My parents brought back my sister with them from the cottage for the week. She's watching some shitty modern-era "farm life" sitcom or something.
Her nature of completely changing her personality to match her current boyfriend is so bad it's almost like that one girl from Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei.
most of the time i feel like normies are just a meme for people that aren't in our social spheres but then i fuckin go and hang out with them by accident and my brain is baffled i can't understand how people like this even exist most of the time, so much so that i'm in denial
everyone i deal with is degenerate losers like me or high-functioning eccentrics like me there's really not much different there even when i'm on the phone with c-suite people trying to educate them on compliance they seem exactly like the same degenerate losers i'm used to but just with bigger wallets
>>389193 Same. Nearly everyone I have to deal with in person is a normie. Everyone except Fish.
I've very rarely found the people I deal with in person or otherwise to be a simple creature or something. Maybe you people are just ignoring personal complexity.
Well, I wouldn't call them simple, but they don't have the same complexity as some non-normies.
There are a lot of non-normies that are incredibly and usually disgustingly simple, though.
there are some non-normies that are very simple in a good way though but normie simple is something totally different i don't even know how to explain it
you'd have to be a normie or have almost no contact with normies to think normies don't real
I don't think they're real. It's just a label to slap on people that don't conform to what you think fits irregularity.
>>389199 i am very isolated in my current life i've got road spikes on my driveway i see more deer than people i know they're real but sometimes the isolation makes me forget, fortunately it's so weird to go out around people
>>389202 It feels like they just live their lives like animals just going from one thing to the next without thinking about it but i think they just think about different things in a different way than us
>>389203 anecdotal evidence against the existence of normies from a canadian like you're a pretty fuckin weird country to begin with man
>>389209 in the scope of USA compared to Canadia, we're a lot // we're a culture stemming from more dense population i don't think it's exclusive to the US but I think that it might seem like a farse to people whose culture is more embedded in introversion i think it's a correlated thing india, china, japan all recognize normies
>>389212 Have you ever thought about changing your name? tales of nukes is a little vestigial now, no? >>389214 yeah finnland is a very introverted country you're all isolated and busy taking care of yourselves, and that breeds non-normie mentalities
>>389214 if it were that simple, it wouldn't be this complicated to follow
>>389216 how close is your closest neighbor i have two neighbors in shouting distance but they are seasonal cottages and only in shouting distance thanks to the echoing valley
>>389203 i don't think you can say that there aren't people who are set apart from the crowd by things like mental conditions, trauma, or just being a little different, though.
>>389214 you wouldn't use the term if it wasn't ubiqutious in your culture that's the thing we don't have language for Kaalikääryleet in the united states because it's not prevalent
>>389220 I think the entire crowd is set apart from each other by things like cultural roots, upbringing, hands life has dealt them, mental conditions, trauma, and/or just being a little different. And that claiming there is one giant mass that this doesn't apply to because their differences are in your frame of reference too miniscule to be worth considering is willful ignorance of personal complexity.
>>389223 nobody would know what the fuck you were talking about if you said cabbage rolls that's so confusing here like you could get an idea maybe but people would definitely say "cabbage rolls wtf"
well yeah cause it is an eastern european dish
>>389222 i feel like there's a scope differential there if there's something measurable, it's not contained in those realms it's a mentality that pervades culture or heritage. mental conditions and trauma and other things might effect susceptibility to it, but there's still a trigger elsewhere that's a defining factor i believe
Kirara 🚗
haha donald trump is in devilman just a still frame though
>>389235 and it is still minus too much there? man must be a pain I had the same happen to me few years ago when they cut the heating to better measure the moisture level in my bathroom and forgot to turn it back on for like 5 days or so happaned to stack amusingly with -20 to -30 degree nights at that
i can't comprehend leaving my chair how am I supposed to sleep i just went outside, came back, and my room is the warmest room in the house and I have a chill aura wafting off of me from outside
where's my bitcoin miner how did this thing even work again
>>389226 The crucial pervasive mentality here for me is the one where humans feel compelled to categorize and deliniate groups of things. For whatever reason the people who are convinced they exist will come up with some abstract detail they can claim enough people don't differentiate on enough in their frame of reference to produce a category of people they can lump into as "normies". I don't care for that sort of thing because in my opinion it's willful ignorance of personal complexity and I don't want to abide by that.
