We got install microwave ovens custom kitchen deliveries We got to move these refrigerators we gotta move these colour tv's see the little faggot with the earring and the make up Yeah buddy that's his own hair That little faggot got his own jet airplane
>This broadcast is not available in your location. wtf I thought you Canadians were supposed to be cool
;_; Maybe it's a Canada-only thing. RC_Sports is Radio-Canada (The Quebec branch of the CBC).
>>>/watch?v=irGj8oG2F6Q This probably isn't going to run either. It ain't the French anyway, but this was a good routine.
yeah nope I might just live in a cursed location
Well I've heard the CBC website has been an amazing English-language source for Olympic footage, covering all the events. But they region lock IPs from outside Canada. Looks like the CBC YouTube channel is in the same way.
>>423121 Speak, definitely not. But if I'm hearing simple sentences and we're not talking about anything complex I could probably give affirmations and simple answers.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
https://otakumode.com/projects/kizunaai-figure gonna buy it
I saw a Tweet showcasing a whole bunch of Kizuna AI merchandise they were demonstrating at WonFes.
Just general life commentary by two chill anarchists This episode is a call in episode A guy called in about a nazi at his uni, a girl called in about her work taking her tips and donating them to some charity
Did you end up reading that article about that German communist terrorist/freedom-fighter group I linked yesterday?
It doesn't ring a bell
One sec https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Army_Faction They're pretty interesting, aig big part of their formation was a sort of reaction towards the presence of ex Nazi brass in high positions in German government.
Also that manga is pretty decent. The premise is that after saving the world the legendary hero is now looking for a girl to marry. But he's basically autistic or something.
It's called Densetsu no Yuusha no Konkatsu, don't look it up on mangaupdates though some of the tags spoil it and then ither ones are false and misleading.
>find interesting looking treatment paradigm for depression >go to research ut >the creator did a ted talk on it guess i don't need to research after all
Also on that subject, I genuinely wonder if my insurance would cover trans cranial magnetic stimulation. They probably wouldn't, but I don't really have anything to lose by asking.
>>423165 if it's deemed necessary by a clinician they probably would i doubt they would without that, at least
>>423166 >if it's deemed necessary by a clinician Yeah, in general that's how insurance is supposed to work. In my experience it doesn't. Which is why the only way I'm able to get a new medication is through free samples my doctor gets, starting this week because she's at a different office. Her old office didn't get free samples. So now I can try this new medication that my insurance refused to cover (until my deductible was met). It costs like $1,000 for a bottle of 30 pills because the pharma industry is so fucked up. Although its also a relatively new medication which is probably why it costs a lot and why my insurance won't cover it.
>client is 10 minutes late and then takes 40 minutes to do a 10 minute assessment leaving 10 minutes to actually talk to the client for my first time meeting them
>>423172 No It's much newer, modafanil was developed in the 70's. This one is from the past 15 years or so. Also is modafanil even used to treat depression?
>>423175 There is at least one species of frog that can hear and interpret distinct frog calls of different frequencies simultaneously.
Amusingly there are practically no species of land dwelling animals that can actually outrun humans humans will just catch it trodding at their steady pace, that they can keep practically forever with just water and minor sustenance
Humans are actually the most demonic animal We hunt by exhausting our prey, and then after a while we just develop tech and destroy the living conditions of all other animals Then finally, our own
>>423213 >burn down woods, so animals will come to eat the new growing stuff and don't have coverage of the forst and are easier to hunt
>>423216 Right? Although I'm pretty sure the aboriginies only did that to make the animals run out. Also that's purportedly what happened to the majority of Australia's ancient forests.
