Thread #414392
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so last night we reduced the backlog to dagashi cardcaptors and new stuff is death match koi wa ameagari marchen madchen yuru camp ramen daisuki
Killed the major backlog just in time for the weekend onslaught to begin.
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Any sign of bang?
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well the way this usually works is that he shows after a show or two. so let's do death march marchen madchen ramen daisuki if no bang / koi wa ameagari if bang yuru camp
He seems good for it tonight. I can give him a shout when it's time to watch the episode.
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okay death mrch okay let's start!
Desu March Ika please I want to go get tea.
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I guess that slave girl is from Japan.
i cant get over how much he looks like kirito
I can't get over how much YOU look like Kirito.
A fair bit of the narrative in this series seems to the author going "I just want to talk about really tasty food". Not that I have an issue with that. Good food is a treat to fawn over.
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Combining isekai and food anime is the sign of a shrewd author.
>Used skill: Poker Face
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He also kinda built his harem by going around and collecting slaves.
Yeah, he's generally been kind of worldly, but he kind of missed a pretty obvious thing ther- Well okay.
She did seem properly disappointed that he didn't want to have sex with her before bed.
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This girl may be somewhat dangerous.
i didn't catch up on marchen i'm a bad person
You're a bang person.
She wants the D(anna-sama)
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikat(…).jpg )
>>414465 Are you caught up on ameagari or yuru camp?
These isekai series rarely employ two people independently isekai'd into a new world. It's kind of interesting to see.
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So I guess she got a bunch of super skills too.
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His features kinda changed. But kinda stayed the same.
He aged back from around thirty years to a high school age, according to his internal monologue.
Oh no this is going to- Yeaaaahhhh
>>414469 i've been watching ameagari every week i still haven't watched yuru camp at all
Hah hah hah what the fuck man.
The innkeeper's daughter didn't seem to care one bit about the state of his room though. Despite how she seems to fancy him too. Maybe she's open to a harem relationship like that.
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>>414477 okay we'll do ameagari next so you can watch it with us
He just keeps picking up cute girls.
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okay koi wa ameagari>>414496 we can do it in 30 if you want okay let's start!
someone is in my room one moment
no it'll be quick
i hope that guy doesnt show up
okay sorry ready>>414500 please don't give me anxiety like this
I really like the start of the OP. Then it kind of gets really, really HoneyWorks-y. Which isn't bad but not particularly original.
ruh roh
yup that's a bedroom can confirm
>how to be a likeable boss i got that shit on lock>how to be a well-paid boss fuck
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Looks like he's an avid reader.
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Oh looks like he's an aspiring writer too.
Yeah, and he reads a lot of Japanese classics. There was stuff from famous Japanese authors there on his desk.
i remember when i used to write stuff god i was such a FAG
I need to get back to writing stuff. My brain's not in top condition recently though.
this is werid
She's hiding in his closet.
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when you're playing a prank on someone but you miss the timing so you just sit there
this is getting pretty strange
He'd probably go nuts from embarassment though. He's kind of in off-day slovenly mode right now.
damn he's boring
Oh no.
think at this point she's scared of showing herself
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Saved by the hamster.
she's gonna pass out?
Yeah it looks like the heat is going to get to her.
Oh no
I mean I guess the kid got his wish to surprise his dad- Oh no
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Well that's one way to do it I guess.
oh wow this is her lucky day
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Well that's one way to cool her down I guess.
It's just a shirt man.
What a good otou-san.
they way he's sitting in the laundromat is like
no you fuckin dont is probably what i would say
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this show stresse me out it's like i don't want them to get together but i don't want them to not get together and then there's the NTR guy
i was going to watch this until i found out the guy is 45
>>414544 its a pretty decent show aside from one character
>>414546 maybe 1.5
She's got to be the practical voice of reason here.
Poor ojii-san though.
jesus if something like that happened with my associates well actually something like that couldn't happen i'm too good at my job
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Fukumenkei Nois(…).jpg )
no fun allowed
the hell was that sound effect at the end also this episode was too cheerful so next episode is gonna be stress stress stress
sparkle spakrle
>>414546 i kinda dislike the girl in some ways she's not stupid but she's really fuckin dumb
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She's a teenage girl.
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okay thanks for anime bang I'm merciful so we're going to watch ramen daisuki and then yuru camp. So you have a chance to catch up on madchen marchen and can watch it with us tomorrow.
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wow it would make sense that i hate teenage girls
oh wow such mercy from the great 17-year-old rika-sama arigatougozaimasu i'll actually watch it this time
that's rika-chan-sama to you bubbo
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Clockwork Plane(…).jpg )
that's right okay ramen daisuki both ramen shows are good but yes the other ramen show is great even though it's not really about ramen okay let's start!
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the worst of the two ramen shows its not bad or anything just nothing special>>414562 is the main characters favourite food ramen i dont know what that thing is
I like this ramen show. It's kind of food trivia. I like food trivia.
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Time to have some spicy ramen on a hot day.
Sasuga ojou-chan.
>When you just want to eat ramen but you've got a lost child on your hands.
>>414608 i hate when that happens
She's going around trying out all these international ramens.
if she thinks all ramen is good isnt that the same as all of them being bad i dont have a thinking picture
Good because that's a dumb mem.
Meme, even.
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
yuru camp! okay lets start!
Comfy camping
Making barbeque on a camping trip is a nice experience.
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 06 (…).jpg )
best girl of the season
>Nadeshiko's sister is pretty I KNOW RIGHT, SHIMARIN.
A real Nipponese cowboy!
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 06 (…).jpg )
thanks for anime!