>being cockblocked out of doing my taxes by a helpline that closed 26 minutes ago because I need to know what the fuck was on this form for this plan I never actually used
>>416987 For a lot of people! I wouldn't want more days off if I was being paid hourly, though. Days off are only really good for salaried workers and people in school.
>>416991 We used to have holidays to respect specific presidents but then we said fuck it that's too many so we mashed them all into a singular President's Day
My Firefox had some kind of crazy memory leak and started using like 4 gigs of RAM and I couldn't do anything so I had to end the task. It took a while.
>>416997 You know that ToN can't force me to do anything, no matter how hard he tries.
Windows 10 is so good. I especially love how OneDrive automatically uploads anything in my documents into a cloud and never warned me beforehand that it would be doing that or asked if I wanted it to do that so I end up putting confidential stuff into a non-HIPAA compliant cloud because being a reasonable person, I never thought that maybe my computer was actively putting everything in my main document folder online. What the actual fuck.
I save things I'm working on in my Documents and then I delete them when I'm done and have uploaded them somewhere secure. I plan on encrypting a thumb drive that I can store confidential stuff on but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
So /// But apparently OneDrive has been keeping copies of confidential reports which means I've accidentally violated HIPAA.
II don't save anything important on C folder, just in case my computer blows up
I might have to edit registries to remove OneDrive from my computer i'm still trying to figure it out all the guides from 2015 no longer work because microsoft made it more difficult to removes
You probably have stuff like Powerpoint and Excel installed since they come with Windows 10, or the trial versions of those do, at least. So you'd have OneDrive installed and maybe enabled.
>>417033 Windows 10 comes with trial versions of them so they're probably installed and hidden somewhere. But you can just check to see if you have OneDrive installed.
I have to contact APA ethics people and some ethics people from the clinic I work at and let them know that it happened and then i might have to tell my clients that i accidentally uploaded their shit
I wonder how many automatically uploaded sensitive files would leak, if OneDrive was breached?
Kirara 🚗
It'd probably be a bitch to sift through it all if it's uploading everything but probably a lot
well it isn't that someone would find it immediately, but that it would be found eventually basically just the fact that they'd then be out there that is the issue
Kirara 🚗
imagine all od /// of the sensitive photos that are probably automatically being uploaded
Holy shit they made the owl episode scary
in hakumiko
>when anime sol makes tenser scenes that big budgeth orror
Is weird when a show actually goes for the "less is more" approach in background music something I lamented at times with shoujoapo, it used music a bit too much at times, when silence or minimalism would have been better
the problem really isn't was there a leak, but that it was an unnecessary risk and spreading of sensitive client information where it shouldn't go a good pro of course tells their clients et al that such happened trust is afterall a good resource and part of it is reporting slips
>>417047 There won't be consequences because it's a minor issue and shouldn't be any real problem, but it's better to cover my ass and disclose it to an authority so I'm not liable.
Current Microsoft is a lot worse and more inept than under its past CEOs. The current one has a cloud fetish.
Whenever I pay my electric bill, they send me an email that says "FPL: Regarding Your Last Payment" and it makes me panic for a second every single month.
>try to sign into blizzard account >forgot password >go reset >okay once again low character limit >typei n password "invalid characters" >type in next password "Must be different from previous one" I guess this is one way to remember your passwords... Also damn I think this is FOURTH time I have done this.
>>417105 i'm lucky i'm a super home-body and never have ot // to go be in crowded public places that being said, people out in the sticks have no sense of public hygiene, so i'm not completely out of the clear i hope you dont have the flu though
>>417110 Everywhere I went on thursday, people had it. That's probably where I caught it. I'm fairly certain that I have it.
what the hell dude i feel so typeset
there are 5 (five) almost-empty mugs of old coffee sitting to my right to my left are two water bottles, half of a gatorade, and a spray bottle filled with water this desk was clean when i stopped using it this morning when i went to bed l o l
I some times accumulate a lot of cups. But over a period of days. I'll bring one with juice to my desk in the morning...or whenever I wake up, and I'll pretty commonly have some milk and cookies around anime time. And I'm not going to re-use a juice cup for milk or vice versa, so that's two unique cups. Then in the morning I'll have forgotten those cups are there and I'll bring another cup in, realize the clutter of cups I'm building up, and remind myself to move them to the kitchen after I finish breakfast.
