some of them might come over and meet my cat next week when i told fish, she got mad and said that normies should explode idk where she picked up that phrase i must have said it before
btw what day is it today is it friday and well now saturday?
Kirara π
It's Friday for another hour over here on the East coast.
I have had a weird week of living only during the evening and night
Kirara π
how any hours of daylight do you get this time of year?
bit over 6 but also it has been cloudy since last year
How did people even live there before electricity
by being pros
Is actually a good question though and add to that constantly us nordics killing each other in nonstop wars and finland being pillaged by russians every odd decade
Kirara π
having only 6 hours of daylight every day sounds wild
alright moe i had a fun two hours of free time tonight i'll see you all later
>>393313 Thanks to that and some overcast, we once had about 100 days of no sun it was raining, snowing or just cloudy always during the daylight hours so whole country no sun 100+ days
Kirara π
Is there a lot of depression in Finland?
More than in southern countries yes suicide rates do get higher as you go "higher" afterall Greenland dominates the lists
Kirara π
It's interesting that people don't psychologically adapt to that. I wonder if it's due to vitamin deficiencies or something?
I think that is why family ties are high value here >>393318 when we started adding vitamin D to our stuff and saying "eat it" it did show on health polls and suicide rates
Kirara π
I guess it's not really an explicitly psychological issue, then. That's pretty interesting. I guess people do need the sun to some degree.
But I guess you just get used to it I rather like the dark period of the year
>>393321 It's probably really hard to move to Finland and adjust to the daylight.
>>393322 As someone who lives on the equator, I can't imagine having days so short.
And then the fun opposite of it happens during summer NO NIGHT it never gets dark
I love overcast. I want the sun to go away
Kirara π
People in my cohort brought up the Tide pod thing today I'm so online that I forget that normal people don't get to watch the /// watching something grow from a meme into a health crisis
I was doing laundry the other weekend and I was trying to figure if the pods we have are cold-water-functionable but the packaging for the case didn't say anything about it.
So I made the joke to myself that this health crisis is so severe that it's undermining the ability to write out functional information because they have to write in large, blocky letters "DO NOT INGEST LAUNDRY PODS" on the packaging.
Tide pod?
Kirara π
Tide Pods are the small, Tide-brand packets that you can use in place of dishwasher soap. They're green and purple and kind of brightly colored.
There were memes online referring to them as a "forbidden fruit" or as candy. The meme just kind of grew and grew, people talking about how they wanted to eat them, etc.
So people finally started eating them and some have died.
I saw a video clip of someone puncturing one and putting it into a bong-like apparatus with a bit of water inside. And the chemical reaction was violent and produced a cloudy gas.
Which the person in the video immediately started inhaling through the bong.
Memes are strong. This meme developed into a literal health crisis. US consumer agencies are now desperately putting out warnings not to eat them.
>>393332 I use them. They're a little quicker, I think.
>>393332 I don't think they're particularly more easier than typical laundry detergent. Like you're really not gaining much by cutting out the maybe twenty seconds it takes to measure out the liquid detergent you need into a cup.
Thankfully I don't pay for my own detergent at the moment but it would probably just comes down to which I get more laundry uses to a dollar with when I do.
>>393335 especially the //especially considering how it prevents you from coming into contact with the detergents makes accidental poisoning through that impossible
>Don't eat poison Next they're going to be telling us to not drink alcohol, HUH.
But yeah seriously don't eat laundry pods.
>>393337 Well kids are kids and will stick all sorts of things in their mouths. But I've found that the cases these laundry pods come in tend to be really well-secured so it would be a bit of parental incompetence if a kid managed to stick one in their mouth.
Today's the first time in a while yhat I've actually put a bunch of things on my calendar and actually gotten them done. Well not today, but the time since I woke up sort of today.
>>393460 Akatsuki porn because I'm a filthy lolicon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
All yugioh cards that go for 1000+ are prize cards.
Whoa I just realized Maria, since your in NZ there's actually going to be way more cards from a certain really rare magic set at stores near you. Its a set that was only sold in China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
>>393532 yeah this is pretty good I like that underlying guitar a lot Actually I'm not totally sure about the voice Oooooh that harmonization is good Actually yes I like the voice
It's from the album Underwater Moonlight by The Soft Boys The singer/guitarist from that band is named Robyn Hitchcock. He's a really good musician.
I've seen him live three times.
He's also really weird. His songs are often also weird. Lyrically I mean.
I've been getting about 5 a night all week, so maybe I'll do 15 today to catch up.
>>393553 Yeah, I get that. I had a day a month or so ago that I was in bed for something like sixteen hours, drifting in and out of sleep. It probably would've felt like I wasted the day but my mental state was at a point where I didn't really care about waste or whatnot.
>>393554 i do that a lot. i'm not sure it's really healthy.
Necessary sleep ranges from person to person, but getting less than what you need regularly can lead to increased anxiety and similar mental issues. Among other things.
sleep is dumb and GAY i wish i could stay up all night every night and never feel tired agian.
Yeah I'm not hugely big on needing sleep.
But on days where I don't really have much to do drifting in and out of brief sleep instances is a creative fountain for me. I get all sorts of crazy dreams after going through enough consecutive sleep instances.
I want god to refund the 8 hours a day of my life so I can spend them on more video games.
I can't recall any times where I was drifting in and out of sleep without the aid of powerful pharmaceuticals in recent memory
>>393559 Every now and then I get an unusual dream but they are mostly boring. I am not a creative person so I don't glean much useful experience from weird dreams like that.
>>393561 After about six or seven hours asleep I lose the ability to sleep for more than an hour or so at a time. If I've been sleeping properly at least. Those short spurts of sleep are often weird dreams that some times pick up where they left off.
>>393562 A lot of my dreams are really narrative-based. I think my brain structures a lot of thought in narrative form and it shows in my dreams a fair bit. I'm sure the dreams are still nonsensical that are only really "well-structured" within the dream-crazy rationale of a sleeper's mind, but I still feel like there's a sense of narrative progression involved in them.
Distilling the dream absurdities from them and plucking out the more sensible stuff makes for some really good ideas. I should really get in the habit of writing them down.
>>393564 My dreams are usually not coherent as a narrative. Even the most straightforward of them are still a mostly dissociated mess of scenes. Like when someone uses too many jump cuts in a movie.
Sometimes I dream I am a different person, or in a different body. That's always cool.
