I've been getting back to MonHun 4U after like...years of hiatus. Since it's one of the few ways I have of satisfying the hunting bug I've got from seeing all the World content.
/moe/ My life partner needs me to do the most bullshit shit to make sex comfortable for them to the point where it's almost physiologically impossible for me to stay erect
And they tell me tales of how they've had spontaneous sex in different places and times and I'm Just like
not just that work has been good, i got to go shooting this week, see two shows this month, i have at this point successfully quit smoking something HAS to go wrong now, right?
good for you man
ascendant bang
i mean in the moment yeah but when things are bad we look forward to the future when things are good.....
i dont look to the future or even bother acknowledging if things are bad or good idk
For this type of situation, all the docs would really do is recommend a CT scan.
I'm fairly certain that the cause of the fainting was dehydration or the medicine I took. I did check the medicine I took and it did have phenylephrine in it, that can cause loss of counsciousness.
idk i generally would take something with pseudoephedrine in it over phenylephrine but it's not like i take either really so i dunno why i'm mentioning it
I could use somethin to put me back to sleep it's my morning time right now but it's the weekend so i dun need to be up this early and everyone's gonna disappear soon and i'll be all alone with no work to do
ascendant bang (advanced mode)
>>420388 I saw this kumiko and was confused because I didn't remember typing the text in the post and then i realized
I might be going to st lois in a couple of weeks. *Louis
why would you do that
Visiting a ffriend who I don't get to see very often.
some day i want to feed ON A TREEFROG
this version of that song really gets me going >>>/watch?v=I8pg2XoQTlA i like the game version of the vocals better but the orchestra is really great here
her voice is better, actually, but i don't like some of the verse delivery thanks for reading my blog back to mhw
just to be honest with you because i feel bad, i'm not going to listen to any of those and nobody else is even here right now
Oh no Guess I'm going to bed Night
i'm watching khmer cooking videos so i'm not going to listen to songs sorry if that interests you i'd be happy to engage some conversation but i dont think it would
>>420464 whoa i had that on repeat for like 2 hours a week ago some fucker linked a weebl parody and the original got stuck in my head now it's going to do it ο½ο½ο½ο½ο½γο½ο½ο½γο½ο½ο½ο½ο½ ο½γο½ο½ο½ο½ο½ ο½γ
>>420481 my agent orange uncle with whom i am cohabitating, yesterday mentioned how pornography poisoned the minds of americans enough that russia infiltrated our culture and brought us to ruin he's not entirely wrong, but blaming it on pornography idk this is my daily life i would like to be somewhere else
Kirara π
>>420482 idk how anyone can attribute the decline to one specific thing
if your business venture is very successful can you move out we can bully ton into moving in with you i bet
Kirara π
Altered Carbon was okay it felt so empty it had no personality but it was beautiful it was kind of a slog to finish though
>>420483 more specifically it was the weakening of the American family with pornography being one of many things that tears families apart, as it's targeted to young teenagers in their formative rebellious years but idk i thought it was a stretch he thinks pornography should be illegal
while i'm not particularly a fan of it, things like making it illegal are a little outside my realm of understanding
>>420485 What's more likely That the Russians used porn to infiltrate American culture Or that people just made porn because you can (at least before the internet) sell it to a very wide market of people
>>420486 The argument is that it wouldn't have been legalized in the united states in the first place with the larry flint stuff without some influencing and that that is only an example of a larger scheme, not that it's a fundamental stage of it more like an output of the russian infiltration, and that it's contributing to the fall of the American family >>420488 I wholly understand it from his perspective What i dont know is if he overestimates how much of the country is built from those core values he holds, or whether it's just a pointed outlet of frustration that doesn't constitute an entire robust reality, but just an exploratory dive into the systems or maybe he sees it tying in more deeply than i can imagine, with knowledge about russia during the soviet era that i'm ignorant to
no idea whether or not he's right about it is completely irrelevant that's not how i function
Tiki flapped her wings and Lyn fell down and died what a world
>>420474 I know more about cambodia than just that, it just so happens that khmer rouge is the first thing that ccomes tto mimind when I hear/see tge word Khmer. >>420487 The court cases Larry Flynt was involved with are some of my absolute favorite in US history. In particular Hustler v Falwell, which is currently my absolute favorite. >>420494 I'll ask my sister about that.
>>420501 just for comparison, if i said the first thing that comes to mind when i hear the word judaism is the holocaust, and i said it any time someone said the word that's be pretty awkward and inappropriate
>>420502 Yeah, although I wouldn't be surprised if the Holocaust comes to mind ffor a lot of people when they hear the word. But Generally in the US when people are referring to things having to do with Cambodia, they say "Cambodian", not "Khmer". If I hear the word "Cambodia", I usually think of "Holiday in Cambodia".
yeah but i was talking about the cuisine of the khmer people
which are different than cambodian
that'd be like referring to black culture in the united states as american culture
Not really, only because the Khmer are the ethnic majority of Cambodia. Not every Khmer lives in Cambodia, and not every Cambodian by nationality is Khmer, but most of do and most of them are. *most of them do
okay, here's the contact page for the office of the prime minister of cambodia i'll let you do the legwork on telling him you'd like to petition to replace 'khmer' with 'cambodian' from now on http://www.samdechhunsen.gov.kh/index.php/2015-12-28-08-49-65
People there already call the country Khmer Kingdom, so I don't really think it needs to be changed officially. Like for example, Myanmar's people still refer to themselves as Burmese despite their country no longer being called Burma. Do you refer to them as Myanmaran and consider Burmese to refer to a distinct culture?
that's because referencing your own ethnicity is something you only do on a stage where it needs referencing, in foreign affairs
>>420509 i dont engage with people from myanmar enough to have a stance on that what i'm not going to do though is immediately say, "Oh, myanmar, what huge genocides and war atrocities have you guys undergone" i'd just keep my nose out of it khmer culture is deeply rooted enough that people say khmer to say cambodian would be in reference to the country itself, like cambodian policies or representatives or entities cuisine, art, tradition aren't cambodian
>>420511 Fair point, but I can almost guarantee you that the vast majority of Americans won't know what you mean by Khmer, and will probably think of Khmer Rouge.
your guarantees don't mean shit tbqh
we're not in america we're on the internet?
The internet is American. But I get what you mean. Anyways, I'll acquiesce. This was a fun conversation for me though. I'd be up for chatting with you about Khmer culture later. I actually think I have etchings from a khmer temple >>420516 I am intending to correct mmy usage of the words "Cambodian" and "Khmer", but if thats how you feel then we don't have to.
no thanks i can tell already that i'd just get pissed off no offense
you can use whatever you want nobody in a stable mind would care what foreign entities use to refer to people residing in and culture eminating from cambodia
If there is a correct terminology, I'd rather use it.
>>420519 hi son how was you are day i hope you havent been watching those cartoons with those women with big breasts and blue hair all day have you cleaned you're room yet i found some of your socks in the laundry but none of them had a matching partner, have you been mismatching your socks?
Oh good, if you're going out for pizza anyway, can you stop by the video rental store and pick me up a movie to watch? i dont care too much, just anything with orlando bloom in it is fine if you go by domino's, can you grab me some of their cinnamon breadsticks and a two liter of diet doctor pepper? here's five bucks that should cover it
Mom our blockbuster closed down back during the flood around 2011, remember? Just like Foodland.