I just ran my computer on maximum power to use it as a heating unit while burning candles and using the oven for every meal so it would give off some ehat
but that was 50s built finnish house it could prolly take an airplane hit and go like "meh"
for feet you use woolen socks hand knitted gloves well I do have fleece gloves too but mittens would be best and yeah scarft but my fleece goes up to my ears on the collar so you don't need a scarf
>>389222 I understand and respect your opinion, I just don't agree with it! You seem to be asserting that there's really no thing as normal, but I've seen lots of cases of it.
THough I do have like sport gear and survival gear for -50 outings so... I don't really have to give a fuck about cold I even have sleeping bags that could let you sleep baresky in -10 or so I think atleast or they might still be at my brother's
>>389250 There really is no such thing as normal when it comes to people. There's no overarcing giant category that isn't just some subjective boundary that you have drawn yourself. What you consider a normal person says far more about you than the actual people you lump into it.
>>389252 in systems thinking, there's definitely a normal. it's the overarching social flux tending towards some direction. individuals don't ever perfectly align with normal, but in terms of flux, some people tend towards the normal alignment at any crossroads, finding it to be suitable for them if there's a descriptor for a normal individual, since no individual is completely normal, it'd have to be modelled after their tendencies to align with social norms
that's not to be confused with conformity or non-conformity, since it's something that's not a conscious drive or decision it's just a thing
and he was a stray for the first two years of his life and doesn't respond to the name "ghost" so it should be easy to rename him
>>389253 Something can be close to and approach X but not actually -be- X. I'm not saying everyone is equally different from each other; that's objectively false. But everyone is different from the other and claiming there's enough of a match to be one and the same is again, willful ignorance.
What I think of as a normie is just a person that isn't fully versed in internet culture whose internet is basically netflix, social media and youtube and googling things up they might know about 4chan and maybe even browse it, but only because media told them. >>389259 then several here could be considered riajuus
Kirara 🚗
normies are riajuu
b a k u h a t s u
Kirara 🚗
also the cat has blue eyes i'm pretty sure i'm gonna get it
>>389261 cute I hear blue eyes is a bad trait for cats or something this is like ancient memory but I recall reading about something being more common as a disease or shit on blue-eyed cats
Kirara 🚗
>>389262 i think it can make them more likely to be born deaf or something
the only problem i have with google collecting my search data is that it obfuscates further search data with biases towards past ones and is sometimes counterproductive for that reason, i silo every google search session if i'm doing a lot of searching on a particular subject, i silo the session and then carry out my searches through that and sometimes it's useful for it to be remembered, so i do have a few accounts that i'll sign into if i know i'm searching for relevant content
i have to do this a lot for work, like when i'm verifying names of employees within a company and i have to check so i've got an account that's just doing searches for Oracle content and finding their employee names, and google helps me a lot in that regard with those search biases
think I've done that for maybe 6 years now duck has gotten a lot better at finnish seaches
>>389268 yaeh that sucks the most but also it is //also there is the censoring and burying "fake news"
Kirara 🚗
i don't care enough so i just google stuff when i feel like it
I use both Usually google, but recently google has been giving me really shitty results I'd much rather google tell me "no results" than give me results almost entirely unrelated to my search
i've got one siloed account that i use specifically for pharma market research so it helps me identify drug names well specifically chemotherapy drugs, there are so many of them that all sound so similar that it helps when google thinks i'm a medical person within a specified field it helps me identify the chemo drugs that are being used for a specific cancer, like breast cancer or whatever there are so many drugs that start and sound the same that it'd be really confusing but if i've got a siloed account that has had 20 searches on breast cancer, and then i start typing the drug name, it's automatically going to suggest the ones that have shared results with breast cancer results
>>389255 I can accept this, since establishing a norm serves a purpose. Assuming you must find an absolute conjoining point from thousands or millions of information profiles isn't just difficult, it's logistically impossible.
