Thread #412001
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Fate/Extra Cardcaptors
Fate/Extra Cardcaptors -Three episodes Dagashi Kashi -Two episodes HakuMiko Takagi-san Ryuuou no Oshigoto Toji no Miko
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Just one episode of Fate though, right? What episode number is that? two?
Yeah, you should be looking for [Chyuu] Fate/EXTRA Last Encore - 02.v0
No period at the end there.
There's also a new episode of Nanatsu no Taizai. I was looking forward to having only four shows we share with Ika out tonight. Would finally feel like we've made progress through the backlog. Thanks Chyuu.
im okay with doing like 2 shows if you would like to catch up on your shows it doesnt matter much to me
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okay let's do FATE nanatsu ryuoou takagi-san>>412018 nope I want to do these four, these are the best things tonight.
>>412018 No it's fine. I'm doubtful we'll get around to Cardcaptors but it's not a big deal to me. Dagashi's half-length so it's easy to fit in whereever.
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>>412020 We will, but my plan is to marathon Cardcaptors some time when Ika isn't around, or when the season is over. okay let's fate okay let's start!
wait dagashi is half? that is lame
AVE ROMA>>412022 I mean the show is made up of short skits anyway. It being half-length doesn't take much away from the series aside from content.
This new fade-out is kind of not ideal for anime. The sharp change of colour was nice for knowing when to start.
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Fade out? Do the posts fade out now too?
oh this is bascially the first game
>>412027 They fade from orange to blue.
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Oh I see. I kinda just fire and forget.
Aka seiba is best seiba.
neiro nero* is pretty fun might be my fave
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Emperor Nero being turned into the most popular waifu of a large franchise is even weirder than King Arthur being a girl.
What is with SHAFT and overly extravagant bathrooms.
i hope when i die that i never become a saber clone
I could think of worse fates.
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This episode is a lot more SHAFT than the previous one.
SHAFT getting the part of the franchise with character illustrations done by Wada is pretty great.
This is a super cool AESTHETIC.
He's having none of her fun.
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I think this part was in the preview. That or I am having crazy deja vu.
I'm pretty sure that woman's a Servant.
this is different from the game a bit
Well straight game adaptations rarely make for good anime.
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Shinji is a holographic mayor now.
He's gone up in the world.
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I would not want to live in a place where Shinji is the mayor.
Wow he just gets stabbed. Poor MC.
Well okay.
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okay nanatsu! okay let's start!
evil fairy
I mean Bang was kind of a loser and ran off like that. Ban? No Ban's the undying guy. I'm forgetting their names.
King. King's the fairy loser that ran off.
That thing's got really elastic limbs.
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I guess King will get a chance to re-prove himself.
I'm sure this is King trying to be a good guy. But like, even considering a self-serving mindset, his sister's sleeping in the big tree I think.
Wow lady.
Did Jericho really get herself knocked out just like that.
>>412089 yeah
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Well, she had demon power helping her be strong in the first season, if I remember. Without it she isn't all that.
It'skind of funny having low-level mooks like her running about with god-tier people like the Sins. Oh the giant golem accidentally freed Ban.
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King ended up being one of my favorite characters.
We Eva now.
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That demon is a Gowther clone.
Geez, I wonder who they're going to end up fighting.
i bet meliodas they probably know the reflecting thing is his thing
Geez Meliodas.>>412104 Nah Meliodas is going up against his dwarf match in the Commandments.
my video bugged out for a second
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It's always fun to see Meliodas get serious.
wait isnt the demon thing only at a fraction of its power too or does the POWERLEVEL earring account for max power
I'd bet that's probably only a fraction of his power. I'm pretty sure they've said P O W E R L E V E L S can change.
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But everyone is just using a fraction of their power so it balances out in the end.
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okay ryouuou okay let's start!
wheres souya in this anime
This is the dark timeline where he never made it in the shogi world. He didn't bring balance to the shogi. So now we're stuck with all these impossible prodigies.
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hes just a half-deaf normie now
This girl is quite something.
Wow Ai.
He really can't win in this situation.
her shogi aura is moving her hair and his now she's strong
So there's a difference between a female professional and a female in the profession. Sausga Japan.
I wonderi if her last game is going to be against Ai. A battle of the AI.
The Ojou Ai's handler is kind of a soccer mom for her. It's kind of funny.
Ai and AI better for master's ai
AI vs AI
I want the OG Ai to win.
wait is ep 6 out
I'm not seeing it.
She's such a chuuni.
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I like the autism girl more than the meanie.
i like meanie
Aw, she messed up her chance to take the king.
Geez man.
He really is a lolicon.
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I feel kind of sorry for his shogi onee-san.
Tsun tsun
maybe one day he'll stop being a lolicon (he won't)
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He'll probably stop being a lolicon the day the autist becomes of age. okay takagi-san! okay let's start!
Normal clothes Takagi-san
The audio is de-synnnnched.
Like really de-synched. This is kind of distracting.
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I just noticed it too. I think it just started. It's really bad.
From reading a bit of the manga, I knew these three would be a decent part of the series. But they show up a lot more than I expected them too. I guess it's probably tiresome only writing two characters really, though.
This is just all her ploy to get him to stare at her face more.
>>412174 wow i thought it was me i was getting annnoyed a bit
She really is crushing hard on him. It's super cute from a bystander's view.
i think its her voice that makes her cute imagine her with an average anime loli voice
I'd rather not. They needed a good voice for her to properly get the character anyway. Did some good casting.
Oh my.
I wish it were the subs that were de-synched, not the audio. This is so distracting.
This is some kind of weird play.
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Wow, trading gym shirts is lewd.
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thanks for anime!
Yeah, thanks.
is there a timeskip in the manga?