there's several people who i admire and most of them have a shitload of faults some of them i don't talk to anymore, but i still respect and look up to them
i didn't see the new thread my b
I think I'm most critical of the people i look up to or am attached to especially people i respect, noticing the flaws of the people i look up to is an important part of coping with handling my own
Samu ๐ฆ !KW2DbpWwls
what is respect
R E S P E CT TELL ME WHAT TO... Uh, be? Me? I don't remember the rest of it.
i like my coffee like i like my women with a penis
i didn't mean to upload this image i'm glad i got a safe image touchpad on laptop is a bad time to be uploading if it's going to randomly select shit whew
I dropped one of my cookies to the floor. What a waste.
i'm hevin a lot of trouble using my filter when on the phone with clients, doing these meetings and conferences i just repeatedly feel on-edge and keep saying really stupid shit
Yeah, because that's based off a different set of qualifications.
i'll take what is a sinkhole for 500 alex
it's like how people trust airplanes to safely deliver them 3,000 miles away without dying but they don't trust them to not give them food poisoning with the on-flight meal
i'm really kind of craving some mexican food like a corn chowder soup or some black beans and chicken guacamolly i make some really good homemade refried beans now that i think about it
>>415286 no, i'm sorry i was being stupid refried beans aren't actually refried, it's just a silly name that i was meming on it's just a loan word from spanish they're just fried and mashed beans, fried a little longer than normal beans they're meant to have a pasty texture kind of because they're mashed
so it is fried bean paste eh silly name for that, which doesn't at all describe it. But then again cooking is a lot of time like that chefs are weird
>>415290 yeah the name refried comes from frijoles refritos which doesn't mean to be fried twice it's just a loan word i usually cook them with butter and some hard white cheeses, then to be incorporated into meals with like shredded chicken or pork with sour cream, corn, guacamole, and some salsas
>>415292 yeah that's not totally far off considering hummus is garbanzo beans but it's less smooth-textured than hummus. it's thicker and a little lumpier, because the beans are just lightly mashed and not totally whipped into a puree it should be a lot heavier than hummus and a good bit more savory
first time I ever saw someone call chickpeas garbanzo beans
>>415294 they're the same thing i don't know if they're actually a bean or not though
Havn't eatem them in almost 2 years now I should have asked where my roomie bought them, we always had a 1-2kg bag of dried ones in the shelf.
idk if you get much spanish foods up there or whether our mexican foods are even remotely like spanish foods but chili rellenos are one of my favorite things you oughta look up some images
Not really at all asian and mediterraen (eastern) is usually what the restaurants are like + the chinese/viet/thai/ and indian places every coutnry has nowadays
Is considerably harder to find a restaurant that serves "finnish" food than something that does foreign cuisine unless you want to pay like 50โฌ per serving
If people wanted Finnish food they'd probably just make it at home.
Indeed add to that we don't really have a restaurant culture our first actual city is bit over 100 years old and coutnry itself just turned 100 no much space for people to have made a living by selling food untill industrialr evolution for that matter
food as in prepared food
american cuisine restaurant culture is really kind of buried in the rural areas, from following the mining towns around and offering food preparation to people who worked too hard and too long to make any food or didnt have time to wait to get home to eat
America also has its own versions of the imported ones, which must be fun as people brought their fods with them I think most "finnish" restaurant that I can think of was Harald, which serves food that is inspired or based on old scandinavian traditions basically "viking food" they have really weird, but damn god meals like pheasant heart etc
>>415307 yes, we've propped up versions of foreign foods more palatable to the american tongue, but in terms of actual american cuisine, it's there but buried in the heartland >>415309 yeah you do, you just don't realize it watch alton brown i bet he's got like a whole season on canadian cuisine
Canada doesn't really have a lot of cultural cuisine. But we've made a damn good success of spreading the few we do to the world.
>>415309 I was gonna ask about it, and I think it is related to how sparse the population and low the food was If there is just enough to feed yourself and pay the taxes, you don't really found rich food cultures.
