Thread #394145
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Let's do a different thread
My cat was having me chase her up the stairs and full on bonked her head into one of the stairway rails. The sound was really about that sort of "bonk" sound. I hope she didn't hurt herself.
my cat tried to jump on the fridge and slipped and fell into the sink somehow
Did he try and make the jump from the floor, or was he up on the counter?
from the counter there was too much stuff on top of the fridge
My cat doesn't go up on counters. It's only recently that she's started moving on my desk. I mean we'd scold her if she went up on the kitchen counter but it's just not something she cares to do anyway.
my cat has just been exploring getting the lay of the land although he's been hanging out under my bed mostly and just occasionally coming out
Yeah I get that. When we brought the two cats we last got home, one of them spent hours just hiding in the little crock of space between a couch and the wall. I don't think many cats that aren't really kittens anymore immediately take to new environments too positively.
It's also gotten really cold out again, so she's taken to making it look like she wants to go outside, but once the door opens she just sits there, sniffing at the air, flicking her tail back and forth apprehensively. For about a minute or two before turning away. It's really cold for me to stand there until she does that.
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Cold front here, too. But it's still like 40 degrees at the low.
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A lot cooler here
It's below -10C again. I just want warmth and it to not be pitch-black night at 17:30 again.
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i wonder if my cat will watch anime with us
2018/01/13 (土) 22:58 No. 394248
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My cat loved to sit on my lap whenever i watched or geimud guess she figured I wasn't going to move for hours at a time
2018/01/13 (土) 22:59 No. 394249
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Coincidentally, I noticed i performed always better at strategy games when my cat sat on my lap maybe it was coincidende or the act of petting the cat t times worked as anti-stress and helped me to concentrate better
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My cat doesn't want to hang out on my couch yet.>>394249 evil mastermind
Full screen stuff doesn't really catch my cat's attention. Mice cursors can kind of, but she doesn't do anything like paw at the screen trying to get it. She'll just lazily watch it at the time.
2018/01/13 (土) 22:59 No. 394252
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>>394250 Was amusing as fug, eventhough it usually was being winston churchill and fighting the nazies though... I usually always had a "fascist government" by the end of the war you see, if you had certain level of dictatorship going on, you could KEEP what you conquered and when your friend and rival isp laying as USSR and has 4 million soldiers and you are poor little UK you kinda wanna some lebensraum from europe
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Where the FUCK did my beer go
Into your gullet.
2018/01/13 (土) 23:01 No. 394255
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god alcohol is such trash when put next to pot
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/13 (土) 23:02 No. 394257
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2018/01/13 (土) 23:02 No. 394258
isn't it funny how orlando bloom has the "honour" of being the *being in the two biggest movie remix songs of 00s
What's always been funny to me is how much of an undercover nerd he's got to be or something. Like he's a pretty nice-looking guy; he could get plenty of roles in "handsome man lead actor" movies. But he's always in these fantasy-y flicks like Pirates and Lord of the Rings.
2018/01/13 (土) 23:03 No. 394260
>>394259 >>>/watch?v=nlNr-Vf9L2c
2018/01/13 (土) 23:05 No. 394261
>>394259 and in his off time he just does some random neverheard little flicks despite being clearly an "A-lister" actor
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2018/01/13 (土) 23:06 No. 394263
FanXX dafug is that anime
Is that you and your fish.
>>394263 New TRIGGER mecha anime.
>>394263 yeah what tilde said
2018/01/13 (土) 23:06 No. 394268
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>>394266 ew
2018/01/13 (土) 23:07 No. 394269
>zero two hmm that name somehow reminds me of some other character for some reason
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/13 (土) 23:08 No. 394270
>sand walruses >you can surf with them DOPE AF
2018/01/13 (土) 23:08 No. 394271
walruses might have lived in scandinavia at some point and even baltic sea
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where the fuk is dash when im drunk for once
2018/01/13 (土) 23:10 No. 394274
"The story is set in the distant future. The land is ruined, and humanity establishes the mobile fort city Plantation. Pilots produced inside Plantation live in Mistilteinn, also know as the "birdcage." Children live there knowing nothing of the outside world or the freedom of the sky. Their lives consist of battling to carry out missions. Their enemies are mysterious giant lifeforms known as Kyōryū, and the children pilot robots called Franxx to face off against them. For the children, riding the Franxx proves their existence. A boy named Hiro is called Code:016, and he was once known as a prodigy. However, he has fallen behind, and his existence seems unnecessary. Not piloting a Franxx is the same as ceasing to exist. One day, a mysterious girl known as "Zero Two" appears before him. Two horns grow out of her head. " why is it always children btw?
tradition, i guess
2018/01/13 (土) 23:11 No. 394276
I mean teenagers and drama come hand in hand easy but still there is a big reason why soldiers are young adults
yeah cause they're imp- Im gonna not
>>394274 Because the japs love coming of age stories and because they view youth as a time of excitement before they become worker bees
2018/01/13 (土) 23:11 No. 394279
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Sometimes there is some explanation, like the machine works best with kids or teens whatever but seriously if there is no such good explanation, then don't
2018/01/13 (土) 23:12 No. 394280
>>394278 I guess japan lacks good university culture that is where the actual fun times of youth ate
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yeah japan basically has 2 phases of life Life (a child) Work (an adult)
Also because teenagers have the time to build and buy model kits>>394283 Genshiken
2018/01/13 (土) 23:12 No. 394283
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I want an anime that is set in jap uni and actually portrays it quite well it would be interesting
2018/01/13 (土) 23:13 No. 394285
>>394284 Mm true but bit limited since it mostly gives the anime club stuff
golden time?
genshiiken a good shoioow
2018/01/13 (土) 23:13 No. 394288
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WE watched that back in the day
yeah it's great
2018/01/13 (土) 23:13 No. 394290
we shouldw atch some series this year actually scandi threads were fun
>>394274 And while it is mostly children and teens there are exceptions like Patlabor or votoms Usually the story reasons are circumstantial. Like in 0079 they have a 15 year old pilot the gundam because everyone else on base is fucking dead
but what though
inhave OHNE beer left then im going to SLEEP aybe maybe
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Pinky swear, eh.
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>>394294 a chinese cartoon finger trap
2018/01/13 (土) 23:16 No. 394297
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fug speed limits>>394292 dnno
Watch Houseki no Kuni.
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im too fuckin' drunk to think so
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basically the speech they give at graduation
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/01/13 (土) 23:18 No. 394302
shhh>>394300 new trigger anime what
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sorry samu I'll tone it down
>>394302 get fuckin hype sammy babey it's a new trigger mecha but it's also a-1 it's trigger AND a-1 COLLAB
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/01/13 (土) 23:19 No. 394305
>>394304 goddamn gentlement start your torrents
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i hope it gets really hot blooded
2018/01/13 (土) 23:21 No. 394309
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Well I bet it will be 26er so tell me when 13 first eps have aired and if it is good and then I might watch it
close, 24 i'm so hype this one mecha is like a lion or something it's cool
2018/01/13 (土) 23:22 No. 394311
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I do kinda miss some totally idiotic hypeshow like VVV
Was Kiznaiver the last thing Trigger did ?
2018/01/13 (土) 23:23 No. 394313
or wait what was the ANGE Cross Ange?
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was kiznaiver even good
>>394312 Little Witch Academia.
2018/01/13 (土) 23:23 No. 394316
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>>394315 I should prolyl watch the movie and the series at some point
>>394314 I really loved it. It's a very unique show.
Oh yeah
would you guess I would like it?
>not watching the movie
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>>394319 i' i'm not sure, it could go either way it's about connections between people and how people with nothing in common can become connected in ways that enable them to truly understand each other and help one another
2018/01/13 (土) 23:24 No. 394322
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>>394320 You of all people say>hasn't watched
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i guess I'll give it watch I only saw the two first eps
2018/01/13 (土) 23:25 No. 394324
>>394321 how idealistic
>>394324 well yeah that's part of the plot
2018/01/13 (土) 23:25 No. 394326
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Though shared suffering and such does help a lot t. army was kinda like that
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everything is idealism, actually
2018/01/13 (土) 23:25 No. 394328
>>394327 yes indeed the world is but a reflection of the perfect ideal world
2018/01/13 (土) 23:26 No. 394329
fuck I hate plato
i think this is gonna be hot blooded
2018/01/13 (土) 23:26 No. 394331
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"Explain why plato is both a realist and an idealist"
Kiznaiver was also an Okada Mari script. She used to do really trite scripts like Ano Hana, but she's really wisened up as the years have gone by. Then again she -did- write Mayoiga's script and that was a particularly beautiful trainwreck.
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What if everyon'es an egg
2018/01/13 (土) 23:29 No. 394335
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>>394334 >>394337 yeah, it's real
i gtta watch tgbe second epsiode I geuss
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i like this girl
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2018/01/13 (土) 23:31 No. 394342
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>>394339 gonna watch takunomi?
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>>394338 enjoy the high quality OP
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>>394342 nope
2018/01/13 (土) 23:32 No. 394345
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too risky?
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Risky probably isn't the right word for it, but it'll probably give me cravings
2018/01/13 (土) 23:32 No. 394347
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I wouldn't watch it if I was going dry
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2018/01/13 (土) 23:33 No. 394349
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but it is a cute show anyhow
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>>394348 Your drinking isn't bothering me.>>394347 Good to know.>>394349 looks like cute girls
wow blue is right the OP of pop team epic is fuckin high quality as hell
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ah well ok then
2018/01/13 (土) 23:34 No. 394353
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>>394350 They come in to the house this girl is half passedo ut from DRINKING SINCE NOON
>>394351 i'm literally just watching it by itself now COOL TIME
2018/01/13 (土) 23:34 No. 394355
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And then ressurrects when she realises they can throw a welcome party for the new girl(blue head) here and then
2018/01/13 (土) 23:34 No. 394356
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raids the fridge for more beer
2018/01/13 (土) 23:34 No. 394357
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How TN is that?
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hello hello!
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WHY does climb exist in overliord he musrt be purged
>it's not even complete yet
2018/01/13 (土) 23:35 No. 394361
>>394359 dnno really he isn't imo that hatedeserving but yeah he doesn't really fit the world
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Oh gotta watch anime
he's so BORING I've read like 7 or 9 volumes and he's just NNOYING
2018/01/13 (土) 23:36 No. 394364
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>>394363 He is basically the MC of the series if it was abotu defeating AINZ
2018/01/13 (土) 23:36 No. 394365
But I guess since I have read something like Wheel of Time I have faced more annoying characters
2018/01/13 (土) 23:36 No. 394367
>>394366 imagine 200 pages of two girls bitch fitting with eachother only to get 100 pages with a THIRD GIRL added into the mix
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2018/01/13 (土) 23:37 No. 394369
>>394368 that is one of the wheel of time books basically one third of it is just that two girls bitching at each other and their companieons only to get a new companion they add into the cat fight untill they finally all collectively shake it off and become tolerable again 250 pages
>>394360 first skit was 10/10
that fucking punch line at the end that one thing
2018/01/13 (土) 23:38 No. 394373
in Light novel formati t would be something like 800 pages
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>>394360 >>394370 >>394371 ???
