>>413016 lol they forgot to texture her arms it's just wireframe
I was never particularly attracted to being a normie but I wanted to do it to prove to myself. prove to others. that i could do it that I wasn't somehow deficient that I chose to live the way I live, and if I wanted to go out and join my peers the only thing stopping me was my lack of interest.
but nights like tonight make me wonder maybe I can't. maybe I just inherently lack something that most people who go out and have fun seem to have
It bothers me a little.
Kirara 🚗
i think that if we could be normies, we would be i don't think normies could end up in a place like this even if we can act and look like a normie sometimes, we're here because there's something different about us
we might be lacking something others have in their heads but we have other stuff to make up for it
I'm a normie don't @ me if you're some weeb sperglord
I like normal things like action movies, music and anime.
Kirara 🚗
i bet you like things that aren't normal and also behave in ways that aren't normal too though
I do have a rather healthy obsession with large breasts yes but doesn't everyone like unnormal things
Kirara 🚗
no everyone except us is basically a clone
>>413020 i guesso. that makes me feel a little better actually.
here's the thing - i didn't even spurge out or drop my spaghetti I just went to this normie party thing - a toga party they were having on campus and the whole time there was a voice in the back of my head saying 'this is totally shithouse. I'm bored lets go home. and then there was another voice saying 'No. You came here to have 'fun'. start having fun. what the fuck is wrong with you. start enjoying yourself. stop being so fucking stiff. Loosen up. talk to people. enjoy yourself. '
and then I left 20 minutes later. because it was pretty shithouse
they do that toga stuff in australia too? never knew
Kirara 🚗
that do that everywhere i think at least in the west it seems pretty common
>>413028 yeah, i think it's easy to feel guilt or shame or something in those situations where you just aren't connecting with the situation in the same way everyone else is but not everyone enjoys that shit you don't see people who feel like you did there because they stay home or do something else
>>413029 American culture infects the world like a virus
I haven't seen it in the netherlands, but perhaps I don't go to the right parties
I think imats is pretty spot on I've also walked out of parties before, but have also attended many to the end but no shame in doing other shit, I have a few friends who don't drink and never party either
Kirara 🚗
we gotta follow our own hearts can't live someone else's life don't lose your waaaay
Kirara 🚗
i mean, how many of those schmucks at the party have done half of the shit you've done they probably wouldn't even enjoy it or entertain the idea of it but it's still cool as hell even if normies can't appreciate it
yeah, sometimes i dont use it that frequently because it's a really big time commitment
yeah I feel ya, it's one of the reasons why I've only done it twice so far same thing with shrroms, but I may partake in those again this weekend I'm dogsitting, so I'll have some good trip I hope. my mum's house is perfect for it, it's big and lives near nature
yeah for sure sometimes you can combine things though, like I sometimes chill with some mates when I'm stoned they don't even notice all of the times
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I bet you wish your wind team was cute like mine
Kirara 🚗
>>413047 what fucks me up is that like, i can't drive if im on anything so im stuck at home generally if i take anything and my days are basically like 2 hours of free time in between a class or two and then like three more hours of class and some days i have to provide therapy and i sure as hell can't walk around the clinic with drugged up looking eyes
>>413039 you think so? it doesn't interfere with my day too much i take it like twice a day except on real busy work days
oh yeah i guess i don't have to go out much
Kirara 🚗
imagine me trying to talk to substance abuse counselors with pinhole pupils lol
does kratom do that to you? it doesn't get me high at all
>>413049 ah yeah that's quite different I love in a relatively small city, so everything is cycling distance and I'm pretty much free every night after like 18h
Kirara 🚗
>>413053 i dont get high at all but the pupils make it obvious so i have to be careful
with your glasses i think nobody would notice
Kirara 🚗
a cop or client or colleague would
I definitely feel a certain high, especially about half an hour after taking it start to feel it in my head, but it's very different from weed
Kirara 🚗
the FDA just said that kratom is deadly because there have been 44 deaths in the last year
but most of those deaths weren't attributed to kratom
government is trying to prep people for outlawing it again
Kirara 🚗
well attempting again
government people sure hate weed I mean drugs for some reason do they never use it themselves?
Kirara 🚗
they use it all the time but they're also being paid to get it outlawed and know laws don't apply to them
I really like the chocolate milk tip you gave me it doesn't really dissolve well in it though, still get small aggregates that float in it
Kirara 🚗
yeah, that texture can be kind of gross haha
weed and shrooms taste terrible too, so at least I'm used to it but still would be nice if it tasted like sugar
Kirara 🚗
they make kratom chocolate
I could make kratom brownies I guess I think that would be fairly homogenously mixed together with the flour and sugar
Kirara 🚗
yeah, maybe I'd be worried about figuring out how much is fine to eat though if you go too far the kratom will fuck you up and make you sick for like 8 hours
yeah that's always difficult, gotta try small bits first I guess that's what I do when I make marijuana edibles too, I just take a small piece and see how it feels but with kratom there's a little more risk especially fi you don't mix it well and some parts of the brownies have a lot more and other almost none
20k feathers but I don't know who I want to promote This game will never give me another Sheena again...
Kirara 🚗
>>413069 yeah, i dig buying kratom chocolate is probably safe but i bet it's harder to eat than it normally is to drink
>>413071 can still be risky I read an article where they tested weed edibles and a lot of them had incorrect thc contents same with those cbd oils, some didn't even have anything
Kirara 🚗
yeah true it's fucked up that everything is so unsafe because it's illegal
i wonder if i'm actually taking the same stuff as you guys i have no problem with the kratom taste or flavor and it doesn't get me high or sick it just stabilizes my mood and gives me an appetite so i can eat
in just about every way i think it improves my health i have a hard time generally keeping food down and have a very unstable mood and a lot of bone pain kratom makes me feel very normal
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>413075 yeah but mostly what I'm already invested in rather than a lot of things
7 hours of C93 stuff
ah right Disc 2 of AD PIANO Noir I haven't played it yet
my c93 experience is really just me playing LAZ's Candle Magic 11.3 remix followed by Nhato's Usagi Daibakuhatsu remix on Solar
And then replaying Game is Over from LIVES like 10 times.
>>413077 >>413078 any albums you can recommend? I downloaded some from artists I know already, not much other stuff yet
Felt, Diao ye zong, Shibayan, Feryquitous, Diverse System's AD Piano, POP|CULTURE 7, Tamaonsen's LIVES, Diverse System's DEPTH Liz Triangle
I'll check some of them out, only know about FELT already
Shibayan's Solar is a Remix album. ...I'm fairly sure you probably know some Shibayan. probably not by name but most likely
ugh, GW2 crashing
K1.T: report pudge PUTANG INA NYO !: commend me K1.T: that hero does not work K1.T: does not do anything Mx3_B: Take out tusk and do not know how to lock the shit out K1.T: and you want to fight without bb xd CaOs®: YOU WITH BB OR WITHOUT BB CaOs®: NOTHING YOU DO Mx3_B: The very daughter of a bitch is told that I am the one with the link and the stupid girl is spending her time babysitting hitting relatives K1.T: it was 3 vs 5 K1.T: can not play K1.T: with those heroes Mx3_B: Stupidity of wind
ArenaNet decided to troll my profession today. We got lots of trait changes that screw with a few builds of mine but a particular trait in here is ... quite the joke. About a year ago, they were doing balance changes for the profession's Elite Specialization "Scrapper". Saying that things were not being used as optimally as they should because the effects seemed all over the place. The scrapper was supposed to be about control effects like stuns, dazes, and etc but they removed a lot of the dazes and stuff and added MORE DAMAGE. They said that they wanted to establish the "Purity of Purpose" for the skills. It became a great annoyance to many of us who actually liked the control (extra damage was nice though).
Anyway, now the new changes have a lot of new traits and removed traits that no one was using. One of the new traits is called "Purity of Purpose". And it's quite the funny trait because it's tied to one of the things that Engineers were notoriously bad at: Condition Cleansing. It's a REALLY GOOD TRAIT, mind you. But they removed the trait that cleanses when you use an Elixir and now Cleanses are harder to do so it's just... ????????????????????????????????????