I think the majority of my dreams are from the perspective of other people. I mean I'm still "me" in them; it's not like I'm self-aware within the dream that it's not my waking self. But looking back on it from a conscious perspective it never feels like me.
Dreams are great it's pretty much the only component of sleep that I consistently like.
Most of my dreams are lame or scary I wouldn't miss the good ones. Fuck sleep. Stay up all night REAL NEET HOURS WHO TEH FUKC UP
Not many tonight.
at least i'm used to being alone
It's a hard-knock life.
well you check out this cool video from ya boi dumb mastero in commemoration of dark souls for da switch >>>/watch?v=OgIuyMwLFnQ
this time he's bringing back the twin ultra memeswords meta
I wonder if it's just going to be a graphical improvement over the original or if they'll incorporate any of the mechanics of later Dark Souls games.
miyazaki is working on some new game I hope to GOD they don't fuck with dark souls B-team would probably put 3 pursuers in bed of chaos and call it fixed
Also I'm not really certain if I'd get Dark Souls remastered for Switch. It'll be limited to 720p undocked and 1080p 30FPS docked. Something with a better framerate on a different platform might be a little more palatable. Though I still haven't set up PS3 controller compatiblity with my PC yet so it's not like I can play it easily on there either.
I AM super super super super super super super super hyped for The World Ends With You getting a remastered release on the Switch though.That was one of the best games of the DS and I lost my copy of the game years and years ago.
>>393577 dude just play it with a PS4 controller you can play like everything with the PS4 pad thanks to steam gamepad configuration you can play a lot of games with all sorts of controllers actually >>393578 i never played it but heard it was really good. i will probably not play it on the switch either and hear more good things.
I don't have a PS4 controller! Maybe I should just buy an individual one or something.
But that would kind of be a waste if I end up eventually getting a PS4.
oh you done goofed they had them on sale during black friday for like $30-40 gamestop did a christmas sale for $25 here too i almost got one one of the thumbsticks on one of mine is all worn out from playing diablo 3 and holding the stick down for 900 hours
I doubt the deal would've been as good up here for Black Friday. And even at 30-40 USD that's still like 45-60 CAD. Should've looked at them during Boxing Day sales or something.
Also get Monster Hunter World! Two birds with one stone. I am a genius.
I don't really have the disposable income to put down on a console at the moment. I'll reconsider it when MonHun Worlds drops for consoles; maybe I'll have a bit saved up by then.
You only have two weeks on that one. Surely you can come up with five hundred united states smackers in two weeks' time!
Don't forget to get the Pro! Gotta get that 60 FPS gameplay!
Yeah, and that 4K resolution for that 4K television I don't own.
At least the price for one is also five hundred CAD for whatever reason.
Five hundred is still a bit above what I can put down for a console at the moment. And probably in a two weeks later moment too. Nevermind the taxes and cost of the game on top of that.
>>393589 Even if you don't have a 4K TV, you can still run PS4 Pro Enhanced games at a higher resolution and with better framerate, at least. Doesn't do hardly anything to about 80% of the PS4 library, but pretty much every game going forward after the launch of the Pro runs much smoother and usually looks a lot better on the Pro. Personally I am not really impressed with the 4K resolution anyways, games still look better 1080p60 than 2160p30. There are a few games that really look good in 4K, though, like Nioh. I imagine the Xbox One X handles 4K display better, I've heard many of the compatible games run at a better framerate than the PS4 Pro's catalogue. It's not surprising, however, since the hardware is a good amount more robust in Microsoft's upgraded console. >>393589 Buy a PS4 Pro in 2 weeks and I'll get you Monster Hunter World for Hannukah.
Man Jan, I'm sorry but I don't think it'll happen in two weeks. I'll keep an eye on the money I'm bringing in, especially with stuff like my tax return for last year. But two weeks is probably too short a time to put together that sort of money.
B-but Sony said we can't keep being friends if you don't join our fraternity!
Just kidding, the Sony Defense Force is welcoming to all walks of life, even heretics. I'll be waiting for you in the PS4-bu with mountain dew, doritos, and bated, asthmatic breath.
I'll get to it eventually. There's a lot of stuff for the console I really want to play that's not likely to see its way ported to the PC or Switch ever/anytime soon.
I honestly only bought the console for one game and everything else I played on it was a cool bonus. I got the Pro and a 4K TV because I wanted to waste my tax return really quick.
>>393578 I hope the new scenario means a few new songs
I hope it means they remix Twister for the bazillionth time.
>>393595 Well it was a similar story for the Switch and BotW for me. I think it came off my tax return or around that time too.
My return this year will most definitely not be nearly as impressive but it might be most of the way to a PS4 Pro.
>>393599 I bought the Switch for Xenoblade and Zelda. I didn't think Zelda would be as good as it was, though, I thought I would blaze through it in like three days and then bench the console for a month until Xenoblade came out. Nintendo really surprised me, the first two games I played were a double whammy of the best Zelda in a decade and the best Mario game of all time.
I don't even normally like Zelda and I fuckin loved BotW
I normally love Zelda and I've really enjoyed BotW. It's a really different approach to the series and was really the fresh air it needed.
I love all Zelda games. Even the handhelds. Even Four Swords. Except Twilight Princess. Miss me with that furry shit Nintendo.
Twilight Princess is one of my favourites. I love the murky world and the story of the game.
I get it's got enough turnoffs for a decent numberof people to not like it though.
It'll still be one of my favourites for a good long time, probably.
The game is good, except for turning into a dog. My distaste for the gameplay and the concept prevented me from enjoying the game much as you are regularly forced into dog form to do various things. Because it's such a core gameplay element, I can't enjoy the game.
The problem was that Zant wasn't the final boss!
Eh, I feel having him as the final boss would've been underwhelming. He's such a mid-boss-y character.
I do believe Ganondork was rather shoehorned into the story and the conflict a bit too late in the game. Some earlier indication, even subtle, would have really helped build him up for the final confrontation; just the assumption that "oh it's a console Zelda game Ganondort will be the last boss" clearly wasn't enough. Working him into the plot in SOME way would have made everything in that aspect work.
Skyward Sword was also very difficult to enjoy because the Wii sensor bar I had when I first got it was dying, or something. After buying a new one and getting a remote with the Wii Motion Plus addon built-in, it became bearable. I still don't like the motion controls and how much it holds your hand all the time, but I still enjoyed it to the end.