It's like how I might gripe that the world is built to cater to right-handed people as a leftie, but I'm not going to demand the world develop infrastructure to allow me to function on the same level as a right-hand dominant. I'll conform to the right-handed world since honestly it doesn't create any sufficient difficulty for me.
Except when I'm trying to cut open something with scissors, holy fuck.
>>389274 maybe let me try something here to exemplify t
take the term "hard worker", that's a descriptive term, but not a coined one. what does that mean? people who've been in hard labor jobs are keen to think that managerial jobs aren't hard-working people since they're not out doing the labor and busting their ass. people in higher up jobs might think that the labor people haven't worked hard to find better opportunities to support their families. there's some subjectivity there, but you can kind of see where everyone thinks they work hard, and everyone's definition of working hard depends on what they value.
normie is a coined term, though. it comes from a specific culture, and it's something that's been consistently difficult to define. whatever it is that a normie is, there's something tangible that people find counterproductive to that subculture. maybe it's a tendency to tend towards socionormative behavior instead of branching extensively on your own path. and yeah, there are probably things that normies do branch out to do on their own, but from this cultural perception, that's not a tangible aspect subjectivity and perspective is part of it, but that doesn't diminutize it it's the fact that their normative behaviors inhibit them from experiencing or understanding the things that we value and once in a strange while, things we value will creep into normie circles and be sensationalized, but not for the reasons they're valued here, and that breeds a fair bit of annoyance and disdain
this is just an example explanation and a hypothetical i dont really know what all it entails, but i try to imagine qualifying circumstances if i can imagine one, then i assume there's something more complex that is probably more real than my brainstorming session lays out for me
>>389274 Well, there is a purpose in the context we were talking about. Schools and the military stuff likes to break people down and build them back up in the way that they want them to act.
They're pretty good at doing this to normal people, but it doesn't work on people who are a little off.
>>389285 I'm going to go out on a limb here and say your aggressive lumping of people into these broad categories is hardly as purposeful as implementing cirriculum for students or military trainees. And that also doesn't cover the fact that this strict establishing of curriculum, even, is not even a "good" program for education. There just isn't a currently feasible better solution.
>>389286 dunno about schools though but atleast in the army I served in the initial 2 weeks were purposefully shitty for everyone to break their rebellious spirits and make them more compliant by instinct and reflex to the orders and then that not as harshly though at times even harsher continued for the whole about 3 month boot camp period
>>389286 Well, we were speaking specifically about programs that break people down and build them back up. They do this by >>389287 You stress people out and bring them down basically to on the verge of mental breakdown, then train them back up. This works well on most people, but with people who are a bit off and deal with stress in different ways than most people do, it doesn't work.
>>389292 In the case of the military, I don't think any of the training cadre were equipped enough to put people like me on the verge of a mental breakdown some people got real triggered by it but yelling or talking was not much different to me i just interpreted the order and followed through, and if there was additional hassling i was just like ok they stopped giving me shit once they figured i wasn't that shaken by stuff like that
>>389292 army adds also "one guy in the company fucked up, so everyone gets to do evening hike of 20 clicks with full gear blasted on instead of free time, have fun"
>>389287 I'm intently staying away from the military because I have pretty much absolutely zero experience interfacing with it, and on top of that I have a pretty heavy bias against military institutions to begin with so I'm doing us all a favour and not getting that puddle muddy.
And it isn ot that bad and I can say from anecdotal experiences it didn't really brainwash or break people into obedience or such or change their view on the world or something it just made them accept their place in the system happy obedient gears maybe you call that breaking and shaping someone, but it is also part of maturing up in a society if you ask me.
