Thread #410704
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cardcaptors x2 dagashi (x2 now I think) cirtrus tokimiko hakumei violet evergarden kokkoku mitsuboshi colors I think that's all.
didnt we already watch violet ep 4
We did. Kokkoku and Mitsuboshi are the only new shows out today.
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I have violet evergarden 5 on my list tonight.
I'm not seeing it anywhere.
nope i see 4v2
It's also been a mid-week show these past four weeks. Would be kind of strange to suddenly drop on the weekend.
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Oh strange, it's on my list as episode 5 but is just a copy of episode 4. Must be a ripping mistake. anyway, I'm thinking tojimiko kokkoku citrus mitsuboshi colors does this sound good?
Oh we also have this week's Mahoutsukai that hasn't been watched.>>410728 He hasn hasn Fuck why is the fucking astrophe next to the enter key this is stupid. He hasn't posted in the anime thread at least.
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Is Jan still around?
ok miko
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I think Jan will be coming to watch mahou with us. We'll do that instead of tojimiko. okay let's start!~
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17, right?
Mahoutuskai>>410740 That's right.>>410738 Beep boop
>>410741 Okay!
nissan, didn't you hear?
weekly i hate how lazy this opening is
Oh Squid you'll be happy. I was checking on /a/ and I saw someone with your exact same complaint about this OP.
>>410758 why is it lazy? Because it's all reused animation?
>>410759 please upvote them for me
>>410760 yeah it even uses the reused things op 1 used why would you reuse reused animation thats so lazy
>>410761 Ew no I don't post on /a/.
Search [iqdb] (435 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Cardcaptor Saku(…).jpg )
>>410762 i thought it was weird that they spent so much money on random scenes throughout the series and didn't spend any budget on the op you'd think something that is going to be seen 50 times would take priority a little more
Oh yeah Jan Goatskulldad is also really good at making teddy bears apparently. Isn't it cute.
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free crystal flowers!~ I keep mashing my tilde button when I am making exclamation marks.
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>>410768 it's fine, it makes you look like a teenage girl. you're 17 right?
And she's got a bad habit of hitting Tilde buttons to begin with anyway.
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>>410775 oh shit lol
Spooky Chise.
Payment in sweets is a pretty nice deal.
this little guy is super cute
She's bribing all the spirits with magic flower candy.
Oh geez fuck man.
that was pretty fucking metal
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this girl is pretty used to getting murdered by now though
Oh this youkai Kotomine has four arms. At least, anyway.
Oh shit Elias.
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Messing with Elias generally has not ended well for anyone.
Shadow Dog is a good onii-san.
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elias is hating the player right now
Oh no. Poor Elias.
like taking candy from a baby
old gods sure are great
Especially when they're voiced by Jouji Nakata.
i would let jouji nakata fuck with me any day
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mahoutsukai no (…).jpg )
that was a fun episode
Yeah, it was nice. Oh no Chise gets kidnapped AGAIN.
evil guy next episode
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Miira no Kaikat(…).jpg )
Thanks for anime, Jan. Have fun hunting monsters! kokkoku okay let's start!
Ready. Actually I need to go get my laundry. I won't be long don Don't un-orange. Okay I'm alive again.
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1280x720, [Chyuu] Nanatsu no Taizai - Im(…).jpg )
>>410822 thanks! it's the best game ever since the last best game ever!
kokk might drop the series after this episode we shall see>>410822
that's an unfortunate abbreviation
>>410825 You've said that every week the past three or four weeks though.
>>410827 i keep forgetting what happens the week before maybe cause its so BORING
Hah hah. Kids in the backseats of cars are such brats.
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I don't find this to be that bad.
It's not quite what I expected, but it's been interesting.
The dad thinks they're all fucking DEEEEAAAAD.
That's not the kind of expression to expect from her.
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What a cute monster thingy.
what a cute bigger monster thingy
These ones aren't as cute.
Oh no.
Wow man that was a REALLY LAME stab attempt.
Oh third time's the charm though.
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The color of the shirt was blue though. This is a really racy OP.
Yeah it's a bit of a weird tone compared to the rest of the series. I like the song though.