>>393607 >"oh it's a console Zelda game Ganondort will be the last boss" God...that is how it is, isn't it?
>>393608 >reach the Eye-totems >need to spin wii-mote to make them dizzy >attempt to >so slow that it doesn't get dizzy It would have been so much better without waggling...
What I really want is another game like Majora's Mask. The time management bullshit was really fun for me. Something on a larger scale with even more events and things changing in the dungeons too would be awesome.
>>393609 For the most part. I'm not complaining really; especially with the curse established in Skyward Sword, the perpetual struggle of an avatar of Hylia versus an avatar of Demise is kind of romantic to me. But as a developer you really ought to also keep your game self-contained in a standalone franchise like Zelda. Just assuming that since Ganondwarf is always the big bad that he'll inevitably show up is lazy writing.
>>393609 >struggle to make this fucker dizzy for 15 minutes >realize i'm out of breath >shocking reminder of my horrid physical fitness thanks nintendo
Oh yeah, the bosses in Skyward Sword were pretty simple too. The spectacle of the final boss was great, but the difficulty really let me down. I would like to die at least once to the final fucking boss in any game, really.
Y'all think that Link always being male is needed / good? Or just not care?
I don't think it's needed but yeah, I don't really care. Zelda has wavered between being a damsel and a proper hero at times within the series that I feel the game doesn't entirely ignore female characters in heroic roles. I feel that perhaps they could give certain Zeldas a playable role or similar function in some games though. Like with BotW, that Zelda dresses for an adventurer's role and canonically it's not like she's shit with a sword and a bow.
Ultimately though I don't feel the series necessarily benefits from putting a female character in the hero seat beyond demonstrating gender equality, which isn't really a driving point for me.
>>393614 I used to, but since ganon comes in all sorts of weird forms now, I don't know if it really makes sense that all the incarnations of Link and Zelda look almost identical. From a gameplay standpoint though, I can see how the form of the main character remaining more or less the same between incarnations makes sense, but the series is so popular now, that I don't think anyone would have a hard time wrapping their minds around a Link that looked different.
On the other hand, I remember the outrage of millions of nerds after Wind Waker was announced, and I foresee an even bigger catastrophe were Zelda the boy or vice versa.
Really they should jusy give Zelda her own game if they want a female protagonist I don't think people would bitch about that the same way they would if Link was female
In the end I guess the important question is, would Link being a girl stop me from buying and playing the game? Fuck no. It says "The Legend of Zelda" on the box.
My problem with Zelda is she has "Wisdom" litterly in the palm of her hand...and she does some of the most stupidest shit and as others Damsel in Distress repeatedly. Ganon gets to by an unholy terror. Link is Hero. Zelda? Pfft...Wisdom is shit.
>>393620 >incarnation of wisdom >spends her whole life acting inept and unsure
>>393619 Yeah pretty much. A gender swap-up wouldn't drive me away from a Zelda game as long as it's a Zelda game.
Now what if we set the next zelda game in the future
and Zelda and Link are lovers and you can swap between them at will to solve puzzles and fight enemies in different ways
>>393623 They were kind of getting to that point in the timeline that reaches Skyward Sword.
Before everything goes to shit and we get the post-apocalypse which is BotW.
NO WAIT zelda and link are just spirits trapped in a part of the triforce that is inside of your ROBOT EXOSUIT and you can channel the power of the triforce to do cool robot shit
Actually the magitech elements of BotW were really cool. Like the guardians.
>>393626 Isn't this basically spirit tracks where Zelda was bound to a set of armour
Ganon is hooked up to a space frigate in the dark reaches of space that has long been destroyed and he uses the technology on the ship to make robots to send them to earth and kill everyone
And the finale battle is with Pigdemon Ganon only he's a giant, monstrous, ship-sized mecha in space.
>>393628 >the earth is all fucked up and full of craters because ganon keeps throwing rocks at it
>>393629 hell yeah and you're in a gundam that looks like Link and you kill him with a railgun charged with holy light
...why Zelda in Space when Metroid exists?
Metroid is usually a more lonesome, intricate experience of exploration. I would imagine zelda in space to be more bombastic and colorful.
Zelda except it's set in an eastern fantasy looking world instead of a western one The master sword is now a Katana that cuts through anything. Made by the gods folding steel over 1000 times.
>>393635 BotW was already starting to get there. The Sheikah and Shrines take inspiration from a particular flavour of really old Japanese Shinto or Buddhist culture. The clothing, the architecture; it's all derived from designs from that particular.
>>393636 I want more Katanas in my Zelda how am I supposed to slay evil without the magic sword A samurai without his sword is only a fool
Where did all the Guardians and shit come from anyway
I think the in-world explanation was "we found them buried in the earth".
Not capitalized Maria. Earth is the planet, earth is another term for the ground.
>earth >ground >rocks >din made the earth >din is power >ganon is power they were clearly ganon's robots to begin with duh
>>393642 Did people start referring to dirt as earth before or after we called this planet earth
Uh. No clue.
>>393644 I'm not sure let me ask someone who was around before they called this planet Earth.
>>393646 Alright cool lemme know when they respond
>>393643 Explains how easily he corrupted them, eh.
But I think the full story is something like, some super-ancient civilization built them to fight off a threat of great evil (probably Ganondorp) and then hid them in the ground or something for some reason. Then the civilization from a hundred years before BotW dug them up at about the time Ganon was rising the FIRST time. That was when they also started building the Guardians I think. They fought off Ganondorg that time but he came back more subtly and infected all the machines and caused the apocalypse that kicks off BotW.
ok google says we have been calling the ground "earth" or some ancestor of the same word since a long time before the english usage of the word to mean "our planet"
like since the neolithic period the proto-indo-european people were calling "ground" a word with similar pronunciation
Oh I guess my ground breaking theory is debunk
>>393650 And the reason we call the planet Earth is probably something like >All ye peasants, let it be known that you are standing upon a mighty planet which is a gift from God >You mean the earth, right? >Nae, the ground upon which you walk is only one part of this God-given planet's splendour! >'s like the Earth...right? >Nae it's more-it's something bigger-it's...whatever fine, it's the Earth!
>>393652 You're probably just not high enough to really understand the universe. Here take a hit of this shit.
>>393653 God gifted us with some really lovely chemicals. I wonder which day he made Methane gas on.
Well I'm no theotician so I don't have a clue.
