Well shit I got like 30% less pay for the new year's gig than before Now I feel cheated and am seriously thinking not doing it next year
sk 🖤
Enter the Gungeon is basically a fucking coinflip in terms of runs Either you get A Gun, and you can actually beat the first boss without much issues, or you get like, an amulet and 0 keys
So here are my hopes >return of agent cinematics >return back to more complex gameplay than twhammer >I am fine if they keep the rome 2 introduced UI, but they could make it less acinine >family trees or something back pls
And my friend had my number wrong so i didn't hear about it until i texred him to let him know i had left. I guess the one good thing is that I'm out of the house and can go sit at a cafe and be productive.
Well, we have to replace the ties (wooden supports of the track) so first we gotta dig them out. All we've done so far is digging them out. We're going to take them all out after we do.
I couldn't see for the majority of the time because my goggles kept fogging up and then it condensed and I had nothing to clear it with. So I spent most of my time bag running.
after we were done I attempted to adjust it and the strap popped off one side. It took like 20 minutes to get it back in >>391513 they have to be approved by the Authority. What I really need are the prescription goggles. I need to get the form.
>>391516 I'd guess industrial safety considering his job I own some that might mayeb pass that level, but most likely not
Kirara 🚗
>>391517 if these goggles are fogging up from your breathing that is Very Bad
>>391519 they aren't really ment to be comfortable just protect the wearer a really common fault the sweat and body heat fog most safety goggles way too easily atleast from my experience
Kirara 🚗
>>391520 if they're fogging up from his breathing, though, that means they're not secure
>>391524' Like I said way too common all around the world but they pass the "protects eye from spills or fragments" >>391526 chemicals as in drops in liquid form not fumes
Kirara 🚗
you're saying that a common fault of anti-chemical fume goggles is that fumes can get into them
Well, for "my" position, it doesn't actually need to protect against vapors. Most people use the safety glasses. But if you wear glasses, you HAVE to use the goggles. However, those goggles are also for situations where we need to be protected against those kinds of things. >>391528 We get respirators too yeah.
>>391526 when you deal with fumes you have different kind of protection including breathing
Also it isn't really breathing vapour from inside it is the heat buildign up from basic working and then vapour or moisture or whatever foggin them from the outside or if cold outside from the inside happens with skeeing goggles always too
Kirara 🚗
the fog is on the inside this has happened to me before tighter goggles solves the problem
and it is cold there right now? >>391531 well like I said, they skimp on this shit for some reason globally the glasses pass the test of the bureaucrauts and that is good enough for the companies/states around the planet
>>391533 Listen, I'll tell you right now. If I made a complaint about my goggles not protecting me, they have to issue me new ones until they work. Everywhere else is lax but the safety priority is super high here in NY. If I get messed up and I'm not at fault? >Life Insurance >Lawsuit >Revision of the faulty PPE They'd have to buy and distribute new ones to nearly everybody in the worst case scenario. The instructors passed out a paper in class weeks ago about a 3rd rail incident that happened last year and is now required to be distributed to all classes. No one died but a lot of them got burned and a fireball flew around ~200 feet After that? Three whole days. No one on the tracks. Review all the rules. Track safety refreshers for everybody.
Kirara 🚗
it costs them a LOT of money if blue dies lmao
Oh, and the supervisor was able to // actually I'm not going to mention that but man. MAN
They dropped a power tool meant to cut the 3rd rail on the 3rd rail. They thought the power was off but it wasn't. When the guy tried to use it he felt something. Then I guess he panicked and dropped it.
I have to plot my exit from manual labor soon Seeing the 20-25 yr people with limps and bends does not make me feel any better about this Maybe I should advance to Control Tower or something
i've gotta do a phone thing tomorrow i'm afraid of either being too anxious, saying something dumb, or being too long-winded and trailing off on tangents it's especially hard because i'm just an algos person and i'm talking to a bunch of programmers and i dont know how to be a programmer i feel dumb in this professional space
Well, practice is the only way to get better at phones.
I actually like being out of my professional comfort zone, because it gives me an excuse not to know anything. All I have to say is something like "well, I'm not an engineer, so I don't know about all that. but..." Life is much easier when I have an easy excuse for my ignorance.
I actually really enjoy doing this for new contacts. My mind feels fresh and very responsive to new environments. In the case tomorrow, I'm talking to my main client who I've had for years for the first time ever on the phone, the one who i email daily about job assignments and stuff and I'm usually very collected through email because I can gather resources and review my notes and make intelligible emails
over the phone i sound pretty spastic i bet and since it's a transcription company i can bet that it'll be recorded and he'll probably manually transcribe it and pore over ever little detail of what I say, the same way I do for market researchers 10 hours a day
that's the only reason I got into market research was from reviewing all that wealth of knowledge i think
it'd be easier too if i was performing a service i knew was needed i actually feel like they're taking the wrong approach and want me to do things that would not financially benefit their company in the way that they think it will so i'm in a weird pinch where i could say, "Yeah, i can do that for you" and have them be disappointed because they expected that a service would be beneficial to their company in fault or "no I don't feel I can bring that level of value to your company"
or i might be really completely wrong and I'm underestimating the potential of their advertising plan
I'm not particularly well spoken in general since there's something between my brain and my mouth that short-circuits when I get stressed. You get used to phone conversations, they don't bother me too much anymore.
yeah my brain and my mouth seem to operate at different speeds i have a tendency to just really say inappropriate things without thinking too not like offensive but just really dumb things
im the kinda person that goes to a restaurant and the waitress says "enjoy your meal" and i say "thanks you too" oh, i did that to the pilot on the airplane once "thanks for flying with us today" "thanks you too"
People do that all the time. I've even seen normies make that mistake. I try to think hard about how I respond to stuff like that so I don't make that mistake.
