Well I guess some don't like to spend time with their thoughts lying on a bed.
I can usually go more than an hour and a half without getting sick of it, but I have a mild cold so I'm in general a bit more irritable. Also https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/blue-leds-light-up-your-brain/
I just personally can't take anyone seriously when they stop trying to sleep and start using a phone or get up and back on their computer.
>soundtracks, hymns, selected classic pieces, some finnish/international songs from early 20th century and then suddenly a hitler speech right this was that playlist
>>414047 I have sleep problems whether or not I use my phone or comp late at night. Might start taking melatonin again.
But if i was on your shoes, I'd just listen to something
I'm already doing that, I listen to classical+baroque starting a ffew hours before I attempt sleep. Changing it from whatever I was listening to previously.
Hmm I wouldn't do music if thoughts can distract you rather a podcst or something or some other kind of stuff that you can just let drone you out without really listening to it
the FDA released a report claiming kratom was deadly and evil because 44 people died from it in a year
so people were like lol and fda got taunted into releasing their data or something and most of the deaths are people who OD'd on like five substances and happened to have kratom in their systems too and suicides
>>414074 this looks ironic, but the TPUSA twitter looks legit
Kirara 🚗
>>414078 yeah, that video isn't actually by TPUSA it's just making fun of the ridiculous stuff TPUSA does like wear diapers in public to criticize "safe spaces"
>>414079 ah okay, that makes more sense. the irony was pretty thick
>>414110 this looks like a fun manga what is it called
it's called look it up you stupid fat fuck
who shit in your keyboard today?
Neko-musume Shokougun >>414112 The only reason I don't respond to sauce requests like that much anymore is because google reverse image search has become garbage
>>414117 yeah, i don't think i look good with short hair down to my shoulders it just ends up in a pony tail all day, and results in these dredlock strength knots curly hair is a curse
All of it? How long is it?
>>414116 WTF Take better care of your hair. Or cut it Although I don't know just how curly it is, but if you shampoo regularly and brush and comb it enough you shouldn't get those knots.
I still have to get a haircut soon. Ideally before my "interview" next week. It's a bit more casual though, I think.
It fucking should be, they're a tiny start up.
>>414118 meh the only reason it got this long is because i couldn't imagine anything to do with it the end goal is a sweet shaved head + beard combo, but i'm still too patchy for that
>>414121 Going for that American History X look? >>414121 It's technically not an interview. Because they do not have any open positions. But if I impress them they will hire me as an intern.
>>414122 ehh, less sleazy and more fabulous good luck selling yourself into first world slavery i guess
tell them you know all the good coffee places
>>414123 It would likely be a paid position, the rate I overheard them talking about for someone with a masters degree doing this work was $75/hour, my guess is that they'll offer me $20
Same, even if I do get the internship it will likely only be a few weeks. Although they may hire me for something else later, but ri from what I overheard in their meeting they have a fixed budget for what they can allocate to this part of R&D at this point.
Meanwhile in winlandia, they just changed or are about to change the unemployment stuff to an "active model" that would promote people to seek atleast temporary jobs, and if they don't they lose the benefits for a set amount of time. However, this "get a job" can be anything from "take this job you are overqualified for that you can't physically do" to "there is a post open 1000 north of here"
>>414142 That's not homosexual You know what is homosexual Prostituting myself to men Now that would be homosexual
>>414145 It is designed by the central party, that just likes to pocket money into its corrupt pockets and the bourgeisie party and the bourgeisie part of the true finns, now "blue future"
On other amusing news from the land of bureaucracy, we recently allowed small time breweries to directly sell alcohol from their facilities. However, they will need to have "a disctinctly separate space for it, that is in the immediate vicinity of the production facility" as in, "construct a new room to sell your products" And then, you will need to apply for that said space to be qualified in the blueprints as "store space" which drags in local authorities, state food authorities and a third institution, that has on record banned using the word Whisky in social media, if you are a brewery, bar, restaurant or an event that sells whisky.
Immediate vicinity means same building not the building next door or newly constructed wing and how would you construct a new wing anyhow? That would open up entire new can of worms, including architectural office, ground planning, city planning, district planning and so on >>414167 no you can't
>>414164 You can add on a prefabricated structure to an existing building.
not here
LOL That's fucking stupid.
Like I said Land of Bureaucracy
also the prefabricated structure would not count as "immediate vicinity" makng it anyhow moot, even if you could do it
Anyways there are some silly things I know of due to zoning restrictions and other regulations in some US jurisdictions. I can't think of off the top of my head anything that dumb that is also an actual impediment to business though.
So we made it legally easier for small time breweries to conduct business, while actually making //keeping it impossible, due to existing bureaucratic legislation. Only in Finland
>>414172 there was once a rich guy who played the system well he wanted to restore an old protected building and then add some to it but his plans always got shot down so he went "I have money" and just built whatever he wanted and just paid the fines
And paid the ffine Yeah
There are a lot of historical buildings near where I live and all sorts of restrictions and stuff. And some people who bought some to tear down and build mcmansions. Haven't been able to due to the regulations.
Dunno if it nowadays is possible, since they might have added jail time or such as a punishment for bad cases
They probably could just tear them down and pay the fines.
My friend's family bought an old farmhouse and turned it into their quite comfy mansion however, they are constantly being fucked over by the protection fuckers for example, they wanted to add solar panels on top of the place to save in heating and electricity, but they went "nah" and then they asked that since they can't do it, could they give them a similiar sum in compensation that they would have saved with the panels and they went "nah" again And the fun part is, if they had not bought the place, it would have 100% collapsed due to weather damage and such in less than a decade
But if they did, their neighbors, the city, historical society and multiple architectural proffessional societies would sue the everliving fuck out of them.
>>414179 Oh yeah that ssort of reminds me of something There's a building on a college campus thats a historical landmark on multiple government lists and then some historical and architectural national organization lists And it is not handicap accessible Because altering the entrance tto make it handicap accessible would visibly alter it well beyond the architect's plan. If someone sues the school hard enough they might get it changed. But i think people have tried and failed before.