We're learning so much tonight boys.
Okay, the good book says that on the second day, God made the sky and that formed the clouds and the air and the barrier between the moisture in the water and the moisture above, so I am pretty sure that god made that kind of stuff on the second day.
What the fuck does it mean by "the moisture in the water". Water isn't moist. Water is dry.
>>393659 That's just what the atheists want you to think, or something. To steer you off of God's Path!
No, water literally can't be wet. If something can't be wet, it can't be moist. So water can't have moisture in it.
>>393661 I think they just used that as a way to explain the division between the surface of the planet and the rest of the universe since the earth apparently didn't have an atmosphere or anything.
>>393659 I used to think water was wet Then my little shithead brother asked me if water was wet and I And I was like yeah? Then he called me an idiot and laughed at me
>>393661 I guess you could also say "the moisture in the ocean", except it's not really much of an ocean because the planet has nothing except water on it.
>>393663 Isn't that phrase supposed to point the obvious In that case the it's completely wrong
>>393664 It also doesn't really make sense if you look at the definition of "moisture" and apply it contextually to it being in the ocean or being in the water.
>>393667 I guess you are right, maybe I can write a letter to the guy who wrote the Bible and get him to fix this mistake.
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
I donβt wanna ever feeeeel like I HIP HIP HOORAY
Hup hup huurah
>>393665 Is grass blue? Do birds swim? Does the sun dim?
Hm, a dozen? Two dozen? The Toronto Zoo has, or at least had when I was still regularly going to the zoo, a penguin exhibit and I don't really know the average lifespan of a penguin in captivity so it's hard to ascertain how many I would have seen over that time period.
i saw penguins one time. They were at the zoo, and it was really hot, and I was trying to get out of there and go to the car with the nice air conditioning before I died. They smelled really bad. That's all I really remember. They didn't seem to be feeling it either, they probably wanted to go to the air conditioning too.
Penguins have evolved to tolerate pretty cold environments; that generally comes with a trade-off of not handling hot environments as well as others. At least up here it can get pretty cold and even snowy in the winter. I wonder if animals like them can feel like that sort of environment is the "right" place for them.
>>393680 I imagine they probably know to some degree that they're in captivity but as long as they can get good refrigeration and many fishes I'm sure they will be alright.
>>393671 Some grass is close to blue What tilde said I guess it does if it hits something like the horizon or a cloud I guess but that's not the sun doing that
The sun can technically dim by itself but that won't happen for millions and billions of years. We'll all be dead or staring at other suns by that time.
I hope you're not staring at any sun!
Won't be anything to stare at for another two or so hours at least.
What's more stupid than those chickens is the guy who's sticking his finger out near them and somehow surprised at getting pecked. Chickens are generally assholes.
>>393687 Even dumber is they're his chickens so he knows they'll do that and doesn't even care. He doesn't even move his hand he's just like "hey stop it"
Tonight's alright Apart from spilling butter on a cushion and trying to remove it with no luck I gave up and now I'm playing FO4
What have you got installed for this weekend?
>>393702 butter on a cushion? i don't even know her on a cushion! xd >>393703 right now i'm just goin through legal docs and signin a bunch of garbage or trying to but it's digital MS Office's digital signature platform is takin me through the rigmarole at the moment it's just an endless cyclone of microsoft support pages if it was a pdf it'd be simple i don't know what this nonsense is
microsoft's default suggestion is to buy digital signature services from globalsign for $370 a year fuckin lol piece of shit i would do somethin about that if i wasn't too busy, give them a whatfer but i ain't payin that
>>393712 i am getting so nauseated of cryptocurrency journalism it's explosively toxic
sk π€
I don't think I've read an article about cryptocurrency in quite a while
>>393717 i don't fuckin read it but i can't juke all the titles and clickbait thumbnails it's so fuckin grating and it's everywhere
Economy: Ponzi schemes are still bad but I can't stop the GAMBURU
sk π€
well titles exist primarily to get your attention, so tryna browse youtube and half the thumbnails in my feed are trump's face because he fucks up several times every single day
im just doin google searches and google plops three big fat ugly motherfucking article headers up there i can be looking for // i don't even wanna think about it nevermind
>>393721 I don't want to think about water sandwiches either.
>Incapacitated as you think, they can give you a serious bite. They can give you a serious scratch, a serious whip with their tail. They can present that kind of physical injury to you. Pfft Iguanas really aren't that dangerous, especially if you're careful.
Also the iguanas for the most part aren't literally frozen. They're in torpor. Since they aren't warm blooded the cold basically just puts them into a really deep sleep.
