Your agent killed him, so you killed him! Did he get mad?
his soul left his face for a few moments as you can see on the screenshot he wasn't really sure how he died, unaware that my brother was protecting us but then someone donated him money and he had to pay attention to that
Not really, but I felt pretty good while cleaning so thats good. Usually I feel shitty for most of the day Got a decent amount of cleaning done too, need to do more tomorrow though.
>>390460 I'm good. My dog had a successful operation today and has a scar where his lump got cut out. So that's nice since he seems happier with it gone
What's fantastic?
>>390461 life is just so good. That;s good to hear your pupper is doing well now.
he's not really a pupper anymore. More like an old doggo
ton someone said that marilou from berseria reminded them of me i think that was the name >>390476
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>390477 Magilou is an incredibly good and fun character so that's good However they may also be implying you give zero fucks about anything. Except when you do
America is super weird cause you have this thing where you'll make songs about your anthem and stuff Or just about the nation itself as some sort of abstract thing, in general
It happens here, too, but it's actually never on the radio Or anywhere Nobody likes that shit
>>390511 See now I'm getting scared because I could swear there's at least like The pacific and the atlantic That's at least 2 I know it's still the same body of water, but it's still referred to as two oceans
>>390528 I have no idea what I'm looking at Other than the dick aisle of what I assume is walmart
Kirara 🚗
this reminds me i saw a black car with chinese characters on the side and it said "bureau of paranormal investigation" on the side creeping around it must be some weeb shit but that's so weird y'all about to get nuked lord have mercy
Kirara 🚗
they always saying that shit >>390538 what about rin
i don't know if rin can do a move on his own with his short work experience there's maybe not enough stability to port somewhere this sounds terrible but i wish quarx didn't get a girlfriend that screwed up a good thing we had goin
sk 🖤
oh yeah takagi got an anime now too the year begins actually good, anime-wise
It's just an ad where they're like mocking conspiracy theories like "have you ever noticed you can buy tacos at taco bell with dollars? is this the work of the BELLuminati?"
Kirara 🚗
leave it to taco bell to make something so banal
sk 🖤 they have it here But they're not exactly knocking it out of the park here
oh that's done by the guy who did ace attorney sounds like a neat concept too
yeah shu takumi the characters are all 3D modelled and then flattened and rendered 2D so all the animations look incredibly smooth and organic it's really cool
>>390572 Me, too. It's weirdly charming, despite being so spartan.
>this generation wants instant gratification instead of working hard to have a better life later on read as // wait i had something poignant but i lost it shit i hate when that happens
Anyway it must be pretty nice to be a generation that didn't have to worry about whether they'd have gratification later on in life because they knew that their social and employment benefits would keep them secure when you don't have that kind of trust in the system and no resources for // from the system then yeah you'll take your gratification wherever you can get it same way if i'm starving i'll eat cold soup from the can with stale crackers but that doesn't mean i crave it and wouldn't prefer a thanksgiving feast >>390591 cock breast omelette chicken
cock omlette?
Densha Koitoko
>you are going to dig a hole >rocks are heavy >tools are heavy >bags became heavy praise break time...
Nothing like physical labour to make you appreciate how wonderful not having to do anything is.
I miss owning a cat but then again looking at some time stamps >21:03 sits on my bed >05 leaves room >07 comes back >09 leaves room >10 back quickly jumps on bed to bother me >12 leaves again >15 comes back in
Kirara 🚗
im nervous about getting a cat but i don't have a choice i gotta save it
half inside half outside cats can be a bother during nights when they want to go out but outside is -20 so they just sit on the doorstep going "mmm too cold"
>>390637 thats like twice my paycheck after food deductions
Kirara 🚗
>>390647 his job also has a probability of killing him
>>390645 well atleast there is two of you so taking care is bit easier and you have relatives close by aside from your mom, aye? that can take care of it if both are away
Kirara 🚗
yeah well not relatives but people i trust enough to take care of him
references for uni? here you just send your school diplomas, other education diplomas and maybe related work thing if it is a program that asks somethign like that. and for most like me, all of those are already uploaded into government databases so i just need to send "apply" and then I get invited to the entrance exams
>>390657 Yeah, I wanna try and get into uni but I sort of left it pretty late. I thinking of doing Japanese. >>390656 I have to give them all my information from all my schools, all living locations, all my qualifications and get references from employeers it is such a pain. references are annoying because I don't think my employeers are particularly academically smart people they landed those roles from the start of the company I've seen their reports and they are really unimpressive.