>>391566 I hate this I'll say something that seems innocent but then after I say it I think about the implications or how it's worded and realise it was inappropriate
I'm not used to running in the cold so it's not something I can get a good run out of. It hurts my lungs too much. I need better clothes for running in the cold and I need to learn ways to acclimate my lungs to the cold.
Don't worry, you'll do fine. Helping people is satisfying. It is the kind of satisfaction that is similar to the kind that you feel when you create something.
I'm not worried about providing therapy or anything. That'll be the easy part.
The part that I'm worried about is all the administrative stuff. I have to have them fill out all kinds of forms, schedule their next appointment, collect their payment for this appointment, etc Tomorrow is an intake so I have to figure out how to properly do an intake and make sure I'm doing all the stupidly complex admin steps that are necessary but pointless
You will inconvenience people and cause trouble. You always do when you're learning. Just do your best to help your clients and apologize to people when you trouble them and people will have a favorable impression of you.
I also feel bad when I trouble people. It may be a value that gets instilled in you when you watch too much anime.
I know, I know. You know that I'm not good at relying on other people, though. I asked someone for help the other day for the first time in probably years. I'm still trying to figure out how to trouble people properly.
Well, I won't be doing much helping clients during the intakes. After I figure out how to do an intake, everything should be smooth sailing unless I get a really resistant client.
So far, they're only giving me male clients. Both of the clients I have intakes for are around my age, too. I don't know their problems yet, though.
I don't know if he's actually thirsty anymore. My updated opinion of him is that he longs for the attention of women to replace the attention of his mother. Which is arguably worse than thirsty.
I use the term diverse individuals to refer to people that aren't cis white people.
I might've gotten an internship today.
>>391606 Wow So neurodiverse cis whites aren't diverse?
Anyways I was at a startup hub today fir a few hours. And I was in their cafe, i overheard some people talking about their product idea and what they needed it to do and they were discussing hiring someone who would do the technical research for them to find the best option. The type of thing they were discussing happened to be something I know a fair bit about so when they ended their conversation i approached them and mentioned that I knew of an electronic component that fit their exact needs. We chatted for a bit and they gave me business cards and asked me to email them sometime in the next few days.
>>391612 He's a very nice guy. But he's a Nice Guy. I don't really dislike him or anything but he's just one of those people. You know the type I mean.
I don't really dislike him. He's not a bad guy and he stays in his lane. I think he's fairly weak, though. He's not someone I'd be friends with, but he's not bad to have as a colleague.
>>391615 If it was fine to wholly dislike someone for a single facet of themselves I would have given up on you entirely a long time ago. Try having a bit of decency for people you don't actually know.
>>391617 Right? I was sitting there for an hour knowing exactly what component they needed but it would've been super rude to interrupt them so i didn't. Also one of the guys mentioned that he really appreciated that i waited until they were done before talking with them.
I don't think he's worth disliking. He's not really creepy or anything. He's not like a predator either. Hes just kind of one of those stereotypical "beta male" archetypes. I think he uses the attention of women as a replacement for the attention he felt his mother never gave him but he doesn't actively pursue it.
Also their product idea involves vaping and possibly also cannabis.
You shouldn't dislike someone when they probably don't even know any better And have done literally nothing wrong
>>391621 That's possibly true, but I can't help being a little black hearted. It's just one of my attributes. I keep it locked behind a strict code of ethics so I don't hurt many people with it!
>>391619 Sounds like it definitely paid off to take that initiative >>391623 Also double nice
>>391603 hide triggering /"triggering" objects for them in the therapy room and see what happens
>>391613 That's such a nice coincidence Basically fell into your lap
>>391628 Well, it's more like I'm really good at general problem solving and happen to know a decent amount (wide not neccesarily deep) about sensors and just how to measure things in general.
I'm also terrified that I don't actually know enough to do this right. So I'm going to be doing a review of the pertinent physics and an overview of the computational methods and available software.
>>391613 nice >>391637 i'd say knowing it all up front isn't a prerequisite part of // technical research is really the job in itself that they just can't take the time to do
>>391638 potato on a pedestal? something easy to carry around or if you have spare briefcase potato in a briefcase
>>391640 Definitely, but they were discussing hiring someone with at least a masters in chemical engineering. Mainly cause the guy in charge thinks they're really good at this because they have to learn a lot of stuff from seemingly unrelated fields.
My female cat likes belly rubs more than any other cat I can remember petting. If anything it's been male cats that get snippy with me for scratching them.