>>393746 He tips the entire mountain beforehand so it's easier to climb it
disappointed we never got that uno arc tbh
Kirara π
>>>/@RichardDawkins/952172559616929798 love when richaed dawkins says shit like "we doctors call this loony" when he is neither a doctor nor does he have any psychological training and we don't call people loonies this isn't the 60s we just say they're fucked up
the entirety of his career has been being a snotty rich boy with a spoiled attitude who takes ubuitous ideas and writes about them as though they were his own it would be more accurate to say he's an archiver of biology than a biologist
Kirara π
he's an edgy teenager incarnate
sk π€
That certainly is his audience
he gives off the impression to people that he's disrespectful of religion and faith because he's grounded in the sciences what i don't know if people understand is that he's extremely disrespectful of the sciences too he does not respect the subject matter he just plucks from it what he needs to build an interpretation he wants he's a scummy person
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWEKirara π
Richard Dawkins retire bitch
richard dawkins suck my religious cock you stupid fat fuck
i'm sure he's not that bad once you get to know him
Kirara π
i want to hit him in the face whenever i hear him talk his bullshit
Yeah I mean Hawkin probably has his own driver and stuff And besides, is he even like, rich? I assume he has money to not have to do much in his life, but I'm not sure if he's like middle class or above
I know basically nothing about the man other than he's written books and does physics
Kirara π
he has money from book sales and has starred in some science and discovery channel shows he probably has a sizable amount of money even if he's not a billionaire
fish's family has like 100 million or some shit i think
Kirara π
if i had 100 million id probably use it all up in a year trying to lift people out of poverty
sk π€
I'd be commissioning an absolutely unhealthy amount of propaganda from people on the internet Articles, art, graphs, whatever
Kirara π
id buy a really big boat and invite tons of rich people onto it and bring it into the middle of the ocean and tell them only one gets to go home
sk π€
Actually, $100 mill is probably enough to start up like, a decent enough commune or something Like, with a lot of stuff you need
>>393794 Yeah but I mean, also enough to buy stuff you need to set up like, power production, fund internet connection for a while, anyway, and a buncha other stuff Non-state within a state startup let's go
Kirara π
1 mil would be more than enough to start a commune keep in mind most people survive on like $20k a year
Kirara π
you could buy a lot of lizards with 100 mil and then drop them on the white house
Kirara π
sk π€
Fund antifa
Kirara π
antifa bee bombs
save the bees use wasps
Kirara π
Kirara π
sk π€
Actually start a racoon reserve, and secretly train them to attack cops when black bloc is also nearby to protect them
That's honestly a pretty good price if you just need A phone, but I have no idea why you'd want it so small Make it 4 times larger, and I could see owning one to have on your keychain or something >>393809 Oh well damn
Kirara π
i can get a larger flip phone for $20
sk π€
I don't even use my phone as a phone much I send one message to my dad to come pick me up after work a day, and that's about the extent of my phone use
It's actually a twitter machine
Kirara π
i have a google voice account i use as a work phone i call to make appointments and sometimes text people but i mostly use it as a small handheld computer
i have a burner phone that's a cheap flip phone too but i don't really use it since using it outside of an emergency would defeat the purpose
sk π€
>I just heard the following: >"Cantarel? That's nuts. Simen can't eat nuts." Norwegian twitter is fucking bananas
How does someone think cantarels are nuts? It's not even similar to the name of a nut
Kirara π
whats a cantarel
sk π€
Is that not the english name? Hold on
Chanterelle These bad boys
>>393827 the bit with the egg is fucking impressive regardless though
>>393828 I could probably just steal someone's pee
sk π€
The problem with drug use is generally you can't just ask a friend for their pee for drug tests cause they use drugs too, probably
Kirara π
>>393829 oh man you've never been to one of those places? they're so fun >>393831 i have plenty of friends that i could get their pee that are drug free well maybe like three
sk π€
I dunno why you'd think I have the money for that
Kirara π
I figured maybe you would have gone with family or something maybe maybe we can go if you're ever in the us
You guys wanna do some peyote? DMT is on my bucket list
Dude is doing some serious drugs and just going out in public a thing that happens in the US Like, aside from extremely fringe cases?
I could never do something more impactful than pot and leave the house, dude, not here anyway
Kirara π
yeah sure why not?
rook did molly at six flags once
Peyote is fine Shrooms not so much
sk π€
though in the US, I guess I'd be down They can't arrest you for having taken drugs, right? they can only arrest you if you have them on you, not in you
Public intoxication but only really if you're causing trouble >>393843 Thats different
>>393859 God I wish people here were even half this organized
>>393859 indefinitely or until they get bored or the next controversy hits
Kirara π
>>393862 they're south africans so they're slightly more dedicated than americans at least all they have to do is continue trashing it though
Why are they protesting hnm
Kirara π
racist advertisements apparently
Shit lets find em
gonna trash the H&M in my city today
what's left to trash it's all trash anyway
you're trash
thanks I agree
Kirara π
one man's trash is another man's treasure
sk π€
Does hennesey go with anything? I don't have a lot of it, but there's a little bit I could mix with something
It was this Theres other animal shirts >>393874 Its the single ad probably
sk π€
Likely it's not the single ad, but it's easy to pick one and focus on it since you can always say "no this specific time it wasn't the intention"
Kirara π
>>393872 Hennessy punch is popular but idk how to make it it's like Hennessy with grapefruit and lemon juice or something
>>393872 I just drink that shit straight I dont suggest drinking though drinking sucks
sk π€
>>393875 I can get that But ugh, that's a lot of extra cost cause I won't be finishing the grapefruit juice
Kirara π
you could buy more booze
sk π€
Naw the booze shop closes in 20 min, and it's about 20 min to get there
Kirara π
they close at 5 pm?
sk π€
On saturday yeah weekdays at 8
We're centrists on prohibition, man
Kirara π
haha that's so crazy they're open until like midnight here
sk π€
They don't even open on Sunday, and shops aren't allowed to sell beer on Sunday either, even if they're open Which they generally aren't
Only sometimes like during advent, they're allowed to be open on Sunday
Kirara π
sk π€
Which, by the way, is fucked up because if there's any time they shouldn't be allowed to drag you to work it's christmas time tbh
Kirara π
that's so weird
sk π€
Our laws are weird as hell They're like "what if theologically inspired, but also not too hostile to workers because they're angry at us"
So we dont' ban booze, but we keep all but beer in state hands Sundays are days off for just about everyone, stores don't open, malls and closed
SOME shops get around that ban on opening on sunday by like, having a separator in the shop, so they pull that down on Sunday and now they're a kiosk, legally And then they put the booze and stuff on the shop side of it, so now they can be open
that is funny, didn't expect it to be that specific
here almost everything is closed on sunday too and I've never seen a liquor store open after 17h, but it's not because it's not allowed or anything
sk π€
anyway off to the shop
don't die on your way there
Kirara π
if you fly to the us you can get more booze
dooty free
buying a ticket right now
Kirara πAnno
well said give him some peace and quiet
Kirara π
in the grave
I like communism. It is my favourite mode of production. When I see the material human community I think to myself "yes" When I see individuals, alienated from each other, exchanging commodities, I think to myself "no"
there's this show on Netflix called End of the Fucking World about this 17 year old that wants to kill someone and this chick with tons of issues it's so awkward I can't stop laughing at it
the 17 year olds dad is like i don't know if he even masturbates
and it cuts to this voiceover and the kid is like "i actually masturbate once a week for medical purposes"
masturbating is so 20th century
don't think I've ever done it must be something the boomers did
Kirara π
that's why they were called boomers they "boomed" their dicks
all the other kids with the fucked up dicks
Kirara π
>I didn't know where we were going or when I was going to kill her, but I punched my dad in the face and stole his car and that seemed like a good place to start.
