Thread #412611
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Yes hello.
Black Clover Cardcaptors -Three episodes Dagashi Kashi -Two episodes HakuMiko Overlord Sora yori mo Tooi Basho Toji no Miko
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let's do black clover overlord sora yori hakumei
Yeah, that's good by me. At this pace we'll finally be on track for all the stuff we have with Ika by tomorrow night.
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I plan to do some overtime to clear up the other stuff. Just not tonight. Early day tomorrow. Ika should be coming.
I was doing some counting earlier and even including the stuff we don't watch with Ika, we're at twenty-eight full episodes' worth of watching time this season. Which means at four shows a night we're actually within normal watching limits.
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okay there's ika black clover okay lets start!
>>412619 wow
>>412624 Though we normally watch at least twenty-five shows or more a season so it's not a large number of shows relatively.
what time
1:40 1:45 1:50
you know it would be so funny if he talked normally during a fight scene
Like shouting when he should be talking and talking when he should be shouting?
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I didn't expect him to outshine everyone so quickly.
Wow it's actually treasure.
i bet evil guy gets away while they're all busy
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Smoke man will probably show up and save him.
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Wow he was really nonchalant about touching the foreboding looking scroll. That thing looked like something out of Jojo.
INFODUMP Kind of an inappropriate time for this don't you think.
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That guy has insta-bullied both the girls by this point.
Maybe he just doesn't like girls.
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Asta has an incredibly high luck stat.
>Itttata...desu wa
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Wow, she had to use a flashback powerup on a healing spell.
dual wield!
Is he just going to end up with a book of swords.
or not
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>>412646 Some people just really like swords.
He's no Shirou though.
>>412646 looks like
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The power of friendship!
a sword that uses the power of friendship
And fucking KILLS you.
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Looks like he can use other people's power with friendship.
At the price of it fucking KILLING him.
This shot of Asta looking serious at the end of the ED here is kind of dampened by the fact that he's got that dumb bird on top of his head.
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okay overlord!>>412656 it suits him okay lets start!
Lizardmen Sex
ok is bang coming?
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>>412659 I don't think so, he never indicated he wanted to watch.
You gotta have a bone throne for the bone lord.
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Is this punishment?
In a manner.
Is this going to be in the background for the whole scene.
Guess not. Thankfully.
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The Vampire really is going all out.
Yup, it's a massacre.
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Is healing that one lizard's whole arm back really something slight cure wounds would do?
Seems so. He did get to healing right off the bat, so I guess the wound wasn't too far gone yet.
Co Cute Toes is a pretty honorable warrior. I guess the guy who designed him probably took some inspiration from Japanese samurai.
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He's a big softie.
I guess when you're some low-level mob enemy like a Lizard Man you know when you're waaaay down on the pecking order.
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She needs to be careful saying things like that in that company.
It feels like we're getting more of his IRL otaku voice in this season than the first one. It disappeared real quick once he settled into the role of Ainz.
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Yeah, I don't think we heard his real voice after the first episode. I was thinking that it was probably gone for good.
He's talking kind of funny. Maybe ressurection comes with a forced lisp. I think I'd rather stay dead if that was the case.
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I'm sure he'll get better.
>Go put their bodies into storage in case I feel like reviving them
Well that was a fun arc.
I really like this ED. Both visuals and song.
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okay sora yori! okay lets start!
>>412683 it is good
Border agents are always kind of intimidating-looking.
I love flying on planes.
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>I've never been on a plane but I've watched them
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gween tea
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They just made a long flight look fun, but it's not really like that!
Flying's always a little easier with friends though. Also the flight from Japan to Australia probably isn't too bad.
Oh there's the sunglasses from the OP.
Man this is really getting my travel bug going again.
>When you get worried about your order but you're too scared to ask because of the language barrier
Yeah people act like durian tastes great though it smells bad. But really it just smells so bad that you can't really taste anything but the smell.
Man that really is a great view.
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>>412696 Durians are weird.
Travelling is so much fun. I want to travel.
Oh the layover is in Singapore. I missed that bit.
Hah hah hah. I'm always super worried about my passport when I'm in foreign countries. I keep it close on hand in a relatively secure place, but I'm still always worried about losing it.
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>>412700 I recognized it as Singapore. They have some nice cities.
>>412702 Singapore's pretty much just one single city the size of the country. It's a super-small country though. I think somewhere in my head I knew the fancy pool hotel was in Singapore but I wasn't connecting the dots.
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The power of friendship!
More like the power of OKANE
And this poor flight desk lady just stuck dealing with these kids.
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cant they refund the tickets
Maybe. Airlines can be really particular and annoying about that sort of thing though.
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Looks like they were able to cancel them. All's well that ends well!
There wasn't an insert song this episode. I've been kind of liking those.
this show is pretty good it might be my top 3 this season
I've been really enjoying it.
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it's good, yeah. okay hakumei episode 4, right? hi hello is my internet dead again okay everyone is orange let's start!
Ready. I needed to go relieve myself.
I hope they do something about their new front porch some time. It's a bit weird.
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I think the bones are here to stay.
Konju isn't as Yuuki Aoi-sounding this episode.
What an ojou. Can't light a fire, can't cook.
Locked out!
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Sleeping naked in someone else's bed is weird.
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Unless they're also in it, I guess.
Sleeping naked is weird in general to me. I don't know if I could fall asleep like that.
Oh man that would be TERRIFYING.
Really makes you glad that there aren't many animals larger than us humans, eh.
And there aren't really many that tower over us like that.
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There was a little tension this episode.
Life in the woods isn't always sunshine and butterflies. There's real danger in the trees!
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The potato life is dangerous. I guess this is a nice bird though.
Well it did take their meat without asking.
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It kinda asked in a way.
Yeah, the kind of question that's like "do you want me to take your meat or eat you?"
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another nice episode. thanks for anime!
Yeah this is a good series. As expected of Blue. Thanks for anime.