Work was so sleepy. Not much I can do when I'm not qualified to act with the people I'm working with beyond passing tools around
i was sleepy but suddenly i'm wide awake golly i wonder how that happened
>>417955 Do you reckon it's worse having nothing to do at work
I'm probably going to head to bed soon.
Yasumi Attempting sleep again
>>417957 That's essentially what it was. Welders did work. And after they were done with one point, we moved tools to the next spot. But there's about 30min gaps in between. Also I had little sleep so trying to act like I'm fully aware is hard.
>>417960 If there's nothing to do at work I feel guilty because everyone else is doing stuff while I'm standing around like a doof looking for work
I think it's easier to work on little sleep than to do noting on little sleep
It's kind of a catch-22 though. Standing around doing nothing on short sleep is rough, but very little wears you out faster than trying to do something physically exertive on short sleep. Trying to do that will bring on sheer fatigue faster, for me at least, than coasting on what mild sleep I had.
one afternoon gregor samsa woke up transformed into a maneater
Aa, doushio Takaku furi ageta kono ude Watashi no otsukisama Sakasama no otsukisamaaa
makuro no sora wo tsuranuite chikyu wo uta ikachusita
Ashita mata au toki Warainagara hamingu
hakanaku tayutau sekai wo kimi no te de mamottakara
Aa, gomenasai
sometimes i wish i could zap my brain and forget all about a game so i can play it for the first time again
Most of the games I like become better the more I play them, so I'm not sure I can relate.
not many of the games i play have much replay value there's just a handful of them i have played for hundreds of hours because i don't have anything more interesting and engaging and new to play at the time like bloodborne or overwatch or FFXIV
How would you define replay value? Do the classic Mario games have it, for instance?
the classic mario games don't have any replay value to me because once you've figured out how to beat the levels you will have very little difficulty doing most of them again and again, and it only gets easier the more you practice what i desire in video games is new and surprising worlds and creatures and people to engage, not something that i can practice for a long enough time and master.
for example i played bloodborne for like 700 hours but the moment i finally cleared the chalice dungeons and got the platinum and had collected an // and killed everything, i lost almost all interest in playing it, even though i think it's one of the best action games of all time
the chalice dungeons could have helped me want to continue playing if they weren't so bland and uninspired, the only interesting thing in them is how absolutely broken some enemy/room combinations are, and the one in a billion chance of seeing an ultra-rare monster or severe glitch but because you can share chalice glyphs, you can easily just punch in some codes and see the interesting stuff everything else is just a pointless boring grind against enemies that either die in two hits or gang bang you because you get unlucky with spawns
>tfw I'll never play Dark Souls for the first time again
i was considering buying the dark souls remaster for the switch but i'm not really sure if it's going to be worth playing a game most people already mastered what will likely end up happening is i will get invaded by several no fun allowed twinks who just kill my ass in three hits with their lightning club +5
a small part of me hopes they have learned from DS3 and will gate off multiplayer based on weapon upgrade level though
maybe i'll just gravelord in sen's fortress underneath the giant that drops the boulders but it's not like you can get fanmail on the switch so it won't even be that fun
I don't think there's any game that can't be mastered with enough practice.
how do you figure people have beaten all of the souls games without getting hit a single time that's pretty masterful
That kind of proves my point, doesn't it?
i misread your post, i thought you said can and not can't haha
lol If you want something that stays challenging even after you beat it, maybe try taking up danmaku? Those games can certainly mastered but the skill ceiling is really high for most of them. Only a small percentage reach the absolute top.
my ability to master them isn't too concerning, i don't think there are any games i can consider myself at that skill level with i am not a big fan of shmups of any flavor really, i have played a few and found them frustrating the only games i can usually endure a great challenge in are character action games like DMC or action RPGs like the souls series and nioh i guess primarily i look for an interesting world and creative characters in a game before anything else exploration and such are the // is the main draw of gaming for me, after that i want fluid and fast gameplay, or alternatively a challenge in engaging enemies, either through action or turn based RPG/strategy gameplay
ohayo minnasan
>>417988 What if we make a rhythm game that has totally random inputs each song
>>417992 Unless you've got a completely optimised score then you haven't mastered it. Shmups are an endless well of challenge that are hard to suck dry
>>417995 That sounds...awful. Who would play such a monstrosity?
>Shmups are an endless well of challenge that are hard to suck dry That's why I love them.
>>417994 good morning friendo how was your journey the other day you like disappeared after i posted that song i was a little concerned
I had fun I got distracted by youtube videos and stuff
just found this image in my downloads >>417998 ah cool glad you had fun it's always easy to go with the flow and do whatever so you shouldn't be too concerned with finding something to do while you're in space >>417996 maybe games are subjective and all sorts of different games appeal to different personalities or some shit
>>417999 dude that's stupid there's one correct opinion and it's mine
>>417999 Nah my taste is objectively the best obviously.
revolvers turn and pace? heresy it is singleshot flintlocks revolver is "main stream steady pace advancing from the ends of the street, draw when something happens"
>>418034 i am well aware i took some kratom instead though works very well to counteract any crash i have tried it on so far >>418035 something i really shouldn't have and said i would never do again
>>418035 Only if you're paying for all the flights
>>418035 Yeah, I'd rather be taking adderall or vyvanse or something. But concerta's the script I have.
