also another bit amusing thing I thought of, I wonder will yurucamp cause a slight camping boom amongst the fans and then there will be reports of people being evacuated from the sites for not preparing well enough it would be amusingly glorious
Whoah Hans Assmann was a suspect in a different unsolved Finnish murder as well.
shit I was changing batteries to my headphones but I mixed the old and new ones now I have no idea what kind of combination I have plugged in new new? old new? new old? or old old?
So I just spent like 4.5-5 hours trying to fix a plumbing issue. Luckily I stopped the leak. But the pipe is still stopped up.
>>423879 buy a good stock of hcl pellets and pour them into the drains for few days and then keep doing that atleast once a month might be of use though don't actually get acid like that if the pipes aren't build to take that mr clean and such products would work too, but they are more expensive since you use half a bottle per drain
basically stuff like this they have many more uses than the liquid ones and are much more effective my wager would be checking the materials and taking few pics and then going to some specialised store which carries a lot of stuff like this, I dunno a hardware store and asking some clerk for help
>>423885 The plumber is coming tomorrow. Honestly part of the problem is that the toilets are cheap so they don't give enough pressure. Caustics aren't really a feasible solution when you're at the point where you have a clog. They just create a hazard for anyone nearby.
Although I think the enzyme ones are okay to use on a clog because they don't have particularly violent reactions.
>>423888 The problem with them is that if they don't clear up the clog, err the non enzyme ones anyways Because if they're exothermic they'll be stuck in one spot and can damage the pipe with heat and corrosion.
>>423889 Today was long and tomorrow will be longer, but I feel alright/ How are you?
Also, while attempting to mitigate the smell of the wastewater that flowed out of the tub's drain I accidentally mixed bleach with something that has "warning do not mix with chlorine bleach, doing this can create dangerous gases"
>>423892 macquiverism should be left to people with skills in it.
>>423894 Right? Anyways, I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed vinegar and then ran back up and poured it in. So the acetic acid in the vinegar would react with the bleach before the bleach reacted with the dish soap.
Since bleach is a base, they neutralize each other.
You can also do that to counteract an ammonia spill. If you pour vinegar onto it it can neutralize the ammonia before the fumes become a large hazard.
Fish is playing the new Assassin's Creed. It looks pretty good. It's not easy like it used to be where you can just endlessly combo and kill a hundred enemies.
man I just remembered how much I miss taking chemistry courses with labwork. I'm gonna go nuts if I don't go back to college soon.
I'd really love to know how they were used in battle, though No one really knows, but since they were used for quite long, they must have had some advantage towards some sort of opponents. Or maybe there was some special style of fighting with them. Or they paired really well with the shield or maybe they were really good at disarming enemy shields?
Today my coworkers were looking at videos on facebook about how the kids from that school were crisis actors. It's weird how internet conspiracy stuff is normie tier now.
>>423917 Yeah. It's almost unbelievable that normies are willing to deny the fact that children were murdered and then mock the kids that saw their friends murdered.
>>423919 I think that widespread phenomena like this have to be kinda divorced from moral judgment to be analyzed properly. There's nothing really wrong in not believing in something that you think is fake. It's interesting to watch stuff like that. I think it's a lesson in the fact that the appearance of impropriety is just as bad as impropriety itself.
>>423922 There's no appearance of impropriety in this case, though. There's only fringe ridiculousness that could suggest this is a fake attack. The evidence the conspiracy is using is that the kids organized quickly after the shooting and one of them is the child of an ex-FBI agent.
>>423923 Well, I would argue the impropriety that I always argue, which is the tendency of everyone to use events like this as political fuel before the bodies are even cold. This whole hububb reaches the minimum level of believability for people to buy into it because of the ruthless efficiency with which these children have been turned into political tools. Combine that with the loose nebula of connections that people have managed to put together and you have a conspiracy theory with legs.
The only reason it's taken off like it has is that people can really clearly see the political motive here, so it's at least credible enough to spread.
I mean, it's true, isn't it? There are plenty of adults involved in this whole thing pushing political agenda. It's the same thing that happens whenever some muslims decide to kill anyone, but it's a argument among different battle lines.
People always want to try and make political gains before the bodies are even cold.
Hmm, I wonder if it's true. It seems to me like there are two sides of the coin. One is that people use a situation for anti-gun pushes, but the other side is exactly the same in terms of making the situation political. The other side immediately starts screaming that guns aren't the problem and refuses to talk about them, ever. For both sides, this tragic event is solely political theater and these kids are trapped in it.
By calling these kids political tools, you're implying that they aren't acting on their own will. I think that's a really cruel way to talk about it. It's kind of doing the same thing both sides of politics are doing and I think it's in line with the conspiracy thought.