On top of all this, I've been crashing constantly for weeks now. I thought it was just a post patch problem but I'm remembering now that this happened like four times last time I played.
people are really trashing my recruiting test it's kind of a bummer i put a lot of time and hard work into that
Maria, did you ever start watching those calculus lecture videos? If you did (or intend to) I have a recommendation for a place to do practice problems.
I started one and then I turned it off
Y tho? Is this the time it crashed or another time?
Maria Water you doing right now?
moe is it rude to quit a dishwashing job after just two shifts because it's shit also where did my name go
>>413130 What'd you say Thing is they told me that there weren't gonna be any other kitchen hands on my sunday shift and I don't just wanna fuck everyone else over
no I once quit a job after one shift
>>413129 he asked me if I was going to come back tomorrow and I answered with "no" you could do your sunday shift and then quit, or already say you quit but also tell them you are willing to work sunday
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It depends on your personal situation It could be extremely rude.
>>413132 what's dependent on my personal position What aspects
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If, say, you were without a job for quite some time, finally managed one, and then immediately quit, and were a burden onto your friend or roommate as a result, that's no good. You're maybe not being rude to the place who hired you as much as those people though.
Still probably a little rude to the person who hired you though. >>413135 That's a different personal situation then
I live with my parents and just wanted a summer job before I go back to uni. I haven't actually signed any paper work either they just had me do one shift last night
God I fucking hate mdf furniture so goddamn mmuch *much
There's a laser technology conference near me soon Two actually, but registration costs hundreds of dollars I think they're both for manufacturing technologies
Oh wait there's a subset that you can get in for $50
I got an email back from that company, but I'm too nervous to read it right now.
YuuKirara 🚗
>>413135 Just say you don't think the job is for you and apologize. They have other potential dishwashers.
Is the dishwashing life a tough one?
Stop dishwashing you're taking away jobs from the robots
When I came up with a relatively simple partially automated dishwashing device (not a dishwasher machine) as an idea for an assitive technology for people with dexterity issues or other motion limiting stuff my dad said it was useless because he knew a girl who had no arms who would wash dishes with her feet.
The real reason automated dishwashing devices are useless is because you can throw a part timer out when it breaks but you have to fix the machine.
Listen kid everything's eventually going to be replaced with robots you and I included
I have a job that robots won't replace, fortunately.
>this is what people actually believe Although from what little I know about your job I do think you're safe. You'll probably be dead by the time the technology being sold is that advanced.
No I will make sure it will be replaced
Just for the sake of proving what I said because I don' tlike being wrong
>>413153 If I get replaced, that means we'll have robots that completely emulated people. If we get to that point no one will have to work! Or everyone will be dead and there will only be robots.
Kirara 🚗
robots might not want to work if they're basically people it'd just be like having a larger labor pool
>robots might not want to work we're not gonna program them with emotions and shit dude
Kirara 🚗
sounds like they can't do rikas job then
Anyways my profession will probably be safe about as long as any. Excluding super *some super niche stuff maybe.
They can't take my job if they don't have emotions and shit.
Well Technically they don't have to have emotions, they just need to seem like they do. But I'm not going to get into that.
they just have to imitate and preceive emotions and react accordingly
Kirara 🚗
if their emotional expression is the same as a human's, we can't really claim they don't have emotions
>>413162 >>413163 How does that make them any different than normies, then? Normies can do my job, sometimes.
>>413164 You can program a robot to smile but that doesn't mean that it's feeling happiness
Kirara 🚗
>>413166 i can smile but that doesn't mean im feeling happiness
>>413164 >>413166 That means it doesn't neccesarily feel happiness.
Kirara what would you do if someone walked into the therapist room and said "i don't know why I'm here my mum just told me to go here and she already paid for the session"
>>413177 did your mum at least give you a hint as to what she wants you to get out if it
>>413179 I think she said something about I forgot
Oh yeah it was about me not making any social connections
Kirara 🚗
she wants you to have like normie friends or something?
Please don't bring "normie" stuff into this.
Kirara 🚗
it sounds like that's what she wants so im asking if that's what she wants
It fucking isn't you chode. She wants him to have friends. In this context its not neccesarily "normie" friends. It would be a disservice to him if you brought "normie" stuff into this, because he respects you as a person in this field.
>>413182 No she wants me to have any friends Or any sort of relationship outside of the family and the internet
>>413187 i don't really care if I have irl friends but I feel like the social isolation might bite me in the ass later and that I'll have failed to develop critical social skills or something
If Hrrm
Kirara 🚗
>>413188 That might be what you want to tell the therapist
I think you should talk about this with your therapist And maybe not bring it here rightnow.
As someone who has historically socially isolated themselves I can attest to it interfering with social skills. Well not neccesarily but it can happen.
you're good lads
I don't believe that social skills are a thing. Social anxiety is though, contact with people can help you not feel the anxiety.
Are social skills a spook?
Kirara 🚗
social skills are definitely a thing Social skills training teaches people a lot of useful skills that can improve social interaction, like improving rate of speech, nonverbal behaviors, tone, better navigating conversations Many times people have anxiety about social situations because they lack skills
Also Rika that's really really funny that you believe that.
Like you have absolutely no idea how much fucking therapy I needed before I was able to interact with people properly much of the time.
Isolate someone their whole life then stick them in a social situation see how well they do
>>413199 It's anxiety that will sink them there, though.
Okay, what if hypothetically they don't have social anxiety. But they still don't interact "properly" in social situations. What then?
a lot of people lack social skills and don't have social anxiety too
People without anxiety seem to do mostly fine even if they're a little boorish. I think anxiety is the biggest obstacle to interacting well with people.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hello yes this is ton
Kirara 🚗
>>413204 for some people, that is the primary problem for others, it is not
I made the mistake of telling someone in my cohort, well, a few people, that a friend had completed suicide over the weekend. Now everyone seems to know about it and everyone is offering me their "thoughts and prayers" and offering me support which is very kind of them but I'm also being treated like I'm fragile, now. Someone asked me if I thought I'd be okay to attend class today because we were talking about suicide assessment and a professor pulled me aside and told me I could skip class if I needed to because she was worried the suicide assessment stuff might trigger me.
I appreciate and am humbled by the concern I'm being shown but I don't like being treated like I'm fragile. It's a really weird feeling.
does it feel condescending is that the word
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that is probably the word you're going for
Kirara 🚗
Nah. They're really, genuinely concerned. I've been getting messages since Monday evening about it and people offering to help me however they can. Someone offered to bring me food and told me I should stay home. It feels so strange. I'm not used to kindness like this. Is this what normal people get from their peer groups?
Kirara 🚗
I don't really understand why they're so adoring of me. Sometimes it feels unrealistic. I've been trying to figure out if they've been fucking with me by loving me so much, like, pretending or something, but it always seems like they legitimate are just incredibly fond of me. But it's weird that they're so fond of me because I didn't socialize with them until I'd already known them for two semesters and even then I barely did until recently. But they liked me before I opened up to them.
I like to joke that I have A rank charisma skill or something but it really does seem bizarre to me that I'm beloved like I am by people I barely know. I try not to be suspicious about it because I know I get suspicious really easily.
>>413211 I don't think it's an abnormal reaction to have when someones friend dies
Kirara 🚗
>>413213 I guess I'm the weird one I've never had people I know offline really support me in hard times Every time I've tried to open up to a friend group, they've shut me down
Yeah, I think that's a pretty normal reaction.
Kirara 🚗
Back when Teacup died, i didn't really have a friend group, but I managed to get one in the months following it so one time I tried to open up about her death to them and they basically ignored me They just dismissed it
>>413214 I dunno what was going on with your previous friend groups then
>>413216 Well, telling someone you're in their thoughts and prayers and giving them an easy time in class is easy. The stuff you went through with Teacup was heavy, really heavy. People love making those easy little gestures and helping just a little bit, but they recoil from the heavy stuff. Most people get freaked out and distant when confronted with the really heavy stuff.
