Thread #43281
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i hope pukey gets home soon
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Ika should be along soon.
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2 hours later
give me like 5 minutes
is that ika time or actual time
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we're doomed
rip also you should post the other girl from that show instead she suits you more
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Maybe some day I can watch something.
ok hi
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okay ika is ready let's watch all ooujt okay let's start!
miii!>>43298 >>43299
i had my volume up loud so her voice murdered my eears
sekizan-kun so cold
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Looks like a slice of life episode.
catering to filthy piggies
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>>43304 Like you.
im no fujo
what a wuss
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hes so cool
gentle giant
oh their first skirmish with the last boss
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Masamune once the others are here.
I just figured you were going to orange.
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You guys need to tell me when you're ready! Masamune. okay let's start
I AM READY im sure little squiddy won't be long i don't think bang/rook are around so if they're not here by the time fujopuker oranges let's start>>43322 >>43323 >>43324 >>43327 we're all here ~~~~
I was posting at the start of this thread!
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oh yeah Things were really interesting at the end of last episode.
No-pan ojou-san Has a nice rhythm to it.
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I'll kill you.
i know someone with a condescending tone and a flat chest too
>>43333 I'm that prevalent in your thoughts? Gee whiz, I'm honoured.
ara ara~
Oh shit.
She probably doesn't remember it though.
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Everything was going to be solved, but paper airplanes ruined it!>>43337 Of course she remembers it, she was traumatized by him!
she's going to JUMP
acquire harem
It's always rough when things are your fault but you're not in the wrong.
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This series is to the part where it's giving me (figurative) blue balls. I want to see them couple up alraedy!
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Oh, she managed to fall in love so now she's going to have the light threatening surgery. She'll live though.
She's going to get put on a bus until the series finale.
lel btfo
>>43347 indeed
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She was a good girl. In another series she could have been best.
You mean like Marika from Nisekoi~?
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Wow, two heroines leaving the competition in a singel episode. I guess they're going to focus down on the last two in the last arc.
Well Inchou got kicked out early on.
the boy(girl) might still win
You mean girl (boy).
we may never know
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He's the kind of boy (girl) that ends up secretly being a girl (girl) and joining the competition.
Nah I'm pretty sure it's a girl (boy).
Adagaki's family seems to employ some rather unscrupulous maids.
Wow. Also she remembers his given name. Is Masamune even a common surname.
>>43363 >>43363
stranger danger!
time for ntr
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I guess dealing with this fatty will be the last arc.
poor shipper-chan
i think im gonna read the manga i got lazy and stopped way back but i wanna see what happens
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>>43371 Yes, being a shipper is tough.
>>43372 no spoilers
>>43373 this is a furry image
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>>43376 The girl in question sexually identifies as a mage.
Maid, even.
rika does like her maids . . .
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>>43376 you're a furry poster
no i only post neko
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are we watching trickster or chaos or are we done for tonight
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It's up to you guys but my personal opinion is to save them because I hate watching bad things after watching good things.
yeah thats okay tomorrow is less stuff i think anyway