I don't really think that it's implying that they don't have will. You can absolutely use someone as a tool even if they're acting willfully.
I don't think the intent of the children particularly matters to those using them. None of the adults on either side of the debate particularly care about how the kids are feeling.
I guess so, but calling them political tools is kind of fucked up either way. I don't think it's a very respectful way to talk about them even if they are being placed into the political theater with purpose.
And I don't think it's that people want to use this situation to push politics that leads people to believe the conspiracy. I think it's that a few people in the media want to use this for politics, and everyone gets their opinions from those evil, lying nutjobs. People don't think about these things. They just parrot what YouTube and Rush Limbaugh tell them.
I don't think it's respectful to use them as tools, but I don't see anything wrong with calling a spade a spade. You agree they're being used, right?
>>423929 I don't think people are quite that brainless. They're brainless, but stuff like this only catches on when it's something the normies can understand. The normies see the politics behind it and that's why they can believe the conspiracy theory.
No one thinks it's a conspiracy when a guy falls into a cement mixer at a local construction site because they can't see or imagine the logic in it. Even if it really is a conspiracy and the foreman pushed him because he wanted to sleep with the guy's wife.
>>423930 It's not a matter of being brainless. The smartest people still behave like fools in times like these. We're just not equipped to deal with the amount of information we have access to these days. We aren't equipped to analyze it or to understand it all or to sift through what's right and what's wrong, so we attach valuations of statements based on who provides them. So when we decide that Trump is truthful, we believe Trump, even in the face of evidence contrary. They believe it's a conspiracy because someone they believe to be trustworthy told them it is.
>>423930 >No one thinks its a conspiracy when a guy falls into a cement mixer Do you guys like not have teamsters in Ohio or something? Wait Can you even fall into a cement mixer?
Okay yeah It does not look like a thing a person could fall into by accident unless they were incredibly unlucky.
Kirara 🚗
people fall into cement mixers somewhat often unfortunately i mean, for a rare event, kind of often as far as rare events go, it's not so infrequent that it'd turn heads if that makes senses
>>423932 The thing took root before Trump even commented on it. Trump even commented on it just like you'd expect a normie to. He was just reacting with everyone else.
People believe it because trust in the government is low and it seems like something that could be true. A big part of that is because the narrative makes internal sense. These people want to take your guns and they're using these "kids" to do it.
did I ever mention the local who jumped in the woodchipper
>>423932 I would like to point out that believing Trump 's statements in general does make you count as an idiot. Even if you are otherwise intelligent.
>>423936 I'm not saying Trump is the cause of this. I'm using that as an example. You can replace Trump's name with Dinesh or Rush Limbaugh or Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or the Queen of England.
It's kind of funny. You think that people distrust the government and so they distrust the people that are opposing the current government?
They distrust most of what they hear. Like I said, they latch on to specific sources of information and trust everything that source gives them without critical thought.
We just aren't equipped to deal with the world we've created for ourselves.
Well, it's true that people aren't built for 24 hour national news cycles. That's why I make it a point to not really care about anything that doesn't personally effect me.
I think this can't really be explained away as people believing trustworthy sources though. It's much more viral than that. There's not really a major figure telling everyone that it's fake. It's more like "I saw this on facebook"!
That's a solution that works for a very small portion of people.
Most people aren't able to remove themselves from the world like that. That's part of the problem. We're cave people trying to navigate a world that is ten thousand years more advanced than us.
>>423943 If you have to trace it back it's not really a case of a bunch of people believing a bad source though. All I know about it is what I observed the normies do when they saw it on facebook, and it was just some random conspiracy theory and "wow look what I saw on facebook!" I think it's a little more viral than just being a few bad sources that people trust.
Is amusing, though how quickly people began to abuse the viral capacity of social media and such to spread half-truths, story spins and out right lies The sheer amount of influence you can gain by just the quick traction and then the longevity that information will have, even if a correction is released quickly afterwards. The misinformation will live on in people's consciousness, even if they have read the correct version. Makes one think, do some sketchier news organisations at times do it on purpose.
>>423952 It moves through trusted sources.\ Where do they find it on Facebook? Someone they know shares it. Where does that person find it? Someone they know shares it. People they trust are trusting people who trust people
>>423962 Well, normies aren't good at thinking critically. They just feel it out. These stories are interesting because they feel like they could be true, and that's enough.
>>423962 I have very high standards for trusting the veracity if information from people. *of So basically I take things I hear from most people as "allegedly X is true" or "purportedly Y did Z" Until I confirm it with multiple sources.
But I also on many things have an autistic obsession towards never being factually incorrect.
>>423965 And that goes back to what I said earlier. We aren't equipped to deal with the world we've created.