>>415310 poor areas become dependent on stuff like that too that's where a lot of american cuisine actually comes from imagine a century or two ago with people scraping by, sometimes with no proper profession gotta cook and offer bed and breakfast to passersby or day laborers so you could manage and the hard workers get a soul food meal they don't have the time to make on their own even in desperate times, they still get hungry and have to eat to keep their strength for the next work day
i feel like more -real- cuisine culture is built from earnestness and necessity than wealth and luxury
Traditional finnish recipes are usually in essence "stuff you have thrown into the pot as a soup or stew or pot" like bone soup or "fat paste" or the karelian stew
TN !PcAPtAiNJo oh the actual translation is "pork sauce" hahaha literal one is fat paste "contains pork" hahahaha fat of pork
cause as a kid i didn't like how the fat tasted in my mouth or felt so If I was served a steak or such, I always cut away any fatty parts off first
i used to ask other people in the family for their leftover steak bones and stuff because i loved the marrow and fat and they didn't i've always been such a glutton that i don't know how i'm not fat
I still can't stand those fatty parts of the cut. It induces a bit of a gag reflex when I try to swallow them down.
wow what next i bet you guys take the tails off your shrimps before you eat them too wusspusses
I avoid shrimp in general. Don't like the taste, don't like the texture, and they get a bit too close to resembling the actual animal, which is a repulsion I can't get over when I'm eating something that came from an animal.
crabs are a pain to eat btw so much work for so little gain
>>415322 i go for the soft-shelled crabs and just eat them whole i dont know if you have that there for small crabs that aren't soft-shell, yeah it's a little difficult for alaskan king crabs or the other snow crabs with long legs, it's not too bad if you're used to it i don't care much for hard shelled crab though >>415324 i'm not sure if ive done that with crabs. i know that with fish, the headmeat is the best part i've tried it with prawns and shrimps and it just tastes kind of like dirt not terrible but nothing special headmeat of large fishes is great though, like fatty tuna jaws and the part behind the brain
You can hit them with a hammer and it is intact but it isn't that hard to eat just remove the claws, such the meat out of there and then remove the legs, pull the tail away and eat the meat and rest is trash but really there just isn't that much to eat on a crab
ah yes we have those crawdads, crayfish, and some other regional names they're mostly a cajun thing here meaning they're either put into stews or extensively seasoned to make spicy sometimes just boiled in butter in the south, some people do crayfish parties, kind of like barbecues, where they just buy like 30kg of them and invite a ton of people over and cook them all up
>>415334 Here it is generally eaten boiled in salt water as summer delicacy and some hold "crab parties" at the end of the fishing season where they eat a lot of dem fishies and drink a lot of booze
I bumped into a guy who used to work att -at the brewery I don't get called in to anymore. He's working at a different brewery in the city now, and without prompt he offered me one of the beers he gets to sign out a six-pack of weekly for free. The thing is, I don't even like the taste of most beers that much, but I'm so bad at turning down most offers of free things that I took it anyway.
>>415347 It's difficult to turn down beer when you work in a brewery. Saying you don't like beer just leads to more questions.
Well I've got an easy out since it's an eight-minute walk from my house. Most people can understand the convenience of not having to go on a journey to get to work.
>>415358 idk like vermont or maybe here in missouri or maybe cape cod with a couple guns and a pack of sandwiches while we help some shipments go smooth it only pays like 800 a night since we're new-ish but getting bumped up to the big deals we could pull in about two grand per night of sentry duty each
>>415368 2 thousand smackers for just standing around with a gun? Where do I sign up?
>>415370 i mean you also gotta swim out to some boats, follow some procedure, use comms for coastguard watch, possible defend your post but it's all pretty basic shit
>>415369 I actually got offered coke IRL once, in high school. I turned it down, though; I was just at that party to smoke really.
>>415371 Sounds easy enough. How are the benefits? also my power just went out for 5 minutes that scared me a little bit >>415372 You missed out on something really great, but it's probably for the best!
>>415373 Yeah, probably. It's not something I'm necessarily opposed to trying in the right environment, but it's also not something I'd want to make a habit of or do more than once.
no it's a rolled up corn tortilla chip thats fried and covered in chili and lime salt and other spices it's spicy and sour and delicious they make them in mexico and ship to mainly the americas i think
Sounds like cheetos to me. Those are really popular here too. I hate how the dust gets on your hands though.
Yeah that's probably it
>>415416 are they really i know they're a big brand name but i feel like it's a forced brand name i don't remember ever seeing anyone buy or eat cheetos
>>415418 I think it depends on the area. around here mostly children and teenagers buy them. when adults buy snacks they usually get baked goods or nuts or somesuch. but when it comes to chips, we sell about three times as many cheetos as the next closest brand.
yeah i mean i got them as a kid sometimes when you have 60 cents and want a snack or at a vending machine but not in a setting where actual choice is available
ah fuck i didn't mean to hit done, I was trying to click on the post to type. The chile-limon, flamin hot, and regular crunchy cheetos are the most popular. After that the regular puffs and then all the rest of the cheeto and lays styles kind of drag behind those four.