I have leftover Donato's mom that's what I'm eating but if you want some I'll get those for you But as for the movie do you know if it's on Amazon Prime because we have that now
amazon prime has to have a computer login right? i haven't set one of those up with google yet besides, i want to watch it from the couch anyway so just pick up a dvd from the red box at walmart since it's on the way
>>420533 It may have closed before then but after that flood it DEFINITELY stayed closed. That Foodland still remains untouched, but there's some smaller shops there that weren't as fucked it seems
>>420538 i dont really know it's pretty hard to tell if i dont remember things or not whether* rather
is it more likely just my benzo use for anxiety or do you think there's somethin else goin on i know you can't tell much online and without context
I went to my uni campus today to meet up with some other students to do an open-book online quiz. It's been so long since I've put that much effort into doing schoolwork.
>>420543 like i said, i dunno i dunno that it's even happening for sure i just have a hunch
Kirara π
>>420544 well, off the top of my head, the ddx would be stuff like ptsd, general stress, brain degeneration, DID it could just be general dissociative episodes could be related to brain damage maybe seizures it could be the benzos but my understanding is that those side effects are pretty rare
i know you've felt like you have before and ive seen you have episodes of behavior where you don't act completely like you normally do it could be intermittent psychotic episodes or dissociative episodes i guess it could be both but it doesn't happen with any real frequency, ive only seen it maybe two or three times in the last year
that's pretty weird i've started feeling like maybe i've got regular amnesia problems it's normal for me to not remember all the work i do in a day because it's so compartmentalized and kind of hypnotic work in general with such repetitive tasks but with the new recruiting work i've been doing, it feels a little more distanced i guess there's a lot of recall-failure when i'm thinking about what i've done for the week or what i'll be focusing on next
when i'm doing transcription work, even though it's repetitive, it feels pretty soothing because that kind of tasking helps keep my brain functioning well it's a concept i've talked about with marsh, about stimuli as destructive interference for brain noise, that it's not music etc. that's motivating us, but its rhythmic and logarithmic qualities hit our brain in a way that clears out that inner noise, taxes those regions with some unresolved action potential as i've referenced before
so that kind of work keeps my days really tied in and quantified. it's like it gives those portions of my brain that make me crazy something to occupy them, and the rest of my brain can continue and function normally, think about things and process thoughts even though the work itself sometimes goes forgotten, it seems like it keeps the rest of the brain together well
but doing other work, or doing nothing in my slow seasons, i feel confused a lot and like a whole lot of time has gone by without me noticing i feel really tired a lot even though it seems like i just woke up, though i don't know if i do or not
i do do a lot of my work and other things during nighttime hours, and i know you're just less likely to remember what you do when half-asleep but i know also DID can procedurally cause those sorts of patterns too
i dunno im sorry to keep bothering /moe/ with my pointless unending drama
My general, initial coping though is that i've lived most of my life with heavy caffeine use throughout my childhood/adolescent years, and amphetamine use most of my adult years and that CNS depressant use in the recent years, like benzos which i only started on as an adult, are a pretty heavy contrast so my contextual reasoning is completely debased and that's causing some internal inconsistencies
but i feel like that's just something i say when i've taken my anxiety meds and that it's a "it's okay, calm down" mechanism it might not reflect reality, but just something i say to calm myself down in the panic and it's really hard to tell the difference between the paranoid reality of being on stimulants and the "It's okay" reality of being on benzos as to which one is the real reality anyway. i feel like i ration better on the benzos and that anxiety is like friction in the brain that keeps you from thinking clearly
but the desire to feel better is pretty powerful, and who knows what paths it can take to do what it's aimed to do so there's some internal distrust of things, and i don't have a real solid external soundboard to voice against
iunno if any of that makes sense
american bang
how did i end up at Barnes and Noble
Get a book. Books are fun.
I've had these bottles of shampoo and conditioner in my bag since buying them on Wednesday. I keep meaning to put them in the bathroom but so far it
>>420551 Are you with a girl at a barnes and noble? head over to the math section and pick out a book on cryptography and pretend like you're looking to advance your knowledge she'll fall all over you girls love cryptographers
>>420553 keeps escaping me. I should really take care of that before something puts too much pressure on them and I end up with my bag smelling of their scent. Which really wouldn't be too bad, but I don't want to de-goo my bag.
>>420583 i could have bought two whole roasted chickens, a bag of potatoes, radishes, a salad, cranberry sauce, stuffing, a gallon of milk, and two avocados for $20
>>420591 depends on the size of the chicken i guess i can get a whole chicken for about 3.99 i can get them fully cooked for six bucks, but they're not huge hens or anything
Dude, we could have a chicken cookin' party if you were closer. Got a new oven, got these birds just learn how to clean 'em out and roast 'em and stuff.
Unno how "fun"...I'm workin' on online recipes for the birds and everything and not exactly kitchen compatible. But hey...setting the house a blaze is indeed a ~Paaarty~
>>420615 There was always the email line in...um...the Anno-name-whatever. And I threw out my Boku tripcode before and nothing came of that...you're proably right on nothin' to worry 'bout.
>>420616 well, there was somebody sending me a lot of nasty emails so i had to delete my old account i'm not sure if they got it through /moe/ or not, but probably not i'm guessing i haven't really been keeping my personal lines open for that reason it's okay though it's not a big deal
>>420620 yeah i dunno i seem to grate a lot of people the wrong way. im not sure why. i try to be a pretty kind person but i probably screw it up somewhere i've been getting hatemail for a long time and i'm kind of used to it, but someone really wasn't happy and started getting a little too hostile i don't think it was /moe/'s folks though
I replaced the dim yellow lightbulb in tthe basement with a really bright one and I really like the increased brightness.
I'm also blasting the stereo at a volume I don't think I've put it to in several years.
I can't recall who it was exactly, but is anyone on right now one of the people who really liked that radio show I linked that one time?
>>420627 >at least five I'm always at my computer. Gotta step it up!
>>420628 >3 Oh no...the "REEE" is getting too strong...
>>420629 My comp has been borked for a while and I've been too lazy to fix it. Well, my not super slow computer. Anyways I finally bought the new harddrive. But I've been busy with other stuff.
>>420640 most of the time people aren't arguing with you though they're just posting a comment and you're nagging them unsolicited about a technical interpretation of a word which was conveyed perfectly well given the context of the discussion
>>420638 Technically your face is a computer!~ But still Gotta be in your room litterally forever never be busy with shit computer forever some sickness or disabity helps no school
AND still doesn't help /moe/ has massive dead hours. Whoooooo!
>>420642 Nice reading comprehension He said I'm not a NEET because I'm not on a computer for aat least 14 houts >>420646 Good point I guess But why did you bring it up if its not that immediately relevant then?
>>420644 nice reading comprehension i said most of the time i wouldn't say most of the time if i was talking about one specific incident you've done it several times today alone
>>420644 i'm letting you know that it's getting ubiquitous and a little cumbersome for other people to deal with i thought you'd like to know that i would like to know if i was doing that
I'll try to cool off a bit then
So right now the stereo is set at 40 16 is enough for my mom to complain if she's upstairs
>>420648 idk i shouldn't be speaking for other people sorry, i shouldn't be sticking my nose in it
>>420650 Nah it's fine, I know I can get really obnoxious
Has /moe/s obnoxious levels ever changed from before?