Part of it may also be influenced by my sort of thinking about many things from a scientific perspective. Like "is this phenomenon reproducible" for something I forgot where I was going with that
the information warfare is similiar how our technology advances quicker, than we can protect it from people that mean harm to the users. ie. hackers we aren't protecting our minds quick enough from the amount of information that the world throws at us daily.
>>423971 DARPA did a study on meme warfare like 15 years ago.
>>423973 In protest to gun violence. All across the country, students are just walking out of their classes and teachers are refusing to work. There's a day planned for it next month, but it's happening spontaneously, too. A few schools in my county had walk outs today spontaneously.
Wait I'm not sure if I was right about the year if the study.
This may or may not be the study I was thinking of.
>>423975 Interesting I just don't like pushing for reforms just after tragedies, be they for good or bad nothing good comes out of rushed developments.
>>423979 You know that this isn't a rushed development right? It's a chance for existing legislation to get further because people right now might realize "oh yeah, not doing good enough background checks on gun purchasers does let dangerous individuals acquire guns"
>>423985 hey it is my naïve opinion, but I can hold it.
Kirara 🚗
no, that's how it should be but it can never be that when the bodies are warm, it is too soon when the bodies are cold, it is not necessary to discuss anymore that's how it is in the US
Besides those who really want to do bad things will do them and if you have the will and money, you can get the arms to do it, even if your country has total gun ban. rules and regulations will make such acts harder to commit, but by no means impossible.
>>423981 Right? Well, ban and actually enforce it. Anyways No one (I hope) genuinely believes that any sort of reform will entirely prevent mass shootings. What it probably will do is reduce them. Which is all you really can do. Barring like magic or something.
Kirara 🚗
i'm fine with banning all guns as long as military and cops lose their guns too
Have we considered the third position Arming the kids
I believe in having the state hold monopoly on violence, but total dearming of the populace should never happen. "the well armed and regulated militia" or whatever is a damn good thing to keep
The same teachers that used to beat your ass for answering questions wrong are still out there in the system, I dunno if arming them specifically is a very good idea
>>424000 yeah I started tot hink about that and could prolly name 5 teachers from my middle school who would have shot their entire class atleast once.
>>424001 Most of those people are dead. Well, in the US at least. I have no real idea what its like elsewhere.
>>424000 Yeah, but the cops are more likely to actually hit them.
Kirara 🚗
>>424004 nah cops have like 17% hit rate when shit is actually going down against a target like two meters in front of them, they're probably as likely to hit as a teacher though
People are just not good in information heavy environments, especially when precision is necessary. It's hard to hit someone when you're popping out of cover for half a second because staying out longer could get you shot.
>>424009 So you probably didn't know this But in reality Cops in the US shoot and kill more white men each year than black men.
>>423992 That would be awful. It's a lot harder to put someone back together after they've been clubbed half to death, opposed to people who have just been shot a little bit.
I saw one last week that got hit in the head with an axe, it was a total mess.
>>424031 How do you know this Serious question Were they surveyed or something right before colonists came in and took over?
>>424037 >people prefer the way of life that they grew up with and were trained for If you threw someone from the west in with a tribe and told them to learn from them I doubt they'd be very happy because they grew up with totally different ways of living.
>>424039 CORRECT Which is why I find it dubious that you jump from "we're trading satisfying lives for longer lives" to "tribal people felt their ways of life were very satisfactory " implying we would all live more satisfactory lives if we went amd lived like them
>>424036 There are a lot of records from tribes which weren't subjected from genocide. Plenty of individual native americans that learned English wrote and spoke about how satisfying their way of life was and how the western way of life was evil to the soul.
>>424044 We won't ever adapt. We're going to destroy ourselves before we have a chance because the world we're creating is outpacing our own evolution so much.
>>424042 What if higher developed countries are just better at diagnosing depression because they have more resources to spare on psychological assessments and people are more likely to be able to afford it.
>>424046 The people diagnosing depression in the less developed countries are people that come from the higher developed countries with the resources from higher developed countries with the explicit purpose of diagnosing depression and looking at prevalence rates.
>>424048 We can adapt to situations, but there are a lot of things we cannot adapt to. For example, we have yet to adapt to our level of technology. We can survive with our level of technology, but we are not equipped to interface with it properly. Nor are we equipped to make sense of the levels of information we are fed.
To the whole, as in the universe, our species will always last a tiny blink of a moment and no one would notice if the blue planet we lived on went woosh due to some random misfortunate event or that we nuked it into a barren dead world ourselves HUmanity is in the end meaningless in the great span of things, but that shouldn't take away anything from the amount of amusement there is to be found in this world.
>>424057 You're just not quite educated enough in the same spheres as me to understand what I'm talking about, I guess. I'm not anti-technology. The idea that we don't properly interface with technology is becoming a very popular opinion in the field of human factors and machine-human interaction. It's just a fact that we aren't equipped to properly interface with technology.
