>>411546 (OP) I had the best donuts on holiday They came with a bunch of syringes that had flavours so you could inject them in and make your own donuts
>>411605 Yeah, but here the question is is it just made in hawaii or actually made based on hawaiian culture or such I mean you could easily base a gaming company in hawaii and make typical western games, whatever those are I guess call of duty clones
well we hang cd/dvds on our edible plants and berrie bushes, so the reflections scare some birds off, not that it works anymore some of the are just too damn smart, so maybe same reason?
these fuckers are smart they can learn about fake hawks the cd reflections and even learn to cut paths through nets to prevent them to get into berries the eternal bane of all farmers best remedy is shotgun
Like I can't just wait for the inevitable moment when EU has completely annexed all european state and they go all "well time for camps" germany I mean EU is germany essentially
Kirara π
>>411623 in the most recent election neo nazis took a small portion of Parliament
>>411634 to be fair, it's hard to beat france they're run by a god sitting high on Olympus after all
Le penn was just a conservative with bit more radical views on some but she wasn't by anyhow and mean a populist or a nazi that is just what the media did
I still fucking hope that in next elections through some miracle, Jussi Halla-Aho gets elected prime minister
Not because he'd be goo d at it not because and wery much this, that he could turn into a finnish right wing dictator but just because of the amount of lulz the leftist media would went into and because "Master is the prime minister of Finland"
Kirara π
>>411636 macron became the person they said le penn was as soon as he was in power lol
Fucking I have been waling in the streets of paris atl ike 7 year old or shit and there was nothing threatening about it and now? Soldiers guarding every spot
>>411638 Do you really want someone you don't think would be a good pm just for the sake of having a laugh
>>411643 he is honestly and openly racist but he is also honest only bases his policies on facts and truth is damn good at his job barely uses money for campaigning doesn't take lobbying money from anyone and is highly educated >>411645 when you don't have no knowledge of the guy, it is easy to sum him up with any populist
"Facts and truths" don't mean shit. It's beyond easy to find any fact and any truth that you need to fit what you need.
I don't think being a racist is a condemnation if you don't base your policies on racism and he has never said "let's kill all the X" he has just said and i don't see why would he lie about it, that we should limit our immigration policy to people who can actually fit in tot he society
Being a racist is an irrational existence It is the rejection of reality, and if you think that affects only specifically the color of people's skin and runs no deeper in one's overall mentality and worldview, you are a fool.
Not to mention the alternative to basing his policy on racism would be basing it on what he believes to be false himself.
>>411648 I hate this mentality. The swingback against being polite and decent in formal situations is really annoying to me.
Also to clarify, his racism sums up to "some ethnicities are more visible on the criminal records and yet we are doign nothing about this and we shouldn't just accept every person claiming to be a refugee just because they say they are a refugee"
So what does he plan to do about these criminal records
But the point is if someone shouts ath im "racist" he just goes "and?" and then continues on with his talking points >>411653 either punish them as law dictates equally as native finns are or kick them out of the country, if they havn't gained residence or citizenship yet
No matter how powerful politician you are, you can't be elected into dictatorship end of story only way you can be dictator here is by taking over the country with a military coup and then you have 2 million armed finns to deal with have fun
My problem is that somehow honesty makes racism a good thing to you
Or any -ist it can be an honest communist who wants to kill all the boushies and install a new stalin or whatever I just value honesty I would rather elect someone who goes and states their honest intentions, no matter what they are, okay maybe not that far than just someone who states campaign promises and lies left and right
How do you know he's honest about everything else Being honest about being a racist doesn't mean he isn't lying about all the other things
>>411663 When you follow someone up for 15 years you start to know his character
>>411664 well if "you're a racist" comes from "okay maybe we should change our policy" or "this government of finns is doing bad stuff at the moment" or "our prime minister is being too EU obedient" or "maybe EU was a bad idea" or "that 30 year old man with beard doesn't look like 15" and so on
Hell even some twats called the people critizising the greek debt program racists
Not taking in refugees isn't inherently racist. Treating people equally under the law is not racist, that's fine. The issue is where he said he's racist anyway
>>411668 Well the new comers are getting special treatment which pissess of everyone who has for example gotten punished for same stuff they havn't been or just people who realise rule of law isn't obeyed and then you have politicians like our current prime minister who jsut tosses fuel to fire ie. saying "I will house 50 refugees in my summer cottage" oh and he never did that but guess what that does to the people seeking free meals all over europe?
and the sad thing, even here the majority who arrive really need help but those fuckers who jsut come to europe to get better and free stuff ruin all of their reputation also how does it help anyone, when europe takes like 2 million afghans and somalis in who aren't in that bad shape, bad shape sure but not that bad when 90% of all the syrians are in turkey and jordania... oh which we, the EU are funding "think of the syrians" yeah, we are with our tax money, but how does that relate tot his pakistani guy wanting refuge claiming he is from syria?
