Oh, yeah how much do you get outta that transcription thing, hourly? roughly
depends on what the content is really worst case scenario i get like 12 bucks an hour best case i get like 30-35 average about 18-20 >>399643 maybe there's something in your country you can apply for in person with that or translation >>399644 what system
how often do I gotta do these things to not get booted out the system? Aren't you working through some company or whatever?
Cute Robot Lesbians
>>399644 ive got my own personal clients at this point there's a company called rev.com you can apply with which is where i started like four years ago their pay is shit and only paying about half what the standard service should pay
Not exactly useful unless I intend to do this long term, huh?
well rev is a freelance place you can do work basically whenever and however infrequently you'd like i havent done work there in almost two years and my account's still open like i said the pay is shit but if you look at it like needing to make an extra 50 bucks or something rather than a work hour investment it can be helpful i would think that norway has some transcription services somewhere, it's an important industry
There might be, but I don't exactly have a lot of qualifications yknow
you can type more than 75 wpm and you've got a good command of multiple languages and you're attentive to details and punctuation and stuff those are qualifications that are harder to find than youd think
sk 🖤
I might look into it at least I dunno if there's anything like that in the area though, maybe it doesn't need to be
you should apply at rev regardless of if you intend to use it it takes like a few minutes and there's no commitment to actually doing anything it takes time to hear back from them. i complain about that company a lot but tbh i've had times when i had bills and no way to make money before the bills were due and just doled out the time to make a couple hundred bucks to save my ass >>399653 it'd give you exposure anyway you may want to look at other clerical options too there are a lot of people that actually can't use computers like, yeah they can use a computer, but to actually organize information on one and have a digital workspace is overwhelming to some people for people like us it's just second nature because we're always organizing our own shit
Yeah, I'm gonna send in a thing worst case scenario I don't get an account
the biggest thing i'd say now is that, after spending this last year doing the work you do, it seems like youve built some work ethic the // being willing to endure the grind is enough to get you some places
I gotta find something at least I've got a metting at what used to be the unemployment office, but is now more than just that, on Tuesday, and I think they could set me up with some other stuff but idunoo
I need an extra $750 a month I can get there by just not spending money, technically
>>399657 i don't quite understand how you can get there by not spending money if you're making under half of 12 dollars an hour i'm having difficulty wrapping my head around the situation sorry
Huh? I've got roughly $5.7 an hour Though I thought it was less, I wonder if the currency rates have changed since last time I checked >>399660 I work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
you're able to make 750+ a month on that? and what about transportation and food costs
if you're looking at just getting a little extra per month to cover your personal expenses then yeah, transcription and other freelance projects might be an option, just to have some spending cash here and there i thought you were needing to specifically transition to a new career path
But no i'm just looking at what my options are I really would rather not get to or stay on the level where I look at a bottle of soda while shopping and consider whether I can afford this luxury
it's pretty hard to do non-hourly wage stuff sometimes it's one thing to just arrive, clock in, clock out to sit and take on a job without being forced to and then spend two hours with it or something and see 25 bucks from it is really unmotivating but if you don't think about it and just do it it's not bad i might spend a day just transcribing files -- nothing else workwise, and nine or ten hours out of the day doing it and it can actually be somewhat enjoyable that way but if i'm consciously thinking about the dollar value then it feels like a big chore
rev's rates are half of what i charge my clients too, and the audio quality is worse there, and transcription is harder when you're starting out so i wouldn't want to go through that if i were you, but that is an option the plus side is you'd get access to their forums and get to see the ludicrous shit i see every day
I've found myself sitting around without music a lot more lately, and it's odd
>>399667 look at this shit dude http://kratomguides.com/super-green-indo-kratom-differs-green-malay-green-maeng-da/ the actual article itself look at the fuckin bland points, generic phrasing, look at the fuckin stock images look how fucking lazy of an article this is but this kind of shit is all over the web not even anything to do with kratom but just lazy shit writing like this is just everywhere
there's gotta be some entry for you into article writing if you wanted you could do this way better it's such a formulaic thing now do a few google searches and make some bland bullet points and there's an article