>>420652 It's probably in a dynamic equilibrium The obnoxiousness of its individual posters may vary, but the total amount is probably constant (within a certain tolerance)
>>420652 depends i guess probably it's a lot better if all things were equal but all things aren't equal and a lot of us are working class now and a little bit older, so tolerance and temperament decreases a bit, and so does personal investment
>>420652 I think /moe/ is overall a lot less obnoxious than back during the old days.
I want to find my damn breadboard, I've searched a ton of places and now the only places left are boxes with two or more boxes on top of them.
>>420653 >>420654 You two are far too smart-words for my cave-man brain... Compliment.
>>420655 You think so?! I would think worse back then cause of certain chaos and even myself being obnoxious as shit.
>>420656 oh yeah, i asked before if you followed ben eater on youtube >>>/watch?v=HyznrdDSSGM this is a playlist, one of many he's done in really good detail you'd probably appreciate >>420657 uh we were dumb kids now we're just dumb adults we've matured but our tolerance for immaturity probably has lowered as well so yeah, it's objectively less obnoxious, but obnoxious things probably cause a bigger ripple than they used to
Was just blasting this >>>/watch?v=JTTwlAT_AwU Turned the stereo down from 40 to like 20 because the dj started talking again
>>420658 Pffft! I'm still dumb~ ...but man... Things causing a ripple here? Place seems far chiller and even dead more than it used to be...I can't think of something that would make this place ripple at the moment.
>>420659 his networking tutorial here >>>/watch?v=XaGXPObx2Gs is really good but it might be stuff you already know about i learned a lot from it >>420661 yeah same
>>420662 I'll check it out later, there's a decent chance it covers things in depth that I only know a little about.
>>420661 Yeah, i think because we're all busier now if something's not suiting our mood, it's real easy to just close things and manage adult responsibilities meaning /moe/ is dead more often before, you could kind of incite some reaction if you misbehaved a bit but now it's more like, "Oh, well that's annoying. I'll just wait it out and do other things."
I feel like I spent more time on /moe/ when I had actual real responsibilities.
>>420664 I can think of some specific things that don't obey that trend, but thats definitely true (although I've only used /moe/ for like 3-4~ years so take my observation with a grain of salt)
Dude it makes me off-brand sad to hear "busier" and "responsibilites"... Means you dudeos got stuff to actually do and have to do now, and I'm how I've always been--so dat fucking jealousy too.
>>420666 I'm still trying to remember if I saw you before I left /moe/ for a long-long-time...
My sense of time has gotten really fucked up recently so I'm not really sure about time soent for certain things. >>420671 Hell yeah Although since my comp is borked i haven't been lurking 12 hours a day. It's not quite recovered from some stuff though There was a sort of diaspora within the last two years due to a period of time when doushio was having technical issues, a bunch of people left and never came back
That means they wern't a true /moe/.
But man.../gar/ is dead and /cards/ exists! Off-brand salt.
>>420673 They weren't /moe/s, most of the /cards/ regulars don't use /moe/
I've been using /cards/ regularly longer than I've been using /moe/ for things other than shit pisting *posting Cause I know for a fact I came to /moe/ a few times and was really obnoxious before /cards/ was made
I've never used /cards/ at all. I was recuited here because of Ika.
Also do you have a steam account? I don't currently have a not real person email address that is usable at the moment, and historically I use steam in lieu of a more conventional social network.
Although I havent gone on steam in like 8 months.
I may or may not get back to fixing my comp later today.
Of course I do I'm a fucking nerd. But if suggesting wanting to game or talk to me 1v1...I advise against this.
I'd use Discord but I'm currently bothered about it's terms and conditions and haven't gotten over it because autism >>420680 Why do you advise against it? Or do just not use it consistently or something?
Posing a quick question, so I know I argue about words a lot and that its obnoxious. But in this context am I allowed to point out that the plural form of cactus is cacti? Unlike a lot of other word things I point out, this one is much more clear cut.
>>420683 i remember i bought a small cactus and my cat took a big bite out of it like a big chomp it didn't bother him one bit he just gobbled it down and killed my cactus
>>420688 just forget i mentioned anything it's fine cacti are fine octopi are not fine because octopus is greek and not latin
>>420690 >>>/watch?v=UAyqWAjlLAs >>420694 This is feedback I've gotten from many sources in many contexts. Also while the octopusses thing is correct and arguably clear cut, Kirara is a language descriptivist and will get into it with me on a regular basis (historically) about some word stuff.
>>420693 no way cats love plants they eat cat grass and ferns and cactuses and hyacinths and lilacs and tomato plants and rutabagas and turnips and the leaves from carrots and probably a bunch of other plants too
cats eat anything their owners don't want them to eat
What about all those stories about Vegan owners making their cats go Vegan and almost killing them?!
>>420698 yeah, cause they didn~t let their cars also eat meat
>>420698 yes, they need meat in their diet it is very crucial but cats will also eat plants and veggies and bread and tortillas and crackers and grass and dairy and other things, given the chance
Anyways, if I do go to St. Louis in two weeks, would you be up for meeting for lunch or coffee or something?
grass and plant matter is mostly to help with digestion and furballs if memory serves
I'm glad I'm mostly immune to headaches and brain-freeze.
This headache is likely from lack of sleep and also not eating enough in the past 24 hours.
it's probably from muscle tension in your cervical spine and lower brain stem pressure due to stimulant use if you don't sleep then your muscles stay tense i dont know why people get surprised at this
Traveling and not immune to the cons of lack-of-sleep and not-eating...and dare call yourself a NEET!
>>420710 This is a slightly different headache than usual. It's in a different spot and feels different, I recall having similar ones other times when I didn't eat enough. Although that could also be an incorrect interpretation But at the very least it feels different.
ah yeah hypoglycemic headaches are pretty distinct
Odd question but any of you remember any of the Oh Yeah! Cartoons that aired?
i remember the thing but not any of the featured cartoons i remember What A Cartoon, but i think Oh Yeah! was a little too late for mes
ascendant bang (advanced mode)
good for you man glad to hear it
>>420715 None of 'em? I seem to remember a few...maybe that's the /co/ in me... Been trying to find the one where there was a guy with a transforming sword and dragon that spoke funny.
Yeah i kind of hate /co/ with a passion i met a girl from there in person a long time ago it was a very awkward and unpleasant experience
>meeting girls First mistake, my dudeo.
Unno if you care about the--err...cared...about the Fairly Odd Parents but...it's Oh Yeah/What a Cartoon was much better...and now if you see it...it's like a broken shell of it's former self.
i didn't like the fairly odd parents the stories of the episodes were really boring, writing seemed sloppy the animation seemed sloppy the character art was incredibly boring the characters were so flat and uninteresting
i didn't see any appeal to it as a cartoon catdog was a really dumb cartoon with bad writing, but at least the illustrations were fun
>>420723 A few eps were fun but any charm or good I think it had died after it's first movie.
Dude...fuck Catdog. I watched it tons but...it was a really bad cartoon...>beat up those guys, they are different! ...every ep! And that stupid blue roddent...