And what annoys me the most, is that criticising the finns who make these policies or the EUrocrats in brussel who enforce these is racist how is criticising WHITE PEOPLE for bad politics and policies racist towards anyone?
I can definitely see someone leaving their safe and stable life to travel across the globe into a different society where they know nobody, and might be sent into a warzone or permanently detained in some prison camp
Yeah cause if you arrive here without passport and identification papers claiming you are from syria and then we refuse your application you get sent back to syria have fun there
Oh and doesn't help that when the major wave hit us, we went "we will pay for your flight home" about 40% of people left that had arrived that year
Oh and they go on hunger strikes, because free food is bad free food that our soldiers and students eat
and then the states hires bunch of cooks from say syrian restaurants to cook for them? seems fair right?
So when someone is shouted for speaking their view of things that "you are a racist" and they just shrug it aside I see it as positive right now, cause the word has lost its meaning
"Wow I just managed to edit my save to have a party of all the guest NPCs. What should I do? I know, I'll fight the ultimate boss with this mishmash crew." >>>/watch?v=afN0IKTE-uM
well I write it wrong cause windows doesn't allow the ( implicating that it has H before it greece is weird
they don't have H they have khii and stuff where it is pronounced but they don't have the letter at all and in vocal starting words, it is told with ( that you add the H sound before it or with ) that you don't infront of the first vocal, or in terms of au, eu, ou and anything with vocal-u before it, with the symbol on top of the u
u as in y actualy, but combined with other vowels it becomes u
If Japan was given a modern F35 with the ability to rearm and refuel it but not reverse engineer its tech, how much would that single plane have changed the outcome of wwii
Cause that is how they framed the Old Gods they were Cthulhu and ilk and then in wow they kill one of them >>411730 What WHAT SOMEONE ELSE THAN ME LISTENS TOT HAT!?
I just can't wait when wow has sargeras as a boss and they kill him
you know guy who is big as a solar system and killed all the gods
But anyhow when that cthulhu thing was killed the lore was >the old gods were so powerful the gods of the universe couldn't kill them completely later it was changed to, about when rise of the lich king expansion came out to >they were fused with the world so they couldn't be killed without killing the world (azeroth local earth) and now it is >azeroth is actually a god egg that will some day spawn a very powerful god >old gods were corruption seeds send shotgunning into the universe by the actual evil void gods to corrupt the good gods, so that one of them would become their champion >sargeras the champion of the gods fighting against said evil realised their plan and went "welp better just fucking wipe the slate clean and restart again" and began his burnign crusade and started it with killing all the other gods
Dunno if they have changed it since then but that is as far as I know the backstory of the Warcraft universe now
i dunno it turned to shit and i stopped paying attention to it tbh who knows what the fuck it is right now lots of retcons no doubt
>>411749 it was me, dio >>411750 I'm okay I can't do much at the moment because I broke my ankle though. AQ40 gates opened yesterday so we just killed C'thun.
About 30 hours after release yeah. We would have killed it 7-8 hours after release but all the NORMIES had to go because of superbowl REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so we had to take a break until the next day when we were at c'thun >>411753 >>411754 Not too bad It's an avulsion fracture to distal fibula to be precise :nerd:
>>411757 I haven't ever analyzed it but the lyrcis are great. The whole album is >>>/watch?v=ZWIRzDE1XcM >>411756 it basically means a bit of bone got sheared off and will never reattach but is nbd really >>411760 hmm... >>411758 stupid eagles We didn't more like server 10th. Thefirst 7 of those guilds all practicd the raid on tehir own private emulated servers though so I don't like to count them. I think that's autistic as fuck and kind of cheating.
