overlord 2 but I am also only watching three shows, so not really a big contest
how about you rei-san?
Haven't watched anything yet. My "battlestation" is disassembled due to having to rearrange furniture to get the new dryer delivered.
I put it part way back together, but my netbook can't really play video that well.
how long does a delivery take?
Well, we were told the week before last iit would get here last Tuesday. And it did But it was the wrong type of dryer So we had to wait another week. It's here now and the basement has been partially reassembled.
Really though I just avoid doing things whether it be important stuff or my hobbies.
I avoid important stuff by partaking in my hobbies what do you do
Well I often did do that, but then i would feel bad and also avoid my hobbies too. Right now I'm avoiding repairing my laptop which happens to be the tool I use for many of my hobbies.
Although I have been doing some important stuff, accidentally maybe got an internship and am volunteering at a public radio station.
Oh and I've gotten a ton oof cleaning done too.
that sounds dank what kind of internship?
>>398617 Technical researcher for a cannabis (accessory?) company. I overheard an r&d discussion by some businessmen at a cafe in a startup incubator. And I happened to come up with a potential solution for a product component. So I chatted them up about it. Waiting to hear back from them.
now I know what you mean by accidental that sounds pretty cool, maybe you'll even get free marijuanas
>>398619 Right? All my friends are gonna try and bum weed off me.
just tell them to fuck off
I will
do you smoke often?
I don't smoke at all.
you vape or eat it?
Nope I'm straight edge
I don't believe the striaght part straigth
straight I can't spell anymore, it all looks wrong
Looks like you spelled anymore right to me. Anyways thanks for talking with me, sometimes talking about random stuff helps ne feel a lot better. *me
what kind of music do you play at the station? any specific themes or shit?
I won't be DJing, that takes months of training and auditions. I'm tentatively goimg to be doing IT and some other random stuff.
good luck buddy i'm sorry i'm not rich enough to help or i would i might suggest looking for work-at-home work like i do i think you'd be a good transcriptionist or translator
I think I got pretty lucky, all my units were within one hit of dead when I cleared it.
The challenge for me was finding a unit that could tank the red mage and then the green dragon. The answer ended up being Halloween Nowi with flyer buffs.
I used Halloween Nowi, Summer Corrin, Cherche, and Olivia.
My solution ended up being pretty fun. I had Arvis attack the Manakete, then Mia and Nowi pulled him to safety. Meanwhile, Sonya was debuffing him with res and atk ploy. He came after us, Arvis finished the Manakete, and we retreated into the start point. Then I had to figure out a way to kill the red sword fighter and the green mage, since Sonya could one-shot Oliver and the blue cav. So I figured out that Mia could double the red mage and kill it and survive an attack by //// red sword fighter, not mage And then survive an attack by the green mage So then we just finished off the mage
Your approach seems like it was pretty similar to mine. For the opening gambit, I moved Halloween Nowi into the space where the red mage and green dragon would attack her. She'd tank that, and then pull back a space to attack the green dragon. I danced her and had her finish the green dragon. Then Corrin used reposition to pull Olivia out of a space, and Cherche swapped with Nowi to put her back a space and put Cherche in front to tank the blue horse.
Then on the turn after that I had to use Nowi to reposition Cherche into a spot, dance Nowi to get her out, and then use Corrin to reposition the dancer out of harm's way and tank a hit from a red swordman. Then on the other side on the next turn the fat guy was coming up so I used Cherche to one round him before he could attack while dancing Corrin on the other side to kill the red sword and mage coming.
>>398691 I could not figure out a way to do it without having units tank fairly substantial hits. My infantry and armor units could not take the big hits from a lot of those units. Only my flyers buffed with fortify flyers could eat them.
None of my units took any substantial damage. I think we only had to get hit two or three times. Mia took damage from the green mage and red sword, and Nowi took a hit from the lance cav.