I think I could write articles about things, but I'd need to be interested to make anything good I've been mentally drafting some stuff lately, since one of the twitter people I sometimes talk to is planning on starting up some thing >>399671 Ï mean I could probably put out something halfway decent
>>399670 if you got paid 15 bucks per 250 word article then you wouldn't need it to be good you'd just do an hour's worth of moving information into a readable format and then publishing it and go and you'd just pick article topics from a list it's so fuckin generic but it's work
how does my cat make so much fucking noise when grooming herself she's just licking her fur but it sounds like a bag of wet sponges being plopped around
>>399669 they're not selling anything i dont think it's just kratom guides but then there's ad space in there for kratom sellers maybe they do i dunno, but that's not really what i was worried about
speakin of the krates this red borneo actually tastes really good like, the green vein stuff before was a little bit bitter and tasted like a veggie protein shake or something which was tolerable but this stuff actually really tastes good
it's not really that exciting i'm using it as a mood stabilizer, the same way i had done with valerian root before and to help a little bit with some really bad bone pain ive started having if there's a high to be had, i haven't experienced it. it just helps me feel normal
oh yeah, and appetite it rouses my appetite and helps me eat without tearing my digestive system apart
>>399675 you might be able to save some money by switching to pipe tobacco instead of cigarettes idk about norway's prices, but here cigarettes are expensive af and it's a lot cheaper (and more enjoyable) to use a pipe and pipe tobacco like probably 80% cheaper
The IOC has agreed to allow North and South Korea to march under a Unification flag and for a joint womens hockey team to compete. 12 Northern and 23 Southern players will form the roster, but only 22 can be eligible to play each game of which at least 3 must be North Koreans. 10 other Northern atheltes were granted late
* entry exemptions for other events.
Densha Koitoko
half of my group believes there's some kind of homosexual conspiracy in hollywood
sk 🖤
Guess I'll watch the Godzilla anime movie
sk 🖤
I assume that should be "the newest Godzilla anime movie" but I'm not entirely sure if there is an older one
okay but using a deformed avatar for this is what makes it racist especially considering knuckles has always been portrayed as being a stupid tribal guy
Besides you might think something is racist towards X, but if X themselves doesn't come out shouting about it why should anyone care about your opinion? If the supposedly insulted or offended party doesn't care, why should you knight them?
Fuck if I know shit about knuckles I prolly have seen more deformed versions of him the past week than actual depictions during my entire lifetime
Kirara 🚗
yeah there's literally a knuckles tribe and a bunch of the games have tikal who is a member along with knuckles and tikal has very overt tribal aesthetics
Though some harmless internet meme on a most likely short lived vr internet chatboard game is pretty much just that I just hope it dies off as quickly as other normie memes >>399747 and surprised were?
kirara do you record your client interviews back in the early days of my transcribing junior clinicians would send in stuff like that to get transcribed and i did a few of them it was kind of creepy to peer in on others' mental health visits
Kirara 🚗
>>399766 yeah, all the intakes and therapy sessions get audio and visual recorded at the clinic im at
>>399712 >I don't think that is particularly racist per se wow
for all intensive purposes, i'm not a racist per say. i have many black friends. my mom even started dating a black guy, which i was weary about at first, but i found out that he likes anime so it's okay
>>399804 both it helps with my pain, which seems to have gotten pretty severe in the past couple months, and it gives me an appetite and helps stabilize my mood so i don't lose my shit
>shock cavalry unit is noming on enemy archers >30 sec later after I gave them order to charge at enemy flank they are down 30 men dafug happened to it, that charge broke the enemy completely? maybe my own archers launched a volley at it or something
when you actually get siege weapons, the sieges become fun though unfair as fug especially combined with "My longbows outrange everything but +range longbows of your own on the walls"
>>399840 It's funny how in the manga they're building up to a final battle and they're hyping it up and the next page is just ryo cut in half on the beach
I think that's a good choice The author recognizing that the show already ended
>>399842 It didn't really need a final battle since there was no way he could have won anyway. It's more shocking to just show the outcome and it pushes the futility of it all
As the story progresses, a lot of things become a lot more clear, most importantly how completely irrelevant Akira is in it
>>399844 I really loved how like, you know you look at power rangers and you can ask "why not just send every monster at once instead of one at a time" And then they did it here by just sending a bunch of demons in at once and Akira can't do shit
>>399846 I thought it was like an army It probably works that way in at least one super sentai
sk 🖤
Don't the monsters appear by some sort of natural event in Power Rangers? I don't think it's like a group sending them out?
