>>424755 planning on looking at some data and thinking about doing work until i think of something more fun to do but those are just tentative plans they're subject to change
>>424757 data work and diagnostics though most of the work i'm putting off doing is stuff like writing copy on wordpress for presentation of materials >>424758 oops >>>/watch?v=uFT96G_PmAc
i'm a diagnostic consultant basically i use data to help identify systems integration issues for my clients things where they're having difficulty expanding their corporation, reaching their target audience, logistical needs, or whatever systems aren't interfacing as planned that's the broad, all-encompassing scope but a lot of times i just end up doing HR stuff like help design recruiting methods that will ease things like high turnover on employmees/contractors some user interface design and user experience design
it would be fun if i ever got to do any of it, but the data collection and data parsing themselves take up most of my work week then the strategizing part, which is the thing i'm so interested in, ends up being a crammed two-hour rush before a conference meeting or some such it's not a lot of fun and very time expensive
Being a software engineer sounds neat, but tbh I just want to be a codemonkey. At least until I'm in a position where I can self-employ.
what im doing now is more like market research and strategic planning than software engineering im working mostly with small businesses, so i basically have to implement my suggestions and deliver assets gotta start somewhere i'd like to get some business that's less centered around human and social systems and more in the realm of software development it's a struggle being self-employed though
i didn't really take the internship path to doing anything i dropped out of a medical physics major and worked from home as an independent contractor doing transcription for the last four or five years i got recruited into some small business transcription service providers who paid a fair wage, and mostly did transcripts of market research stuff and business conferences i've always had a passion for being a consultant i guess, but it seemed like i was the only reliable person for doing that particular line of work, so i was invited to help expand recruiting efforts and do some adwords advertising so my first client as a consultant is also the company i'm contracted to work for as a service provider, which i still do and makes up most of my income i got a little lucky in that respect because i don't really have any credentials, but was asked due to my proximity with the company, which i'm hoping will give me some merit moving forward with my plans i'm very passionate about data and information, so i'd like to work with some market research companies to help them do their work better i'd like to build a platform for data archiving and retrieval specifically designed for market research purposes that would eliminate a lot of the data workload that currently overwhelms them and me -- so yeah, ideally being in software is my goal for the near future but i can't financially afford to start big projects and fund myself so i've kind of got to find an organic path forward doing what i can to help other people solve their problems before i can solve the problems i want to solve
>>424767 What spooks you? It's not using consumer data for targeted ads it's more about the consumer -> provider feedback interface and helping use pertinent data to identify problem areas not to sneak advertisements into private, overly personalized areas
like for instance, understanding the correlation between noncompliance of a prescription drug and the rate of failure in firstline treatment using that drug or how consumers perceive certain messages in advertisements so that it doesn't give off an unintended negative feeling or draw association to a different product that was outside of the scope of the copywriter/designer of the advertisement to be aware of
or what kind of messaging would be appropriate to send a meaningful PSA to a certain age group about a concern (for instance, the recreational marijuana tourism in colorado and alaska, and how to inform the public of what concerns should be had while still being taken seriously as a concerned agent, not as an overbearing authority figure trying to restrain you) that latter case particularly being around making sure people understand the laws around use in public, intoxication while driving, what to expect when using edibles as opposed to smoking so that people don't think it's not doing anything and then eat a whole bunch just to be sick for three days -- genuinely helpful messaging
it's about building an interface between two systems which have // which currently are not able to interface properly market research is one of the more prominent and expensive areas where this is a major theme, as there's a fierce divide between consumer perception and provider perception it's not the old-school "how do we swindle more people into buying our junk" the information age has moved us past that. it's now about "how do we take this massive amount of data and parse out the information to provide a better experience for consumers," whether that be better experience in quality of the product, brand loyalty, //charlimit
>>424780 Here's a funny thing you probably haven't heard about.
Yesterday the second half of the event was released. Everyone knew the final reward was going to be the Intrepid, and that it was going to have amazing stats and it was going to be the top ship of phase 1. So the patch hits and people see the art, and Intrepid is a really poorly drawn Shibafu ship.
So Kancolle fans all over the world were really angry, and the Japanese were angry to the point where they mass-reported to Kancolle twitter and twitter's automated content controls auto-banned it.
>>424794 it's understandable because there's been a divide that has bitten us in the butt too many times in the past ideally it should be a fluid i/o process but it's difficult to find the clogs in the traffic that screw the latency up and that latency obfuscates the messaging between the systems in the past, it has been necessary for one system to interpret the signalling from the other system and localize it, and it loses its context and meaning because it's not communicable a proper interface for systems would allow the signalling to hold the meaning of the context within the signal itself, which is something i'm passionate about doing
with software it might not make a lot of sense because we're using manufactured systems, all of which are developed from the same machine-readable language or a simple translation of language, which we can do with certainty in the physical and social world, where the signals can range from things like the act of whether or not to purchase a good or service, the withholding of a vote, a community effort, getting sick and missing a day of work, all coming from people or groups with pre-conceived notions about what the system it's signalling can and will interpret, it makes for a very cloudy vector of communication
I think you and I are enemies kirara I have a great deal of disdain towards armored units
Kirara 🚗
dragon > flying > armored > horses in terms of fun dragon > armored > horses > flying in terms of viability
>>424807 That's a little weird to me, there's a pizza place near me still open and a twenty-four-hour McDicks and grocer I could probably get a pre-made meal from that are less than ten minutes of driving away.
Kirara 🚗
we only have Walmart that's 24 hour here but some fast food restaurants are open until midnight or so i thought i went to three places i thought would be open and they were closed
Oh the Subway around McD's is also twenty-four hours. Who goes for a sub at times that would merit that? Who needs a sub at like, three in the morning.
walmarts has some pretty good chicken in their deli
I saw Black Panther. It was absolutely amazing. I want to say it's the best Marvel movie to date, but I feel like that underplays how good it was severely.
I've had a hunch it would be good. Not even because people have been giving it good reviews, but because I expect Disney to be smart enough about throwing this much hype behind a movie that would just be a "look we can cater to minorities too!", hah hah.
Every set was absolutely beautiful. The cities and landscapes were crafted so well and were really interesting. The characters were incredibly diverse in their presentation and the soundtrack was just beyond perfect. And the plot was very good and interesting, too. It built tension so well.
And it was way funnier than Guardians.
Yeah to honest with all respect to supporting non-white actors and whatever a better wording for this is at the moment 'cause my mind is blanking, what I want to do most is get more of those Wakanda city shots. The aesthetic there looks so good from what I've seen in the trailers.
im getting such a migraine the nausea is the worst part i wanna fragment all the way to h*ck
Kirara 🚗
>Aksys Games is teaming up with Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons creator Yasuhiro Wada for Little Dragons Cafe, a game for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 that combines dragon husbandry with cooking and restaurant management.