I'm working on a Perfect Olivia right now for arena. Like 185 score and can kill 14/16 armored +10 units in the simulator.
will fuck shit up in arena i've been using ninian but i could just go all the way and make my defense team fully anti-armor
she'll have like 10 more bst than my ninian and i'll be able to give her +'s without too much trouble between her and effie, it'll be pretty much impossible for an armored team to survive an encounter with my team
That's a pretty interesting build. I use a Wo Dao+ / Triangle Adept Olivia, but I think I'm going to have to rethink her a little bit. She was good awhile ago, when you saw Hector like every match, but now he's faded a little bit.
>>398699 I sit around that BST too, so I know how it goes. My Corrin does most of the anti-armor heavy lifting since she has a ton of defense and does magic damage.
I usually run Corrin + Amelia + Black Knight + bonus unit. That's my defensive team too so they would have trouble with your Olivia.
>>398700 That's mine, but with Nowi instead of Corrin.
I'm going to put my Black Knight up to +1, too, I think. My Effie is an anti-armor unit and I use her offensive arena a lot. My offensive team is BK, Effie, Amelia, and bonus unit. I messed up two rounds by getting a unit killed this season and I'm ranked like 10k tier 18, so I might have to redo it.
>>398707 She would fit kinda well into mine as the buffbot. Plus she's just a great dancer on her own, since you can use either Iote's Shield or Guidance on her and fit her into a normal team. I will never get her though because I can't roll dancers, I've just wasted 250 orbs for nothing.
>>398719 Yeah. One thing to consider about my flying team is that if I need to do physical damage, I use Cherche. It doesn't matter what color the unit is. If something is vulnerable to physical damage, Cherche will make it explode.
>>398727 hmm, I think she had reasonably neutral IVs. She's still a passable attacker. I guess she's like half buffer, half attacker. My flying team is kinda built around the idea of buffing Corrin or Cherche and letting them do big damage.
>>398737 Well, I'm not really big on my flying team anyway so it's not a big deal.
My favorite team is my armor team. I want build a dragon team, but I need them to introduce more dragons. I need a distant counter for my armor team, too.
>>398735 So far the largest effect its had on me is that when I ask people "did you read the new chapter of $manga" they say "no, I don't know where to find it".
Although I bet its gonna really muck up the scanlation community.
Ooh, I just thought of a great (terrible) solution.
>>398748 His only strength is that he doesn't die immediately when hit He's not much better than any other archer. I can't make anything useful with him without close counter.
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if I could get into one of those teaching English in Japan programs. Despite not finishing college. I don't think I'd for sure get it though.
i'm watching Supernatural and this bad guy is giving a monologue about how bad his life is to this chick he wants he said he was lonely and she's like "ever think you might be lonely because you kill people?" and he goes "maybe i kill people because i'm lonely" i don't know why but it made me laugh so hard
>>398764 What you could do is close counter and ignis. Maybe quick riposte. And close defense seal or something. Would turn him into a wall that might not be absolutely horrible.
>>398768 Yeah. His bow is pretty crappy, too. Def/Res+2 to allies within two spaces during combat? Really? There are a hundred other ways to get that effect without needing a crappy bow.
>>398781 The seminar is only a once a year thing. Also for whatever reason they have me doing this certain thing way fast. People don't usually start with this particular duty as early as I am for whatever reason.
Basically it's a big deal thing that comes with more responsibility but more prestige. I think that what is really going on is that the people who can do it are getting old so they're starting to train young people to do it. I'll just be assisting but it's way early still but I don't feel anywhere near qualified.
>>398785 Wow, are you going to be the Youngest Person to Do X?
I don't really care about prestige, personally. I'd rather pass on the extra responsibility! Although I know I'd take the extra responsibility since I'm just like that.
>>398795 Will you get skills that can be transferred to stuff outside of work?