>and then also plausibly use the ground as a semi-farm
>>423203 not indicated for it no its only indication is narcolepsy and sleep disorders from swing shifts it's very effective for adhd which a lot of clinicians acknowledge, but it's not indicated for that use
>>423233 Yeah but you don't fight hundreds of level 15s at once very often >>423236 Ya, probably But it's still mostly this absurdly strong because it's a high PvP AoE put into a 'real world' medieval battle
Afterall it is one of those >5 min casting time they are ment to be OP as fug, like that starburst or whatever Ainz used against shalltear that did like 40% hp on a max lvl anti-mage fighter
though hist still most OP skill is that aoe 5 sec death I guess its only weakness is that it kills everything but the caster, so using it is kinda impossible in big fights
>>423239 yeah most have ankhs and shit, but you still FORCED them to use them now they can't use them again or use them to ress after being killed normally
is actually amusing how the political manuevering the black market stuff with the finger guys sebas romance the adamantine team and then the "demon invasion" the empire /kingdom arc isn't even bad but then you have fucking Climb
hmm? well motion controlled aiming might be fun I've done few vr games like that in expos
Kirara 🚗
they kind of have it in botw with the bow but its not great apparently Splatoon 2 is all motion controls aiming I bet Tilde can talk about whether it's good or not
I remember using it in botw but only for small adjustments to my aim I can't imagine using it to look and turn the whole game
But really bethesda just ports and rereleases their best sellers which are now Skyrim and Doom
You know the wii mote was pretty great for aiming Not for turning But for pointing and shooting it worked pretty well and it was the perfect shape Should've ported a time crisis collection to the Wii
>>423253 They're gonna do a Doom 5 right? They have to with that obvious set up they left at the end of Doom 4.
>>423255 Eventually btw it isn't doom 4 it is Doom
>>423257 Technically it's just called Doom But I'm gonna call it Doom 4 anyway Or NuDoom Since having two games have the same title is dumb since people can get confused
But anyhow, I don't want a quake arena I don't play those games except with friends during lanparty where I can hit that asshole who only uses snipers with my fists
Kirara 🚗
and you can also just arenanet for free instead of buying quake arena
Most likely quite long, but I still am disappointed they just made a remake well remaster to be precise. Sure they added some new time attack stuff and changed some control schemes reportedly and stuff >>423283 Well yeah, and that is even more so why the fuck didn't you actually add in new colossi? No one would have complained if they had to kill now say 20 colossi instead of 16?
Kirara 🚗
wasn't it a remake? they redid everything from scratch
I saw someone play that newer Kingdom Hearts remake where they lost the source code and there was all sorts of stuff they should have made better
Do they let you skip cutscenes in the KH1 remake I remember in the original I lost to the final Riku fight a bunch of times and I had to sit through the same 5 minute long cutscene every time
So much that I only got to speak to the client for 10 minutes.
The patient is a 15 year old autistic kid. His mom brought him in 10 minutes late, then they took 40 minutes to do a 10 minute questionnaire, which left me 10 minutes to sit in a room with them and tell them about confidentiality.
Yeah. If she can bring her kid on time, then maybe I can make it work. The kid is fucking homeschooled so there was literally no reason to be late, plus she's been here before. If the kid's mom is a pain in the ass, I might have to pawn them off on someone else, though. I don't get paid so I don't have any incentive to deal with abuse. The mother is one of those helicopter soccer moms.
>>423309 If the mom is willing. As the parent, she's in control of everything. If she says I can't do sessions without her, I can't. If she wants to know everything we talk about, she can. I have to convince her to let me treat the kid without her and also to establish boundaries for confidentiality.
For example, she's really worried about her kid jacking off. If I talk about that with the kid, she can demand to know everything we talk about and I'm legally obligated to betray the kid's trust and tell her.
>>423311 Is this the kid who was worriedabout god conemning him for looking at hentai
Oh yeah speaking of jewish, I heard that iceland is going to ban circumciccion on baby boys I'll need to look up on the media reaction to it some boring day
>>423318 yeah they aren't banning anything, just that minors can't be forced to partake body mutilation without their consent, which would be 15 or 16 in iceland can't recall many other nordics are planning similiar legislation on some stage anyhow I just bet some loonies are going to react to it in most amusing way
>>423322 Is it so anti semitic to think it's wrong to mutilate a kids genitals without their consent
Kirara 🚗
it feels anti-Semitic to me but it is technically genital mutilation
>>423319 I laughed at first cause I thought that was reacting to some "mourners at wake/funeral of the victims" but then I actually read the first tweet
>>423321 the circumcision is the first covenant between God and the Jews To deny a child circumcision is, in Jewish law, the same as saying the child cannot be Jewish It's an attack on the entire foundation of the religion
Yeah, but you are forcing your religion down a kid's throat without asking them any permission and quite near permanently mutilating a body part for it why not just do it later in life?