Search [iqdb] (311 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kokkoku - 05 [7(…).jpg )
>>410869 Not quite blue. That's the jacket the onii-san took off to catch the knife in. So to be fair there is the chance it isn't his blood. That would have had to be some crazy acrobatics he did to flip the knife around though.
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Citrus!>>410874 It more closely matches the attacker though! I guess we'll see next week. okay we're all orang let's start!
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kokkoku - 05 [7(…).jpg )
>>410875 I don't know what you're on but it doesn't match the attacker at ALL. You can even see onii-san holding the jacket here.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 05(…).jpg )
>>410883 I see now but I'm certain that next episode will start with the attacker being stabbed.
the only thing good about this show is the chara desgins
I like the kissing.
These two are silly.
Apparently in the 2ch threads the Japanese are in general agreement that Harumin is best girl.
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>>410897 Well they're absolutely right.
>I lied to her to make her visit my dead dad with me >I thinkt that puts me in the lead
Subways are fun.
Jeez fucking louise.
Should you really be saying stuff like this aloud in a subway.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince A(…).jpg )
Why is she so concerned about indirect kisses when they've had a lot of direct kisses by this point?
She's kind of dumb.
because the writing in the show is superb
Oh no.
hi papa im gay for my new imouto
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Maybe this crazy lesbian will learn family values!
Mei's dad is a little more wild than I expected. I guess that's why she's so serious.>>410957 C'mon man does he look like the kind of way someone who's seriously interested in inheriting a hard, work-heavy position goes? Guy looks like a trust fund baby that just wants to faff about the world.
i bet he wont inherit the school and more drama will happen and meimei will be SUICIDAL
then MC goes all loveydovey and they become full on lesbians
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 05(…).jpg )
Whatever happens, the end result will be drama. okay mitsuboshi>>410962 since kokkoku okay everyone is orange let's start!
Whatever happens, the end result will be GAY MAKING OUT.>>410963 Man Ika I haven't seen you get this mad at a show in... ...When DO you get mad at a show even?>>410959 He's not even mad at Kokkoku he just finds it apparently boring.
>i miss and super love papa but im not gonna open his 20 letters he sent even though its the only sort of communication theres been since he left
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smiles r dead i actually dont dislike citrus that much
>>410964 Well it's fine. It's fun to get mad at shows even if you're just playing up the mad.
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Holy SHIT dude.
that is NOT the intended use of that toy
i have watched all of chihayafuru and i can confirm that is how you play
wow she's kind of skilled with that thing
It probably tickles the same parts of her brain that her video games do.
Saitou's going to end up playing just as hard as they are.
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They have some good toys in there.
japanese tax dollars at maximum use right here
kids these days!! 70s kids will remember
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>they all leave and the policeman is left playing with a ton of toys on his own
>>410980 Are you okay Ika.
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i have embraced memes
>>410984 Oh no. Please get well soon.
Also this is a really fucking depressing book. Why is this children's book material.
ika IS a meme
The book even got the STONE COLD GAMER to cry.>>410988 Oh no. It's terminal then.
please donate to my patreon to help me restart
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This girl is the rika of the bunch.
well she is the meanest so yeah
And the worst at paying attention to other people.
definitely displays the highest autism quotient
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 528x651, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 05 (…).jpg )
>>410994 Being mean and having an attitude are different.
and somehow you're able to pull off both
these girls better not crawl inside the tiger display
Oh no.
Oh I love exhibits like this.
Wow this old man handled that professionally.
>the monorail breaks 100ft over the concrete and the girls fall out >season ends on episode 5
I haven't been to the zoo in like a decade and more.
Poor Shoebill.
that bird doesn't give a FUCK
>maybe if i pretend im dead they'll go away
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This poor woman is not prepared to handle these kids.
i don't think most rational people would be prepared to handle these walking apocalypses
she's right, you know
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. They probably sell a bunch of them off to universities and other research institutions for experiments.
she looked so retarded swinging that purse around her neck
These fucking kids.
Poor Leader.
>I know I shouldn't feed them without permission >So I'll do it anyway!
poor leader
Poor Leader.
what a happy show
It really captures the kind of dumb fun that being a kid is all about.
Ma Ta Ashi taaaa
Poor Leader.
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince A(…).jpg )
Well thanks for anime! That's all for me for tonight.
being leader is suffering>>411030 rip in piece rikaroni
thank you