Was going to get dinner out earlier but my friend wouldn't let me buy him dinner since I bought him the movie ticket and he doesn't have enough money to buy dinner right now so we couldn't go eat and then i couldn't find fast food after!
>>424955 I remember when I was a kid and fell deep into the animes Went to the shop with DbZ and Yugioh painted on its windows...bought a PS1--then a JP DBZ game, which needed the console to be held open by a spring to play.
Kid me was not pleased at hearing Granny Goku >thinking something was wrong with the disk
>>424961 Nope! Robin is close to making me interested but the strange art style is a little bit of a turnoff. It looks good in some ways but bad in others.
>>424989 tbf i don't see anything flagrantly wrong with that nothing really right about it, but it seems like the flavor of condolences anyone his age would give
Kirara 🚗
"oh boy, oh boy, oh boy" is really weird everything trump does is tinged with some feeling of being off
it reminds me of my grandmother saying "oh dear, oh dear" over and over i should go visit her; she had a stroke a year ago and i haven't seen her since but i'm a far way away with a bad back and no vehicle and im taking care of two disabled people here and working two jobs and also very sad and sulky ive just finished a very fatiguing process of being my other grandmother's caretaker through her final years and hospice so i don't think i'm being selfish in letting myself say no to things
>>425046 say goodbye to your melatonin. its never coming back
mailed yall a mail thanks again
The campaign for The Flame and the Flood was really nice. Decent challenge with a number of threats to overcome, good music for boating down the river to, speckled with checkpoints and smaller tasks to work on to help you feel accomplished along the way. Definitely a game I'm satisfied to have put time into.
you mean you two doing the legwork? i just wanted some feedback i can mail you a ten dollar amazon gift card for your help though >>425068 i mean that's what companies that have employees do. they hire them. technically they're contractors in this case but still a majority of the legwork is done by me and the owner of the company we collectively do about 80% of the work, just us two, and there are people who are sometimes there to help in order to grow and take on more clients though, we need to be able to handle more volume it's a pretty standard business regimen i think
No. I meaning hiring out the transcription stuff
But what you need to do is hire out a whole bunch of contractors to complete the projects but be paying them less than the project is worth.
We're paying more than most other companies out there do it's a service business of course we need service providers the service provided to the client is not the same as the service provided to us from contractors there's the overhead of HR, client acquisition and maintenance, quality assurance and editing, the risk of losing a client falls on the owner and not the servicer who prepared the unsatisfactory transcript there's a lot of logistical maintenance there, and development of systems for the contractors to use to claim their work and submit their work and software to do arbitrary things that the contractors don't have to worry about like timecode conversions and frame syncing on videos and lots of stuff not to mention a physical office in new york city which is not cheap
it's not like accepting a job for $10 and paying someone else $5 and not worrying about it yeah that's how capitalism works
so basically what you're saying is that it's a pyramid scheme
there are people who will not understand that you're bantering and will have suspicion that i'm involved in a scummy company when i'm not it's a very good company that is one of few that treats people well in this industry and that's all i need is for someone to trace me from here to there and start causing problems for me in my life so i don't really appreciate it
well now you've got me paranoid that's why i asked in the first place for some help because i was cautious of how i was representing the company now i'm going to be concerned all night that it's going to look like a scam or something and i'll have to cancel the ads and stay up all night redoing it why do you do this
Kirara 🚗
i thought it looked very professional and legitimate
>>425075 it's absolutely fine. I was just fucking around.
my spotify is so fucked up my daily mixes are always like a bunch of alt rock and then a bunch of fucking native american chanting and pow wow songs and shit every time it goes to the next song it's so jarring
Maybe some day there will be an alt rock song that draws from Native American chanting and pow wow songs and it'll make the PERFECT transition for the rest of your playlist.
my laptop suddenly started opening psd files in honeyview after the newest windows update
this new windows update is wonky as fuck
>>425134 my audio device stopped working while i was doing work and then it wouldn't recognize it if i tried to plug it back in so i had to reboot my laptop and windows sticks it fat dick in there to say "Hang on a minute while we update // install the newest update" download and install, while i'm on a metered connection at a slow rate
it just fucks up your work day and thinks that's okay because it's an update and who wouldn't want an update
I haven't had any weirdness happening with the new Windows update.
>>425129 It's a series about a hardcore highschool gamer gurl who has a hard time separating reality from her bideo games. And her somewhat more normal best friend. She gets into all sorts of hijinks because of this.
>>425136 sometimes my windows tries to restart for an update while my laptop is closed but it can't so it goes into this weird limbo where it won't really do anything and i have to manually shut off my laptop to restart it and then it updates
>>425138 I hope she doesn't mix up real life with her dooms and halos
>>425140 In one of the earlier chapters she mixes it up with her Assassin's Creed and in another one, Payday.
>>425142 it feels like nothing is really coded that well anymore almost everything is so buggy these days probably because everything is becoming so complicated with a billion features
please don't use gosh's name in vein oh no do we have cloudflare issues again oh nevermind i guess it's my end
I've been having some periods of bad net lag recently. Occasional half-hours or so where I can't load anything more data-intensive than a stretch of text.
it's because china is systemically clogging our bandwidth to reduce our access to information
you can be a doubting nancy all you want but it is true
You can insist it's true all you want but I'm gonna doubt it all the same.
soon we'll all be on a forum occupied by a group of dishes and be none the wiser
Honestly those dishes are probably more enjoyable to be around than some of the other potential forum encounters I could have.
>>425192 im not surprised sleep deprivation always seems to settle a lot of my mental health concerns i'd question if maybe there's an indirect correlation there that worse depression leads to sleeping a lot and so there's a little statistical bias that people so far into the path of that end up fighting harder against sleep deprivation since i assume it's a statistics-based thing and not an interpretive biochemical thing on the effects of sleep deprivation
You are living you have not lived you are living and not dead but those who lived died and those who died lived but living lively means you've lived not by proxy of being alive and live is not dead
>>425197 I'm not really sure. People that are at severe risk for suicide are often deprived of sleep if they're involuntarily committed and their risk of suicide generally decreases, but it jumps right back up to its previous level if they sleep at all. I haven't read the research for it, but it's kind of common psych knowledge among people that work with suicidal patients. Of course, I've never observed it either since I don't work inpatient, so it could be less true that everyone says.