>>423325 Yeah but that's your religion and your personal religious beliefs. Even if it is an attack on the religion, I don't care. It's not right to mutilate someone elses body for your personal religious beliefs.
Kirara 🚗
An attack on the religion is what makes it anti-Semitic Whether you agree with the tradition or not, that's just how it is
Is it time to move past that tradition? Yeah, probably But the Jews don't want to so it's anti-Semitic to ban it
Coincidentally iceland has apparently already banned circumcision for girls since 2005
Like it's not the fact that it's judaism it's the fact that it's permamently mutilating them. I bet if it was any other religion you'd use it as a point to criticise it. So perhaps it is an attack on judaism but there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to criticise a religion
>>423328 Well, in the end, no one is forcing jews to stay there if that is so important and no religion should dictate a nation states policies >>423332 maybe a hundred or two?
Kirara 🚗
how many jews are actually in Iceland i wonder
Kirara 🚗
>>423330 I'm not saying you can't criticize a religion or that tradition Im saying banning it is anti-Semitic
Everyone has right to bodily integrity, especially minors, especially toddlers if they want to do it later in life, let them when they are old enough to do the decision. that is my policy on such
Well this is amusing the jews of other nordic countries got together to wrote a letter to iceland's government saying how bad people they are for doing this and this will damn the jewish community living there forever http://jfst.se/nyheter/joint-statement-anti-circumcision-legislation-iceland/ >This letter might be perceived as meddling in Iceland’s internal affairs. And why should we care? HAHAHA that part that fucking aprt
>The legislation was put forward by eight of Iceland's 63-member parliament, including MPs from the Progressive Party - part of the ruling coalition in Reykjavik - the Pirate Party, the Left Greens – also in coalition – and the People’s Party. can't atleast call it a right wing idea...
Kirara I like this new ranko meme that's going around x
>The People's Party (Icelandic: Flokkur fólksins) is an Icelandic party founded by the visually-impaired law graduate and X-Factor contestant Inga Sæland, with better conditions for the poor and disabled as their main issue
holy fucking hell there are foot steps in the snow coming to my window but not back creepy as fug, though obviously the kid or something just used the same "path" back
makes me just think... why the fug did that kid walk to my window...
well immago sleep let's hope some blackeyed children don't come skulking around my property grr
Kirara 🚗
defend you're property
Kirara 🚗
lol, the government failed to convince people kratom was deadly when they attributed gunshot victim deaths to it so now they're saying it carries salmonella
>>423359 yeah, they said like 44 people died from kratom and all the deaths were like, gunshot wounds, and people that were also on a cocktail of like 9 other drugs
they stupidly released a list of the deaths after claiming it was killing people so everyone was able to see that it was not killing people
i am making some fried veggies from the garden, they're not fresh veggies though because it's winter how is you are evening /moe/ >>423361 some person, in response to the shooting, just posted a thread on the work forum // job forum rather, that i visit as a sort of call-to-arms against people who are pro-firearms and asking that they all be banned from the forum for being too thick and unintelligent to be productive members of any community, or to do their job properly if it wasn't a forum that you have to try exceptionally hard and use your real person credentials to be part of, i'd have just assumed it a basic troll
>>423365 It's not really an opinion though. There was a recent stink in the area because someone decided to go trolling on facebook. it ended with a defamation suit
oh i see well that's how it is some people have the compulsion to troll but not the sense to know how to do it safely.
of course trying to take people's constitutional rights is in vogue right now so maybe it was just a power play and they thought they could make it happen
it's amazing how filling just a bowl of veggies can be i cooked them up with swiss cheese and olive oil and had some nutty oat bread that i made myself to go with them food you make is really good when you grow it and bake it yourself
>>423329 It's misleading to refer to fgm as "female circumcision", especially because it usually causes more problems.
Also to get around the law (if it goes through) people could just take their kids to an embassy and get it done there. My guess is that any embassy of a majority muslim country would allow people to do that.
Kirara, here's the Marathon remake https://alephone.lhowon.org/
>>423374 I think the argument that proponents of the ban would make is that it's genital mutilation in the case of males, as well.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Recipe for Jalapeno Fudge does not include chocolate
>>423379 Yes But, fgm has a much larger impact on physical and mental health. It puts the people who receive it at risk for a wide variety of medical conditions, depending on what type was performed. I do understand why people refer to male circumcisions as "mutilation", but fgm often causes a general reduction in quality of life. While male circumcision in general does not.