>>389292 Yes, I understand that. On an objective level there isn't much potential falsity there. There's a reason I didn't add anything to the discussion until the phrase "simple creatures" started getting thrown around.
>>389295 Also finnish army and US army couldn't be more apart one is voluntary based? is it and /canadian one definitely is and finnish one is draft based also the entire training, doctrines, and so on and so forth are not just literally oceans apart as they are but also figuratively wait yes Our army is based on prussian and german doctrines
>>389298 This really shouldn't have to be said, but do you really think, as someone with a fair bit of an anti-military institution bias, that the fact that a military is draft-based is going to make it better in my eyes?
>>389297 we're all pretty simple creatures tb quite honest family
>>389299 Fuck no, it is worse and tells you a lot about that country's political and geopolitical situation in us you go to army cause you have /for some reason want or want something out of it here you go to the army or go to jail for 5-10 years it just shapes the people and the attidute they have for it here it is inevitable for all males to face the choice of army, prison or civil service the two latter can be bad for you, with the middle one definitely >>389302 please
>>389301 basically the same except that it's not a written rule it's just that poor people have the option of going to the military or risking imprisonment for being poor
And army does actually reflect on your carreer choices while there actually IS a law in place to not //to not take conscript post into consideration when hiring people, but you still even to this day find many who went through officer or under officer training in leading positions
>>389313 Exactly what it says on the label, but you can also upload any 3D model you want provided it has the proper skeleton and format. So people get creative and throw all sorts of strange characters into it.
I guess from Kirara's account of it the Knuckles resurgence is another day in the life of VR Chat.
okay so that explains the fuck this was oh fuck you cloud
i WONDER HOW GOO oh caps I wonder how good the dancing is. Being able to dance from your own home without all the trouble of going out sounds like the future.
>>389344 I danced only in 3 when I wingmanned the pilot
>>389342 Did he have investors? Also while i think its viable i don't know how long it would work. Since the cost barrier for vr could go down in a short time frame depending on all sorts of stuff
haha this scene where everyone lines up to hug devilman
Kirara You should name the cat Mazinger
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
>>389347 i think there’s a good window of opportunity and room to adapt as the scene evolves but I guess it won’t happen as long as I’m doing my current job
no investors just savings up front for equipment... pretty risky
>>389354 Holy shit I'm gonna get a bird, a turtle, and a dog, and I'm gonna call them Getter 1, 2, and 3 And then I'm gonna sticky tape them together and shout GATTAI
>>389355 Yeaaah, not doing it was a good idea. Like if he already had the real estate or something then maybe it wouldn't be a terrible idea. But the upfront costs for setting this up would be quite a lot.
Btw in finnish there is a saying "cat's babtism" to call an event completely pointless and well pointlessly ceremonial so amusingly we held babtising for our cat and a family friend's cat as they got one around the same time.
That sounds a little mean for the cat.
yeah didn't enjoy even that small amount of water tossed unto them thankfully were kittens so couldn't kick up a fuss
That reminds me Did you know that there's a dog saint?
a dog headed saint
different thing
Well, not an officially recognized one. But people in the area where it was from venerated it for 700 years before the catholic church finally got them to stop.
>>389377 there is an officially recognised dog headed saint of travelling or battle? For some reason a lot of people believed in dog headed people in the past and according to myth, one of them became a christian and a warrior of god and died a martyr and was made a saint
>>389421 dnno what even aired here or did i just watch some ancient episodes on cartoon network well not that I would as a kid know ANY us celebrity >>389422 fun
>>389423 It had Batman and robin on an episode though. And The Addams Family
Addams family had a good show on foxkids or cartoon network was one of my favourites the movies in the 90s? were quite good too or atleast I recall them being.
The old batman was also fun to watch as a kid the PAW POW one with whowas his name
They were good considering them being a movie adaptation of a gimmick sitcom. Adam West
rip in pows I still remember that one movie they had had a damn scary gun in it, turned all people into piles of ash by draining water out of them AND THEN IT SOMEHOW JUST COULD REVERSE THE WHOLE THING? like WHAT you killed the eprson and the water got stored in the tank and then you just "return water" and the eprson is all fine? How are you sure they got the same water what happened to their consciousness while they were ash?
