I so wanna watch it now but nah I am too into wine
cloverfield deserves a full attention watch through
>>411826 that is how Cloverfield works, though I wonder was there an AARG
I know. The ARG for the new movie has been running for a long while, so the interested people were probably invested enough that an "all right, it's out" was all they really needed.
>>411849 This is a weird thing to think about. When I met some of the people here, i was six years into a relationship with someone i now have known some /moe/s for longer than the duration of that relationship i was in, which seemed like such a long segment of my life in comparison and the six/seven years i've known the likes of rika, sugoi, bang, sammy seem to have flown by
i wonder if we'll all still be chillin another five years from now i would have expected people to fringe off and lose contact within a short period some have, like bento for instance, but even beta and sugoi and saka and people still show up sometimes
Long ago, there was a powerful samurai. He was betrayed by his brother, who killed his family. The samurai split his own stomach out of dishonor. From his entrails, /moe/ was born. Out of his blood, we were formed.
>>411861 Not especially into mahjong, and I've never seen any Gundam, though I did watch SDF Macross and DYRL and loved both. My main thing is Touhou.
>>411865 I've got all Lunatic 1cc's except DDC and UFO, and a couple of LNB's. I haven't gotten a new clear in months though, I find myself casually messing around more than working toward any serious goal.
>>411875 it's like a half full cylinder of pecans i'm guessing there's like three dozen maybe those "guess how many jelly beans are in the container" things are pretty difficult honestly
>>411877 Thank you friendo. Severely underrated touhou. Her hair is gorgeous and I think her gimmick of taking on other peoples misfortune is admirable. Yuyuko and Yukari are pretty great. Patchouli was my favourite when I was just getting into touhou.
>>411881 Iosys is very nostalgic to me. I remember watching a bunch of them years ago when I was first becoming a weeb
Miracle Hinakle is great. Hinas reflection of misfortune is good too
Kirara ๐
>>>/@asymmetricinfo/960548095762354178 this guy was accused of giving "how to not be poor tips" that only rich people could use so he started freaking out about he has been poor and after like two months of being poor after graduating from an ivy league school which his parents paid for, his shoes had holes in them and his clothes were all stretched out
>>411879 I agree. I'm guessing you've seen Miracle Hinacle?
I can't remember my first exposure. It was probably iosys or seeing someone talk about it. For a long time I thought it was an anime and had no clue why I couldn't find any episodes
>>411886 Yeah, the "I was here first" attitude is unfortunately prevalent with these sorts of interests. It is what it is, though.
I'm glad I found this place, it seems cozy. I'll be off for now, nice to meet you.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh I was wondering why /moe/ was dead for two hours
Kirara ๐
>>411884 he's shit at lying toor at the beginning he's talking about he was so poor that he had to stay in his parents' apartment for free but then at the end he talks about how his dad asked why he didn't ask for help and he says it didn't occur to him
i mentioned to someone today that a friend died and now im getting spammed with thoughts and prayers
>>411889 that's a girl though unless im misunderstanding either way it's fuckin trash mentions also being well-connected enough to just ask someone for a job and land a 40k/year thing that 150 other people applied to by "luck" the original article treats saving for retirement like a choice that some people are just too foolish to make and that anyone can save 25% of their income and save for a better future and "sleep easier at night" bitch if i saved 25% of my money i wouldn't have a bed to sleep in at night
>>411918 they are ok but theyre basically just inferior pringles
wait i got baked and stax mixed up baked lays are actually fuckong good
Right? Baked barbeque lays are also good.
the key point is that lays turn your hands into a greasefire waiting to happen whereas you get a light dusting from pringles this is key to enjoying them because i hate getting dirty from food
>>411937 1. that article doesn't say im wrong 2. the chances that Pringles contains carcinogens is higher than lays chips containing them so my argument stands
>>411952 yes? is a damn solid fighting game series I think best anime fighting game has ever been done even better than any dbz or shit
but tweet is damn good
i like that tweet
>>411949 They both contain acrylamide. And it's not a *known to be a carcinogen It's a "probable" carncinogen. Which is different. The FDA rules for ruling things out as carcinogenic require a lot of hoops to be jumped through.
i think my primary issue is i bought a bag of small chocolates and i cant exactly snack on a decent amount of that or bad will happen
>>411955 actually lays removed nearly all traces of it before 2010 after law suits about it made it more troublesome to keep it and have to put warning labels on things
>>411958 Okay, it's still in plenty of things other than pringles though. So watch out for coffee, chocolate, frenchfries, bread etc https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/acrylamide.html
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i was just thinking about the movie Gattaca and realized something silly
the guy has a freaking combo shower and incinerator so he can easily clean up the DNA traces but like who installed this freaking incinerator in his house he did? like if I ever find out anyone I know has a combo shower incinerator I'm calling the cops
>>411962 Maybe it's for cleaning off medical equipment.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ALSO the incinerator is controlled by a switch on the outside of the shower just beyond the door that's the incinerator on the combo shower incinerator by the way
Also Do you know about H.H. Holmes?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Guy who had stuff like that in the "hotel" he ran.