>>394374 pop team epic discussion
oh I dudn't see the second ep yet
2018/01/13 (土) 23:39 No. 394377
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it's on nyaa
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I slept a lot today. It was wonderful. I definitely caught up for the week.
2018/01/13 (土) 23:39 No. 394381
>>394380 that is nice sleep is nice is this enough attention given to you?
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I'm topo usy haveing fun in my opwn head for anime
>>394379 >Let's go to the beach
>>394383 II NE
oh boy time for dansu
this dance number amazing
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Oh, am I in some sort of anime thread? You guys should label it more clearly!
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Blue, Fish, and I just happen to all be watching this at the same time somehow and are like at the same exact time
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>me >watching ani- OH GET READY TO SCREENSHOT
haha nice
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ey blue you should listen to thiscause it's good>>>/soundcloud/richiecunning/setsnight-train once you finish anime it's a good album
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oh okay, so this is the thread?
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Yeah, this is the main thread.
2018/01/13 (土) 23:42 No. 394395
>>394393 yes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/13 (土) 23:42 No. 394396
what the FUCK is this stealth segment holy shit
>>394396 that part was pretty hard
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AW YIS mooooo thafuckin breadcrumbz
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/13 (土) 23:43 No. 394399
>>394397 I hate it
daichi looks like a decent guy
Looks like we're minding some guy's dog until he can afford to ship it over to his country It'll be interesting to see how it turns out Especially since our dog hates our roomate and has even turned other dogs >>394404 He's pretty much broke just trying to get back home
i should ask the dude at the clinic if he's watching pop team epic that'll be the perfect test of his weebness
>>394402 Why didn't he bring the dog with him to his country?
More like into the OP
>>394405 >>394405 >>394405
VAs are the best
wait that hero is labeled PAN hahahaha oh fuck that impersonation
my fucking sides
kuso da yo ne
the second time the song is so much better
Apparently, that censor is on CrunchyRoll's side.
is the second ep also just the same 12 min twice with different voices?
>>394414 haha wtf>>394415 some of the lines are different
>>394415 there are some changes
the male voices are so good
2018/01/13 (土) 23:56 No. 394420
Search [iqdb] (283 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic -(…).jpg )
wait this is someone famous
Samu 😉 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/01/13 (土) 23:56 No. 394421
I’m installing Getting Over It on my phone
2018/01/13 (土) 23:56 No. 394422
>>394421 no
>>394420 looks like descartes
Samu 😉 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/01/13 (土) 23:57 No. 394424
we’re gonna do it
2018/01/13 (土) 23:57 No. 394425
>>394423 nah the glasses are part of the fame
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2018/01/13 (土) 23:58 No. 394428
what what is this hahahahha
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>>394421 KONO BAKA
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Getting over it seems to be a favorite of anime youtubers.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:00 No. 394431
>>394430 it is the enxt big meme game
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it's a good game
2018/01/14 (日) 00:00 No. 394433
WHAT WHAT please ad lib it
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It looks amusing for a few minutes until you get frustrated.
the point of the game is the frustration
2018/01/14 (日) 00:01 No. 394436
hahahahahhahaha pte aoty
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>>394434 >>394435 >>394438 It's a game where you're a guy in a pot and you use a hammer to GET OVER EVERYTHING
What's Getting Over It?
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youre a boi in a kettle and you use a hammer to move and climb and its real hard
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>>394438 It's a game where you are a burly man in a pot and you use a pitchfork or something to propel yourself forward.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:02 No. 394441
>>394440 sledgehammer
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It's a good game
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Ridiculous! There are things you can never get over, even with a hammer!
2018/01/14 (日) 00:03 No. 394444
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>>394443 well funny you should say that, because you actually don't get over it, you get frustrated and throw a fit and quit really makes you think, doesn't it?
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>>394443 says someone who hasn't played Getting Over It
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he eat
you can even get over orange hell
2018/01/14 (日) 00:04 No. 394449
>>394447 on carpet and with that small covering? sure about that?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 00:04 No. 394450
>>394446 Shion has 40% more art than Jo'on.
>>394449 yeah it's fine
2018/01/14 (日) 00:06 No. 394452
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btw to all former and current cat owners were your cats just indoor cats or half outdoor cats?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 00:06 No. 394453
>>394452 yes
i've never had an outdoor cat
2018/01/14 (日) 00:06 No. 394455
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>>394454 Never had the pleasure of gifts, eh
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lazarus doesn't seem interested in anime he will learn
2018/01/14 (日) 00:07 No. 394457
>>394456 you need to teach him best start with just making him comfortable at lap sleeping
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watch Chii's Sweet Home with him
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He sneezes a lot. Probably because it's a new place.>>394460 I dunno. We'll see. He's very healthy.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:07 No. 394460
>>394459 that seems worrying
2018/01/14 (日) 00:08 No. 394461
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>>394459 I still might consider a vet check just in case considering your mother's words lack of caring and if you have the time and money that is
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I have all the medical records, luckily, so I don't need to take her word for anything. I told her I needed them in order to be allowed to have a cat here.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:09 No. 394463
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I wish I had a cat
oh this bit is very tn
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I went into my room and he was lying on my bed, but he looked panicked and jumped down when he saw me. I wonder if he's had owners that didn't let him on their bed? I put him back up and he got excited.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:10 No. 394466
>>394465 that might take time to fix for example cats that get scared of vacuums at young age mostl ikely stay scared for life my cat got most likely traumatised by my father, who had several cats that liked to be vacuum cleaned at times so he mostl ikely tried that on her...
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 600x729, chuuni31.jpg )
My cat was indoor and outdoor. If you have a safe place for them, it's best to let them outside. Also they prefer to poop outside and that makes your life easier too.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:11 No. 394468
place? like just yard that they can't get out of?
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 1280x720, 1410556943943.jpg )
More like places without dangerous dogs or people, and not near busy roads.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:12 No. 394470
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 480x640, IMG_0910.JPG )
we just let her out of the window/door and let her go on her own and she came back when hungry/tired and sometimes with "gifts"
2018/01/14 (日) 00:13 No. 394471
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didn't fancy snow that much
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, 1515775190476.jpg )
>wedding album >not uploaded I'm going to have to actually find this huh
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2018/01/14 (日) 00:17 No. 394474
Search [iqdb] (3.0 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0827.JPG )
I still find it funny how that little buggard looked like she was wearing socks or shoes due to her paws being pure white
2018/01/14 (日) 00:18 No. 394475
black/white cats are the cutest
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Karakai Jouzu n(…).jpg )
>this WUB I need to find this full album somehow
2018/01/14 (日) 00:20 No. 394477
>yarn dance scene wat
2018/01/14 (日) 00:21 No. 394478
is this animation or some really high level stop animation
I think it's stop motion
2018/01/14 (日) 00:21 No. 394480
>>394479 it looks like it but it isl ike almost wallace and gromit level
2018/01/14 (日) 00:23 No. 394482
Search [iqdb] (659 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic -(…).jpg )
in EU europe you could get arrested for this
>>394482 >>>/watch?v=qhWCk2f2alI
2018/01/14 (日) 00:25 No. 394484
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
>>394483 Yeah but that would ALSO get you arrested in eu europe
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic -(…).png )
I like the OP
Lazarus has a weird way of eating he uses his mouth to scoop up food like construction equipment and then he chews it
>>394484 >be european >get arrested At least you aren't shot>>394488 Let's move to the moon
2018/01/14 (日) 00:26 No. 394488
>>394487 solution don't be in EU
2018/01/14 (日) 00:26 No. 394489
>>394487 let's all join russia
2018/01/14 (日) 00:26 No. 394490
>>394486 isn't that somewhat how all cats eat?
>>394489 Don't worry Russia will join you eventually :) >>394486 My grans cat drinks like that She gets her paw wet and then she licks it
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 755x944, DLd1HcNUEAEX8__.jpg )
>>394490 I dunno, it looks different from how I've always seen cats eat.>>394491 Laz does that sometimes/
2018/01/14 (日) 00:27 No. 394493
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
take a pic or vid? my cat started to mimic how I drank water from the tap which was quite amusing
>>394492 I was once drinking from a cup of water and she jumped up on the table and started dipping her paw into it Instead of just drinking out of her bowl like a normal cat
2018/01/14 (日) 00:29 No. 394495
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Overlord II - 0(…).jpg )
pop team epic seems like modern Excel Saga
2018/01/14 (日) 00:31 No. 394496
the other part was so good>>394493 i'll try to get one
2018/01/14 (日) 00:32 No. 394498
2018/01/14 (日) 00:32 No. 394499
also SHIRAISHI HYPE they do this kind of shit, they will need to add in minoru shiraishi that is a must
2018/01/14 (日) 00:33 No. 394500
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic -(…).jpg )
this is 100% from ju-on or grudge I have seen all of those movies and I know that shot
Search [iqdb] (203 KB, 248x225, 1501501224604.gif )
2018/01/14 (日) 00:35 No. 394502
huh I was thinking "hmm I wonder if there is some kid half my age who will soon watch all of pop team epic and be weirdly inspired by it like I was with excell saga at their age" and then I realised huh, there aren't really the kind of shows airing when I was new to anime like there aren't bleach and naruto that air every week unless golden week or nuclear disaster happens well conan is STILL airing, but I never watched that but there aren't some shows like there were back in the day the "entry level shows"
2018/01/14 (日) 00:37 No. 394503
what would even be the entry level shows nowadays?
Attack on Titan was pretty big entry level >>394505 5 years isn't that long in anime time is it I still see tonnes of oT cosplayers. >>394506 There's stuff like Boku no Hero Academia but that's not always on I don't think they really do constantly airing shows anymore >>394509 Are you sure I thought Naruto the anime was still catching up to the mangas ending
2018/01/14 (日) 00:37 No. 394505
>>394504 yeah but that is what 5 years old now?