I have left this super late, I probably won't get in with my poor qualifications and late application
References are my least favorite part of applications. Well that and work history.
Especially since my best reference is also kind of a flake. Dude randomly goes to korea for about a week and a half several times throughout the year and doesn't respond to emails.
Although I've got a volunteer position lined up at a place so that will look good on my resume.
>>390663 If they refuse on account of poor qualifications, try to find someone at the university who can go into detail what, in regards to your failed application, you can improve on to boost your value to the university. I've had a lot of mature student applications refused because of my poor grades and schools recommended I take night school/continuing education courses to improve my qualities in that area.
>>390676 Then you could just pay someone to give it to you. Pay enough and I'm sure you could get it done. >>390679 There are people who input your course history into your university's database and actually give you a degree. Just pay the head IT guy at a uni a million dollars and he'll probably give you a degree.
>>390690 Concept movie is a short movie set after Rebellion that sort of teases a 4th movie A 4th movie that's had no new information or updates in years
oh i was mistaken about fate/extra's airing date it airs in like three weeks wow
Starting so late in the season. S'kinda weird.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah. The only other thing listed as starting late like that is the new Precure which never really follows the season anyway.
Precure is beyond such mere mortal constrictions.
Kirara 🚗
>In the franchise's story, Hayato Hayasugi, the train-loving son of a train museum curator, accidentally stumbles into his dad's secret research lab one day. Inside he finds the E5 bullet train. As soon as he enters, he hears an announcement that a mysterious enemy, the Bachigami ("bee god"), is attacking the city of New Saitama. Luckily, with the touch of his father's Shinca ("evolve") card, the bullet train he's in transforms into a mighty robot — the Shinkalion E5 Hayabusa.
>>390731 the thing with manga/animus like saiki, is how kinda repetive they get if you mass watch or read/watch weekly I think they are best suited in say 10 chapters every few months in one go and you are nicely saikitained for a while
But basilisk animu that is a nom once it comes out in BD fully
Kirara 🚗
I actually haven't seen S1 of Basilisk
there is no s1 if i recall it is just remake I think the original animu adaption was bit lacking or something never bothered checking it out
Kirara 🚗
>Basilisk is an anime television series based on the manga series of the same title written and illustrated by Masaki Segawa. The series first premiered in Japan between April and September 2005. It has also been aired across numerous international regions. On July 19, it was announced that Yamada's sequel, Basilisk: The Ōka Ninja Scrolls was green-lit for an anime and will premiere January 8, 2018.[1] it's a sequel
Sundays are always like "healing days" after the horrible onslaught of anime on Friday and Saturday. There's always just a few shows and they're all comedy or sol.
I guess we have Kokkoku on Sunday this time, though, which isn't going to be comfy.
>>390750 Well yeah, but overlord didn't really have that much to animate aside from 2 major fight scenes actually just one major and that looked damn good >>390749 wow must be hectic
Hmm I wonder waht Nuts will animate next or will they just spit out s2 of tanya sometime soon? for a firstimer studio, they really did good job with tanya sure some gave it shit for the change in charadesigns, but it still looked damn good
Oh yeah Kirara was it just me or did Kokkoku feel like it was some kind of show plucked out of the early-00s or something. Like everything aesthetic and writing wise felt smack out of that era for me
I am just watching it right now, It feels a bit 2000 ish with the artstyle.
Kokkoku's author, Seita Horie, only has two works. Kokkoku, which is completed, and Golden Gold which is currently being serialized still. Looks like Golden Gold is in Morning Two.
Kokkoku was completed in 2014. It's impressive to have your first work chosen for adaptation.
Remind me about it when it stops airing man I wish there were more shows like UN-GO
Seita's current work isn't being scanlated and it doesn't look like anyone actually knows what it's about, but it's genre is mystery/supernatural like Kokkoku
I might check it out. Mystery/supernatural stuff is fun.