Which by the nature of this kind of narrative, never actually happens.
I only use one cup, one glass and one pint pretty much
Though I never build up on mugs, since I strictly have two mugs I keep out of common circulation in my house that are for -my- warm drinks. One of them is my tea buddy. So many pots of tea have been decanted through that mug for me to drink. It breaking will probably break my heart.
actually there is one other thing good that has happened to me since i woke up and it happened at pretty much the same time - there is a bunch of chicken cordon bleu to eat
>>417140 I don't know, the flu is going to be pretty bad. I need to work the first three days of the week too. Maybe I can make arrangements to get tuesday off.
>>417188 I actually don't get paid if I don't work either. The lack of pay doesn't really bother me though, I am paid quite well. There are things on my planner that need to get done this week though.
>>417246 Yeah for sure That's why I like the idea of live-in basically doing all the planning, shopping, meal prep, cooking and cleaning and just have a cozy little room to retreat to when it's all handled that's a lot of fun to me
>>417269 Yeah, I like cooking, but I don't know if I could prepare full household meals seven days week. And some of the simpler food I like making probably wouldn't fly in the kind of class that could afford to hire someone to that position.
>>417276 with room and food costs covered, the pay wouldn't even have to be huge hell i'd only need a small allowance to get by if all that was covered
Yeah, bringing lunch is the cheapest way to handle it.
A guy I knew at the bank office I worked at for a bit brought a packed lunch pretty much every day. We were situated downtown with food choices at pretty much any price range you could have cared for, but he still brought in a ham and cheese sandwich and string cheese every day he was working. Probably ended up saving him hundreds of dollars, really.
>>417314 it's like a different style of food every night catered
My work gives me free beer. Some times. And they actually have to call me for work before I have even a chance at it.
And they haven't called me in, in over two weeks.
>>417319 My work does this every night it's great >they haven't called me in, in over two weeks How do you live like this
>>417322 I work with the police we have all the cocaine in the world
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
oh yeah well at my work i get uhhh free cocaine
>>417320 With my folks. If I actually needed money I'd have definitely probably maybe tried finding somewhere else to work. I've already been checking in on jobs sites seeing if there's anything that really catches my attention.
>>417325 People ask me why I live with my parents at 21 and it's like, I'm not gonna turn down rent free living are you mad?
you gotta get your own place and spend your youth well
I'm already halfway through my twenties and I've done NEITHER of those things.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
it's time to make a change
Well there's no way I'm affording my own place even if I get a proper job. And I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to spending my youth well.
i started cleaning up my desk and then cleaned the room and some other stuff as well what a productive waste of my time
I get that a lot when I start cleaning. I'll start by tidying up my desk and next thing I know I'm re-arranging my bookcase or in the kitchen scrubbing dishes. Cleaning is a bug.
my mom bought me a smaller dresser for my room for christmas i have since spent two and a // one and a half month without cleaning the older dresser i will replace with it so i can put the thing together and actually use it it is still in a box it was a thoughtful gift though
And that is dealt with fucking DNA, once again I am paying for a collecting agent for a bill I paid, not in time, but before they should have been able to sell it to a collecting agency... Oh well I am rid of that company and I doubnt I will have any dealings with them ever
yeah 19€ wasted because of dick policy but I can't be bothered to whine about it it would take so many emails, phone calls and shit and for what 19€...
But what annoys me, is that DNA clearly sent it to the colag before the actual date passed, cause if they had waited till the actual deadline, they'd have noticed it had been paid and then the fucking colag sends me the bill on 9th with 5th as the "pay before date" Though that falls under our glorious state postal service, but still... Not to mention, they had ALREADY sent me a new bill with just the processing fee, the 19€, as the actual bill had been paid... So fuking much wasted time and work from everyone, just because some company is trigger happy about collecting its bills and some collecting agency can't fucking do its paperwork right either. Also amusingly this is SECOND time this has happend to me, and last time was exactly a year ago same circuimstance they had sent me the bill, I had paid it bit late cause forgot about it, but not late enough to go into collecting but went into collecting anyhow and then I pay just the fucking processing fee to the collector agency
Yeah 19 euro just isn't worth the effort. They don't do the paperwork because it's more expensive. At least over here, collecting agencies are in heavy competition with each other. Just shoot and most people will pay without bothering to raise hell.