Odd Parents was a really odd pick--haha--from the bunch they could pick from! Teenaged Robot also made it into series...and honestly it could have been alot better than what it was.
yeah, winslow was a cunt i wanted catdog to put him in a blender and shred him to gore every time i saw him i dont know whose idea it was to put him in the show
every episode/story in catdog was so bland and uninteresting, but they made some fun illustrations and designs so it was somewhat entertaining to watch even if the story was garbage fairly oddparents had lazy and oversimplistic illustrations, lazy animation (the two main characters don't even have to walk, just make them hover up and down in after effects woo) and then the stories also really sucked, with no likeable characters in the whole show
timmy wasn't likeable, vicky or whatever wasn't, cosmo and wanda were tolerable at best i just can't see any reason to watch it other than boredom, which is probably the only reason i watched any episodes of it but i didn't think it was good
now batman the animated series, now there's a cartoon
i love this artist not only does he draw mosan but he draws them with a crayon look at her eat the chocolate i gave her
>>420726 I don't know whose idea was to make that a cartoon for kids. It was fucking suffering being Catdog.
Cosmo turned into Peter Griffin and Wanda turned into a nag...a mega-nag and the Anti-Fun, which they even used in the show "Now Timmy NAG NAG NAG" ...her actual words! The guy then also made Danny Phantom...which had better writing but being on Nick' crippled it. There was also Tuff Puppy...which was also bad to it's female cat character--mostly physically.
Did you get to see Batman: Brave and the Bold?
Annnnnd Found the cartoon I was searching for! >>>/watch?v=FaPB998ebho I would have watched the shit out of it.
color me tasteless, but i didn't have much interest in either DC or marvel i still wouldn't be able to tell you which was which, especially now with all the crossovers
i never got into comics i guess, though i was a huge manga nerd i think cardcaptor sakura and doraemon were some of my first reading materials
Marvel is being SocialJusticeWarrior as shit at the moment--though unsure on /moe/s feelings of muhSJW-ness... Both DC and Marvel movies have been pretty bad...more-so fucking Batman v Superman, Superman itself and Suicide Squad...
Brave and Bold is nice fun though if you ever wanted to watch a chill superhero cartoon. >proably never
I always hear about Doraemon, is it good? i already know Cardcaptors is.
Oh wait, Justice Friends screw marvel or DC, Justice Friends were my jam that was a good cartoon too i know it was dexlab but it was good enough to be its own
>>420733 I'm for social justice, but i feel like doing things in the name of social justice just looks bad and represents real issues poorly seeing a strong female lead role in a movie because they wanted to make a statement is not nearly as impactful as having a strong female lead role because it's naturally part of the story does that make sense?
>>420734 Fuck yeah, Dexter was great. How do you feel about Monkey tho'? Honeydew is bae...tho'. Also I was a little mad that Japan dub of Dexter doesn't have Mandark with his trademark laugh.
>>420735 Real good you ain't into Marvel comics then!~ They are making people gay for no reason with the personailty of "I am gay" and nothing else (biggest fauxpas in my opinion of writing gay characters)...trying to hand off classic hero mantles to a diverse race of...group of teenages...most lacking in personailty also--trying to sell them because of their race. Character assassination of many well like characters...and I could go on...it's a madhouse for Marvel comics...
>>420736 dial m for monkey? yeah it's great bonobo named an album after it that was also just a subseries within dexter right?
i still sometimes watch that fan-written episode from that little kid where it was all drawn in sketches i loved that episode
I'll always love the one where they turn into kaiju.
Proably the only bit of talk about cartoons on /moe/ in a veeeeeeery long time... Truely an anime and manga den.
we talk about rick and morty a lot because we have really high iqs
Dude it was so much better before the creators fighting with each other...
i actually like the show tbh but i can't stand hearing anything about it ever haha it's gotten so obnoxious
I like it too. I used to like it as much as Bojack Horseman...but...I just think it got a little less...polished? Unno the best word besides that I would use...I just think S1 and S2 were better.
I was gonna say much like Osomatsu S1 vs S2...but...no...that's a different problem.
yeah season two was really good season three seemed almost pointless
How do you feel about the "pickle Rick"?
i liked the concept of the episode i don't like the memes
Well the meme was really really forced. ...and the McDs Mulan sauce thing.
yeah haha i watch those mcdonalds videos of the lines outside and people flipping out for cringe material when i want to hate something besides myself for a little while
Geeze...there's videos?
I also don't understand the Jerry hate out of nowhere.
>>420756 Yeah why not? throw caution to the curb live life our way chicken instead of turkey sliced tomatoes instead of mashed potatoes butternut squash soup instead of pumpkin pie radish souffle
Why do we have to eat a bird We could eat pork
>>420757 Don't tell that to someone who doesn't care about liiiife~ --But how about just both? A turkey and chicken...a ~BIRD~ PARTY~ ...I missed a wiggly-thing... >liking mashed potatos ...ehhh... Also never had squash soup...or souffle--I think you wanna spoil any guests that would actually show up!
Number fifteen Burger king foot lettuce The last thing youd want on your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus but as it turns out... that might be what you gertt a 4channer uploaded a phgoto to the sute anonymously
>>420760 Some of that stuff seems really damn difficult to make!
i'm pretty particular about not mixing sweets and meats i'd be okay with peanut butter and bacon, or peanut butter and jam, but not bacon and jam i think it could be okay if they used something like a savory paste instead of jam, like apple butter for instance i think i would have trouble eating that much peanut butter though peanut butter is great but its value diminishes very quickly in large quantities
>running around with a massive shield and a gun This is why you're the manliest /moe/ bang!
>>420770 I just learned cashu[sp] butter exists...now you say something like apple butter?! My butter world is exploding!
True about peanut butter...
cashew butter is great! it's closer to peanut butter though apple butter is more on the jam/jelly side it's kind of fruity and thinner, but it's less... floppy than jelly it's kind of like if you, you know, mashed up some apples and mixed them with butter
>>420783 youre dead kid i am trained and qualified on two military weapons and i know how to operate many more i will shoot move and communicate to your position and eliminate you
>can't insist the girl would be great with another girl >can't watch anime again Gooooood...you're so demanding
i like kiyohime shes no nitocris but i wouldnt kick her out of bed for eating me
>>420784 i was trained how to bite through a fully erect cock of humans and several other species so i'd watch what you say or i'll come bite your cock off these incisors are registered lethal weapons and can cleave straight through the shaft i'm just gonna stay here and start biting the air, and if your cock happens to land in my mouth and get bitten off it's your own fault and i can't be held legally responsible
it's like that scene from american history x but instead of biting the curb, he's biting your cock and edward norton's sexy physique slams his knee right into the guy's jaw with your cock getting cleaved in twain
I guess this would be a bad time to bring up hotdogs...
Oh hey, what's on /moe/s anime watch list currently?
doot doot I haven't watched enough anime this season I got lazy
ascendant bang (advanced mode)
>>420885 i meant on /moe/ i don't see posts about franxx really
Kirara π
>>420887 i post her sometimes she's the best girl of the season although they'll probably do something to make her less likable later before a redemption arc
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
From what little knowledge I have I would probably like her.
>>421073 I'm guessing somewhere in Africa since there are lions. It could be some kind of refuge though, which I guess would explain why they didn't eat the dog.
Yeah that looks quite retarded too, but not so as the god form they drew it in the manga version of dbs quite well, with interesting "liquid" like aura
I feel Kinda awful Took a shower Realized I had a few minutes to catch the train and ran through heavy snowfall. Didn't even realize it was cold Today will be bad. Tomorrow will be worse
Also on another note, not plugging that hole in my wall with the next week being -10 to -20 or less, was bit silly of me should have done it back during autumn
Oh, well that blows. I thought it ran Zestiria somehow
I was in the bookstore earlier today and they had an all-woman group doing a cover of the Jackson 5's I Want You Back. So that's stuck in my head again. But it's also slipping back and forth between it and the Yuru Camp OP because the two songs work -so well- together. I wish I knew how to do mash-ups because I'm convinced this one is serious gold.