sk 🖤
I haven't seen much power rangers anyway... possibly none, so I dunno
Kirara 🚗
in power rangers, there's an evil queen that creates and sends monsters
So, I was connecting some dots and I found that one of the artists who did music on Nier's Unreleased tracks is someone I grab Comiket albums of. I somehow didn't notice it. Despite the very distinct voice and mood they bring out. But I guess I was on such a Nier high.
>>399633 (OP) Would you say this manga is worth reading? I have no idea what it's about.
...they don't have stuff on youtube, I guess. but it's Morrigan & Lily They did the Unreleased Emil They also had an album in C86 called Historias And one of the songs is called Automata's Dream I doubt this really has anything to do with Nier:A though.
>>399892 I wanted to read it in Japanese and I assumed my Japanese would get better but then my learning stalled because of exams and I didn't get around to it
hi moe
i just played terraria with my friends and it was fun and then we got bored the end
>>399896 How far in did you get? Did you beat the wall?
>>399919 Yes, I am! My brain is busy turning over all of the stuff from the seminar too. I am the kind of person who needs to have stuff rolling around in my head for a day or two to really understand it.
Also the retardosaurus bringer of end, alduin just got STUCK between those two pillars in the end and I just wabbajacked him to defeat in the end fucking... took like 30 dual cast 350% damage multiplier incinerations to kill him something like 60k raw damage some resistance.
last night at Enter Shikari my glasses fell into the mosh pit was interesting
they were my last backup pair i got lucky today with an optometrist appointment though so i have contacts on the way, and this sample pair should get me through until they get here
otherwise i'd be screwed! i can't function without my glasses
>>399965 Yeah, but you're also biased and don't know me well enough to read my mind! Just because my brain's foggy doesn't mean you can pull the wool over my eyes so easily.
>>399976 >>399977 The current administration is moronic. I don't really feel like getting into a deep conversation right now. Inb4 every administration is moronic Because its never been this bad before
>>399979 Now's a time you should believe me then! Depend on me.
>>399978 I mean it shuts down like this literally every time. Then they pass like five stop-gap deals, screaming the whole time about how it is the other party's fault.
The Republicans did this every time with Obama, they stomped their feet and wouldn't let it pass and both parties screamed at each other. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the Democrats are doing it to Trump.
The only thing that surprises me is how the media can still act surprised with all the times we've seen this song and dance.
>>400018 I like gets but only if people are competing If people are competing for it then it's exciting because you gotta time it just right There's a whole meta game to it
>>400020 Actually you're right That was a shit Get bang you should be ashamed
>>400019 can you really congratulate a get when you spam to get it?
My immune system used to be really strong, but it ended up getting destroyed. I never used to get sick until Fish died /// Teacup died wow wow that's a scary thing to mistype My head is just not working tonight
since /// until teacup died and i became an alcoholic
>>400110 Not to entirely presume but I think the way your sleep went to tatters probably had a considerable impact on that too. Sleep deprivation can be really damaging to the immune system.
It's making my eyes itch too. This is some really bad dust!