>>425199 they become a higher risk of suicide after sleeping? in comparison to your previous post that sleep deprivation may be an effective treatment? clinically i don't really trust "what everyone says" if presented with information regarding sleep deprivation and involutary commission, one of many questions i might have is about their noredrenaline function due to adrenal fatigue of not sleeping, and what their history of compulsive behaviors was some of the val/met polymorphisms have big problems with compulsive behavior due to being unable to regulate proper noradrenaline levels, for instance
>>425204 that's basically what we do every flu season if you go and get a flu shot, it's for a specific strain of the flu it's a national health thing more than a personal health thing, and they'll typically vaccinate for the type of flu which is most deadly but because of viral competition and the ability of one flu strain to inhibit another flu strain, they'll sometimes give the shot for the flu strain that you're not as likely to get, just to make sure the population has the safest flu, if any, and won't be harboring and spreading a deadlier flu strain
>>425201 I guess it'd be more accurate to call it an intervention than a treatment.
I have some level of trust in the experience of certain clinicians that have observed risk of suicide decreasing with sleep deprivation. The mechanics of what causes that decrease in risk, I don't really know.
>>425207 Yeah, I believe you in that regard of risk decreasing with sleep deprivation what threw me off was >>425199 >people at severe risk of suicide are often sleep deprived
>>425209 Oh, I see. I meant that they're often deprived of sleep by a nurse or doctors, not that they're severe risk and simultaneously sleep deprived.
Nah, a smaller lake. My uncle has a lake house a little ways away from here. Fishing runs thick in the blood on my mother's side of the family. Practically everyone fishes. My uncle is really into it.
Whem I was younger we had a lake house and a pontoon boat. pontoon boat fishing is comfy, the only real downside is the best fishing is early in the morning and I'm not a morning person.
I haven't seen any of the Michael Bay movies either.
My experience with the old cartoons is pretty limited too.
Kirara 🚗
i saw the first three bay movies and despised them all he randomly started turning characters that have always been autobots into deceptacons and apparently Optimus Prime is evil in the latest few movies
>>425334 >Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. At the start of turn 3, foes within 3 columns centered on unit take 10 damage and bonuses on those foes become penalties through their next actions.
Yeah, it's a little weird. Aside from there being two Takumis, it replicates the feel of that map pretty well. You have reinforcements up your butt the whole time.
>It's a reinforcements episode Turn 3 is probably hilarious
Kirara 🚗
reinforcement maps suuuuuck
I'm ... oh I have no stamina and don't feel like running it tell me what t3 looks like
>>425342 because doing that every three turns would be pretty ridiculous you could essentially wait out a special map with Takumi in the back if it's the type that sits until you're in range and then just 10 blast them all Multiple Takumis will allow you to 20-40 blast them all.
>>425355 Yeah, I'm thinking about how I want to handle it. I'm deifnitely using Corrin. I'm thinking I'll probably also use Ike with his distant def seal.
>>425363 On the map, yes. But I mean the unit. You can get 3 Takumis this way Every future map will have to prepare for a 10-30 blast from T3 Any map that waits will have to be designed horizontally.
Kirara 🚗
oh i see what you mean
Kirara 🚗
they can just put a ranged enemy with vegence and vantage doesn't have to be raventome
I don't see it being a good strategy. Most challenge maps either have complete bastards on them that will not be phased much by 10-30 damage and will one-round a Takumi or they have reinforcement spam
>>425378 YEAH, BUT MAINTAINED PANIC Starting out a lot of those maps are always annoying because their HP is around 20-30 higher than it usually is >62 HP archers
holy shit like less than a month back I was talking to one of the few classmates I still keep in touch with about "who exactly organizes reunions and stuff?", like what kind of person does that And today I got an invite to a reunion with our high school year
Spooky, cause it's the school I went to with him, too Which for most people isn't that odd but I've been to several schools so
hah no I'd have to go to my mom's for that period, and I legit know like 2 people
I also got invited to a reunion a few years ago, but I can't remember if it was primary school or high school but I also didn't go, there's a reason we don't keep in touch anymore
Also, in kingdom come deliverance, your hose can't die, but I seem to have bugged it I was in the water, I accidentally hit it in the back of the head with an arrow, and now it doesn't come when I whistle anymore I wonder if it's still in that pond, it's been an in-game week
maybe it drowned :o
maybe While I was in the water with it, I checked the horse tab to like, rummage through the inventory, thought I'd killed it and would lose all my stuff And its legs were twice normal length and it towered over the ground it was WILD But I didn't take a screenshot because I'm a dummy
I can still access the inventory though, so that's nice
hello darling enter my franXX
No thank yoj *you
enter to my body
only 7 hours until citrus and franXX I am fucking excited
Actually though, that's not even like out of the realm of the canon of the franchise The teachers were primarily vets and stuff, I think?
Since it's space fascism
Are civvies allowed guns or is that a right you have to earn? Voting's the only right exclusive to citizens isn't it? Yeah in ST. I wonder if they have a lot of school shootings in that universe.
I'm not sure if that's even a thing in ST. You fight and if you've earned your citizenship you keep it. I don't think they can revoke it because you called something a conspiracy.
>>425455 How do you know this. You can argue that it's how it might play out in real life but this is a fictional world where what the author/director says goes.
I'm not sure the question of what the state 'can' do is too relevant in ST Pretty sure they do what they decide is best, without regard for what's technically supposed to be in their right
Well I dunno if they would or not, but they definitely are capable of it, seeing as the entire state structure is an autocracy They DO have some sorta election or voting though, which I dunno how works really Do they vote for candidates, or is it just the popularity meter for the fuhrer?
I don't remember if they talked about how government elections and parliament and shit works in the movie or the book. But they definitely have some kind of elections otherwise voting and citizenship wouldn't matter outside of status. We see successful non citizens like Ricos parents.
>>425458 According to the wiki: > The Federal Council is the ruling body of the United Citizens' Federation. Council members are governors chosen to represent their star system. The head of the Federal Council is the Prime Councillor, who is elected by the Council for a five year term. During conflicts the Sky Marshal provides the General Council with weekly reports on the military situation.
The Council meets in the General Assembly building in Geneva.
So you elect your own governor and then they all collectively vote for the pc.
>>425459 Apparently yeah and they don't vote on him directly. However they might have a strong division of powers between the prime Councillor and the rights of individual star systems to govern themselves.