Oh man, now I wanna see like Blue vodka with golden shavings in it, right But the glass is Goku in his Ultra Instinct form
That'd be COOL AS HELL dude
>>393909 I'm glad twitter warned me against that sensitive content
sk π€
Oh also here
>>393909 I've had that gin it's not nothing to write home about *it's nothing
Kirara π
that is a really nice dress
Kirara π
lmao this dude pissed off his girlfriend so he's waiting at home for her with flowers and she comes back with a dude and is like "we're going upstairs to have sex" and he's just standing there with the flowers this show
sk π€Anno
mister bones i really dont feel like solving the riddle right now
haha and he's not even saying anything i dont know how that loud kid wasn't getting beaten by his parents at that point
I like when he finally gets on the ride and then instantly dies
sk π€
So is there like a madoka manga or something? Because I don't think this green hair girl was in the show or the movie
>>393923 there are three. Oriko Magica: Good but short Kasumi Magica: Trash and forgettable The Different Story: Mami/Kyouko prequel. The best one
>>393923 And her name is Yuma. She shows up in Oriko.
sk π€
Maybe I'll read them at some point
Yuma doesn't get too much attention. After a while, it's all about Oriko. But it's pretty good. Oh yeah, there's the Kizuna Magica but I havent gotten past four chapters of that
Kirara π
my beautiful handsome son is learning to use stairs
Kirara πsk π€
Fuck That's good
>>393935 he certainly is handsome but he looks a little chunky which i think is cute
Kirara π
he looks chunky but it's like all muscle he's super strong he's like pushing heavy shit it's crazy he just relocated his food bowl too
Kirara π
he's loving the stairs
Kirara πKirara π
he's following me around the house it's very cute
sk π€
His nose looks like tumblr art cause he's all white except there where he's organge
say what you want, they've got a couple genius albums i'd say it's a case of the fanbase causing a negative image because a lot of people who are/were into them were also into a bunch of shitty metal/nu-metal from the time period
breakfast sounds nice
I found a good manga.
So we found a plastic container full of stuffed animals in the basement. And my dad put our dog in it. She seemed to like it a lot.
>>393975 I'm not quite sure how well we get along yet. He comes to me when I walk around, follows me around, and he obviously wants me to pet him but he walks away when I do. I'm hoping he just needs some time. I'm letting him be for now.
He went and sat in the box for a bit but didn't do anything, so I'm a little worried about that, but we'll see what happens.
Well, cats usually need some time in new environments. It sounds like you know to let him be for awhile though!
It seems like he's very friendly to the camera.
Kirara π
Yeah, he is. I think he's under our bed right now, though.
i'm gonna take a short nap i'll see you guys in an hour or so
Kirara π
They announced Corrin as the tempest unit. The new years units are all 40% 20% is hinoka, alfonse, lobster, and sakura.
>>393979 the perspective on that image is kinda weird the face is flat on the perspective but the body is like a low angle
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>393984 I think the intention might be that she's looking downward
>>393985 maybe i feel like it's missing something if that's the case but i'm not sure what
Kirara πYuu
Doesn't he already come with a pretty good weapon?
Kirara π
yeah, a distant counter weapon i guess they wanted more damage instead
was that in arena? that's a chainbreaker for sure if you don't know it's coming, i'm not sure even what blue units could sustain a wo dao black luna hit from that
Kirara π
Luckily, I don't run into stuff like that. That's in the top 10 ranks for Arena Assault. I like to go through them a few times a week.
Kirara π
technically the top 50 ranked people are all rank 1
>>393987 This... This is some REAL Fire Emblem shit
Kirara πKirara π
I didn't even know Slaying Spear was a thing until I started looking at theae. It improved my arena a lot.
i think my cat has really high STR but either low perception or low intelligence not sure which stat got dumped yet
sk π€
It's got 10 CHR at least
Kirara π
yeah no doubt
>2 servings how is this 2 servings it fit perfectly into one soup bowl man premade food "servings" are always bullshit
sk π€
that's not a soup bowl that's a fish bowl
no minestrone soup i bought and ate
sk π€
oh I see
it was good
But seriously, the bag was like 2,50β¬ and it barely feeds one grown man quite a bad deal
Gotta make it yourself to save those euros.
why the hell is Pop Team Epic's OP so... good? Like High Quality shit
That phrase seems to describe the series as a whole.
I wonder willt hey have different voice actors on every episode
Kirara π
the two in the second half are the official voice actors for the characters so they'll probably be in every episode at least maybe they'll do 1/2 them each episode
But that does leave the question will every episode be also a repeat one
>>394046 No but I mean... the OP is in a class of its own
Like the animation budget really went to the OP
voice actor costs would be quite high though lot of big names did cameos in the first parter, though that could be achieved with right connections for cheap
and now for anime about beer
TN !PcAPtAiNJoKirara π
Chelsea Manning is running for senate interesting
Wonder what his or her? policies will be
Kirara π
yeah, idk yet at the very least, she'll run on health care and probably prison abolition
this is a quite fun short but it does make you want to drink beer
>>394059 prison abolition is a popular policy for the left in the us it's about getting rid of prisons and replacing them with more effective institutions which serve as rehabilitation centers rather than places of punishment Chelsea was tortured in prison for years
I'd go for private prison abolition sure but ALL PRISONS? then how do you ensure that law and order persists? Punishment has to match the crime somewhat, in order for the fear of retribution from the state to work.
sk π€
Kirara π
punishment by the state is incapable of working outside of a black mirror-tier deal according to science
>>394063 >>394060 Problem is that if you have too loose punishment for breaking the law you end up as sweden basically
sk π€
Kirara π
>>394064 problem is that punishment can't be effective at reducing a behavior unless it's an immediate consequence of the behavior and quite intense so as soon as they break the law, they'd have to be shocked or something prisons can't be effective like they are in the us
Say someone gets 2 year sentence, that would be 1 year of incarceration in somewhat good conditions, say our level of prison "hospitability" and then 1 year of rehabitation and maybe even parole at that point onwards
But things like 10-20 year sentences for relatively small crimes are insane we have 12 years max atleast on paper technically "life sentence" is for life, however after 12 years, your case and behaviour are checked and measured and seen if you are fit to re-enter society
sk π€
being punished at all for crimes is bullshit because society shaped you into someone who would do those things to begin with
>>394069 So I can kill you and get nothing out for it in youir world good
Kirara π
like i said, alternate institutions should be used
punishment is an archaic and ineffective method of changing behavior
>>394070 Yes TN i would want a world where you want to kill people and there would be no consequence that's what I said
Good luck having anything like this imageboard in that world >>394071 True that especially in the fashion it is done in the US and when you have large untackled societal problems that breed basically a class of criminals nonstop and anyone stuck in the prison system mostl ikely will be in crimelife for well life
but that is not the case in more stable socities like ours.
sk π€
Like you're just so fucking unbearably reactionary it's hard to have a discusion about anything at all "we shouldn't have prisons" OH SO GENOCIDE SHOULD DEFINITELY BE A THING YOU JUST DO EVERY SUNDAYT LMAO THAT'S `WHAT YOU WANT YOU RED SHIT
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara π
>>394075 he didn't necessarily go that far to be fair and he is recognizing that prisons don't work in the US at least
>>394074 we also imprison people for fucking everything and nothing
Finland, Sweden, Germany and many EU countries don't punish the new comers as hardly as they would punish locals or at all and that just futher encourages them to stretch the boundaries of their "misconducts" if all you get for rape is a slap on the wrist, well why wouldn't you continue doing it?