>>413214 i know how that feels i had a hard time finding the support i needed a lot too
Kirara 🚗
>>413218 My cohort has been really supportive and interested in learning about Teacup and Saku's deaths even though they're heavy things They've offered me support there too They've all been offering me an ear to talk to too
>>413219 I'm sure I've been guilty of dismissing you when you've needed support
Well, I think it's great that they're offering you support.
I've generally found that people are willing to help up to a point, but most aren't willing to cross the line when you're up with someone until 3 AM staring into their soul even though you have work the next day. Only the best of friends are willing to take on your burdens as if they were their own.
Kirara 🚗
It's nice but it's really uncomfortable I've never had that kind of support before I've never been treated like I was fragile before Like when my grandfather died, I had professors telling me i need to come to class after the funeral, /// well, they let me go to the funeral but told me the day after the funeral, I had to be in class
I feel like I've never actually been treated like a human being until recently and now I have a learn to be a person even though personhood has always been denied to me People have been so eager to advocate for me and help me with whatever I need and I have to learn how to stop being so self-reliant and count on other people now
It kind of sucks
I think feeling a little a bit uncomfortable with that sort of thing is normal. You're more person-like than you think!
Kirara 🚗
I didn't mean to spoil this.
>>413223 I dunno. I think I'm broken in ways I didn't realize until recently.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm going to take a wrench to you
>>413224 Well, in this situation your reaction is pretty normal. People don't like being made to feel fragile. It makes them feel vulnerable.
Kirara 🚗
I'm sure most people would not feel so astounded that it's happening, though. And I think I'm probably affected by it more than the average person, too.
I'm probably quitting my D&D group. I've been in it on and off (mostly on) for about a decade. But the DM is kind of a dick and unrepentant about it. Part of it is that people are hesitant to give him hard actual feedback on anything because he can be sensitive about some stuff (in a really weird way). Also pretty much every time I'd given him all the feedback I wanted to he started crying.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I should look into good teas.
I asked because I'm considering cutting down on soda even though I've swapped to strictly diet around once ad ay if that (as opposed to old habits), but realized that I don't really "enjoy" drinking water. Like water is really good at quenching your thirst but I don't enjoy the taste. I don't dislike it, but I don't like it, you know. >>413238 I've tried stuff like that and honestly they make them taste worse to me.
Kirara 🚗
You can buy powders that make your water taste fruity and stuff. I don't really like them, though.
Tea is really good. I recently picked up some Darjeeling and it's wonderful.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I tried that lipton green tea prepackaged stuff but I am very well aware that's not what you're drinking.
Kirara 🚗
Lipton's black tea is drinkable, but I don't really like it much.
Twinnings is a brand that's really good and easy to find. They have a combo pack that comes with 5 varieties of black tea, four or five of each variety. I'd recommend trying that to get a feel for what you like.
You'll also want o play with sugar and stuff. I find Earl Grey is best with a bit of milk and one sugar, while the Irish Breakfast is fine without sugar. I like one sugar in Orange Pekoe and two in Darjeeling and Yorkshire. I don't put any sugar in green.
>>413237 Diet soda is bad for you in different ways than regular soda.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>413241 Oh I'm aware. But my primary concern was calorie intake.
I think some people also put honey in their tea.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, it's not really my style, so I don't know which teas benefit from it most, but it's definitely a popular way to take your tea.
Wait I have a solution Don't drink anything Just use a saline IV
Kirara 🚗
drink everything
There's also stuff like vitamin water. Not sure about the calories but i think it has less than soda.
>>413246 i wonder how easy it is to get fat off soylent
>>413248 Well Soylent Green is people. So it depends on how fat the people its made of were.
Also my shoulder hurts Not in a "wow this hurts so much I can't focus" way But a "huh whenever i try to do things with this arm its seems to hurt" in addition to the background dull pain
Kirara 🚗
>>413248 i wonder how easy it is to switch to soylent and not destroy your health
Depends on how healthy the people its made from were.
Kirara 🚗
ive been thinking about trying soylent for a while now just for a meal when im short on time but the idea of them disgusts me
>>413252 are there dangers associated with switching too fast? i assumed you just started chugging
>>413254 what about those instant breakfast drinks? i used to put em in protein shakes and they were good like really thick choclate milk
>>413255 going from eating solid food to nothing but liquids makes people get sick with soylent some people get really messed up from it until their body acclimates but then you get fucked up if you eat solid food again
Huh Apparently it's not allowed to be imported into canada.
Doesn't meat their requirements for their FDA equivalent. *meet
Fucking hell An astronaut snuck a corned beef sandwich into the rocket for his buddy during the Gemini III mission.
Huh Apparently food tastes different in space. https://history.nasa.gov/SP-4208/ch15.htm#292
>>413237 if you don't like water, try pairing it with something like crackers and cheese eat a cracker and cheese and you'll probably want a glass of water
Kirara 🚗
or wine
>>413282 that was the one that died recently, John Young
>>413306 during combat buffs stack The ones that don't stack are the ones that increase out of combat. goad stacks hone doesn't lucina's falchion stacks
also fury is a base stat increase and doesn't count as a "buff"
Kirara 🚗
for lasagna
Kirara 🚗
goat stacks
ravens weapon is hauteclere equivalent caeda's wing sword is effective against armor and cavalry both are 16 damage
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Ah the grape ape you never fail to amaze
Kirara 🚗Kirara 🚗Ko-Shi
ecksachs ability doesn't affect dragons lol what a devoted guy
Distant Def 18 on my boy Zeph
Kirara 🚗
the dream
>>413343 Oh neat, I guess they are planning new events.
That >>413342 ? ? ? is probably the town building thing they're thinking about.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i think so too
Still don't know who I'm upgrading. I have 4* of each of the people with new weapons. I probably won't go with Raven since I just rolled Minerva and 5* Michalis (which I wouldn't have done if I got that Minerva first)
Kirara 🚗
i need to upgrade alm's sword
I have a bunch of feathers around but haven't really used them. I may put a blade tome on summer corrin. That's really the only upgrade plan I have right now.
I like this game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I also kidn of like that game. Seihou is pretty ok Vivit's second theme is probably one of my favorite ZUN tracks
>>413354 Shuusou Gyoku's OST is pretty top notch. My favorite tracks are probably the stage 3 theme and Vivit's final theme.
>>413374 This has been a feature for months. See at the top where it says [dual] in the OP? There's a way you can switch the side your posts come in on. It's dual sides.
>>413388 Oh I know, I'm not going to never cook again just from that. But it is funny that I tried and immediately just went "yeah I can keep the heat on this sauce indefinitely and nothing will go wrong, right?"
>>413390 I'm trying to decide whether to play Seihou or do homework.
What kind of homework?
>>413393 Database stuff. I switched to online-only classes, which is a pretty major load off my back.
Also The Manga Guide to Databases is actually a decent book. As an introductory text
Is there a Manga Guide to Game Engine Development?
If there is it hasn't been translated to english Probably
Also if you actually plan on doing that I hope you already know how to program. Cause a book on game engine development wouod most likely not cover programming basics.
I know the basics, though I'm a bit rusty.
Also I need to get better at memory management, if I were to make a game engine I'd probably do it in C.
Good C is great Also if you're talking about memory management you're likely already a better systems programmer than me.
I've mainly used garbage collected languages.
>>413402 I took a class in C and found it pretty enjoyable, but most of my experience is unfortunately in Java.
>>413408 Python is my favorite scripting language, but I haven't used it for anything too big.
>current orbs: 0
In Python I wrote some stuff that didn't fully work from one of those "the last two digits of your post number decide your programming project" But I have fixed other people's python programs that I needed to use.
>>413416 A little, but it was surprisingly easy. It wasn't aggressive enough to press me because my playstyle is evasive and Kirin's attacks are mostly pinpoint accuracy. So I could just move a little and keep attacking.
Feels pretty good, eh.
>>413414 I need to do more programming in general. I was working on a fork of Clover a while back and that was the last project I touched, but I haven't worked on that in almost 9 months now.
I stopped for the most part after losing my Mathematica license.