Yeah of course I would. Who would turn down the chance to talk to one of the most infamously evil and influential people in history It'd be fascinating And if I've gone back in time to do it I can just shoot him at the end Or give false information to mislead him You could troll the fuck out of Hitler. Just rub his failure in his nose.
that place actually exists Though so far away no one will ever reach it, mostl ikely Would make diamonds worthless if someone ever started mining there
Kirara 🚗
nah all they gotta do is control the flow of diamonds they'll do the same thing with gold when we start mining asteroids
While human to human head transplant hasn't ever been done officially, it has been done with animals many times it never worked properly, and usually the transplanted frankenstein died few days after due to rejection or was put down due to being paralyzed
he says he can reattach spinal cords though which is a ridiculous claim
>>425500 If he could do that, he'd be billionaire doctor fixing paralysis all over the world
Kirara 🚗
if he can do that and isn't doing it to help people he's literally evil
one of our former neighbours got paralysed ehad down due to tumpling down when doing gymnastic practice bit sad, the guy and hisw ife had just started a booming business
Oh yeah Estonia is also celebratingtheir 100 years of indepence but... they haven't been that long independent sure 100 years ago they also gained independence but then just 22 years later NOM NOM by soviets
>>425499 well we have a new substance now i dunno what it is exactly but some manufactured syrupy like substance that can sheathe all the nerves and conjoin them to their connecting parts on the body pretty precisely the issue before was trying to fuse nerves the old way and it was really fucked up they also have to do that with the blood vessels too
fish is playing the new ass creed and she found lions in cages, opened the cages, killed the lions, and the game is like PREDATOR ATTACK: THREAT ELIMINATED
why she kill the kitties
Kirara 🚗
you gotta hunt stuff for materials like pelts so you can upgrade your equipment sometimes
it doesn't seem that bad here other than copper being hard to find you need copper for the hidden blade so you can assassinate stronger enemies sometimes
the first time beyek used it, he accidentally cut off his finger lmao
does he atleast lack the ring finger?
Kirara 🚗
also it starts off bronze but the blade gets reinforced with iron in later upgrades and the hidden blade is way older than the time period this takes place in cleopatra found it with her royal connections, it was used to assassinate some tyrant in the past
if we were camping and catched our own fishes and grilled them would that be kosher or do you have to have someone special bless the butchering or something
Kirara 🚗
it's fine as long as the particular fish is kosher
Kirara 🚗
at the level i follow the rules of kosher, at least
meaning not catfish or eels right or other unscaled fish
or do you mean a fish that has been following a kosher diet
Kirara 🚗
yeah it's gotta have scales and fins to be kosher
i love cooking fresh-caught fish it's so good and satisfying
>>425547 ive never cooked fish i caught but ive had fish i caught cooked
>>425548 is that a really big bag of weed that's a lot >>425549 me you and jammy we'll catch some fishes and we'll clean and cook them together we can even bring some dough and yeast and bake a fish pizza
>>425556 that's basically what it feels like i'm doing already, way out in the sticks like i am all i'd have to do is just start living off the land a little more, but not in this particular area there are campgrounds that have wifi and stuff too or you could bring a phone with a 4g connection and do some work here and there to keep supply funds and stuff but otherwise just catch some fish, grow some vegetables, pick some fruit and nuts, and get back those primal things that humans are supposed to have like a really refined sense of smell and sharp eyesight that we lose from being in these sterile closed quarters
i guess my idea is more like a small cottage out in the wilderness rather than some commercial campgrounds though something that's like maybe a ten mile hike to town where we could restock supplies once a month or something
There's a potion for which I have the recipe but not the ingredients that just outright kills anyone it poisons I brewed one that makes them unable to move, now, and I thought I made 2, but I got 5 cause of my alchemy skill The brewing is pretty fun too
Kirara 🚗
>>425558 yeah that'd be really comfy i think about nomadic primitive living a lot but it's not really realistic without a largeish group
i've been wanting to do what i just described for like a decade or more now at first i had imagined it like a huge escape from society and that i'd have to be a pure hermit and pretty much be off the radar, so it wasn't a realistic goal and just a kind of fantasty thing to think about
but now it doesn't seem strange or that extreme i could be very distanced from society and still connected, and not be alone either if we had a little cottage like that, you // we (or maybe just i) would live there like full-time, but you'd all be welcome for seasonal trips up and i'd make some guest rooms and have an outdoor lounging area with hammocks and barbecue places
have a generator and a wi-fi phone and it's not even that different than bein anywhere else it's such a liberating feeling
>>425567 well if not for you, but what about everyone with you? Well living in the woods would be nice, but I wouldn't stop accessing the benefits of modern society
Kirara 🚗
i think living a nomadic primitive lifestyle just comes with that kind of risk and anyone doing it would be knowingly putting themselves in that position if they find they don't like it they can just stop
>>425562 i would love to have a place by a stream with a water wheel
>>425568 i dont think it does stop you from accessing the benefits of modern society
>>425569 a water wheel just for fun? it's not a particularly efficient generator i wonder what commercially available hydroelectric generators are out there i could probably build something like that once i was out there though >>425572 yes it's not an uncommon lifestyle there are people who live entirely on the road as well, traveling from place to place and earning their funds through odd jobs, selling handcrafted stuff, busking (playing music in public), or other services fortune telling and stuff sometimes, which is obviously a hoax but it's kind of fun anyway
i envy that kind of lifestyle too it's a very social thing and your day to day is so intertwined with the people you meet and the connections you make with people are substantive
Aren't there actually somewhat many people in the US living outside of society, but occasionally selling stuff for modern conveniences that they craft or hunt already?
>>425574 a /moe/ cottage with a waterwheel aww and a little artesian well // oh wait no there's a stream nearby it wouldn't need a well i want this too where at though? utah? colorado? montana? montana winters are rough
this seems like something we could actually do too each pitch in and buy a plot of land and put all this together that would be amazing
Kirara 🚗
>>425575 id say Colorado since Colorado has good access to all the western states with a lot of great nature areas
colorado also has good access to bears
Kirara 🚗
we can make friends with some cute ass bears
bears are a big problem they make life in the country ten times harder because you have to bury stuff or haul it a really long way to dispose of it they're trash bandits and they'll bully you out of the food you just hunted and you have to be extra careful when you're away from your shelter
you have to bury your urine too because it attracts them
Kirara 🚗
we can fill our land with traps and leave riddles for people trying to navigate them
Kirara 🚗
i guess it'd be bad if the bears solved the riddles though
black bears are okay it's the grizzlies that aren't okay their temperament just isn't compatible with humans black bears are pretty cute and harmless if you know what you're doin
>>>/@Kraagenskull/967457154667040768 This is the smoothest run of it that I have seen. Vanguard Ike / QR3 / Dist Def 3 Eats that entire left lane by end of turn 3 with some Delthea assistance
>>425608 hi I was buying stuff outside I have lotion, deodorant, and body wash again. woo Ever since the 2nd bathroom was made, things just stopped getting added to mine...