>>398796 That sort of happened to me at the NSPL boss wanted me to work midnight shifts on the weekends temporarily and normal shifts on weekdays and constantly switching my sleep schedule fucked me up so i got sick and lost a bunch of weight
>>398800 nope >>398808 >nearly a third of the male population Goddamn they committed so many sex crimes that they contaminated the entire island so hard that children need to apply for special clearance to even step on it
Kirara 🚗
>>398811 apparently javelina isn't kosher so i shall survive on cactus alone
oh yeah they're basically pigs forgot about that well you'll also get to eat tortillas and other masa things
Kirara 🚗
cactus fajitas
Javelina sounds good
>>398814 Right? Also the mayor was using their shitty internet connection tto ddownload cp in 2010 aand got caught This was their new mayor aafter the previous one was arrested ffor sexual assaults
some islands just need to sink
Kirara 🚗
the whole world needs to sink
>>398819 Is the island cursed why does it attract so many creeps
Yo Maria this is some good shit I love my daughter!god
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
even if I miss the nice one
>>398854 you know maybe if you grounded her more often as a kid and you were a bit more strict this sorta thing wouldn't happen You're way too soft dude
>>398858 >sure you can put me in prison maria >but you'll never see this phone again !!!
i definitely dislike that age ends up putting so much distance between my friends and I i am a person who desires closeness the lack of it in my adult life is probably the most powerful source of frustration i have, possibly tied for financial distress
my hair is so fluffy right now it's at that peak fluffiness a few hours after a shower where it's dry and airy and there hasn't been enough time for it to get sweaty or oily and then if i don't shower by then end of tomorrow it won't be so fluffy but right now very fluff
that sounds really nice Is it long? Or like, an afro?
it's kinda long the longest strands are about the length of my fingers it's only really that long on the top it kinda fluffs out like a fro but not quite i would call it "mad scientist"
I wonder what kind of trouble you get in for sneaking into a national park when the government is shut down. I wonder if the employees would even be there to stop someone doing it.
just realized i have to go to bed early so i probably won't be able to anime fug
>open steam for the first time in awhile >it's trying to sell me a game called "genital jousting" >check to see the page if it is what it sounds like >it is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
welcome to the future
Kirara 🚗
>>398937 that vr game your brother was playing is made by the same dudes
>>398953 >>398954 No Give me your steams if you want me to add you
>>398958 Ignore this poster he is my son Son get off /moe/ You aren't even allowed on tano You're not even meant to be alive I am a giant fucking faggot
>>398953 >>398954 No Give me your steams if you want me to add you
>>398958 Ignoe this poster he is my son Son get off /moe/ You aren't even allowed on tano You're not even meant to be alive Maria is a giant fucking faggot
why would you not divorce a filthy redditor that is so bad with money that you have to draw up a legal contract to limit his spending on really bad toys
I'm suddenly really hungry. Time to dig through the cabinets in the kitchen.
spent almost the last four hours watching cricket
Nice Who won?
Actually probably only two hours Don't know because my shift finished and ain't gonna watch that for free
Our team didn't seem to be doing well though
I don't think I've ever watched more than a few seconds of cricket at a time. Excluding me watching a movie or tv show in which the characters are watching cricket.
I ended up making a very large quesadilla. Now I'm having raspberries.
very nice
Ooh New chapter of good art One Punch
>James Cameron sent my family a bag of gifts and a letter about the environment >letter opens with "to those near and dear" Literally no one in my family has even met Cameron wtf
>>399036 >>399034 Cricket is fucking bad So bad It is like the Monopoly of sports because it's slow and feels like it will never end
>>399042 No but there were dvds on documentaries about saving the environment The letter was all about how we need to cut down co2 which is nice and all but the amount of emissions spent producing and transporting the stuff in the bag probably outweighs any savings we'll have on co2 because of it
>>399044 Now you've pissed me off so hard I'll convert my rage into renewable fuel
For real though, there are actually a lot of little things you can do that reduce CO2 emissions. Making sure to turn the lights of when you leave a room, lowering the heater when you leave or turning down the ac ...
>>399043 Also check the contents carefully, I'll bet some of them are made of recycled materials.
>>399040 Also I've played games that last longer than Monopoly. Like Twilight Imperium. I've only played it once, but it lasted 12 or so hours before we quit. No one actually won, but I basically tied with one other player. Everyone else lost.
>>399048 Yeah but I bet Twilight Imperium involved some sort of engaging gameplay or stratergy Monopolys endgame is waiting for death
Although there's also The Campaign for Africa. A game that in theory would take more than a month of people playing it 9-5 Monday through Friday to complete.
>>399040 I feel like I'm being converted It's terrible
Also someone tell me the easiest place to play in Europa IV... ... For I am dumb and this game makes me feel abso'-retarded.
https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/4815/campaign-north-africa >60000 Min That's probably a joke.