>>413415 Yeah, it's kind of neat how certain monsters are easier or harder for people. I have a lot of trouble with a lot of the lightning monsters like the Kirin, or ones that aren't in World yet like Zinogre or Khezu. I was ROTTEN at fighting the Khezu in Freedon Unite until I needed one of their parts for a Longsword I was trying to build. And the resulting grind to get that part made me damn good at killing them.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>413411 I spend my orbs when there are cute girls on the banner
I also need to study Japanese more. Haven't done that in well over 9 months.
Kirara 🚗
>>413420 I think Kirin would have been really hard if I had a different play style. One of the few attacks that actually hit me stunned me, and it has those AOE lightning strikes around it so being close to it could be pretty dangerous.
The hardest thing for me so far is the Lavasioth. Harder than elder dragons! I can't effectively dodge it because it seals off my room with those trails of lava as it goes around me in circles and it has these big lava AOE projectiles that I don't time well enough to avoid damage from.
In the past I've found a lot of the Elder Dragon fights to not be hard, per se, but long, endurance-testing slogs. It's easier to avoid mistakes but you spend more time risking them and they're more punishing than wyverns and other species. Of course there's exceptions to this though.
I don't think I've fought many Lavasioth, but I don't like fighting in the Volcano/Lava-y maps they tend to show up on. Too many environmental hazards.
I've fought two Elder Dragons so far. Nergigante, who was pretty hard until I dedicated some time to fully mastering my bow. And Kirin. Nergigante is really aggressive but his targeting priority is kind of wonky and he didn't spend as much time coming after me as he should have. But he was really fun in that Dark Soulsy adrenaline kind of way where you know you gotta dodge nearly every attack or you'll die and those narrow dodges get really exciting.
I have Kushala Daora and Teostra unlocked but I haven't fought them yet because I want to get a proper dragon weapon with Elderseal.
My favourite Elder Dragons to fight are the ones that are sheer titanic in size compared to the player character. They're not particularly challenging but there's something totally awesome about fighting a mountain of a monster like that. It looks like World already has at least one in its monster list. I hope they add some of the older ones to the game.
Kirara 🚗
Oh yeah, Zorah Magdaros is really big. I've fought that too. It's really cool how you can run around on its back and stuff.
There's this one Elder Dragon that's only shown up in one of the MMOs which is beyond crazy huge. Nope, Wikia's too much of a piece of shit to find it. But it's a long, wurm-style dragon that's long enough to wrap around the entire arena you fight it in. I've always been sour that they never made it to the main series.
ToNKirara 🚗
>>413430 this doesn't even work with that facial expression
>>413431 It totally does She's smiling with contempt Look at the posture, she's looking down on whoever she's looking at
play with a group of dishes
Kirara 🚗
>>413432 but she has that gentle smile, there's no disgust in her eyes and a slight blush
>>413434 It's a slight smile, but I see smugness in it The eyes are gentle, but only because she knows she doesn't have to fear garbage. They don't show disgust but pity
Yeah with any luck the super-warm reception World has had will drive them to add in a bunch of the classic monsters like some of the ones from here.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, five mil copies in just the first week
Kirara 🚗
they did say they're planning for regular updates starting in spring
The critical numbers are how many copies they've sold outside Japan though. MonHun selling super-well in Japan is pretty par the course. It's not uncommon for the game to be a console seller for a lot of people too. How well it's doing in the rest of the world is the most important.
I can't find my garbage picture but that's totally the wrong expression.
Should I take up a name? Would you guys mind that? Prefer it?
Kirara 🚗
>>413444 Looks like it's no 1 selling game in UK right now.
>>413446 Do what makes you happy. You can use a name if you want.
From what I've seen it's doing really well on XBOX too, hitting really high sales numbers on its best selling boards. And generally the reception I've seen has been exceptional too.
>>413446 I dunno you tell me Do you think you should wear a name?
It's not even out on pc yet too
Yeah that too. It's probably not as relevant for Japan but for international markets a good slice of the potential market is probably holding off for the PC release too.
Kirara 🚗
When it had sold 5 mil copies on the 31st, only like 2 mil were from Japan, it looks like. But foreign sales have gotten bigger since then.
>>413447 >>413449 I don't want to seem like I'm "forcing my way in" or anything.
>>413453 lol that's what I did Just talk to people. If you want to be recognized, wear a name. /moe/'s been starved of new blood so it's not like people would object to it
>>413446 i mean there's not really enough people that normally come here for you to be actually anonymous do as thou wilt
Kirara 🚗
>>413453 It'll be fine. We'll know you're you even if you don't use a name. Do what makes you feel more comfortable.
This Minerva is -at k I'm upset
why do my axe units come
>>413454 >>413455 >>413456 Fair enough. I've used names in other places before, just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be a nuisance in doing so here.
Forgot to actually put it on though, lol.
Kirara 🚗
Just do you. If you happen to overstep your bounds somehow, someone will let you know and then we'll get over it.
>>413456 I might not It takes me a bit to recognize which anon is which
>https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/highway-robbery-chinese-man-steals-and-sells-off-road-9921874 >An enterprising thief in eastern China has given new meaning to the phrase "highway robbery" by stealing an 800m-long stretch of concrete road overnight, a Chinese media report said.
episode 4 was so fucking good Before I was really eeeeeeeeehhhh on the show and prepared to drop it But that tango, and that smile, and the way the mc confessed to 00, and then there were those really cool shots when they took down the klaxasour, that stuff was great. It made me feel all happy inside for these two dumb kids
Kirara 🚗
I hope it gets really hot blooded.
I hope the other pilots do something though and it's not just horned robot saves the day every fight
>>413521 They always do that in mecha. Even if it's just shown for like 5 seconds cuz they want you to buy all the toys These designs would be pretty hard to make toys out of though
Kirara 🚗
i bet we're not going to see the kids for at least four episodes 00 will be sent to the front lines and the kids will show up eventually way cooler
They all have been shown in a lot of the key visuals and PV art from before the show's airing.
Kirara 🚗
I hope 00's mech does more lion shit because that form was so cool
>>413519 I'm not talking about the robots, nerd. The other kids have been featured in the PV art a relatively high amount compared to Hiro and Zero-Two.
So a friend of mine found an amusing conspiracy theory news website and one of their authors is kind of nuts. Sorry, all of them are.
Wait not PV art I'm being slow and tired. That phrase doesn't even really make sense. Just promotional art.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>413525 For a second there, I was a bit lost, but you corrected yourself, so it's all good.
Kirara 🚗Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I like how the color fades from live posts now. That's new.
It's a bit detrimental to group anime watching. We use the change of colour to mark start and the immediate flash over is undeniably easier for that.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>413530 That's why we stole Meguca's syncwatch timer. Which is a little convoluted...
I mean it's not an issue. We're all competent enough to start on time. Aside from Ika but he never starts on time anyway so that's just how it goes. It was just clearer when the posts turned to blue instantly.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Yeah, I can see, though it looks like now the transparency disappears when you close the post. So maybe that could be a thing...
Kirara 🚗
you gotta fight for your right to suck a fat dick
Speaking of transparency Transparent thumbnails when?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>413536 There used to be transparent spoilers, and still might be if I'm not crazy.
>>413537 Spoilers are semi-transparent when put in place by users. Opaque spoilers are when Rika or Samu put the spoiler onto something.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>413539 I knew that, I just didn't remember if they were still transparent, because we had to change that for some reason... I think...
Ah I see. Yeah it never changed here.
The source imagez for the spoilers are transparent, but that's so that they can be placed over the thumbnail without blocking all of it.
Kirara 🚗Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I wish I could remember why we changed it... I had a great idea that I pushed to place the spoilers via JS but the guy who does all that stuff (because I ain't there yet) said no.
Kirara 🚗
Y'all not doing anime tonight?
>>413545 How/where do you guys do that anyway? Sitting down to watch things isn't something I'm very good at but I might like to pop in from time to time all the same.
We should? I haven't seen Rika in a bit, and Ika hasn't posted his single main thread post of "anime" yet. Maybe her Internet is dead again.
>>413546 Starting (ideally) at 00:00 EST, we go through four or so shows a night here on /moe/. It's open to anyone who's interested, but there's usually only three of us that watch it. There'll be an anime thread that usually gets linked in the main thread.