>>415426 eating chips and such is bad for you to begin with, especially with how often some of my customers indulge themselves! but I don't really care what they put in their body, and they don't either.
His explosions were entertaining, but quite derailing >>415435 >one day dies of heart attack cause taffer realised you mentioend his name in your heart
i'll never forget him he was a great shitposter
shitposter without even meaning it
he could have been the best if only he could harness his power
I have aquired snacks Unfortunately, no coconut milk left, so I got soy instead
>>415446 yeah if you just toss it into the freezer it most likely dies but like "fridge->freezer"?
>>415448 no that would not work either it is something that only occurs naturally and doing it artificially is irresponsible and cruel
it can be forced, though but I guess you need quite good temperature control
>>415450 probably but there's not the control to do it responsibly, nor the proper studies performed on what would be acceptable because that would inherently be an unethical study
then how do they do it? it can get -30 here during winter and we have frogs and toads
homeostasis you don't need an antifreeze property to do that you just need to maintain the system until it reaches an equilibrium how it does that isn't something i can answer but on a systemic level it's fairly straightforward
Oh wow if you play Escape Plan in slay the spire while you can't draw, it gives you the block anyway
>>415457 yes it's p intuitive on an environmental level, but on a biochemical level it's a little understudied and difficult to pin down on how they maintain homeostasis without cell denaturation or tissue structure degradation suffice to say they get cold enough to be in equilibrium with the environment
Yeah, usually just freezing cells will fuck them cause the water crystalizes and stuff, right? Your veins will straight up perforate cause of the blood freezing and stuff too
>>415460 that depends on the speed of homeostasis if your blood pressure drops fast, yeah if your blood gets cold fast, yeah if the structures are in place to buffer the process slowly on all the metabolic processes, then those aren't particularly troublesome details
>>415510 >>415514 Hmm, interesting. Not my usual scene but it's a nice sound.
>>415515 Vanishing Line is a lot of fun But I never saw the original Garou, so I can't speak for it I don't think you need to have seen it though, but I dunno if I'm missing like references to it
Okay, I'd actually never seen the Such Great Heights music video before. That was really good. Well shot too. I'm pretty sure they shot that in an actual IC fabrication plant.
Aaaa I always get restless around this time >>415522 It's fun but also it's a little uncomfortable because I just wanna chill out But now my leg is going
Which one is Blue?
>>415521 The come-up was always my least favorite part.
He would make for a reallyi nteresting spiderman story I don't think he could stand alone against spidey, but give him some companions some who actually can give spidey a run for his money in a fight and then write something completely different
He's not much of a fighter, but he can usually pull stuff and then confuse spidey so much he gets away Give him a mindfucked Wolverine or something, that'd be fun
But if they use mysterio he should be the main villain in the story someone who just manipulates things from behind the scenes and fools people with his illusions
I doubt it I mean I dunno, it depends how long it lasts yaknow Like if he wants me to join him going to eat or something, that's fucking game over lmao
>>>/watch?v=w0cGES2rcDE#t=3m20s The Cree music suite from the new Civ VI expansion has a really nice sound to it. I like the music thing they've got in the game where the basic music theme for each civ stays in place as you move through the ages, but the sound evolves to match a more contemporary sound for that certain age.
did you see that bbc was lying about north korea in the Olympics, claiming that north korea wasn't showing the opening ceremony when they were when people corrected them, bbc refused to correct the tweet and instead just said "we don't have the channel they're showing it on" as a comment to people correcting them
imagine being this ridiculously stupid and paranoid
Kirara ๐
do they really think that kim's sister is going to kill the vice president of the united states in broad daylight on international tv during the Olympics?
>>415638 kim's half brother got killed with that aerosol poison which was allegedly an assassination but that's all i can think of
>>415637 internal assassination basically, well the guy was abroads but assassinating any foreign person just seems beyond them not only would it be dumb as fug, but I just don't see them succeeding it in ever.
NK is a curious case of incompetency and quite I guess "evil genius" if you say, in how they rule and dictate the country and deal with foreign powers.