Life was easier when I didn't have my own bathroom. I didnt need to get my own bathroom supplies. I feel like I got kicked out of the house. But only for the bathroom
But it's more like "we all had a bathroom. Then my parents wanted their own. And my sister likes theirs more than ours so she uses theirs." So I got a leftover bathroom. You know, like one of those "How I Paid Off My Student Loans" gifts. Suddenly, no one wants it and now it's mine.
The apartment I spent about half my life in only had o e bathroom. Although for like five years of that there was a bathroom in the basement with just a toilet and sink.
oh so it's like defacto yours
>>425615 >How I paid off my student loans gifts What?
the second bathroom here is basically like that for me I mean there's only two of us, but it's closer to me, and the other one is closer to my dad and contains a shower
I still usually use that one though cause the one close by is small
>>425618 You know those articles where it's like "This millennial couple paid off 150k and are now debt free. They say everyone can do it too!" and half the story is like "My mom gave me an apartment but I didn't use it. I slept at my grandmother's house that she let me stay in for free and rented the apt out at top dollar. Oh, and my cousin gave me a car. What are living expenses?"
>How To Make A Game Like Cuphead >Skill >Hard work >Determination >eat, sleep, breathe, live your game development >Have a house that you can remortgage for finances
part of me wants to make a popular game just so I can tell everyone how much of a piece of shit I was for seven years and that "No, you can't follow my footsteps. Don't ask me for advice. Go back in time and get parents that were making combined 150k+ by the time you were a teen."
My parents probably make like 130k~ But that's revenue, not profit We have a decent amount of medical expenses from the past few yeaes we're paying off, among other things
>>425626 I have made no attempts to hide my gifts. you think a guy like me can just go and save manga without a safety net?
I think my favorite thing was when I mentioned that I had a second house and people were completely confused.
>>425628 Yeah I know, I was just joshin I already knew you were a filthy bourgie
Fuck I basically have a bit under two years to completely get my shit together.
in other words you can procrastinate for another 700 days or so
>>425631 If I procastinate for that long I won't get my shit together. I probably have more like 90 days. Although since I'm actually doing a volunteer thing now I'm already doing things.
Although really the biggest problem is paying for college. I've been making a spreadsheet full of small scholarships to apply for once I get back in. Hopefully that can offset the large scholarship I lost.
>>425643 waking up having to pee is the worst you can't take your time getting up out of bed
What's rough for me is why I wake up needing to use the washroom and my cat's laying on top of me. Not only does she usually lay down where she puts pressure on my bladder, but is also very articulate about being moved from a catnap just because I need to get up from the bed.
the smell of the kitty litter after my kitty uses it usually wakes me up so i have to go and clean it up because i dont want ot // to be breathing that in and wouldn't be able to sleep through it anyway but then i've got to pee as soon as i get up so i have to do that first and then by the time i go get a bag, scoop the litter, take it out to the trash, i'm too awake to go back to sleep it's super frustrating
there's a flash flood warning here i am very likely to be flooded off from the roads the house won't be flooded but i do not think i will be able to leave, and my mother's house may potentially be flooded
Sounds like a horror movie set up
Kirara 🚗
it sounds like a bad and dangerous time
Are you gonna be inviting your mum over or something while her house floods? Do you need the roads anytime soon?
eating is hard my nerves are so shot that my stomach tenses up and stops producing digestive acids so eating really hurts a lot of times i can do a little macaroni and cheese or some cottage cheese or apple sauce i already had some white cheddar mac n cheese and it was tasty now i'm laying down with a heating pad on my back and i have my laptop but i feel nervous and want to get up and pace around i can't shake that feeling it drives me crazy it's like having a kettle whistle go off when the water starts boiling to alert you that you need to get up and turn it off, and trying to take it easy is like trying to ignore the boiling water whistling at a high pitch rather than getting up to turn it off i just dunno how to turn it off
i like the talenti raspberry sorbet, that stuff is good not ice cream but still i wish i had some nice japanese food, like some unagidon with a real hot bed of rice or some thai pork skewers -- they're marinated in lemon juice and coconut milk and served with sticky rice there's a lot of things i miss
I really like the savoury sauce they often put with eel in unagidon. The texture and taste of eel is pretty good too but that sauce just makes the meal for me.
i wish i could take /moe/ out for a group hotpot meal that would really be fun
When I was in Japan with friends, the last night in Tokyo and the last night we had two of the people on the trip with us, we went to this okonomiyaki place where everyone sits around a hot table to make their food. It's not quite the same but that sort of all in a circle eating together kind of thing is really endearing and heartful.
yeah i would love to have that experience with my moefriends it makes me a little sad that my closest friends are people i can't do things like that with
I think it helps to remain optimistic or helpful. I was literally the last person to jump on that trip and in relative terms was pretty much last-minute in getting things prepped. And by helpful I mean hopeful. Being online friends makes experiences like these a bit rare to come by, but I don't think they're impossible in the slightest.
I wonder did it have many on launch glitches or bugs
I bought it week ...one? At the least I bought it pretty early on.
I managed to glitch myself into a pillar in the first tomb you get to explore that was game-breaking enough that I needed to restart the game. Other than that it can be kind of wonky with interactions, if you need to be close enough to something to get the indication you can press a button it can take some finagling to get it right.
unfortunately they didn't bring back the outfit customization from the french revolution game that was the only really good thing about that game they took it away for syndicate
Hmm did black flag have much customification? it had some crafting things, but those I think also gave stats so... I didn't gvie a crap about stats and went with what looked cool, though
I think it is somewaht shameful that most companies use their intial player base as bug testers nowadays.
>>425711 Maybe I'm just not a fan of Egyptian fashion from that time but I can't really say any of the outfits I've found have been particularly "oh that's good" for me.
I have a bad memory >>425722 from redsomething hammerfell
are they fun to use? btw since it is the ptolemaic reign, do the whatever macedonian hoplites who up ever?
They've got a special function in that they spin the guys you hit with them around, so that your follow-up attacks are hitting their back, which the game considers free crits. I had a decent one early on that also poisoned on strike that I got some use out of, but I've tended back to normal one-handed swords. Honestly I want a good spear to use because spears are GOAT weapons but I haven't found one that is a reasonable replacement for one of my swords.
They aren't actually hoplites, but fuck if I can remember the word and neither were they "phalanxes" but yeah >>425724 I kindaw anna see how they are used now
You deal with a fair amount of Greeks/Macedons in the earlier parts of the game, once you hit the midgame and later the Romans start to take the focus of the narrative a fair bit.