>>414181 The previous place I lvied in was denied from changing one of the cold storage places, now warm storage into a community sauna, just because "nah you are musuem house" and the protection comes from some bit more famous architecht designing them and all they are, is just brick buildings
I don't know where to go! When I feel like crying! Ooh my! It's time to open myself, Do something new! I wanna stop! And grow up a bit!
>>414183 This is just a little bit different, because its not just historically significant, but architecurally. And changing the layout and design of building would damage its significance.
>>414185 BTW I jokingly proposed that they construct an outside sauna building on the plot, but guess it didn't go through the chairman took it seriously, when I threw it one time. I think I saw it in some list of discussion in some meeting, but since I wasn't property owner I never went there didn't really give a damn about those as a tenant
Then suddenly, my intuition and my wisdom grow, and then I know! The most of all I sense compassion's real thanks to strangers wherever I go! Thank you for waking me uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
awww for a second i thought this was the yu yu hakusho theme
Oh yeah, iirc there was a location where do to the difference between city and county regulations you could not legally (disregarding complex requests for overriding approval from state government) build a greenhouse. Because the the city's maximum allowed greenhouse height, was lower than the county's minimum allowed greenhouse height.
I understand making the museum protection institution a powerful one, so that the actual important sites and so on don't get easily pulverized due to wild ideas of new city planners. Especially when said city planners only build monstrosities nowadays. But at the same time, when it uses all of its power to fuck with singular people or families, it just seems idiotic waste of resources and the site of protection is some run down barn from 17th centutry that will collapse anyhow by next heavy winter, but no the farmer can't demolish it to build a new one or use it as farm land or such... and when the farmer dishes out plans to restore it into use, they don't go through as the building in question doesn't pass the rules and regulations, even after restored, to be used as a barn or wahtever the farmer intended it to be. So then no one does anything about it untill it collapses and a LOT of time and paperspinning is wasted
ANd of course bureaucrauts and administrators never fire each other, as that is pretty much shooting oneself to the leg. Well they do if ordered to, but event hen they do it with only fragment of the fervour when they need to cut costs and fire a lot of the people who actually produce stuff
A good example was when state cut budgets of Universities of Helsinki and Aalto Aalto did it wise and set up a new body to do the firing with clear instructions to cut everything, especially non content (research and education) parts of it and they didn't suffer that much Helsinki on the other hand say they fired 100 people (not true numbers) and about 80% of those were researchers and lecturers
Also, I'm working at a record fair on the organization end. A bunch of people from record stores (online and physical) are coming to this event. Do you want me to check if any have that deluxe record for much less than €70? I may also be able to get a discount since I work for the fair itself.
Okay Although if I find it (at a price I'm willing to pay) I may just buy it anyways. Since I like what I've heard of that band. If I get it, I'll scan the book and liner stuff for you.
Oh yeah, I actually have a friend who would probably be interested in hunting for clues in the music. And he knows German. Want me to get him to try and analyze it?
>>414201 why would he even need german the lyrics are all in english
>>414203 Oh I thought some of the clues were in german stuff that wasn't properly translated?
if you don't even know that much don't pester me about my pet project
>>414204 in the additional bonus material however i don't want someone else to do it for me I know german and someday if I am bored and with wad of cash to spend I will order said albums from the fucking bands own store
or I will use my acquintances in record selling/collecting business to look for it
Anyways, when I have my shit together a bit more, I'd be up for listening to it and discussing it with you. But I've just been sort of out of wack for a while so I can't really help right now.
I like the peace and quiet here and the lower prices but I wanna move back to the ciiiityyy all my friends were close, I had bars close, I had 24/7/365 stores close AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I had a new client today, and we were building rapport. His former therapist was there with us, introducing us so that I can take over treatment of the client. The other therapist asked the client if there was anything he wanted to know about me, so he asked me what kinds of shows I liked growing up (he has problems with tv shows and stuff so it was kind of relevant) and I wasn't ready for this question, so I answered the first show that came to my mind, which was Transformers. Apparently he's a massive Transformers fan. Obsessively a fan. He got so excited that it was hard to get him to stop talking about Transformers. That session was kind of exausting.
Then, in my trauma class, we were talking about sexual abuse and how to interview someone to get details about an assault they've experienced. The professor wanted us to do roleplays where one of us would discuss a fictional sexual abuse we've experience and the other would be the therapist.
Now, I'm the only male in the room. So the professor says, "Kirara, you're the only male, so you can pick your partner first" She's asking me to choose someone from a group of women that I want to hear talk about sexual abuse they've experienced. There's literally no way to choose someone in this situation and not suffer for it. I said I wasn't comfortable making that decision so she chose someone for me, but damn. What if I'd been some kind of creep? I could have easily used that situation to be creepy as shit.
I beat Valter Infernal finally. Elincia Amiti Desperation Brash Assault seal Super Matthew Ninian the teleporting GOAT and Myrrh with atkdef bond and wings of mercy
The best part of the fight is having elincia at 1 hp only because of drive def seal on Ninian by accident. Then you just warp around. Also Reciprocal Aid for one part
>>414254 A flu that spreads fast, but takes long to recover from, but doesn't kill would be a powerful bioweapon to use on a country just before invading
There are some cases where people go get flu tested, the results come back negative, and then they die a few days later after deteriorating really quickly, and then cause of death is attributed to flu. The flu this year is really bizarre.
The flu this year is pretty scary. Luckily, it's not an effective killer. Even if it can kill healthy people, the chances of dying are still pretty low.
I doubnt it is exactly healthy people or MAYBE it is because those people are healthy and consider themselves to be, they don't rest as much as they should?