My vibes are quite different from the unabomber is a lot of ways. The way I talk about things, the things I talk about, what I advocate, what I want, etc. The only real similarity between the unabomber and I is that we both have problems with authority and have controversial opinions on technology.
I just wonder about the people who earn money by spreading lies, misinformation, spin stories and such They know they are doing ti and wilfully participate in it How do they sleep at night >>424076 just one of many many many platforms doing it
>>424093 I think he's doing pretty well for a person who promoted pederasty. Although recently everything has been so ridiculous that maybe my standards need tto be adjusted even more.
Yeah that's true PJW was very concerned about those 5 guys at an antifa rally that one time, but now he's working with one that isn't a provable false flag
Kirara 🚗
>>424099 i mean, he could be doing worse, but he went from running one of the largest propaganda organizations in the US to trying to sell supplements on infowars
>>424108 so you condone ill acti why am I even asking this of course you do
Kirara 🚗
>>424110 milo has purposefully directed violence at random people frequently for years and also is a pedophile so i feel like going to McDonald's and making fun of him is allowed
I think that getting someone fired is one of the most evil things you can do. A lot of times a job is all that's keeping someone from becoming a bad person or losing their way, etc. Even if you think the person is evil, all you do by getting them fired is making them worse. Cutting someone's lifeline like that is really just a terrible act of evil.
>>424111 Wait, he's a pedophile? I thought he only advocated it?
im pretty sure he's talked about having sex with a minor before in addition to saying it's good for kids
>>424120 Iirc his "it's good for kids" thing was based on his experience as a teenager having sex with older men. He considered it to be an important part of his development as a person or something.
>>424120 I don't think he has ever said "he would like to" or such but just going from his own case of being abused like that, the weirdo he is afterall
Kirara 🚗
>>424116 nobody is talking about getting anyone fired
>>424121 They did it a lot in some cultures around the world, but I doubt the kids liked it...
Well whatever I seriously doubt he actually liked it back then but just somehow has fooled himself to the current stance he has or just says it to be edgy and cause an uproar to be relevant
Kirara 🚗
he probably just says that shit for attention yeah
Good part of his modus operandi is >say something provocative >wait for reaction >first reaction is the unreasonable REEEEEEEEEEEEEaction >look smart in comparison
Kirara 🚗
it was great how badly it backfired though he played himself
Milo is a curious case since he was one of the first talking heads on the right to engage the left on their own game. well maybe not the first well not at all the first but in terms of the modern social media and outrage tactics.
has milo even ever had a real point beyond "those mexicans are dangerous rapists actually it is true", "i suck black dick lol" and "THE LEFT IS EVIL ITSELF"?
Kirara 🚗
there was also the part where he wanted to direct violence at all trans people
>>424146 Iirc some of his gamergate era stuff was sort of on point But I don't remember the specifics I just remember that he was at the party arthur chu called the bomb threat in for
>>424147 that whole trans vs gays thing is one thing I have never understood or women vs trans or such at times they advocate for them and then at times they go at them claws out screeching
>>424163 It's kinda got a bishie look to it, I don't dislike it. I think it's a waste though, it should have been F Robin. M Robin is better suited to other unit types where they can take advantage of his refreshing personality.
My favorite of the new units is Takumi though, Ihave soft spot for Takumi.
Fuck one morning I am actually awake when sun rises and the red glow is reflected on the pines outside but all the snow has now fallen off of them >>424172 if you like the glorious post-modern and post-relativistic art of europe then yes or like most people say jokingly about say a spray of vomit "frame it and sell it to kiasma for 100k"
>>424184 back in the day you could get into most of exhibitions free as a high schooler or university student or for like 1/10th the usual price nowadays say the ticket is 12€ student is 10€ guess state ran out of money or noticed that students are the largest source of missed revenue.
Kirara 🚗
>>424189 oh, dumb yeah they should have made him armored
Kirara 🚗
or a dragon lol
Kirara 🚗
or an armored dragon since he is possessed by a dragon
>>424204 You should have gone like "do you want to commit a double suicide with me"
Kirara 🚗
we need that cool wolf girl
>>424207 I'm not 100% sure that she knew who the character was. The shirt was one of those sirt *sort of generic dark edgy anime shirts, but with nozomu itoshiki's face on it.
oh my well here's a funny thing for the day, I hope Kirara is still here to appreciate this
The art for the final three ships in the kancolle event was released recently. And to everyone's dismay, the big final reward ship, the Intrepid, was drawn by Shibafu.