A billionare here in Toronto and his wife were likely murdered together in December. An investigative team working for the family is working on the assumption it was a contracted killing.
I don't have a mask and the only goggles I have are swimming goggles! I can't see well with them on because they aren't prescription!
>>400123 They were found hanging in one account, "in an upright seated position on the floor" in another. I'm a little confused why there's different accounts; the actual incident happened a month ago. But both accounts seem to conclude that they were strangled by leather belts. Initial police theories seemed to be a murder-suicide, but there's evidence of both their wrists being tied together, like with zip ties, which makes things look more like a second party.
Sometimes with a high profile crime, the police will release incorrect or inconsistent statements to the public, to weed out false information coming in. People who actually know about the event will know those details are wrong.
There are a lot of reasons someone might need to hide their face.
I guess it's good to already have access to something that can hide your face before the occasion happens and you need to go out into public to get some.
But for me my face is hardly my most distinguishing feature.
People can track you or prove you were somewhere if they can identify you on camera. It helps protect against facial identification software, too, although there's some software that can manage a match with just the area around your eyes now.
How should I know? Maybe someone could want you gone or want information or something.
I still remember that line, dunno who said it though >liutenant, I think I am hearing that famous "screeching sound from above" >"company halt" >look of utter terror on his face >TAKE COVER someone had fucked up a few schedulding memoes apparently
Wow D&D was really really bad tonight DM is such a fucking jackass
Anyone else having errors when they try to go on mangaupdates?
It feels like I've got a bit of food stuck between two teeth and it's driving me crazy. I'm pretty sure it's just a bit of swollen gum but it's not letting up.
And it sounds like all the dogs within a mile are barking so it's probably not just me. But I think I will not investigate this one, somethings you're better off not knowing.
>>400317 It feels like to me that I've just gotten better and better at it. Started pulling all nighters when I was in high school and that kind of messed up my circadian rhythms more and more until I ended up being able to sleep whenever.
And then I started getting older and that started shrinking back down. Nowadays I can do twenty-four to six before I start getting so tired I can't think straight.
Samu 😉 !KW2DbpWwls
haha I’m also pretty good at pulling an all nighter it’s a skill a terrible skill
It's nice to have when it's needed. But it's also terrible to have when you don't want it. And you get one of those nights where it's "oh I guess I'm getting shit for sleep tonight".
Allnighters are easy The following day is the hard part
For a lot of people, especially those who've never or rarely left a proper sleeping cycle, they really aren't. They hit that seventeen or eighteen hours of being awake and their body is so drop-dead-tired that it's pretty much useless to keep them awake much longer.
Though I do wish I was still a kid and even the following day wasn't a problem
Some people swear off coffee, for some it might not have the desired effect.
Also I'm going to go full "no true Scotsman" here and say I was talking about people that don't -that aren't reaching for outside assistance when I said they aren't easy for everyone.
I love this shtick in american cop shows where the different departments are like, competing firms essentially "This is OUR case!"
Like dude I like NONE of you, but you'd be a hell of a lot smarter if you worked together instead of structurally being in competition with each other all the fuckin' time, only helping when legally required to
Samu 😉 !KW2DbpWwls
I'd look like too if I had some weird guy winking at me
Samu 😉 !KW2DbpWwls
I'd look like that*
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
Kani kani
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
>>400331 >not letting the other departments handle it so you can eat donuts at the station smh they aren't living life correctly
Writing these essay questions out is going to be a challenge. I don't know what to do for two of them... But at least I can get past the initial question of >Introduce yourself and why you think you are good for this position
I might watch some tomorrow But I wouldn't wait, cause I dunno how long it'll take
dude check this job listing out https://stlouis.craigslist.org/wri/d/writer-st-louis-guidebook/6452445633.html
sk 🖤
That's pretty cool You gonna try to get it?
nah st louis has a very rich underground culture and i'm not too much of a socialite i wouldn't be able to write anything useful for visitors
rich as in diverse, like a rich tapestry of culture not wealthy rich it's neat though, most of st louis is built around free entertainment there's free concerts, free art museums/zoos/events, jazz and blues festivals it's a cool city
Well are tourist brochures ever really for that sort of crowd? They want people who come to drop money, so the underground scene isn't really that relevant I think
i think it's more about being a knowledge resource and having web/app traffic or something
There's usually more things of bagels in our breadbasket than actual things of bread. Yet we still persist in calling it the breadbasket.