>>421131 I'd be lying if I said that. I can run some things, potentially, but my new laptop is mainly for work so I'm not really keen on installing games on it, though I would if I had to. What are you asking me to play?
I probably won't play Berseria any time soon. I have a hundred more hours to put into MHW and then that'll get more monsters for me, plus I have Xenoblade to finish, Horizon Zero Dawn, Bagonetta /// bayonetta on Switch, a hundred camping trips coming up, clinical work, classwork, etc.
This year's flu is very impressive. I also have a top notch immune system, but I passed out on my feet three times yesterday and slammed my head into walls and floors every time. There's a dent in the wall shaped like my head in the bathroom.
>>421167 This morning, I was eating breakfast while sitting on a kitchen stool and Laz tried to jump on my lap so I put my hand out to stop him from jumping. But he did it anyway and collided with my arm and freaked out and destroyed my leg. Then I bit my lip three times. Then I was trying to pull some bottles of water out from the back of my car to give to a homeless guy and sliced my finger open. Then I scraped my elbow at a festival. Then something else happened.
My immune system is so strong that it even attacks my bones
Ill be immune to bones soon
CODE: ascendant bang of finality (advanced mode) [alter]
i've only ever felt really that close to one person and he kind of guided me into his heart my admiration for you is different it was born from my own feelings and experiences i feel like i don't even know you but we've been so close
>>421351 we should have just turned off the extra stimulus and set the mood instead of smoking that weed maybe we coulda come to an understanding then it's hard to feel each other when you're locked to the couch or bed as it were
every now and then when i'm lost and confused i pop some molly and feel like i wanna connect with people again in the meantime i just work and buy people gifts to counterbalance my innate self hatred
also smoking a small amount after any intense social activity prevents me from experiencing the powerful mood swings that usually cause my depressive episodes
>>421377 sometimes sometimes they just like your gifts but its worth it to me that they feel happy because of it even if they don't like me i like to pretend like i can make people happy i sometimes go to random image boards and gift people games on steam and shit because it actually makes me feel better about myself
>>421385 well it's all good if you even know bad english you know more foreign languages than i do i bet >>421382 i would love to i like to try new food and love home cooked food when i'm on a road trip i wanna hit up the local holes in the wall and stuff but matty is always on that addy so he doesn't get that hungry
I wasn't born in an english speaking country so it's unfair to comapre # of languages compare*
>>421386 yeah it's messed up i'll take an addy and eat like a three-course meal same with the kratom i generally feel too nauseous to have an appetite, but if i know i need to eat i'll straight up take some kratom just so i can scarf down a huge plate of pasta or eggs or whatnot
>>421388 addy does affect my appetite but i have such a powerful one that it just reduces it to a reasonable level where i eat three normal size meals a day instead of like constantly but i'm even more energetic than usual so i burn it all off i need to go back to the gym but i'm bad at self motivation my dad quit going because he is old and doesn't have the energy after working 14 hours a day now
i forgot i had this post open and forgot what i was going to say i'm hungry now though can you drive to my house and cook me dinner pretty please honeybun
>that twilight hour when only weirdos are out and the only shop is a 24/7 gas station with a bunch of homeless crackheads hanging out is it worth to brave the cold dark outside to get some chips and juice
>>421409 it's not an adventure to me i've hauled my drunk ass stumbling down the side of the road to the corner store like almost a thousand times by now
no way dude i got two cans // two full size cans of pringles it takes me a long ass time to finish my snacks i'll still have them for like a few days at least
that's impressive, a can would last me like two days this is why I'm fat :(
>>421421 it's cool dude being fat is pretty sucky according to some people i know some people just get unlucky with their genes and can't keep weight off like normal too i'm like the opposite or some shit my body processes everything super fast
i know a guy who drinks 6 to 10 25oz cans of bud light erry day he's about 5 foot 4 and 300 something pounds every time i see him i''m like dude why i don't even know what it feels like to have extra weight or anything the heaviest i have ever been in my life is like 145lb
i was able to put on a lot of weight when i wanted to drinking a ton of whole milk and eating a whole lot of cheesy, bready foods but it slides away as soon as i stop and i can't stay at a comfy weight
>>421444 Sora Yori and FranXX look pretty interesting gonna watch those first episodes I am watching Citrus and Overlord 2 only right now started Violet, but not really into it
I don't think I could believe in religion in my heart though, my parents were pretty skeptical of their religious heritage and didn't want to influence us too much into having faith. Sometimes I feel more relaxed if I think that there's some cosmic force above us with a path for me to walk. It's reassuring.
I've never totally ruled it out. I probably just need the right words to get converted. Doubt I would be able to go to a religious event on a regular schedule though.
p.s. bruh
>>421467 life is horrible and we're all going to die believe what you want, but it won't change those facts
Life being horrible doesn't strike me as a fact.
that sounds good :(
Hey I never said -my- life wasn't horrible. But that is a subjective observation of each independant life. Some people life good, satisfactory or accomplished lives, and some don't.
Would be nice to not have a horrible life though.
you're right, I'm just joking
sure would be nice eh?
You know it, eh.
the pure world of anime and marijuana are my only escapes in my life
>>421481 do the whitey shuffle kid shake those impure thoughts out with dance
Kirara π
lets make accounts on trump.dating
I tried to, but had to pick between straight man or straight woman
i really don't want to even associate myself with trump anything his ideology and following makes me sick to be around i literally feel ashamed to be an american for the first time now that he represents all of us
a trump supporter fucking yelled angrily at me because ssomeone on the side of the building had the GALL to ask him to spare some change he literally said HOW DARE he accost me just because he can't get a job and was yelling at me about it like i give a fuck fucker that guy literally makes me violently angry to be around i want to hurt him eevery time he says something
>>421488 because he buys fucking trump merchandise and wears it all the time and never lets a sentence pass without espousing the virtues of the demented fucker and how he's going to transform america into a good pure white christian nation by getting rid of the filthy mexicans and towel heads and shit
that's right he is literally a racist and doesn't like indians but gives my indian boss his custom fucking hypocrite
>>421489 >transform america into a good pure white christian nation by getting rid of the filthy mexicans and towel heads and shit I don't see anything wrong with this
it goes against the pillars of personal freedom our country has been building since its inception it feels unamerican to me to want to inhibit another man's freedom to pursue happiness
they can do that somewhere else in america you work had to get what you dream of we deserve the freedom to remove free loathers from our country
Yeah, let's toss all the free loathers out of the country.
in america you work for someone else to make them rich because they are too afraid to let you have any of the power their line has hoarded
i'm not a fan of how america endorses stepping on everyone else to make your stake in the pot of wealth larger for no reason too much pro-capitalism leads to those at the bottom suffering i want america to be a country that's always interested in keeping its people healthy and alive
Kirara π
im tellin y'all we gotta throw away western civilization and go back to nature
>>421502 yeah >>421503 it's comin babey I'm gonna become a real life super villain and bring us back to the stone age
Good luck with that.
i don't think we should abandon our advancements we should just stop trying to abuse them start working in the interest of the betterment of society and stop using the economy as an excuse to avoid making rapid changes
>>421504 pure fantasy we'll be like this until the sun comsumes us
Kirara π
we can keep the advancements some of them
>>421507 no you'll see ill turn the world into a primitivist promised land
There's nothing promised about that.
he just promised it, didn't he fuck u
Kirara π
yeah i promise
>>421507 i honestly believe humanity will consume itself before then
Kirara π
humanity will consume itself because western culture isn't suitable for interfacing with technology properly we need to learn how to interface properly with technology if we want to survive but it could take hundreds of years to foster that relationship and we probably don't have time for it so people will die
Are we going to be on this tangent on /moe/ now instead of endless communism shpiels.
yeah communism is boring now it's all about that western shit now
They're all insufferable. I don't have any interest in hearing about it.
