When I first stole into new threads all those years agoe I did not fathom the true power of knowledge to know its paths scrabing at the infinity to be what the lord wants us to be
And he stalked upon him He knew that they had lied to Raziel He knew they had told Raziel that he was the key And He would have to die But he would need to buy time to make Raziel see the truth or at the very least the inkling of the truth the die was cast
He held his blade and I had my time to explain it all and Raziel knew an inkling of the truth not the truth his manipulators told him but what I told him the real truth
And so He examined the victim of my natural hunger and so I answered "here, everything is decided here. You cannot the comprehend the rapture of this moment and yet you must, if Nosgoth is to be dragged wreckaged from its damnation.
And so he realises how much of a pawn he is yet he ever thinks he can ignore beign one?
And now the moment of truth when history is set a-right
the path waitsh for him the path has no solutions except for one and the one awaits just a slight mistake now, and the path isn't right but it is delivered what is the path
>wake up >work for an hour on a morning project >take my adderall after working for an hour >fall immediately back to sleep and sleep for another hour this haps like every time
>>412385 why would anyone mix their ideologies with their work, provided their work isn't related to their ideologies? things like this wouldn't be a problem if you weren't platforming your beliefs from the same entity as you're performing your work
yeah, you shouldn't be doing stuff like that on your professional social media account that even says "subnautica sound producer" like even if it's not racist stuff i wouldn't spout anarchist shit on a professional account because i have some sense
I'm a proponent for organic encryption and don't believe encryption should be a legal matter but yet i work with clientele for whom i have to sign non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements if i were to establish a business entity that worked towards both things then it would be a conflict of interest and i'd be a liability to my clientele but they're actually totally separate things
you can only benefit from getting rid of a fool from a project
Yeah, no, I'm not going to buy that. I can agree that letting go of someone like that is a move they should do, while also mourning the departure of the talent from the dev team.
I'm not saying you can't mourn it. I'm just saying this will be better in the long run because having people on your team with such bad judgment is a liability.
Well then I'll rephrase that. I don't think you can "only benefit" from removing someone like that. It can -potentially- benefit, but it's far from set in stone.
i think the peculiarities that breed exceptional talent in people tend to be the same peculiarities that draw them into unfavorable opinions or sometimes delusion it'd be hard to separate talent from a person while keeping them socionormative that's why i think you have to be careful when navigating the professional realm because eccentricity can be valued but also scourned that situation is a little bit on the hateful side so i'm not particularly sympathetic, but my clients seem to find me an exceptionally valuable person insofar as i relate to their needs if i made some of my eccentric ramblings public i'd probably be avoided like the plague though
I think all it takes is mid-level judgment to be able to know that being openly racist in today's world is a one-way street to losing your job, especially when you're highish profile.
It's hard to understand how someone can have such poor judgment. Maybe they wanted it to happen.
Well there is something to be said about the whole "behind every fascist movement, there is an artist" thing
>>412398 absolutely i have a lot of racist family members i think it'd be wrong to fire someone if you just inadvertently found out someone didn't like other races or something in a social context and they mostly just contain it but when you've got a public entity propagating those opinions and you're knowingly employing them, that is a form of endorsement from the business i think the difference being that a person's opinions aren't a public entity, but when they're published then yeah it kinda is
I certainly don't like the idea of racists and stuff being around but I don't have a major problem as long as they have the sense to not let it into public spaces.
>>412402 They said a bunch of racist stuff about importing idiot foreigners with low IQs and was endorsing prison planet and some other stuff
sometimes when i unexpectedly burn myself, it really gets my blood pumping the burn is annoying after that but that moment when my blood and heart just explode into action feels so good but it doesn't feel the same if i do it on purpose
It's 28 inches by 40 inches. My parents would fucking kill me if I brought that home. I'm already about to get a bunch of comics and magazines. Wait If I get both And then trash the cat painting, theyll be less mad at me. Maybe
Although if you PayPal me the money to ship it to you, I'd do it.
Kirara 🚗
you know that's mighty generous of you but ill have to pass
Hrrm, this is actually a really fun (difficult and really makes you think) problem. I'm not sure how practical i could get it, but I actually do know of a journal i could submit it to.