I've never seen a cut female cat that really liked belly rubs they might not turn your arm into shreds, but they wouldn't like you >>391665 No it is a matter of trauma from the cutting
My cat turned into a what do you call those "garbage disposal sink things" seen in some movies and cartoons in the us? well that essentially if anything touched her belly wasn't a matter of person, other cat, dog, toy, or an insect SHRED SHRED SHRED
Oh also i need to thank my friend who canceled on me because I would not have gone to this place if not for him contacting me after I got on the train.
Hmm unconscious concentration ticks are weird apparently I nowadays chew the insides of my mouth when playing fighting games
I do that as an idle habit pretty often. If I'm stressed or worried or something about something I'll often grap -grab on the dry skin of my lips and tear at it. I really hate that I do it but I can't exactly keep monitoring my mouth at all times.
atleast it isn't the "tongue out licking lips" thing some people do that and it looks just so weird and gross
I do that a fair bit I think. My brain's really not suited to controlling my physical tics though. I don't keep focus very well so it's not like I can keep tabs on all the minute parts of my body at any given time.
Also http://thehardtimes.net/hardstyle/time-admit-arnold-killed-parents/
Also apparently the processor in my netbook is one of only a few PC processors made in the last 25 years or that isn't susceptible to that intel chip vulnerability
>>391701 If it gets watched tonight I'd just use Commie since I don't care about how they sub stuff and I'm not dowloading a nearly 900MB file for a single tv-length episode.
I don't really like the fact that fansubbing has come down to just ripping subs
I don't really care as long as the subbing industry maintains a decent level of care and attention. Which, while it wasn't the case in the past, has definitely drastically improved in modern time.
You could argue that fansubbing was a form of art or parody but just ripping subs is just ripping video, audio and then text from other sources and compiling that together
outright piracy
>>391717 What's there to sub now when just about everything gets officialsubs
Kirara 🚗
i'm fine with it as long as the shows i want to watch get subbed
>>391719 You could also argue that fansubbing was means to an end to intentionally pull viewership away from commerically-instituted means of viewing these shows.
>>391727 Oh, I'm a little disappointed. I thought something really evil was happening.
>>391728 Yeah, I'm not saying there's a moral obligation here or anything. I rarely, rarely ever support the shows I watch.
For me I can say fansubs and show rippers are both piracy and piracy is more or less wrong and still do it. I don't believe that people have an obligation to only do "right" things.
>>391730 Well I stopped pirating music when spotify came out so basically if a good enough service for shows exists I will subscribe to it and stop pirating steam already cut my piracy by 99% and netflix has also cut down on it by quite much
>>391730 Piracy is never legally right and I don't take a big moral stance on it but if the legal distributers don't really distribute their product well enough, why not get it from a free distributer who has it available and without charge? It is just loss due to bad business strategy if you ask me.
It's often legally okay, depending on your definition of piracy and where you live and what you pirate.
>>391732 Yeah, that sounds like where we'll see Corrin.
>>391734 Most piracy is illegal, but say anime 99% of it is legal because there are no license holders here and no ways of acquiring it as a finnish supported copy legally so tough luck
>>391738 Both are illegal here, but nobody really gets sued for downloading well they did for a while but then finland ruled it against the constitution so it ended also the guy who worked real hard on that case, was the founder of Desucon, finland's first big anime convention go jussi kari!
>>391739 wouldn't they have to add more difficulties? i'd be surprised if they just let you do the quests again
>>391741 usually with the GHBs they've got some quest to earn some extras maybe they wouldn't but i hope they would if i can make that girl +5 i'll be really happy
Oh also its under civil law in the us, not criminal.
>>391743 in anime scene here, guy is biggest you could be
>>391733 I also feel there's an issue of delay involved. Unless the subbing industry can keep up the quality and speed that a fansubbing group can produce as a labor of love, they will always be in competition with these fansubbing groups. Quality has been far, far less of an issue in recent years but speed and sometimes even intentional delay has cost them against fansubbers. Netflix has the rights to international distribution of Little Witch Academia but for some reason they did their seasonal dump thing with it, holding each season until it was finished to put online. And anyone that follows seasonal anime isn't going to wait around like that.
I think the complaints with that might be in part why they're doing a simultaneous release for Violet Evergarden this season.
Jim Sterling made a fun video about pirating some company's games was it nintendo? I don't remember but it was basically quite what i said earlier guy is a mixbox of ideas and politically 100% opposite of me
>>391746 I own all miyazaki movies legally on both DVD and BD, though BDs are stored at my fathers's place since it is kind of a "shared ownership" but I always watch the Coalgirls versions anyhow oh and btw, me downloading those movies is legal, since I can say it is just "back up copy" as I own them already
>>391748 I feel like he only made this video because it affected him personally with how Nintendo handled monetization and youtube
You know if you wanted to argue about the immorality of video game companies you could target stuff like overseas child labour or ecological damage involved in production But no I think he only cares after it personally affected him
>>391759 I don't really care if it's morally okay or not I'm just gonna do it And if I like something I'll monetarily support it so it can get more entries in its series
>>391756 Forexample, companies basing a dummy corporation in netherlands that owns all their IPS that then gathers all the what was the word... well that income there and then transfers it further down the line into holdings to actual tax paradises in say central america where the companys actual revenues are held and pulled into us with WAY less taxes on them, due them not being revenue or something and such but "moving money from account to account" or well france or japan or whatever
>>391760 Not to take a particular stance but I can't really envision myself saying "there is a lot" in this case here. My brain just balks at the attempt of formulating it.