Kirara 🚗
there are people that argue circumcision does in fact reduce quality of life
Well it doesn't really matter to me since I don't have a dog in the fight, but insistence on calling one one word and the other the other word kinda smells like an attempt at language control to me.
>>423382 Yes there are, but there is a much larger body of research supporting the statement "female genital mutilation reduces quality of life" than "circumcision causes a reduced quality of life". The fact that fgm can be things like "sewing the labia shut with thorns after the clitoris has been removed and leaving just a tiny hole for urine and period blood to leak out until they are old enough to have a child at which point it is opened somehow" While circumcision is just "the foreskin is cut off" Should be enough information for you to understand why one is generally considered to be mutilation and the other is depending on the country not considered mutilation.
there's a large body of research suggesting genital mutilation isn't moe
>>423391 Which do you think is more moe. Circumcised or uncicumscised penises?
>>423392 not having this conversation in the first place
>>423390 i'm glad you posted this on /moe/ i feel that we've gained a lot from it and it was an altogether positive contribution
>>423399 Dozo I made an attempt to skip some of the more graphic parts. I think I succeeded. Which once again is why one is generally considered harmful and the other not.
well i'm glad we covered and resolved this wonderful topic which /moe/ would not have been able to proceed as normal without answering
I suddenly started sweating with some chest and arm pain It 's weird.
Kirara 🚗
also you're def not having a heart attack
do you have any numbness weird tastes or smells
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm kind of sad that this may be related to the fact that I decided to go and get that Taco Bell I wanted a week ago and it wasn't very good (by standards of someone who normally enjoys what he gets there)
Kirara 🚗
out of curiosity, when was the last time you saw your GP or has labs done
Well I had blood work done when I got my job but other than that I haven't seen them in ages. Before that blood work I was last scene at a clinic in 2015.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>scene what the fuck
Kirara 🚗
Was that bloodwork a drug test or a normal screening? or just TB?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
TB and normal screening I think
Kirara 🚗
so like you got feedback on your cholesterol and stuff?
with built in unique lightning breath and horrible, horrible art
Kirara 🚗
kind of upset that celica got shafted too j guess her b skill is okay but if they're going to introduce armored dragons, then there's no reason to make celica virtually useless by making her a sword infantry
I'm just spewing garbage and you're SUCKING THE FUN OUT OF IT GAH
Can you really not run half a mile? Actually I probably can't either. But I'm not sure, I don't run at all but i do walk long distances with a backpack.
Isn't it weird how sometimes you'll be gathering information about someone and someone you ask is like, "we can't talk about that here, people are listening, meet me x"
The people listening obviously can tell the person is going to talk What good does saying that do?
>>423437 I think it makes sense because it's supposed to be Grima. The issue I have with it is that Grima has pretty much always been represented as female Robin.
it's stupid either way the FEH people make truly horrid decisions rather consistently
Kirara 🚗
hardin is kind of bizarre too just in that who cares about hardin
Kirara 🚗
>>>/watch?v=doFpACkiZ2Q >A Netflix reality show where people are manipulated into murdering someone (except the victim is equipped to survive the attempt)
That seemed fine until I realized it said "reality show"
Kirara 🚗
yes, it's a show where real live people are manipulated into murder despite so much psychological evidence and research saying that it can completely ruin someone's life to think they murdered someone
even if it's all staged the idea of putting this on tv is fucking ludicrous
Nope I haven't made a deck with it either. It would be a little hard to set up. Although if I could exile/mill my entire library it would be much easier.
I also found an infinite combo for extra combat phases. Which is harder to set up. Maybe It technically requires more specific cards in play, but the infinite turn one requires that you have (currently or formerly) controlled ten permanents simultaneously at some point in the game.
Kirara 🚗
>>423491 armored dragon is ridiculous and making robin an armored dragon is especially ridiculous
oh those of you who bother with granblue can be excited that last anniversary's event will. be rerunning with a part 2 soon arent you excited you can grab Lyria if you didnt
meanwhile dinesh is mocking children who days ago watched their friends get murdered before their eyes
Saw that already
Anyways, weapon bans aren't going to pass on a federal level and not on a state level in places like Florida. Really the most effective measure would be better systems in place for preventing guns from getting into the wrong hands.
pasta cheeseburger soup
Kirara 🚗
i think we should melt down all the guns and give everyone a bunch of swords
I'd like to see a good Doom movie though. Ideally the protagonist would have no spoken lines, only grunts and yells. And also the entire thing would be first person.