>>425729 I love how Bayek pronounces Phylakitae. It's just one of those words that sounds COOL.
How are the languages dealt in the game most by that time spoke greek since macedon and the hellenic era, but I think even then some still spoke the local language(s) in egypt and then there ofc were the romans, though almost all of them were bilingual
95% of the audio that isn't background civilians and whatnot is spoken English. Native words are reserved for proper nouns and important factions like the Phylakitae. As well as terms they're respecting the cultural importance of, like the Egyptian ka.
>>425734 Hmm that I do wonder how they pronounce the greek if they use it do they use the modern or the reconstruction of the Koinee they actually speak
WEll if you are playing it or watching it being played see if say some word containing episol pops up, is the epsilon pronounced as e or something close to i and same for eeta modern greek has changed many vowels into iotas for one reason or another when pronounced
Kirara 🚗
i would assume they do it as accurately to the time as possible considering that's assassins creed's entire thing
Kirara 🚗
they even turned all of Egypt into a museum in a dlc and you can tour the entirety of it with historical commentary
Yeah, the dev team for the Assassin's Creed games have generally put a lot of work into cultural historical accuracy. Factual is a little less so since that's a little more complicated.
>>425744 why did they milk 2 spinoff sequels off of him anywhy? his story was done by the end of ac2
The first Assassin's Creed did well but the series only exploded in the second one. In part because Ezio is a fan-favourite and also because Italy was a really engaging set piece to work with.
>>425749 I believe he was in his forties but that's a bit pedantic. He also lived a much more active life than most people would which would keep him in better health.
Kirara 🚗
>>425746 because he was popular and they wanted to expand the story they were putting out those other games while they worked on the engine for asscreed 3 which took like four or five years
but he was like 50 something by the end he wouldn't really be in my opinion feasible as a main character anymore
Kirara 🚗
there were parts where altair was in his last 70s lol
I never played the ac2 sequels didn't see a need and just didn't think ac3 was worth it black flag I got because on sale and PIRATES and BOATS
I played a bit of both. >>425755 Brotherhood was the one that took place in Rome, Revalations took place in Constantinople.
Kirara 🚗
brotherhood was really good Istanbul was designed really well Rome didn't interest me as much
Kirara 🚗
Oh, Revelations is the best ezio game then
he was old enough to not be a shit in that one
Brotherhood didn't really catch me well, Revalations did a bit better. I think I was playing Revelations on my old, janky-ass PC that couldn't play games of that level well. Or maybe even on my laptop? In either case the FPS issues were frustrating and unlike Syndicate, Revelations wasn't quite enough to keep me engaged through FPS issues.
Kirara 🚗
AC3 was my favorite story and MC and that was before i got into native stuff syndicate had great characters though the guy in syndicate was like everything good about ezio but better the french revolution game was so ridiculously boring
Unity is the only one I haven't at least played in part.
Kirara 🚗
the MC didn't have a personality at all like it wasn't even that he was hard to like, it's just that he basically just did stuff for no reason and felt aimless the entire time the plot was super boring and it felt like he just happened to be there while stuff happened
I like how incheeck black flag is most of the time it just doesn't take itself seriously it just feels like "pirates of the caribbean the game" quite oft
I dunno, I think the end of Black Flag kind of uses all that taking things less serious to suddenly turn on you and show you how disastrous that can be for a life to commit to a life of debauchery and lawlessness. By the closing credits of Black Flag, pretty much all your friends are dead, the age of piracy is coming to a close, and the MC is taking responsibility for the daughter he left behind. It's a sobering ending to the game and I think it's trying to show how fucked up the people who were a part of that culture ended up being.
>>425760 Not to mention, I hear unity didn't even portray the revolutionary period that well
Kirara 🚗
it really didn't it was just like up to where the people got mad at attacked the palace they didn't have content for the reign of terror or anything it was just the most boring parts of the revolution they didn't even build up to it
Also if you set it in france, why not go with the favourite period of all writers in france the THREE MUSKETEERS period the solar king and all dat shit you could have so much fun with that stuff
>>425762 A fitting end if you ask me I should replay it at some point fully
The rendition of The Parting Glass at the end of Black Flag still sticks with me. It's a really nice song.
>>425764 If they made the revolution period they should have gone all out with it start with the revolution and carry it all the way to napoleon's down fall see it come full circle how instead of a king people prop up an emperor
Kirara 🚗
>>425768 Napoleon was in it but he's an ally most of the times he shows up
But is still weird how so few games take place in the sword and musket era even black flag is at the later parts of it
and try to find a strategy game set in that time period... empire and napoleon don't count cause crap
Kirara 🚗
beyek seems pretty likable i like how dedicated he is to protecting Egypt and its people
Yeah, it's a good addition. Like I don't want to downplay the emotional reasonability he has for chasing down the murderers of his son but if that was all there was to his character, from a player perspective that would be one-dimensional and get boring after a while. So his passion for protecting Egypt is a really good additional facet to his personality.
>>425783 egypt or ptolemaics? at this point they have ruled there for 300 years
also how is Cleopatra made? A cunning seductress like usual and also quite historically or?
Kirara 🚗
i guess kind of she's just a schemer she likes sex but she doesn't go and seduce people her first appearance she offers to let anyone have sex with her if they'll die in the morning but she's not playing politics, she's having people assassinated she's trying to become queen again
>>425785 Bayek is hard in the belief of protecting Egypt as a land and people. He resents Ptolomy because he feels the pharaoh has not done a suitable job in leading the people of Egypt and also because he sees Ptolomy as somewhat responsible for the destruction of the Magi brotherhood and the killing of Bayek's son. But he also does give servitude to Cleopatra as a "rightful heir" of sorts, and his moral struggle of balancing that with his purpose of protecting the people of Egypt is a component of his character throughout the game.
I always found it weird that Cleopatra allied against Augustus, him being adopted son of Ceasar, when she already had a kid with the saladman and had set him up as the ruler of egypt. Would have made them quite natural allies, being of the same household.
>>425786 I would say she's certainly portrayed as cunning. Bayek quickly gets into her inner circle so that does dissuade the image of her subtleties a bit, but if you look at it from an outsider's perspective there's definitely something there.
Kirara 🚗
Cleopatra's navel is always showing and you gotta respect that
I can't get into the combat of AC it prevents me from really enjoying the series
at least it looks cool though unlike that Lotr game >>425795 all of them until 3 I stopped playing because it was really just not fun to mash one button and counter constantly It felt like none of the enemies were really unique or different just one strategy to slowly kill 100 men who politely wait their turn to be stabbed
Which AC though. The combat has changed up a fair bit from game to game.