It's what you would expect, and the fans were do mad that they mass reported the kancolle twitter, and twitter's system auto-banned it.
wow, Skadi is dumb as hell what why
>>424231 >Intrepid wow, they really did this to the one boat that I actually know in real life.
welp it is going to snow tomorrow and saturday morning might be clear I guess I will have to see if I can get a blood red coloured pine tree pic from the ground level
i can't believe i missed the chance for another frobin reward the +4 doesn't do a drastic amount for her, it's +1 atk and speed but if there's ever by strange chance one more robin available, the +5 gives one def and one res
I remember what paoer this is from, but I know that I've read it. *paper
Found it
Going bed Yasumi
man my drunken wednesday nights have been having a weird homophobic theme lately
are you uncomfortable with your sexuality?
no it's not that...entirely, but I keep running into these people that go into these tangents about gays that they shouldn't be seen or I guess not that they should be open
you keep some interesting company do their lives actually get impacted by it?
well there was that guy the other week whose brother was guy uh for some reason he felt it necessary to beat up his brother and lover when he found them in the shower and he wouldn't shut up the whole thing
>was guy but I guess I'm not surprised that much really >>424282 bad at English and autocorrect I believe
I probably would've done the same to be honest also are you bad at english or just drunk
do you think your friend would beat you up if he found out you're gay?
Oh I think I see He wasn't a friend or anything just some mutual at the pub I don't any of these guys would do anything er actually the first guy I mentioned might >>424285 yeah he was the guy last night though was going on about non cognitive bias in races and then he switched up onto that whole shtick and it was a bit confusing
I know about this sick pyramid scheme too. It just started so you can still get in on it
any of you nerds know a thing or two about laptop batteries? mine died, but an official replacement is 120 euro, while a third party is only 60 worth it or is a third party one risky?
>>424319 i think swords are actually pretty cool i had some replicas and a couple decorative ones showing them off is pretty lame though
Kirara 🚗
swords are really cool but showing them off is like the hallmark of someone hard to be around haha it's cool how many different styles there are of sword
i sure could go for a mass murdering swordsman for once all the gun control talk would btfo
I can't decide what I like more about mass shootings the fact that people died or the delicious memes resulting from them
I like the pile on on gun defeners
Kirara 🚗
hardin's voice is actually pretty good
>>424326 mass knife attack is more likely imagine if someone skilled in the sword actually just cut down a group of people that'd fuck people up so bad nobody would know how to respond for some reason swordsmen always seem to just kill one person and then stop
Swords are kind of cumbersome. If you're trying to take down more than one person you've got to have something you can move with quickly. I mean a knife will probably still suit a single person too in that case but if you've got a sword, might as well use the sword.
>>424329 it's very taxing i mean, i get pretty worn out just from trying to separate the limbs on a chicken with a cleaver it seems like my arms would give out within a couple times
apparently in colorado springs in 1911, one murderer killed six people using an axe handle just the handle so i guess i take it back you could probably get quite a few with a proper blade as long as you're sober and well-nourished
Kirara 🚗
not bad
Kirara 🚗
maybe use a lighter stabbing blade
we just need to buy jan and bang swords so we can finally see a duel
A western high noon with swords instead of revolvers. Nice.
>>424331 reminds me of the lyrics of a song I like:
any bitch nigga with a gun can bust slugs any nigga with a red shirt can front like a blood even Puffy smoked a motherfucker up in a club but only a real thug can stab someone till they die standing in front of them, staring straight into their eyes
ceramic probably what's wrong with metal ones though? >>424343 i guess that's a point, though modern security systems do a lot more than metal detection here
metal gets detected ;-)
Kirara 🚗
yeah there are some really good ceramic knives
Kirara 🚗
you can get just about anywhere except on a plane with a ceramic knife if you're TSA pre-check, you can get on a plane with one though
reminds me of someone who accidentally took their creditcard knife on a plane with them
i got on a plane with a metal letter opener
how many people perished before you were detained?
i've gotten on a plane with marijuana and unsorted prescription drugs and a lighter it's pretty easy to get stuff through on accident
I've seen people on forums who try to sneak drugs onto planes too a lot of them seem succesful, but it's obviously not kilos of it
Kirara 🚗
yeah I've never had any trouble getting drugs on planes nobody checks small amounts
lighters arent contraband my b
Kirara 🚗
would be easy to bring a flammable gas on a plane and light it up tsa has really poor priorities
I had a blowpipe with me once and had to leave it behind because it wasn't allowed :( it was just a kid toy
didn't even have any ammo with me
Kirara 🚗
one time they let me through with a metal knife because it was in my bag but i also had a metal sheriff star that said "brothel inspector agent 69" in my bag so they might have figured i was cool when it showed up on the image thing
i want to do something fun im really getting hazy in the daily flow of things and i feel like i haven't been the me sort of me in a while i want to do me things
>>424363 not really sure but the first thing that pops to mind is to drive to minnesota with a few drones and attach dildoes to them and fly them through the best buy corporate office
Kirara 🚗
>An ex-Google engineer has sued his former employer, claiming that he was wrongfully terminated as a result of expressing his politically liberal opinions—which included opposing harassment and white supremacy—on internal message boards. i wonder how much google is paying this guy to sue them for this
>>424366 oh shit let's go to the zoo and fly dildocopters around the aligator pit
What does the timing have to do with it.