If you want me to pay money for your product, better give me some service and make it easy to get
Also if a console is region locked then there is nothing wrong with pirating games that are only released outside your region or released inside your region but with heavy changes and censorship I don't believe this in so much of a moral level but out of pure spite
>>391779 Ideally region locking just wouldn't exist If it didn't I wouldn't have to pirate the game I could just buy it
>>391779 That's understandable but like When it takes 2 years for a game from North America to get released in a pal region I stop caring
>>391778 ideally you'd want to be able to vote with your money to illustrate that there's a market for foreign content where you're at to help establish a localization platform
of course the points of contact are not nearly so well defined and high-resolution that we can do that >>391778 region locking is for preserving the content's placement in a country's cost of living why would anyone in NA buy something from NA if they could get the SEA console for 25 bucks worth of thai baht
>>391782 >>391781 not just companies but the individual teams as well like shu takumi's team at capcom get fucked because capcom dunno how to capitalize on the gems that are there just shell out more capcom garbo
>>391782 Sam I might've gotten an internship at a start-up
>>391778 Yeah, definitely. The onus is not on the consumer to maintain all those points of contact with the industry and figure out what their problems are for them
piracy is very explicitly either an inability for a potential consumer to access their content otherwise, or an unwillingness to purchase it where acess is there it's a bad idea to mistake the former for the latter, and see that a game's being pirated to other countries and then lay into them about not pirating, when they're not acting by that latter function
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
>>391786 aww yiss grats dude that’s awesome 👏 well ”might have” hope you get it
>>391791 I tried Dragon Age and didn't like the play scheme of it very much. So I never really cared for the Bioware games.
Dead Space just didn't really appeal to me from what I heard of it. Maybe playing it would have been a different story, but I wasn't interested just from secondhand details.
I really don't like EA so even if they have an IP that sounds interesting to me I refuse to give them attention. It's not like there's a lack of games for me to play out there.
>>391794 The tl;dr is that some guys were having a business meeting near me, and I happened to be familiar with exactly what they needed for their product. So I chatted with them a bit about it.
Ton this dolphin just said he lost his balance and fell over What the fuck Dolphins swim they don't walk
oh shit kirara can you help me remember that frog-lookin motherfucker's name from the dem primaries the one who was whining about not getting his turn after like 10 minutes
Also any head of state who doesn't remove death penalty should be the injector/shooter/button presser/wheatever of any death penalty commited during their reign
Kirara 🚗
>>>/@MarleeMatlin/951293142006874112 sometimes i feel like i should go to AA just for the medals you get for not drinking but i can't imagine going to meetings for 31 years that's so crazy
AA is fucking religious bullshittery as far as I know, though my information is from most likely decades ago >>391837 it does, but I don't agree with their methodology
Kirara 🚗
AA helps a lot of people the religious aspect is acknowledgement of a higher power which doesn't have to be God
>>391835 that kind of pins and rewards and stuff doesn't do anything for me i'm fine if i never have another drink for the rest of my life. if someone rewards that it's just fuckin weird to me
>>391837 >doesn't have to be god Did you hear about that lawsuit involving the athiest aa chapter?
Kirara 🚗
>>391839 don't think i did >>391838 i feel like i could show off my medals and brag but id never do that because it's stupid bragging about an alcohol problem lmao
>>391840 i feel like badges for arbitrary life choices is strange imagine if you went to someone's house and they had up a 30-days masturbation free medal on their wall or celibacy medals
>>391840 http://thehardtimes.net/hardstyle/time-admit-arnold-killed-parents/ Fuck https://www.vice.com/sv/article/qbnj35/an-atheist-is-taking-on-alcoholics-anonymous-in-bid-to-get-god-out-of-12-steps THERE
I can see the ways in which some people's life balance is very sensitive to those kinds of influences i may have had those senses at one time but they've long since dulled out and i don't respond much on those venues
I can see why that's helpful for some people, but I'm such an outlier that I'm uncomfortable in those fields in the first place and it would be hard for it to be a positive influence
>>391862 No, it's fine that I don't understand. I don't know what a blockchain is.
Kirara 🚗
>>391864 Like Bitcoin and shit like that. these nerds are incapable of having sex in a reasonable consensual fashion so they think they need contracts to prove that the had consent and they want to do it on the blockchain because they're nerds
AHEM you have technology for steam boats, but you yet have a WALL around the city? and wall so intact tht it would have required maintenance somewhat recently just no
>>391864 a blockchain is a verification of proof of work it's the core of a distributed ledger what gives the distributed ledger such credibility is that everybody has the ledger, and everyone updates the ledger the rule is that the most accurate ledger is the one that has the most work put into it, and that's where mining bitcoins comes from you mine sha256 hashes to verify your proof of work, and as a reward for doing so you get to add a line on the ledger that says you get a small reward fee for updating the ledger
>>391870 Are there really people who do that, or is she just beating on a strawman?