I've actually been considering asking to be switched to a nootropic or something instead.
>>418036 The one time I took kratom, I fell asleep before feeling anything, and woke up 6 hours later with terrible abdominal cramps. It sort of turned me off to it.
>>418044 not even close i never buy less than $200 at once i did manage to put it down when i realized i wouldn't be able to sleep for work if i kept going maybe i can practice some self control
>sees cute Okuu >like before expanding >expand >underwear >unlike before it shows in people's timelines
>>418038 it sometimes gives me gut problems if i take it without food but they aren't too bad my sister is really sensitive to abdominal pain though and she can only take a little bit of some strains and veins without experiencing pain and heavy nausea
don't buy it from smoke shops though most of the time the quality is mediocre and the price is extremely marked up
i don't like the way it tastes so i use a capsule machine i bought for $15 to put them in OO size capsules instead seems like the delayed release from the capsule having to dissolve helps with the nausea it can cause
i think it's pretty useless as a recreational drug though, but i've found a lot of viable uses for it
>>418046 I like that i know which one youre talking about
>>418050 on desktop, the thumbnail shows the underwear on mobile, it shows from the chest up mobile is dangerous
>>418049 Yeah, everyone says buying from smoke shops is a bad idea and online is the way to go. I don't really have much need for it anyway, though.
Still, it's stupid that they're trying to make it illegal. That seems like a really bad move given the current opiod crisis.
>>418047 honestly, probably use it hopefully i will be able to control myself and be more responsible with the when and where until i run out
Kirara 🚗
>>418054 Okay, but let me know if it gets out of hand and I'll come beat you up and take it all.
>>418053 they really should be going after more destructive and addictive substances and not an obscure botanical specimen with no indication of direct cause of death
>>418056 They should be going after painkiller prescriptions and not be giving them out like penny candy without a proper taper. But that would hurt the bottom line, I'm sure, and dollars are more important than people.
>>418055 ok you and rook are usually the first people i confide in the first and only people so if i have a problem you'll probably hear about it
I was raised Orthodox Christian, and I've still got some remnants of spirituality and respect the morality, though I think I may be a bit too liberal and LGBT for a traditional denominational church these days.
>>418091 I'm a Jew. I eat kosher and light . my candles and stuff. But I don't jive with the Orthodox anymore so I practice on my own in my own way, so maybe I'm not technically Jewish anymore.
>>418101 /pol/ is gross. They're all so stupid and blind and racist but they all think they're woke.
>>418102 I used to think 4chan was chaotic good but they really seem more lawful evil now.
I don't see how bigotry is supposed to be groundbreaking or intelligent.
Kirara 🚗
>>418103 Yeah, they think they're revolutionary but all they do is keep the status quo.
It is when you're racist and believe there's a race war
>>418104 For some reason I was browsing 8chan /christian/ the other day, and there was a thread about racism being a sin. Which should be kind of self evident to anyone who's actually read the Bible and knows how Jesus feels about prejudice and loving your "enemies" and good Samaritans. But of course it got shitposted into oblivion.
Kirara 🚗
Well, the small-minded have trouble introspecting or anything like that, so it can't be helped. You can't expect people with the developmental level of children to behave like adults.
At least there's one sane poster there.
>"Nothing makes my blood boil quite like white stormfags who claim to be christian."
>>418108 When the shit finally hits the fan and it all falls apart, those stormfront fools are going to be the first to get killed, trying to go after minorities.
>>418109 I want to believe they're all bark and no bite. The shit hitting the fan seems like something I'd rather not see in my lifetime.
Kirara 🚗
I can't wait for it to all fall apart.
I live for SHTF
But Kirara-sama, how will you watch comfy anime if society has collapsed
Kirara 🚗
Once society is collapsed, we won't need anime. We'll finally be free to live and die as we please!
We can bring it back Better and freer
Society has a lot of problems, but without it, there wouldn't be anyone to make pretty lolita dresses for me to look wistfully at and wish I could afford.
Kirara 🚗
Once society collapses, you can make your own or take one or have someone make one for you or you can just kill animals for their leather and wear that and we can live among the trees and the stones and the open sky and the streams
I don't know how to spin fabric ;_;
Also lace > leather
Kirara 🚗
lace won't protect you from the elements
if you want lace you can wear it though if you can't spin, learn, or find someone to do it for you you'll be free
Protecting me for // from the elements is what society is for, though. I don't need lace for that, I need lace because it's cute!
Man, this real-time thing is cool, but I wish I could go back and correct typos.
Kirara 🚗
Society will never protect you! Society doesn't care whether you live or die as long as you're its slave! Free yourself! Let's destroy society!
I have considered someday going off the grid, actually. Though not far enough off the grid to not have internet.
Kirara 🚗
The internet may fill my time but it doesn't make for a fulfilling time. I want to live a fulfilling life. I want every moment to be fulfilling. I want to be free to pursue a fulfilling life.