>>425787 go look at how many "co-rulers" she has had and you'll kinda see why that kind of portrayal makes sense she was good at the "game of thrones"
Kirara 🚗
the combat used to be so easy and you could just go combo a hundred enemies now you have to take it really slow and time attacks and also you can't block swords and shit with a hidden blade
the combat in origins is actually pretty difficult sometimes especially when there is more than one enemy
Yeah, Origins really lays it on that you need to shield or dodge from strikes. I will critique it in that a lot of enemies in the game end up feeling pretty damage sponge-y, even if the combat is engaging enough to help that. But it's like, I wail on an enemy for four heavy strikes and they just keep building the swing-up to their attack that knocks me on my back. That sort of thing gets to me a bit.
I might play origins I heard it was good by AC standards from like every source out there
The sengoku would just be quite easy just have you play as a hattori ninja and follow tokugawa ieasu? was it around and you experience the whole main meat of the unifying of japan and then the final battle too and then maybe drop it off at early edo period
Tenchu that's it ninja stealth action adventure good shit the games are kind of outdated by now
>>425811 isn't that too fantasy though? I dunno nothing bout the game series
>>425808 I hope the fact that India and China were featured in Chronicles doesn't mean they're locations completely dropped from potential future main series titles. I would love to wander around certain eras of both those countries. Like imagine being able to move from those lush mountains of China to parts of the Mongol Steppe, to the major cities of Imperial China, teeming with life. There's so many amazing potential set pieces there.
>>425812 It's basically the historical account but if demons were real Therefore the plot is pretty predictable Well the plot about unifying Japan anyways Williams story is completely fictional other than that he was the only white samurai
Well then another option and you can keep using modernish weapons, is the meiji restoration period that would be a good turbulent time to have in an ACgame too
>>425818 well there was the "archer who shot genghis" already as an early member of the assassin's organisation so wouldn't use him since jebbe? whatever his name was is too big of a character but whole game set around the mongol conquest and the early mongol "empire" that would be cool, lots of horse riding and shit
not to mention mongol used a lot of spies and infiltrators to gather information about areas they were going to invade
I recall reading they had even some go as far as england during their trip to europe
Kirara 🚗
id rather see something other than mongols or king arthur honestly but id rather have arthur of the two
>>425818 Arthurian England would be pretty interesting. I would imagine the following game would take place within a century or a few of Origins though, since Origins is the first of a new sub-series, like how 1-3 was a contained story.
>>425824 well since it is "origins" wouldn't it bounce around in the region untill the actual historical assassin's order what ever it was called hash hash hins was founded
Kirara 🚗
the brotherhood was founded long before hassan
>>425832 yeah but it would tie it back to the 1st game
Kirara 🚗
i believe the premise is that the brotherhood got destroyed and was later reborn
I'd say still that the 30 year war would be quite nice time period for it >>425845 unless this and they go with a "it is not animus" or something scifi approach would be quite fresh approach to one too
Like I said before, I hope the fact that some parts of the world have been featured in the Chronicles series doesn't disqualify them from main series titles. It would be a waste of some really good set pieces.
But if I did a russian revolution one it would have to start during or before the war and actually encompass what lead tot he revolution and then the next revolution and then the boogaloo that was the years long and damn bloody civil war
>>425849 Yeah I can see where you're coming from. Weren't the text logs stuff you grabbed in Chinese and then ran through Google Translate though? I'd expect even machine translation to identify between china and China personally, though.
yeah they were i wouldn't expect players to use formal characters for everything though, the same way plenty of people don't capitalize in english over a video game it's a really off tangent but it was such a peculiarity that it's been on my mind way more often than i'd like to admit
How good is google translate nowadays anyhow wonder if it has gotten any better at fin->eng
Depends on the language, they've improved differently at seemingly arbitrary amounts for the most part. The translation between Japanese and English has been given a lot of attention and has relatively improved a lot, even if it will still wig out on complex concepts and certain things that you would probably have to lean more heavily on liberal translation to convey the appropriate context.
I at one point spent some boring hours to use it to translate random finnish articles and then correct it up to improve my own language skills I wonder if that helped or made it worse.
>>425853 it's effective for very simple structures basically you'd have to prepare the language to be translated knowing that it's going to be translated, and not complicating it much
Just a question really, what do you even do with a gigabit data pack? I mean, if you have say family of 5+ using it at the sametime, yeah then it makes sense but say if you arel ike moi and live alone, you can never use it fully Hell, you will even approach the writing speed on SD drives
>>425880 I have it and honestly there is no apparent feasible use even streaming 1080p on Netflix on four devices and 4K on another I've never even used more than half
I can download an episode of anime in like 20 seconds though so it's useful since I'm forgetful
>>425881 And that is the other thing no download source actually gives you even a fragment of your speed upload speeds just aren't that high, since symmetrical interweb packs aren't that usual
>>425883 I've managed to cap out at like 60MB/s max from a really well seeded HS torrent but never seen upwards of 100MB/s
My friends from otaniemi report similiar speeds of course they have actually capped the max speed, when transferring from local to loca, them all having the identical 1gb/1gb
>>425891 I guess they have better servers over there no use wasting that much resources here, where there aren't that many users anyhow, though
huh I guess they did upgrade my speed last week that is solid 20/10 higher than waht I usually average when testing here good speeds for mobile 4g with what 2-3 bars, though
>>425900 on paper it should be over 100 but yeah try to find that good reception anywhere and where you can find it, the traffic is so much you drop to those levels
Wines are quite treacherous, due to them being easy to drink, but strong enough in alcoholic content, that they dehydrate you quite much so the hangover is oft quite bad so remember to atleast drink a glass of water or some other chaser after finishing a glass of wine only beer and even then the ones above 6% start to be strong enough to cause that dehydration anyhow, can be drank as is without remembering to drink some non alcoholic fluids too.
>>425911 I usually don't drink enough water when I'm drunk But hangovers aren't usually enough to fuck my day up very seriously
but I don't like to drink wine with my meal I just don't I eat my food and then post facto drink the wine or drink the wine before the food and then eat I just don't see how wine is a food drink I don't think the wine complements the taste of whatever you are eating or vice versa
I'd rather drink beer or just water
>>425912 I like reds the most too. >>425914 It's good with cheese, but that's all I think maybe I'd drink it with steak too wash out the taste so you get a fresh sensation with each bite I suppose
white - toss it out I don't want it rose - maybe, but usually too sweet sparkling - if it is brut otherwise pour it away
>>425915 To me drinking with meal involves also washing down whatever you chewed up then and I think in terms of flavour and suitability, beer is best it goes with anything
I usually wait to take a drink until I'm finished eating Not sure why but I'll take a sip every so often during the meal >>425919 read that as Mormon black knight
>set in the medieval fiefdoms of the American Holy Empire the newly founded Mormon Knight order just got their latest member >but the member is a freed slave >now follow his mishaps as he wants to become a gallant knight protecting the weak and downtrotted, the black knight of mormon faith!