>>394079 >i am against prison but for death penalty"
sk π€
that's not punishment that's executing a fucking rapist
That is punishment dolt
sk π€
no that's prevention
Kirara π
it's not technically punishment but it is something that is used as a punishment in that case
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh we're going to have one of those days aren't we let me get my popcorn
>>394085 either you have a lawless land of vigilantes and everyone deals their own form of justice or you have some body that decides that every rapist is shot dead
i am down with frontier justice tbh too bad i don't trust people enough not to abuse it
>>394093 body as in legislative order or just a village council of elders or just a mob that goes "shoot the rapist" that is some "body" that decides the rules
>>394094 Frontier justice is just rule of strongest or mob rule in the end
sk π€
Those are literally opposite things
Kirara π
which isn't necessarily good but it's better than the rich deciding the laws
>>394097 in one *former the strongest dictatest everything in latter the mindless mob decides everything and who ever can rally the mob the best rules
Annosk π€
mob rule can be authoritarian, as some can simply rally people better
sk π€
Kirara π
by strongest, he meant strongest group like whichever roving band of bandits has the most powerfl to enforce their version of the law
that is why populism is usually a bad word even before the current year shit because it is just mob rule in the end
sk π€
populism is a bullshit term
Or then mob lynching of blacks in south was democracy as the mob dictated it
sk π€
>>394107 yeah I mean it was extremely local democracy
A democracy that oppresses people and has no rules and guarantees no freedoms to anyone participating in it and can instantly turn on anyone of its members on a whim how is that different in the end from a singular dictator?
sk π€
The thing is "democracy" is not a term that separates It's vague, it excuses and legitimizes oppression
I really didn't take timezones into account. I just read that the Hawaii thing happened at 8 in the morning. That's even worse. Imagine waking up to that.
i'm not complaining or anything but a gentle reminder that these topics can be a little overwhelming for some people i'll come back when it's a little more relaxed
Without legislative bodies, you have no guarantee of individual rights and that is the end of that
sk π€
>>394109 well really the difference is there is literally no system you could ever implement, anywhere, ever, that would stop 51% of the population from destroying the remaining 49% It can not be done Because regardless, the 51% will ignore the rules, because they are a supermajority
>>394111 A lot of these missile test alarms that go off in the Pacific region seem to happen way early in the morning. The North Korean missile that flew just a tad north from Hokkaido a couple months back happened at like six in the morning Japan time.
>>394115 yeah but there are tests and then there are THIS AIN'T A DRILL. GET INSIDE. moments. no one freaks out over tests
>>394119 a tiny minority who most likely caused their own problems, of course the system already exists to grant them as much aid as possible
Kirara π
>>394118 idk it's easy in the US which is technically a fully functioning state even though it has been violating rights it gave to people since it was born
>>394121 As I understand the Hawaiian one was not broadcasted as a drill to the general populace.
sk π€
>>394122 The point is you can say that literally anywhere
A functioning state is at its base level any state that exists
>>394135 by giving them aid for their unfortunate situation, whic wasn't caused by the state?
sk π€
How are they hoimeless if nobody's stopping them from having a home? The state is doing that
The state offering them a way to appeal for aid AGAINST THE STATE doesn't make them not oppressed
Kirara π
here's the truth of the matter
anarchy will not be paradise having a state can never be paradise
there's no perfect society no matter what we do, it will always be imperfect
>>394137 the state does that by guaranteeing the right to property,...
sk π€
>>394139 Property rights are oppression of everyone else
I love people arguing for those using tools that can only exists because of said rights...
sk π€
>>394141 The internet is not reliant on property rights and neither are computers Nor are houses Nothing is
Labor is what made them
and this system wouldn't
Our society wouldn't exist without guarantees of ownership and personal freedoms, though lackingi n the past ever developign further
sk π€
>>394138 Communism won't immediately solve everything Anarchism won't immediately solve everything Anarchism will enable us to solve things
Kirara π
"everything" can never be solved anarchy doesn't let us have answers to everything there are things states do much better with
im not an anarchist because i think it will lead us to paradise im an anarchist because i hate hierarchy and think it's inherently wrong and i think it's harder for people to live life to the fullest under a state than under anarchy
but not everyone will be able to live happily under anarchy there will always be people that don't want to play nice
Any collectivist ideology will end up in dictatorship
sk π€
>>394143 Yeah but our current society is fucking trash
"An adherent of the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it."
sk π€
>>394153 So literally every single form of government?
sk π€
What is jailing rapists if not giving the group priority over the rapist?
The term is bullshit, TN
>>394146 Well hierarchy is also part of human nature as a "pack animal" so have fun getting that hammered out of us as a species. >>394158 even liberals get the bullet >>394156 >>394154 Yes states are naturally collectivist in essence however, a modern western state guarantees individual rights it grants individual rights to every citizen living inside its borders sure the "collective" exists, here it is >>394161 WHEN YOU BREAK THE LAW YOU VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF SOMEONE ELSE
sk π€
SEE THE THING IS you disgard liberalism from 'collectivism' because you're a liberal the status quo is 'natuiral' You don't RECOGNIZE that your form of government, too, has enemies
As per the usual please feel free to continue your current discussions in this thread, but please leave them here when you migrate.