>>391867 Is that what bitcoins are? I didn't actually know what they were, I thought they were just really hard to think up hashes or something so people have their computers think about them. But people are really refining ledgers when mining bitcoincs?
>>391875 the tweet words that kirara posted are the joke about the tweet linked within the tweet, which explains that there actually are nerds like this and hoo boy that shouldnt surprise me i guess
>>391875 Yes, there are. The idea of having a contract for each individual instance of sexual contact started a few years ago with nerdy losers terrified of having sex if the woman could later accuse them of something.
>>391875 basically so yeah it's just ledger entries that says who has what and who gives who what it's really something that's intuitive if you see it it sounds complicated but it's a really elegant system
man is violet pretty I forgot how good Kyoani can be
>>391878 Well, being accused of a sex crime can potentially absolutely wreck a person's life. I think a person should just give up on living if they get on the sex offender registry. Just live in the woods or something. well actually they'd arrest you for not reporting and throw you in prison for that because you wouldn't be able to report with a legal address
anyway I can see why that worries people. You probably just shouldn't sleep with people who you think will mess with you like that.
>>391883 Sure, but if you're going to have sex with people that might do that to you, you're already fucked. These people should just not have sex with people they can't trust.
Having a contract would completely remove the pleasure from sex.
also is that SUGITA as the red haired guy? does any kyoani exist without sugita?
>>391884 Well with a lot of people you think you can trust them but then they stab you in the back if the relationship ends badly. You see this kinda thing all the time.
The real solution is that someone gets you falsely convicted of a sex crime you should probably just go ahead and straight up murder them because your life is over anyway.
>>391880 Oh, that makes bitcoins sound a bit cooler. Refining things is cool.
>>391888 Most sex crimes don't even get to trial and it's hard to get a conviction without a kit. It's definitely going to fuck up their life but not necessarily ruin it.
>>391883 the registry list is pretty rough my great uncle is gay and he's on there because way back at that time it was a social problem to be gay and so his boyfriend or whatever made things difficult for him but he didnt do nothin wrong n prison til he was 78 and all sorts of horrible gossip, lost a real good business, got bullied a lot in prison i feel real bad about stuff like that
this wall actually tells a lot about this city it tells that the world has seen similiar burst of technology as ours did, most likely way beyond and tht this city hasn't seen war since walls around a city were relevant BUT DOESN'T EXCUSE HOW FAR THE WALL ARE AROUND THE CITY COMPARED TO THE SIZE OF THE CITY
>>391891 Well, I think the fact that people think they need sex contracts is as much an indictment of hook up culture as it is anything. hook up culture is bad.
>>391892 Yes, the offender registry is very bad for people. Some people are legitimately dangerous, but it is sad that people like your uncle who aren't a danger to anyone are on the same list as the actual bad people. You can get on there for public urination in some places.
It's actually more indicative of nerds who literally do not understand that there's a middle ground between rape and 2 lawyers getting in on the whole thing to write a fucking contract
>>391894 I partially agree, but the biggest problem is that these people have unrealistic expectations of tye behavior of others. These people are horrified of something less likely to happen than dying in a car accident.
Nobody wants to have sex contracts. It ruins the sex.
>>391894 I can say that, after knowing my uncle's thing, and meeting him when he got out of prison and he's a really sweet old man, i know i don't go looking at the offender registry to see who's around me or anything i don't like digging into people's personal lives like that and i don't want to be passing judgments on people and even if they were guilty, if they're rehabilitated and then to still be facing that judgment could be pretty cruel if i had a family it'd be different i'm sure
>>391898 Because sex is something two people should only do once they've established a meaningful relationship.
>>391899 Well, I can still see their side of it though. I'm sure you can appreciate how hard it is to expose vulnerability to someone who you don't know you can trust.
Only have sex to reproduce t. old testament
>>391901 Why should they only do it after they've established a meaningful relationship?
The sex offender registry is practically a human rights violation desu senpai Although definitely some people on it need to be there to protect other people
>>391903 Because it's a big deal and extreme feelings are always involved and things get really messy when people who don't have a meaningful relationship hook up and then get sour with each other.
>>391905 Exposing yourself to possibly having your life ruined is something that seems dangerous to me! I can see why they would be scared of that.
>>391900 Yes, I think the list is probably not very meaningful because there are people who are not a danger on it in the same capacity that people who are legit dangerous are on it. It should only apply to people who are dangerous to other people. I hate to see people on it who aren't a danger to anyone.
>>391905 It's just a piece of paper though. So signing it if you consent shouldn't matter.
>>391906 With due respect whenever you start talking about absolutes and "always" I generally throw your opinion in the trash. You're pretty full of shit when it comes to stuff like that.
>>391909 it's real yes contracts have been around for years but this blockchain one is real too
>>391906 A contract isn't going to help them with that fear. If I say you broke the contract and did something I didn't consent to, that's exactly the same as if there were no contract.
well i meant that conversation in particular what the heck
>>391910 Well, I suppose that the person could argue that the contract was made under duress. Having something like that might help someone in a situation where they're accused of something though, maybe.
It's probably better to get it notarized though. Then you wouldn't have to worry about that.