My mother is that type and i pretty much give her the same rant, ironically, that she should rest when sick
same rant whenever she catches the flu, which is maybe once a decade
I usually don't rest when I'm sick because rest is a luxury I don't have, but I'll have to if I get sick now that I have clients. I can't exactly go into a therapy session with a mask on.
friday would be quite ideal for groundhogday if you ask me as you eventually will get out of it, you will have the big lottery numbers rolled on that day
that would actually be kind of funny that or Monday
Well if it follows the rule of the movie, then you don't get out untill you have improved as a person so... I doubt that would happen
also, considering it resets you except your memories, you wouldn't really be able to develop skills similiarly to how murray did I mean, if you restore tot he morning point, you wouldn't develop muscle memory
Kirara 🚗
>>414321 what if coming out with that secret makes you a better person
It didn't have a standard every game used it the same way though, but the start button was pause most of the time. >>414356 I can't remember which game, but start took you to a menu and select just paused. Wait I have them reversed Anyways I think it was like a change persoective button in some games.
>>414353 map in quite many games or inventory all assassin's creed games used it I think some prince of persia games used it definitely the 2008 and forgotten sands did all metal gear solid games used select
Inventory yeah Toggles stuff Like minimal or HUD elements
I'm doing okay. Looking forward to end of day tomorrow. I should have an early day tomorrow. My boss left with the flu today so I think it will probably be a slow day tomorrow.
It's not so nice! My boss getting sick with the flu is not good, and a big part of my being surrounded by the flu all day today. I'm worried I'll get it. I think there's probably like a 50% chance of me waking up sick tomorrow.
>>414384 I dunno why. Sometimes I get home between classes to have lunch and she'll be asleep. And she's been falling asleep while we hang out on the couch and stuff.
>>414407 and the slingers were good at it well they would lose to an archer, but a sling is a lot cheaper I mean it is just rocks and bit of rope/string and a pouch or pouch can be even made from the string itself
a sizeable stone to the head or face is a sizeable stone to the face even wearing a helmet won't really save you from getting knocked out at the very least
a sizeable stone to the cock is enough to keep you from ever reproducing, especially if you're a girl
The Primitive Technology YouTube channel has an episode on making a sling from scratch and learning to use it. Archery bows seem to be easier to train people to use, like how firearms are easier to train people to use than bows. That's probably the driving factor towards archers over slingers.
>>414413 basically a good archer takes a long time to train, in terms of muscle mass when we are talking proper longbows, so a person of less build can still sling a sling but yeah a slinger takes longer to train, but considering that many hunted with slings, herded cattle with slings and so on you could just grab a punch of people like that into your army as skirmishers
I guess that stuff is easier to make in the wild when you can learn to make it and have a nice bed to sleep in at night. That primitive technology channel is pretty neat though. He has a good hobby.
so does anyone here actually have this fucking game i just got a coupon for some dlc for a game i don't even own
>>414424 Yeah, it's a really interesting hobby. Something I might consider if I was really weathy and didn't live somewhere that froze over for half the year. I'd get some kind of satisfaction advancing from stone age tech up the tech ladder I think.
Or someone just needs to make a game where I can do that sort of thing. That would be nice too.
Well yeah you would need basic tent gear and shit before even starting Well to be honest, food is the only issue int he end living in the north if you can make fire and have shelter the cold is never an issue Food however, is the problem
Hrrm Found an interesting glitch. Just need to remember to tell sammu.
>>414442 If he were to do it like primitive technology, he'd be freezing his butt off.
I have no interest in returning to it. Just maybe sampling it every now and then.
>>414449 Yeah he does all his work in a pair of what looks like swim trunks pretty much. It's kind of crazy, but he lives in Australia so it's probably plenty warm, on top of being in a rainforest.
>>414485 That's cool now he just needs to make the letters appear at the same speed you type them and also save what you typed before you corrected it so people can see you fuck up and then backspace
Hi Jan how have you been finding MonHun World? I've heard a lot of Kirara's take on the game but I'd like to hear someone who's a veteran of the franchise's feel for the game.
>>414492 me and this is why the moon isn't always full
>>414494 i woke up earlier than expected and when i went to play monster hunter the psn servers were down so now i'm going to play something else i guess i got some headphones i ordered this morning and they're really comfortable and lightweight >>414495 definitely my favorite iteration of the series yet, even though they've removed hunting styles after generations and a bevy of enemies (generations was basically just a mashup of all the other shit they have ever released that they threw together after releasing mh4) the upsides of playing on a home console are plenty, and the way they've combined the single player and multi player missions makes it much easier to actually go through with the solo content as someone who primarily plays it with other people. they've added several new attacks for each weapon in addition to sliding attacks for all weapons, so the loss of options from hunter styles being removed is not too bad, and adept style was broken anyways. the vast majority of the monsters in the game are completely new additions, as well, so i hold that they will probably be adding the older monsters later on. skills were also reworked to be easier to understand. instead of getting skill points on your gear that you can use to eventually activate a skill after reaching a certain amount of skill points, the gear simply has the skill on it and you can accrue multiple stacks of most skills. this means you can much more easily select different pieces of gear to activate the skills that you want with your build, leading to greater build diversity. and also a lot of really busted builds. overall it's a huge improvement in terms of gameplay and accessibility versus every other game in the series. on the other hand, it lacks some content versus the handheld games, instead opting to replace content with a huge grind for hunter ranks. 9 outta 10 - videogamedunkey
I want to enjoy working but I feel like I keep grinding against expectations. I want to help but I don't know where to put initiative. when I do put in initiative, there's an unseen rule somewhere against what I'm doing anyway, I'm gone
>>414503 I kind of know that feeling. The task I was hired for at work keeps me pretty busy throughout the shift, but on the occasion that I run out of things to do I kind of hover around without direction. Though personally I'm a fundamentally lazy person and will take advantage of the chance to be lazy, there's always a part of my head that feels I should be looking to make myself useful.