Well I did accidentally stumble unto a really old 2hudump thread by moi by googling vitutusryyppy is weird how it isn't actually translated officially in any dictionaries or such.
no myrrh huh Urvan Ike? Any other really strong Armor that you want to use Also, I 5*d Tiki (adult) In hopes that she would be helpful in beating Xander Infernal.
>>417467 Unless you're making a proper cylinder of stones, you're not actually doing much to prevent a fire growing out of control. A lot of open fires like a campfire produces a lot of hot sparks of really hot, really like pieces of burning matter that will drift out of the fire and float around on the hot air for a bit. Most of these will cool or land somewhere without anything to burn, but every now and then, some dumbass camper will not be careful where they've built their fire and things will spiral out of control.
>>417470 I mean, in the same sense as to, to avoid drowning, ideally stay away from the ocean.
But when you're camping in a forest, you're kind of always around "flammable shit".
If it wasn't fucked when he left though, he could have brought water or something I guess Put it out properly
What you can do best to avoid losing control of your fire is to build it on a cleared patch of ground, yes. And not make campfires in forests in parts of the world that haven't seen enough rain recently. As plant matter goes a good while without rainfall, it gets really dry, which as you can probably expect, make s it really good burning material. Up in cottage country in my province, you can regularly see these poster boards on the sides of highways telling you how dry the plantmatter is around there.
Of course, if he was camping somewhere in Mexico, it was probably super dry by default.
>random guy stops me asking for help >okay must be some lost tourist >asks for money >kaay, hmm do i have any change? nope >say that >guy waves at atm saying i can draw money there >dude wtf you just ask someone to give you 20€... >just piss off in finnish fashion >check pockets and backbag in case new heist methof why do i attract these people?
oh yeah the guy kissed my hand
That's bizarre. Even for bums asking for money.
apparently he wantrd to leave tje country and go back home maybe he was a "newcomer" still sletchy as fug, but he didn't seem dishonest at all but i cam't just give 20 away willyniöly and didn't have time to draw money and then break it smaller
>>417482 I've noticed beggars pushing targets towards going to an ATM to get money for them. There was one who stopped me in a subway station, who when I told her I didn't have any money on me, said I could just go out of the station to an ATM for her. Never mind that I would have had to pay an addtional three dollars to re-enter the subway after that.
There's also these scam artists in downtown Toronto that try to sell you these Black History Month flyers that are cheap and lazily made as you can get. They thrust the flyer onto you, then ask for money for it. And if you tell them you don't have cash on hand, they whip out a portable card machine.
there was one girl at school i legitimately wanted to help because she was out of gas i wanted to give her five or ten bucks for gas, but i had no cash on me and if i went to an atm i could only get out a 20 and it was a night class so there was nothing open in the school that i could break a 20
she was an egineering student that i knew went to the school too, so i regrettably just gave her the 20 she offered to do a sex in the bathroom in gratitude but i'm like wtf no
>>417486 cause he got so physically close, it made me think it was a pickpocket distracter
>>417489 she was very pretty actually but i'm not about that stuff >>417490 i don't think it was about the money particularly i think either she really wanted that kind of attention from me, or else it's a tactic to steal someone's wallet while their pants are down and not paying attention either way i wasn't interested
>>417490 Well, she really needed tthe money for gas.
What kind of engineering program was she in? Mechanical?
how would i know that
I dunno, most of the people I knew in college I knew their majors.
i didn't know her i just knew that she was an engineering student
anyway my point with that was about the ATM thing i think there's a trend to ask for small amounts that people could part with, but if they're near an atm and get a 20 out and can't break it then water you gonna do
I'm gonna not give them tthe money. That's what I'm gonna do. I basically never give beggars money. Not anymore
i'll give them some change usually, literal change i'm always eager to get rid of that shit it just falls everywhere but sometimes i'll buy them a beer and like a mcronalds sandwich if they seem like they need it
Give it to me then.
Basically I only ever get accosted on the train. Although sometimes at kfc.
I honestly don't carry much physical money anymore. And when I do it's usually for something I want.
There's honestly way too many people panhandling downtown that, to satisfy my sense of fairness, I'd have to carry around way too much cash on hand. Or give them all literal cents.
I prefer to have my money physically. It's just a bit easier to keep track of.