We all start on time by having someone, Rika pretty much as long as she's watching the show, go orange and then we all make an orange post. Once she closes her post and it goes blue, that's when we start.
Kirara 🚗
>>413546 I usually just watch everything with my girlfriend at my house, but the folks that watch it online just start at the same time and talk about it while they watch.
And speaking of anime time, it's time!
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Speak of the devil and she shall appear.
>>413548 >>413549 I see. So it's not a stream or anything like that?
>>413554 Nope. You've got to get the show on your own terms.
Also, welcome, newfriend!
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>413554 As someone who tried doing the streaming thing, it's fucking wonky.
bayngeKirara 🚗
Lazarus has this problem where he obsessively tries to bury his feces to the point that he basically shovels litter out of the box. He just shoveled his shit out of the box, too. I can't wait for the new litter box to arrive.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>413561 That's just a cat thing. They all seem to overdo it and get shit everywhere.
Kirara 🚗
ive never had a cat that did that unless the box needed to be scooped
>>413556 Makes sense. I have my ways of doing so. What kinds of shows do you guys usually watch? Are cutesy slice-of-lifes common?
>>413565 Short answer, everything. Within some relative degree of personal interest we usually trial at least everything full-length that airs in a season and some shorts that catch our attention. This season we're watching... Fate/EXTRA Last Encore, Nanatsu no Taizai, Koi wa Ameagari no You ni, 3-gatsu no Lion, Black Clover, Beatless, Cardcaptor Sakura, Citrus, Dagashi Kashi, Dame x Prince, Darling in the FranXX, Death Match kara etc., Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan, Grancrest Senki, Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, Hakumei to Mikochi, Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san, Kokkoku, Marchen Madchen, Mitsuboshi Colors, Overlord, Pop Team Epic, Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san, Ryuuou no Oshigoto, Slow Start, Sora yori mo Tooi Basho, Takunomi, Toji no Miko, Yuru Camp, and Violet Evergarden. Maybe one or two others I missed but I think that's a comprehensive list.
>>413561 I knew a cat like that. He was really compulsive about trying to cover his poo.
Is weird how much cats differ on their litter capabilities.
>>413570 I used one of those for my childhood cat, since she lived in my room. You can get some with little air filters on the top too. They help a little. but only a little.
Kirara 🚗
>>413574 I'm getting one of those. It doesn't smell, though. I have good litter. The only problem is that he shovels the litter out of the box.
I hate cat litter too. It's such a pain.
cat that does their stuff outside, best cat well winters are still an issue
>>413567 Cool! I've been meaning to watch a few of those anyway. Is there a schedule that you guys are on, i.e. certain shows on certain days?
>>413582 We have no set schedule, but these are the days the shows air on in time to get watched at watching time. Unless there's some backlog from too many shows airing in a day to get watched -- we usually limit to four shows a night -- shows usually get watched on the night they air.
>>413586 Well for example, take Saturday. We watch from those shows, Citrus, FranXX, Slow Start, Pop Team Epic, Fate/EXTRA, 3-gatsu, and Mahoutsukai. For four shows, we'd probably pick the four of those we like the most. The rest would get saved for later days where we don't have four shows airing that day, like Sunday or Monday. There's a bit more nuance than that but the short of it is, whatever we don't watch that night, we put off for a later day of the week.
>>413609 Yup, sometimes the right kind of bad novel is more entertaining than a mediocre unimaginative novel.
>>413611 speaking of stuff read the ore to kawazu isekai thing
>>413608 Weeeell. Ideally. Scheduling doesn't always work out and some times a backlog builds up. For example we currently have a backlog of three episodes of Carcaptor and two for Dagashi. Some of us keep track of what's not been watched yet, and we usually post the entire backlog and things that aired that day at the start of the thread. So checking in on what's not been watched is pretty easy.
>>413613 I've been reading it since the first chapter came out
That is a solid good one the death march has fun world building and stuff, but otherwise it is just well there the mc isn't bad but neither good the author seems to be bit of a lolicon, though
But is bit weird how most isekai are light novels I don't think the type of story really works in that format so well I say manga is suited best for this stuff
Well Actually historically isekai anime have been adapted from light novels Even before the ln adaptation boom
Kirara 🚗
if you were Elon Musk, would you consider hiding the body of someone you killed in a space suit and sending it into space in a car?
>>413619 I know maybe it is a cultural difference and is just how the young like tor ead the light books I mean I can't say I havn't done similiar, I own a fuckton of cheap fantasy novels like warcraft and diablo books bought during high school
>>413620 Yes but I'd have the ship explode as an "accident" Or have it burn up in reentry
Kirara 🚗
>>413622 you could just dissolve the body in acid or something if you wanted to do that
>>413620 Better idea It's in a spacesuit in the trunk
>>413625 Because a living body wouldn't last that long?
>>413627 It would become a dead body after not too long.
>>413619 I recant this statement I may or may not restate it after further review
Kirara 🚗
>>413628 Oh, wait, I see your point. You could put them in a space suit they can't escape from or move in and launch it into space. Damn, that's a good ass murder method. I'm surprised at you.
>>413629 Well the genre is still fun if they can pair up with a good artist it is easy way to explore familiar fantasy settings in new light, though most isekai are just powerfantasy crap and harems I mean death march most definitely is quite run of the mill series when it comes to this stuff.
>>413616 The best thing Death March has going for it is that it's got a lot of cute girls and it's not offensively unpalatable. It gets pretty game-y at times but it's a "trapped in a video game" isekai so whatever. It also has a pretty solid OP and ED to look forward to.
Kirara 🚗
>>413632 That's a really great way to kill someone.
>>413633 Yup and the author has done some thought to their setting and world and the main character isn't the type to abuse their power or go on the usual pwoetrip stuff, which on /are the dime and dozen of the genre
>>413634 He even slapped a "don't panic" sign on the dashboard for them to look at as they sat on the launch pad awaiting their fate.
oh yeah here is a new one that is bit more of a sol
bayngeKirara 🚗
>>413636 It's too bad Musk doesn't have the balls for that.
>>413636 Was it written in large friendly letters?
>>413640 I think it was undeniably supposed to be super Hitchiker's style.
I'm conflicted about being the only person who cares enough about this game to score it.
>>413637 I read like 50 chapters of the webnovel *30
Kirara 🚗
I can't into bullet hells.
>>413644 I dislike the webnovels they are just like reading> >greentext
>>413646 I'm starved for stimulation, so I just read them to distract me from stuff.
>>413639 Maybe he's just done a really really good job keeping it on the downlow.
Kirara 🚗
>>413648 Yeah, maybe I've disposed of some bodies in volcanoes and kept it on the down low, too.
That would actually be damn hard to pull off
Kirara 🚗
not with a helicopter
with a helicopter especially so
Or a lot of rope. But there's little in the world that's difficult without suffient amounts of rope.
Can you pilot a helicopter?
Kirara 🚗
you could also use a catapult >>413654 i can get a helicopter pilot
>>413655 a trebuche woul work better though techincally trebuche is a catapult too
issue with helicopter is the air currents over volcanoes, especially the active ones.
>Without people noticing Go to a particularly remote volcano It's still not practical though, its just more practical than a helicopter
I made a trebuchet out of popsicle sticks as a project for my high school phsyics class, that was pretty fun.
>>413664 nah I men how do you just pull that and no one notices
Kirara 🚗
there are a lot of volcanos that you could just go hang out at and aee nobody
>>413667 the ones with easy access have tourism around them the ones that don't have easy access, mean you need quite big logistical capacity to construct the damn thing
Kirara 🚗
you can construct it elsewhere and move it
also a lot of manpower
>>413669 a trebuchee that can lob 50-100kg projectiles? it will be big
>>4136615 Yeah, I would!
Okay A very large ddrone There are ddrones that can carry people for like 15 minutes
>>413673 now we are talking, though high chance the drone mightn ot survive once again air current problems, cause of the heat
Kirara 🚗
>>413672 Well, I'd never ever ever kill anyone! In cold blood.