Kirara 🚗
the writer for the new doom could probably come up with a good script for it or writers
Oh yeah Reminder that the original Doom is in continuity with the original Wolfenstein games and that Doomguy is the great great grandson of BJ Blazkowicz. And the grandson of Commander Keen. Well, I might be off by a few generations.
Also the Cyberdemon had its arm and leg blown off in a fight with BJ Blazkowicz and vowed to have vengeance by fighting his descendants.
This afternoon I was taking shelter from the rain in a furniture store. And then Never Gonna Give You Up came on on their stereo from whatever radio station they were listening to. And then a guy with a scottish accent started describing rickrolling without using the word rickroll to his co-workers. But he didn't do a good job explaining what it was.
well i discovered make.girls.moe i hadn't heard of this before but it seems pretty big that's pretty neat
Is it one of those dress-up doll sites that let you swap out hairstyle and outfits on a template?
http://make.girls.moe/#/ not quite, i wish i love dress up games you get to select a model then choose some attributes and generate an image of an anime
here was my first one it was randomly generated entirely
I remember this now. It got a bit of talk on /a/ when it was first being demonstrated publicly. The random generation component of it is pretty interesting.
Hah hah, yeah, I remember seeing really wonky generations like that. I'm consistently pretty interested in seeing the kind of things random generation can produce.
a lot of them are really good generations to be honest i'm going through a few cycles just saving the wonky ones
Yeah, the half dozen or so I ran through weren't really wonky or bad. I wouldn't have said any of them would have been particularly memorable or appreciable to me though.
i set smile to no but open mouth to yes haha i love the constraints
That's the second time tonight the power for my room at least has staggered. The lights and electronics come back on in less than a second but it kills my Internet for a few minutes.
>>423628 I think they were trying to say pit lord was level 9 while you (idk who it was aimed at) was still level 6 i believe the chinese call pit lord big ass
it cracks me up every time i think about it it's not like it's even an oddity or an exceptional one it's just what the chinese have mutually deemed the easiest way to refer to that hero and they've all got silly names, way worse than that and it's not just dota either, they do it for other countries and everything i'm sure youve seen the world map of chinese names for countries
Uh, I might not have. There's probably some names I would recognize but a comprehensive map doesn't come to mind.
>>423591 I don't think Bunyips are even real If they were then they're extinct
sometimes people in my cohort will be freaking out about a test or something and i won't want to deal with it so im like "what would you tell a client that feels like that" and they think im wise because of it lmao
>they are not airing olympic hockey game between finland and canada in finland >instead they are airing some silly sledge riding the fuck this is my tax money used wisely again
Well fuck that seems like our national broadcasting channel has its priorities in place or someone fucked up shit again, and public channels aren't allowed to air everything from the olympics Which wouldn't surprise me.
>>423656 The Finns losing to Canada is just already a forgone conclusion; they're just doing you the decency of not having to see it.
Also see if the broadcaster is hosting additional Olympic coverage on their website. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, who's showcasing the Olympics here is covering all the events that are running, even if they're only showing certain events on their television channel feed.
I didn't have any illusion that we were going to win, but it would have been amusing past time to watch on ride home but noo sledge riding roun 4 of women
>>423658 I already did I don't own a tv, I went to the yle site in the first place only channel here showing it is eurosport and that is pay to view
Aw RIP. The CBC has it online for anyone with a Canadian IP.
>>423662 The American Olympic coverage is pretty garbage too. They tend to cut out any sports that don't have American atheletes in good standing and will intentionally run filler content when atheletes of other countries are performing.
Dunno if it is some EU bullshittery over licenses or such, or are the broadcaster executives just 100% morons >everyone surely wants to watch women's sledge riding instead of seeing if our boys get to the medal matches
>>423661 Yeah but they atleast have the excuse of private companies here only the public tax funded company shows the olympic games anyhow aside from eurosport
It's fine. I'm having to move because I can't afford my flat and so I can't work nearby since this place / area is expensive for my pay. I'll be NEETin' it up for a bit and might actually go to the university
I got a place at 2 universities if I want to take them but one is in London which is way to expensive for me and the other is not quite the course I'd want to take but I can work with it. since it is after all just a BA and with an MA I can get closer to pure linguistics.