>>421524 i would go there if it was more viable as a new home for humanity than the other celestial bodies either way we need to find some kind of place to go to if we're going to keep fucking the earth's resources raw
Kirara π
ocean > mars
>>421522 Yeah, it got a prequel movie detailing the crazy war that made that game world the weird game-obsessed place it is in the main series. Totally means a season two some day man. Totes.
>>421527 that sounds cool too and I'll remai hopeful for S2 remain*
Kirara π
>>421525 well i doubt a mars colony will be successful for more than 50 years unless we can make the entire planet habitable instead of just small areas
>>421529 we have that kind of time but i'm not sure we can get there in time with what we're spending our collective man hours on this speck doing
we've reached the point where it's taking a measurable toll on the health of our climate and the population is only growing soon enough the usage will accelerate to the point where we just won't have enough resources and time to ensure our legacy as a species
That FranXX show has a super cool opening thanks for the suggestion anon-san
Yeah. It kind of feels a bit like a bargain bin LAMA song, but I like it still.
Kirara π
franxx and yuru camp are so good
franxx is cool but i'm not sure what the innuendo is all for maybe it's just 2deep4me
Kirara π
it's probably going to be a metaphor for a relationship or something I can't wait to see how it turns out and what the deal is
>>421535 It's all about relationships and shit I bet Having someone else ride with your copilot instead of you probably feels like being cheated on
>>421537 >>421536 the birds and the bees and understanding how to compromise with each other
Relationships are defacto parasitic and you can't depend on anyone without giving up something in exchange. That's totes what's going on.
Kirara π
you can't depend on anyone but yourself only trust your fists the cops will never help you
i can't depend on myself left to my own devices i'll just self destruct
Yeah pretty much. If I follow my heart I usually just end up sabotaging my life. But I also hate people trying to have sway over my life so I resist people who try to help me avoid that.
Kirara π
i will follow my heart until it kills me
I will follow my heart now watch as I start a gambling addiction wow following my heart sucks
it must be nice to feel comfortable living your life for yourself
>>421539 I thought it was supposed to be that relationships and trust are a power in and of themselves and that this is represented by robots doing cool shit
when I turn inwards I see only failure, I prefer to keep other people's intereests in mind
life would be a lot easier for me if i could just find a king to pledge my service to maybe i was born with a servant's disposition
>>421547 I mean I'm accutely aware of my long list of failures. But I would rather be a failure than in subordination to someone else.
i wouldn't feel ashamed to be a subordinate if i found someeone i wanted to devote myself to i would like to help someone else succeed in their dreams since i don't really have many innate desires
i'm not really sure if it's okay for me to be asessing other people's minds though maybe there are a lot of unstablee psychs out there, I wouldn't really know but half the time I don't even understand my own thoughts and actions completely
You wouldn't be doing that! You'd just be administrating tests to people, basically. Make small talk sometimes. You can do that if you have a bachelor's
>>421559 i suppose i could do as much as ask a few questions and listen to stranger's problems. It engages me to hear other people's struggles. I am really of no use when it comes to solving matters of the mind, though.
Would that really help you that much, though? Or do you just want to provide some kind of goal?
>>421560 Did you see the big fight from around episode 5? It's a really great scene
>>421564 I'm not really sure. Sounds like a good use of my time, but I'm not sure I would be ultimately happy unless I was a necessary part of the machine. I want to fit into a position that only I can do. I'm sure there's something in this world that only I can do.
Seemingly at least half the pilots are women What a terrible SJW show
I demand more lesbians in anime For social justice of course
I demand more thought provoking philosophical bullshit in my cartoons I know they can do it they've made like 3 or 4 shows that I still think about years after watching
>>421571 shigofumi darker than black evangelion texhnolyze kyousougiga and jin-roh if movies don't count then i guess uhhh shit
Kirara π
don't forget yeah i was gonna say kyousougiga haha
oh barakamon boom
all of those made me feel things I have never felt from any other piece of media and they're all different feelings and meanings
i could also say haibane renmei and lain but i'm already basically sucking ABe''s genius cock
>>421574 Barakamon's so good It's like if some lil kid came into the room and schooled you on life and everything they said was correct
Kirara π
yeah uhh bakemonogatari made me think
ping pong wasn't super deep but i think the story is really good and worthy of praise not even considering the action so i'll throw that in there
Kirara π
>>421579 i think it's got good and easily accessible philosophies every character has their own way of seeing the world and they come into conflict and i think it's deep in that sense but it's not DEEP if that makes sense
Kirara π
>>421577 kids know how to live we forget when we get old
The Tatami Galaxy was really great for me. I wish the philosophies it espouses had stuck with me a little more than not.
>>421580 yeah the characters are really well written and it balances each of their development really well the fact that it didn't just focus on the hero's struggles but showed the faces of every major character and gave them closure really satisfied me it made me happy to see them all grow into their own and pursue their own important things
that kind of thing always gets to me Mind Game's final sequence that shows all those different parts of the world at lightning speed gave me the same feeling >>421584 i've never watched it
i just remembered mushishi too that show got me thinking almost every single episode mushishi is amazing it should be in a museum
Kirara π
Uchouten Kazoku was pretty amazing
Kimi no na wa also really fired up my emotions, but I was in a pretty emotionally active time when watching it. I think it's an earnestly good movie that speaks to people who really understand the yearning feeling I get often that's hard to put a description to.
Kirara π
>>421583 you gotta watch uchouten kazoku you will absolutely love it
>>421586 maybe i should watch some older shows i haven't watched anything that wasn't airing in a long time there's probably hundreds of awesome shows I just don't even know about
It's kind of hard for me to work up the attention span to actually get started on watching something it's easy once I begin but taking that first step is always the hardest part
sometimes if you don't help your friends when they make poor choices, they die plus watching your friends drown when you can save them means you're not actually friends
I think that it's problematic to divide the situation between continuing to rescue someone and choosing to stop helping them with their problems, and act like one or the other is morally superior to the other. Because most situations don't just boil down to someone who is making a bad choice and someone who is helping them, there's a lot of additional details that need to be evaluated on. And ultimately I think it's not unfair for someone to eventually draw the line where they no longer want to help someone continue to make poor choices. If they feel they've gone past their limit, they have every right to act on that.
I don't really consider fast food to be really "food" in this case but his free soup is good and this bread is good even if I paid 1000000 bucks for it it is that good
>>421603 Maybe they feel more comfortable if they convince themselves that they have no part in anything.