I am curious how Violet Evergarden will be. It has been hyped a bit.
It'll most likely be visually gorgeous, at least.
It looks like it will. the high production qualities of Kyoani but I wonder if the story will be interesting. I know it is a Romance story, which can be pretty lame plot wise
There is also Hakumei to Mikochi which will be adorable.
Did anyone else find it weird seeing Sakura with a smartphone
>>390782 I never really did watch much of the original Cardcaptors so I don't really have any previous image to be distorted.
>>390784 I watched it a lot as a kid so I just find it weird And it's set like, a year after the original? So the timeline must be whack now It's not important but I just find it funny
What's weird for me is that I read through all of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and the first iteration of xxxHOLiC so seeing Syaoran and Sakura and not-Watanuki as middle schoolers and not teenagers is weird.
The cat is really depressed right now. My mom won't let him go near any of the other cats so he's locked in a room with a concrete floor with a rug on it. And not allowed to be with the other animals and gets like no human contact. It makes me mad. I'm hoping to bring him home this weekend.
So earlier while cleaning, my dad found a letter that his mother sent to my mother's father. About how great my mom is but that it would be a problem if her kids were raised Jewish.
>>390869 Yeah. The cat got into a fight with my mom's fucked up brain problem cat and then the brain problem cat didn't come down off the top of the fridge for a day, so my mom decided that this new cat would never get along with the other cats and has to be kept separate.
this is the brain problem cat everything about it is fucked up it took like five years for it to stop hissing at me every time it saw me (not exaggerating)
The room doesn't have a great lighting I take it? I have a lot difficulty adjusting the camera for indoor lights that are actually pretty poor light sources
Forget the /a/ place. It has been the place for scanlators to one-stop-shop drop their releases. Knowing full well that >batoto doesn't compress their images >other services scrape directly from batoto and will propagate their content themselves Batoto had a very important place in the manga distribution realm. Which is why half of these threads are retarded.
Kirara 🚗
batoto is the best online manga-reader and has basically been the /a/ place for years
>>390897 Yeah, although not everything on mado came from there.
>>Let an insanely rich person pay for everything and not give any shits about how much it costs >Already have one, he's called Blue. You just have to show him that you won't die in a year and he'll hand over some shekels. wow blue
>I can just pay people to translate Merry for me Money is strong. Money is powerful. This is the power that you can't wield too lightly.
>>390908 There's no centralized release platgorm Basically every scanlator (not actually every singke obe but a lot) has a website where they post download links to zips of their new releases. So people need to go there and download it and reupload it to a manga reader in order for it yo be available on a manga reader site.
>>390914 this hand gesture should be vulcan for "die young and poor"
A bunch of scanlation groups have blogs, those that don't can just pool together somewhere. It isn't too difficult to get all your favourite stuff from multiple sources.
Those that don't are lazy desu senpai
>>390917 took damn while and also >downloading all mangos you read taht will cut down my mangareading back to just niggerstream releases
Kirara 🚗
all of my scanlations i've just dumped on /a/ and then someone else compiled them and uploaded them wherever or used the .zips i provided
>>390919 I've actually toyed with the idea of making a batch manga zip/jpg/PNG optimizer. To make my collection take up less space.
Back ages ago, I used to just get all my manga from /a/ it wasn't too difficult to find multiple threads with different folders. from that site fuck I forgot what it was called.
Yeah mediafire Mediafire was fine for ages but then it started some copyright purges. some of the big manga folders started disappearing when they did that.
is BATOTO the sole entity uploading the images or are PEOPLE FROM AND THAT GO TO BATOTO the ones that upload the images, or both
>>390931 I had to redownload a mod for a game to get the sound tracked used in it, because the cloudfile on mediafire got removed due to cr purges eventhough all the music they used was copyright free actually...
Manga delivery via IRC would be simply too. I mostly get anime via XDDC now except when I use TT.
