Thread #413551
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oh, anime I forgot to add text.
Cardcaptor -Three episodes Dagashi Kashi -Two episodes Dame Prince Toji no Miko Bioret Evergaaden
The list of shows has gotten so small again!
I heard violet evergarden was actually really good this time
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OH you beat me to it! That is a small group yeah.
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well let's see toji miko dame prince violet evergarden cardcaptor 3 I think it's 3 we're on.
It is three we're on.
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okay tojimiko okay lets start!
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This show is kinda dull compared to pretty much everything else this season. The characters look nice but that's about all this has.
i was thinking the same
It's the kind of show that's deep in the utterly average category. Nothing about it is particularly bad, but nothing about it is exceptionally good.
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>>413607 yeah id ont expect anything its just there
She cleaved a rock in twain and then fell asleep.
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dame prince! okay let's start!
Wait that's a crop top?
Oh that wasn't the right episode. All good now.
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He really is the best.
How pragmatic.
He really should stop murdering the civilians of other kingdoms.
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He's probably just lost.
*shines brightly *
She's a bit more honest around Vino. Even if he 's a little sleazy.
Oh the public servants are all getting their own ED song.
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violet evergarden! okay lets start!
i hope this ep is as good as i heard it was
I hope it's as pretty as they usually are.
i a lso read that violet is like 14 it thats true then whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
Well it wasn't beyond uncommon for people to lie about their age and go into the military. Though she didn't exactly enter of her own volition.
she does not look remotely like a 14 year old she looks like 20s youngest 18
I could buy sixteen. I think I remember this setting from the first PV KyoAni put out for the show.
Well it sounds like her age isn't exactly definite.
I get what they were going for with the "kosher" thing but it sounds a bit contemporary for a setting like this.
>What sort of life have you lived? Loooonnnng story.
Hah hah hah Violet please.
Wow Violet has gotten a lot better at writing things that aren't totally devoid of flowery writing by now.
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Writing letters sometimes seems like an easy job.
>>413761 Writing is a lot of work!
What a gentleman.
All the maidens that were following these silly romance letters are disappointed by this turn of events.
To be fair this must have been their equivalent of soaps. Oh they've tuned in to the real story now.
Gosh this is so embarassing.
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Yeah, having all those people reading would be embarrassing.
Aaaand now embarrassment is catching up with her. How cute.
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Was it as good as you expected, ika?
She smiled!
Man that was an excellent episode. My emotional stomach is super content after that.
yeah that was by far the best episode it makes you wonder what hte heck they were doing for the otehr ones really good
Eh? They've all been good episodes. It's not like people are just constant fonts of great content. Some times you get something really good, some times you get something less than perfect.>>413805 I haven't been evaluating on hype at all here. Nothing lives up to hype. Once you put something on a pedestal like that , you're only setting yourself up for disappointment.
>>413804 i think they were about average and didnt live up to the hype ep 1 was probably second best
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It was a pretty good episode. Cardcaptors 3! okay let's start!
thanks for anime
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>>413810 thanks for anime! Sorry we ran out of ika shows.
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It's weird that Sakura and Cag sound te same.
I've never actually heard Cagliostro so it's not weird to me.
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Cag has this like overly sugary fake innocent voice that she uses a lot and Sakura often sounds just like her.
Also that is a frogsuit.
There's a fair bit of attention to detail put into the animation. It isn't really super-animated but it's really, really clean. Also that capture happened really early in the episode.
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Yeah, I was thinking that things were resolved very quickly. I wonder if there will be another in the second half.
Even if people have all vanished for some reason, should she really doing all this magic out in the open like this.
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Looks like she did get two cards this episode. With time to spare!
Time to flirt with the boyfriend you mean.
So it's a mahou shoujo raibaru.
>New female transfer student Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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okay thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.
I will watch marchen tomorrow