Nothing quite as sexy as having my contract with an ordered list of sexual activities notarized before enjoying intimate relations with my significant other
Well, we talked about notaries for awhile now. I gave you the advice to not become a notary or at least not notarize documents in contexts where you may be called to be a witness or something like that. So in your position, you wouldn't want to notarize anything having to do with any of your clients.
>>391931 Nah Police aren't properly trained about the dangers of tasers, why would they be trained about the dangers of using tear gas and a taser at the same time?
>>391938 >>391933 watch the vid and you have one cop going aggresive because the guy didn't appease their almot 3 minute tirade of "go away, go home" and then the guy is starting to get aggressive at that cop going bit more aggressive on him and then the filmer goes tazer while agro cop goes spray and welp rest is news article
the guy still didn't follow orders of cops to go home and go away for several times in row and just stayed there to cause trouble Got what he deserved if you ask me.
>>391938 Well, I don't know how it goes in France, but around here you could probably win a pretty hefty lawsuit if the police set you on fire with a taser because they used flammable tear gas on you.
>>391942 Yeah probably But police departments lose lawsuits for the same things repeatedly, they often don't learn their lessons very quickly. For example look at the LAPD, or Joe Arpaio.
>>391958 tear or rather pepper spray is pressurised spray and that is most likely what was used in the situation >>>/watch?v=flJUhGeTHXA#t=2m20s real hard to say
Riots would get real outta hand if regular tear gas was flammable Holy shit that'd be exploitable
>>391958 >>391961 >Aerosol spray is a type of dispensing system which creates an aerosol mist of liquid particles. This is used with a can or bottle that contains a payload and propellant under pressure. When the container's valve is opened, the payload is forced out of a small hole and emerges as an aerosol or mist. As propellant expands to drive out the payload, only some propellant evaporates inside the can to maintain a constant pressure. Outside the can, the droplets of propellant evaporate rapidly, leaving the payload suspended as very fine particles or droplets.
GA so I am going to stupidly try to make sense of Violet Evergarden alphabet in the coming weeks
Dew it
well not alphabet but rather language the alphabet is there >>391977 it is a fucking qwerty typewriter
It's probably a cipher
If it doesn't seem to be letter for letter match to qwerty based on the positions of the letters. Run a letter frequency analysis on any chunks of text you can get
>>391996 but the bottom row is it = like symbol beginning zxcvbnm or after it
There's an image manipulation technique whose name escapes me that would help make it easier to see. It's like a shear mapping or something Like you do it to offset the angle the image has Err, in t It has to do with the way things look in a n image of a 3d thing or an image of a scene that has perspective stuff done well enough to make it seem 3d
>>392052 He's the guy wjwjo god spared, and his family But he was told to leave and noylt look back As we're his kids and wife, but his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt
>>392052 >>392054 ahem he was the "sole good family" living in sodom and god said to him "if you can find sole other good person in sodom I will spare the city Lot and his family didn't so they fled, and god told them "don't look back" and lot relayed the message however while fleeing his wife lookedb ack and turned into a pillar of salt as the whole city was turned into salt and then was gone with the next gust of wind
>>392071 so you answer the question without knowing the answer you have taken the first stepts on the path of TNism
I have over 50% certainty on it Just not over 90%
we have cookies
I really have cookies
not sure about their shelfdate though when I did i even buy them...
I'm actually about to walk over to a convenience store eith a friend to grab popsicles and eat them while walking (to offset some of the cacalories) Oh wow its warmed up >>392079 Too lazy/busy to fix my laptop And my netbook is dreadfully slow for web browsing
>damn I am hungry >okay pizza for snack and tommor meal >burger for today meal >orders 3xbeef burger >600g of meat on the burger I am finally not stuffed of that meal
Currently we're in the middle of getting rid of a bunch of stuff and cleaning and getting new furniture so I don't have a good place to put them. Also one of them is like literally 20 years old It can play quake though
actually thinking about all paradox games only eu series has those games on by default rest have them as part of the empires THEY ACTUALLY WERE PART OFG but in eu4 they can become independent as they did become well georgia atleast
It turns out that the popsicle I usually get is relatively low in sugar. Which shouldn't be yoo surprising considering its size. *Too Which makes me feel even better about eating two of them.
>Grants Res+3. Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Against armored and cavalry foes using bow, dagger, magic, or staff, damage from first attack received by unit during combat reduced by 30%. micaiah has a cool tome
Kirara 🚗
>After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions, and grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. sothe though
Densha Koitoko
Sothe wishes he was that good. what is his weapon called is it the stilleto
Kirara 🚗
>If unit's HP ≥ 80%, unit can move adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces. the new black knight has this skill
>>392205 was it in the school or like interning at a clinic thing under a clinician i remember my uni had free mental health services, but it was from the student clinicians with a clinician's supervision i tried it once and that was really awful
>The World Ends With You remaster for Switch Aw heeeeeeeell yes. I lost my copy years ago and I've never had a chance to play it since then.
Yeah, the supervisor wasn't in the room. It was just recorded for him.
