I thought those guys were going to get smashed but Meliodas saved them.
where did meliodas get such a big meat
The chronology of this episode has been kind of wonky. I thought we were in the middle of a flashback for Diane but it looks like she made it back home.
500 years, how long was it that they all formed up?
i dunno, maybe we aren't in a flashback.
i thought the sins got together like hundreds of years ago
Like this part feels like a flashback. But just earlier she was falling asleep and remembering things King had told her in relative recency. It's just been hard to tell where scenes this episode have been chronologically.
i think that was just what happened after she went back to scotland and meliodas was just messing with her
okay so that was a flashback and she's remembering things from the future that's where all the memories are leaking mystery solved gang
The MC is a bit of a baka too though so it's all evened out.
this show doesn't seem that good but it's funny at least
It started off kind of neat and then got kind of contrived for a couple episodes. The QUALITY also started going crazy about that time too. Thsi episode has given the series some much needed wind for its sails.
yeah, no sign of bang. can't be helped! okay let's start
>>426870 Technically there's already been a round one with another school, for the Japanese at least. I'm not sure why the matchboard is set up the way it is. >>426873 I've been checking for him to show up for the past ten minutes or so. Doesn't seem to be here yet.
wait where is bang
oh noooo
haha he has a floaty
They grew up on a mobile fortress I'm pretty sure they haven't had the opporunity to learn to swim properly.
That does make me wonder where they are though. The rest of the world we've seen so far has been kind of wasteland-y.
>>426877 the only beach left in the world >>426879 wait what happened to his chest cancer i must have missed it
Well it was kind of assumed he got over the whole issue when he revived at the climax of last episode. But it is kind of weird for a large blue growth like that to just disappear out of the blue.
I know they're robot warriors raised in a seemingly post-apocylaptic world, but it seems like people should instinctively understand the concept of kissing.
Man these kids have been fucking messed with.
>>426900 I think it's a good thought experiment to run with. If you think about it, without parents and the other facets of our social structure we've come to expect as normal, how much of these more minor parts of social interaction would come naturally and instinctively understanded.
everyone else is having fun this guy is exploring forbidden ruins and shit priorities
okay this guy has his priorities straight
This show does some good stuff with the...uh, whatever you call it when you use a letterbox resolution. It changes between a full resolution to a letterbox and it works really well.
i know what you mean though and it does it really well the letterbox effect when shocking or intense stuff is happening is cool
>Your first baby Oh no.
Zero-Two is such a troll.
So humans have become mole people. It's almost like Gurran Lagann.
Gurren even.
This is some seriously crazy brainwashing.
he actually became nakama with hiro without realizing it
Ichigo wishes she could work him to the bone, if you noasayin.
Ichigo is pretty cute though.
She does really come off as more of an imouto than a love interest though.
>>426924 yeah that part was super cool abandoned cities are super cool the same thing happened near the end of xenoblade 2 and the whole meeting god thing that game blew my mind it was so good
>>426929 I'm not actually bothered about spoilers much! Just knowing information is half the experience. The emotional context is also important, and I can't get that without experience the game.
oh okay well it turns out the world was manufactured by a man from a highly advanced alternate world where global
thermonuclear war was ravaging the planet and threatening humanity's extinction, he reverse engineered the technology they had discovered to cause a massive amount of energy generated from a special device and used the energy to manufacture an ecosystem entirely out of a special particle he brought into creation. when he created the world and the cloud of particles that later formed the cloud sea, the blades, core crystals, titans, and thus supported life on the new planet, he destroyed his original home planet by shifting a portion of the planet into another dimension. this human world remnant was shaped into the world tree and there is a desolate part of a U.S. city over the hill in the top, at Elysium.
They cause so much trouble for the security peoples.
They sure do cause a lot of trouble for the authorities.
Wow a callback to the elephants.
That's a lot of dead mammals.
>>426932 Hah hah, see this is the kind of thing that I'm so totally removed from because I don't really have the context of experiencing it personally. It probably won't stick in my memory long and I'll only remember it when I'm playing through XC2 myself. And at that time I'll go "oooohh this is what he meant!" and I'll get the additional excitement of finally being in on it. So it's win-win for me!
yeah i don't think my explanation really explains any of it without the context of the rest of the game behind it so it probably won't make sense until you're already 130 hours in or something
Oh shit it's Dinosaur-sensei.
T-Rex were probably pretty stupid though.
>just got out of the museum >let's go on the ride again
Well everything was pretty good but I really enjoyed FranXX and Mitsuboshi tonight.
Thanks for animo acids.
the franxx episode was alright but i expect nothing less than ball-busting excitement every episode by now
What high expectations. You gotta give your audience the highs and the lows!
i think all of either is good too texhnolyze was all lows and it was a real stunner
sometimes it's fun to have only awesome crazy shit happening every episode look at samurai flamenco for example
the show that bankrupted its studio lol
Well they weren't exactly rolling in dough before it. That studio had been kind of in the danger zone for a while.
yeah it was a good death knell for them though what a way to go out maybe they just decided to get all of their anime ideas out at once before they go under
>Corporate is going to shut us down after we finish this show so let's make it as fucking absurd as we can without any care for how much money we'll be making them back in return
makes sense to me bunch of listless animators sitting around brainstorming the most twists imaginable because they're just gonna lose hteir job anyways, so who cares anymore.
It probably wasn't too hard anyway. That show was a pretty heavy satire/love song to toku and sentai shows, media genres already pretty well known for ridiculous and shark-jumping plot twists anyway. Reaching for the craziest plot development they could think of was also them doing the series they were referencing justice.