Okay, I did some reading. Its not a joke, but is inaccurate. The publisher lists the play time as 1200 hours.
Okay, I did the math. Assuming you are playing with ten people, it would take 7.5 months of playing 9-5 Monday through Friday in order to complete the game. This is negclecting to account for things like people making mistakes and having to redo stuff and what not.
Why would ten people ever do that to themselves...?
Well, I doubt any people aside from the creators would have completed a play through in under a year. But it would really just be something you did over a long period of time. Wargaming, especially 20th and 19th century wargaming can be very complicated.
Why would you make such a game where someone can struggle for months to complete it?
Realism If you play the game with the complete rule set, it is equivalent to keeping track of every soldier and all the supplies and their allocation in the actual campaign. According to legend
Although playing the game these days is easier, because you can just use excel or some other spread sheet program to do a lot of the stuff. The keeping track of resources by hand with pencil and paper is what makes the game so time consuming.
Do you just gotta reserve a table for that shit and just...go..."Well, this is where the game lives now"? Then a computer document and possibly a few notepads...
You'd probably need more than one table. Also the game map is like ten feet long. So the table would be where you sit with the four other people on your team.
...this sounds like some "Getting Over It" shit. Like...creator just wants people to suffer. Or the game of a madman...for madmen...
Definitely the latter Wargamers are fucking nuts
Oh so you guys aren't wanting to set that up yourselves?
I don't have room and only one of my friends dies. *does Plus he lives like an hour snd a half away... And we'd need to find more people... Also it would probably cost like at least $250 to get a copy in playable condition
Why isn't there a digital version?
People made excel spreadsheets for the game with macros and functions Also there are existing computer games that are about as complicated, but so much more is handked by the computer that it doesn't have the appearance of being so complicated
Also I'm pretty sure there is a non official digital version
Thought boardgames were dead really...
Naah We're in the middle of a boardgame renaissance Well Maybe we're past it and already into the decline But there at least was a renaissance sometime within the past 23 years.
Let moon know I gotta talk to him later, if he shows up
But wargames are particularly complicated. Unsurprisingly that comes from the fact that they are descended from tools used by militaries to plan combat or teach soldiers how to plan for combat.
I would think once you're of that mind that you think games like that are "fun"...it's time to just join some live role-playing group that dresses up and do "real" combat.
You know like a Medievil fair.
Nah, LARPs are lame. Also I'm not that into wargaming.
>actually acting things out is gay >having multiple tables >a computer keeping track of everything >and multiple notebooks of shit isn't I don't understand!
>>399078 If you're using a computer you don't need the multiple tables or notebooks.
Also from a logistical standpoint. LARPs require much more planning and preparation. In part because they have many participants. You can't really thriw a larp together in a day. But you can call someone up and meet them at a ganes workshop or FLGS to play a match of Warhammer.
Having sword fights is cool having dice fights is boring
Don't! The convo' will go into DnD!
>>399082 I could probably injure you more with dice than you could injure me with a foam sword.
>>399084 >Injure WOAH BUDDY No one said anything about injuring people Jesus Fucking psychopath
>foam sword Fucking pansy
>>399085 You ever step on a d4? Hurts more than a lego.
How about the dice that's just a spike?
Anyways, The Campaign for North Africa is the extreme example of wargaming complexity. It's nowhere near the average.
Makes me wanna play a game not months long. But all I know is you bozos... And you guys are nerds.
Or Victoria Or Hearts of Iron Or Stellaris Or Nobunaga's Ambition
Already tried Europa and Victoria...they aren't really..."fun"...more-so when making you feel like a retard cause you are. Still--playing with someone in such a game or games makes it "fun". errr...
Also I don't play any of those. I just know about them
There's not even in a comic shop or book store in this hicktown dawg. I'll take being a loser loner on the internet wishing I could have fun with people doing a shit nerd game in my head...and sometimes shitpost here.
>>399110 /tg/ has gamefinder threads Also you could start a boardgame club at your local library
Also if there's a college near you, they may have a boardgame club.
Nah dudeo, it's cool.