>>414495 as an additional note, since you're probably going to play it on PC, I can imagine that by the time it is eventually released they will have also released a ton of DLC for it, aiding the lack of content. I'm not sure if capcom would just roll that DLC into the PC release or if they would have it as a separate purchase, but surely they wouldn't charge full price for a version that takes half a year longer to come out.
Yeah, I was looking at the monster list, and there's only like thirty-one large monsters in the game, compared to the current record of fifty-one in 4U. But it sounds like they plant -plan to add in more large monsters to hunt, with a number of them at least free DLC. I'd expect them to be rolled in to the PC release, but yeah, who knows with Capcom. They've previously given the MonHun devs a lot of relative freedom and the devs have generally been really generous with content in previous games, but perhaps the bombastic success of the game might drive Capcom to be more heavy-handed with gouging new buyers. Maybe the G-rank DLC expansion will be out in time for the PC release later this year.
>>414502 I heard the hunting styles had been taken out of the game, but I'd also seen that the fighting looks a lot more varied than it did in previous games too. So I figured something like what you mentioned had been added in.
I'm not sure how much I like the skill change, but that also might be "waah I don't like change" taking its toll. I have heard that some skills are a little rare and only show up on like one or two armor pieces in the game, which can be an issue for Fashion Hunters and others. But that will likely be less of an issue as they add monsters and their matching armor sets to the game.
>>414541 >implying they won't just release Monster Hunter Worlds in 2 years i'll buy it for another seventy five dollars too
skill rarity does seem to be a bit of an issue with certain exceptional skills like weakness exploit only appearing on high rank rathalos and a high commendation set or handicraft which is only on zorah magdaros and a different special set both of the special sets that have it require extremely rare materials so you are locked into basically one choice if you want those skills on your gear. you can, at least, use decorations to fill out holes in your skills once you've reached high rank and beyond, but the grind to get to the point where you get good decorations is longer than it takes to kill every monster int he game at least once you finish the main story at around HR 30 and there are new special quests unlocking at 29, 49, and 100
There's a slightly better chance of me having a PS4 or PS5 by that point so maybe I'd just up and buy it too.
I'd still like for them to add more of my old favourites from previous games in though.
i would give it a real big "garbo" stamp personally but i watched it with a couple friends and it was enjoyable if only ironically
Once you get a few episodes in it gets less ecchi and a LOT more about food. I think it's a good show for people that like learning about cooking and cuisine.
oh and Jinoga or whatever the fuck they call it in the english translation that guy was awesome too. Tobi reminds me of him somewhat.
Zinogre. I love the aesthetics, theme, and concept of it. But fuck I can't get the knack for it to save my life. I have a generally poor disposition to beating MonHun's lightning monsters.
i think they're adding D-joe and i've heard rumors of zinogre but i don't know for sure about that one oh and Brachyboy
Yeah, Devil Joe is a confirmed addition coming some time soon. That'll be fun. They should just add him secretly and not announce anything. So people are doing their normal hunts and then all of a sudden RAGE T-REX comes barging in.
>>414576 From what I picked up, Zinogre and Brachydios were part of a supposed leak of upcoming monsters they'd be adding. Devil Joe was also a part of that leak, which adds to its possible truthfulness, but it's hard to be certain all the same.
>>414578 the only thing weird about it to me is that blast is slime now so will the brachy still be slime? or blast now? will he still have green goop?
and then it'd be sick if they added lagiacrus but i don't want water combat and they won't add water combay
I wouldn't be against them adding in water combat.
>>414582 maybe they'll have special blast slime for brachy like blast but even worse >>414583 >>414585 water combat just reminds me of the worst MH game >>414579 i like it
I feel like i was never really frustrated with the water combat. I was just frustrated with having to perform it on the limited controls of a 3DS. Being able to play it on a proper controller or control scheme would make it far more tolerable.
And if you're going to add Lagiacrus into the game you really ought to add the water combat in too. He's really not the same kind of fight if you're stuck fighting him on land.
water combat didn't frustrate me but the lack of choices in Tri did i like to switch what weapon i'm using a lot and you can't do that as well with so few weapons
>>414610 i did that to the aluminum mop we had at work like last week it had a hole in it already though
i just wrote off some waterproof adhesive repair tape that we never sell any of and fixed it with that buying another mop is like 10 dollars this shit was 3 bucks so my boss was like whatever
>>414601 I liked Xenoblade X because I could just ignore the story and explore the big great over world and look at all the cool alien life
we order our thick wooden mop handles for like 5 bucks each and the mop heads for like 2-4 each
The grocery store on the college campus I do my night school at had a pack of apple cinnamon rolls on 30% off. They're pretty good; definitely breakfast material for tomorrow.
>>414612 they should make a game that just doesn't have a // an anime attached to it where you only run around huge ass planets and catalogue weird alien shit in your pokedex like no man's sky except not gay ass indie shit
>>414619 Yeah like no mans sky but it's not randomly generated so they can actually craft things that are unique and interesting and have some sort of lore
>>414619 Subnautica was a bit like that. There's other mechanics involved but a fun part of the game is just swimming around a water world scanning every fish and plant you come across.
>>414619 ah fuck >>414622 yeah exactly the aliens in xenoblade actually look like cool aliens i love how all the monsters running around look like weird animals >>414626 i showed my sister the trailer for that game and she had a panic attack lol
Yeah. They're working on additional content for it now. Even if it's paid DLC I'd probably put down the money for it, it's definitely been worth the money I bought it for.
>>414628 A friend of mine was asking me if I was going to stream the game because he was too terrified to play it himself. Aside from the jump scare-y kind of stuff like a serpent barrelling towards you from out of nowhere, it wasn't particularly scary for me though. Definitely had a great atmosphere though; I always felt super into the game world when I was playing.