sk π€
>>394157 It DOESN*T though It doesn't guarantee a FUCKING THING unless you follow the law If you break the law, that's fucking IT dude, the group is now more valuable than you
the history of humanity is one of purposefully killing the things we're naturally inclined to do
sk π€
Me using your MOP to make a thing doesn't violate ANYONE at all, you wouldn't even know it TOOK PLACE, but apparently wanting to be able to is COLLECTIVITSM
>>394171 No but you taking it from my house and taking it to yours is stealing it or /and thus you violated my right to well keep and use that mop that I paid money for
sk π€
>>394172 I don't think anyone's advocating for taking heavy machinery from bourgeois mansions into small shacks dued
Also say I borrow your car and use it without you ever knowing about it that is okay in your eyes? >>394177 Now I borrow your car and crash it
sk π€
yeah why the fuck would I care?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's your own personal values getting in the way not everyone feels that way
sk π€
>>394175 I mean, that's unfortunate I can get another one in communism
Yeah I mean obviously my stances will be different IN CAPITALISM I'm not literally fucking mindwiped
>>394181 cause everyone has right to everyones labour some people just can get infinite cars for nothing you know cause everyone has right to everyone's sweat and labour
I believe in man being right to their own sweat and labour and nothing else
>>394186 no in communism you can also get ivans sweat and labour from otherside of the globe
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sk π€
>>394187 Β¨No I mean you will But you don't have a right to force Ivan to work
and ivan can not work and still get sweat and labour delivered to him
sk π€
yeah I dunno why you want people to die
and no one works and still sweat and labour is produced
sk π€
are you going to defiantly starve yourself?
>>394193 So some work to grow food for themselves and their family and local friends but why should they worry about ivan living 200 klicks to say north of here?
sk π€
because they can, TN
also they can simply "who carezs about ivan"
Kirara π
it is natural for animals and humans to help each other we see it in many different species
sk π€
I don't feed my cat because it can ever pay me back
>>394198 but ivan is 200 klicks to the north and no one in the village even has ever meth im *met him
sk π€
who giuves a fuck ivan will die do you want ivan to die, or will you spend literally 2 minutes making sure his community doesn't die?
WILL NOBODY ION YOUR AREA put in 2 minutes to make sure ivan doesn't fucking starve to death?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
how do you make ivan not die in 2 minutes when he is 200 miles away
>>394203 it takes 2-6 months to grow any food not 2 minutes
sk π€
it's legit no time at all to grow the extra food necessary, we're not planting one seed at a time anymore dude
I see you have never done farmk work
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>394208 And you just have infinite land to make food with?
So also who brings over voluntarily the hard to produce fertilisers to every single farming community? Which are coincidentally made on the otherside of planet
sk π€
>>394210 we're already producing like 40% more food than the entire planet needs, Ton
Kirara π
>>394212 this and we're only using like 50% of our farmland year-round
sk π€
oh also 9 million starve a year despite this because it's not profitable to feed poor people
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
how do you ensure there are enough people farming and delivering the food
sk π€
>>394215 by actually wanting to help, and not NEEDING to work 8 hours a day doing BULLSHIT for the bourgeoisie
Do you have ANY idea how overworked we are, as a species? It's ridiculous
In place A they farm in place B they can't farm but produce all tools of farming and in place C they produce material for farming tools and in place D they produce all fertilising and such chemicals to keep the crops growing? Now how do you organise this all to function without 1)transfer of capital between parties 2) some kind of organisation and bureaucracy 3) ensuring that ABCD all do their respective part consistently and don't slack off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>394216 what if not enough people want to help though
Kirara π
>>394215 the argument is that after capitalism has been thoroughly eliminated and people are able to help each other, they will because people are naturally inclined towards altruism
sk π€
>>394219 If people don't want to, it doesn't matter anymore because we WILL, no matter what, hurt eachother and no system will ever fix it because we genuinely just want to inflict pain as a goal onto itself
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>394220 I mean, if that works then ok I guess but that's some theorycrafting.
sk π€
No it's just looking at the facts Facts like voluntary soup kitchens existisng in a world where people have to work 8 hours a day just to survive
As far as you ask me, people are "willing to share" but just with their "ingroup" and that means when a harsh winter hits and shit, the ingroup of the farming village will keep the food and only give dregs atmost to the ones who reach them to beg for it cause that is how it has worked in ancient past and even relatively recent years
Kirara π
i think it's impossible to make a system that will make things work all of the time
neither capitalism nor communism will save people that live in the middle of nowhere, far from food, for example
>>394225 YEah but communism has no system everyone just does
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>394223 I mean that still doesn't guarantee anything some people may just be more inclined to help than others. So more people being more inclined to help after the death of capitalism is still just a theroy
How can we have functional food distribution logistics in communism if we can't even keep a dedicated centralized manga server up for longer than a decade?
>>394227 the point is most people want to help others But they can't They either don't have the money they don't have the time they don't have the resources they don't have the knowledge
anarchism solves this not by making more people want to help, but giving everyone the possibility of helping, and no self-interest beyond outright laziness not to
Capitalism offers many obstacles to helping others Β¨There's costs associated with transport, production, social costs in even doing something for other people because its 'cringy', you need the money yourself to just fucking survive the system is sick
I am not saying that a perfect utopian world of everyone livingg in equal standards in worldwide communism can't happen but it will need a lot of administration a lot of bureaucracy and both of those will eventually develop into the ruling elite and then you have some form of dictatorship many ruled by few, who aren't propably even elected
and since there is no state monopoly on violence all laws and justice are dealt by whoever can do it apparently
sk π€
yeah we're gonna execute bigots actually
Kirara π
the worry i always say i have with frontier justice is just that
what's going to prevent a roving gang of white supremacists from deciding that black people need to die and then just go and kill them
what's to prevent people from getting riled up and blaming an innocent person for a crime
there's no way to do it perfectly there's always going to be pieces that don't fit in well
Funny thing is the foreign aid provided by rich nations of the world would easily feed all the starving in the world too bad they end up inthe hands of dictators and warlords who just use them to bolster their power base because it feels good to "help" on paper, but actually making sure that the money goes to the PEOPLE IN NEED requires you to do actual WORK is too much to ask of people and of course pointing this out is racist or something
oh gosh Soe from Blizzard is melting my heart
sk π€
>>394234 the ansewr is simple that happens today there is no way to prevent it
>>394237 this is a good youmu but I think her other eye should be showing
Kirara π
>>394239 it doesn't happen today maybe to a much, much, much lesser degree of what i'm saying
sk π€
anywqay the more thorough answer is-
OK samu
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
alright break it up
>>394243 I know it would be useless addition and prolly hard to do, but what if you coded a you only feature of blowing the whistle for situations like this it would beq uite amusing and ear damaging