2018/01/14 (日) 00:38 No. 394506
>>394504 Yes but think about it the entry level shows say naruto, bleach onepiece WERE CONSTANTLY AIRING BACK THEN
2018/01/14 (日) 00:38 No. 394507
>>394504 Even that isn't constantly airing I think it is 1 season or 2 seasons per year
naruto is still airing
2018/01/14 (日) 00:38 No. 394509
>>394508 Yeah as boruto but it isn't that relevant anymore
2018/01/14 (日) 00:39 No. 394510
>>394504 Yes the amount of players on naruto fighting games has gone down by sooo much
Do they still air anime on kids tv Like Pokemon and stuff I know toonami's still going
2018/01/14 (日) 00:40 No. 394512
I don't even know do they air anything anime here Only animes I saw on finnish tv were>dbz >fma >neon genesis >ray earth magick knight >swedish dubbed moon magical girl sailor moon>pokemon
these days kids watch anime on netflix probably
they have yokai watch can't see anything else here
2018/01/14 (日) 00:42 No. 394515
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic -(…).jpg )
Was the original sailor moon even that good? I know I can't watch it, cause the voices just feel wrong to me now it was one of those shows you just left on while eating breakfast
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>>394501 I'm really amazed that memes got a full length series like that.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:42 No. 394517
also WHY DID THEY AIR A SWEDISH DUB OF IT you still needed to get finnsubs? I guess there weren't enough japan speakers here at the time
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>>394516 What's really amazing is that the show is such high quality.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:43 No. 394519
but they STILL DID BEFORE AND AT THE SAME TIME on the same channel air eva and magic ray earth with original voices and finsubs so... hmm
2018/01/14 (日) 00:44 No. 394520
>>394518 >>394516 this is why I say it is modern excell saga
2018/01/14 (日) 00:45 No. 394521
but still impressed by the fucking stop motion scene
2018/01/14 (日) 00:46 No. 394522
1) the characterr dolls must beq uite large actually 2) they have iron wire inside the hair, arms, and FINGERS all 3) that jump scene>>394523 I know how the whole thing was done since not only have I studied as a hobby stopmotion animation and done some of my own but seriously to this level? Does japan even do any stopmotion animation? It is rare as fug anyhow nowadays and to this level and skill man Who did it? I want to know
the dance was very impressive i think they probably had wire
2018/01/14 (日) 00:47 No. 394524
this is like those skeletons and shit from that guy involved in the Jason and the Argonauts movie or Golden Fleece and it nearly rivals Wallace and Gromit which is imo peak stop motion animation
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oh yeah I was flipping through the new on my phone the other day, and I saw an article about those sex consent blockchains! I guess it is a real thing after all.>>394526 I guess that's okay.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:49 No. 394526
Search [iqdb] (333 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic -(…).jpg )
>>394525 do you like this memegirl that much?
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>>394525 You didn't believe me when I brought it up?
2018/01/14 (日) 00:50 No. 394528
>>394525 well I havn't played the game but it is quite 100% rika character
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>>394527 Not really a matter of disbelief, but there's a different in magnitude between some person on twitter whining about something, and something showing up in my newsfeed!
2018/01/14 (日) 00:51 No. 394530
>>394525 >>394527 >>394529 wat wat
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>>394530 Stopping sexual assault by recording consent on ~THE BLOCKCHAIN~
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>>394529 People complain about stuff on twitter usually while providing links to the news they're complaining about. We know about it because it was in a newsfeed.
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>>394532 There's still a degree of legitimacy when it reaches my newsfeed! It only gives me like major sites and not fringe sites that run clickbait.
2018/01/14 (日) 00:52 No. 394534
>>394531 ... kay
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>>394533 hmmm
2018/01/14 (日) 00:52 No. 394536
Search [iqdb] (203 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic -(…).jpg )
I don't trust any news source to be 100% legit
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sometimes the fans on my GPU are retarded and stop spinning and then my room gets super hot
2018/01/14 (日) 00:53 No. 394538
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
Big part of modern internet savyness is to be aware of the biases a source might have
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
>>394535 Don't pout! At least something we talked about made it to my newsfeed.
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 650x687, 1514431148460.jpg )
heat your room with bitcoin gpus like that one project
2018/01/14 (日) 00:53 No. 394541
>>394537 I once heated my room with my GPU
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>>394537 The fans on my new GPU only start when it gets to 60C. It doesn't really get there very often. When they do spin the most they spin to is like 30%. It's a very quiet graphics card.
my card is supposed to do that but sometimes it doesn't unless i give the fans a little tip tap i even tried using a manual GPU controller but that doesn't do it once they start spinning they don't really stop unless i tell them to, they just don't auto-start like they're supposed to the fortunate side is that my room is very warm and comfy now
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>>394539 You trust your newsfeed more than me!
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kekkai Sensen &(…).jpg )
>>394544 Because you're a clickbait peddler.
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>>394545 I am so not a clickbait peddler!
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>>394546 Sounds credible. But I'll believe it when it reaches my newsfeed.
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2018/01/14 (日) 00:57 No. 394549
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
>>>/watch?v=G_lz8-wUMk4 I know you lot can't understand this but it is still worth watching
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>>394548 Top 10 Sad Anime Scenes
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2018/01/14 (日) 01:01 No. 394552
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
no seriously just watch/listen it for the transitions
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i have a running live backlog of things to listen to right now hold on
2018/01/14 (日) 01:02 No. 394554
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
>>394553 Cut this to #1
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1918x1338, __flandre_scarlet_hata_no_koko(…).jpg )
Liz Triangle medley first
what is this triangle for
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:05 No. 394557
for being amazing
>>394555 Liz Triangle is so fucking good>>>/watch?v=jgjQRAcWa_0 >>394560 what
>>394557 frontier is actually not that good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:06 No. 394560
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png )
oh my gosh it's Maria hi girl wait what?
2018/01/14 (日) 01:06 No. 394561
>>394558 you>>394549 listen to it actually and say the transitions aren't worth it?
>this track is 10 minutes long I hope Line is in here too. Line is my favorite.
2018/01/14 (日) 01:07 No. 394563
>>394558 run just run
>>394549 tbh I don't like this It feels like it's changing songs every ten seconds
2018/01/14 (日) 01:08 No. 394565
>>394564 umm yes that is the point of it
Well I do not enjoy it
2018/01/14 (日) 01:08 No. 394567
it is 100 finrock songs in one take no cuts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:09 No. 394568
holy shit link just became Mustang but with lightning
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1052x1548, DTBLsvmVoAIML1b.jpg )
>>394558 >>394557 If you really like Liz Triangle, I recommend getting the Triangle album from C93 "With Triangle" is a 10m medley of a lot of their songs. I actually almost skipped it because I thought it was just an old song but then I realized it was multiple.
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 873x1334, DTbWgzwV4AEAPb3.jpg )
wow, a transition. In a Liz Triangle album This was good.
Also the Line part starts at 6:30
2018/01/14 (日) 01:21 No. 394573
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 01 (…).jpg )
haa if you poor sods only spoke finnish
>>394392 this link is broke
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:27 No. 394575
Search [iqdb] (263 KB, 1450x2048, 1ed27bec0165eae40127de63a4406929.jpg )
must be nice to be rich enough to participate in such things
>>394549 that's pretty cool
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:30 No. 394579
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and now you get to hear Line again>>>/watch?v=uiND4XKhIt0
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 546x680, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
i ate now I'm going to get comfy. It sure is cold outside.
2018/01/14 (日) 01:35 No. 394582
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 01 (…).jpg )
>>>/watch?v=97DwMIf7_lI like this song this needs eng subs
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>>394581 It's not very cold outside.
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>>394544 I super trust my good friend Kirara! I just have to watch out for twitter Kirara!
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>>394584 There's a difference?!
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one is a ********* *******
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>>394585 Yeah! People have lots of parts. Just like you can trust normal Rika, but you can't trust me when I start trolling!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:37 No. 394588
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>>394587 are you an epic troll?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:38 No. 394590
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2018/01/14 (日) 01:39 No. 394592
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
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>>394589 I just like to have fun sometimes. Anyway you tell people the earth is flat on twitter! I know the earth isn't flat!
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>>394593 But the one talking about the blockchain consent forms was your super good friend Kirara, wasn't it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:41 No. 394595
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The Earth is fat
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Solving multiple facets of your friends' personas using ~THE BLOCKC no I can't finish this statement or else Atlus might here me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:41 No. 394598
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1300x2064, c40b650d08289c50d6bf2151609acdcc.jpg )
The earth is phat fo you
2018/01/14 (日) 01:42 No. 394599
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2018/01/14 (日) 01:42 No. 394600
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>>394594 You got it from twitter though! Eithe way, I didn't know it was big enough to hit mainstream news.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:45 No. 394602
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The cafeteria at work always has fox news on. That's just a thought that came to me
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1000x971, :D - 無題 (60192690) 12ページ.png )
>>394601 it shouldn't have been But the Venn Diagram of (sexual assault) and (~THE BLOCKCHAIN~) was pretty empty
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 246x289, 1484241862989.jpg )
>>394601 It must have been a slow news day.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:47 No. 394606
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which one of you boys is the rowdiest and toughest
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:53 No. 394608
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This sounds like a great quote to have in a movie. But terrible to put on an advertisement.
>>394609 this is really special
2018/01/14 (日) 01:55 No. 394611
Search [iqdb] (188 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:56 No. 394612
Search [iqdb] (438 KB, 1020x689, bb3f9579dc0ae8af0dc8d5b2ff84fee2.png )
>>394609 That house looks really dirty Why would I wanna live there
behind that dirt is new york city
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 774x870, 1494711114140.jpg )
>>394604 I dunno, it was kind of a busy day! They were talking about some comments Trump made.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 01:57 No. 394616
isn't that every day?
2018/01/14 (日) 01:57 No. 394617
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
>when top news are presiential tweets haa...
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1000x1100, 1508891556720.jpg )
It wasn't a tweet, he said something that caused 54 countries in the African Union to demand an apology.>>394615 I guess it can't be helped.
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 1200x1600, C6UinfdVMAEOdEC.jpg )
Today's top news was emergency push notifications
2018/01/14 (日) 01:57 No. 394620
>>394618 Did it cause EVERY country to do that or just the african union someone to say that?
>>394620 every country in the african union and several that aren't in it
2018/01/14 (日) 01:58 No. 394622
>>394621 can I have the source please not that I doubt you but still
>>394619 Yeah that Hawaii shit I saw that. Spooky
2018/01/14 (日) 02:00 No. 394624
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
>>394623 Why do you hide your name in the email section?
>>394622 There are a hundred stories with it. I saw the actual statement earlier, let me see if I can find it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:00 No. 394626
Search [iqdb] (327 KB, 2048x1450, b92c997dc80fea3c8a644e38ac9d3cc0.jpg )
Damn blue push njotifications are weird
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
Even my boss mentioned it! I think it has become disputed though, some senators are saying he said it and some senators are saying he didn't. It really just reflects how ridiculous things are eight now.
2018/01/14 (日) 02:01 No. 394628
>>394625 wll yeah "shithole countries" and "all af rican countries" don't match I mean some of them are decent some are livable though rest are pure "woe to all who were born here"
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>>394627 Most of the senators that were there are refusing to comment on it publicly. He also had that incident with the Korean lady the other day. He's really on a roll.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:02 No. 394630
jesus christ zelda stop trying to cram frogs down my mouth
>>394624 No real good reason just some kinda shy quirk I guess.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
I haven't been keeping up too well with it, but I don't really see that big a problem with using coarse language in meetings and stuff. I'm sure lots of bad language has been used in the wihte house.