A life where I'm free No concern for time A life where I can be one with the world A life of nothing but novel experience where i can sleep with my feet facing the fire and an infinite amount of stars above where i can live or die every day
Is that necessarily impossible to do in this day and age?
Hard, maybe, but I don't think it's impossible.
skTalesof !NuKeSlvmWE
My shoulder is killing me
Kirara 🚗
>>418129 It's impossible. There isn't any free land. Yhetes // there's nowhere I can live like that without breaking laws or being rich. And even if I'm rich and live on my own land, I can't ignore the so-called civilized world because I have to pay taxes on my land.
I can't be truly free until society is gone.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara are you a masseuse
>>418132 Surely not all of the fertile land out there is owned or controlled by some government, is it?
Kirara 🚗
>>418134 By a government or by a person or by a corporation. There's no free land anywhere that's survivable land. Everything in this world is owned by evil, greedy people, obsessed with material things, with acquiring more and more things.
>>418135 I am skeptical of this. But admittedly, also not very knowledgeable about it.
For me, the idea of self-employment is enough for a life I'd consider fulfilling.
Kirara 🚗
There are public lands, but there is a limit to how long you can live on them before you become a criminal.
A fulfilling life to me is one where I don't have to fill my time. Video games, internet, anime, it's fun, but I only do it because there is so much time that needs to be filled. It's all to fill the void of meaninglessness that western society has forced on the entire world.
>A fulfilling life to me is one where I don't have...Video games, internet, anime Heresy!
Nah, I see what you mean. Though I don't think the problem as I see it is that time needs to be filled; more that time I'd rather devote to other things has to be devoted to things society has deemed important and which are necessary to survive in modern society.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
And why should society tell me what's necessary to survive? Especially when I know it's a lie? Western society has given us extraordinarily long lives, but in exchange, we aren't living during them. I just want to be free to follow my heart and live as myself.
I also wwnt to see society fall apart for revenge because I'm a comic book villain.
Kaede is a hottie.
What would you do on an average day, in your ideal life?
Kirara 🚗
Whatever needs to be done and whatever I want to do. There would be no routine! Hunt, gather, explore, live.
So you would like to live as humans did in the pre-civilized era?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
actual image of Kirara in their natural habitat
Kirara 🚗
>>418144 Pre-western civilization. Before the Europeans stole the world.
>>418146 I feel a hunter-gatherer life might be a bit boring, for me. I have a lot of gripes about what western civilization has evolved into, but it does have some benefits as well, the way I see it. I wouldn't want to live in a pre-industrial world, I just wish modernity didn't have so many "mandatory" parts to it.
I'd be happy just dying at the barricades, really
Kirara 🚗
If it weren't for western medical advancements, I would have died ages ago and never would have suffered and if it weren't for the bigotry of western society, many of my loved ones would have never died
Every bit of suffering in my life has been inflicted on me by aspects of western civilization that have been forced on me
Well, I'm glad you didn't die ages ago. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to meet you.
>>417952 (OP) this is another case of misheard lyrics it's actually oh-oh, here she comes, she's a manatee
>as of may 1st restaurants and bars are allowd to serve alcohol untill 4 am >however, no one can actually do this as the required application form to get the permit doesn't yet exist We are fucking geniuses
Bureaucracy is really bad at doing things properly right out the door.
WEll the most surprising thing here is, that the law was passed in december and it is in effect already partially and in full effect in march 1st not may 1st March 1st for example, when we passed gaymarriage, it took 1,5 years, which was then considered quick
Then again the first proposal for changing the laws and regulations considering open hours of restaurants, how strong alcohol can be sold outside of monopoly stores et al was given to the parliament and put into consideration... 2008?
Democracy is a slow progress, but it is progress.
Well the concensus was that majority would have allowed wine to be sold in grocery stores too, but oh well some "morality" parties have quite a good hold on the chains of power still
Come to think of it since alko expands their business hours they might be hiring they pay quite well bit over 2k a month if you do full hours
Considering a change of career?
Well wouldn't it be fitting if I got myself into the corporate ladder of the monopoly store on alcohol here and then took it over and brought it down
ah neo.toto did a burge of their galleries from doubles and shit andn ow you can barely find anything since everthing has the "last uploaded" tags they have from the batoto servers or wahtever that site needs some work still
BTW how is lucid dreaming a thing for people? I for one instantly wake up whenever I realise I am dreaming.
I wonder how many new viewers Joerg got after that whole knifevest thing
Kevlar isn't even made for knives anyway
There are kevlar vests that are built to block knives.
Yeah, but don't they have like, parts that aren't kevlar?
for that, I mean
Not exactly, they just have more kevlar. I mean they also have some other different stuff. But generally all of these protective vests use composites, so they all have non kevlar stuff anyways. Also Fun fact: kevlar degrades in UV
*jots down "remember to bring a UV light"*
Good luck That shit's layered Kevlar vests have the kevlar inside of them.
