The last two things I listed looked kinda bad but I downloaded them anyway. One is a very generic looking shounen and the other is an ecchi shounen.
Your apologies are pretty hollow. Especially when you reinforce the idea of unwillingness to change when the way you act is what is causing issue. Why should I accept the apology when it isn't going to put -going to create a change for the better.
I know that you don't like a lot of my opinions and you don't like the way I carry myself sometimes but that's no reason why we have to be fighting all the time.
It's good to tolerate when you don't agree with your friends sometimes. Everyone here acts in ways I don't agree with from time to time, and everyone has opinions that I disagree with but I don't get mad at them for it.
lets anime lots of new shows today but some look really bad >>393388 >>393388 oh then lets drop that it looked not good anyway
The two I've listed at the bottom are the bad looking ones.
I wouldn't be opposed to
yuki yuuna 3gatsu toji to miko hakumei
>>393388 Will you at least consider forgiving me and giving me a little more leeway? I'll try to say things that antagonize you a little less in the future.
Houshin Engi is a sequel or a reboot or something to something older.
Houston *Houshin Engin
*Engi Is a remake, the manga was really good so I have high hopes for it.
>>393387 All right, I'll try. And I apologize for losing my temper.
That's because she's the best. I expected a rest to the status quo but I guess we just got a full on happy ending. That's nice, I'm glad they did that.
Let's do 3gatsu 34. I think this will be a good one.
okay let's start!
Well that was fun. It's nice when heroes get to be heroes without sacrificing themselves.
>>393422 I expected a not so good ending since Yuki Yuna was one of those shows born out of the Madoka fad. I'm glad they decided to break the mold and go for a happy ending.
It might've been born in that era but we've also long since left it behind. Gotta stay with the times!
i hate that teacher shes so bad
You've got a particular vendetta for lousy teachers don't you.
wow this teacher seems like he may be the strongest.
They've really been hyping this parent-teacher confrontation for a while now.
>Chapter 68 - Black mist >Chapter 69 - Light Talk about parallels.
That's a really cancer patient look from their mother there. Usually parents that pass away from sickness in anime just have some generic sickness frailty look to them but that was pretty clearly cancer.
>Kid breaks a window >First reaction is to worry if anyone got hurt This guy's a good man.
Meddling in matters they shouldn't is a hero's job!
I want to see more of that girl with the huge-ass naginata though. Naginata are cool.
So I guess all of the main cast is going to defect and become fugitives over the season. That's kind of cool and not what I expected from the premise in the first episode.
How does her sword hang upside-down from her harness like that without falling out.