You should have just stopped talking to me when I was a violently depressed alcoholic. You were just enabling me or some shit, not actually trying to help. Look what you did, now I don't even drink once a month you fucking monster.
maybe i should have taken some cake too but it was so dry and bland and barely had fruits in it
Kirara π
>>421605 I don't think life is ever like, just like you gotta sink or swim if someone never improves with your help, then i don't think they will without your help either abandoning them won't make them any better Friends have to be ready to save each other but they have to help their friends to make better decisions, too
>>421617 Abandoning them probably won't make them any better, but it can prevent the damage done to you from becoming too severe. There's nothing noble about hurting yourself to help someone. A lot of these situations involve a lot of stress or toxicity dealt unto the person trying to help, and I think it's perfectly fair for them to find a place to draw a line. Friendship isn't a blanket to cover all and any problems, it's not an obligation to help someone out of any situation. Everyone's got their limits, and respecting those is part of a healthy friendship.
>>421617 feelings of brotherhood and cameraderie with those in a dark place in their life will only just make them want to kill themselves harder! don't even try and you'll never be disappointed.
I think best part about eating veggie mash soup is trying to figure what all they used from the taste and texture
Kirara π
>Yellowstone has been hit by a 2.6 magnitude earthquake, setting alarm bells ringing with the parkβs fearsome supervolcano already βunder strainβ according to one expert. lmao leave it to express.co.uk to make shit up
i read the expert's statement about the "strain" and it's literally just the normal pressure built-up and the signs their devices can pick up from waves nobody is worried about a 2.6
I love when some less truthful "news" roganisations use that "according to expert/researcher" etc but don't actually show any quotations, don't provide link/link is in weird place in the article, and don't even provide name for said person of knowledge. You can pretty much guess, that the "cited" source isn't anything the article makes it out to be then.
>>421641 The problem is that I can't stand letting it win. It might've been eight hours of no satisfaction but that pales against the weeks of being chided by thoughts that it's beat me.
If I was having an unsatisfying time playing a game I would probably turn it off and think about why I'm doing something I don't even want
>>421646 It's not a matter of not wanting it's a matter of not accomplishing anything. I've plugged over a hundred hours into this game and I still can't clear the first map.
And yet they call themselves a mission and men of god
Kirara π
yep that's what churches do though they spread across the land, "converting" all of the people to save them
though the letter could easily pass as just badly worded "if you want to keep one of our orphans for the summer" etc but it still sounds like "hereh ave child labour"
Many ill deeds of society get glossed over, due to people just thinking "that can't happen here" nowadays and it applied to good parto f last century too, maybe even more so.
I have been accused of murder, the only option is to somehow convince the guard I'm on a secret mission, a speech check I can't meet, OR go to jail But the MAIN QUEST I'm on makes jail game over
Kirara π
did you murder them
this is in the city I NEED to go to TALK TO A GUARD to continue the main quest
I'm gonna see if I can just slaughter all the guards in the city or something, and steal everything I want The save's fucked now anyway Bow does insane damage
>>421686 I'd have to buy that and I already made an irresponsible decision on top of purchasing Pokken Tournament which after buying I realized I wasn't really interested in.
>>421691 I bought it partly because 1. Pokemon is something I can share with my mother when I'm not feeling negatively about her 2. I didn't really want a JRPG like Xenoblade 2 because I have other games I want to clear
>>421695 But I wanted to play these games I spent money on them so I should finish them >>421698 Fucking RIP Owl
Kirara π
>βThe young man was on his bedβ¦ his pen*s was detached from his body, it must have been so intense it just came off his body, we found his pen*s gripped in his left hand so tightly we couldnβt get it out, it was tragicβ.
Also I realized after the previous episode After credits there are science lessons
GAINAX was so unique I guess it's not something we're gonna see again, even with Trigger
Kirara π
Yeah, old Gainax died and left us alone.
Trigger is bascially a GAINAX cover studio
Kirara π
nah, Trigger is the success of Gainax during the 2000s.
>>421749 GAINAX and Ghibli both rose out of a similar culture and community. Many of the original staff of both studios would have known each other probably, so stuff like the Totoro posted in that shot is probably as much a friendly wave to Ghibli as it is them being nerdy.
>>421756 I didn't mean to imply they're not great Just that they're definitely very GAINAX-y, obviously since their staff is mostly old GAINAX, but not quite the same
Kirara π
there's pre-ttgl and post-ttgl gainax basically it was a steady transition of content but i think ttgl represents the more modern gainax stuff well
>>421757 Oh, that's true yeah A bit of both, I suspect
>>421759 Yeah, there definitely is a different gainax for those periods, in a way
GAINAX didn't adapt well to the modern era that sees a lot of adaptive work. They really shown when they had creative freedom, and it seems the staff they had weren't interested much in stretching the creative material of the adaptation they got handed. Shone, even.
I would have liked to see them go a little more eccentric with stuff like Medaka Box.
It seems a bit strange that the pilots are like, peeved about skipping time I get it for the first time, since they're losing all their friends, but following that they just get to skip past the early adopter time of tech and stuff, and their pay should be insane They go out for them like a week, come back 6 months have passed
But since it does, it's a good thing What do groupons make money on anyway?
Kirara π
>>421766 Yeah, that's true albeit not her problem with it.
Well saying she thinks it's "bad" is a simplification of her problem anyway. Unless she flat out calls it bad at a different point. The concern is that it delegitimizes the service by offering deals through that service.
I don't know what Groupon is though so I'm not dealing with a full compliment of the information here either.
The detail on these scenes will not stop amazing me
Kirara π
>>421770 She does say it's bad at another point but it's hard to screenshot it without including names and I'm on my phone haha
But if we're talking about its revival in modern slang I don't think I'm wrong.
Kirara π
the modern slang has the same meaning as the old slang it could be argued then that they're the same slang but neither origin is particularly pleasing to me considering the history of salt
To live elsewhere with someone and it be financially viable. I'd love to hang with PAN somewhere but he has stuff he needs to do at home and we'd need transport. Furthermore my mother's rent is now 400 since she's off HUD and I'm almost certain she would want me to assist her with that. Which means I'd effectively be paying rent at two places. Which blows.
If it could maintain the same price I would love to have this apartment myself but there are some requirements for that to happen that aren't exactly good things.
That is very true I could live with Moon-Mom But there still remains transportation if it's not closeby and the problem of my mother's rent and such.
Granted I could have a car right now if I wanted thanks to FAMILY TIES but that would then require insurance payments and stuff.
It is convenient to live here right now but I wish she wasn't guzzling down cash like that. Like I buy lunch at work every day but that's like 4 dollars for a nice healthy meal. I have chicken I'm going to eat right now that's like 5 dollars for a bag of tasty frozen goodness.
It just makes me wonder how she was ahead on her bills for once when I was away. You could try to attribute costs of me being here but that doesn't really make sense. For one I'm bringing in a fair amount of money For two, even the electric costs and water costs of me being here shouldn't be THAT significant.
Kirara π
Would you feel guilty about leaving your mom to pay her own rent?
There's not a lot here to eat, but I am admittedly the one that goes to the store so I only buy what she asks for and then what I need. >>421829 There's meat and cheese in there she could in fact make a sandwich herself if she wanted.
>>421749 >>421747 The other poster is of Nausicaa Which Hideaki Anno was an animator for, he was specifically chosen by Miyazaki to animate some of the most complicated scenes because Miyazaki was so impressed with him.
>>421847 According to legend, when Miyazaki heard that Harvey Weinstein (at Miramax) was going to edit Princess Mononoke to make it more "marketable" the producer sent him a genuine (as in super expensive) katana and a letter with the words "No Cuts".