Kirara ๐
>>415639 not only that but assassinating a foreign leader in broad daylight on tv and the assassin on of the most powerful people in north kkorea? how is this a concern
>>415641 Well get used to it NK will be made into the next Iraq
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>415620 I decided to go for Wendy's instead of the cafeteria yesterday and yesterday was a crazy day for calls so I mean I imagine the combination would affect my blood pressure a little bit
>>415645 and when you were at Wendy's what did you order
Kirara ๐
in general, how fast would you say that food goes?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>415647 Single with cheese, nothing on it, small combo including fries and drink, with a side order of 4 nuggets. Drink of choice was Coke Zero with lime flavor as that Wendy's has the special combination drink machine.
Kirara ๐
i usually just get a double stack with fries and a frosty never heard of a combo drink machine how's it work?
I would normally just get the 4 for 4 double stack But I felt like eating a fuller burg
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>415651 You press options on the screen for what kind of drink you want as the main drink, and then you pick one of the flavors available, which they have quite a few of including rarer stuff like peach and stuff.
>>415650 For the future, if you feel like slightly improving the healthiness of your purchase, opt for either on the nuggest or the burger. That is a lot of super-processed protein from a fast food joint.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>415654 I decided to be an unhealthy boy yesterday.
In fact I was so weary and ok with being an unhealthy boy yesterday I grabbed an eclair from the sweet shop on the way home. However I didn't eat diinner so I guess there's that. Because of sleeping
doublestack of refried beans please
>The word comes from French รฉclair 'flash of lightning', so named because it is eaten quickly (in a flash).
It's been like nearly 5 hours and I'm only just getting to the anime I got stuck watching NL play Mount Your Friends and just had too much fun watching that
I always plan out like "I gotta fill my hours with this or it'll be SUCH a waste", and then I just end up fucking around for hours and it's not a problem after all
It's pretty good, actually. I never watched it until recently. It's actually really engaging and in 11 seasons of 22 episode seasons, none of the episodes have seemed repetitive and only a few have been boring. It has really engaging characters and a pretty interesting story, and it's really funny.
>>415692 It does feel pretty good, though lifting isn't very exciting. I prefer something like skiing, but that's not quite as effective for rear end enhancement.
That sounds pretty great, actually. Always nice when there's a lot of content and the ratio of filler is low.
>>415693 I don't really like lifting. I just do a lot of cardio and pushups. I run a lot. Running uphill is pretty good for your butt!
Yeah, it's semi-episodic and it has a overarching story every season. The villains are all really fun and interesting, and none of them are really evil. Everything is kind of gray which I like.
>>415719 I've almost got enough dew to upgrade Alm's falchion. But I want to upgrade Marth's, too. I feel like the mat requirements are a little ridiculous.
>>415721 They are! I dont have enough normal people that i like to even upgrade to get dews! >gronnblades >ravens >no upgrades >no dews cjgcjcgjjgjcjgjc
>>415723 My plan right now is to upgrade killer bows /// killing weapons to slaying weapons. Costs fewer materials and you still get dew. And I think slaying weapons will always be useful.
I should be slapping Killing on people too. Already did it to Cain and Tiamat tho'... Next in line is proably Sully...but she's kinda not worth it cause pulled a perfect IVd Oscar. ...but I do dig Sully...and dat Dew.
I can't do that under normal circumstances, but there was like a couple months where there was nothing added that I wanted enough to roll more than once or twice. Plus we got those 50 free orbs.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
More like self control.
I got nothing at all with my 50 orbs, that was pure shit.
>>415739 I just hope they give us some good legendary characters. The last two were really disappointing to me. Forjm is at least interesting and useful. Legendary Ike is basically normal Ike but requires extra SP to build, and the green cav was just kind of boring.
>>415745 Hihi. >>415744 I've never pulled a young tiki either! I really want a dragon team, though.
I don't see her either. I think I've only fought her once or twice. She has that annoying B skill but she's so mediocre and you can easily get rid of her.
>>415752 Do you like any of the other older FEH womens?
>>415753 You should have been here when people were able to go and post on the right side of the screen! And all the text was in a strange and fancy font.
>>415751 I never expected they'd give us a 5* like Forjm for free in the story, so I dunno! Even if we did, I'd never use her, and her B skill can't be inherited.
oh I missed some fun. how disappointing!
>>415757 Who's your favorite FEH character? Or are you not a nerd?
>>415756 You'd stick with the ol' Tiamat or Roy's Teacher?
>>415758 I use Cecilia as my green cav unit, but I don't really like to use horse emblem, so I only use it if I'm getting really messed up in Tempest for some reason, and I use them in chain/arena challenges sometimes.