Maybe I'll just play the shoot-shoot games with bang in the future.
There's also Dwarf Fortress Which is quite possibly the most complicated computer game im existence. *in
...I feel great shame I don't understand that game yet Rika can--and can also somehow flood the entrie world in DF... So /moe/ having a stealth nerd and an actual nerd was shocking to find out.
I actually don't know how to play it. I'm sure I could, it just has a steep learning curve. I'll be much more motivated to learn it once the magic system system gets implemented.
I modded mine so it was pretty as shit. Then wasted 3 hours of my life.
Europa I've spent 49 hours /so far/ trying to not suck at...
Both seem to fun once...understood...but fuck it loves to make you feel dumb--unless already smurt enough--just waiting for that magic hour where anything happens... That isn't death. Pure death.
Did you use a guide for dorf fort?
It's like reading the Arch wiki... >>399120 Like I said...I'm a fucking retard. I gotta do it myself or I just don't understand. It's how it's always been!
>>399119 The arch wiki is very helpful though Also I've never even used arch, but their wiki comes up a lot when im googling
>>399119 You will almost certainly never figure out Dorf Fort without a guide.
It is absurdly complicated. And nigh impossible to play without stuff like Dwarf Therapist
It doesn't seem technally so--more like...just lots and lots and lots...of boxes and settings for things. Like one of those old ass text-based explorer games.
>dwarf >dwarf pocket >dwarf clothes >what does dwarf do? >move da dwarf
It's just the >where and what do I click to do [bluhbluh] Not like...um...putting together a car. More like flipping through a book fused with a "choose your own adventure"... >dwarf hungry! >flip to page 105 >you want to feed dwarf >go to page 14! >how to get food, page 67
>>399123 Dwarf Fortress simulates every single dwarf's wants, needs, moods, their thirst level, their hunger It also uses science based models for generating terrain and and vulcanism and faults Entities in it can suffer damage to specific organs, because anatomy is "simulated" to that degree There is no other game on Earth as far as I know that is as complicated as dwarf fortress
This isn't even getting into geology or its simulated ecology You will absolutely not be able to play it without a guide or spending literally hundreds of hours of trial and error
Don't underestimate its complexity because of its lack of graphics.
Pfft, projection! It's just menus basically...with a timelimit. Figure out which menu and command gets something to move--or die cause the "World" is active and moving in it's time.
I'd rather trail-error and learn DF than like...attempt to build Arch--which is proably the simpler of the two.
I recommend getting a pdf of the Getting Started With Dwarf Fortress book.
Gentoo, tho' proably better choice. But still--there has to be a more complex game than DF... Not much a gamer anymore though, and...I really...wish I could remember some coding game.
Dwarf Fortress isn't exactly a game, its intended to be a fantasy world simulator The creator has a PhD in math and spends the vast majority of his time making the game as detailed as possible.
I wish things trying to be like it were better... RimWorld is lacking. StoneHearth is proably gonna be shit. Towns, abandonedware. Gnormoria I think is dead.
...now just half-angry at lots of indie games having great ideas or look good--then die or cut and run.
This article is really good. http://www.pcgamer.com/dwarf-fortress-creator-tarn-adams-talks-about-simulating-the-most-complex-magic-system-ever/
You post too many articles dudeo.
Reading is Fun™
Yeah but when talking to someone I don't burst out my newspaper every few topics...
And I noticed Steam has "Genital Jousting" next to "Full Metal Furies"...which I read as "furries"... Riiiight next to the trash that is Touhou--which I still confused on if the orginal creator still owns..or is it some group thing...or sold off to company...
... Maybe should just procrastion more with attempt DF again...
Nah, Touhou is still by Zun
He must be so fucking rich.
But hey, with /gar/ gone--did that just end Gaming With /moe/? Chess, Checkers, Risk...and the starting of some weird maid RP thing...
Zun's probably not super rich. I doubt he's worth more than a few million.
>>399138 There are a few people who run rpg stuff. I don't think there are currently any games running though. But ToN had his thing, and Kirara had his thing.
Sounds really gay when put like that dawg.
You would know
You're the one that knows these people!