I'm having to hold back the tears right now thinking about it.
Although I was also really fucked up at the time. In that part of my life I had on and off really severe anxiety issues, in a different way than I do now.
But anyways, for like 12 or 13 years now I've only cried from a very small number of things (excluding physiological things like yawning and onion fumes).
I've been really fucked up my whole life, it's not that bad.
Well, I should've said "particularly fucked up emotionally compared to how I am now",
I understood the meaning. That was just facetious.
>>421853 is also amusing how different the movie and the manga are
You shouldn't take everything that Anno says too seriously.
Kirara π
im so fucked up -shinji anno, 2018, rebuild of evangelism 4.45
I didn't even sleep. I tried but couldn't relax enough. At least I only have to survive for 9 hours. Then I can pass out.
Word to the wise, never do MDMA if you have shit to do tomorrow. I make the same mistake every time. Don't be a fucking idiot, like me!
>>421873 Not to blame the victim, but part of the blame is definitely with the schooling system for teaching history to students and not doing what literal nazis want
I tried to take a course on the Holocaust when I was working on my AA degree and my mom had a fit and told me she'd kick me out if I i did because the Holocaust was bad and she hates Germans
Small brain: we should teach kids about the holocaust because it happened Big brain: we shouldn't teach kids about the holocaust because it's a JOOISH HOAX Galaxy brain: we shouldn't teach kids about the holocaust because it did happen
>>421894 She can't be completely evil, she had some part in bringing my friend into the world. She doesn't operate in a manner that I can comprehend though.
She brags about taking people off life support and talks about how she murders people. She's all evil! She is my antithesis.
She actually showed some human emotion recently, though. I'm using it as a foothold to convince her to go to therapy.
>>421899 I don't think she's evil, I think she's just really edgy.
She seems really deranged in the way she acts sometimes. I don't know her like you, though. I've merely heard of her antics and thought them kind of funny.
>>421908 From a combination of things, I don't really remember that well. I think commercials helped though because the product names are said and have the text visible.
Without the guiding hand of God keeping our children on the holy straight and narrow at church approved schools, they will SURELY succumb to the devil's whispers!
Kirara π
guiding handjob of God
whose dick do i have to suck to get a blowjob around here
Not to my knowledge I might have heard something from them but that's it
Why do you keep asking about the clash?
You >>421919 Because it was international clash day last Wednesday Also I think sk would like them for various reasons i don't feel like typing out right now.
Kirara π
the sheriff doesn't like it rock the cash bar
>>421920 I wonder what lead you to that conclusion. Usually I find it hard to guess what kind of music people would like.
Kirara π
clash is kind of anti-government in tonage for some of their songs
>>421923 This mainly, but they were also activists and are considered to be a sort of protest band
Oh, makes sense I guess? Anti-establishment messages really run the gamut of genres though, don't they?
Kirara π
my mom has a story about how she saw the clash at a bar before they were big and fucked them she tells it every time any clash song comes on the radio I don't think it's true
I'm pretty sure your mom is too young Wait, how old is she?
What's interesting about putting out for a rock star that isn't even a star yet? That just sounds kind of a pathetic anecdote. Not something I would probably tell many people at all.
Kirara π
>>421927 51 and also the clash weren't in us bars before they were famous
>>421926 It really strikes me as something a habitual liar would fabricate and repeat to others until they believe it themselves. It's so pointless and unimportant and vague enough you couldn't verify or really care to. Something that'll get you a few oohs and ahs but won't incur any actual questions further.
She lies about everything. She's lied about the father of my brother, claimed to have been shot in the back with a shotgun because she was dating an undercover cop, worked at a strip club but wasn't a stripper, and so much more. Tons of demonstrable falsehoods.
>>421932 >worked at a strip club but wasn't a stripper Actually that sounds entirely plausible. Not that I'm calling your mom ugly. She could've been a bartender or something.
There are usually a few non stripper employees at your average club. Bartenders and such.
>>421932 I see so many people like this that I'm raelly used to it it rubs off on me in ways that I'll make simpler lies that are just easier than telling the truth for some things like i'll say i went up to walgreens and bought cat litter, paper towels, and a pack of cigarettes there when the reality might be that i went to the dollar general but they didn't have any cat litter so i made a second stop by walgreens
pretty much stuff that nobody needs the full details of anyway i feel unnerved when i'm pressed to give exceptional details to what's happening because i feel it's invasive i've lied and said that a bottle of bourbon was the same bottle that was half empty last week, when i really had went and bought two new ones since then but again, just because truth is sometimes more disruptive and insignificant
>>421939 Lynne is pretty olev, I still need to play Ghost Trick.
I have a long lost brother. He was kicked out of the house by my mom when I was young and he used to call me on my birthday every year until my mom banned him from doing so. Then she withdrew his college fund when he tried to access it and used it for herself.
I try to find him occasionally but I usually run into dead leads.
I lie to people in real life when they start asking questions about my personal life because I don't want anyone to get that friendly with me, typically.
>>421941 Well, I bet his info got leaked in that equifax leak. If you download that database you may be able to find him.
Particularly when new co-workers start hitting me with personal questions. I'll either blow it off or tell them something false.
>>421942 it's it more effort to try to remember the lies?
Kirara π
>>421939 i have this habit too i have lied about drug and alcohol stuff too my dad doesn't know about my drinking sometimes it's just easier not to be truthful about things that are inconsequential
>>421945 It really doesn't matter. They don't even remember anyways, they just want to appear friendly and not like a dickhead at their new job. Eventually they settle into the real personality and stop pretending to care about what I do in my own time.
>>421946 I've also lied and said the store was closed or out of stock of something if i'm asked to do something i'm very uncomfortable with, like stopping at the farmer's market when i'm very high anxiety and would have to talk to farmers in an open market and stuff it's easier than explaining that i have too much anxiety to do a simple task when nobody else understands what that feels like
only if it's some minuscule stuff like to pick up some fresh berries there rather than at the grocery store
Being gay, also i think my sister's the only one who knows that i am gay i have told most of the rest of my family i'm not not because i'm afraid or because i hide it, but because they're the type of people to have a nervous breakdown and cry about stupid shit like that and it's not important to me that my family is supportive of it or not and it just puts unnecessary stress on them same with like telling your religious family that you're not religious there's no point in doing it when it's just gonna give them a stroke and put them in an early grave
I don't generally lie to people I know and like, unless it's to protect them from worrying about me.
>>421952 it's pretty obvious so I think everyone knows
My entire family was oblivious to my coke habit the entire time I was abusing it. In the end I think I probably saved them unnecessary emotional turmoil.
>>421951 you could gaslight your mom a bit >Hey mom, check out this new shirt i bought at the store today. it was on sale for six dollars >Oh, that's a nice shirt do the same thing again the next day with the same shirt >You said you bought that shirt yesterday though >No I didn't, stop lying rinse and repeat
It really eats at me to lie to people that care, though. I'll probably let them know when the time is right.
Lying is poison to the conscience. Don't do it unless you really have to.
>>421960 yeah i basically lie to people about stuff they wouldn't care about only when the truth is pointlessly complicated and they're not missing any crucial details
I want to be someone who can be proud of everything they've been through, I've seen the bottom and just need to get out of the hole. Then I can be wholly honest about myself.
a faithful woman is like a good book you only get one