>>417502 i don't give anything to those that accost if they're not pushy then i'll see if i can do something for them i have no sympathy for pushy ones
By accost I mean "does anyone have two dollars" or whatever and then no one makes eye contact and then they approach every other person on the train and get told "no sorry" and the bum says "god bless" to each of them and then moves to the next train car
>>417506 that's a pretty liberal usage of the word
>>417507 I consider it bold in of itself to ask strangers for money. But I get what you mean.
>>417503 Downtown anywhere is where they congregate.
Fun fact: every single member of congress in the US gets an issue of Hustler magazine shipped to them every month.
I got annoyed at my cat's constant needs for attention on her own terms and stomped at her. Now I'm feeling a little bad about it. But it's like, all the attention she wants needs to be where she wants it. I don't want to constantly be chasing her around the house.
>>417515 make your room cozier for her and she'll stay there instead
I've thought about that, but I don't really know how. What she likes is carpet. What she wants is to be flopped on her side, scratching at carpet while she's getting pets.
>>417518 I don't have anything leather, no, but I don't think she's particularly fond of the material. We've got a leather couch in the living room and don't think she's ever cared for it. She's much more likely to curl up on a lump of woollen blanket or my terrycloth bathrobe.
do you have a leather jacket or anything leather plop it on your bed and set her on it i doubt she'll move
>>417517 do you have any rabbit skins or furs? i guess that might sound odd to some people do you know what i mean, the tanned skins with the fur on it they're real, real soft and smooth i used to lay those in my cat beds and on the cat condos and they just loved it
i've got a family of hunters and taxidermists though, so maybe those aren't normal household things but i see them for sale in stores a lot so i dunno
Well I know what you're talking about. We've got a probably imitation one at our cottage. Our other cat we used to have loved curling up on it, but I can't remember this one ever opting for it. She's always liked couch fabric.
lay your exam books on bed the cat will slerp on them
She likes rubbing her face on books, but she never lays on them.
Kirara 🚗
go kill and skin a rabbit
a floop
Kirara 🚗
i actually have been studying leather working techniques casually for a few days because i didn't know much about it and i had never heard of the concept of braining leather it's really amazing
It's pretty fascinating. The idea that so many different cultures stumbled on the idea of soaking hide in a solution using brains is really interesting. They must have all understood something at some level about the emulsified oils in the brain which is something you wouldn't expect stone age people to have much awareness of.
>>417528 well, the brain's always there when you clean your kill a lot comes from just experience in crafting like, if you started learning to craft something right now without any taught knowledge -- say blacksmithing, you'd very quickly be developing all sorts of approaches to handle obstacles and with something like that, all -- (the leathercrafting) -- all the resources are compactified in one body so really, anyone who's doing it is working with the same resources they're all kind of gonna get a feel for what does what to the process after just a bit of trial and error
>>417527 Honestly I don't really want a bunch of skins laying around.
And I don't want to sound like I'm unappreciative of the advice, but I think I know what my cat likes. The biggest problem is, she's not a lazy cat. She's generally active and likes to be moving a lot. But she doesn't want to go outside because of all the cold and snow, and she doesn't have her brother cat anymore for times like this anymore. So she wants me to chase her around to get her activity in, but I don't want to be doing that.
yeah mine wakes me up every morning and every time i nap really it's hard to get appropriate sleep just due to this kitty she's got an obsession with crawling underneath blankets, but she just paws at the top of the blanket and kind of pulls it and coos at me and if she does go under the covers she only wants to stay there about five minutes
that's not the same at all as being active and wanting exercise, but she's an old kitty just rubbing her belly and getting her kind of bitey playful is exercise enough for her
I also feel sorto -sort of bad because my room used to be the comfiest place in the house for her. My closet used to be home to a huuuuge pile of old backpacks, shoes, magazines, flyers, and other general junk that accumulated over my life. With the door closed most of the way, it was her favourite place go in to and curl up for a nap. I would always call it her den. But I eventually caved to decency and cleaned the whole thing out last year, and the floorspace is now used for box storage -- not the kind of thing she wants to rest on top of. Every now and then she pokes her head back in to the closet and kind of backs out looking all dejected.
Kirara 🚗
>>417530 that's true some tribes used like cacti or corn or some shit
hello I was able to get some work done but was eventually told to go home.