2018/01/14 (日) 02:02 No. 394633
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 01 (…).jpg )
>>394631 You attract more attention like this bitch
>>394633 Well yeah right now but only cuz of you. i-it's fine trust me
2018/01/14 (日) 02:03 No. 394635
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid-Asenshi] Violet Evergar(…).jpg )
>>394629 If every president's every word and action was made into an article of course you would have a HOT TOPIC PIECE for every day but for fucks sake your nation's obsession on trump has gone from just phariah to DEVIL HIMSELF
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1200x1600, 1489977000697.jpg )
>>394632 The only president I can't imagine saying those places are "shitholes" is Obama, and that's because he'd say it in nicer words. Liberals are just obsessed with the idea that there's ever been an actually moral president and think trump isn't acting "American"
2018/01/14 (日) 02:04 No. 394637
>>394634 no one here uses mail field no one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:04 No. 394638
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Just what exactly is a moral compass anyway
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2018/01/14 (日) 02:05 No. 394640
>>394636 Honestly if you ask me, Trump is acting quite american
>>394638 a miserable little pile of secrets
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 509x349, 1459824454160.png )
>>394638 >>394640 absolutely everything he does is extremely american the only difference between him and other presidents is that he doesn't talk pretty
2018/01/14 (日) 02:05 No. 394643
>>394642 he is like living stereotype what foreign image of americans is
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
Yeah, it seems like fighting about word choice to me. I'm surprised it was such a big story!
2018/01/14 (日) 02:05 No. 394645
He is Rich Loud damn ignorant says whatever he wants ignores all criticism and has damn awesomelishly weird hairdo
>>394644 everything has to be a big story with him it's gotten to the point where people need to realize that none of this matters
does anything matter
2018/01/14 (日) 02:06 No. 394648
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
USA media and UK media and media inspired by those two should all die a bloody death
>>394647 ultimately, no but at the same time that's part of why some things matter
>>394637 Aight I'll acquiesce
2018/01/14 (日) 02:07 No. 394651
>>394647 >>>/watch?v=tAGnKpE4NCI
2018/01/14 (日) 02:07 No. 394652
>>394650 much better
>>394652 Thank you senpai
2018/01/14 (日) 02:08 No. 394654
hey I am older than that song yaiii
Is that TN like Tien Shinhan or something else
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:09 No. 394656
Search [iqdb] (519 KB, 800x783, 6d9606d38bdef11c5bf44dc8804ff65f.jpg )
No Lloyd he is the Touhou Nazi
2018/01/14 (日) 02:09 No. 394657
Tien SHinhan is the least appreciated DB character so +1 to you instantly
>>394651 >>394651 >>394651
2018/01/14 (日) 02:09 No. 394659
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 712x480, Azumanga Daiou 06 [4D29728A].m(…).jpg )
>>394658 a damn fun song to sing karaoke
Search [iqdb] (620 KB, 1280x1853, 09.jpg )
>What's "sexy" about >as expected of Star why is this expected
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:10 No. 394662
>>394660 Star is a slut but Luna is the only good looking fairy
>>394656 Oh. that's cool too.>>394657 Is Tien really least appreciated? I always liked him tbh
2018/01/14 (日) 02:11 No. 394664
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 429x410, TouhouGiygas.jpg )
Remember it is not A touhounazi it is THE touhounazi
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:11 No. 394665
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 1514x2048, 0a18477c0fabea9f3f9dd76ffeab3d7d.jpg )
Yup The one and only
2018/01/14 (日) 02:11 No. 394666
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 429x410, TouhouWGiygas.jpg )
>>394665 I have seen copycats
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:12 No. 394667
what losers trying to copy a warrior of the touhou
2018/01/14 (日) 02:12 No. 394668
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 429x410, TouhouFiygas.jpg )
Is why ferr one reason Ah kept zat ridiculous as shit accent around ya see
Search [iqdb] (395 KB, 849x1200, karabako_44454.jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 02:13 No. 394670
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 530x750, 4d79462abfbac2f1cc2e1f2c90237d25.jpg )
Actually fuck zat ferr ze rest of ze night Ah will use zat "accent"
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 540x404, x86AKz8.png )
>>394662 star is pure
2018/01/14 (日) 02:14 No. 394672
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 261x329, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).png )
Though Ah do wonder can Ah even do ze accent zat correct anymore
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
>>394647 That people are using blockchains for consent!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:14 No. 394674
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 951x1345, 1e4dac714286055a8a7bec61b9ce48a0.jpg )
>>394671 Fairies are whores dude
>>394672 who is the best touhou
Search [iqdb] (8 KB, 236x236, lynne.jpg )
>>394673 in what way that logstically doesnt even make sense
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 467x370, suikamaiden.gif )
>>394673 yeah but like why does anything matter rika huh? I expect an essay>>394675 Suika
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1100x1058, C6C6KU4VAAAeIbu.jpg )
>>394674 Shut up Akyuu
2018/01/14 (日) 02:15 No. 394679
>>394674 >>>/watch?v=35bLdiaCtZM
2018/01/14 (日) 02:15 No. 394680
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 512x512, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>394680 I have a tenshi folder somwhere actually.
But that was a trick question Reisen is the best 2hu.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:16 No. 394683
>>394682 That's pretty pleb taste but that's fine.
are wa debiru debiru debiru maaaan
2018/01/14 (日) 02:16 No. 394685
2018/01/14 (日) 02:17 No. 394686
Search [iqdb] (654 KB, 1200x800, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_reiuji_u(…).jpg )
>>394683 Indeed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:17 No. 394687
>>394686 yes you see TN and I know what's up Heaven and Hell
2018/01/14 (日) 02:17 No. 394688
Search [iqdb] (784 KB, 1000x707, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_reiuji_u(…).jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 02:18 No. 394689
Search [iqdb] (475 KB, 1200x979, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_reiuji_u(…).jpg )
lmao apparently we need to constantly be ready to survive a nuclear strike now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:18 No. 394691
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1000x1398, 0ca94ccdff8ec365784d4ed3a3db534f.jpg )
Ah Utsuho, your status goes beyond waifu and into legend
>>394690 >ready for a nuclear attack How the fuck do you get ready for that Especially in hawaii the explosion would cover the whole island
cover yourself with newspaper
>>394683 I crai
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:19 No. 394695
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 600x600, b77f6861c061890c0a3f3c56e760f997.jpg )
The nuykes can't kill you if you kill yourself
2018/01/14 (日) 02:19 No. 394696
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 848x600, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_watatsuk(…).jpg )
>>394690 Yes yes we do because FEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR and then fear will be targeted towards korea and all clickbaity articles unfittingly will server towards that agenda without realising what they are contributing towards and then North Korea was invaded and the next 10 year long war was initiated and US military industry was satisfied
imagine seeing that notif and being like ah finally
2018/01/14 (日) 02:20 No. 394698
And I wish I could have fucking said that 2016 and not now
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 750x845, best crack pairing.JPG )
Shanghai x Koakuma or Shanghai x Marisa
2018/01/14 (日) 02:21 No. 394700
>>394697 this guy is real
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:21 No. 394701
Search [iqdb] (886 KB, 801x1043, 805b15d0ce23a921fb7c8a78f2c4e066.png )
2018/01/14 (日) 02:21 No. 394702
>>394699 millet soup every time
>>394701 hmmm
>>394699 shanghai x alice
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:22 No. 394705
Search [iqdb] (719 KB, 2000x2800, 2f9ad6603351d7a79fba8c998b650323.jpg )
>>394703 Hmm?
2018/01/14 (日) 02:22 No. 394706
>>394701 >>394685
>>394705 just interesting is all
2018/01/14 (日) 02:22 No. 394708
>>394704 gross
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:22 No. 394709
Search [iqdb] (2.7 MB, 2408x3612, d12443e19e3c8a629588d46e4d413d3a.jpg )
>>394707 What, Chino? Yes Chino is very interesting.
>>394709 just your choice in images
Search [iqdb] (288 KB, 1470x987, okasama.JPG )
>>394704 alice is married to patchouli
2018/01/14 (日) 02:23 No. 394712
>>394709 >>>/watch?v=FeU-VoOi7iU
>>394711 no alice is married to marisa who in an alternate dimension is married to patchouli >>394714 shit I didn't consider this angle
2018/01/14 (日) 02:23 No. 394714
>>394713 shanghai x alice isl ike mother x child you wincest lover
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:23 No. 394715
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 720x960, 834f149c5510461f2eb78838309c5cef.png )
They're all very good aren't they
>>394713 G R O S S
2018/01/14 (日) 02:24 No. 394717
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 600x600, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou__7649(…).jpg )
>>394713 Alice x marisa is meme Alice x Patchouli is love and Alice x Reimu is good and Alice x Yuuka is good
>>394715 maybe a little oversexualized, some of them
>>394717 all the touhous are memes
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 600x1100, SUKJA - ★ (61787990) .png )
who ships Marisa with anyone anymore
2018/01/14 (日) 02:25 No. 394721
>>394719 untrue name a meme that starts with the turtle
>>394721 that he's been forgotten
2018/01/14 (日) 02:25 No. 394723
that is meme that applies to all 2hu characters so not counted
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:25 No. 394724
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 450x450, c73e3f4aa67452131cb2a3d19821d5d3.png )
>>394718 oh, well, sometimes good artists do dangerous things. It can't be helped I suppose
>>394723 >applies to all 2hu characters no it doesn't Some but not all
2018/01/14 (日) 02:25 No. 394726
>>394725 yes it does
if you're gonna post a lewd at least post a bun of text to distract
2018/01/14 (日) 02:25 No. 394728
the only ones it doesn't apply to is reimu and marisa
>>394724 it can probably be helped
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 800x1200, C5yTUSjUwAQ1eBQ.jpg )
No one forgets about Ko-
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:26 No. 394731
Search [iqdb] (434 KB, 3000x1392, 5ffa72d194fe020ce10ce2f196385106.jpg )
>>394729 I dunno about that, ti seems to happen to everyone, time and time again.
2018/01/14 (日) 02:27 No. 394732
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 3264x1832, Tenko.JPG )
Tenshi is least appreciated
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:27 No. 394733
I disagree, tneshi is greatly appreciated. She's in my top 10
Search [iqdb] (412 KB, 1251x1802, img019.jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 02:28 No. 394735
Search [iqdb] (857 KB, 958x900, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).png )
Oh yeah blue did you own rpg maker?
Do I... maybe?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:28 No. 394737
Search [iqdb] (381 KB, 1100x1050, ad5f6c472cd71333bb5fe461b624c0b0.jpg )
I "own" it.
I feel like I saw it on Steam
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 02:28 No. 394740
yes anybody can pirate it
2018/01/14 (日) 02:29 No. 394741
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
>>394739 will you watch beer the anime?
>>394739 the fuck you lookin at
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 516x518, C57RIGBXEAAsBBt.jpg )
what is this folder
>>394743 white people white peeeeople
2018/01/14 (日) 02:30 No. 394745
>>394743 looks like riemurasia or pr0gramm
2018/01/14 (日) 02:31 No. 394746
I havn' t been to riemurasia in ages iti s a site that is OLDER THAN 4CHAN
Search [iqdb] (5s, 201 KB, 642x636, kanna.webm )
>kanna.webm oh it's cute
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:31 No. 394748
Search [iqdb] (365 KB, 675x900, 300fe31160788dbe87ad4075cc7c159a.jpg )
I prefer Tohru to Kanna personally.
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 730x262, 04.jpg )
im a cat personally
2018/01/14 (日) 02:31 No. 394750
>>394748 really
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:31 No. 394751
>>394750 Surprising I know. Kanna's not my type of loli.