Kirara 🚗
Because there is a high profile lawsuit against Google saying that Google discriminates against conservative thought that is starting up It's interesting that a lawsuit alleging the extreme opposite appears after the current high profile one the timing is odd coupled with the fact that it's the exact opposite, it makes me suspicious
companies conspire all the time for the media it's not new or strange i mean ham companies used to pay actors to go start a fight over a christmas ham at the store because then the press would report about it and it'd be both advertising and brand recognition
And people do things that people see as companies conspiring all the time. I just think it's ridiculous to jump to this being Google paying off a guy instead of running with the idea that it's him working under his own personal agency.
Kirara 🚗
i voiced a suspicion, that's all im not making any statements of fact
I don't think it's too ridiculous a small guy acting through his own does not usually have the resources to make issues largely public, nor is the media particularly interested in capturing the true ordinary stories the fact that it's getting exposure through such a highly clogged medium as the news media makes me inherently think that it's valuable to a connected entity
Kirara 🚗
i dont think it's that ridiculous either it's very advantageous for google to have two high profile cases alleging opposite discriminations
>>424385 how about the circumstance where google may have altered the person's terms of termination or are prepared to settle with the clause that the person publicly disclose all information regarding their termination it's not straight out paying for an action but it's compromised terms
or rather, publicly disclose his claims of wrongful termination why he actually was terminated isn't even relevant
i wish there was just stock language audio just like arbitrary dialogue of any given language in ten minute samples if i look for some samples of a language on youtube, it's all like processed videos with overlaying and explanations and stuff >>424403 background noise in general not for movies or production necessarily, but just that i could pull up in a youtube video and listen to the language for a few minutes
Like background noise for movies, or for learning?
>>424401 It's always wonderful when an old, retired tool can be repurposed into something new.
Unless my professor that night cuts class super short, there's no good screening I could make at the nearby cinema after class. I could go see it before class though, there's a screening that runs to ten minutes before class starts. It would be about a ten minute walk from the cinema to my lecture room.
i think podcasts are too noisy probably. podcasts are production pieces so it's probably not as natural just simple, smooth, regular dialogue >>424407 nooo
There's an upcoming noitaminA anime from MAPPA called Banana Fish . I wonder if it takes its name from the J.D. Salinger short story.
>>424417 Hold on what languages can you ask your rights to be read in, in the US? All?
Kirara 🚗
>>424420 rights are automatically read in English but they can be read in another language later if necessary
Do they have to wait with you on like, the side of the road or whatever until a translator shows up if you need it translated?
Kirara 🚗
they don't have to but they'd usually detain you and then the interpreter would come in
>>424422 no they would do that in the holding room where they question you if they can't acknowledge that they understand their rights when handcuffed, then nothing said by them would be admissable in court until they acknowledged the rights read to them in their spoken language
>>424424 Is anything you say in the interim disregarded?
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
generally not always cops can try to use it and sometimes it works but it's technically not allowed
they say it's best to just not say anything
Kirara 🚗
asmr not saying anything to busty chinese police officer
>>424428 it's unlikely that a person who can't speak english will be able to interface with the system well enough to defend against stuff like that though or even know that they can defend themselves from stuff like that through the legal system
>>424430 I'd listen to this it better have no microphone noise though
The kid who was thought to have hid in a balloon his dad had made as an experiment It took off by accident, and they couldn't find the kid, who'd been playing around in it, so they thought he was inside while it flew around the US But he was in the attic
Kirara 🚗
asmr child trapped in balloon screaming
>>424439 this would make for a great terrible movie
i remember that video, and that was not what the video intended to suggest not at all he just did it as novelty and as a learning process to understand things better
He could have just stolen a sandwich too, what an idiot
Kirara 🚗
>>424484 back then they'd kill something and eat it they didn't make cheese and shit lmao
Goddammit My dog is still trying to bury the damn thing.
Kirara 🚗
as someone that has worked intimately with cops, they are incompetent and fuck up and then admin covers it up when possible it's very common but usually not a big deal
Yeah that part actually seems to be me misremembering, she was just told by cops what to ask about and stuff, and got seemingly nothing that contradicted the guy's story
According to wikipedia, however >Blood sugar levels above 300 can cause fatal reactions.