So I might be at university at the end of the year if I don't fuck up getting student fianance. I was thinking of going to Japan next month, because I don't have to worry about bills with having house and storing things at my little sisters for a bit.
They entry requirements aren't too high to be honest for these two universities. One is a christian college turned into a university. and the other is one with a foundation which you have to pass to get into to the real degree.
>>423676 Well universities here make money from getting applicants so they do let some lower grades in, it isn't like it isn't hard or I'd be in the courses I'd want to take but I don't have the qualification for them.
>>423674 some hmm polytechnic? schools got into trouble for ghost students and such, so they are quite harsh on schools getting people in just to bolst their budget here nowadays some benefits of state funded education, that they keep a quite strict control on the regulations and that the education matches the set requirements
amusingly too, my university is going on a strike on 28th
Nah not a polytechnic, they don't really exist too much nowadays. literally a theological college turned into a "real" university.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_applied_sciences_(Finland) well that is the actual word but 1. it isn't university actually 2. the type of school might not actually be about science at all for example theatre school
I don't know the finnish application for it but it refers to a further education beyond A-levels which aren't universities and are typically physical things like wood working, metal working etc they disappeared in large numbers in the UK since the 70s
Finnish education is divided between compulsory basic education which is from 7 year old to 15 basically 1-9 grades and then you can continue if you want to, into high school or lower level vocational education lasting 3 years on average too and from that you can then apply to universities or higher level vocational educations that last 3-5 years too well university is always 3 years for bachelor 2 for master, with 7 years time given to accomplish it, but with a lot of leeway
>>423689 It is really neato but I'm a little anxious about it. also feel a little old being invited to a "mature applicants dinner". I mean, I know I'm not 18 anymore but I'm still young! I'm not "mature" at all!
>>423691 that radium industry was so reckless it wasn't only USA alone, though but still Come on, you already had curie family dying of such things and still people continued to paint stuff with radium...
>>423696 I wouldn't really go to an event like that if I could turn it down. I don't have to go. I think. I mean I won't able to do much, I am hate talking to strangers and I'd rather not be uncomfortable sitting for hours hearing how studying is good for you.
I could go if it was free food. Which is might be. *it
>>423718 I am already poor and miserable! even when I wasn't NEET I was this way. >>423720 Not yet in an empty flat at the moment with no furniture and just a computer and desk. will be moving soon though! in about 2 weeks when the internet and everything will be turned off for this flat.
>>423724 two sisters under one roof wouldn't garage be cold?
https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/02/21/freebsd_code_of_conduct_controversy/ This is amusing.
Dumbest thing they've done since removing the offensive jokes from fortune.
>>423727 these controversies are the best happens every time
In defense of the people who are saying its unnecessary. It is unnecessary. And also fucking stupid. Oh and fun fact about fortune, you have to add a flag to enable the offensive jokes. Otherwise you don't see them.
I take no side, I just like to see what causes a controversy
It's also against the Unix philosophy. Arguably
that seems like something hard to argue
and the unix philosophy is hardly an authority on anything either
It's an authority on not making bloated software
So bloated codes of conduct are against it, because it burdens the programmer with additional stuff they have to think about when interacting with other people eorking on a project.
so a code of conduct makes software bloated or something I like where this is going
My comp is borked because I'm a lazy bastard and haven't gotten around to fuxing it yet I did finally get the part that will probably fix it And put it in the same room
what do you mean current? oh you're not current I thought the show
I haven't seen up to the newest episode That's what I meant by "not current"
Learn anything cool this week?
Not necessarily. We did get a lecture about the extension of some Landau theory they call it. You know it?
Name sounds familiar, I'm gonna look it up
I know what it is, I don't really know how to use it. Although I do
Know of an interesting paper related to computing in a closed form some difficult to compute numerically integrals that are used in it.