FormerRei@mobileTN !PcAPtAiNJo
the good old oni-yotsuba
dancing banguFormerRei@mobile
Sup bang
Name my first general who will lead my nation to independence from its vile Hainautian Oppressors!s
Good ol adolf >born day after king married his wife >claim average >queen died before being queen a year Yeah, I believe you, he was her kid
dancing banguAnno
that is a hot anime babe
FormerRei@mobileTN !PcAPtAiNJosk
Burgers to die for
dancing banguTN !PcAPtAiNJoTN !PcAPtAiNJo
>command a cavalry charge >immediately at the ende of charge command them to retreat for another >look back 40 seconds later >they are still there getting their asses kicked by spear samurai ... Just fucking give me a button that actually forces the units to FOLLOW ORDERS
>>418205 >not enjoying the realistic experience of troops that don't always follow orders It's a feature
>choose one unit of cavalry on campaign map >tell it to move >for some reason it moved the entire army haa... these minor issues just ruin your day welp lost that province 99%
oh good they could aside from siege engines move back
>>418210 I slept 12 hours, felt okay good enough to get a little work done, and came home early. I have to be at work midday tomorrow but will probably do what I need to do and come home.
that character looks damn much like chino
Kirara 🚗
except for the hair color, facial expressions, body language, eyebrows
i love eyebrows
>>418212 i was feeling bad this morning but it got better aa the day went on i havent been diagnosed with anything though
Well fuck It turned out someone already did that idea I had the other day. Although I don't think they made the program and dataset FLOSS.
Kirara 🚗
like the voice of love take you higher
Kirara 🚗
surely that wat wasn't to me
YuuKirara 🚗
i wish "on the daily" was appropriate clinical language
Lately, I've been getting paranoid whenever one of my supervisors praise me. Maybe paranoid isn't the right word. But I know they're trying to reinforce my behavior - which is obviously a good thing if I'm doing things properly - but I don't know, something about knowing someone is using behavioral techniques to modify my behavior makes me feel antsy. I get this urge that's like, oh, I wrote a great progress note? Fuck you, I'm doing a bad one next time.
Thing I have issue with shogun 2 forts, is that even at near max level, they still have this one weakness the central wall is just 2 layered the enemy can just rush taht and climb in with just maybe 15% losses due to falling off it immediately kills good amount of the defender's firing capacity
and if you have ninjas those fuckers climb walls wiht 0% casualties and twice the speed 2-4 groups of those and you can easily just rush the centre and take the castle before the enemy can take the control point back lame as fug, but works
>>418230 When you think about it, that's a very tsundere way of thinking, isn't it?
>>418230 I had a dream last night that i was put in a // an asylum but like it was real warm and friendly and a caring and nurturing place and not a complete shithole
it made me kinda wish it was real
Kirara 🚗
>>418233 No way. It's not tsundere at all. It's just oppositional.
almost like a pediatric ward or something just really kind and warm and easing of fears i dunno i dont have nice dreams real often so it was notable to me i guess
Kirara 🚗
Did it feel like a home? in terms of the warmth
>>418235 Kinda sounds like you're just trying to reframe tsundere!
>>418237 Just like a place where people who are sick are taken care of i remember a time when i believed things like that existed there are only places where people take care of people who have money
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, I kind of miss the innocence of thinking places like that existed. It sounds like it was a comforting dream.
can't wait to spend my years alone and confused until i die in a deluded state
Kirara 🚗
The newest Microsoft Word is always suggesting shit for "clarity and conciseness"
like i'll say "there are a number of" and it'll tell me to replace it with "many" or i'll say "making a decision" and it'll tell me to replace it with "deciding" "able to" is supposed to be "can" i hate this shit
>>418239 It has a sense of tsundere-like stubbornness!
>>418243 'there are a number of' does have some clarity issues even if there's many of the thing, there's only one number of them we use are instead of is for intuition there but it could expressed more clearly
Kirara 🚗
it's purposefully vague usually and "a number of" doesn't mean "many" it means "several"
it also wants to kill off vague specifiers like "fairly"
like if i say "fairly well adjusted", that means that they're like, generally well adjusted, but i'm reluctant to outright say they're well adjusted but it doesn't want me to use fairly
The count isn't what i meant by vagueness i meant lexical vagueness like "there is a lot of people" versus "there are a lot of people" there's one lot of people, but many people it's a vague expression in general
Kirara 🚗
>>418244 Stubbornness and opposition are a little difference.
It's important to have some vagueness when you're writing a psych report because everything is kind of general to a person and not just perfectly specific, so this "clarity and conciseness" stuff is really annoying. It also seems like the goal of it is to overly simplify language which seems like a mistake to me. If I replace every word that /// word or phrase that is equivalent to "can" with "can", that makes for some incredibly boring writing.
>>418248 The subject of the sentence is unclear yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
And as I drew my third hector my thoughts were "End me please"
>>418252 Oppositional isn't the essence of a tsundere. There are plenty of tsundere that aren't oppositional at all.
"Let's see what Politico is up t-" >Let's just make immigrants into serfs, guys, that'll solve our economic difficulties
>>418253 I would be able to hold me own here if I didn't have the flu. my own too I'll capitualte for today because I'm not feeling good!
Kirara 🚗
>>418255 Wow, Rika, giving up? Now I'm getting worried.
I don't feel good so I can't be as unstoppable as usual.
Kirara 🚗
You must be on your death bed!