>>414632 i can see how some people could be scared of it if they're scared of deep waters but i am not as far as i know i'd really like to go diving and find out for sure it sounds awesome
>>414633 >he doesn't land a killing blow on his way down disappointed
>>414506 I don't want to take advantage of lazy times I get bored and I start to sleep standing up and My feet hurt after a while I want to do things and get it done. but it's Like there's a game of not doing things. not knowing what to jump on always puts me in a place where I'm doing something that involves safety measures or just is somethi ng that I'm not strong enough to do on my own It became a whole conversation for a while as I can't carry a 200lb mat by myself (not supposed to anyway) and maybe it was fun for them or something but they'd rather back and forth about it for a minute than offer to help.
I have to get used to intersecting on people because I just don't feel like being a conversation between two groups over something easily fixable.
>>414634 The only time I felt kind of spooked during the game was when I was exploring a part of the game's underwater cave systems. I was like, eight-hundred metres below the surface and hundreds of metres from the nearest source of oxygen. I found a part of the cave which opened up into a tunnel that went even deeper into the earth, when all of a sudden it opened up into a huge tunnel with pools of green brine on the floor of the cave and all these old, yellowed bones of creatures easily ten times my size scattered about. I had maybe a minute of oxygen left in my tank and I just went "ffuuuuuuuuck this" and turned back to go back.
>>414632 >>414634 I think the people who are scared of it are people who think deep sea stuff is scary.
I think the deep sea is comfy, so I've never been freaked out by it. It's a super comfy game. The only thing that creeps me out a little is the Aurora. Radiation creeps me out.
I was definitely awed by the Aurora, but it wasn't creepy. Subnautica really handled the feeling of scale amazingly. The Aurora is so big and some of the things you encounter are really huge, and feel like they're really huge. And you definitely feel like you're super deep underwater in the deepest parts of the map.
being stuck in the middle of the ocean in real life is probably pretty scare
I took this over Conductor because I opulent have to talk to as much people.
but I feel like I need a job with even less correspondence and need to coordinate with humans.
>instantly Roy couldnt you have brought your gal pal instead please
>>414644 Yeah I totally get that. Every time I take a job thinking "oh, this sounds like I won't have to interact with people too much, sounds nice" I end up having to talk with people way more often than I expected. I really wish I could get a job where I don't ever have to worry about interacting with another human bean.
>>414643 Yeah it'd be freaky Or like if you're in a submarine and something critical fails and you start running out of air without being able to move The Titanic freaks me out
>>414642 The Aurora is so big and radioactive. It gives me the creeps.
>>414646 Oh I guess it's time. Not sure I'm going to spend much on that banner though.
what if you instead get a job that requires you to not only interact with people but to also have power over them and you have to be really good at interacting with them
>>414649 Radioactivity wasn't ever a concern for me.
hectors weapon is wrath 3, wo Dao, and killer x in one axe wtf
>>414651 Even though the game gives you the tools to circumvent the radioactivity really early, it gives me the creeps. Even being in the radioactive proof suit in the radioactive area gives me the creeps. Fixing the reactor gave me the creeps big time. I don't like radioactivity.
>>414654 For me, it's more like, it doesn't feel like a part of the immersion or game environment. It feels like just a game mechanic. An unseen Geiger counter starts ticking, and you take damage without protection if you go too far into it. The effect it has on you also feels very much like a HUD thing and not some kind of visual impairment of the in-game person. It's just the kind of thing that gets sorted into the "game mechanic I need to manage" as opposed to something I emotionally process.
The hunger and thirst mechanic was in the same bucket. They're all stuff that doesn't have an immersive effect on the player character, for the most part, so my brain processes them as mechanics, not experiences. But the oxygen mechanic actually had an interesting effect where running out was a straight kill and running past your limit induced visual blackout and the game audio going fuzzy, which really helped me see it as more htan a mechanic and something I was emotionally invested in.
>>414654 yeah same i remember when i played Fallout 3 for the first time (a decade ago jesus) and the radioactive areas had me fuckin terrified i didn't even want to do that one quest where you have to irradiate yourself
>>414655 I liked the eating and drinking because it gives you incentive to set up little farms.
Yeah, I liked it as a mechanic. I found it also neat that there was enough floor space on the large sub you can build to put down farm boxes. So after you build it, you essentially have a mobile base. It was just something that didn't improve immersiveness, which I felt was one of Subnautica's focal components overall.
>>414655 >>414656 sounds to me like you suffer from jaded gamer syndrome my man
>>414663 Sure, maybe? I dunno I just see it as having a hard time getting over the "it's just a game" part of suspension of disbelief. I'm fine with games having hunger/thirst/hazard mechanics like those when they play into the overall game procession, but as components of immersion, no game I've played ever really implemented them in a manner that makes me feel as if the player character is getting hungry or thirsty. And this is probably in part because my understanding of the player character is limited to vision and sound, and because faithfully implementing those experiences into a game would not make for a particularly fun game, but that doesn't change the fact that as they are usually implemented, they don't feel like experiences, they feel like game mechanics.
i like when you go into an area that's all irradiated or too hot in a video game and the hud gets all fucked up metroid prime did that a lot it was cool intense conditions should always mess your HUD up imo
Or like when you're in a soft drizzle and you can see the water droplets tracking down her visor, or when there's a blast of bright light nearby and her face is reflected off the inside of it. Metroid Prime did an amazing job of making you feel immersed. I hope 4 tries to follow in that same vein in the future.
j a d e d g a m e r
it's okay man you didn't manage your exposure to videogames and macadamian art-painting warehouses and now you have JGS
Enya died for our sins
>>414668 What the fuck are macada- Oh I see now. What the fuck.
>>414668 But by that argument I should also have jaded bookworm syndrome since I've managed my exposure to books far less than games over the course of my life.
I'm willing to bet you do
>>414671 alright tell me your opinion on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
I don't got her yet...but I know the EH-IV feel. >-SPD Summer Freddy ...fuck you RNG, I'll treat him right anyway--rather than give that tasty sea-shell to someone.