>>413675 Yeah but alall iit nneeds to do is fall into yhe volcano, not hhover over iit abd drop a cirpse before flying away Plus Quadro or however many rotors you have copters are much much more maneuverable than helicopters
BUt I'd just cement shoes and ocean if I wanted to dispose of someone and also the sea would do my work for me, no need toa ctually kill someone
>>413677 Drones have helped a lot in volcanic exploration and measurements, but the research teams lose a lot of them good thing for wireless connections, so the data is never lost
Kirara 🚗
owning a farm with pigs
Well a farm with a field would work too human body would be a great fertiliser
Modern techniques for finding human rremains are pretty gogood. Burying it in a field (unless really deep) isn't the best hiding place. Not that its not good But it's not volcano tier
btw rei what would you call only sense? it is kinda isekai, but it actually isn't since it is just a game
But I do wonder how far into th e future, it will be before we have complete VR MMOs or other games where you can actually senses tuff and shit
Or is it a scifi tech always
Define "full vr" And "sense stuff"
>>413698 well let's just use the most famous example, like sao
I'm actually not 100% familiar with its stuff. Also I expected you to say The Matrix But If we mean unconscious irl and stuff wired to nerves Hrrrm
We are talking anime stuff, but yeah matrix would work too but with bit more fail safes than that
I can't ssay for sure I know some people in that field though
Man I wish there was a nearby stores I want something swet with my coffee donuts or shit
And by "field" i mean doing shit directly with nerves to make artificial ssensations
Mm oh wow now I saw the zoom in thing
But just makes you think of the consequences we already have people dying of too long game sessions, but if you are entirely in a world where your mind is detached from your body...
Anyways in terms of like what's feasible with current technology disregarding any sort of major break through Haptic feedback, vvr hheadsets, spherical (or whatever they're called) treadmills and some other shit I ccant recall the name of Is what we're stuck with
Hooking people's brains up to computers sounds kinda impractical and dangerous.
>>413707 With a price tag of too much >>413708 indeed not even considering the more cyperpunky risks, but just imagine people playing full immersion games and then coming up against some real life phobia monsters or experiencing a really traumatic experience in game or how taxing would it be to the brain to do such activities for say 8 per day? Not to mention the people who do day to two long marathons
>>413710 Ehhh, maybe, but it nneeds tto bbe ddeveloped into consumer technology and come out of the lab
>>413710 It may or may not be taxing The tech doesn't eexist yeyet But it's nnot "your brain is processing shit to render graphics" That level of stuff is just overriding the sensory nerves to receive ffrom the vr world and then redirecting motor control impulses to tthe vr world
>>413713 Yeah it could basically be similiar to a sleep status in terms of activity But I didn't mean using a person's brain to process stuff, just that you still use your brain input to move your virtual self in that world
>>413714 No dude It's the sasame aas mmoving irl The nerve signals get redirected to vr, iinstead of going to yoyr arm for example
>>413716 YEs and during sleep your brain also cuts the nerve signals to body so that you don't accidentally move in your dreams and when that bit fails a bit, you have those weird sleep jerks
>>413717 In this cacase they aren't "cut off", they're redirected. Iirc in tge sleep thing they just aren't ssent at all
yes they aren't cut by you, but I started thinking that the whole playign of the full immersion games could be accomplished with a similiar state as sleep so it could actually count as low level rest, wwell wouldn't prolly remove tiredness as you actually didn't sleep but it would count as physical rest at the very least
Anyways this stuff is 20 years away at the very least (technology does not advance linearly, in some cases it can advance very quickly so im accounting for a possible exponential aadvance, or large ppolynomial advance)
gah I should remove all other versions of beethoven's 9th than that wiener philharmonics one
from this playlist
>>413721 Would actually be fun to have a series that actually isn't about the game or its players but some company people who need to deal with the issues the game produces
I'm pretty sure there's some regular scifi about that.
Also, how many pre 2010 isekai anime can you name off the top of your head?
hmm lotgh is post 2010 sao is too, right? *lotgh lol Log horizon
digimon would count but it started in the 90s
and rayearth and twelve kingdoms
but those are the traditional "pops into fantasy world" I can't really think of any game ones or gamelike or "hey this is the fantasy world of my books/comics/games" >>413742 I mean like overlord or such where it is gamelike world
Game ones aren't isekai Err Not trapped in mmmo ones anyways
>>413752 Let's you skip all the bullshit involved But if I went and watched show that was about mechas, I'd want it to go into suuper detail why it works and why they use the humanoid form of all forms and not some other forms too like spiderstuff or shit
Mecha shows make ten times more sense when you think of them as Japanese super heroes like they were in the 70s
I bet, but I don't that much enjoy the superhero genre either.
>>413759 No I mean mecha Tokusatsu does include plenty of super heroes But I'm talking about 70s super robot anime
I meant instead of "japanese suoer heroes from the 70's"
Like look at say, getter
>>413762 >Tokusatsu (特撮) is a Japanese term that applies to any live-action film or television drama that features considerable use of special effects (tokusatsu literally translates as "special filming" in Japanese). Why would I refer to anime with this turn
>>413773 I think I have seen bits of this once maybe on tv even
>>413779 >maybe on tv even Really? I'd be very surprised if this got broadcast outside of Japan, let alone Finland
or some VHS but the characters look familiar >>413780 cable is a thing
and satellite
Maria, tell me when you can't think of anymore.
I'm done
Okay, I'm going to briefly look over what was listed before I do mine. So i don't list any redundant ones.
Those Who Hunt Elves, El-Hazard, Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure, Fushigi Yugi, Kyo Kara Maou, Zero no Tsukaima, some may argue Inuyasha, some may argue Spirited Away, Tsubada Reservoir Chronicles, *Tsubasa
>>413790 I wouldn't count inuyasha, since it is time travel
>>413790 and tsubasa is a can of worms I don't want to open ever again
>>413793 It's in continuity with Blood-C And possibly blood+
>>413792 Hence "some may argue", I've seen stuff that's even further away called isekai.
Anyways, Blood-C is also in continuity with Card Captor Sakura.
>>413799 Well not really blood+ cause vampires in that are big demon bats and the high school stuff is dropped by episode 3 or 4 of the 50 or so long series
Fuck I always remember that damn /ss/ scene with the sayas real sister and her adopted brother
Then C is what I was thinking about
>>413803 Only thing good in that continuity was xxxHolic
I liked Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. The world-bouncing they did is still a plot idea I'm really fond of.
>>413819 random cameo doesn't make a series good you might watch a movie for a twist, but 5+ hours for some final episode schenanigans nope I dropped it in ep 2 or 3 because boring
Not a cameo
A 12 episode sseries is not 5+ hours, but I get what you mean.
>>413823 25x12=5 hours "but episode is just 20 minutes" add tot hat small pauses, occasionally watching both ending and opening, pausing to do other stuff etc etc and you have the bare minimum of 5 hours as someone who in general one sits his shows, I can attest taht 12/3 episode anime takes bare minimum of 6 hours to sit through
>>413824 It's closer to 20 minutes than 25 Plus many people do not watch the oopening and ending everysingke episode
Now you are just arguing minor things and once again I do have a lot of experience on this as I generally one sit my shows
My general estimation rule is 1 episode = 20 minutes
well that is wrong
Are you familiar with Fermi estimation?
no and I don't need to I don't care about estimations of the average I know how much time it would take for ME to watch that series and I dropped it on the second or third episode
Oh I remembered another isekai Abenobashi Mahout Shoten
or which ever episode had this scene
>>413834 I think I once started watching this but never finished
>>413837 Same, it's good though. FLCL era Gainax staff
I just never finished it
Yeah, I aldo never finished it Also the main character's older sister's character design is Rei Ayanami
I do wonder though, why no reader site has "isekai" tag
Also the modern Japanese isekai is likely through its influences, directly descended from John Carter of Mars.