I'll be fine. I felt pretty much normal today but I've been feeling bad in the evenings. I'll sleep in and take it easy again tomorrow, though I do have some business to take care of around 12:30.
Kirara 🚗
Hurry up and get strong again.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm being nagged to be checked out Which is fair in a sense but I'm being NAGGED so I don't like it
How kodomopoi.
>>418260 I feel like I'm better than I was yesterday.
I've been feeling a bit restless the past couple days. That feeling that I'm not doing what I want to be doing but I don't know what I want to be doing is.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
when are we getting an armored healer
Hopefully never. That would be unironically OP.
Kirara 🚗
Armored flyers soon.
What kind of unit would that even be?
I could see armored horses though. Great Knights were armor and horses in some of the games.
Kirara 🚗
It's interesting how many people don't understand the implications of what they say sometimes. Someone in my cohort and I were texting about something at the clinic but she eventually asked me what I was up to so I said whatever and she told me she was in bed with a bunch of emoji.
I have to question people's judgment when they act like that.
>>418268 Armored horses would be way too OP. I bet they'll add bow flyers, though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Armored Fliers
I think armored horses would depend on the stats. There are some armored units that don't really have amazing defensive stats, or have a weakness. Halloween Henry is a good example, he's an armored unit but his physical defense is kinda on the lower end. A horse unit with 30-30 bulk would be OP though.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, but horse buffs are so crazy.
Are they really any different than armor buffs? A little more accessible, I guess, since some of the armor buffing skills are on harder to get units.
Kirara 🚗
It's the buffs with the mobility. You can turn these units with good offensive stats into total monsters and run them anywhere on the map.
Well, horse mobility definitely is good. Horses usually have poor stats to make up for it though. If there is an armored horse, I hope that it is weak in one of the defensive stats.
I'd like to see more effective against horses weapons in the game.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, they need to make those weapons more easily obtained. Or maybe a skill/seal that makes the unit effective against them.
It might be cool to have seals that make things effective vs certain units.
Or a reasonable common effective against horses upgrade for weapons in the forge thingy. That would be good too.
Kirara 🚗
Maybe let you turn silver weapons into zanbato/ridersbane
Yeah, that would be nice. Though I guess horses are kinda shut out by BST. I very rarely see them.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, but when I do see them, it's always a team with like +8 Reinhardt and +6 Bow Lyn. And a dancer.
>>418276 This has been bugging me for a long time but why does this image have a phone camera timestamp filename.
Sou ka
>>418280 I'll have to pay attention next time to see if any horses show up for me. I feel like I see the occasional one, but Corrin/Amelia hard counter Bow Lyn/Reinhardt so I usually just bait them into dying. I bet your new Hector will also blow up Reinhardt.
Kirara 🚗
>>418283 A +8 Reinhardt will just hit Hector immediately with moonbow and end him before he can counter.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Hector more like dead
I'll have to simulate Amelia vs Reinhardt to see if he can beat her.
Kirara 🚗
They basically have the same res. Amelia has fewer HP, though. So yeah, Amelia will also lose to a properly built +8 Reinhardt.
That could be. He has surprised me in the past, mostly with horse buffs.
>>418254 isn't it amusing how the whole "let's bring in immigrants" actually started with "we don't have people to do low level jobs"
himmigrants you mean nobody will employ female immigrants
hmm if I remember correctyl femammigrants have on average better employment rates, atleast hwne it comes to those who apply for jobs
atleast here
Always wondered are these aquaducts or parts of the city's defense?
The one closer to the top of the screen looks like it could be one, but the one running parallel to it kind of ends off going nowhere.
am asking about the ones that my mouse is on top of or not asking pondering the wall there is wall separating the inner rich people city from the slums surrounding the city well atleast the slums too have walls
Yeah that's the first one I mentioned.
Kirara 🚗
>>418288 There isn't really any protection against Reinhardt except for a green unit with a lot of RES and HP. They need to introduce a way to stop brave weapons.
Kinda have to wonder do the walls just servet o keep the monsters and demons out or do the people also fight wars in diablo? Don't think I have ever heard of nation to nation conflict that much it does exist, like the barbarian tribes vs others but in general it must be quite minor when you actually have demons roaming around
>>418299 i can really feel the love that was put into this
I started playing MonHun 4U again today. Seeing a bunch of people getting into World has really given me the hunting bug. It's still a little disappointing though, since it's no 1080p, larger than a phone screen, entertainment.
Well, I didn't have lunch. Partially because I woke up around 12 and I never feel like eating soon after waking up. I had a pretty hearty dinner though.
Kirara 🚗
Make sure you rest properly tonight!
Bye bye.
doesn't affect your stomach or appetite too much huh?
>>418328 Well, my appetite has definitely been suppressed. I had an upset tummy today too. But I was hungry for dinner since I hadn't eaten.
i like chicken congee and milktoast when i've got tummy troubles i can make some up and mail it to you if you want
I imagine I lost a lot of water with my upset stomach. I think it may be unrelated to the flu though, I have those every so often.
i need to be up early hope you get some good rest in
I plan to take some PM painkillers and sleep a long time. I don't have to work until 12:30. I'll take care of that little issue and come back home, I think.
sleepytime painkillers give me bad dreams
I found a cool thing
I didn't have any bad dreams, but I was in and out of sleep all morning, worrying about work.