Holy shit Cass Elliot was in an episode
>>389427 Yeah I remember that one The joker used it to sneak people into the batcave
Kirara 🚗
I thought that was in a superman movie for some reason I must have my wires crossed
I also watched some superman show as a kid one episode had a real creepy billionaire not luthor somehow luring superman with kryptonite into a trap and hew as like a head in a moving lifesupport box and was planning to get his head transplanted unto supes that show was weird too
Wonder what it was even called that is legitimately only episode I remember
It's like impossible to actually follow the details of the story The motivations of all the characters are convoluted the pacing is bad it's such a shame
>>389437 I have only read the original manga not the countless reimaginations and remakes but while the story was solid, it was quite "early manga" kinda like how some tezuka stories are bit clunky at times or rushed that kinda thing, but you don't care that much as otherwise the whole is so solid
Kirara 🚗
the old anime makes constant cameos in this there are devilman posters everywhere
I don't think it is a must read it is just a story
Yeah, but I really like Go Nagai. Although it's like on my list of stuff to read when I'm excruciatingly bored for an extended amount of time. Not on my list of "must reads".
I don't think I have read anything of his except the original devilman maybe some devil lady but definitely didn't finish it I have read everything of Tezuka's that has been available to me, though and the remake of that one astroboy storyline Pluto by URasawa naoki >when you had to search "gutalala" to remember the name
I've read a decent amount of Tezuka's work. But i ought to read more.
>>389447 i'm fine with stuff like that here but my problem is that they butchered the characters and made their motivations impossible to understand and did all the character development in timeskips and the pacing was horrible
I didn't give a fuck how much the Blame movie diverged from the manga it still kept the characters intact and the story somewhat similiar and the most important of all the FEEL the same
Like they miss CRUCIAL stuff like Ryo explaining the backstory of demons being encased in ice and how devil merging works
>>389450 I really don't like Miki in this one Like in the manga she was cool and made her own switch knife She's missing a lot of that personality in Cry Baby
>>389456 Probably but I haven't finished watching yet
Also Yoshihiro Tatsumi's collected stuff is definitely worth a read. He actually lived near Tezuka when he was a teenager and would hang out with him and learn stuff from him.
>>389510 Oh nvm Mixing him up with someone else I was The manga I'm thinking of is the one with the princess who has to wear that helmet all the time Err, for official appearances, she sneaks out without it It's a low fantasy thing
>>389512 I might have read first chapter of this post pic
that kind of cover art is usually "nah this isn't for me"
Ah I know why I thought it was by Yoshitomi Akihito The actual mangaka is Tomi Akihito. Hence my mixup >>389517 It's not an ecchi thing, i probably should've picked a better picture
also everyone should read this >>389518 man I remember being teenager and ordering all volumes of Hyper Police and... welp they havek inda tht kind of cover art and having that fucking on yourshelf...
>>389537 I don't think I ever read his blackjack Kinda like the Blackjack 21 which was just... kneeegh
>>389539 One was in an anthology of blackjack stuff by more modern mangaka
>>389539 I got into blackjack 21 a little bit, i thought it was okay initially but didn't finish it It could have been done much better I did really like a few parts though
>>389541 kinda like that young black jack that aired recently it just wasn't truly black jack
>>389542 Oh wait That may have been what i was thinking of Yeah That's what i was thinking of
bj21 is like 10 years old
anime adaption of bj is damn good too it just bit lacks in the GORE of the operations I guess couldn't have that shown in the air also >>>/watch?v=UQUEZ4kGwMU that fucking opening
Okay, yeah I was mixing them up
Have you read any Jouji Mamabe stuff? *Manabe
His non-h stuff was really good. Won't comment much on his h stuff. But he did really good highfantasy and scififantasy stuff back in the 80's and through the mid 90's.
came out of nowhere, but when I was a kid and in the scouts our "wolfpack" unit had a rivalry with a neighbouring town's scout unit "jeanne d'arcs" though for somereason they were mostly called "janne's weeners" maybe mostly by us but that was a thing
Ozanari Dungeon is another fantasy manga with a similar sort of aesthetic
Oh and Dragon Half as well, but not to the same degree
>300 bookmarked batoto mangas that I may or may not have red haaa and what do I ahve 5 days before they shut down
Oh shit, really?
