Thread #417813
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cardcaptors dagashi mahoutsukai takagi-san nanatsu ryuoou
is tilde dead
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I'm not sure!
hmm we'll give him a few decent shows tonight if anything we can hold
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I don't mind taking tonight off since I'm sick.
oh you are still sick? did you dirnk meds
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Well it's the flu so it's going to last a few days. I took some painkillers this morning, I have been taking some coughing meds, and I have some PM painkillers set aside for when I want to go to sleep.
Sorry I dozed off. We can do some shows still?
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yep! I only really wanted to do three tonight anyway. Good thing I didn't take those PM meds yet. let's do nanatsu ryuouuou takagi-san
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okay nanatsu okay let's start!
Okay I've got it.>>417837 >>417835
Also Slow Start is finally out by now. And I have a hunch there may be a two-week hiatus for 3-gatsu.
That's kind of a little... I dunno even if I were nakama I wouldn't want to drink someone's blood.
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>>417844 Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Arthur's -- Well I guess that's why she's little . And Merlin's awfully nice, bringing back her clothes too. Shame about that outfit though, it was cute. And Arthur's ridiculously complacent about being stuck in a magic cube for his own safety.
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I think Merlin is more OP than most of the other ones, until Meliodas powers up at least.
This is a good bit though. Showing that she's at the end of her line here.
Oh and RIP
why couldnt he tell her earlier
Guess he was a little pre-occupied not dying himself.
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I wonder if we'll see him use his power up here.
He needs a hand, really.
I was going to make a joke about them having to go around eating a bunch of people to ge their magic back. But I guess that really is the gist of it.
i dont like teh power scouter thing
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I don't like the part where the cast has to job to the new evil guys to show how powerful they are.
I wouldn't say I like the power levels but I'm not particularly offended by them. I understand the purpose and it's kind of funny really. But there's definitely better ways to demonstrate OVERWHELMING POWAH
Gowther please.
r e d e m p t i o n
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He's going to get revenge on the demons!
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okay ryuouuou okay let's start
The lolicon's work is never done>>417873 Tsundere, you mean.
chuuni > original
The MC gets stuck playing against a bunch of weirdos.
>With Yaichi-kun, that might score extra points!
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Wow, even the kind onee-san is trashing him.
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That red haired girl seems inspired by kawakaze.
That's a pretty fancy shogi room.
I like this cool ojii-san.
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I guess this new one is the obligatory oppai.
She's kindo -kind of cute. Could dress a little more flattering though.
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he's a dangerous person
You lay in the bed you make.
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He was doing fine until the ancient hag showed up.
The burden of competence!
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Oh, she murdered her friend. The price of being the strongest.
He was giving her some good advice there though. Almost like he's a proper Shishou
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Hot blooded shogi.
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okay takagi-san I think he went to bed. okay let's start!
is bang alive
He's Away everywhere I can see.
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The teacher looks like that random bad guy helping them in Kokkoku.
Na tsu ya su mi
>>417904 This one's got a fair bit more panda eyes, but I see where you're coming from.
I wish it was na tsu ya su mi here.
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It's not summer but I get a day off tomorrow. They told me not to come to work because of the flu.
am i too late to party
We've only got one more episode we're watching tonight, but we're super early in. We can reset if you watch Takagi-san.
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do you watch takagi-san?>>417909
oh nope carry on fellas
unless you want to watch mahoutsukai instead i am assuming i've held you up on that one
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will you be around tomorrow?
i'll be at work until like 3-4AM
i am off both days afterwards, though.
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well we oh okay let's do it in two days then!
works for me enjoy your cartoons
Party hearty, my man.
is [Glue] better than HS for franxx?
I haven't been checking in on their quality, so I can't say for sure. They'll probably have a bit more passion being a fansub, but I can't speak for quality.
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She's being a meanie.
She kind of got what was coming. She was on the bike when he fell over.
It is cute how she does look after him. Even if she teases him the whole way down.
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Summer rain is nice.
Yeah, it's about the only time I like getting caught out in the rain. The sound of raindrops hitting the lush summer foliage is a really soothing sound too.
>>417921 well i'll report back in like 20 minutes
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He looks like generic Japanese A-kun with that hat.
Well he does kind of always have a bit of Generic Japanese A-kun going on.
>When the rain ruins your chances of tandem riding with your crush but you get a date out of it anyway
what if they get hit by a truck
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She's really good at what she does.
Oh he's still doing the push-up thing.
These three are kind of Three Stooge-y.
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Maybe they'll finally ride tandem.
Kids can be so hyperbolic.
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okay thanks for anime im going to go cook myself with an electric blanket trying to beat these chills
Yup, thanks. Don't roast too hard.