>>411762 So right as a prequel the story begins in the Imaginations from the Otherside album In the songs Imaginations from the otherside and atleast And the Story Ends we are told the first part of the story the song Bright Eyes may be connected, but it isn't sure and I don't feel like it does and I havn't found anyone who can really tie it there aside from one mention
Anyhow it sets the main character who I will call Arthur from now on, that sees dreams of another world, though treated as imaginations and in the story ends he is faced with a choice to cross over to that world of imaginations by a "crow" through a mirror, but he refuses and the song ends with "atleast I made a friend" referring to the Crow.
>>411766 Now we get to the Ninth Wave then years have passed and our hero Arthur is now a grown man and we have Discordia (renamed) to us, the other side the imagined world where the forces of the Fallen Son who I will call Mordred from now on invade They want to invade the world, before it resets, resetting that world or maybe the entire universe anyhow before the "Ninth Wave" hits and make it and reshape it in their, well his image of No gods and the first song tells of their crossing over and of their ambitions and how they start the war and how Mordred promises to his followers how he will bring upon a utopia(dystopia) in Discordia
>>411771 Twilight of the gods is also song from the perspective of Mordred where we go further into the war in Discordia Basically here he is/has reaches/ed domination in Discordia and starts to execute the minor gods and imprisons the main Nine Gods of Discordia, who have so far ruled it they all are represented by animals well can't be bothered to dig them up, but Hare, Fox, Crow are atleast mentionedi n the songs Morder anyhow further reveals his goals in this and for the first time "the king" is mentioned which i believe references to the Crow at this point, but it can also refer to Arthur But I presume it refers to the Crow, who fled with Hare and fox from mordred to the beyond but all the other gods were trapped by Mordred during this war for Discordia, save for bear who actually is dead and whose name may have been Arthur
I am btw pulling a lot of stuff from additional material in limited LPs and stuff
Oh and int his song " Deliver your gods They shall be slain I'm their fallen son Don't be afraid" it is established that Morder is one of the gods' son.
And then we get to Prophecies, where the trapped Nine(six) contact our hero in his dreams pleading him to come over(not to come over) and save their world and well them >>411778 good fucking question but that is where the name "mordred" comes everyone who has autismed this knows that is involved but
Anyhow the Nine(six) now manipulate Arthur to savet hem "We will bring you back To a moment in time We will reveal and detect What you are Precious truth in a cage It has been captured but safe And there we'll bind it and Blind it with lies"
Anyhow Arthur feels guilt for not entering the mirror years back so he decides to set what he feels he has done wrong and starts searching for the Holy Grail that is the key to unlocking the final seal and unleashing the Ninth Wave also there is a lot of insight to his persona and his regret
The fourth song is him essentially seeking the grail travelling from door to door, which may refer from place to place or from world to world since "red mirror" is actually the LAST door to Discordia anyow he travels for ages untill he finally accepts his role in this play and then he finds the Red Mirror, though not the grail yet
And now we get to the confusing one We start with someone of high importance, some high god of the universe lamenting about betrayal of some of the nine and then adressing someone, who I havn't figured out truly who I have read of theories referring to a dictator from Arthur's original world, where a dictatorial theocracy ruled and that theocrat reached his power through travelling tot he past or shit and now he is afraid that arthur will undo his reign but it is still weird Parts of the song anyhow like "Now Raise the flag The war seems over And bow your head At dawn they shall be murdered " are from Discordia and Mordred
Anyhow the mess of this song does deliver some points by now in the timeline Discordia has reached peace and Mordred has total control some forces are opposing Arthur and some forces are aiding him and whoever oppose him, will "The gods will ignore your end They'll defend the elder The lords won't salute you The saints they won't save you They'll defend their guardian The savior won't heal your soul" get all that
but in the end Arthur is promised the grail and sent towards it
Now Distant memories this is actually a kind of an intermission song Storm may or may not refer to the Crow or it just refers to the Ninth Wave Anyhow the song deals with motivations of Crow and Mordred both and has few lines from the 6/9 trapped