>>415758 I haven't played in ages. but I really liked Tharja
>>415772 Yeah. All that matters is that she gets bonuses to her stats and she can get like 36-40 speed with darting blow because horse emblem is so ridiculous and stupid. I don't remember why I put green tomebreaker on but there was probably an enemy that was annoying me in a GHB a while ago. She also has WoM.
>>415777 Nope. She's so strong built badly that there's no reason to properly build her, especially considering I don't like horse emblem. I don't really use her anymore.
>>415781 Yes. Near the end of the month there will be a banner with past event units, a new Units+free blessing if pulled... NO PITY BREAKING EFFECT ON THE BANNER. And it usually starts out at a high Pity percent too.
>>415783 Alm and Sonya. Also Nowi. I really love Felicia but she's just never really been usable so even though I've put a lot of work into her, I haven't really used her since before skill inheritance.
Wow I got a 5* again and he is so meh
>>415801 But she has her new weapon now! ... I wish I pulled a Sonya...I've pulled so much damn green for green Ikes and Hectors...I'm shocked I havn't gotten her once.
>>415803 Even with her new weapon, she's incredibly fragile. Neutral attack and the new weapon puts her at 37 attack. She has low defense and low HP. Her only niche is an anti-mage tank.
>>415807 That is amuses me that people call him a bear too.
>>415810 If they introduce a firesweep dagger, I'll happily build her around that. If they gave us a special like Regnal Astra that used speed as a bonus, that'd be perfect. I can get her to 45 speed. I could give her wrath as a B skill to help spam the special or if not, maybe seal atk/def or seal atk/spd if possible and then speed or attack smoke. Turn her into a utility unit that can tear apart units with low defense and enemy mages in particular, and then she'd be able to lower enemy stats so low that anyone else in my team could finish the enemy off. Probably take a high attack unit and put WoM on them. Fury on Felicia. Then Felicia could debuff an enemy and the WoM unit would pop in between Felicia and the target and finish them off.
The other build I've considered for Felicia is Smoke Dagger+, Speed Smoke, and Attack Smoke. It would inflict -6 def/res to the target and foes within two spaces, and it'd also inflict -7 speed and -7 attack to foes within two spaces. She'd also have windsweep to make sure targets that can hurt her can't counter attack. The big issue with this is lightning breath isn't survivable because they'll use Felicia's def for counterattack calculations which is like 20 and her hp is like 31. So I don't really think I can get a satisfactory build for her without a firesweep dagger.
Alm is built as a Falchion battery. Renewal and Recip Aid, with Aether. Quickened pulse and Heavy Blade. This lets him fire off Aether almost every other turn since when he's with his partner, he has 56 attack. Once I have his Falchion upgraded, it'll be even better. He's my bond character, too. His partner is Sonya.
>>415814 If the combo can't kill the target immediately, I don't use the combo. or wouldn't If someone had harsh command, they'd be the first victim of the combo. Sanaki would be incredibly easy to kill because her defense is low enough that Felicia can kill her without even needing her partner for the combo.
what about when sanaki or someone uses harsh cum and
>Harsh Cum Oh my
>>415815 they can't see because of the attack smoke but they can still smell to guide their attacks
>>415813 They seem to really hate Assassins and Healers though. More-so the healer tho'...poor healers. -- Wonder who they'd even give a Firesweep Dagger too if someone came out...
Alm IV? shippin' Alm with Sonya? That's illegal, dawg.
>>415817 Yeah, but at least healers have had a little extra luck lately. Assassins really need a lot of help, though. Firesweep bow would help /// firesweep dagger would help a lot!
Alm is +atk/-hp, I'm pretty sure. He'll have 50 HP once I upgrade Falchion, though.
I don't ship them! Sonya and Alm are just my favorites and they synergize well. I'd love to use Faye and Alm together but Faye is pretty much impossible to make work.
>>415831 I've tried Guard Bow Faye but she's still no good. It's really sad since I really like Faye. Why'd they make her a bow user anyway? It's ridiculous.
I don't generally use firesweep. I have an Oscar with firesweep lance, but I rarely use him unless I need to use him for drag back, to bring someone into range or something. an enemy into range, that is I have a 4* Soliel and I might eventually use her firesweep with her when I inevitably 5* her, but I haven't decided yet. I don't think firesweep is usually that good, but that's because I'm a defensive player and I rely on counterattacks.
Nope, my Alm is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.
I think guard bow faye is the best build for her, but it still isn't very good. It's a shame, it's so weird that they made her an archer. I hope we get a better version of Faye later.