And how one can NOT be rich if own Touhou? That got a rabid cancer fanbase..that take it seriouesly like the wargamers and their games!
He doesn't make money off of fanworks. He also sells the games really cheaply. Also most Touhou fans pirate the games because it costs a lot to get hard copies because of shipping expenses.
I have one hard copy that I got like 7 years or so ago.
I'd estimate his networth at Not more than $10,000,000 But probably around $5,000,000
Iirc he was at Taito for a while, but quit to do Touhou full time like five years ago or so
What about the Yume Nikki dude? He do anything else?
It's getting a sequel soon
Also, the manga and the novels
...it has offical...both of those?
I really don't know how to feel...besides weird...seeing alot of weeb shit on Steam and old shit.
Oh--and I remember now... I wanted to say "Have you seen RWBY?"
Nope Also reminder that the creator of rwby died from an allergic reaction to a medicine intended to prevent allergic reactions All because he was allergic to cats, but his wife wanted one anyways so he went on the medicine
Ah, I was just gonna say "How do you feel about people calling it 'anime'?" and if you think something should just die if the creator does. ...also that it looks like butts...BAD butts...
That's how he went though huh? That's...kinda heavy...
The flat earth people bother me a lot more, but I do dislike people referring to it as anime. >>399159 Well, the allergy part is definitely true Err, allergic reaction I can't find a source on the cat part It's just a rumor I heard somewhere
How people think the earth is flat or that stupid new meme about moe-moe girl "flat earth"?
And High School of the Dead also got a dead creator, don't it?
How can people still think the Earth if fucking flat?
It stopped though...didn't it? No more Dead Highschools? I don't know about Shin-chan. Osomatsu-kun/san also had dead creator...but it's back! And S1 was very funny. Unno if anyone not a Fujo cares tho'.
We could probably list a bunch of dead anime/manga/whatever people but I'd rather not
>>399178 these hours are a bit of an exception it's nice at this time of morning
Eh...this place just reminds me how bad I am socially--but low-key enough that I can talk to someone like NewsMan without seeming too massive-sphagetti.
That and my shitposting mostly just looks like posting...that's always great.
Amazing tho' that the mahjong thing stuck...also a thing that was barely happening before I left for ???? time.
Wake up at 2:00am manage adwords accounts for an hour or so before breakfast write/edit copy for advertisements until 5 6am on the east coast, so start my client outreach and recruiting outreach 5:30am to noon, transcribe ~90 minutes of audio lunch noon:30 onwards, review the morning's ad target reception, review applications, email applicants, check for feedback write up a report of the day before 4:00 and that about wraps up my typical day
another two hours on invoice days or days with phone conferences scheduled i really work a lot but i don't even think about it to notice it i guess
it'd be probably more accurate // or intuitive to say i work from like 7 to 4 or 6 // 7 to 5 fuck this numpad seven to four or seven to five but i like waking up really early and mucking around with data is just what i enjoy doing before breakfast but yeah it's pretty insane most of the time
and of course i take little breaks like this all day long and pop in on /moe/ and manage some chat windows
Applying to universities is incrementally more and more of an uphill climb the longer you are out of high school. It almost feels as if they don't want you there.
>>399236 they don't, and you shouldn't want to be there they're such an artifact that just have too much momentum to stop there's a lot more granular, affordable, and brief professional development resources out there for adults
I'm going to miss my white society daughteru but I must move on to more indie games to slather my brain with line my brain with eyes of useless knowledge
I am Ohio.
Heh TrueType systems include a virtual machine that executes programs inside the font, Whoops wrong thing https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/19/apple_text_bomb_vulnerability/
fuck hsl with a cactus
with anti-lube
no too good rusty jagged pipe filled with ebolaids
Whats hsl?
helsingin seudun liikenne state owned shitcompany that runs all public transit in the capital area and hates everything that isn't 100% green
city is filled with greens who want to ban cars completely
How do they feel about nuclear powered cars?
they hate nuclear most
Ah So they're double retards.
europe at large is either sjw leftists running the show, green retards or combination of both
also i hate subways too bright, noisy as fug
God, anti nuclear energy people are the worst. It's the most efficient energy source.