No, Hallmark. Of course, one of my children's card games Wizards of the Coast is doing their Reality TV-show style internship hiring again. I want to make magic cards.
>>400418 >doing their Reality TV-show style internship hiring again. Explain this concept as if someone had never heard of or seen it before. Because I haven't.
The Great Designer Search 3. As it has only been done twice before in all of Magic's lifetime. They send out this essay question list for you to answer. Then a quiz on some magic stuff, which is likely going to be very difficult to process game states.
Then they pick like 10 or so people. And Mark Rosewater gives you design prompts. You have like 2 days to make a card based on the prompt. After the 2 days, he shows all the designs made and talks about how he feels about them in an article. Then he eliminates one of them. Rinse, repeat until you're down to the last person. Although, I think during GDS2, the finalists were so good that BOTH got hired.
Yes. I definitely do. I've also made, tested, and prototyped my own card games and other people's card games. So I've got the ~indie experience~ >but did you ship shut up, self doubt I can do it. The hardest part is going to be the first two steps.
I'm doing the essays now. Sorta. It's more like I'm trying to formulate them. But I have the essay questions. I need to give 250-350 word responses to 10 different questions. So I'm looking at 2.5k-3.5k words to throw out. I'm just outlining thoughts at this point. Some of these questions are hard to answer. They're very simple questions but they aren't easy when i think about them
>You may submit your answers at any time, but submissions received later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Sunday, January 21 will not be accepted.
I'm surprised you didn't check the deadline before I asked.
I mixed my deadlines up[
do you think eating an entire pizza yesterday would-no thats not it ive been like this since like friday but ive been flush with a mild headache for a few days
Shoutout to my good friend who is also participating that said to me >I thought the deadline was this weekend to which i replied >lol nah and neither of us went back to check (or he might have and just didn't tell me)
this whole time I was thinking "shit, I have to get this stuff done before Thursday or else it'll cut into both Global Game Jam AND my first day of non-training work which is Saturday night/Sunday morning" but I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore. whoops
im legally obligated to yell at ypu for posting foom so there but now enjoy your essays
Sometimes I like, open my jaw and in my ear there's this CRK sound And then it feels like I'm bleeding, but there's no blood I wonder what that's about
There's also like, a persistent itching in there, my left ear is fucked man
>The top eight will then participate in five design challenges, from which we will chose the top three finalists who will travel to Wizards to compete in the Live Challenge. ah, so it's 8 not 10 but more importantly... I actually have to go there.
Ah, I see. It was my fault. He was finished by Wednesday. And he messaged me on Friday to see how I was doing. What a thoughtful guy. >>400462 lol I don't know I probably won't be able to. I don't get proper vacation days until May... I'm going to have to see if I can stack overtime as saved hours rather than pay. That OTO system will have to be used very effectively
Good luck nerd
I actually thought the deadline was a while ago.
If you have any magic questions I can answer shoot me an email. Or post it here. Cause I m a bit more current than you. Although I have no idea what the essay questions are like.
A little bit, the premise is that she's a sacred fox disguising herself as a human to go to highschool. But she sucks at transforming. Basically everyone under 20 or so sees her like that and everyone else sees her as a normal human. Oh and she looks completely human in pictures.
>>400469 These aren't questions that require much Magic knowledge. Just experience playing the game and a view from your design lens.
Okay, really by "knowledge" I meant keywords and mechanics.
