I do think it's one of the more dull things that we watch.
It's just a matter of a sore point for me. I'd like nothing more than for an interesting fantasy series. But these "serious" fantasy series always end up more dull than the LN fantasy series that lean on isekai or similar tropes.
It seems to me that this needs fewer characters and more action.
I do agree that it's made weaker by the sheer number of characters it throws at you. Maybe it's the kind of thing that's easier to keep track of in text, but it definitely feels dizzying when in a show.
what did i make it in time for
Pop Team Epic and FranXX at the least.
CODE: ascendant bang of finality (advanced mode) [alter]
ALRIGHT i'm about to be actually ready i should be back before that show ends
>>421233 well i'll just watch whatever is up if you're in the middle of an episode i'll jump in finally beat the main meat of mhw i am freeeee
>>421235 We've got five minutes left in Grandcrest; feels a bit late to jump in. But we're definitely watching Pop Team Epic and FranXX tonight, I'm just not sure what Rika wants to or doesn't want to shuffle around to satisfy her comfy autism.
Oh Theo's meidos are the werewolf girls from that one episode. I'd kind of forgotten about them.
ok it's dl/ed timestamp plz
Jan we're at the ED for Grancrest. It's overrrr.
CODE: ascendant bang of finality (advanced mode) [alter]
>>421239 DAMN not even gigabit internet was hayai enough
wait are we saving franx for asmurai tomorrow >>421242 >>421244 >>421242 oh i thought he did last week
CODE: ascendant bang of finality (advanced mode) [alter]
bangu is here
i already saw franxx but i will watch it again
yeah last week he did? he said he usually gets home late though i wish we had a way to reach him 002 is wife
okie dokie it's been done for a while my b my dear mother called me to tell me she ordered drugs online lol >>421245 >samu actually watching anime whoa >>421250 well it's not illegal here you can buy it at local head shops and stuff it's in a grey area
i'm a believer though i don't generally approve of goofy botanical woo
CODE: ascendant bang of finality (advanced mode) [alter]
An English anime news site did an interview with the director for Pop Team Epic and it had some really great bits to it. The reason they have different seiyuu for each episode is because they figured whoever they picked, some group of the audience would throw a hissy fit over it being the wrong voices. So they just got everyone to do voices to shut them up.
And they gave some of the panels to a French animator with no translations, and the guy can't read Japanese. Which is why there's those weird French skits in some of the episodes.
CODE: ascendant bang of finality (advanced mode) [alter]
this is dope
CODE: ascendant bang of finality (advanced mode) [alter]
this is actuallly really fuckin cool
CODE: ascendant bang of finality (advanced mode) [alter]
I just had to jump ahead to see what the translation for the French bit was this episode. They only ever have the translation for it in the second bit.
You got to go the whole way to call yourself a stalker.
this show makes me so hungry
>>421354 i need to catch up on slow start i'm behind on a bunch of decent shows cause i just binged monster hunter
Yeah I get that. Slow Start's pretty episodic though.
i really liked slow start but i just didn't like it enough alll i've even watched is franxx haha
Slow Start, Yuru Camp, Violet Evergarden, FranXX, and Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho might be my top list for the season, in no particular order. But there's a lot of good stuff this season.
One of the reasons I like this show is the ramen lectures. It's weirdly engaging.
yeah it's a niche show but the way they're presenting the information is cool
who wants to go visit japan and hit up a ramen shop for every prefecture we'll bike from south to north and make a ramen journal and sell it when we're done
I'd love to do that. When I was in Japan I got a lot of fun out of writing up food blog-style paragraphs for the emails I was sending home to my folks.
>>421390 i think i might save up and quit my job and take an extended vacation when i finally go i really wanna get the most out of it since it's a place i've always wanted to visit i gotta find someone else crazy enough to do something extreme like that with me though
>>421402 i really want toooo i'm scared to visit a different land mass it's my first time and i don't want to end up lost and confused and unable to make basic conversation with the locals maybe i should download one of those language learning mobile apps