>>425931 we can quarantine the survivors of the normie purge in there for study so history never makes the same mistakes >>425933 are you gonna turn the capitol of mordor into a nasty looking spiral tower install a flaming eye so normies stay off your island
My actually humble dream is to take over iceland and rename it Mordor and then call myself Dark Lord of Mordor and then make everyone at UN meetings be super jelly
The whole modus operandi of the country would be to RP being evil emprie, but actually it would be 100% direct democracy and all dat shit and I wouldn't really even do antyhing or rule it directly, though I COULD
>>425938 >>425937 though I do wonder, how many accidental bear devourings would there be per year...
>>425941 well they probably were threatening the bear or something >>425943 at least killing a bear mount is easier than firing a cop >>425939 >pretend like you're going to turn the country into an evil apocalypse >political enemies too scared to run in opposition of the Dark Lord's party in case they are actually supervillains
Other countries have problems with cops shooting people mine would have with cop bear mounts eating the criminals
>>425942 100% success I would also see if I can weaponise that volcano, so I could threaten to darken the skies of europe Also I would for sure have a meeting boardroom, with trap doors installed on every chair except mine they would lead to a pool of some sort maybe a ballpit or a pool of alcohol
>then he bullshits that he is just making sure the slave trader organisation can never rebuild when caught >>425951 for fucking sure
there are some solid gold € coins with 100€ as face value though their collector's value is 10-100x times that making them quite silly to use as currency
Well I'd mint them with silver it is more available, not that ridiculously expensive and isn't needed in high end tech products so chance of people melting themd own wouldn't be that high just pretty much make the coins about 50dollaroos in silver, so the face value and metal value would be about the same, unless market prices change drastically
>but why silver why not just use whatever to make them like normal coins but what would be the fun in that?
>>425957 silver doesn't seem to change in price too drastically but it might be difficult to put that much silver in the coinage
>>425959 Cause it isn't kept high like gold, and it is that much more common and unlike gold, it isn't used in high end tech products but yeah, the initial amount needed to put it into circulation would be quite absurd amount of silver I guess it would work in say finland or "mordor" but country as large as USA or the entire Eurozone no way hose it would just be a ridiculous expense in the end.
Oh yeah anyone eaten any bug products like grasshoper bread or stuff? I recently had grasshopper chocolates, was bit weird eating them had a wing stuck between my teeth for a while
I have no interest in eating bugs, regardless of what they're mixed into.
Hmm it is a bit of a fad here now I doubt it will take off that much, thoguh, but we recently did allow bugs as food stuff so novelties will be around for the near-future.
You're the only loser that shows up about this time DEMANDING anime.
>>425999 never eaten bugs except accidentally and as a small child I dunno if you can even buy that stuff at your average store here I've never seen it >>426011 I ate a butterfly
Kirara 🚗
i ate a scorpion once
idk butterflies kind of do look tasty they're so colorful
I've probably eaten a fly. Not intentionally and I never would do it with intent. But some times you're swimming and you come up for a gulp of air and all of a sudden you're choking because something small has shot down your gullet.
does anyone else ever feel extreme guilt all the time for no reason
>>426014 I'm too obsessive about finding a reason for things to do that. So whether I'm making up one or not, there's going to be a reason for why I'm feeling that guilt.
>>426019 yeah but i mean feeling pangs of guilt in circumstances that don't call for it, aimed at those things like, my uncle was just drinking bourbon in the other room by himself two or three hours after he normally goes to bed and i just saw him flicker off the lights to go to bed i feel guilty about not even being available to converse with; i'm sure he's lonely i feel guilty about my mom's living conditions being subpar though it was her choice i feel guilty about myself for always neglecting myself to take care of other people and letting myself down and getting depressed it's all really overwhelming to me i don't know if i have higher empathy than most people or just worse coping ability
i don't know what to do any time, ever i'm so indecisive and anxious
Kirara 🚗
yeah i guess i do feel guilty sometimes like that
i feel like my dissociative tendencies developed because the only way i could look after myself was to view myself as someone else so that i could empathize
and to anyone in my sphere who doesn't realize what's happening, it just looks selfish
>>426020 I can kind of get this, though for me it identifies closer to being anxieties and stressors than guilt. It's rough for me to try and go to sleep when I'm not tired because that's the prime time that my brain likes to pick at all the things I should be doing or could be doing.
he drank half the bottle poor guy he probably wanted someone to talk to and i was being selfish and just being alone i ended up drinking the other half friday night so he had what was left i mean, i like to be alone and reflective and stuff so that's kind of how i treat other people, give them their space but i dunno, what if someone really just wanted to talk
>>426033 I know the feeling. But I like to hope that people realize I'm kind of a loner and don't really expect me to be there to talk if that makes sense.
>>426036 I dunno, but saying we'll be friends even in the afterlife is more extreme than I'd usually get from you!
then again half a bottle for me is weaker than a morning coffee so i dunno maybe i just assume that's a lot for an old man to take half a bottle is tiny bit more than a six pack and that's nothin
>>426039 yeah i get you i just wish i weren't a useless piece of shit even my boyfriend i only talk to once every couple months or so
Kirara 🚗
>>426044 i think you're fine we're all useless shits tbh
>>426100 i don't think so you've got a proclivity for worldbuilding and fantasy at least rika is the one who said waifuism is a disease and there's something wrong with people with waifus that's an awful normie sentiment
i can operate in a way that makes me appear normal but i definitely don't have the same type of thought patterns and method of connecting things as most people it's incredibly distressing actually
>>426110 constantly struggling to appear normal is a good indicator you're not whereas these two are tryin to argue who's less normie wanting to feel special is pretty normie too
Kirara 🚗
im just feeling insulted that rika called me a normie TWICE and she has the gall to say we'll be friends forever hmph
>>426106 i can usually follow you are thought patterns if that's any relief i can usually tell when your lying too
>>426114 I wish we go to the same circle of hell so well be friends forever and always
Kirara 🚗
>>426117 just buddying around in hell >>426116 like 99% of the people that can follow my brain are people i met online but i think you're the only one that would ever understand the burning cereal thing
i was pretty close on that you had just hid a very crucial detail i got you a good few times on word dissociation too i asked rika to play it with me but she wouldnt she said she alraedy had played it with me so didn't need to again but i don't remember so it was probably an excuse