It reminds me of the vampire boom, though isekai has lasted longer and seems to be just I guess dying and ressurrecting nonstop
Yeah I guess I'm glad the Maou boom is over Maybe
I'd say SAO and LG kicked it off and then everytime there is somethingl ike Overlord or such, basically new big entry to the genre it revives >>413853 Yup, but it is similiar, well the first part
SAO isn't isekai
Nowadays I pick up quite werid series. I seem to go for "creativity" whatevr that means a work that seems to try to do something different it doesn't even have to be good, just that it takes some new approach or such to an otherwise stale or overused genre
I can appreciate that. There's an isekai web novel/light novel/manga series that I picked up last year that's pretty original The premise is that the mc who gets accidentally sucked into a hero summon meant for his friend (they both go) and refuses to become a hero like his friend. And it turns out that magic does in fact exist in "our" world, it's just secret And then it turns out that the fantasy world's magic is really underdeveloped compared to "ours"
Is just fun to see what people can come up with and isekai is something that has lot of potential in it, which is why I seem to have past year run into them a lot.
>>413855 and then is trained into medic I just read that yesterday
oh wait that is the "new world has shitty magic" one the mc is bit edgemaistery, but the idea is fun
>>413861 that one is quite good so far the hmm was it "there is something wrong with this world's magic" or something is bit meh in terms of characters but the idea is good
Well, the feeling it has is that its in medias res for a contemporary urban fantasy light novel But the protag accidentally gets isekai'd
Now I can't recall how it was, but it did have some autisming so far for the magicking which makes it somethign I am interested in whenever an author actually puts thought into how their magic works, I am interested
Another interesting one I found, (I don't tthink there's a manga) is about a guy who had been isekai'd, and then went on a year or so journey and saved the world, but wwent back to deal with some stuff on Earth before moving tthere permanently, but when he comes back several years passed and the workd is fucked again, but this time in part by his former allies
>>413867 that sounds interesting enough of a setting but I don't like to read the novels for this stuff either the translators are just bad at writing or the authors themselves are crap but they are just drago *drag to read Even something lik overlord 's webnovels were quite bad compared to the actual published novels
Oh and he tries to do the "bring as much information ffrom our world thing" by bringing some ereaders with a shit ton of stuff on them and solar chargers But he mixed up the suitcase with that shit with the suitcase with all the porn that he intended to throw out So he accidentally brought a suitcase full of hentai instead of a compendium of knowledge
>>413870 comedic, but predictable also yaeh if I was suddenly being isekai'd somwehre, I'd ask that my computer be zapped into a pile of fried scrap metal
>>413875 The fucking thing from that slime isekai tjough Iirc his ffriend tossed (in the novel) the computer in and left the faucet on and it flooded the mc's apartment
he asked his friend to do that and cause eh was being reincarnated at the same time got max level lightning resistance from it
but i havn't and won't read then ovels either the translators suck at writing or the actual material is just boring which is why I say these work best as manga no need to write the fluff stuff, just narration and dialog, which they are better at doing
Usually what happens is the manga gets the first chaoter or two translated And then I'm like "damn, I wonder what happens next" And then if I find the novel translated, I read enough (usually all of what was then translated) that the manfa won't get there for years, or likely never get to that point
I just steer clear of the webtranslations
>>413881 I heard that the slimething gets quite retarded or such at some point, though dunno does it carry over to the manga
It does, stopped reading the manga though
the manga has good enough art oh yeah death march manga has quite well drawn fight scenes to boot is bit surprising, how well it is drawn I wonder does the anime have that too
I know
I read the first chapter of the manga the day it was released
is quite amusing that the mc goes to fuck some random barmaid at the first village they stop once they set out to see the world
and then he tries to go brothel hunting with bunch of guys he was drinking with, but this time his harem girls come pick him up
Oh are you reading the one about the exterminator?
no death march
No I meant "have you read the one about the exterminator"
no I think
Wanna link?
But is fun that momentcause it does make him more human I mean who wouldn't be bit pressed when surrounded by only girls, of which half want to bone you but you think of them as pets or well them being kids and hte only one who you are intrested in is away and not ready for that
But it would be fun if there was a series following say that sage of the forest? guy from the Hero Union BBS manga it /every chapter he was in and doing magic autisming was just so fun to follow
That would be fun.
It could be a native or it could be an isekai'd guy but basically someone who just doesn't want to be bothered and does everything they can to avoid being dragged back nto the world while having way too much power
I found a manga (and ln) about a guy whose family is a line of "back up" heroes, for whenever the destined hero for some fated adventure dies or decides to not follow his destiny
Well I guess the cute max lvl witch girl is one
But thing that got me pondering as he heals his strain away does he prevent muscle growth?
The rest of the premise is that he saved too many heroines from different trope plots and that in the future they have a war because he never picked one So some person gets sent back in time to make sure that that doesn't happen
>>413906 I think I read a few chapters but didn't continue
It had some amusing scenes. Did you get to the part with the demon lord?
>>413911 dnno it was one of those "oh what is this lets read for a bit... ooh shiny... few hours later* what is this tab, close it"
You care about spoilers ?
I doubt I will return to it since it isn't bookmarked
He gets isekaid into generic summoned hero please defeat the demon Lord world while accidentally activating a short range teleporter inside of a ship in warp space And just skips most of the hero quest by teleporting inside the Maou's castle And one shots him with a laser gun The Maou comes back like three or four times due to healing And tries to complain about hik being cheao, because he's immune to all magic, and that the mc won't even let him soeak
I have that page saved somewhere
Thing that some authors screw up oft is how they use the op mc character afterall, the flagship best example of using it well in OPM would be ruined, if there ever comes an enemy Saitama can't just casually slap into oblivion.
Well, the mc's not OP. Its just that he had a type advantage in that one encounter. He can't beat the big bad space douchebag with the ray gun
Yeah, but I was talking in more general sense.
I get ya
Or if you have no good explanation why the OP mc is so powerful and this isn't just related to isekai, but isekai has an op mc quite oft.
>>413927 what benefit would a creature gain from 4 eyes set like that?
I absolutely love this girl's expression in this
Last page
>>413933 He's a shapeshifter so he probably just did it to be more intimidating or something
>>413936 but why? why would you add more strain to your brain from additional eyes, if they don't serve any purpose
It would be able to see better, also improved depth perception.
>>413938 the only reason for those eyes to exist would be to see above they are looking at an angle, where they would not be able to see properly to where the main eyes see
>>413939 The socket's face is at a different angle. Maybe it's to better see above it while flying in case another dragon attacks it Or all but two of the eyes could be fake We just don't know
is a thing I have started to dislike more and more creature design with no thought put into how they actually work maybe itworks if someone manufacturers the beasts but in say world where they are the natural fauna and thus have evolved somehow, they should actually naturally function and thus their traits should serve some evolutionary benefit >>413942 lol
Sounds like you're developing autism
Stuff like that really bothers me sometimes. I'm not sure ehy it doesn't bother me as much anymore. I bet there's a constant amount of bothered I get, but what bothers me varies.
But same goes for fantasy armour design or bad castle design and so on.
Same goes for scifi, with latest big issue being the good old "open a hatch directly into the void of outer space to drop bombs in space
Don't forget >explosion sound in space
I can buy stuff like the treasure planet, where all spaceships are just space boats cause that is just how all in that world is but if there are some inconsistensies in an otherwise somewhat consistent universe, it just starts to annoy me >>413946 that doesn't bother me, cause movies it would otherwise be boring as fuck in general, though it would be fun if some show or flick would pull it off
I'm having fladhbacks tto a really difficult exam question I had on solar sails.
Mm, but I would love to see it in some more actiony space fiction it could even be "space fantasy" like star wars of course some actually realistic scifi that takes the 3 dimensions available, the fact tht you could have engagements from millions of clicks away that you don't really need viewports in space only vessels and so on
The two legged robot was played by a double amputee in it.