but it is like nuclear and nukes are bad and like it has radiation
Although I'm actually still pissed about Fukushima. The management st that plant was fucking retarded. *at
Fucking ruining it for everyone.
funlandia is actually top green country because of nukulear combined with hydro
Hydro can actually fuck up the environment if you do it wrong. I wish more people would do wave based power generation.
wave is hyper limited, though
ie in baltic sea fucking "baltic" östsee east sea ya twats the only place with enough currents is the denmark straits
Well, I meant like actual ocean coastal nations. They have no excuse. Fucking UK
If you do it right, wave based is better than solar.
but seriously they just cut the bus roads short, caise they wanted more people to use the metro gotta make that 2 years late 20 billion project 10 billipn overbudget project pay for itself and shit
Train systems and bus systems are supposed to complement eachother, not compete.
but busses drivong in the city centre id like pollution and adds traffic and noise and i just kike to bicycle to work abd metro like uses elecyricity and thus os like clean and it doesn't affect me t. hsl paper pusher
If you do buses right they don't add a net increase to traffic because if people take the bus instead of driving there's less vehicles on the road
Sounds like that organization needs less morons at the very least.
yes they btw each year try to ban some road from motor trafgic because we need more bicycle paths ans like no one meeds a car atnthe city try fucking being employed in a field you have to dt'rive stufg on the centre...
>>399279 you dont know chino or is it a moustache joke
>>399288 I know Chino but Yes it was a moustache joke You could have just played along And we'd all have had a good laugh But no We can't have such nice things
I love how low media profile our presidential elections have currently well, it is about "we all know sitting guy is getting a second term so why bother" the guy had 70-80% ratio of "would re-elect" when polled a month ago
I think we will get a one vote election for once usually there are always 2 rounds
I thought recruiting would be easier. I'm not sure how people fuck everything up this bad I thought transcribing was pretty easy but man people sure do fuck it up
i want to go to hell and burn there for a long time because at least then i won't be thinking about all these awful things i guess home would be nice too
is fun how basically bruteforcing it is oft best choice to fix electronics bit of tin wire and duct tape and voila fixed charhing thingy on my headphones
well the issue was dimple top some plastic thingamingy had broken that normally wpuld press the charging metal bars together, so just add some conductive material to basically jam them together to make up for the now existing gap and hey presto
and then my bed starts to wiggle weirdly not my day i guess i'll need to go over some screws and bolts to see if shit has gotten loose >>399336 something with a good smell
well bed moving is fixd for now just hammer domething to prevent it from moving between posts and walls
I'm going to change the subject though because I want to tell this story before I forget it.
I think I had a run-in with the Chadmobile today on the interstate. I was in the fast lane on the interstate going my usual ten over, and this large vehicle came up behind me at a million miles an hour with its brights on. And was shining it's bright lights into my car and blinding me, so I changed lanes into the middle lane. It followed me into the middle lane (the fast lane was going kind of slow) and then got impatient and went into the slow lane, and zoomed in front of traffic and then lane changed all three lanes over to the fast lane again once it got out in front of us.
It turned out to be a pickup truck mode humvee that was huge and covered in tacticool yellow lights like you see on 18 wheelers sometimes, and he NEVER turned his bright lights off. And to make things even more ridiculous he had a giant metal grill in the pickup truck bed, completely unsecured and just kind of moving around back there.
hey moe all of the recruits ive tested so far said the test was way too difficult i don't understand because it's all work ive done before and i've got less experience than most of the applicants, and i gave them ample time and resources to do it
You're supposed to switch them off when you get near other cars. The Chadmobile had the permanently on in the middle of a crowded interstate, that was completely lit by street lights. It was beyond ridiculous to be using them in that setting.
He's comfortable enough here to be an asshole now. But he's generally a good cat. He tried to climb my ironed shirts that were hanging to finish drying.
He's cute, though. He's super friendly and everyone loves him or wants to come meet him.
I haven't really been close to my cohort until recently, so I didn't realize it. But apparently I'm pretty popular. I keep getting invited out now and people want to come hang out now that I'm being less standoffish. I thought I was generally liked, but I didn't think I was actually that popular.