I fed my 4* Black Knight to Myrrh. for the Wings of Mercy 3. because Cain hates me and never shows up. but after I did it, I got two defense wins wwwwww
Dude...switch me. I'll give you my Cains, you give me your Hinatas. >five staring a [you know who] for Fury
also my myrrh is -Def +Spd Which sounds really bad but it's been alright. >>414712 >20k feathers on a JAGEN
Hinata hates my guts...why I dumped my orbs during the Fodder For Life Banner. Red circles evvvvery day!~
How's Myrrrrrrrrh been workin' in battle for ya? I also don't have one of her.
I got two Hinata. >>414714 Myrrh is awesome. I like her a lot. She and Ninian are lots of fun to move. Myrrh is like "This way?" Ninian: Of course. >dance myrrh Myrrh: That way! it's cute
This is my myrrh ...if It uploads... wait Oh there
Muh austism with the >Water Blessing >on a Dragon Do you heal much with her ReAid? ...dude, I always forget about the Hone Dragons. Get on dat other two Dragons!
>>414716 I didn't care about the bonus. just the 2x SP
I use it in Tempest a lot with one character as a health beacon, namely Ninian. I gave her Renewal specifically for Tempest runs. So when anyone gets low, I can rec.aid it to Myrrh, dance myrrh, rec.aid to Ninian, and she sits in the back healing it up. renewal always triggers turn 1 too so right before I finish a stage, if I can move health around, I do it. I have rec aid on Myrrh and on Matthew (who comes with it). It's also good for manipulating things like WoM and Desperation. I wouldn't have beaten Valter Infernal without it.
Must have felt like you were just gonna drop with all that seeing >1 HP... Who was the most troublesome for you?
It was the beggining Bowman for me, and the two chucklefuck horses that spawn at the end.
My other team attempts were dying left and right to everything. This team worked out by accident. Elincia should have taken lethal damage against the huge 78hp armor. BUT. I PUT DRIVE DEF SEAL ON NINIAN. or rather I took whatever she had and put it on someone else. and it swapped. After that I realized how all my opening moves were connected tightly (elincia's goad fliers let myrrh swing lethal on the cavalry on the left end and I had to do like five things in a specific order). once I saw that I realized that all I needed was for Myrrh to clean up after elincia so I gave her WoM and proceeded to kill everything.
Matthew's rec aid was necessary for a single turn and it made all the difference. he also weakened the armor enough for elincia to swing at it lethally.
Escape Route active from turn 1 by tanking that left blue cavalry and also eating the red mage with him. teleporting dancer + quadruple strike Insta followup moonbow elincia + teleporting GREAT DORAGON wins games and also arena defense
Yes I did roll 4 Ninians.
She must love you! And Valter battle for you was way more fun sounding and stuff than mine...I just used BowLyn, Reinhardt, dancer, and Ryoma.
You also like the only person I've seen use Matthew and Escape Route.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Not as much as blue loves ninian
I have a fifth one on my other account also Julia and her mom
I invested in Matthew really early with Savage Blow. then fury then they added summoner bonus so I 5* him and we have been pals. the upgrade to rogue dagger is amazing. >>414735 when I broke my phone, I didn't have it attached to an account and made a new one. It has some nice ones on it like witch now nowi and nekosakura. a lot of 5* green mages
Why have you not fused your Black Knights? >new Ike I see you were able to pull him too.
I only wanted to use armor ba ck when no one cared about them and now they're among the toppers. I don't know if I want to use bk. at the least, I have more wom3 fodder
I did some dirty shit in this match lol panic+ for -7 atk rouge dagger refined for -6def/res Legion's Axe to invert their stat buffs so they end up with like -12 def/res
>>414744 ravioli ravioli don't fuck with the rank 20 dragon lol I >>414749 I got that Sakura back when I was rolling for B.Lyn My dud of a 5* So she gets put to work now as my only 5* healer. I haven't put a lot of work into her though. I'd rather panic+ with someone else
>>414751 Well, I just plain hate fucking Horses now. --whoooa...slowness! And at least you acknowledge it will be meme!~ ... Yup-yep-yup...SkillPoints forever... Why is Hector's girl so damn needy?
Home Sweet! I got to work on an emergency today. A train was half an inch away from derailing. What an exciting overtime adventure. I showed up early last night and since I was around, they pulled me in to help. So I got an extra hour of OT. ~bank~
No, I was cold as hell. If they let me do more things, maybe it would have been. But some 80 year old dude was working with us and was all "Let the white hats handle all the important stuff. Don't be a liability on probation." Which made sense but shit I wanted to do things. I mainly just passed tools and swung a hammer at a turnbuckle.
but since they are doing combinations in the series, I wonder which one will be next?
One cool thing about this job is that you can actually bank your overtime as time rather than money. So if you worked an 8 hour overtime shift, you get the bonus half time (4 hours) as pay, and you can choose to divide that normal time as either money or hours. Since I did 9 hours today, I got 4.5 hours bonus pay, put 8 hours as saved time and the last hour as pay. So it's like having an extra day off that I can use whenever.
Yeah, it's great. Getting it as flat pay would be nice but I don't get a lot of vacation days this year. I'm getting five. They count it from when you start until the vacation reset date (May 1st). Every month gives you another day. So I'm getting 5 or 6 days vacation. So I want to stack up on like 80 hours so I can take certain weeks off.
If I got the Wizards of the Coast thing, I was going to stack 3 days worth of overtime to head to Washington for the competition. But I don't have to worry about that anymore.
Truly I am Ohio I also spent about seven hours laying in bed awake I bet someone messed with the thermostat
>>414837 It's the manga you asked me about last night when I posted the pages from it.
>did you read this >yes >so you read that manga you asked me about what kind of brain dead mutant are you?