>>413950 >takes the 3 dimensions available I'd love to see this more instead of just ships firing at each other as if they're navy ships operating on an ocean Surrounding each other from different angles and stuff
Mass effect describes its combat quite well, though the actual cutscene space battles are quite general scifi stuff in the end
>>413952 This actually takes me back to LotGH and the "best strategy form a half circle" stuff that people make fun off but it kinda makes sense if you have a universe with big fleets and ships are designed with large batteries you could use them in small formations and do crafty manuevering but if the enemy takes 50 000 ships and forms one giant firing lane and then just takes shortest route to your capital planet what can you do except actually form up some solid defensive line at some point and take them on?
you can try to hit and run them, but each time you do, you are faced with immense difference in fire power. >>413955 yeah the formations used in theshow are stupidly thick, but I can understand keeping a fleet type formations in space too
Really you should have your ships spread out pretty far There's a lot of SPACE in space There's no reason why they always need to be clumped together so the enemy can easily turn just a little bit to hit the next ship
You shouldn't really even be describing the formations in terms of 2d planar figures. You're still limiting your thinking (your as in the strategist) to surface tactics.
>>413956 the planar figures shown in the show are just to make it easy for the viewer they are 3d stuff always and they even do attacks from above, below and such in the show or guerilla tactics they just don't usually show those, cause takes more to animate them giant blocks are easier to do or 2d figures on strategic map of the main bridge
Also Do you honestly think that in a realistic space combat scenario, that encounters at distances of a million km are feasible?
The ships in LotGH seem to take a lot of time to turn around If you're playing defensively, you could surround them and just shoot from many different angles, like in a half sphere enveloping them Since you can concentrate fire much more easily since for some reason there's a tonne of relatively close formations
>>413958 If space combat was realistic we'd probably just be shooting super fast rail cannons at each other from billions of kilometres away
Also the use of melee weapons if boarders are clad in heavy space suit armour, do you really want to fire at them inside space ships with big guns? also, just like in trench warfare, melee weapons just are a lot wield yin thight spaces
>>413959 The term "realistic scifi" was used earlier I generally take that to mean hard scifi
>>413959 you could still dodge them or just build shield tech to prevent that or enough armour to block it
>>413959 >billions of kilometers away Really dawg? With rail guns? Do you have no sense of scale at this level of distance?
>>413962 >block it You'd need a lot of armour considering that in space the bullet doesn't slow down
But that is the thing when you design your ships, you really need to consider the weaponry you are also giving them for example, if you have light speed ramming torpedoes, no one would build stupendously large ships for war only civilian and transports would be big then war ships would be small and agile crafts
>>413964 Just for reference Do you know how long it takes light to travel one million km in a vacuum?
Also even if you go like "we shoot near light speed projectiles" but is that even feasible? how much energy would it require per shot?
Depends how "near" you want to get
>>413968 A lot Lemme grab a graph fir you real quick
YEah >>413972 if they can jam generators that can power that, they can surely invent stuff that can deflect said things we are talking ridiculously high tech universe then and at that point lobbing projectiles seems bti silly when you can prolly lob a lot more deadly tings at them
>>413968 Depends on the assumptions of the tech in this fictional universe
Think about how much kinetic energy is stored in a projectile going at near light speed I think it's easier to pack energy into that than it is to disippate it
>>413973 And think how much energy it requires to shoot just a tiny thing like that and now that same energy source needs to also power everything else in that ship for a long time
Why do you think say the german massive railguns weren't mass produces, just ignoring that they cost like fuck their firing rate was like 1-2 shots a day what do you do with a weapon that might be useful for maybe one skirmish in space, but not for a long campaign without constant supply?
I don't think it's wise to compare the use of rail cannons on earth to rail cannons in space where the circumstances are considerably different
>>413976 No, i am just hilighting point of making a ridiculously powerful weapon and actually making a good and practical weapon we are talking space warfare spanning prolly several if not hundreds of systems with who knows how long travel times with long supply lines you will want to create ships that can operate on their own with minimal supplying in that case it is different if you have some turbo ttravelling like star wars, where you can cross from one edge of known galaxy to the other in weeks but usually that is not the case and even then, they require huge amounts of supplies to keep the fleets and such active.
when you think of war especially on galactic scale, you plan long term if every expedition to the enemy requires constant supply of fuel and shit to keep your super weapons active all the enemy needs to do is engage your fleet, make it waste its fuel for the weapons and then cut the supplies or just keep them engaged so long, that they run out of ammo /fuel to keep firing
a war isn't won in one battle, it is won by your capacity to keep waging it manpower, resources and sustainability modern war is more won by your industrial capacity and economy to keep it going and future space war would be even more so unless of course, they have so destructive weapons that the idea of war is just so ridiculous that no one does it anymore MAD and all
Have a graph
KE sub rel is relativistic kinetic energy.
Firing projectiles is a good tactic in space battles but near light speed? That is just so much energy it is silly.
That's why I posted the graph.
But a real long range combat would still be feasible say using real high power computers to calcluate trajectories and shelling a lot of the space where the enemy might go and hoping for the best
Also the answer to the "how long does it take for light to travel 1 million km" is 3.336 seconds.
>>413983 But imagine suspensive combat where you have people constantly coming up with trajectories where to fire and then firing huge amoutn of dakka there and then waiting in silence
for minutes at a time and then nothing enemy missed them all then you see your instruments to see where they fired run new calculations run new calculations for evasive manuevers and blam again
if done right, it could be interesting
Also That isn't a good solution because we have here and now missiles that can track a target. So they may as well shoot a bunch of guided soace missiles *space
Also another thing you need to consider when planning galactic combat, is how they travel? if someone can just hyperdrive from anywhere to anywhere why would you fight in long engagements, when hit and run tactics with small ships packing powerful punch would be the best idea >>413990 hacking so op in FTL >>413988 mm, but missiles would be big enough for point defense
Why don't you just hack their ship to make it hhyperdrive into the giant black hole in the galactic ccenter?
Alternatively , you hyperdrive your ssmallship filled with nukes into their big ship
Anyhow, first thing I say if you are designing space combat is to think of the weaponry you will give them and how fast and far they can travel in a given time. and how reliably
cause if there is no distance limit to your warp jumps or whatever, then all you need to do is slam warp engines on asteroids and have them jump out at enemy capital orbit
Why not sneak a giant warp engine onto the enemy capital and warp it into the galactic center's super massive black hole?
>>413999 well still have fun sneaking that into moscow you couldn't even sneak a spy there
That's just what we wanted them to think.
No that is what you wanted to do and failed while they stole your nuclear research and spied your ambassadors for a decade
Right? Gotta love US intelligence
Russians were damn good at the spy stuff, though
but anyhow is bit boring how few scifi universes actually think their space combat through and just go "fleets and rule of cool"
Anyways, the davy crockett was around in the late 50's so technically we just had to sneak it right outside of Moscow
And even the ones that do, are usually settings like wh40k which are taken to ridiculous extremes
40k is so silly I love it
It is silly, but it is consistent in its technobabble
And same with LotGH, it is bit silly how they practically line up into 3D infantry formations to fire at each other in space, but they all do it and fight with those tactics and space axes but it is consistent in its portrayal of all those battles and how their ships work and function like being able to take on massiv amounts of punishment from the front but few shots to the rear usually make em go blam instantly
And chainswords And flashlights
Star wars is a weirdo in this sense all the expanded media old and new are consistent with what so far has been set canon but then ever /then the movies can throw that into a fix instantly
Oh yeah, I found the deluxe german edition of that record for like $90~ befire shipping Unfortunately shipping would probably be over $20
I am working at a record fair thing in a few months ago >>414014 The metal one the the thing about Achilles or whatever
hat record?
>>414013 oh achilles agony and extacy in eight parts
>>414018 Hmm? finding that vinyl has never been my problem, just buying it cause it costs fuckton
Oh it's $86
>>414019 Huh I guess we have different amounts that we personally consider too much for this sort of thing.
>>414020 70€ is the actual price, the dollaroo depends on the current value
and my refusal to buy something I can't do anythign with cause I don't own a vinyl player
>>414021 dishing out about 80€ to get some few more clues to finish your story autisming isn't something I am currently willing to dish out that is 1-3 months food budget
I mean, I wouldn't because I don't have a job.
I have in the past (once) spent more than that on a deluxe edition record though. Only a little more though.
I have prolly never spent more than 10€ on an album give or take
The album also came with a boardgame and a cd version of the album and an ep on CD and a different 7 inch ep that was limited to a few hundred or so copies.
The boardgame was kick ass though.
Main reason I bought it.
The album itself was a compilation of fantasy inspired protometal.