That seems like an easy feat. Could probably do that with any rocket launch reusable rockets are much cooler, although it has been shown before
Kirara 🚗
yeah, it's a massive waste of money and absolutely pointless it's just the whim of a rich loser
It's not entirely pointless. Test launches usually have some kind of bulk mass onboard to test load capacity. Normally they'd just use a solid block of some kind of metal, but all things considered, a car works just as well. Sure it's silly and not exactly a good use of the money that likely went into the car of a billionare, but it's not absolutely pointless.
>>412498 would a car really be a good weight? it's like 4000 pounds that's less than half the weight of an average satellite
I don't know. I don't know what sort of metrics they're calculating for or if there's absolutely nothing else in the rocket or if the car hasn't been weighed down with additional mass in the trunk or whatnot.
it's cool for sure I like that they put a suite in the car as if it was a person at least they did in the animation, not sure if they also did it irl
I believe there's some manner of crash test dummy or something similar dressed up in the car.
Oh man this is tasty fried rice. More people need to make fried rice from home; it's really tasty.
You need a basic level of coordination for it that I don't have.
I couldn't really get into skiing but I like snowboarding. Or at least the part of snowboarding that involves going down the hill. Everything else is kind of so-so.
well downhill skii-ing is bit harder I wouldn't ever do snowboarding
Today there was construction on the road on the way home today, and after we got through it everyone around me was driving all impatient and reckless like. I wonder why people do that stuff. They just raced to a red light too and sat there.
Well that's my only bargaining chip unless you want to learn how to do sleight of hand magic tricks or numerical analysis
>>412531 My parents may have done it a bit when they were young but for all intents and purposes they learned how to downhill ski in their late-forties/early-fifties. So yeah, definitely possible.
my questions were more along whether it's fun, whether it's scary i know i used to ride a motorcycle and all that but these days im pretty scared about everything
Going fast on a snowboard is a lot of fun, so I expect doing the same on skiis is pretty fun too. When my imouto was super young and learning skiing she'd just straight barrel down the hill as fast as possible, requiring all the other people on the hills to ensure they got out of her way.
>>412543 no it's a yukari for aunts i'm emailing your aunt btw
>>412552 Yeah, they played up the weird faces instead of the gambling. I don't think it's really even that fitting, Yumeko made less scary faces than some of the other characters.
Well the anime did have the whole goat eyes thing going on for her. But going for that on a nendo seems kind of counter-intuitive anyway.
Indeed maybe you would do saitam so that he doesn'ta ctually fight, but has "Motivation" meter that has to be filled by doing something while getting your ass "kicked" by the enemy and if it fills, ONE PUNCH and he doesn't actually either lose fights, just go to a sale
Just say that Saitama is holding back for the sake of it being an enjoyable fight In the single player mode Saitama is the final boss and literally unbeatable
>>412577 I can see him doing that He's bored of killing things instantly
>>412576 that wouldn't be fun and following the series
>>412576 Well I would still have him with "one punch meter" and when that fills, he just one punches things
and that he doesn't lose but just leaves cause bored
It was out for an hour in a half or something. I was working on something up until then, and it went out RIGHT as I was finishing and stayed out right up until time for anime to start. It's like my ISP knew I wanted to slack off and fucked everything up.
I am extremely displeased. At this point, it's anime, then sleep, then a long day at work tomorrow.
so not another episode of lizards talking and walking?
Gonna get to see Entoma too this season Excited
ah that battlemaid with the skull face?
hello darling would you like the paper? a bath? or.... me?
I'd like a Fortran interpreter with a REPL.
don't have that sadly
It may oor may not exist. I have a vague recollection of finding an academic article about something like that from the 70's or 80's, but that was well before people published their source code with the articles about their software.
Hrrrm No surprise there Just wondering where the Kiwi is.
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
Sam I had a great idea Non scalar valued cryptocurrencies
What do you think?