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 600x800, あそか@絵仕事募集中 - 鷺沢さん (61698644) .jpg )
>>394748 I know, ToN. I know.
>>394743 it's pretty good that's what it is>>394752 also good
2018/01/14 (日) 02:32 No. 394754
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
I prefer kobayashi, though
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 537x669, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 09 [(…).jpg )
I saw the tide pod challenge in the news too. It's so crazy!
>>394755 . Yeah, the normies were talking about it recently before class
I want a dragon maid Or any maid
2018/01/14 (日) 02:32 No. 394758
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
>you jobless become a criminal hahahhahahaha nice
Search [iqdb] (395 KB, 1467x2048, C5vOB57U0AAK0UW.jpg )
Well, people are dying so..
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:33 No. 394760
>>394754 Yeah Kobayashi is like my second
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:33 No. 394761
I'd probably put Kanna above Bokutits
>>394759 >>394759
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1017x1200, C5vKzo5VUAADNMf.jpg )
this is an excellent folder as expected of me
2018/01/14 (日) 02:35 No. 394764
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 528x960, 2105001021.jpg )
>>394764 fuck
>ToN.jpg hehehe
2018/01/14 (日) 02:36 No. 394767
>>394765 that was fast
FormerRei@mobile 2018/01/14 (日) 02:36 No. 394768
>>394764 I stopped reading at "never gonna give"
>>394767 it's pretty easy to read if you know how
2018/01/14 (日) 02:37 No. 394770
>>394769 I guess is language difference
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:37 No. 394771
>>394766 post it
>>394770 yeah, maybe those words are used with moderate frequency here in that capacity
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1000x708, ToN.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:37 No. 394774
>>394773 accurate.
2018/01/14 (日) 02:37 No. 394775
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
>>394772 it didn't takem e a while but it took you less than a minute or so,whichw as fast to compared to someone like me who is a finn and knows the tangostuff
>>394775 do they use the same words in Finnish?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/01/14 (日) 02:38 No. 394777
Have any of you heard the album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot?
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1428x896, Freeze-Ex - 夢で逢う (56360109) .png )
2018/01/14 (日) 02:38 No. 394779
>>394776 no
2018/01/14 (日) 02:38 No. 394780
>>394777 No but I have heard the Kink
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:39 No. 394781
Search [iqdb] (279 KB, 500x699, 0b65a55ed4afee87401c400f8459718b.png )
>>394778 Doremy fucking Sweet
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 1200x1600, C5rVbZuUoAEBTe2.jpg )
I wanna dress her up like Merry clothing swap now
2018/01/14 (日) 02:40 No. 394783
>>394781 >>394778 >reminder we lost advance cirno to the mediocre merry thing
>>394777 I have heard of
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:40 No. 394785
Search [iqdb] (184 KB, 900x1259, 871f6a560fed02b5f6a1be65de3405fd.jpg )
I wanna dress Doremy Sweet up like a FUCKING CORPSES
we lost a potentially great anime to JC Staff Advent Cirno is always in my heart and can never be lost.
2018/01/14 (日) 02:41 No. 394787
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
The author should just finish it
2018/01/14 (日) 02:42 No. 394788
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 712x480, Azumanga Daiou 07 [101C73DF].m(…).jpg )
But I kinda find it funny I find it kinda sad the doujins that I like most are the ones that get pulled pro
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 1080x1440, __nazrin_touhou_drawn_by_nikor(…).jpg )
Merry is almost 20 volumes deep now. It's amazing.
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 08 [(…).jpg )
>>394756 Kids are weird. Tide pods don't even look tasty to me.
cat is finally pretty chill lying with us on the couch fish is getting jealous >>394792 1. it's lie 2. no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:42 No. 394792
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 1000x818, 5fc4be41f3466e004c57b38911f8c494.jpg )
dude like can I lay down on the couch with you guys too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:43 No. 394793
why not
2018/01/14 (日) 02:43 No. 394794
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 712x480, Azumanga Daiou 07 [101C73DF].m(…).jpg )
>>394791 gay cat
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1400x3000, __nazrin_touhou_drawn_by_netam(…).png )
lie your hands on me
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 08 [(…).jpg )
>>394791 She's jealous of a cat?
2018/01/14 (日) 02:43 No. 394797
>>394795 I doubt you have ever actually gone and listend to that song and just have radioded that song
It's almost as if...
i'm a cat
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1125x1125, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_(…).jpg )
Cats can't post on /moe/
2018/01/14 (日) 02:44 No. 394801
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 712x480, Azumanga Daiou 07 [101C73DF].m(…).jpg )
most of moes post 24 on cat scale
Search [iqdb] (802 KB, 900x1260, 62579029 - 桝石きのと◆.jpg )
>>394796 Yeah. You know how she gets. I guess I'm petting the cat more than her.>>394803 haha
>friendship terminated with fish cat is new best friend now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:47 No. 394804
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 1450x2048, 7e0af723bc616f9c97641b6862228320.jpg )
Cats are basically my friends They usually all love me
2018/01/14 (日) 02:48 No. 394805
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 894x644, 2104031041.jpg )
Kolla Holds!
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 1200x1800, C5QXTKfVYAA58Lx.jpg )
tomorrow is coming quickly
2018/01/14 (日) 02:48 No. 394807
>>394805 enemy lines were 150m away and this particular service was halted by an enemy artillery barrage
2018/01/14 (日) 02:53 No. 394808
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 2448x3440, 2103212133.jpg )
Welp mats I don't think you are doing your cthulhu, sadly, anymore but here are more from that artist I tossed some pics backin the day at
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:53 No. 394809
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1450x2048, 713b9c963d059a41c96cc9f58c0ef3ec.jpg )
Don't worry instead of cthulu it will be wild west
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 387x335, C6QQh9VWUAE8Cnd.jpg )
>>394808 very nice asthetic
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1000x1000, C5Ht-wUUMAEOKTY.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 02:58 No. 394813
>>394810 I did try this
2018/01/14 (日) 02:59 No. 394814
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 650x423, normal_2102510148.jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 03:00 No. 394815
Search [iqdb] (369 KB, 1080x1872, 2102351513.jpg )
>true friendship: when neighbour's legs give over, the other pulls him to the church
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:02 No. 394817
Search [iqdb] (352 KB, 1450x2048, 188debeaed592d8ac6ed06b948690145.jpg )
His LEGS are OVER?!
2018/01/14 (日) 03:02 No. 394818
>>394817 oh right that is not a thing n anglish
>>394816 mood
2018/01/14 (日) 03:03 No. 394820
was princess principal good?
i liked it a lot and hope for a season 2
2018/01/14 (日) 03:05 No. 394822
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 712x480, Azumanga Daiou 07 [101C73DF].m(…).jpg )
Remind me to watch it at some point it got a lot of yuri
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 604x605, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
>>394819 Yeah that's always my mood. I'm invincible! You could hit me in the neck with a katana and I would be fine. It would startle me though.
2018/01/14 (日) 03:06 No. 394824
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 509x340, firefox_2018-01-14_05-05-55.png )
>finnish pilots doing 100 years of finland formation flying
my cat is watching tv with us now
2018/01/14 (日) 03:07 No. 394826
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 712x480, Azumanga Daiou 07 [101C73DF].m(…).jpg )
that is btw 100% legit as far as I know I don't know how to feel about it it is EPIC as fug but at the same time...
whoakun is doing them dirty right now in siege
2018/01/14 (日) 03:07 No. 394828
>>394827 bang >>394824
>>394824 nice
2018/01/14 (日) 03:10 No. 394830
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 810x522, 2101920012.jpg )
now for tn translation "Bombing on enemy wings 9.3.1944" Stalin gave the order on 1944 to bomb Helsinki to the ground. Thanks to the quite efficient air defence, the city was spåared from three mass bombings with minimal destruction so far. On Spring 1944, it was feared that the fourth even more sever and massive bombing than so far, would happen. Soviet Union was afterall moving more and more bombers to the finnish line's according to intelligence reports. Finns had already suffered great losses at bombing the minor airports of the soviet union and bombing the Leningrad airbase was considered utmost lunacy. Finns however had the most ridiculous idea ever, that reportedly no one had ever tried before. During the next great bombing mission of the Soviet Union, Finnish bombers would sneak into their ranks and fly with them. On 9.3.1944 evening, the finnish scouts detected a large Soviet air formation coming from Leningrad. Having been alarmed by the increased radio traffic from the Soviets, the Bristol-Blenheim airsquad took up from //took up and from Ut the ////// The bristonl-blenheim flight, Dornier 17th flight at Immola and 88th Junkers Flight at Ut took flight all and headed for the Soviet bomber group; in effect meaning all bombers of the finnish air force and bombers situated in Finland were in flight at the moment. Surprisingly instead of heading for Helsinki, the bomber flight of the Soviets headed for Tallinn to wage destruction, causing up to 1500 dead civilians and over 1000 structures destroyed. Over the Baltic Sea when returning to their airbase, the finnish flightssneak up to the enemy bomber ranks and the plan worked completely. The FInnish bomers sneak up to the Soviet targets and no one noticed them being there before they unloaded their full pay load and destroyed all the Soviet air basies completely. The dreaded Soviet 4th air assault on Helsinki never happened and several baltic cities were spared from further bombings as the Baltic base of ope
2018/01/14 (日) 03:18 No. 394831
Baltic base of opertation for the Soviet Airforce was rendered unoperable
>>394832 >there are people on this board right now who never unlocked toad and sonic in melee lmaoing @ ur lives
2018/01/14 (日) 03:28 No. 394834
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
>there are people on your board who never finished soul reaver
>there are people
2018/01/14 (日) 03:28 No. 394836
btw why was mewtwo so 100% imbalanced in that game he debuted in?
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, ccachar.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:32 No. 394838
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 834x1326, 2d9496931325e6d8b7b66910dd09b063.png )
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Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
This ended up being a good season too. I'm pretty pleased with it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:36 No. 394842
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1680x2080, 6cad3b2b172d2b457bf19c18dca60be6.jpg )
>when you forget to do one piece of a side quest and you don't get the real ending as a result piss and vinegar let's do it again
Search [iqdb] (217 KB, 1463x2048, 61538761_p19.jpg )
FranXX is going to be amazing.
2018/01/14 (日) 03:36 No. 394844
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Overlord II - 0(…).jpg )
>>394841 "ended" you didn't already foresee it being one?
>>394843 did you see the first episode
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:36 No. 394846
Search [iqdb] (519 KB, 800x783, 6d9606d38bdef11c5bf44dc8804ff65f.jpg )
Alright look dude rika isn't like some sort of anima wizard.
>>394845 yes it was GOOD
2018/01/14 (日) 03:37 No. 394848
>>394843 what do you say wait to marathon or watch now?