You said y Sometimes people use y for why, as in "why would you ask me that" Also I'm like half asleep
which is short for yes
Anyways, did you like it?
it is 3 chapters can't really say would it get old quick or not which is the main quality point of gag manga
Ooh Manhunt is in a humblebundle. Too bad >Notice: This game does not support Windows Vista, 7, or 8. Although there's an unofficial patch that some people are too stupid to find despite it literally being in the top review on the steam page
Oh of course it also doesn't support 10 but that warning hasn't been updated since 10 came out
Nope Windows XP Or 2000 Or Vista or 7 or 8 with a patch It probably works better in 7 with the patch though, just because its more likely that's what the developer of it had
>>414851 my free summon board was all reds my next one was three reds and two clear, which gave me virion 3*
Kirara 🚗
>>414853 this especially if you're not a man yourself
>>414855 my free summon was hector i was so excited am so excited
im so pissed at this game lately it's been statistically very unfair to me
Transparent thumbnails when
Kirara 🚗
i spent like 400 orbs to get myrrh
>>414858 maybe you can add it yourself port the moo code to fortran and happy coding
>>414860 I actually don't know Fortran very well. It would be more accurate to say "I don't know it at all", but it is a language that I understand on some level, compared to other languages that I don't.
Kirara 🚗
i believe sam is rewriting everything
so he doesn't have to keep buying servers with more RAM?
im surprised they dropped the ball with Lilina a little they've been making nearly every new gacha character really good but the new lilina doesn't really shine anywhere she's technically good for a green tome cav but her competition is only cecilia lilina is pretty popular so id normally expect more work to be put into her
Kirara 🚗
that isn't to say she's bad, just not as good as i expected
Samu I found a glitch On some images when I expand the thumbnail and then unexpand it, it gets stuck to the left margin But goes away if I expand and unexpand again I can repeat it indefinitely too
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
oh I bet I know why i was trying to make image expansion animated and changed some shit
Wanna see screencaps? Also I have no idea if this is just a mobile firefox issue or is on other platforms too. Oh but only some images do this.
it’s a funny image but I like static typing at work I’m using flow with my JavaScript these days, it’s an interesting hybrid
I think historically I've also mainly used static typing. But like, I've never really needed anything complex in regards to typing. You don't need a complicated type system to write a differential equation solver.
Wait, actually now I'm not sure about the type systems of languages I've used. I recant my previous statement about static typing until further notice.
>>414888 Lilina is really good. She's just not exciting. Negating ranged bonuses is excellent but it's more of a defensive counter right now. Ranged characters aren't used in high numbers so she won't be swatting an entire field. But she'll be great for a lot of fights. She'd be particularly useful in Lloyd's GHB right now, I think. Though, I don't know what her DEF stat is like
Also, I have all the Cecilias I need to make a Cecilia+10
It would cost me 216,420 feathers
Kirara 🚗
>>414904 julia does that with the same atk, is also effective against dragons, is easier to +, and has higher mt on her tome
Kirara 🚗
cav also suffer a lot more now that we have more maps with cav movement restrictions
Kirara 🚗
oh julia actually nullifies all bonuses not just ranged bonuses
oh yeah, you can upgrade Naga...
Kirara 🚗
julia has like 6 more res than lilina too lilina is good but she doesn't shine anywhere there's always another unit that's a lot better which is weird because lately, nearly every unit has had something that makes them shine lilina doesn't even come with any useful skills you have to do a full new kit
oh hey imats check this out >>414693 i killed an odogaron in a funny way
saw you beat nergy too omedetou i farmed him for nergal bow yesterday
>>414913 wow hayai >>414914 he's a cool fight i'm at kushala now but i gotta get some sleep for work tonight >>414916 it's a really fun game haven't had this much fun with video games in a while well, multiplayer video games anyways
hi jammy you're havin a lot of fun huntin monsters huh
Kirara 🚗
>>414915 i gotta do kushala and teostra next i unlocked LR Kirin a while ago and didn't need a good elserseal weapon but i wanted one for the next elder dragons
dude my new client got monhun world he plays insect glaive
>>414917 insect glaive is really fun flying around through the air bouncing off monsters and shit i've mainly been using the charge blade, hammer, and switch axe
Kirara 🚗
i haven't touched insect glaive yet i main bow and switch axe after im satisfied with my bow im gonna work on mastering switch axe
i've used all the weapons in the game at least once except lance and bow i never got into bow much but i might try it in this one some time seen a lot of people do good work with it in this one
Kirara 🚗
i really love it it's just dancing around and counter attacking i really love how i have to time everything the dragon piercer is insanely strong i can shoot a monster in the face and sever their tail but it's hard to time so getting a good shot in is really rewarding
that's how i feel about the charge blade it's a lot of micro management to keep your weapon charged up but landing the meaty hits with the axe mode charged up with phials is really satisfying it's nice to be able to block and move decently fast when not in axe mode too
Kirara 🚗
my problem with bow is that building around the dragon piercer necessitates the rath soul coil because it's the only thing in the entire game with piercing shots skill I feel like building for other weapons gives you more freedom in your armors
but i gotta say the dragonking eyepatch it's perfect for bow and nothing cooler than an archer with an eyepatch
>>414945 I just woke up! I got off work a little early, and came home and took a nap. A preventative nap, to make sure I don't get the flu. It's all over work at the moment.
I hope I don't get the flu. I went in to work today and more people were missing because of the flu. What's even more terrifying is that there were a few people there who came to work with the flu.
The flu's going to clear your office right out. Come Monday it's going to be a ghost town.
>>414951 It already did, pretty much everyone left around lunch today. The sickies were at their limit and had to go home and rest, and those of us that were healthy left because we didn't want to get sick.
And some cunt elbowed me in the face in this mosh put
A good t Ime was had by all.