>>390934 people upload the releases to batoto it's people that upload them batoto isn't pulling the releases from blogs
after people upload the release to batoto, all of the other sites steal those images and host them on their own sites
>>390934 people are just damn lazy and also most scanlator groups began to just upload their works directly to batoto, instead of blogs where reader site uploaders would get them so other sites didn't bother with the blogs as batoto was one big place where to rip them
>don't host our uploads anyuwhere else but batoto watermark was quite usual at one time
>>390942 and while mangadata is being passed to some other "staff" who knows what will come out of it
FUCKING hate scanlator watermarks
>>390945 well editor notes were even more fun especially that demon king harem manga
Also it's prohibitively expensive to run a massive manga website with tons of users Also another problem is that any really good manga site will get hundreds if not thousands of other manga websites downloading mamga from them all the time
I think that was half the fun of that series to watch the weird drama and shitstorm brw on the PAGES of said manga as everyone gave shit to that idiot adding their jokes to the pages
when i scanlated the Valvrave Audrey manga all we had was chinese translations and the pages were all watermarked so I cleaned the watermark off of every page
My problem nowadays is finding decent raws. a lot raw storage is disappearing or already gone, share is real pain since a lot of shit on there is fake.
>>390948 Yeah fuck that guy The drama over it was pretty funny though Also he wasn't even the translator or cleaner He was the editor or something else easy
yeah he was some quality checker
>>390952 typesetter at most editor usually means typing and cleaning
Doesn't Hox have a mediafire or something, I remember having the link to something like that once, it was a treasure trove of great stuff.
>>390965 Lel even phone deserves a 2-3x filesize than the phone screen is big
This place is pretty good for raws is good too Amazon is fairly useful as well. >>390970 Paid but if you want free raw sites there are a bunch of comic sites that do stuff. like alphapolis and comic meteor I have a shit of links for raws since I read those more
finnish translated manga is like 4-10€ not a big prize to drop for few volumes every month I doubt the jap prizes are that higher the US and canadian prizes on the other hand >12 to 30 dollaroos the fuck?
How much is a Shonen Jump issue in the US? When I was in high school, I think it was around $5.
>>390980 Uhh Japanese shonen jump? Oh us shonen jump Was it even still running while you were in highschool? I have a bunch of really old ones somewhere.
>>390988 dnno last time I bought a comic book the world trade centres stood
Jump magazines are worth it if you follow some of the more popular stuff Shonen Jump ACE is a monthly that has a huge amount of content in it. I buy // I brought it occasionally. the paper quality is horrible for scanning though. You'd want to get tankabons for scanning compared to the coloured thin paper of shonen ace
>IPFS mangareader >seed manga you like >it gets licensed >held accountable for its posting
Also it is conceivably possible to do an ipfs manga reader set up to only have stuff hosted in jurisdictions where the host would be okay lrgally On a per series basis
I wonder also how the japanese license holders, basically authors and publishers treat attempts at getting their stuff licensed and translated overseas especially in online format?
Fuck I don't feel like moving all this shit around
Wow did the guy from Nyaa really think a raspberry pi would be a decent server for Nyaa? >We are talking about the same idiots who thought a Raspberry Pi sitting in ther mom's basement would be able to handle all of Nyaa's traffice here That would be amusing if he did.
>>391003 Probably not Oh wait, it could've been nah I have no idea anymore
I'd say no if we're assuming they're talking about Daiz.
if it was daiz, it would be raspberry pi sitting in his student appartment/cell
>>391016 Their bandwidth costs were massive because of all the rippers When the admin was consulting with someone about changing their setup for optimizing some network things The guy saw the traffic and thought they were being DDoSed
>>391018 You really don't have to shitpost. The thread, by itself, is a massive shitpost. You got some guy in there who is having a "but steel is heavier than feathers" level of aneurysm
if a ton of feathers fell on you would you die
>>391022 Depends where you are and what shape the feathers are assembled in
>>391041 No, it's 4chan's fault. I'd have better luck with reddit. Although, really, I can just retreat to some personal friends and they would totally support "SAVING MANGA. AGAIN."