Also I borrowed my friend's python book. I'm probably going to get bored with it because its an introductory programming book. But I skimmed it and some of it seemed to be written in a way that seemed decent
Rei you ever play scud racer? Turns out there's a cabinet in a food court near me Arcade games are sick
Right? I need to go back to the galloping ghost soon
Going to bed soon.
it must be pretty late for you also sick trips
Yee It's 3:56 am
someone told me yesterday that china just has one timezone would be crazy if true
Yeah Even
like geographically. But they all use UTC+8
Although some people in a western province use utc+6, i think they're an ethnic group thats been their historically rather than just Hang chinese. *been there But officially all of China is on UTC+8 because that's where Beijing is. I bet the time thing is something Mao came up with.
sounds like something he'd do yeah
Also I know a guy in the congressional district that that neo nazi guy is running in.
I bet he's voting for him
Nah, he's like sort of sjw But in the non pejorative sense, mostly He's a hardcore bernie supporter who still hasn't fully gotten over it.
You should send him a #I'mWithHim
He's nigh impossible to get in touch with I have some good stories about that actually, ill tell em later. Going bed Yasumi
Now they're speaking not only Japanese but Kitty as well
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
wow a television special for two cats this is pretty exclusive
whoa there no tvs involved you're just doing your coding on behalf of these cats these poor cats need your help
I enjoy Tim Hortons
Modern Tim Hortons is a fucking disgrace to what it used to be. Coffee's trash, pastries are trash, part-time employees aren't motivated to do a respectable job because corporate treats them like trash. Makes me super frustrated to see them go that way.
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
it is a shame didnt some American Corp buy them out
Nah, their stock got majority'd by some South American investment company who promptly went all-in on cutting every possible extranity and unprofitable component of the system.
Wait a minute I thought everyone was Japanese not Canadian
there's tim hortons in japan too
Kirara 🚗
after facing backlash from trying to ban kratom, the government has started lying about people dying from it in order to make it easier to ban next attempt they're calling it a super deadly opioid now and saying that in the last year a whopping 44 people died from using it as far as anyone can tell through research, though, the vast majority of those 44 weren't due to solely kratom overdose and the ones that were took like 30 times the recommended dose somehow
>>412828 yeah it sounds to me like a CEO said some dumb shit i don't really know how people like that get so much money and power but whatever it's not like we don't know the world's broken
>>412832 apparently Doritos did a study that found women don't like loud crunching chips in public so they're making silent Doritos especially for women
I'd like to eat my doritos more quietly so I don't wake people up. But sadly I'm a man and can't use this new product it seems :(
i think the biggest blunder is that they did that thing where they recognize the existence of male and female biology if they just pretend it's for sneaky snacking in class and at movies and at church or wherever else people want to stealthily smack down on some doritos then they can just ignore the whole sex debate and score a dope marketing campaign while they're at it and then all the women who apparently the study indicates exist will buy these chips anyways because they don't need the product to be marked "FOR WOMEN" in order to want a stealthy artery clogger
>>412833 i dont think anybody likes loud chips it's annoying i hate the bag rustling and all that shit it's the kind of shit that'd wake people up a room away
I wish they made marijuana that wasn't so loud it keeps waking people up
>>412843 I was expecting some sort of joke or controversial opiopinion that would make me have a strong emotional reaction to this video but I feel nothing
>>412846 >not licking the topping off Women are living their lives incorrectly
>>412854 >marry rich but also be rich before you married
Kirara 🚗
>>412856 what was your processing speed index score
>trump talks about how a military parade would be cool i guess but god the money >WaPo makes an article about it and uses pictures of north korean military parades for juxtaposition jesus fuck can either side not be retarded and gay
>>412859 i'd go look but it's locked up in the closet somewhere
My therapist says my iq is 90.That's almost 100% surely I must be a genius
Kirara 🚗
>>412860 i remember when i thought both sides were right about a little bit of everything but now everyone is ridiculous like this and it's unreasonable
>>412863 90% is probably still far above average well done
>>412864 i blame mostly public education but also the mainstream media (thatincludes you, rush limbaugh, you are literally also the mainstream media just like CNN)
when i say that i blame public education, i would like to point out that i specificaly mean several institutional goals and philosophies that have led to some horribly warped points of view
>>412982 i dont think masturbation can really be an addiction it might loosely slip into a clinical grouping of addiction, but systemically i dont think so