I went in because I had already done an evaluation by the school and had a pretty bad ADD anxiety diagnosis which allowed me extra resources. I wanted to interface with the healthcare in some way so that I could get on trac // on track with those things. Fairly normal. So I went and filled out the little form and like as soon as he starts, he's like, "I see on your form that you've been a victim of sexual assault, would you like to start there?" uhh no it was absolutely awkward that that's not even what i was there for
Kirara 🚗
haha wow
this shit man he wanted his sister in the room with him because he was nervous or something so i was like ok whatever she spent the entire intake speaking for him and contradicting him and being a bitch to him
last time i allow that
Kirara 🚗
i tried to get her out of the room but gave my client this "keep me here" look and she's the one that requested treatment even though this guy is in his late 20s
can't wait for our first session when i don't allow her in during treatment
oh man i'm having a lot of fun with that idea now i think i will make an etsy store just of themed ice cubes some fried chicken leg ones would be good too and crackers, cookies that'd be really fun to craft
That's a great idea
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
yeah i can bring a drink
Densha Koitoko
Solve consent with... THE BLOCKCHAIN
Densha Koitoko
got my check gotta survive gonna start double paying my loans.
Blue, did you hear about my possible internship?
Densha Koitoko
The tl;dr is that i was going to meet a friend and he cancelled on me but had the wrong number, so they only contacted me after i texted them "on my way". So I went to hang out downtown at a startup accelerator. I over heard a business meeting and after it was done i approached them with a solution to their r&d problem. They want to schedule a meeting with me next week to discuss possible employment.
Also it's a cannabis start up. And it really is a tl;dr, my explanation last night was way longer.
Densha Koitoko
fucking white kids in chicago with their weed startups
>>392234 Actually these guys are all in their 50's and 60's. They just understand that cannabis businesses are a really hot commodity right now.
Densha Koitoko
i was hoping you lmao I'm sorry I'm crying
Anyways, I'm guessing if i get it. A lot of my friends are going to bug me for free weed.
Densha Koitoko
moon you know that really miss my nigga song? for the past two weeks I've been having that one part at the end stuck in my head where he goes "white people white peooooople" once a day without fail
Oh shit I just remembered that Drake is Jewish.
>>392238 I think I've heard a soundclip of that in tf2.
>>392243 Depending on who you ask white people didn't develop the atom bomb.
Also Bradley Whitford (the dad from Get Out) was on the Late Late show a few days ago. He told a story about needing to go to an atm and was directed to a barbershop that had one, he walked in (he described it as looking like the barbershop from Barbershop) and then when everyone in there saw him they screamed in terror.
I still need to see Get Out.
I did not know 4k was a thing until I went Christmas shopping At least a media format, I knew about 4k monitors and stuff
Entertainment industries have been really pushing it the past half-year to a year or so.
Yee I'm thinking of skipping it and waiting for 8k. And sticking with 1080p for like "tv" and then just whatever for computer displays.
Although I may just wait for 8k in order to get 4k stuff for cheap.
Densha Koitoko
i am... surrounded by infidelity
At least you'll get to keep your paycheck. And not divvy it out into alimony.
>>392258 lmoa >>392257 i am not telling them stories they were talking about alcohol then i said i hardly drank and it turned into how to get my dick wet
just change that N to a double-yeeeeeew i i really miss my wigga white people white peeeeople
>>392260 I was more talking about how at any opportunity a bunch of people have always seemed excited to give you romance advice and advice on seizing sexual opportunities. And it seems like little has changed.
Densha Koitoko
I need a wife so that this can stop.
Then they'd just switch to giving you advice on how to cheat and get away with it, from the sounds of it.
>man shuttup if i was lookin for a bitch i'd just ask YOU out on a date
Kirara 🚗
"my only love... is the tracks. my wife is the station, the trains. they're all i need."
>>392268 Oh shit that's actually really good I'm going to have to remember it for some time in the future that'll never come since I never end up in situations like that.
Careful there Blue could probably get away with it you might get smacked dafuq up
It's fine, the world rearranges itself to make my life as absolutely boring a situation as it can get. I'd probably just shrug disinterestedly the first time it comes around and then that's literally the only time it would ever come up.
In your case it'd probably end up with them saying, "Sure, how's Friday work for you?"
Definitely possible.
And either way the fear of messing up the delivery would probably be an inhibition too. My snippy comebacks usually need to be under six or so words or else I'm probably going to fumble a word here.
I was on the phone with my client and they asked how I'm doing. I'm like, "Yeah, I'm doing all right, how about you." >Really? That doesn't... That doesn't sound very convincing.
this phone stuff is super stressful to my day but it does feel good to by engaging with people again it's a lot harder to be on-topic in a phone conversation than an email though
Yeah, I get that. For me socializing has always been the difficult balance of enjoying it and then controlling the distance before it burns me out/I mess everything up so it's a frustrating harmony of both needing it and being terrified of it.
Phone calls are always kind of anxiety-inducing for me too. And it's not even one of those "once I start it the anxiety goes away" sort of things; I'm perpetually on edge through the entire call. When with strangers at least. It's not as bad when I'm VoIP-ing with some app at my computer though.