Okaeri I'm probably gonna have to stay home from my volunteering thing tonight. I'm not in agony or anything, but I'm afraid of getting someone else sick.
Fuck Just got an email back from that company. My contact is leaving, and the company is also changing their direction.
>>417579 Honestly, I wouldn't even be surprised if the tutorial in question was actually a solid and decent tutorial. That doesn't actually matter one bit when you make a campfire in a super dry forest. At that point you're pretty much playing Russian roulette with the forest.
>>417581 for all intents and purposes, i couldn't care less
It looks like the poster failed to start a fire, left, came back, and realized that the embers started a massive fire.
I can't seem to find any news articles on it, though.
Well regardless of if was actually started by a weeaboo or not, plenty of forest fires like that have started from irresponsible amateur campers. You need to be cognizent of the dryness of the forest you're making a fire near, and always ensure you're monitoring the fire and the area around your fire spot.
Kirara 🚗
i'm gonna go ahead and say that this actually didn't happen
>>417587 It looks like there was a blaze in the region at the least. When I saw the smash-up of /a/ posts, I thought he might've just spotted it and went "hey I could make a good joke about this". But like Rika said it's a good story if it's true.
dancing bangu
>>417587 even if he didn't actually start the fire, those images are legit from the region and time period and don't exist on the internet before those posts
And whether it's real or not, there's never a good time to warn the public about the dangers of irresponsible campfires!
Never not a good time, even. Or never a bad time, really. Or never a time to not do it.
Kirara 🚗
>>417591 not showing up in reverse image search doesn't mean they didn't exist on the internet before those posts
Kirara 🚗
>>417592 you mean it's always a good time to warn the public
dancing bangu
>>417594 the IMG_ is a timestamp and they match up pretty decently with the times he posted the images i mean i'm just saying that this person would have to go through a lot of trouble in order to get images from that area of mexico that aren't easily findable on any mexican news websites in the area, digital images no less, with timestamps that match up to the time he posted them, on the same day as the fire, without being there to take them
Wow clearly you follow way more lewd artists than I do
I don't really follow a lot of people but I still see it a bunch because a select number just retween everything.
Retweet even.
>>417617 Yeah, the pictures usually have her pretty voluptuous. I considered it might also have something to do with them needing money for their club, but I haven't really been giving the pictures my full attention.
Wow, Dean Winchester in Supernatural watches hentai.
dancing bangu
who doesn't nowadays
He's a lonely man. There isn't much time for a dedicated relationship when you're travelling the roads of America every day of the year. Or when you're pre-occupied fighting some unholy or holy menace to society.
dancing bangu
oh wait >watches lame fake gay dumb animated hentai is objectively garbage every time always
I don't think I've actually watched any hentai anime before, now that I think about it. Except Boku no Pico. But that doesn't really count because everyone's seen it.
We're almost up to date on Supernatural. We're in season 12 now.
I think I only got through the first five and then maybe a couple episodes of six. I got the gist of a couple later seasons through one of my sisters who stuck with the show longer than I did.
The beginning was kind of rough but it ended up being incredibly engaging. I've watched like 200 episodes of this 3DPD show and only a few episodes have been boring and no episode has felt like I've seen it before.
Someone in my cohort has Supernatural tattoos.
better call saul is the best 3dpd show i've watched to date i think
What are you gonna do now that company didn't hire you Rei you know maths and programming and shit right? I've never actually seen anything you've made and now I'm curious
>>417666 Nice devil trips. I'm probably just going to do the same stuff I usually do. Half assedly look for a job and occassionally not half ass it. And then spend the rest of the time distracting myself from feeling like shit or feeling like shit.
Raven is derinitely one of the better entries. Right now I have a bunny Chrom with decent IVs set up for when I need axe infantry and someone else can't do the job.
It was sorta kinda hit by lightning a little bit and I think that messed it up., The battery doesn't charge anymore, which is a relatively minor problem. The larger problem is that I think the hard drive is messed up and refuses to write anything on it periodically. It also won't stay connected to the internet, but I think that may be related to the issues with the hard drive not writing. It connects and disconnects to the internet periodically.
https://www.amazon.com/Acer-E5-575-33BM-15-6-Inch-Notebook-Generation/dp/B01K1IO3QW/ Looks like it's $350 right now. I got it cheaper on Black Friday. It's really sturdy, though. Decent screen, pretty responsive.