Faye being a bow really is odd...maybe they just wanted someone a staff liked to have the Firesweep. They do love playing favorites. But I'll always be salty over my main man Lucius being a healer...and Oliver getting his tome.
Do you also know about this:
>>415837 Faye's unit came out before her game came out. I think that it's probably a case of poor communicaiton, and the artist drew her with a bow or something.
>>415837 The censoring of Soliel's gayness is so stupid. In every language the game's available in except for English, her title has something about her really liking girls, but in the English, it's "Adorable adorer" It's so stupid.
Sonya and Alm are great units together and also perfect characters. I love them both.
>>415841 Whatchu think about the certain small pool of artists that draw a different attack and special animation? And what'd you make Faye if given the chance?
>>415850 Oh, I didn't know about this stuff in the article. That's really fucked up.
I don't care that Shigure was added as an event character before actually being added since Xander was the same way. What bothers me about Shigure is that he was added before Nils. Shigure is kind of a literally who character without any real popularity, so it bothered me that they added Shigure solely because he was a Fates character instead of going with more popular dancers/singers from other games, especially considering that Shigure isn't a dancer or singer in his own game. I'm pretty bitter about all but like two event characters being Awakening or Fates for the entire first year of the game.
Kirara ๐
as for boey, i think it's an interesting idea but he's kind of worthless and he wasn't really worth using at all in his game so i guess it matches up
You should know by now the staff's favorite game is Fates! And someone's favorite character is Lissa...cause X-Mas Lissa was fucking OP as balls for no real reason.
I'm so happy Xander is coming back...I didn't join when his event was held--so it's been a loooong wait for him!
Nils is the thing tho'...but my guts says cause he's male and not a hunk. I actually hated him in the game but agree he would have been in FEH much sooner...--err *should have been in sooner before Shigure.
And speaking of actual FE games... Spoilers-Spoilers-Spoilers... How do you feel about Sonya's in-game ending?
Faye needs to synergize with Alm well. If she doesn't, they've failed, because her entire thing is that she dedicates her life to Alm.
>>415865 All the Christmas characters were super strong. Those B skills are INSANE. I doubt we'll ever get them. Xander is really good. I'm surprised they're bringing him back without also bringing back Camus.
I didn't really like Nils either. But I think Ninian+Nils would have been a better combo than Azura+Shigure. There are so many dancers in the series, and yet Azura has three dancer units in Heroes? Really? It's so stupid.
I don't like Sonya's in-game ending. I don't mind the outcome of it, but I don't understand how it came to happen. The implications of Duma dying were that it wouldn't happen to anyone else.
>>415882 I didn't get any of the Christmas units. It totally sucked.
Azura isn't even that cute. I'd accept two of them, maybe, but three? Absolutely ridiculous. I'm glad that we finally got some event characters that are from an older game, although the lack of diversity is still annoying. Eliwood surprised me and made me happy. But now we have our fourth Lyn. And that's just too many when we are still missing hundreds of characters. Three Roys is too many.
They really are a great couple. It's sad that I couldn't use them together in combat more often since Clive was so bad.
My x-mas Crom and Lissa are both -ATK, it also fucking blows.
Lyn team LETS GO! But It'd be nice to see others...yeahhh--they need to add in Matthews dead girlfriend, and the Villians...tho' knowing the trend...they'd proably make the villians fucking "Grand Heroes". ...dude...the triggering with "Grand Hero" and they make it someone like Valter. Tempest should be villians...Grand Hero should be HEROES!
Clive is also fucking bad in FEH, true to game~ Ugh...
>>415885 I think the intenetion for Nintendo is that male Robin is canon in Awakening. male Corrin is canon in hoshido's route, but that route is ignored because it isn't very popular famel Corrin is canon in the other two routes and those two routes are the only ones nintendo really pays attention to.
I think female Robin works better in the story though, because she can marry Chrom and actually have a place in the story.
>>415889 I think random strategist showing up and helping the team is the fire emblem experience.
>>415888 I'd probably just use their B skills on Hector and Eliwood.
It's weird how many grand heroes are actually villains now. And then sometimes Tempest characters are randomly villains. There's not a lot of consistency. The GHB heroes used to be really good and now they tend to be mediocre, too.
I think Clive is actually pretty workable in FEH but he lacks a good niche. Mine is bonfire, TA, and lancebreaker. It's not really amazing but it'll get some jobs done.
>>415889 MaleRobin/Crom is one of the most popular ships tho'!