Ah, then grab some interesting keyword mechanics from the last two sets. I barely followed Amonkhet and Kaladesh I'm going to need that for two questions Yeah, blocks sorry.
>>400482 I'd actually be okay with that. There's a card in particular right now that would maybe Nvm
Well really that wouldn't change too much because damage is exclusively caused by things that go on the stack, or can be responded to. Triggered abilities, activated abilities, combat and spells.
Anyways it had externalize and embalm And brought back cycling Gonna copy and paste those in a sex *sec
702.127a: Embalm is an activated ability that functions while the card with embalm is in a graveyard. "Embalm [cost]" means "[Cost], Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a token that's a copy of this card, except it's white, it has no mana cost, and it's a Zombie in addition to its other types. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery."
702.128a: Eternalize is an activated ability that functions while the card with eternalize is in a graveyard. "Eternalize [cost]" means "[Cost], Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a token that's a copy of this card, except it's black, it's 4/4, it has no mana cost, and it's a Zombie in addition to its other types. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery."
There is also a card that does something very similar to eternalize but has a huge difference in how it affects the game. I honestly think looking at this card and contrasting it with eternalize would "really make you think"
>>400498 Contest to find new people to design magic the gathering cards.
The mechanic is called Energy, you (the player) get energy counters which you may expend to activate abilities of cards.
It also added vehicles 702.121a: Crew is an activated ability of Vehicle cards. "Crew N" means "Tap any number of untapped creatures you control with total power N or greater: This permanent becomes an artifact creature until end of turn."
So these cards hhave ppower aand ttoughness pprinted oon tthem But aren't ccreatures uuntil tthey aare ccrewed. There are aalso ccards wwith aalternate ccrew ccosts.
Okay, that's fine enough. I can pick from those if I need to. The favorite/least favorite questions are killing me right now.
Revolt is also a very interesting mechanic so I'd like to include that.
Mari *MaRo Considers it to be a failure though Revolt is an ability word, introduced in Aether Revolt, which signals that a spell or ability has different effects, additional effects, or may only be used if a permanent you controlled left the battlefield earlier in the same turn.
>>400520 It was so, so good I love that they had all the schools team up that was cute
>>400521 I'd like a Yuru Yuri season 4 but I'm not greedy enough to think that we need it Like we already got 3 seasons and 2 ovas, I can't complain too hard about that
There's probably 20 comfy anime you've just never seen
>>400521 there's plenty of new comfy shows usually a few every season you just have to watch them
>>400530 You don't have to watch seasonal anime y'know These days I look at the seasonal charts and while it's not terrible, I just feel like my time would be better spent watching something I already know is good Why watch a 6/10 show when I could watch an 8/10
I wanna get through the Ghibli movies too, some day But I watched Spirited Away, and since that's generally seen as in the top tier of them, I'm not too hopeful about the rest
Nah Most of them are just as good If not better
Mononoke Home is really good Naussica is really good Raputa is good Tomato no Totoro is decent Porco Rossi is pretty good *Rosso Oonto is pretty good *Ponyo WTF
sk 🖤
Mononoke was real good
Howl's Moving Castle is pretty good Kiki's Delivery Service is pretty good
Wasn't there one with like, a gigantic mecha spider mountain, too? That one was alright
Probably Nausicaa
Anyways there's a bunch more The Cat Returns The Wind Rises Whisper of the Heart Grave of the Fireflies Pom Poko Arriety Earthsea My Neighbors the Yamadas ...
Wind Rises was pretty good
Although I cannot vouch fir the quality of all of those as I have not seen them.
I actually got gifted the DVD for Earthsea from a friend I didn't even finish it The art *The art in it is really good though
Also Reminder that Hideaki Anno was an animator for Nausicaa and was entrusted with several of the most difficult scenes by Miyazaki.
Ooh I thought of a good idea for a doujin to publish at comiket. It takes place in 2050 and is about an otaku who stabs a terminally ill Hideaki Anno to death. As revenge for the fourth rebuild movie never being finished. The murderer would be about 70.