Specifically the Ising integrals, which have to with magnetic susceptibility. *do with They're n-dimensional for an n you may want or need. And I don't know how much you know about numerical methods for computing integrals, but larger *higher dimensional integrals require much more sample points for monte carlo methods. Like possibly proportional to a** *an For some a
Or maybe I'm thinking of non monte Carlo numerical integration methods. Anyways I did not fully understand the paper but I did find it very interesting.
Anyways, non trivial integrals of more than two dimensions become increasingly difficult to compute numerically as you go higher. So I found this paoee *paper to be really elegant because it converted some of them into a closed form which made them really easy to compute. I think actually a one dimensional integral was the end result. The paper was by one of my favorite mathematicians, Jonathan Borwein. Who is one of the leading experts on pi and also experimental mathematics. Which is a field I think I may go into after getting my physics degree. It basically consists of writing programs to do math stuff you have a hunch for but can't prove, then using statistics to support your hypothesis until you come up with a proof.
It's also a really young field and not very active. So I'm more likely to be able to do something significant.
http://crd.lbl.gov/~dhbailey/dhbpapers/ising.pdf And now I'm going yo stop ranting about this. *to
oh man this pop team epic is the best show ever
all these voice overs
Did you read the manga?
I haven't no did you?
It's pretty good. YYeah i have. The anime does some of it differently, but the way it does it is absolutely in the spirit of the manga.
Also the manga is by the guy who did the "Honk Honk CHEEEEEEN!" comic.
hah I can see how yeah
What computational software do you use? Maple, Mathematica, Matlab or like domain specific software packages?
Also if my questions are annoying just tell me. I haven't been able to go back to university yet so I try to sort of keep myself in an academic mindset by reading articles and asking people about their fields.
used to use matlab for some things, but it's been a while since I've needed it my friends who do chemical process engineering do use it a lot to solve some problems some other friends used some kind of particle modelling software, but I forgot the name sadly it was some FOSS tool that they ran on leenux
>>423764 I can probably guess it VEGAS, GAMESS, GAMESS UK , ORCA, NMD, VMD, GROMACS, Avogadro Fuck, now i nneed to look at a list. Wait, uhh is it molecular dynamics or reaction kinetics?
>>423771 Yep, I had move away since I can't afford rent where I live. But I'll be going to university later in the year so it'll be most of the year NEETing it up.
>>423769 Yes, it repeats twice Pay close attention though
>>423772 aw sorry to hear that maybe i'll get to see more of you though
Oh yeah My family might be doing a family vacation to Iceland this summer. We haven't gone on a family vacation anywhere except visits to relatives since like 2003. Also I've never left the US.
>>423774 For the first few weeks or months I might not have internet but I will be trying to secure a decent apartment in the next 3 months, I will be visiting family and staying with mom when she goes over to america so I'll not have much time at first to get a new place. I am thinking of going over to Japan too either next month or in april.
>>423777 Yeah for 3 months, although I will be in some pretty remote place.
>>423778 New Mexico. >>423780 it also like some mountain wilderness place. the owner of the house my mom is staying at owns acres of land
I am a little worried about visiting America though. I don't want to get shot at!
Fuck That's really far from me.
>>423779 It's really not that likely to happen. Although not wandering onto other people's land would probably be a good idea.
Far more likely tjam *than in the UK people are walking around with lethal weapons, that is pretty scary to think about.
>>423782 I'm not 100% sure but I don't think its much more likely for you to get shot here than it is for you to get stabbed in the uk. Unless your papers have been lying about the knife problems.
Well I be damned I ran into a "sultana" during eu4 session and went "huh, have therea ctually ever been female heads of state in any islam kingdom ever" and there actually were few, in the indonesian region
Hindus are prolly the least appreciated group in that game they have a very powerful religion, that grants you surprising bonuses depending on the deity of your choice not to mention being able to switch deities as your rulers change Man would that be abusable, if you could set up a republic there...
though then you wouldn't benefit from the lifelong bonuses you gain from the religion, which are the real deal
>>423817 you got that image from pol a few hours ago didn't you oh then he got it from pol i guess >>423823 yeah i'm just tired sorry >>423824 damn just forget this even happend
Is sometimes fun to see people post pics you have been posting that have an imagestamp makes you always think, did they take it from ehre or eslewhere *timestamp
>It's using pulleys in ways unknown what we know how pulleys work and what they can do they shoulda made up some other thing instead of pulleys that's silly