>>394848 I think it'll be hard to answer until next week episode 1 was just introduction to world and characters gotta see what the pacing is like
oh shit ton something about a sacred sword ocean katana folded over 1000 times >>394843 I like the world a lot I'm not sold on the mc yet
2018/01/14 (日) 03:38 No. 394851
I just hope no one is watching citrus anymore
2018/01/14 (日) 03:39 No. 394852
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
you are 15? and this is the FIRSTT IME YOU THINK OF COOKING RECIPES OF CAMPING LIEK THIS I guess japan has no scout program
>A Swedish contraceptive app designed to let women know when it’s ‘safe’ for them to have unprotected sex has been reported to the country’s medical regulator after dozens of its users fell pregnant. >>394850 he seems generic but im hoping he won't get caught up in pussy shit and gets hot blooded
>>394853 he was really beta for lack of a better word I hope he plays a more proactive role in the future of the show >>394855 Yeah if he evolves as a person it'll work
>>394854 he lacked direction and was depressed hopefully 002 can make his blood boil
i hope he is a bitch outside the mecha but gets hot blooded inside it that'd be cool
2018/01/14 (日) 03:41 No. 394857
Search [iqdb] (237 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
also glasses girl has high "rika posts" potentional
>>394857 it's either her or nadeshiko that rika will post
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I actually like this girl best so far!
2018/01/14 (日) 03:43 No. 394860
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
keikaku doori
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:44 No. 394861
Search [iqdb] (6.3 MB, 3508x2480, a86726afba11d20370450172bebfa072.jpg )
is that a fang or is her face deformed
it's a fang you NEANDERTHAL
2018/01/14 (日) 03:45 No. 394863
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
bungirl competes with pink girl but bun gilrs hates smoke smell so that makes her shit tier
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:45 No. 394864
Search [iqdb] (891 KB, 2480x3507, 9b96d61e7cdd2ba72cfa6febbfc92d4d.jpg )
Wow what the FUCK Kirara do you wanna fucking go
>>394862 why is it skin coloured then >>394866 Together we might GATTAI>>394866 not having horrible radiation induced birth defects is old and busted
you wouldn't stand a chance against me>>394865 it's the New Hotness made popular by Astolfo's anime version
2018/01/14 (日) 03:46 No. 394867
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 712x480, Azumanga Daiou 07 [101C73DF].m(…).jpg )
>>394866 fug now I wanna watch MIB Pirates of the caribbian and something
the new pirates is on Netflix already must have done poorly in theaters
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
I hate the smell of smoke, too.
2018/01/14 (日) 03:46 No. 394870
>>394868 no surprise there the 4th one alreayd was DAMN BAD
people need to learn to let franchises go things gotta be done in trilogies at the very least
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:47 No. 394872
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 1450x2048, ad44dc6c978e032d0e0480f33fb48803.jpg )
Right? Pirates is over. I want to be served coffee by Chino
People have let pirates go It's Disney that won't let go
2018/01/14 (日) 03:48 No. 394874
>>394871 the trilogy worked so damnw ell sure the third one was not that good but it well tied off EVERYTHING why make more?
yeah seriously
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:48 No. 394876
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg )
Yo Maria you know what I'm gonna ask you also lemme know if I'm bugging you too much I'm just excited because I know where you are relatively in the story
2018/01/14 (日) 03:48 No. 394877
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>>394875 I was a big fan of the movies but when I heard fourth was made Iw as like "oh, you want MORE MONEY?" and vowed to never spend another cent on that series
Search [iqdb] (21 KB, 599x456, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 4.49.16 PM.png )
>>394876 nah it's all good I'm playing it right now as we speak Wada is riding Samekichi again >>394879 I wanna fuck up some buns
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:49 No. 394879
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You should be relatively done with the flashbacks soon
2018/01/14 (日) 03:49 No. 394880
And so far I had actually paid for EVERY MOVIE IN THE INSTALLMENT
Search [iqdb] (509 KB, 1000x1000, samekichi.jpg )
>>394879 >when I first saw you, I thought, "I want to be with him They should just become a couple >>394883 something terrible will happen to him he's gonna die isn't he
2018/01/14 (日) 03:52 No. 394882
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
BTW freestanding tents, despite what you might htink are easier to get up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:52 No. 394883
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 600x800, 93b0f98d7c9be10d6a6cb56bab53e08c.jpg )
>>394881 Yeah Wada and Samekichi pull the heartstrings really good
2018/01/14 (日) 03:52 No. 394884
and no freestanding tents can be as SMALL as non-freestanding tents when packed up
2018/01/14 (日) 03:52 No. 394885
but they will always weigh more
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colo(…).jpg )
>>394865 skin colored fangs have been the standard for like years. Eriri is the first one I can think of but there are probably lots that came before her.
Search [iqdb] (325 KB, 623x579, e10bdb18ae79d9d2013d5abf669a223b.png )
>>394886 I never noticed Somehow I've only seen white coloured fangs Teeth coloured fangs >>394888 I was a scout and a venturer We went camping a few times but I didn't pay that much attention to the survivalism aspects In school we did a big hike and slept under the stars The teachers gave you a point to reach and a map and said "good luck"
2018/01/14 (日) 03:53 No. 394888
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
Come to think of it how many /moe/s have been camping have been part of their respective scouts organistion or equal have been to army or such or have been to such extreme survalism?
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
actually I think that other twintail girl from the show where the guy was a super spy high schooler with an edgy past was the first skin colored fang I can think of.
2018/01/14 (日) 03:54 No. 394890
Search [iqdb] (156 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>>394887 must have been quite safe thing to do
>>394890 It's not like they'd let us starve or anything But if you goy lost they weren't gonna give you a ride We went off the map once and a teacher came by and laughed at us
2018/01/14 (日) 03:55 No. 394892
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
I remember this one winter finnscout camp -38 during nights -30 during days was quite fun to just "stay alive" and to prove we all were just sissies, our troop leaders just OUR troop leaders no one else event hey would have had room inside the heated tents by stoves slept outside outside with stars above fucking showoffs No idea why they did that, but man did everyoen respect them after that
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:56 No. 394894
>>394893 >implying wada will hear it
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>Wada: I love all the others too! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:57 No. 394896
>>394895 Hahahahah I couldn't remember how this scene went but that's exactly how wada would do it
>>394896 He asked if she loved everyone else and she was like "yeah!" Holy shit she is DENSE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:58 No. 394898
Search [iqdb] (270 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
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Oh actually Michiru had a normal fang. Maybe it was Eriri that popularized the flesh colored fang.
flashbacks over
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:59 No. 394901
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Do your best Maria The real dark souls begins now
Search [iqdb] (19 KB, 179x284, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 4.59.10 PM.png )
High quality reaction image here
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 03:59 No. 394903
>>394902 \ Deep Sea Prisoner's faces are amazing he's really good at cute characters and just all sorts of expressions Especially horror
>>394899 astolfo wasn't first but he popularized it
2018/01/14 (日) 04:00 No. 394905
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>YOU HAD SUPPORT MADE OF PLASTIC NOT ALUMINUM OR SUCH METALS AKOÖASDJKLFAFGasdgjklöaasergjklj.ö-sklw3vm0 47ywergbnsdjklg3rtb9vuileyh89å+
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:00 No. 394906
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 689x1050, 002ba659be0de05b5ebc6d5c1f84f4e2.jpg )
Yo I'm gonna get gay for a second here but there are some images of Astolfo where he isn't as trap and boy is he fine as hell
>>394906 >wanting the girly boy to look more like a boy than a girl Wow this is like peak gay
2018/01/14 (日) 04:01 No. 394908
Search [iqdb] (179 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
but the rin character is quite kirara character
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:01 No. 394909
>>394907 I never said I wanted that pal but he does look fucking good
>>394908 yeah i felt it
2018/01/14 (日) 04:02 No. 394911
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>>394910 and this would be ton if he knew you went to same school though otherwise she has no ton qualities
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [Chihiro-Senketsu]_Hidan_no_Ar(…).jpg )
>>394904 I think Eriri was before him. Eriri was really popular too.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:03 No. 394913
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
17€ for camping that is quite much
2018/01/14 (日) 04:03 No. 394914
generally fginnish sites are free if they offer no services like>shower >bathroom >cooking >etc
2018/01/14 (日) 04:04 No. 394915
and most of them are free if you decide to not use any of those services and camp outside of the "camp site"
2018/01/14 (日) 04:04 No. 394916
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
Also someone remind me if I ever say that "I am back in shape" that "go avenge yourself at bear track"
>>394912 astolfo was popular before eriri
2018/01/14 (日) 04:06 No. 394918
rin and her friend have cutest chat ever
2018/01/14 (日) 04:07 No. 394919
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (245 KB, 546x888, 20180108_222501.jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 04:08 No. 394921
this anime makes me so much nostalgic when I tracked the nordics with my pop
2018/01/14 (日) 04:09 No. 394922
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2018/01/14 (日) 04:09 No. 394923
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2018/01/14 (日) 04:09 No. 394924
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2018/01/14 (日) 04:13 No. 394926
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Music reminds me of Aria
2018/01/14 (日) 04:14 No. 394928
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>>394927 how high would you jump if I did this to you?
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 243x231, question5.png )
>>394917 Was he? Eriri is pretty old.
>>394929 astolfo is older
only by a few months though
2018/01/14 (日) 04:18 No. 394932
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>>394928 probably like 5/10 with 1 being not jumping and 10 being getting hit by a plane
2018/01/14 (日) 04:19 No. 394934
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>>394933 nyani I bet you will jump higher when I actually do that
Search [iqdb] (516 KB, 800x600, 1515114293108.png )
>>394930 well ACTUALLY it looks like Eriri is older by one month. so pretty much the same time.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:22 No. 394936
time to watch SOUTH POLE THE ANIME
>>394935 astolfo's character designs were out months before saekano was released and became popular
2018/01/14 (日) 04:22 No. 394938
is it even worht it
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>>394937 hmm well maybe that's true. They were still around about the same time. I don't know that I'd call either of them the original fleshy fang. Maybe it happened at the same time as a coincidence.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:23 No. 394940
man the chara design seems weird
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:23 No. 394941
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg )
Hey is it actually gay if it's Astolfo though
2018/01/14 (日) 04:23 No. 394942
>>394941 ' yes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:24 No. 394943
>>394942 That's fine I guess
2018/01/14 (日) 04:24 No. 394944
ah this style it is same as in Witch thing LWA this was a trigger anime too afterall
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 1833x3023, プルタブ - イケナイ警視総監.png )
>>394941 Do you want to try to apply this logic to pan?
2018/01/14 (日) 04:25 No. 394946
or was it madhouse? which waas the Soutth pole anime again?
>>394946 that's madhouse
2018/01/14 (日) 04:27 No. 394948
>>394947 than hwo did madhouse get into this style?
2018/01/14 (日) 04:27 No. 394949
this style is 0% them at all
their main team is on cardcaptor
2018/01/14 (日) 04:27 No. 394951
ah sodake they are expanding and this is practially their off team right now and their main teams are card and ovrlord
2018/01/14 (日) 04:28 No. 394952
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
tell your parents kid
2018/01/14 (日) 04:28 No. 394953
No seriouslty no matter what you gonna do TELL Y obh you didn't go anywhere
it's fine i went on that last road trip without telling my parents i was going to be gone
You weren't a fifteen-year-old girl though.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:30 No. 394956
>>394954 you ar waht 24? the kids in this animu are 16
>>394955 wrong
[X] Doubt
anime tonight?