>>399385 Yeah. I think I'll be able to get along with them pretty well. I /// It's a little scary that everyone is going to know that I'm an alcoholic soon, though.
If you remember that problem I was having last semester, one of the things didn't work out and was more-or-less the worst case scenario. But I asked someone for help and I'm getting a chance to fix it all now.
I know I've said this before, but asking for and getting help from people is a great way to manipulate them into liking you. People automatically like people who owe them something, or people who they think occupy an inferior position.
I know all about manipulating people! But I've always been alone so I've always gotten by on my own. So I never learned how to ask for help or rely on people.
My 17 year old client freaks me out He's too perfect he was telling me about the stock market and how he follows and reads IBM's quarterlies and how they've been going down for 22 quarters but now they're getting back on top of things he has such a good relationship with his family too
>>399399 He's coming because he wants to grow as a person and get passed his problem with procrastination. He's got like a 3.4 GPA and has been accepted to a bunch of colleges he really wants to go to.
He told me today that his mom is the best mom in the whole world and was telling me about how great she is even though he doesn't always get along with her, and he understands why she does some stuff that he sometimes doesn't like.
>>399398 >tfw 17 year old knows more than you Kill him
I think procrastination actually comes with intelligence. I don't know if he'll ever get over it. The smartest people I know are big time procrastinators.
I don't think he'll get over it, but I don't think that's his main problem, either.
But he's just so well adjusted and he has such a good family that he respects and loves and they all get along so well. It's all too perfect. It freaks me out.
He's a cool kid, too. He'll probably grow up into a pretty good adult unless tragedy smacks him in the face.
>>399404 His problem is mostly motivational. He thinks the problem is planning - that he procrastinates and then doesn't have enough time to finish his assignments, which seems like one of the problems, but I don't think it's the root of the problem. It's hard for him to motivate himself if he's not totally interested, and things that don't interest him can exhaust him quicker. If he takes a break because he's tired of // with something he's not interested in, he has trouble getting started again.
But I'm not sure if that's really what he's coming for even though that's what the problem he and his family say they want to work on. I'll probably have a clearer idea after the next session, but I think he might want help asserting himself against his mother on something related to college.
My laptop actually isn't very warm. It's pretty cold, honestly.
I think my cat kind of knows where I'll set my phone or book around when I'm laying in bed reading. If she wants attention she'll purposely lay down in that spot on the bed, as opposed to a warmer place like near my feet or something.
Oh, it was okay. I learned some good stuff. Some of the speakers were really good, some were only okay. We had one talk about intersectionality and institutional racism. That is the first time I've ever heard someone talk about that stuff in real life.
Samu 😉 !KW2DbpWwls
hiya everyone
gah I was going to bust out the upgraded strap for my Vive tonight but a screw fell out and now I need to wait until tomorrow to get a screwdriver
It counts the change as you put it in. It was a gift. From a coworker who was trying to tell me that the change I keep on my desk was unsightly. Or maybe she was just thinking that I'm old timey for using change at all.
I use chang to buy M&Ms (peanut of course) from the vending machines so she gave me a bag of those and a battery operated coin thingy. I didn't really expect a gift from her at all, I guess she was really getting into Christmas.
>>399470 I keep it in a little container that you'd put paperclips and stuff in. My system was fine!
Just use a mason jar or something.
Yeah that's more or less the same thing. I had a friend that kept change in an unused ashtray. One of those really bottom-heavy things of glass.
>>399463 How tiny? Computer screwdriver size or eyeglass screwdriver size?
>>399527 Yes, that is true. You have to take them a little ways away from the house. It's best to release them in the woods so they can't find their way back to the home.
>>399609 i saw a cricket the other day sign said "free phone when you switch" it's like a $20 "smart"phone from LG >>399608 this website's ads are so unbearable i couldn't finish reading this funny article web 3.0 sucks
alright well i lost my fuckin glasses so i'm fucking blind monitor less than a foot from my fuckin head
>>399614 thanks for trying though do // web does suck these days
>>399620 wish i knew some kind of ad blocker for android chrome i think i tried one on my old phone but the phone had too much RAM being eaten up already to work well running something in the background