Yeah this whole thing is looking pretty derivative of SAO.
It's got the probably special gun weapons from the Cellphone Isekai too.
Oh he's actually playing along with the "game". Usually isekai MCs are still all stuck in a "real world" mindset at this point.
it probably cant be worse than sao but it might not even have reach sao's high points
SAO also had some decent and/or cute supporting characters too though. All these harem isekai series really tend to feel a bit heavy on the harem side and that's a little exhausting.
He was looking right at her boobs when looking at his map.
Oh these two are some of his harem in the OP.
Haggling seems like it would be kind of fun but it would probably get to be a hassle to have to do for so many things. Sure is nice that we don't have to butt heads over prices much in this day and age.
I mean we also see often enough high school kids drinking amazake for new years celebrations and that's somewhat alcoholic too. I know in the somewhat recent past they were super strict on having underageds drinking alcohol on screen but I don't know if they're so anal about it anymore. The bar for what can get shown on televised anime sure seems to have shifted in recent years.
Putting a bunch of high-school-aged girls with magical powers in one, small place never strikes me as a good idea. It's such a common theme though.
I wish they lead into this ED a little better. It's got the kind of start to it that would make for some really good transitions, but they just jump right into it.
oaky In the interest of getting six hours of sleep I should probably stop ehre. Feel free to continue without me, I will catch up. We kinda need to get through four today at least.