Anime every night.
>>394958 how dare you
yes but what anime
did y'all watch yuki yuna yet
Yeah we finally got around to it last night. Was pretty good.
can't wait for next season
This is a non-comprehensive and possibly incorrect list
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1362x1452, 1512939298194.jpg )
>>394963 yEAH, we did. I guess I was wrong, I said that there was going to be a more or less happy reset ending. They didn't reset a thing!>>394969 no we did not
did y'all watch killing bites?
>>394968 Yeah, now they have to reclaim the world. killing bites is bad it's furry porn shit basically
I should have known not to try writing a long post while torrenting stuff.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:35 No. 394972
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
This is actually quite real eventoday people die in south pole going on weird expedations
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 2500x3400, 1512438884434.png )
>>394970 Yeah, we looked at the synopsis and kinda decided no.
>>394962 Four shows from the possible following. 3-gatsu no Lion Cardcaptors Citrus Darling in the FranXX Grancrest Senki Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Mahoutsukai no Yome Miira no Kaikata Pop Team Epic Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san Slow Start
only four? is that your limit even though it's the weekend?
>>394975 Rika is extremely stubborn about only being able to watch four episodes worth of shows a night before getting anime'd out. It's pretty rare we push beyond that number and tends to happen if we have a special guest like Jan who's only available like once a week.
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 267x614, IMG_20171001_091719.jpg )
y'all are so bad at anime
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:39 No. 394978
Y'all sodon't need to be so auitism about your anime you just gotta go with the flow
that's a lot of anime
2018/01/14 (日) 04:40 No. 394980
>>394978 and the flow is pedophilism
i think we should start soon and anime as hard as we can
That depends usually on when Squid appears.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:41 No. 394983
>>394980 so like tn you know I like adults too right
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 449x685, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 10 [7(…).jpg )
Franxx, Cardcaptor, and PTE were really good. Dagashi Kashi had good reaction faces but it was a bit boring.
I'd guess those three are likely stuff to get watched tonight, really. And then probably close on Slow Start for Rika's comfy pyramid.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:42 No. 394986
>>394983 "too"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:43 No. 394987
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png )
>>394986 but seriously though
2018/01/14 (日) 04:43 No. 394988
>>394987 "but"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:43 No. 394989
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
are you looking for a fight mister
2018/01/14 (日) 04:43 No. 394990
you'd lose it
>>394985 I think slow start is a little boring but i guess it's the only option tonight
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:43 No. 394992
you're damn right I'd lose the fight but I'd win the war
2018/01/14 (日) 04:43 No. 394993
ymm if you lose ALL fights of the war you lose the war
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 04:44 No. 394994
Search [iqdb] (497 KB, 704x769, 1353287b5bba411cd913b176cd9cb7e8.png )
I like burgers but I could not survive off them alone
Kirara have you been watching the Cooking with Emiya Shirou web short?
2018/01/14 (日) 04:46 No. 394996
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 04:46 No. 394997
or I hope atleast you do that in some episode in the future you fucking cunts
>>394995 No, is it even being subbed?
Doremi and some literally who. I figured there would be a second episode out by now but it looks like there's still just the one though.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:48 No. 395000
Search [iqdb] (219 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
does thiw read anything? anyone with moon rune skills?
>>395000 It's a "sent from myPhone" end bit. Like a spoof off of "sent from my iPhone" that you see automatically added on to messages composed on them.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:49 No. 395002
>>395001 that is added to the begging of text messages if I am not 100000% wrong
>>395002 Well it's added to the end here. You can see the cursor floating in the white space above the message.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:50 No. 395004
>>395003 myphone XXXX and to dear XXXX
Search [iqdb] (483 KB, 1000x1000, 1514102097739.png )
>>394976 I don't mind doing more than four on a weekend. Ika tends to die after four though. I am kinda strict about my bedtime on weeknights though.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:50 No. 395006
>>395003 basicalluy you have no idea
>>395006 No, I'm telling you it's an automatically added on end bit saying "sent from myPhone".
2018/01/14 (日) 04:51 No. 395008
>>395007 yes then what is the rest of the text and who is "dear
>>395008 "Dear Mother-san"
She's sending a message to "Mother-san". There's no one CC'd into the message. The subject is "dear Mother-san". The message box is empty aside from a likely automatically added-on end bit saying "sent from myPhone". Is that thorough enough for your drunk ass to process.
2018/01/14 (日) 04:53 No. 395011
Search [iqdb] (204 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
Anyone who dislikes whaling stop watching this anime now
2018/01/14 (日) 04:53 No. 395012
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
this ship will hunt whales and I know that much just because of build of drama and shit like that who knows will they do "oh that is good" or "oh that is bad" but it will happen and the ship is built for it.
i I don't think it'll happen
2018/01/14 (日) 04:54 No. 395014
>>395013 it will
it won't it's not that kind of show you'll see if you watch episode 2
>>395005 this is important sleep is the singlehanded easiest way to improve or ruin your mood, health, and capability
2018/01/14 (日) 04:57 No. 395017
>>395015 anime has a propaganda value
2018/01/14 (日) 04:57 No. 395018
and total series has a bigger than individual order
>>395017 its not gonna happen
2018/01/14 (日) 05:01 No. 395020
>>395019 now am gonn check this shit
2018/01/14 (日) 05:01 No. 395021
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 05:02 No. 395022
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
Oh they explain why high schoolers can reach it good +1
2018/01/14 (日) 05:02 No. 395023
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 05:03 No. 395024
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
dis face
>>395026 → Anime thread
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1280x720, date3.jpg )
>>395016 I skimp on sleep all the time though.
2018/01/14 (日) 05:06 No. 395030
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
I wantt to spend a full year in southern pole
Search [iqdb] (464 KB, 2048x1674, C-I9CmQUwAEYEfU.jpg )
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Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 400x400, quattrosip.png )
>>395043 >let's do our rubesty
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:13 No. 395050
I will not be confiend by the realms of common sense
Oh yeah ToN I sent an email to the end roll dev and he actually responded What a nice dev
>>395049 Ganba-rubi
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:14 No. 395053
>>395051 wait seriously? that's awesopme
>>395053 Yeah. He even responded in english
2018/01/14 (日) 05:14 No. 395055
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 05:14 No. 395056
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
this is why I said this season is good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:16 No. 395061
Search [iqdb] (678 KB, 1133x1833, 0325ff131f7c375d1d66d21e3a7254e9.jpg )
I'm feeling it are you?
>>395028 no don't
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 850x850, disc.jpg )
>>395065 can't stop won't stop
2018/01/14 (日) 05:17 No. 395070
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 05:18 No. 395072
>>395065 >>395066 >>395069 >>>/watch?v=MxxvN6j4WpM
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2018/01/14 (日) 05:19 No. 395077
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
You expected the full non series song WELL FUCK YOU
2018/01/14 (日) 05:22 No. 395083
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
me on the right
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:22 No. 395084
Search [iqdb] (599 KB, 798x1124, 0990681d83b747254186d87886611d2f.jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 05:22 No. 395085
>>395084 so I vanguish you?
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 787x787, IMG_20170918_074210.jpg )
ever wonder how someone ends up being evil and not knowing it
2018/01/14 (日) 05:23 No. 395088
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
>>395086 All the time and I always understand them
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Who is unwittingly evil?
2018/01/14 (日) 05:24 No. 395094
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
>>395089 you
>>395086 They know but they just don't care
2018/01/14 (日) 05:26 No. 395099
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
>the mc encounters me
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
>>395094 It can't be me, because I'm aware of it.
2018/01/14 (日) 05:26 No. 395101
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
>>395100 hehe
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For example, how do people get to the point where they think it's okay to sexualize children without looking in the mirror and thinking, "holy shit, i have some serious issues"?
2018/01/14 (日) 05:27 No. 395105
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>>395102 ' coincidentally in japan as far as I know and I doubt they have moved the lgislation higher since 90s 15 is legal age
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:28 No. 395107
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Is aoi worth watching aikatsu for
2018/01/14 (日) 05:28 No. 395108
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
so these 16 is legal
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No, you watch Aikatsu for Ichigo.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:29 No. 395110
Search [iqdb] (284 KB, 470x747, 05bceb36f0867d49fa72d47f2d74a806.png )
>>395102 Are you talking about me by proixy
>>395105 no its 18 in most prefectures
2018/01/14 (日) 05:29 No. 395112
>>395111 tokyo
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>>395110 Do you feel like what I said applies to you?
>>395112 > The federal age of consent in Japan is 13 years old under the Japanese Criminal Law Code. However, all municipalities and prefectures have their own particular laws such as Tokyo's Youth Protection Law which prohibit sexual activity with youths who are under 18 years old in most circumstances.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:30 No. 395116
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>>395114 I might be paranoid but I'm also trying to be perceptive.
2018/01/14 (日) 05:30 No. 395117
Search [iqdb] (284 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
>>395115 When did that particular law came to effect btw?
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>>395116 Are you worried that you're evil for sexualizing kids?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:32 No. 395122
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg )
Not really no because the only thing that even comes close is anime babes. And they don't really count
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Why don't they count?
>>395117 idk google it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:34 No. 395126
>>395123 they aren't real
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 550x463, C04Db7UUQAAAyVB.jpg )
If someone played a game where you mutilate someone to death and enjoyed it, don't you think that'd say something about them?
2018/01/14 (日) 05:35 No. 395131
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora yori mo To(…).jpg )
WOOOOW this anime is even better than ep 1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:35 No. 395132
>>395129 maybe a little bit but as long as they don't hurt someone it's not really a problem
>>395129 don't a lot of games involve violence
2018/01/14 (日) 05:36 No. 395134
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg )
Like I said this season is so filled with good anime or whatever
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I wonder if liking anime children says something about someone.
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Having thoughts probably isn't that bad. Acting actions is really bad!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:40 No. 395139
Rika gets it
Search [iqdb] (245 KB, 546x888, 20180108_222501.jpg )
Having the thoughts is bad, too. If you were married and found out your husband loves little girls, you probably wouldn't think that's okay, even if he didn't act on his love, right?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:42 No. 395141
But what if they aren't even real
We can talk about real until the cows come home.
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 811x702, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 12 [7(…).jpg )
>>395140 Everyone has bad thoughts. Not everyone has bad thoughts of that particular flavor, but everyone has bad thoughts. The measure of whether a person is a good person or a bad person hinges on how well they control their bad thoughts and don't act on them.
let's punish thoughts
Search [iqdb] (594 KB, 699x1028, CM_KqXdUEAIYprf.png )
Who said anything about punishing thoughts?>>395143 So you'd be okay knowing your husband wants to fuck kids?
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>>395146 Somewhat disturbed! But everyone has a little corner of them that is disturbing, don't you agree?
2018/01/14 (日) 05:45 No. 395148
time to wach me fail at wc3 campaigns
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>>395147 It is disturbing, isn't it?
2018/01/14 (日) 05:46 No. 395150
roc or tft?