Female Corrin is just all-around better than Male. ...I also would have thought that Japan would perfer Hoshido's Route more than anything cause OBVIOUS.
Dudeo...>Oliver >Grand Hero Then followed by Lyon...who's better, yes, but...why do they both gotta be so damn slow?! And I have yet to see Oliver in Arena.
I was thinking those skills would be great on the new Hector.
Yeah, like, I don't mind a bad GHB unit occasionally, but neither Oliver nor Lyon are particularly good and that slow speed makes them nearly unusable. They need to work on skills that can make slow units viable.
I can't test this cause I didn't upgrade Lucina's...but I don't see why not. Spear is a spear buff and sword is a sword buff...not like it's double Spur on a C-slot.
>>415961 I only know Marsh from that list, but he's hard to get to do stuff sometimes.
>>415965 ...he wants me to watch Blend S and--Gamers first... I don't know which one is I can't just marathon it hard. Gamers--err...New Game...seems more Yuri Shippable tho'.
>>415971 Yo-yo, how's Tarkov? Any updates or anything done to it? And streamin' it stable?
i haven't been streaming it because i was mostly just streaming for a couple friends it's great, there's small updates here and there but the next big one won't be for a minute the game probably won't be in a "completed state" for a good 8-12 months though
They can take all the time they long as it does GET completed. Fuckin' don't need a Day Z or whatever one will never fucking leave Early Acesses and be a pile of shit.
I also blame you for everyone and their dog playing Rainbow Six in my Twitch and YouTube soon as you meantioned it--evvvveryone i watch just picked it up.
Rainbow Six has been picking up steam for a minute now the game wasn't so good at first but after they fixed the major issues and started adding a lot of content it's become a very good game, probably the best tac shooter on the market
i try not to but i end up picking mostly the same few Glaz, Twitch, Blitz on attack Ela, Bandit on defense but i can use almost anyone effectively i pick thermite/thatcher a lot if we need them
If you are going to parody DBZ with a beam duel and one of them i spurple aura you HAVE to have the other do the galick gun pose not both doing kamehameha that is the rules
But then you pay for the brand itself already WEll you pay a little for twinings brand already too, but they still aren't expensive per se when it comes to tea.
Tetley isn't bad if you're just going for simple black teas like orange pekoe or Earl Grey. I find they tend to have the lowest price point and the quality of their orange pekoe is about the same as any good-quality tea bag brand.
I really like Twinning's Earl Grey but they're a bit more pricey so I can only get it on sale. And President's Choice, a brand that's only in certain Canadian stores, does a really good set of simple teas, but I wouldn't expect the States to get that period.
In terms of the traditional stuff Prince of Wales, Earl and lady grey twinings makes imo the best ones and they have surprisingly good darjeeling
Kirara ๐
I've been astonished at how good their Darjeeling is.
I have a box of Nordqvist tea which make quite good flavoured tea but their darjeeling was justh orrible even lipton makes better that surprised me, since said company does make quite good tea usually
Kirara ๐
>>416038 I don't know if they have Tetley in the states generally. I've never seen it in a shop, at least.
also I wonder do you still feel them wiggle in your stomach? that spinning thing he does allows you to just gulbthings down in an instant, if you have practicted away the gag reflex
>>416085 In middle school I would have said Satoko of Higurashi was probably in my hit range on some level which is pretty gross to think about now so let's not think about it too deeply and chalk it up to being // let's just not think about that.
I'm always in an awkward spot because I'm obsessed with people not having a complete view of me or getting a wrong impression. Because there are lots of other characters I like to too even
Like a sexualized shiki would be fiiiiiiine probably
Did you know it's the children word that makes me uncomfortable? Like if you say loli it desensitizes it or something. But the instant you say child instead my skin crawls horribly.
Besides in terms of nipponnese loli doesn't imply to 15 and up since, dunno if still true now, that was in the past when those "tags" were made, that the legal age for sexual consent was
and this sentence makes no sense umm 15 was legal consent age in da past atleast and all below that are loli
If you call a character a girl, there's no 2D distinction Why does it need to be specifically distinctive when it comes to descriptors like child, but not girl or boy?
Voodoo is a fun thing it is mix of local tradfition, christian tradition and african tradition that forms some crazy witchcraft culture it is so unique yet at the same time not
Kinda like rastafarianism is a weird form of christianity
And that reminds me how i once got 10/10 out of an essay I did 2 months late on Pastafarianism just because it was so good and well "I have never heard of this t. teacher"
>>416139 Yeah. Hoodoo is the west African spiritual stuff. Voodoo is based on hoodoo with additional influences. They're pretty different in how rituals are done.