Everyone keeps asking me things like what my background is, or what else I do besides transcription, because they say i have a very interesting way of thinking about things i'm just like, i dunno there's nothing there i don't have a background it's basically empty i don't do anything either i just shitpost and consume massive amounts of media "Well, I'm a caretaker for some disabled family who are getting up there in age and can't take care of themselves, I guess" >Oh, that's great, but what else do you do? "Uhh" i don't know what they're digging at i dont do anything i just think about things, and not even put effort into thinking critically about it. i just take my anxiety meds and think about whatever causes me the least anxiety
When I get topical questions along those lines I usually just fall back to "I like reading about stuff" and for some reason that gets a pass as to why I'm unique or weird about why I do things. It's not like it's a particular lie, I love reading and while I'm preferential to genre fiction I'm not particularly discriminatory. But it kind of feels like reading in this day and age is some fringe passion to have.
oh yeah i guess i do write even if i'm not actively writing something, that's probably what i would say my brain spends the most time occupying, that writing process digesting and organizing the information and letting it settle that's a big part of being a good writer is to not force advancement of a narrative but let the narrative expose itself to you and unfold organically
I didn't even know Philadelphia took its name from an Egyptian town/city.
>>392283 I totally get this; for me I've always called it "marinating in the back of my brain" or something similar. But I really like talking in metaphors.
I think some people can benefit a lot more from consciously and applying focus to the writing process, but I've never been able to produce much that way. Sleeping on ideas, both literally and figuratively, has usually been much more productive for me.
It's definitely a balancing act. Letting it marinate for too long can make it dissolve into fundamental parts that just rest in the brain and become part of our general value reasoning and stuff You do have to juggle it to make sure you've still got discrete elements you can work with and direct forward
i think that's ultimately what the writing process is, is having a concept and parsing out what it means while still having it contain a form I think that's the process of making art in general it's a bit of a layered thing of why i said before that i think art should be self-contained, and that if its meaning is carried through a different medium, then it's not art but art interpretation
I guess that's not as problematic a thing for me since writing in my case deals more with fiction production than expressing reason in prose. That dissolution isn't even necessarily a bad thing since character and narrative conceptions can dissolve and later be reapplied to a different story concept through another lens. Ultimately not every fiction concept is a good thing even if it has good components.
sorry to post while you're posting but i'm also working so i'll squeak it in real quick
Yeah, formlessness is definitely valuable, but unfortunately it's incommunicable that way. The way it usually goes in my mind is that I feel like, if i let something dissolve to formlessness, I feel ultimately that i've digested it and that it now means something bigger and better that can be integrated into other ideas and constructs fluidly, making my future thought expression better and more cohesive
but sometimes we're still attached to the overall story and do want to see it completed instead of abandoned and its concepts recycled to a new, more refined idea
you can't be a writer who never writes you do actually have to put things out there and engage your concepts with the external realm, lest your later, more refined ideas won't have an audience who can interpret them i feel that's one of my biggest downfalls, not being expressive enough and then digesting to a point where i feel isolated because i can't share these ideas that have been incubating with the external world anymore then you become one of those "IM JUST MISUNDERSTOOD NOBODY UNDERSTANDS MY GENIUS IT'S TOO GREAT FOR THEIR FEEBLE MINDS"
well yeah, maybe, but your expectations are feeble if you think other people should be able to follow a train of thought you've spent 10 isolated years developing (see: shinichu mochizuki, alexander grothendiek)
Though I admit also there are some concepts which, like a souffle if you open the oven door too early, become sullied by pre-exposure it's definitely a balancing act, and i think it applies to fiction even moreso than other types of reasoning too. You have to incubate in order to understand how character motivations actually develop and arise and resolve outside of what you feel is cozy for you to come up with on the spot you get so much forced dialogue and stuff from writers pushing a resolution when sometimes an awkard silence is more real and complete
on that note you need to play ghost trick, tilduh it is really good
I'll look for it. Might have to grab a ROM; DS games aren't exactly a commonplace commodity anymore.
Don't ROM it it's on steam or DS i'll buy you either version but it's a game I fiercely am against pirating it got underlooked because it's a small capcom team that put it together and sales figures weren't good for it, so it gets neglected in exchange for corporate attention to capcom's big titles
just like disney's treasure planet got janked because disney thought the 2d illustration was goin out of style and was focusing their marketing towards the lilo and stich style of production
I can't find it on Steam; and Wikipedia says it's only had a DS and iOS release. Is there some modified name or something it goes by on Steam?
There are people selling it on Amazon still though. I need to save a bit money-wise right now but I'll keep it in mind for the future.
oh you're right it's not on steam there's just steam workshop entries for it my bad
Steam has the Ace Attorney anime but none of the games. Maybe some day Capcom will be smart and put a bunch of those puzzle titles up for PC gaming.
>>392296 Nope, because they as a company don't see the value in it when they've got super hits like street fighter 7 that bring in way more money than little gems like ghost trick and sales didn't reflect the quality of the game, only people's interest in puzzle games
sk 🖤
Is Devilman this year's Ping Pong?
Densha Koitoko
probably not
Depends on who you ask. Some of my other friends really, really enjoyed it.
Densha Koitoko
i cant buy large things until chase sends my new card its annoying
sk 🖤
Seems good so far, at least I'm only a few minutes into the first ep though