It's not known how many he killed But it's somewhere between 20 and 200 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._H._Holmes
holmes basically turned an entire building into a torture dungeon in secret he had compartments in the walls that he'd trap living people and shit acid to get rid of bodies guy was nuts
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
wow, nuts!
Kirara ๐
my cat keeps wrapping his arms around my arm so i can't escape while i pet him and then he starts trying to chew on my fitbit
for a guy with no testicles, laz has some serious balls
he's so cute and loving and affectionate that i can't even be mad when he chews my stuff every night he sleeps directly next to my head on my pillow or next to the pillow
It's kind of weird that you know what those are. Maybe New Zealand just got into animorphs really late. But I'm barely old enough for it to be culturally relevant to people my age.
>>412080 At my school they had a lot of Animorphs books And they were in schoolastic all the time
I was in Australia when I read them I feel like Australia and especially NZ are stuck 5 years behind
Oh yeah Australia >>412081 Dude Fucking north and South Dakota are basically a decade behind
>>412083 Cool I wanna visit them Do they still use myspace
>>412106 Now that movie I have seen Very good car chase
It's probably the first or second most "Chicago" movie made so far. The other being Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Also the mall they wrecked (it was actually already closed) was never really cleaned up after that chase scene was shot. Although it may have been demolished by now.
A lot of the movie was actually shot on site in Chicago. Including one of the scenes where they crash through the entrance in a government building.
I'd really prefer it not crash down because I'm not sure that my wages will adjust very well if we go through a period of heavy inflation. That would be very bad for me.
My parents are getting close to retirement and their retirement is likely somewhat co-dependant on a decent stock market. I don't want things to fall to pieces right before they run out of time.
Because then their retirement is dependant on me or one of my siblings being successful and I don't want that kind of stress.
>>412177 >>412180 If you guys are going to have this stupid fucking argument again can you make your own new thread for it? I don't look forward to another incredibly long useless exchange between the two of you flooding this thread.
I'm thinking about trying to learn it, it supposed to be a lot like Mathematica, so I'm hoping i can oick it up easily. It's also got very good performance.
>>412227 I'm just saying you can come live off the land with me if you do lose it!
Samu ๐ !KW2DbpWwls
if i give more than enough, girl will you claim it? i will take it all in one breath and hold it down and if I try to pretend I don't hear it you can tell me to move and I won't go you can tell me to try and I won't go
Rolling your own crypto leads to suffering for most programmers.
Kirara ๐
just IV that shit tbh
>>412233 ;_; I'm glad I don't have to worry about many predators like that around here.
On a related note Bruce Schneier Facts are really funny
Kirara ๐
>>412239 didn't used to have to here coyotes started spreading out here recently for some reason ive never encountered one here but i just heard some coyote sounds and what sounded like a cat having a bad time
Time for her to get a burst of fanart and then forgotten forever again.
Oh no The Schneier facts website is down
>>412241 We have foxes around here and we border on a forested valley, so there's probably a bunch of medium-sized mammals that could bully cats in my neighbourhood. And packs of raccoons are probably pretty nasty once territorial disputes get involved. But I think being in a city makes it pretty safe concerning animal threats.
>>412287 COME ON if you were hear you should have expected ME
I am dick to new comers, but more than else I just want a good a laugh delvier that and you are 100% in >>412287 SOOOOO >>412285 actually have you delivered 100% laugh ever?
Hibiki !baUUm/zRRE
Do you guys remember when Anno wrote an erotic fanfiction about some shoes. That was me :3
>>412305 but then it is revealed that bob mackbobface is can control the ring and is heir to the ring by desitny and needs no foresight to it or training and is the master and lord of the ring s now
but sauron dies anyhow but saruman now gets eaten by witch king who is now new sauron and gothmog is his liutenant
Tom Bombadil is replaced by Bob Hawke
>>412308 tom bombadil just got killed off for no reaon *reason
Just like gandalf, saruman, galadriel, elrond and everyoen else except arwen she supremanned herself back to life
Oh wait that was Stat Wars not Lord of the Rings
When did Leia learn how to use the force Did it all just happen off screen Why didn't you mention this before she super manned Rian Johnson
Why didn't the First Order ships just warp out, then warp back in right in front of the resistance ships, surrounding them, and then pounding them with blaster fire Why didn't they just SWARM them with the tie fighters they have. They're borderline expendable
>>412316 cause they were commanded by tard macktard blond face
>>412316 cause they went faster then their ships but not their small ships and they for some reason have no ships to call over despite ruling the galaxu
Why didn't they just bombard the abandoned resistance base instead of doing a ground assault