>the thread will derail at this rate >but these people are idiots anyhow >but I really want to see someone not be an idiot >that wasn't going to happen >but I cant derail things. my body is trains. >made out of bitcoins >>391056 even if you lose 30% of your respect for me, I can trust it to build back over time and better than ever >>391053 I dunno. Maybe.
today in one of those professional phone interviews, the topic of age came up and they asked me if it was okay to ask how old i was and i told them and they were like "Wow // Oh, i thought you'd be younger actually" and I stupidly said "Yeah, me too"
>>391060 I don't know how to normally answer that question. or rather statement. I mean does that mean being older is a negative or that I gave the impression of being younger or they generally have younger people apply.
i'm a pretty high-strung person so it's really hard for me to do phones I like emails because I can edit myself and spend an hour writing something thoughtful out if i open my mouth to speak it's just a cascade of word salad and eccentric nonsense people don't really like eccentrics in this day and age
>>391062 if only those guys are as poor as me well, poorer than me ...I guess this isn't a good scale since I have coins and a job now. >i'm not poor I have to remember this
but they have no money if they had, they'd just buy manga.
>>391069 maybe in school that's probably why i had a lot of self-esteem when i was in school in the professional world you're possibly valued for your insights but you're a headache for other people to work with
in my professional world i should say the small businesses and startups trying to conduct // contract and handle workloads and volumes and other high stress end-goals that make extra headaches throughout the day very undesirable and awkward communications an unpleasant hassle that wasn't scheduled for
>>391070 poor is a state of mind you can have some money and still be poor
>>391072 >>391071 yeah idk about small businesses and stuff i know it's appreciated in academia, school, and when it comes to counseling-related professions though and in the fbi
>>391073 if i can break into market research it'd be appreciated they're all super eccentric you have to be to conduct focus groups for hours on end and be fascinated by the most boring details by analyzing data more so than actually interacting with the people
if i could afford to conduct maths it'd serve me well there too, but i can't spend six months at a time writing and proofing before getting paid same with writing s
So far it's Ryuuou and Mitsuboshi Colors that have stood out as good to me. There are a few notable things that haven't aired yet though, like Nanatsu.
>>391116 ... it was right next to my bed this whole time
>>391121 You know it's funny that Anakin as a jedi was super powerful and extremely useful But by the time Palpatine has him under his control in the empire he's a stiff guy in a shitty robot suit
Kirara 🚗
yeah being a robot fucks with your ability to use the force too vader had like one hand he could use the force with lol
luke would like flip over vader and vader would just slowly turn around
you could beat vader with like 5 droidekas Just surround him with them what's he gonna do Can't block from all 5 sides and he can't force push them all at once Rebels could have just killed him with like 5 dudes with machine guns
Kirara 🚗
>>391125 yeah it's kind of ironic but then again it's not like vader needed to be mobile
Just slap down a bunch of land mines. Can't force sense those can you I think it's more fun to come up with anti force user tactics than to think about what you'd do as a force user
>>391127 Being mobile probably helps if your primary weapon is a laser sword
Kirara 🚗
yeah but like who did vader need to fight with his sword no jedi around the only jedi he found let him kill him
>>391129 Vader probably wouldn't use a blaster out of pride or something But he might have been more useful with one Imagine vader popping rebels from miles away using the force to place his shots He'd be a monster
Kirara 🚗
yeah but he never had to fight he just threw clones at people and then fucked with captured people
Vader fought occasionally. In the beginning of Empire Strikes back he goes down into the middle of the hoth base In the beginning of ANH he's down with the troops He doesn't fight directly very often but he's still very present in the battle field Even fought in his own personal X wing If you're gonna have someone with amazing powers you might as well get them to use them
>>391133 What do I have to sacrifice for gains this good
>>391132 he's with the troops in 4 but he doesn't really do anything and he went to hoth after it was basically abandoned he did pilot though piloting was probably his only decent skill
Kirara 🚗
vader only really stayed with the emperor because he was emo
Where else is he gonna go I doubt the rebels would take him if he defected He's already pretty comitted to this whole dark side thing Although Episode III makes it sorta dumb since his motivation was to save Padme But she's fucking dead now Without the prequels I think you could just assume that vader liked having power and was maybe ideologically supportive of the empire in some way
>>391137 yeah it's basically "welp I've gone too far now, might as well just roll with it"