>>400563 Was that a joke or something someone seriously thought
sk 🖤
Kill la Kill is more mecha than Madoka tbh
Are you sure?
Kill la Kill involves people becoming more powerful because of the clothes that they wear, their "suits"
>>400570 By this logic everyone is a mecha since we're all just brains piloting bodies In fact since the madoka souls are outside their bodies they're more like remote controlled robots
Okay But in madoka their souls are outside of their bodies piloting their inorganic shells.
Can't find the thread on fireeden. I might have screencaps from it on my old laptop's back up.
The premise of the thread was that op's roommate who "only watches mecha anime" recently watched Madoka And that "we all know that Madoka isn't a mecha anime, but now tell me how it is a mecha anime" It was really funny
Yeah, the flu has been insane this year. I heard it was a combination of this year's strain being strong and this year's shot being weak. I believe a few places have declared flu emergencies.
I've been sleeping a lot lately and my mother asked if I was feeling fluezy because of it. But I feel fine more -feel fine physically, more or less. It's probably just usual headfuckery messing with my will to be awake.
250-350 words doesn't sound like a lot. But for some of these questions, it really is. I am too used to being restricted by characters lol
It's an average amount of words for a twelve-point font, double spaced, on a generic word processor page. It doesn't really seem like a lot of words until you have to fill the page.
Question 7 makes me want to quit altogether honestly >7. What Magic mechanic most deserves a second chance (aka which had the worst first introduction compared to its potential)? It has legitimately been too long for me since I last played to have a good opinion of this.
The real answer is ninjutsu though.
Or split second
Would it help you if I listed some that don't deserve a second chance?
I thought of Split Second but I really don't think it deserves a second chance
Dredge doesn't deserve a second chance
It got its second chance when golgari grave troll was unbanned in modern. It was banned again
Kirara 🚗
>>400601 That's actually what I meant when I said ninjutsu.
Did it? I mean, it's lame and boring, so I guess that's good.
>>400610 Infect Which is literally just wither + poison
Kirara 🚗
yeah, infect, that was it man i fucking hated that my friend had an infect deck and i always had to include cards to help deal with that shit because it's so easy to kill someone with it
Wither but worser
I'd like to see prowess go
>Regenerate isn't evergreen well shit, I hjust lost like 100 words
>>400644 Don't bitch out here, man. You stop, you'll regret it. Worst that happens if you keep going is that you don't finish it in time. Trying and failing is better than failing because you quit. You can do this.
Honestly Hexproof is a good nominee for removal from evergreen
Also a few weeks ago my friends and I played shiritori but with ability words and keywords We had to stop because there aren't enough that start with e After that we just did back and fourth naming
Wow I just noticed a flaw in the rulings for mindslaver
If someone else uses a "take control of target player" effect on you, Err "during their next turn" as long as you activate your mindslaver before your next turn then you would have nullified their take control effect.
oh, Regenerate is an evergreen But it's an evergreen keyword "action", not "ability". But they don't specify here. They just say evergreen "mechanics" so either fits. This wiki separated them though
That'd make sense, but he's like 6'1". Last time I saw him, at least.
A few months ago, someone told me he started growing taller again but I didn't believe it. But now he's suddenly hitting puberty at 21? The growing taller suddenly sounds feasible, but it's so bizarre. I can't really wrap my head around it.
My first idea was that he had some kind of partial puberty that got stopped somehow and then a second puberty was triggered by maybe steroids or something.
I'm wondering if he has Kallmann syndrome or something. He's also got a poor sense of smell. But it's a genetic disorder so you'd think there'd be some awareness of it since people with it usually need to be treated throughout their lives. His mom is adopted, though.
But he's an asshole so I don't really mind if he ends up covered in acne. He makes like $30k every summer by scamming old people into buying bad security systems. 20k*