2018/01/14 (日) 05:46 No. 395152
10 minutes to vote
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 12 [7(…).jpg )
>>395149 Yes, it's disturbing. Everyone is like that though. We hide our disturbing little corners away from everyone, even the people who are close to us.
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Not everyone is like that at all. I think you're drawing some pretty interesting equivalencies between more standard disturbances and wanting to have sex with kids.
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 540x589, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
hmmm Do you think that it's much different than wanting to kill someone?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:49 No. 395158
Search [iqdb] (4.6 MB, 3031x4230, 84ff02d24ba650aefc07626286b178e3.jpg )
Is it the fact that I like Chino that's started this? What i nparticular is driving you to state these things, now.
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>>395157 Conceptually, they're very different types of disturbing.>>395158 This isn't about you, although it did go this direction because i thought it was funny that you got defensive.
don't lockpick
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>395162 They're both disturbing though. I think everyone has darkness inside of them. Different people have different darkness.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:52 No. 395167
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>>395162 Oh, you know me, I'm a paranoid sack of garbage. Though you've started the children comments at me ever since I started liking al ot of chino stuff.
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>>395165 Some are worse than others!>>395167 I've made those comments towards you for a while! You usually post tasteful images of her.
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>>395168 I would argue that that's not the case. It's not really about being relatively right or wrong. It's about the fact that people have dark urges that they know they must not act on. How well they deny those urges defines how good they are as a person.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:53 No. 395170
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While I'm in the mood for it, I'm going to ask you a question Is sexualization of Chino worse than Bep
2018/01/14 (日) 05:54 No. 395172 BROXIGAR
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>>395169 I don't see how what you're saying is incompatible with the idea that some urges are worse than others.>>395170 I think it's about the same The problem with sexualizing child characters is that they're children, not those particular characters A character that looks like an adult being sexualized is different from one that looks like a child being sexualized
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>>395177 I guess that's true, but people don't get to pick what their darkness is. I think murder is probably the worst thing a person can do, too. It's worse than anything.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:57 No. 395179
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>>395177 Interesting. I consider sexualization of chino worse than of Bep because of their character, I think.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 05:58 No. 395180
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Oh and I'm sure this goes without saying but my dear friends of /moe/ don't have to worry about my inner darkness leaking into reality.
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>>395179 Technically, Bep is the soul of an old ship in the body of a young child.>>395178 Maybe, but conceptually, violent impulses and sexual impulses are a little different. I think a violent impulse is less than a sexual one, but a violent action like murder is worse than the most extreme sexual comparable action.
>>395180 Chuunibyou lolicon.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:04 No. 395183
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Anyhoozle, no need to stuck in the mud, saturday night is about fun and that's what I've been having how about you
It's cold. I'm cold. Where is spring already.
my girlfriend is jealous of a cat
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 638x703, 1505517730937.jpg )
>>395181 Well, I don't fault people for having darkness. I fault them for what they do with it.>>395185 yes this is very true.
>>395185 I feel I've seen a doujinshi with this premise before.
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>>395186 Is she complaining about Lazarus?>>395187 How sid did it end?
The cat's owner had sex with his girlfriend and the cat stopped hating the girl's guts.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:07 No. 395195
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that sounds like a reasonable solution for Kirara's problem
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>>395190 Well she's certainly a bit jealous of him.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:08 No. 395198
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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous myself!
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Jealous of whom?>>395197 She keeps getting mad at me.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:09 No. 395200
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Now that's a secret
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>>395199 It's a funny situation. I don't envy the position you're in though!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:11 No. 395204
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Have things gone places, my dear Maria?
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>>395202 I think my position isn't that bad. I don't mind that much. Fish needs to learn to accept these things.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:13 No. 395210
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It's a bit of a fishy situation but I guess she's floundering for your attention.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:14 No. 395212
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I'm sure you 'll be able to handle it if you approach it from the right angler.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:15 No. 395215
Search [iqdb] (521 KB, 800x1280, 11453533ab2bfaeb663d51fe6ad68a1e.png )
Though I can't imagine you'd want to make anemone of her anyway.
>>395204 No I stopped playing for a bit to practice touhou I need to get stage 5 down to a minimum of two stocks lost if I want to survive stage 6 But I can only get it to 4 lives lost >>395220 >throw life savers at them >stun them >win ezpz
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:16 No. 395220
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 852x1200, 0a35236f4312ce1d97f3588c36f3d8e5.jpg )
yo my dude the crazy backup dancres are going to penetrate your cervix no matter what you do I'm sure.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:17 No. 395224
If only wadanohara combat was the norm for everyday life
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
>>395205 Being jealous of a cat is silly!
Memoca has super low HP
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:17 No. 395227
Search [iqdb] (624 KB, 800x1158, 00ddb11ce06b7d148339ec59f3e6658e.jpg )
>>395226 at least combat in wada is trivial! have you thrown HP items at Memoca?
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>>395225 I guess that's an // a yandere for you. That side of her is a bit worrisome.
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
>>395227 like items that increase max HP? I didn't know those existed>>395229 Holy shit dude that's a lewd post That's like more than tiple x
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:19 No. 395233
>>395232 yeah they should not that they really matter but you should have gotten some hp items or sometyhingf s
there's a horrible flu spreading across the country this year stay healthy
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Yeah, the flu is really bad here. Schools are sending students home for just having flu-like symptoms. My boss said that if you feel like you might have the flu, just don't come to work.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
I hope I don't get it.
i went thru a pretty rough flu earlier, in the fall i'm not super worried about getting the flu as i am about potentially having to miss work over it
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokudenashi Maj(…).jpg )
I used to get the flu like every year. Then one year I got the stomach flu instead of the normal flu. I haven't had the flu at all since then.
I haven't been sick since I caught the DEADLY NIPPONESE COLD last winter. Maybe suffering from that made my sickness resistance skyrocket.
>>395237 i should know given where i work
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Ton I'm gonna kill every single piece of shit bun there is There won't be a single survivour I'm gonna make a floop sandwhich
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bang we're ready for you in the anime thread.
>>395261 good lucj
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yeahthats about right
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>>395272 How is this fish holding a spear How does a dolphin trip underwater
2018/01/14 (日) 06:48 No. 395276
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 01 [(…).jpg ) now actually sttuff just gonna do final night elf mission
>>395274 maybe dolphins cant actually trip have you ever thought about that huh tjey dont even have legs
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 631x467, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 4.46.02 PM.png )
>>395279 EXACTLY
look at all those treasure chests though
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 624x469, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 7.53.58 PM.png )
>fire underwater
oh hey its the first of the demons that dont matter really
you know what i laid down to prepare for bed but fuck this wadanohara is getting good let me stay up a bit
oh that was fast he didn't even get an attack in
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:56 No. 395295
You can (not) escape my stunlock
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:57 No. 395297
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 855x1200, 0c0e103cf776c2e005f777211e2903cf.jpg )
Are you looking forward to punching Totsusa in her fucking face
>>395297 yeah she's a dead bun
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:58 No. 395300
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Her boss theme is one of the better ones so hopefully she puts up a fight
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 599x452, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 7.59.01 PM.png )
>took the wrong turn >walked into a bun >don't even get a fight just a game over >>395305 what a pleb
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:59 No. 395305
Search [iqdb] (372 KB, 1350x2048, 0a34bf05f5980282368a173331259a7b.jpg )
That demon you fought isn't even in the manga by the way That's how unimportant he is also WOW didn't know there were game overs like that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 06:59 No. 395307
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 800x800, 0deaf280846a522b79f79ea126fb25bc.jpg )
at least youc an save pretty much everywhere and End Roll confirmed you're a habitual saver like myself
you don't even need to save it lets you continue right away
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:00 No. 395309
Search [iqdb] (5.0 MB, 2976x4175, 0a19ceaba77c258f467128385d6ef007.jpg )
oh right That will be important for later
Laurentia is a cute demon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:01 No. 395313
Search [iqdb] (417 KB, 800x591, 0c1b4291a8fed0e915645de7168f780b.jpg )
who ALSO doesn't matter for the manga there's a third demon as well
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:01 No. 395315
I don't know if any of the other demons will be cut out The manga I have ends after a certain part of the story but Deep Sea Prisoner continued it on pixiv.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:02 No. 395316
Search [iqdb] (571 KB, 682x963, 2b0509d11ed4600e77fd135e098dfb4b.png )
The game before Wadanohara, Grey Garden, is all about demons and angels, so I feel these characters might just be a shoutout more than anything, even though they aren't from that game.
>died in 3 turns goin out like a lil bitch >>395320 After this, I'm gonna descend and find something myself
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:03 No. 395320
For future reference, I won't recommend Grey Garden to you too much since it's basically just an inferior Wadanohara. But Mogeko Castle might be worth playing and is shorter.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:04 No. 395325
that also works be sure to share it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:04 No. 395326
Though I feel it's fair to warn you that Wadanohara isn't quite over yet
>>395326 I feel like we're just barely through act 1
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:05 No. 395329
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 848x1200, 1dd7f0b1d7d6a8bad1fcd9277707ee62.jpg )
Ehhhh, maybe not that long, probably in act 2 really.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:05 No. 395330
(my playthrough was ~8 hours I think)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:06 No. 395333
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1400x1050, etihw1.png )
all you need to know about grey garden is that this is best girl
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don't do drugs kids>squid spoiler heh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:12 No. 395338
Search [iqdb] (515 KB, 815x1237, buns.png )
>>395338 >all this kanji
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:13 No. 395342
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1000x1398, 0ca94ccdff8ec365784d4ed3a3db534f.jpg )
I could certainly try to scan my booklet but that's not happening
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:18 No. 395353
by the way Wadanohara is about 129 cm or 4'2.
>>395353 what the fuck that's tiny
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:20 No. 395359
Search [iqdb] (603 KB, 1000x600, 64cbaf71c6b7bce82e3964c2a14ada58.jpg )
wada is ADORABLE
second outfit > first outfit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:20 No. 395361
Search [iqdb] (338 KB, 700x569, a67fe2f5acba45d8e9da2fac96c49540.png )
but does sea witch > second?
>>395361 I'm confused
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:21 No. 395365
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 724x1024, e9eb1c26d2051c849a66c090285a0b44.jpg )
her outfit during the intro
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 342x250, wadanohara.png )
>>395365 oh shit I forgot that one yeah that's the best one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:21 No. 395368
Search [iqdb] (868 KB, 1000x2000, f5787259e8bf40c7bacdbd44f86c0360.jpg )
you'll run into two more outfits too have fun
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/01/14 (日) 07:22 No. 395371
Search [iqdb] (726 KB, 700x796, 236a00019a430b73301b886bfeb291d7.png )
I like sea witch and second outfit about equally since sea witch is basically just a faded second outfit>>395372 have fun with nier things will go down in Wada soon enough, and I look forward to ti but until then
It's been fun watching shit go down But I told my other friend I'd start playing Nier tonight
fuck this game has dual audio right?
Search [iqdb] (4.4 MB, 2275x2912, 1514411613157.jpg )
2018/01/14 (日) 08:17 No. 395442
>>395441 → >>395441 → >>395441 →