Maven Mobile
In *the *pit *time
Maven Mobile
Well i was visiting my friend interstate And he already had tickets and then I was invited to So I'd only heard of these guys about a week ago. But it was fun. Another
Fucking phone typing. I'll tell you later
>>414966 oh gay >>414967 oh nice mosh pits are fun as long as you aren't a manlet
that tfw when you find out another man sucked your girlfriend's cock
>>414973 i had a client ask today how i've been this week and i couldn't really say i was doin fine i said what was goin on and just losin a friend and stuff it was pretty awkward wanna go to vermont >>414976 i saw it but i didn't really get to try it out or anything is it a thing
ive still got my tent from when i went biking before i dont have my bike though fucking campus dorms contracted out four dorm buildings to the art university and as soon as they came in, some asshole stole my bike fucking shit campus
>>414990 we've had this conversation a few times but ive wanted to go camping for while but fish was not interested until now so there wasn't an opportunity
>>414993 i might be able to get out there to visit this summer im planning on trying like a road trip in addition to the Philly trip or i might manage this spring break if my current plans fall through
There is a frog outside my window that keeps singing. It makes no sense though beacuse it's the middle of winter. I am worried that I'm going crazy and imagining it.
someone is planting frog noises outside your house
or someone lost their pet frog and you're the only one who can help
>>415005 no i haven't i haven't read any akagi just watched it like five times oh wait, i read the extra volume that was omitted in the manga at the mahjong parlor
>>415008 >just watched it like five times It doesn't even show how Washizu ended though
It doesn't even have the bit where washizu dies, goes to hell, beats the shit out of some oni, becomes a giant, then comes back to finish his stupid game
>>415020 Yeah, but that's not really his problem. He doesn't procrastinate much. But we've come up with some great goals and I gave him something to work on and he's really excited about it.
>>415023 Yeah. He's so excited to work and improve himself. I was showing him off to my supervisor and she likes him a lot, too. Everyone thinks he's a great kid.
I think he has good coping skills. He's way better than I was when I was his age. I'm going to give him a test battery with stuff like the STRONG and 16PF and stuff to find out more about his strengths and weaknesses.
>>415043 Yeah, I'd probably do that, but I do think it's important to try to have a little fun especially when you feel like everything's shit You always seem to be in a great mood after a show so maybe it'd help if you got out
>>415042 Yeah. +atk/-res, too. His weapon has slaying axe, wrath, and wo dao, all built in.
Yeah, the new Hector is amazing. If only I had one of those christmas armored units to throw the B skill on him. Too bad Hector doesn't come with Armor March.
what are the moral implications of giving sentience to a bunch of pumpkins
even greater are the quandries over having dominance over their will this feels like a lose-lose situation
Kirara 🚗
> Woman flushes emotional support hamster after Spirit Airlines bad advice
Kirara 🚗
>A Florida woman says an airline told her to flush her hamster down an airport toilet because the emotional support rodent wasn't allowed to fly with her.
>>415086 Yeah. Managing it is part of being a NEET though.
>>415083 >>415084 it sounds to me like a really stupid bitch at her job and a really stupid hamster-owning bitch on vacation met and formed a super stupid bitch vortex that sucked a hamster into its depths
>emotional support hamster you weak subhuman filth get away from me with that shit >employee of a major airline basically a drone of some of the most evil companies in our nation
alright i only have one more episode before i'm caught up 80 minutes of marchen in one night jesus
when i first read that i skimmed past it as "managing one's wood" and it reminded me of warcraft 3 rest in piece sugoi, we'll never get to play again
this little girl has a really big hammer
hammer? i dont even know her
Kirara 🚗
is hammer code for dick?
it's not gay if it's a girl's hammer
*forethought of a commercial about a tolerant workplace that might show guys willingly grabbing each other's hammers in the construction pit, but then a girl reaches to hand them a hammer and they give her a funny look
psa i guess rather than commercial
hammers are an object you can buy at a convenience store dicks are something you're born with
i was born retarded i can't just identify as a genius and switch sides
Kirara 🚗
not everyone with a dick is born with a dick
some people have a stroke of genius, other people just have a stroke i guess i'm both
i'm of the opinion that if people want to go to the hammer attachment store and get that done, then it's none of my business but if someone decides to make it my business then i don't care how wrong or right it is for them to annoy me, i'm annoyed
>>415108 you seem like the kind of person who'd show up to the construction pit but you forgot your hammer and you'd rather go home and not get paid for the day than borrow a GIRL'S hammer
well see in this you're now assuming that a hammer is necessary people can live perfectly happy lives with a nailgun instead of a hammer
this metaphor is shit btw
what metaphor i'm talking about hammers
the whole hammers and dicks
yeah it is that's why i didn't follow it and was talking about hammers
yeah sure i'm gonna get back to something more important now like watching anime girls use magic
you say that and then a bunch of naked magical girls of various nationalities begin fighting
Kirara 🚗
palico: i'll draw the monster's attention! >stands behind me
>her mom died on her birthday which is also christmas
Kirara 🚗
that's a pretty nice birthday present
one man's treasure
We pretty much managed to catch up on everything we watch with Ika. It's just Rika and me for Cardcaptor and Dagashi Kashi so those are lower priority, so we're still a few episodes behind on both, but the important stuff is more or less up to date.
My supervisor today was asking me about famous people I admire so I said I don't really admire any famous people. So she asked about people that aren't famous, and I named a professor I had in like 2011-2012.
>>415155 Probably. I don't really have any of those, though.
>>415152 I dunno. I can't find anything online about it. I hope he's not dead although he lived a life of endless pain so maybe it'd be alright.
I have people I respect and people i envy, but I don't think there's any person I don't know personally that I admire. Admiration is a lot of emotional investment to put into a person.
I feel like admiring someone means you're putting them up on a pedestal and I don't really do that with anyone in that context There isn't really anyone I view as a role model either
While I agree with the definition, I don't believe anyone perfectly avoids putting people up on pedestals. It just becomes far too easy once you're emotionally attached to someone.
I think when you put someone on a pedestal, you blind yourself to their faults. I think it is possible to admire someone while being aware of and acknowledging their faults.