Like I dunno dude it sure looks like the cops here were trying to get a conviction and withheld legal aid, sleep and medical care
Also the DA lied about the size of the balloon
The plumber is repairing something and I just heard him say "really? I want to kill guys who do shit like this" about something with how the plumbing was set up.
>>424540 My guess is that the landlord went with the cheapest plumber possible and that they did some sort of cheap fix that causes more problems in the long run.
they did the same to a pipe in my apartment replacing it would be expensive since there's asbestos in this building they just applied a cheap, quick fix instead
>asbestos I'm so sorry Asbestos removal is such a pain. It took like a decade of work to get all of it out of my highschool. They were working on it the entire time I was there.
I just learned a new word.
>>424544 I don't care much, I probably won't be here much longer
>this is one of the worst designed toilets I've ever seen Vindication
this will bring an amusing split in the indian continent all land that was dominated by hindu nations, will have 100% free people with no aristocrats or clergy holding sway but land taken from the muslim sultanates, will be dominated by arisotcrats I guess I could come up with "warriors who fought against the foreign threat were awarded with land and titles they had fought for" or something. I simply can't afford going on a freedom crusade with my current inefficient corrupt bureaucracy
But it is silly that you gain benefits from free subjects otherwise, but when you reach near equal society, you start to gain pure punishment no bonuses from having weak aristocracy, which in my opinion is silly. I understand having weaker or at least more expensive cavalry but you should I dunno gain a boost to infantry or trade
Strap in fellas it's time for a conspiracy thread, I believe Quiet is actually Krillin after she discovered her true gender identity and I have evidence to prove it 1/182
there have literally been like 2 nights in my life I've drank something more fancy than rum and coke
and even those two nights I mostly consumed straight vodka
Kirara 🚗
well someone talked about tequila being unpleasant and it made me think about the most unpleasant drink ive ever had and i just got this image of it in my head and was like, shit, if that was in front of me rn id down the whole thing
>>424588 i went to go buy someone bourbon last night since they requested to have some around for the rainy nights and now there's a whole bottle of bourbon in the kitchen for someone who might pour a splash in their hot chocolate once or twice a month and im having a rather difficult time with that fact
>>424602 I don't fully understand, but I don't know if I can
Kirara 🚗
>>424604 it's kind of like having a strong food craving it's not really distressing that you can't satisfy your statement /// craving but it's unpleasant not to be able to the craving is different around alcohol or during times of heavy stress though
>>424603 that'd mess me up i have sake for cooking and I've never really considered drinking it i just viewed it as a cooking ingredient you know someone mentioned drinking it and now k now i realized that i can drink it and it's hard to deal with ill probably have to get rid of it
>>424605 it's really bothersome because i am able to have it if i wish, since i bought it for them and all and it's horrible being with people who drink very little but still enjoy drinking because that means they're always going to have stuff around, or they'll buy a case of beer and expect it to last a long time which is fine if i don't have any, then that's fine even if i had just bought myself a bottle and guzzled it down, at least it'd be gone i hate this shit because the rare times i do indulge, i have to restock for other people -- not that i'm drinking theirs, but i mean that it's just always gong to be around going* on my own i might slip up, have a big bottle, and feel satisfied and not really care whether there's any around or rather be fine because there's none around i'm not even making sense
Kirara 🚗
>>424607 nah that makes perfect sense to me because of how they drink there's always gotta be booze around alone, if you drink a bottle, it's gone and then you're goodb but then there's stuff around because it's gotta be around for them and it's hard
yeah i'm a buy-as-you-go type if i want a bottle of bourbon i pick up a bottle of bourbon and i'm happy to share it but i expect it to be drank i'm not about stashing stuff like that and now i'm thinking about wine too taking the adderall really fucks me up because it clogs up my brain and i can't fragment sometimes for days on end in the past i'd always drank to induce fragmentation so that my mind can work right after the adderall wears off now i just get migraines and grumpy
I used to be the stasher type and drink more oft, but a lot less like one whisky during evening gaming or reading *serving
Kirara 🚗
i'd always stash but my stash rarely kept up with my drinking or at least i'd buy a bunch intending to stash and then i'd drink like 75% of it in a night and not have enough for the next time i drink so i'd go buy more and do it again
i would like to open a milk bar i think it could be a great place there's no way i can ever afford to have a physical establishment though >>424613 there would be juice, smoothies, veggie drinks, but specifically a range of milks like turmeric ginger milk or milk with honey and ginseng goat's milk, almong milk, milkshakes, creamy beverages, frothy hot chocolates and there's be food options too, but not like greasy bar food meant to go with beer it'd be more refreshing snacking like have miracle berry tablets and have an arrangement of pickled fruits, veggies, meats to go with the miracle berry since it makes vinegary stuff taste sweet avocado sandwiches, tempura veggies, all sorts of stuff
juice bar
Kirara 🚗
what, like a popsicle?