Now Holy grail continues with Arthur, who by now is damn old I mean forgot to mention but in the ashes of eternity he was already fading "your bright eyes are fading" The song is once again bit all over the place, but I believe it is a confortation between arthur and the theocrat and in the end Arthur prevails and gains the grail whic the chorus is all about The Holy Grail is on its way now and that is a message that is delivered tot he people of Discordia
the people are rebelling against Mordred and his reign he has turned into a tyrant, enforcing his view of no gods, no salvation, no nothing
However, the people viewed him as a god, viewed him as salvation from the start the >>411786 line playing part now But as he doesn't actually deliver and they saw that the Savior (arthur) is coming over with the grail they now rebel againsth is rule and wish to release the seals of the 6/9 gods and the Ninth(final) wave
Mordred several times pleads for his people to listen to him but the people refuse him, confessing that they server the fire, the conflict that in the end thrives discordia, caused by gods, that Mordred wanted to exterminate and thus gain eternal peace(in his view) and that they never really believed him, coming back to the Ninth wave "We'll bring a new age Reborn as aeon gods As aeon gods We'll break through" His followers wanted to be gods, to be immortal or atleast reach paradise, which Mordred never delivered he just delivered a godless world Anyhow he is ousted as the king and the people flock to release the 6/9 and welcome their new saviour
Now in Sacred MInd Mordred takes a temper tantrum and starts to scorch worlds I think he starts by scorching Arthur's original world and then continues by scorching Discordia or he might just Scorch discordia
The album cover Mordred on the red side Arthur on the other He is now giving his piece of mind to arthur for well ruining everything and trying to fuck him up by trapping him in his personal paradise BTW while doing this he is closing all the portals to discordia, which actually are ALREADY closed in Arthur's point of view, making ti a bit confusing when Arthur started his quest, there was just one door to Discordia, the Red Mirror but Mordred hadn't actually started closing the doors before this.
And then MIracle Machine which continues the discussion between Mordred and Arthur with bot h //with Arthur still on the otherside of the mirror Most of the song is from Mordred's point of view
And Now begins the Grand Parade Basically I have no much idea here. >>411795 too late
Well you have the Nine being set free, well 6 and the other three returning You have Morder doing temper tantrum still and Arthur fulfilling HIS version of the ninth wave, that isn't exactly what the Nine wanted, but still is acceptable by them >>411799 thinking
Well summa summarum >the new world is made >nine are made into mortals "This flesh is truth This blood is real" >the people rejoice that THEY are now in power >but the nine atleast know that nothing will change >as seen before, even without the gods, the mortals still "serve the fire" >and if gods are created by belief, new gods will still be made, even if it isn't the Nine Also the Discordia may or may not have been abandoned by everyone and locked behind with only Mordred left there
"And so this battle ends forevermore We don't fear anything Nor any other race We take control No longer we act like fools We're in control
Say goodbye, my friend Here's your promised end Be a part of the grand parade Along we're driven On and on, it's a grand parade We're one, we're so sorry to say It's all the same, you will see On this grand parade Damnation Now join the grand parade
Drown one more time While we all will say goodbye Bright, it shines bright Let us carry one the lie No more lies, all a lie One more lie"
So now for the Bonus track #2 Doom Here we have Arthur conforting Morder unknown time later He feels there is a curse on his descendants that Morder may have caused and I think there is some lies told to the new worlders as said in "Truth is a beast With a sad face A demon The cruelest of all "
Anyhow Mordred kinda welcomes Arthur, once again communicating through the mirror Though Arthur can't actually enter Mordred's domain, which I presume is Discordia, as "secret place" refers to it sometimes.
And now you have Mordred taunting Arthur for the rest of the song for being naΓ―ve for playing about 95% into the hands of Crow and the Nine in the end Or atleast that is Mordred's view of it Also it is even disputable did Mordred even set a curso upon arthur "It's the curse I set upon your kin You'll be deceived " or was it actually the Nine or the Crow? anyhow it is an epilogue further going into the "One more lie" theme and that nothing will in the end change, be there gods or no
Well if you ever have the time to work the lyrics thinking about the connecstions and shit feel free to contact me cause I NEED FEEDBACK AND ALL BLIND GUARDIAN FORUMS ARE DEAAAAAAAD and all other metal forums are gay
I'm not sure I entirely agree with your interpreation, but it was interesting to read at least
I don't agree with myself entirely either, but I don't know where to proceed
and I can't actually deal the money to physically buy the LPs and CDs that containt he story elements in german the only language they weren't mistranslated in from germanty to get the story