>>391138 Honestly if I was the emperor I would have tried disposing of Vader at that point, and I would have just killed Luke What good is an apprentice you're already the emperor Vader's gonna plot to take over sometime so you might as well try getting him out of the way before it happens Then hunt down Luke like you do with the rest of the jedi And then just continue to pump out more and more death stars and star destroyers to tighten your grip on the galaxy And you've basically won star wars. You're king of the galaxy with no real opposition
Kirara 🚗
he could have saved the jedi that survived order 66 instead of hunting them down
yeah like she died so now he's just like well everything's fucked i guess im stuck here
Kirara 🚗
and the emperor probably should have found something to motivate him too
Kirara 🚗
it's weird that Anakin became a force ghost because it took qui gon like 15 years to master it and then he taught obiwan and yoda
in the original EU the emperor never even needed an apprentice because he was basically immortal he just had a million clones and he possessed one if he died
>>391141 >he just had a million clones Every time I hear about the old EU it sounds whackier and whackier
Kirara 🚗
yeah the old EU has comic book syndrome where they come up with ridiculous stuff
the canon was really solid though everything was tight and there were very few contradictions
>>391125 dnno there is new canon comic where they have like 3 companies around him and he just "are these your guns" *force crush* "oh hey I like these grenades" *removes pins "Oh a bomber" *force pulls it down*
>>391141 that was so dumb plotline though it was quite badly drawn it just went from place to place and practically nothing came out of it
Kirara 🚗
the novels of it were better than the comics but yeah it was just fucking around
>>391146 should read the books then thrawn trilogy was damn golden and it is shame they didn't use any of it in the new movies
Kirara 🚗
bringing back the Big Bad is always a mistake
Kirara 🚗
especially when the death of the big bad is supposed to be something meaningful for the original story
>well dragons are getting bit too easy >sets mod dificulty to make them tougher that should do it >go to new area >2 completely unbalanced dwemer mechanical dragons >now with 2x powerful completely imbalanced steam breaths well shit
Octopuses are really hard to take care of. Also, they can and will escape from their tank if you're not super careful. They're really smart and almost amorphous.
there are probably art museums and i know there are but i dont have $$ to go to them
You never went to one on a field trip in school?
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
not once !
>>391298 Have you ever read the thom yorke copypasta from /mu/?
he's going to have pranked himself
>He has a machine do it. I worked at a hotel they stayed in for the King of Limbs tour and they had some assistants wheel some huge contraction into the building. Thom was staying in a suite on a high up floor, so they needed to use an elevator for it. The manager had me escort them onto a special staff elevator to transport bigger objects up the hotel. So, they wheel this big metal machine onto the elevator, and I push the bottom for the floor. I noticed the word 'Rachel' carved unto a plate attached to it and asks one of the guys what this thing is. 'Ehhh, Mr. Yorke been having some problem with the ole in-n-out, ya know? Home life ain't the best now.' Somewhat terrified, I helped them wheel it out of the elevator shaft to the room. One of the guys tripped and the contraption ran into a wall and turned on. Loud whirring sounds and and Aphex Twin song started to fill the hallway. The machine shook and an arm shot out with what I can only describe as the most scary looking synthetic vagina I have ever seen. One of the guys yells, 'Oi, fuck! It's loose! Get Thom on the telly!' The machines shaking around and the arm is smashing the walls. Soon one of the guys sets his phone on loudspeaker, and sure enough, I hear Thom bark something in a foreign language. The machine quiets down and retracts back to its original form. The assistants apologized and wheeled it into Thom's suite. Later that night I heard the machine again along with the sound of a man wailing in agony. Thom Yorke and the Radioheads will not be staying in this hotel again, that's for sure.
wrong thread
>>391323 prankd >>391324 >>391315 don't think so also the 26 is coming up which means hottest 100 australia day shitposting
Myst was great. Way above my like, less-than-ten-year-old self's ability to puzzle solve but it was great.
I can't remember what age I played it but I do remember just doing >>391351 until I eventually got somewhere still it was quite intriguing at that age
My dad had the official guide or something to the game. Thick, too. There's a lot of content to that game and I think a lot of people never really finish it after they hit one of the "bad" endings.
oh wait that's right I played myst 3 actually still pretty fun >>391354 did that come with the game? my friend's dad has a copy somewhere
>>391355 It might've. At least I don't think my dad would've ever went and bought it for himself. He's not even really into games it was always a little weird to me that he had Myst in the first place.