Kirara 🚗
>>424612 i really like the bar setting it'd be cool to have access to that setting but without the alcohol
Do something like Gochiusa and have a daytime non-alcoholic bar and host a quiet bar in the later hours.
>>424616 mite b cool the rabbit horse is a good chill place
The world could always use some more goold chill places.
Good even. I don't know where that came from.
Kirara 🚗
gold chill places
gold milk i think that's the name for turmeric milk
Kirara 🚗
starting to think that the degree to which a psychologist likes CBT as a method is related to the amount of trauma or mental illness they've experienced in their lives
>>424625 >You can't play video games Just try and stop me, bitch.
>>424625 i've never had a problem talking to people, or doing anything for that matter i mean the first time or so i drank yeah, but your brain adapts to that environment quickly
Kirara 🚗
i've never been drunk enough to be unable to talk to people or play games or whatever except for when i first started drinking i used to down like a liter and a half in like two hours and i could still talk to people without significant slurring even no real problems going down stairs or anything
>>424630 armadaffs was like that for me it gave almost no stimulating high, but it really counteracted depressants i had a big bottle of rye and nobody thought i had even been drinking
I didn't take a nap but I did lay down for a while. Just waiting for the dryer to finish and then I can finally shower.
Kirara 🚗
>>424631 yeah like i recently started talking about my alcoholism with my colleagues and none of them even suspected that i used to bring alcohol to school every day and drink it in class well not every day but somewhat frequently people act like drinking a lot effects people like they're in a vacuum it's weird
i think i'm genuinely a worse person when im sober i dont mean the immediate sober but the long-term sober the only reason i want to be is so that i can take my wellbutrin again
>>424625 I'm pretty capable of doing anything I'm legally permitted to do while drunk. It's not like I'm particularly capable of either of those things while sober, but my ability to perform either isn't terribly impacted with inebriation.
Kirara 🚗
>>424638 >>424639 will need an annoying brand for shitposting maybe i'll get a fake astronaut suit and take obnoxious pics and vids using it and shitpost about space communism
And some people, even your kind of nutjobs, probably don't like raccoons and see them as pests. Don't want to drive anyone away with acting like pests are some kind of good animal.
Put \\ Dude go to a zoo and ask if you can put a tiny astronaut helmet on a raccoon and tak a photo That will ez get like at least 50 RTs
>>424641 "Why do you think Mars is called the Red Planet"
I know the Toronto Zoo had raccoons in captivity in the past. Pretty sure they still have some though.
saint louis zoo has guinea pigs and armadillos those things are everywhere but still also in the zoo >>>/watch?v=VR-gZP5fz8k here you go sk here's a guinea pig bridge >>424665 i see armadillos all the time
>>424664 Guinea pigs and armadillos are not endemic to Missouri.
>>424664 That's kick ass I didn't see any armadillos in Missouri when I lived there.
>>424664 We don't seem to have guinea pigs. We've got fucking cockroaches from South America but no guinea pigs. What a total bass ackwards set of priorities.
>>424667 Guinea pigs are relatively common as pets though.
So are all deserts, but usually it is bugs and lizards
Kirara 🚗
lots of birds, rodents, plants, etc some mammals
Fennec foxes Birds Lichen Scorpions
>>424678 I didn't include plants cause plants are everywhere
Desert plants tend to be pretty specific to deserts though. And they can be pretty interesting; you'd be surprised how specially a plant can develop to flourish in an environment that their utmost necessity to survive is exceedingly sparse.
>>424681 I think the most interesting species of animal I know of is some arctic moth that takes 10-30 years to develop into a butterfly from larva due to low amount of food available
Looks like parts of the Mojave as well.
>>424682 My point is that desert plants tend to diverge much more so than plants of othe biomes, because unlike plants from pretty much anywhere else in the world, they need to evolve to often store water or utilize every possible technique to gather it. There's a reason you don't see cacti pretty much anywhere else, naturally at least, than desert and desert-like biomes.
die of I mean you can step on them well not really them being microscopic but lots of thigns eat them and they eat each other aside from their ridiculous resistances to extreme conditions, they are really weak little things
They be frozen for ten years and survive That's pretty interesting Also yeah, any organism that small will get eaten by something bigger.
Hyvää joskin jäätävää iltaa >>424700 dem waterbears are simple creatures and that is why they can survive so extreme conditions, but yeah they are interesting in a sence but I find complicated life that can survive extremeties more interesting
I understand where you are coming from, but you seem to be misunderstanding the complexity of tardigrade. They aren't single celled organisms, they're animals. They even have a brain.
I should set up donkey conga. Wait fuck I don't have the game, just the controller