a universal constant of packing stuff up.
And then the impact of all four of them landing at once cracks the ice open.
This show kind of does what Love Live Sunshine tried doing every episode, hitting some major cathartic climax or emotional highpoint, but does it in a way that doesn't feel contrived or obviously plotted out. It's nice.
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 836x656, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg )
okay ramen daisuki okay lets start!
La men
h i
Nanja kore
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Wow, Yuru Camp started early.
Guess her CON stat isn't the best.
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It's what happens when she goes five minutes without ramen.
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That kid has those crazy looking eyes.
Maybe he's her imouto.
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He's got to be. Their eyes are the same.
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This girl must have an insane daily caloric intake.
And no one is surprised.
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as expected
Looks like her family gets a lot of the focus this episode.
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Looks like we'll finally get an answer as to the insane caloric intake of these girls.
>Time to spy on the enemy >Rush them and demand an answer
What a weirdly hands-off restaurant.
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg )
>go out to exercise >end up eating lard ramen
If she's been consistently exercising all week and been only eating salad that whole time she's probably in desperate need of the stuff that bowl of ramen offers her.
Oh no.
It all keeps tumbling down Tumbling D o w n
shes addicted
How terrifying.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg )
Her "EH!?" right at the end there sounded like the sound that plays when Snake gets caught in a Metal Gear game.
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okay yuru camp okay lets tsart!
It's a shame bakas can't get sick.
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 09 (…).jpg )
She looks like Papika here.
Winging it is the BEST way to go travelling.
Nadeshiko's onee-chan is 11/10.
Hah hah hah. The music just shut right off.
Nadeshiko seems like a problematic person to rely on for navigating.
Oh that curl looks really nice. Oh no.
>Temple that worships dogs
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 09 (…).jpg )
They look a lot alike.
Aki seems to be really bad with strangers.
>The trick is to wing it No don't wing cooking you need to do it PROPERLY.
She got lucky with the hot spring this time.
Wow what a fucking RUDE DOG. Oh I guess she's hallucinating or something.
Time for some nighttime riding!
What a problematic friend. Impressive talent though.
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thanks for anime!