I wish I could get a picture of it it's thick enough that you would never read it unless you were desperate
the trick to lighting the candle with a short lighter in this case is to flip the candle and light it while it's upside down but be careful! if you take to long to get the wick lit, the lighter will melt the wax and it will drip onto you hand
I think I might've snuck an hour of sleep in somewhere >>391362 hold up what was that first step
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>391362 this took me up until i was like 17 to realize and its usually because the wax is so low rather than lighter too short
yeah this one is like halfway done with i should probably look into buying the replacement
i don't know that i've smelled enough candles to have that opinion my sense of smell only came back to me about a week ago
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>391368 i would like to suggest to you PINE scented candles they are my favorite and also uncommon outside of christmas season sadly i can still find them just not as often
and also balsim is good.
>>391367 I bought this candle called sand and fog doesn't really seem legit but it smells nice
this one is called "frosted blue spruce" actually and has pine trees on the front it's pretty good
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
such a burning passion for spruce actually these trees do look nice
Evergreens look and smell really nice. Their sap is gross and sticks to everything though.
>>391352 When I was 10 I couldn't do the puzzles but I loved just wandering around the island and exploring. It all seemed so mysterious. Riven was like that but times ten
>>391351 That's a game I never ended up getting because (while i was still interested) I never saw the mac version in a store. There's a store near me that has the original pc version in its original box for like $8 though.
oh did you get any farther than the party crashing maria
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
sleepy boys make me flustered
>the Callery pear emits one of the most foul odors known to man. Although it's difficult to describe, the most accurate description of the Callery's budding flowers would be something like a pungent whiff of freshly excreted semen where do I cop these trees for my yard
Also, the only reason I haven't bought that copy of Myst is that the box has a faint odor that reminds me of a lunchbox that you left your lunch in over the weekend.
yuck leaving food in your bag was the worst
>>391383 Nah we're just going around with Samekichi Flashback
>>391395 They're actually pretty good. We've got based Weta doing a lot of recreation stuff for things like WW2 uniforms and weapons and dioramas and stuff. Tepapa is a pretty great museum with extensive sections on history and natural disasters. The earthquake simulator room is pretty cool. Of course it depends on how interested you are in stuff like New Zealand and Maori history since they've got lots of sections dedicated to that. Having recreations of the old maori buildings is really neat.
>>391398 shit I didn't even know about this that sounds awesome
Weta doing uniform reproductions sounds like overkill. There are plenty of places that could do as good a job for less.
Turn the chopper onto myself #8ball (Help) PLEASE HELP
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
get dauuuuuwwn
So I went through the first 100 pages of this.
Just from that I'd give the museum a rating of 6/10. In part because of the large skew towards British artists (due to some policies they had on acquiring art until 1972). And the lack (from what I saw) of paintings from before the 17th century.
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
There were a lot of nice paintings of wildlife and quite a few of those like naturalist painting of an animal or plant from different angles to use for cataloguing species or whatever.
>>391410 Probably harder to get pre 17th century paintings when you're in an island nation that's barely 200 years old The wild life paintings are the best ones they've got
>>391413 US is only a bit over 200. Youth is mo excuse *no
My biggest issue was the disproportionate focus on British art though. Didn't see much from France or Germany or Italy. Although I think I only looked at 1% or so of their painting collection. Not quite sure how the website organizes the stuff.
Also I don't think this would've affected the rating much if I had (neccesarily) but there was not a single painting by an artist whose name I recognized.
>>391418 Florida is like a giant dong that exists to assert the U.S size and domination
Going to bed Stayed up too late looking at paintings
Really though, they could get like one Picasso. (Assuming they have none) Picasso was very prolific and some of his stuff was lithograph so there are multiple copies.
Maria we have a jug he made
Any Norman Rockwell stuff?
I don't even know who that is so you'd be better off just googling it
Nah, too much work. Besides I already know about him, you'd learn more googling him than I would.