This time Japan has gone too far.
>>418362 I dunno a million and one opposite shit already exists, furry crap that they are so a reverse of it is too far for you?
It was a joke. I make similar jokes sometimes for other bizarre manga premises.
I wonder how much money I have spent on dyes in diablo3...
Kingdom Come Deliverance sounds good.
Activison Blizzard You will have to search far and wide to find a larger hive of scum and villainy
Almost time to take my PM pain meds and cook myself with an electric blanket. The PM painkillers have a 24 hour cooldown.
I just organized a bunch of images on my phone and feel like I was productive, even though I wasn't.
organizing personal files is productive for personal use how do you figure it's unproductive if it saves you time later on
you watched takunomi?
nope, what is it?
cute young women drinking alcohol
sounds like fun drunk anime characters are usually great
well, it's either funny or the character doesn't even appear affected by it at all and it's just to establish that he is a big strong old man
I got a new elgendaryy yaaii to bad i can't use it because blizard says "wands can onl be transfromed into wands" I want to transform my wand into a fucking AWESOME KILLER SWORD
oh did you get a wrong class legendary
Not really it just isn't better than my current weapon I just can't transform wands to look like swords or maces or shit which is lame why add the transformation ability when you can't completely customise your shit?
items for the wrong class before shit sux
>>418434 ah yeah it kind of sucks you can only use the same weapon class as transmog a lot of times the maces or axes you get look lame as hell from so far away so i would rather be using thunderfury or something
oh cool that does look awesome i dont think i have seen that sword before, what is it?
No I have to use these fucking wands >>418439 That is practically frostmourne the sword of Arthas the death Knight later Lich King
i know who arthas is lol i mean what legendary is that it does look similar to frostmourne though, just darker colors
atleast my monk will be able to use those skins
also >change 2 kanai cubes >change sword enchantment rune >rift clear time dropped with 7 minutes from previous
fucking hell
Why didn't I do this previously
>>418443 that's a pretty huge difference, what stats did you swap?
Going bed Yasumi
>>418446 I just gave myself a "35% less health uses diamond shield every 15 seconds" and "350% boost to dmg when channeling disintegration ray(etal)" my main spell from the scourge whatever explosion thingie I had previously and "frost hydra uses frost nova" and then I changed enchanted weapon from 20% dmg boost to 10% dmg boost and 3 arcane power per enemy hit or whatever rune cuase I finaly realised the little damaged gained pales in comparison tot he continous dmg
I have a fucking 50% critical ratio atm with 412% crit dmg continuous dmg is the essence
>>418448 oh yeah scourge is a lot worse than it sounds looking at the stats because you only get one chance to proc it per second you channel i think i always used that 50% bonus damage to elites from the furnace or whatever it was called on my wizard though the new season is active so i might as well delete that character and make a new one
>>418450 actually it was damn useful with wizard procs it is like once every 3 secs but... compared to constant increase in your main spell also iti s "all dmg increased" not said spell increased meaning meteor, hydra et al dmg
But man I need more dmg some heretics told me that "you will need survavibility" but that is just HERESY wizard is 100% pure damage PURE UNALDURATED DAMAGE WITH TAL RASHA BUFS the incarnation of the goddess of Glass Cannons
but I don't think I will drop a better weapon or shit before I do something like 13+ torment
is there even a max level to torment?
i always found it was only necessary to have enough toughness to survive a hit from bosses and uniques everything else went into more damage and mobility >>418453 13 is the highest torment levels but greater rifts can get infinitely harder there is no max grift level and people were maxing out in the triple digits last i checked
my policy is that nothing hits me either I kill it or I use my 2hu skills to dodge it and now that I have divine shield to save me from accidents
>>418454 btw ever realised that post one high level paragon hero, all your new characters are essentially Isekai heroes? Like FUCKING LOOK AT THIS SWORD I HEAL 50% OF MY HIT POINTS EVERY HIT AND I HIT LIKE 5 times EVERY SECOND
>>418456 yeah i like smashing low level stuff with high level weapons i have some level 70 2h sword that i have combined with a maxed out Gem of Ease in the cube so it has no elvel requirement and it has a socket too so i can put life on hit
if you start on the highest difficulty at level one the first monster you kill will give you 17 levels
not to mention you can fucking start with 400 dex or int or wahtever
>>418457 The most ridiculous thing I found out that I could just reroll some of my Hellfire rings with dex I am now shooting Legacy Hellfire Ring fireballs! I love legacy items also >60lv at act 2 man it is just so much more fun to gain the levels faster I could go torment 2 on my beginner monk ,but she has no dmg yet I mean NOTHING can kill her I have stood on poison, 2 arcane orbs, 1 desecrator, and other debuffs with something like 10 elites hitting me and been 100% on health due to the fucking 16k per hit item >>418461 I just hate doing that I mean I have items I could wear for something like 200k dmg from my wiz by just rerolling the dex but naah
>>418459 put a royal ruby in the weapon and royal diamonds in some armor and you can do higher torments at low level even without a gem of ease weapon
the amount of toughness you get from maxed out diamonds at sub-70 is crazy good