I think the best thing about it is the insane battery life. I can get like 10 hours out of it without any trouble using anything I'd usually use for work.
Kirara 🚗
probably more if i put it on battery saver
It's cold Ahh I left My haaaaat This is the worrrrrst
Wait It's like 36°F right now in NYC, you should be fine without a hat. inb4 your coat doesn't have a hood and you didn't wear a hoodie underneath your coat
TPUSA's Kent State chapter is having their president step down or something, and she really threw a fit about how terrible the organization is Well, she's stepping down on her own, she wasn't told to I think
Holy fuck, the guy that founded that organization is from a suburb sort of near here.
They literally hire activists lmao It's such a fucking joke
Oh gross, they have a chapter at my college.
Well, actually some of the hard left student orgs are kind of obnoxious so I'm not that bothered. Plus they'll be extra ineffective at my school for reasons I won't get into.
>>417775 Dems don't do voter suppression, as far as I know.
>>417776 it portrays it in a way that makes it sound like they're doing untoward things and to a dumb college student that's reading this article, it's ripe with incentive to just follow along and nod your head at the bashing gerrymandering and voter suppression are horrid on the left, too
>>417780 yes, but it is still starting an article from clearly a partisan biased view
>>417781 social media managers tend to be very entry-level things you're gonna find hot garbage in any company's social media platforms extrapolating the visions of a young intern to portray the whole organization in a poor light is kind of an empty argument and an appeal to sensation
>>417782 I think it provides context for why there's a need for an astroturf to begin with >>417785 No they're really not They're left compared to the people even further right than them, sure
also "dems aren't left" in usa they are
>>417784 the people think they are and that is enough
well it doesn't ,atter what you think or believd what the american voters thinks is important and when political discussion is pure shit flinging, partisan propaganda and slander, it doesm't breed good grounds for actual healthy democracy
Oh yeah I still haven't watched it I decided to wait I can't watch atm cause I'm getting ready to leave for work thing in uh, 3 hours or so I gotta eat and stuff But when I get home I can watch
>>417800 Oh, i thought you knew there were some updated licensing issues and it was on a long hiatus all the videos actually got removed for a while they're up now, but all unlisted episode 60 should be this spring >>417803 yeah they did a couple announcement videos about it it probably had to do with new contract acquisitions for super it was totally an "it's fine but we need to clear the paperwork" issue, but it was something that had to be handled
>>417802 oh i hadn't heard of licensing stufg issues
>>417804 they didn't disclose details about the reasoning, but yeah i'm guessing so they're changing the opening disclosure about "... is a parody, all rights belong to ..." on all the episodes, so probably that yeah
>>417802 guess they don't link this stuff on their homepage not subbed to their channel so these kinds of amnouncements oft escape me
>>417806 it was like six months ago or so a long time anyway
>>417807 i think that announce,emt dodn~t mention license stufg or atleast last one i saw. which said "sometime early 18"
Then sleep! I'm probably going to sleep pretty soon after anime.
I got really sleepy earlier. Too much hearty lasagna.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
i had some like stuffed poblano peppers earlier they were stuffed with like pure cheese or something i don't even know but it was amazing
I thought of a good idea for a programming project that would look good on a resume. An integral solver with every single expression from Gradshtyn and Ryzhik. *Gradshteyn Err, with all of them implemented
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
shrugga bruddah
It would also be a lot of work that is tedious rather than difficult.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
but would it be useful work
Potentially Not in the sense of advancing the field of CAS and symbolic integration, but in the sense of there being a new free open source integral solver available on all platforms as I intend to make it as portable as possible. And depending on how it ends up being written it could be used as a module in an existing free open source symbolic math package. Or I may end up making my own CAS (highly unlikely) I definitely have the time though.
I'd try to make it faster than Mathematica though.
Or instead of just Gradshteyn and Ryzhik I could pull weird/useful/interesting integrals and transforms from journal articles and what not. Like a closed form single variable integral that evaluates exactly to a difficult to compute n-fold integral used in mathematical physics. I would be more specific but all I remember about it is that it has to do with magnetic susceptibility
Like if I focused on special functions in physics people would probably use it because not everyone has Mathematica. Incidentally Mathematica started as an integral solver for integrals that came up in particle physics.