To be honest rika I'm sure there are circles on twitter that discuss all sorts of things. >>416141 Because sexualization of real underage folk is GROSS
>>416141 WEll as far as I know there are like 5 at least "voodoos" depending on who brought you to the new world and where you were brought french, spanish, portugese, english they all got their slaves from different parts of west africa who all had similiar but different culture of magic religion oh and dutch
they all traded with different people, as they had permanent trading ports >>416147 I guess where I am coming here is, that the "hoodoo" most likely isn't any origin source for the any other spellings of the words or ways of practice just that the myriad ways of practicing it in Africa got influenced by western culture depending on whose colonies they were forced to live in and that birthed the modern forms we now know
Gotta remember that the west african slave coast is like what 4000 km long? and while most of the territory was held by Mali empire and her subjects, they were still practically different tribes and so on
BTw remind me to sometime research the african trade posts cause they weren't really conquest stuff or colonisation just permanent posts of trade so I guess europeans and africans had actually quite decent relations there Indians and Chinese had good ones too untill either locals got tired of the outlanders or europeans got greedy or both and then Well, when you do gunship diplomacy it helps that you have GUNS and the enemy don't
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>416150 Yeah I don't know when a distinction needs to be made in one place and not another I just want people to not hate me for things that aren't true
why couldn't the most powerful religion in the world be one with a good book instead of the bible like maybe a book that is mostly about teachings instead of a bunch of whatever
>>416153 curiously have you actually read the bible and not the mormon one?
Why couldn't the most powerful religion in the wolrd be one that fits into a nice pamphlet
>>416154 are you actually retarded or just trolling i've probably read the bible (king james version, the one that almost everyone protestant but also the mormons use) more than anyone on /moe/ and then i've got like years of scripture classes under my belt
>>416156 So let me guess they were almost always about that Old Testament part, right?
no? we spent most time on New Testament, but that would only be like 45% with 30% on book of mormon and other mormon texts and 25 on old testament
then which part? new testament is about purely jesus christs' lectures or the letters of teaching sent by the apostoles to their respective communes they found
>>416158 lol I don't fuckin' know I don't exactly throw around this information to normies who wouldn't even know what that is I'm horrified at the idea of someone knowing my interests and tossing me aside like garbage and, on top of that, informing the rest of the world about me being garbage, ruining my connections to the point where my life becomes truly unbearable.
Also I like it how you give me good stats, but in terms of rpg builds I do, I almost always play somewhat glass cannony I avoid dmg while dealing maximum but if I am hit, I usually can't take that many hits
i wish there was a religion that wasn't about gods or mystical stuff or fairyland tales of supernatural whatever i want a religion that is like "you should be honest because it works out better most of the time and it feels good to hold y ourself to a standard or like "don't cheat on your wife because that's a dick move bro" or "alcohol is dangerous but also fun so just think about it before you do something stupid"
>>416181 I would imagine sexualization done in the 2d is taken less seriously than that of the 3d that is, of course, my opinion and viewpoint, influencing my thoughts.
>>416183 Well you are missing the point of religion, but yeah you can say that
>>416187 well if philosophy covers all the bases for a happy life then why do people need jesus?
the statement itself "to need jesus" is like some sort of admission that you could potentially not need jesus by not being a despicable wretch without him
>>416190 Well, asking a Christian if you need Jesus or not is a question that's going to only work out one way. But if you want religion without religion, look into philosophy. I personally like stoicism so I recommended that.
Especially since I'm afraid of losing myself In that I could try to train myself to not want to lewd x But if I did that would I even be myself anymore? Wouldn't I just be denying who I am
>>416199 Do you think liking those anime children is a big part of your identity?
>>416199 People change things all the time I don't see how that would be not being yourself Like I wish I could eat ice cream every hour but I hold back That's not denying myself my identity that's just making a choice I think is healthier
I don't know about "big" part but it's probably part of me on some level >>416201 Yeah but even though you're not eating ice cream you still like ice cream.
Am I denying who I am by refusing to drink alcohol?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>416207 It basically becomes a condition, taking up one of your spell/trap slots, that if it goes away so does that TN monster and vice versa An attempt at balancing since if you nuke the card you can get rid of the TN without fighting it
>>416226 Well I mean yes, because I recognize that it's probably not the most right thing I could uh, ... this is asentence I say "most right" because I make that distinction I mentioned earlier. Anyhoozle.