Thread #391178
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black clover overlord 2 gakuen babysitters karakai jouzu no takagi-san yuki yuna
is tilde dad
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Nope, Tilde is right there in the third post. Tonight I'd like to do Black Clover Overlord 2 either yuki yuna or gakuen babysitters takagi san
>>391184 oh i thought that was me
Pretty much.
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Yeah, that's what I said. We all okay with this list? We can do gakuen third so bang can watch something new with us I suppose. So let's us do Black Clover while Bang gets his ducks in a row. so orange! okay let's start!
q u a c k
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I really liked this show so far.
I haven't. It's pretty much as dull garden fare shounen as it gets.
black clover? i thought it was supposed to be garbiglio
I wouldn't say it's that bad. It's just about almost as predictable and underivative of -from the typical shounen tropes as it gets. Unless you really have some kind of craving for generic shounen fighting it's really not worth your time.
new op!
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This OP is good too.
>>391200 it's only what i heard i haven't even looked at it
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Dungeon exploration is kinda generic.
Just like one of my Nipponese doujinshi.
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Looks like the competition is going to ramp up now. Bang are you still with us?
that nwas cool
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The ED is good too. This may be generic shounen but it's good generic shounen.
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okay overlord 2!>>391215 you're watching, yes? okay let's star! t
i'm bang
Because the quickest route to solving a Rubik's cube is to do one side and then build the others at about the same pace. If you make up one side and then one more and then one more you're creating way more work for yourself.
catastrophe dragon
"between the dragon and me, which one is more powerful?"
this bitch is eedgy
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You can't breed with a skeleton!
i think sh'e free to bone whomstever she pleases
The fuck names their kid Climb.
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That lizard reminds me of those lizards from Kobosuba.
Only a third of the way into the episode.
this is my favorite skeletal king
That was a penguin there at the end.
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It's amazing that he can seem so collected on the outside when he has no internal chill. I guess a deep voice and a skeleton face go a long way.
I don't remember getting much internal wimpy-voice dialogue in the first season after the first episode, if any at all.
tbh at this point i figured he was dead to himself and really was just a boner king
i kinda forgot the meta-situation actually does he not want to be skelemanking is he trapped in this or is he down for the calcium
I'm pretty sure he's more or less content stuck in this world as a skeletoverlord.
>Having total resistance to poisons means you can't get drunk What a depressing trade-off.
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>>391242 I think he's experiencing some mild existential horror but is doing his best to be a good overlord.
are these NPCs still NPCs or are they basically actually living things now
They're living things but their NPC background is still the iron truth. That's why they're utterly subservient to him as the only PC of the guild still around. And why re-writing Albedo to constantly want the Bone is so overwhelming.
even if he is bone solid, can he actually bone?
He's a magic-class character so I'm sure he can manage something.>>391254 Don't believe so, at least in the way normal bodies do. I think I remember a bit of internal dialogue from the first season too where he is concerned that being an undead skeleton lich is dulling his emotions a bit too. Though that doesn't seem to be entirely the case yet.
do bones feel?
Lizard people!
this is secret insight into the deep state
why do the lizardmans have to die? what's happening?
is this the power of an enemy stand?
Wow the author of the novels even thanks people watching here. That's kind of nice of him.
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I'm sure the lizards will be fine. okay gakuen babysitters yeah it will probably be bad okay let's start!
I am going into this with the lowest expectations. Let's see if it can impress me.
oh not YNYN uhhhh is it on CR w/e
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>>391266 Oh, could you not find it?
no i thought you were watching yucky yornero 3rd show tonight wasn't ready i have it now just stop at end of OP or something
or maybe don't i'm losing interest at lightning speeds
this OP aight guys i'm out
yeah def out
some shows don't get 4 episodes that's just how it is
unless this is like ga rei zero or something and everyone dies at the end and the genre changes
Man I hate kids.
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I was hoping it would be more comfy but so far it's just daycare.
At least there hasn't been any poop or bodily fluids. Yet.
How do you forget your parents are DEEEEAD even if you're panicking about your kid brother having a fever.
>>391289 maybe they just died
no its out of habit you dont forget it so easily
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Babysitter club really does sound like a bad idea.
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okay we don't have to watch another episode of this if you guys don't want to. let's move on to takagi-san okay let's start!
I have zero interest in going further. In this show I mean.
I'm here>>391295 if i pretended to want to continue and just showed up to
desync and just showed up to say "ok go" would you actually watch the whole show?
desync i only watched 45 seconds and there's no way in hell i'd sit through 45 more
this is beyond five my man
wait oh
oh it's because the girl character reminds me of that poor loli that Kanna tried to kill in dragonmaid
It's one of Blue's favourite series.
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It should look familiar, it's a very popular manga that you've likely seen pictures of.
donde esta blue?
He's already watched it like five times.
fair enough
Beat to the PUNCH.
maybe i'm just really tired because i am sleep deprived but i just got these weird flashbacks to watching The Prestige
she's really playing him is that the show?
More or less.
i want this girl to trip in the hallway
Sometimes he's really just playing himself though
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She's always one step ahead.
What is this spaghetti Western whistling
this poor kid he's done for and she's literally a monster
blue WOULD be into this
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>>391332 She's just mischevious.
That would have been like a one yen coin he got excited over. It's like feeling your day's suddenly picked up because you found a penny on the road.
Are wa FYAKU
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He is such a clod.
It's kind of like those guys that bully girls they like because they don't know better. But in this case she knows exactly what she's doing.
this girl looks like a fucking ronin
That girl's got EYEBROWS.
I feel kind of bad for this teacher though. Kids are a pain.
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Wow she really effectively turned that around on him.
i bet he won't ever win and then one episode he will and he'll feel bad about it
i'm probably going to keep watching because it's fun but something inside me feels gravely disturbed and moved almost to frustration and anger watching this show
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That's a cute show.
frustrating to the extent that i'm starting to analyze myself and my reaction because something doesn't feel right
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Yeah it's just a cute show, don't overreact!
I've only seen chapters of the series here and there so it's nice to start from the top.
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Densha Koitoko 2018/01/10 (水) 12:03 No. 391432
>>391346 Takagi is the best
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
2018/01/13 (土) 11:23 No. 393695