Only reason I took out the hellfire ring was cause these guys I rolled a ring that spawned fanatic goblins they dealt like 10k wpn dmg on explosion there was no challenge everythign died whenever one spawned so I just went "well I have something better in my inventory 100% and I can rerol the int to dex" cause nothing was dropping that was better and I didn't want to downgrade
oh that ring is funny i used it on my summoner necro but unfortunately summoner build is not really that good for the METAGAEM so i changed to blood
But even if I had 90 million € in money I wouldn't buy it 14,99€ and 14,99$
>>418467 lol i thought 15 USD was too much tbh why is it the same price in yuro
>>418470 yeah i looked it up to confirm it is cheaper in the US for some weird reason
and since the US bargains most likely need to be registerd to the US tax shit they will pay full taxes for that
but acti-bliz netherlands, the EU headquarters will avoid those
so they will gain MORE money and pay less tax
i think it was still only like $16.40 after the US taxes for me
anyhow fucking bullshit 10€ and I would buy it I would complain about beign overpriced but I would dish it cause necROMANCER
only d2 class I did to 99
it shouldn't even be 10 dollars it should be like 5.99 max they put a bunch of cosmetic bullshit to try and justify gouging for a single additional class
they're just being greedy becausae they're blizzard
it should be FREE
it should be free as it is
if it granted you new maps new missions some short campaign i would pay 10€ for it
LORD OF DESTRUCTION was less than 15€
like literally every other game out there with DLC characters is either 3.99 or 5.99 some games like the musou titles even give you multiple characters for 5.99 maybe they want to wring as much money out as possible so they can keep developing it or something
"but inflation TN inflation"
fucking at the time we had so high tariffs for shit and the customer base was 1/9th of the current one, it made sense that the price was that and they MADE THEIR OWN BACK AND PROFITED
and somehow despite inflation being not that much and customer bases being almost 10x as much as it was back then and so on companies say they "are barely making it"
of course when they actually make their reports and stockholder releases, they say they are actually raking in the cash
so which is the truth?
(it is the latter)
you can fucking lie to no end to the customer, but you can't lie to your investors
also jan is it right wud you join a d3 moe/tano thing if I made one up?
>>418487 the truth is more people worked on lord of destruction for a longer time and $15 then is only like $22 now >>418490 idk maybe i usually play on ps4 but sometimes on pc too
>>418491 yes but they asked 60 for diablo 3 and 40 for reapor of souls
>>418492 and diablo 3 was the fastest selling pc game of all time upon release so i'm pretty sure their execs just ramped up their cocaine habits and they don't really need the extra money they didn't even develop the game with more than a skeleton crew until like 2009
maybe they used all that extra money to buy real servers for their always online bullshit or something but the console version isn't even always online i fail to see the reasoning behind implementing it on PC it just leads to frustrating random lag spikes you have no personal control over especially annoying in hardcore mode
Samu !KW2DbpWwlsSamu !KW2DbpWwls
oh god 8 mb
gah when you see the updated version of your weapon
oh wait it isn't the same looks fucking same
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
when u level up but she still aggro
>>418497 >almost twice as much dpss on the weapon >still only barely better because no crit dmg gem this is why this game is fucking gay
what weapon you get or any item honestly doesn't matter 80% of the time because there are so many shit stats and a handful of incredibly good stats better than when the game was released but still bad at least in diablo 2 almost every single stat was crap and only skill levels mattered to increase your damage
well 46%
>>418502 My whole build with my wizard in d3 is to get max amount of crit procs and max crit dmg I didn't even read any guide throughs or shits I just stumpled unto this I guess this is what tal rasha build is in essence I suppose atleast
>>418504 that's what you do as literally every single build there isn't a single build that doesn't get the most damage per point or slot possible by getting crit and crit damage in every slot possible
though I bet the pros don't use the same skill set as I do
monk benefits from haste a little more than other classes but you can substitute haste for fast weapons and just rely on crit damage as well but trifecta (crit/att. speed/crit dmg) items are universally considered best possible roll for all classes and builds due to all three of them giving you a multiplicative damage boost
>>418507 the fuck windows this was what I ment to post
fucking twister is more point dmg but blizzard is more area dmg...
why did they make "archon increases dmg" instead of "archon increases duration" fucking useless skill now
>>418510 wait where is your fire dmg skill >>418511 i always found twister difficult to use but a long time ago it was part of an extremely broken build that they have since patched and then reworked the skill that it depended on you can look up videos of it it's called critical mass or something usually that was a funny build up there with ye old leech whirlwind barb
>>418513 I used twister for fire dmg cause cheaper than blizzard with fire but I changed it now to blizzard see if that works better for me
explosive blast is a good option for a slightly lower AP cost you can just alternate between disintegrate and eb to keep your stacks up when you are maxed out >>418516 yeah you don't use it for damage lol just cast it and it will give you the stack regardless of it hitting anything or not
the skill itself is completely useless unless you have wand of woh build
>>418515 umm but with tal rasha you need all the 4 skills rotated constantly to keep the buff up you need to keep the thing casting so why not use something you can actually cast on the enemy?
>>418518 you can actually just use 2 different elements after you have gotten all 4 stacks of the buff up to keep the duration refreshed
skTN !PcAPtAiNJo
>>418519 BEEN THERE tried that the cooldown between the two is like 4 seconds the arcane power won't keep up
Especially with my disintegration beam focus sure I could use arcane orb but LAME and not fun
>>418521 that's kind of strange, i used almost the same setup and didn't have problems with AP generation maybe you need APoc on your hat and resource reduction in paragon or something to make it work
i think i also used the fire disintegrate and lightning blast as well
also overall dps is better with arcane beam
>>418523 yeah well no luck on arcane reduction on any ofm y items and the 10% you get on paragon is just waste of points at the moment
well i was paragon 900 or some shit from playing DH before i really touched the wizard so that made paragon allocation pretty easy and now all those levels are rolled into the base game since it was seasonal and i'm paragon 50 or some such again
well I am fucking paragon 309 gimme some slack
i also had the off hand that fires a random ap consuming skill every second you channel cubed and had frozen orb slotted so the AP generation i got from that and the APoc let me drop astral presence for more dps
I still deal better dmg and dps than many people above my paragon level
my build is just fucking glass cannon
glass cannon is the best way to play solo you aren't going to get very far in higher grifts with a tanky support build unless you have 3 other people to back you up >>418532 i guess so i have never gotten further than like 40 or 50 on any class except DH/wiz/necro crusader is kind of fun but apparently all of the top tier builds are made to be in a full group
>>418531 depends on class wizard or demon hunter works for sure
plus it's more satisfying to see entire rooms of enemies explode in 2-3 casts than to slowly mow through things brainlessly probably why i don't find barb all that fun
huh so I can't actually deal with act 4 torment 12 creeps eh
which ones? those flying fuckers that dive you give me a lot of trouble on squishy characters i think they're in the early/mid stages of the act
>>418533 grinding is not fun but when you have so much COMBO like with monks you need to have atleast room to do all those >>418535 stuff when you go at diablo
>>418535 it wasn't the hp or such but just the ranged dmg
>>418536 oh the meteor guys? they deal pretty good damage too
I only have 800k or so hp + shield my guy well girl is really pure class cannon I play with my pure DMG deal or my ability to dodge due to knowing all the hit boxes >>418540 I KNOW
that is pretty low i think my wizard had like 1.1-1.3mil but that wasn't really intentional more just a product of better gear incidentally having more toughness
actually 700k
but as long as I have arcane power I can kill anything my problem aren't mobs or bosses or such but trickle down mobs when mobs keep trickling down without me time for getting more mana
btw the amount of time you get for each element in tal rasha tick decreases per uses untill per change it becomes 1 sec which by then evetnually throws it back to 0 it was apaprently a balance element I havn't checked it out how it actuallyn ow works but that I deduce from my findings it is 1-2 secs per element and iti is practically impossible to keep the max buff on for a long period making tactical approach, like I had been doing, even more important, which I appreciate
>>418543 huh. i wonder how new that is, maybe that is the cause of you being unable to keep it up with 2 elements would explain why literally none of the recommended grift builds on icy veins include tal rasha anymore too i guess
the one i have been using is their recommended archon build and it's nice and kills fast but just isn't really that fun archon skills are all kind of boring and you really just hold down the explosion and sometimes the slam on tough monsters while spamming tp
also why are the fucking diablo shadow clones still the ONLY THING that can actually kill me without bullshit?
>>418546 I LOVE ARCHON ARchon is my favourite skill but >20 secs
>120sec cooldown from finishing
>>418548 get CDR to 40% and that ring that reduces a CD when yous pend resource and you can archon form most of the time there's still a bit of a gap inbetween uses where you have to just run around like an idiot until you can actually do damage in archon form again though vengeance with DH is better, you can keep the buff up 100% of the time with proper gear
>>418561 move to these these are finally good winter temps
oh an we have 0,5M snow now finally
>total snow raind since october >2,5m >left >0,5m there is no such thing as climate change
Kirara 🚗
I'm super dreading the summer. If it's 30c now and last year was the hottest year on record, what's this year going to look like?
>>418565 We are all dreading and shreading and breading and so on rhyming words
but seriously speaking the changes are like 0,01 per year sure the global change is HUGE but nah the immediate change isn't that much
you will see it as freak weather patterns at times. or longer "bad weather seasons" or such but the overall change will take time it isn't like "abc, def" stuff
Thank god for the five finger online discount allowing me to try Kingdom Come Deliverance in a few hours
Kirara 🚗
>>418566 the ocean temperature is changing a little but even a small change can cause big chain reactions that can make it much hotter by affecting the weather systems, the pressure systems are altered which directly affects the temperature here
>>418568 No matter how catastrophically we change it or affect it as long as we don't actually do it SUPER CATASTROPHICALLY like yellowstone blowing up levels it won't be that much it will be noticeable on the long torm or on how the terms are longer/shorter or hotter/colder but it isn't like the whole globe just instantly changes
I hope it runs well though, or this'll be a letdown It looks fucking incredible