Honestly serves them right Well not really But I've stopped usijg them since they added the login wall thing
>>389565 If you'd read the forum post this was talked about.
>>389567 but I will, under no circumstances, give anyone a full backup of the site or database. Many have used our system in confidence and it will stay that way. YEAH but that might just refer to posts and userinfo and so on but what about just solid IMAGES
Although I'm still irritated that mado has korean and chinese stuff And that garbage not manga by filthy weeb westerners
But that's mainly because they rip literally everything that gets uploaded to batoto
>>389568 Improve your reading comprehension, nerd. > Going forward, some of the staff members have and still are in the process of backing up the entire Batoto comic content as they have been notified of this decision well in advanced. They may choose to create a new Batoto or something simpler. That will be up to them, but I will no longer be part of running it. Oh damn I copypasted that wrong hah hah.
Anyways every once in a while I go on the mado irc and bitch about there being manwha and manhua on the site and get people stirred up and then argue for a few hours It's really fun
all sites that don't support autopager aren't good sites anyhow well dynasty doesn't but it is a good site because it is damn easy to use and pleasant? batoto was pain in the ass when reading a new series from the beginning to 100th chapter
Anyways when my comp isn't borked, I would download manga to read up to the current releases, delete it, then keep current on online readers
Also while not as good as batoti, kissmanga is okay And then homeunix is good for older stuff, although im really unsure if it still gets updated
>>389585 also you said the acount doing was shit but that made it so damn easy to keep up with your ongoing stuff
>>389586 Generally what I did was just check the new release list every day or every few days Also RSS has veen a thing for a while, but I get what you mean
whoeven uses rss for other than news
I've actually never used it I just know it exists and can be used for such things
Also mado is a sekrit klub Considering the hoops you have to jump through to register
>>389694 Unbreakable It has Samuel L Jackson in it. It's a decent movie, but as its an m night movie it may be hard to read about it without accidentally spoiling the twist.
One of my most exciting moments in life was hiking through a path that had like 100 vipers on both sides of it, sunbathing in the early morning sun was real "okay careful careful careful they are still asleep and most liklely won't attack unless you poke theeem OH SHIT THAT IS ONE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD"
Reminded me of this.
any actual anti-venom need venom milking so... it is damn hard to produce
Oh also i just remembered a thing There was a guy who got bitten by a venomous snake on 9/11/2001 and needed antivenom to be flown across the country. And almost didn't get it because you know, 9/11.
And then it had that one silly episode of dog attack everything else is super venomous or big animal and then you have some ordinary bulldog or something it was just "uuh, kay"
Pitbull bites can be pretty bad
oh there is snow outside
>>389761 yeah but it was some fucking med sized dog not even some big guard dog or anything some normal pet dog maybe it was pittbul that has that nasty bite but still relatively small dog
if you had dog attack maybe have some fuckign wolfhound or something
>>389777 YEah, but reminder that this how not only requires consent from the victim but also live interview a passed out person can't really give out details Maybe that story just had the best amount of data to it and they wanted one "realistically can happen to you" and wild vicious dog attack in big city is one though I think the brown recluse one is the one with actual highest % of happening to the viewer of the show
I have an old internet friend who got fucked up pretty bad from a brown recluse bite. Although they don't actually bite that often, recluse being the key term here.
Which is why that kind of show is impossible here as the viper bite is practically harmless or it kills you with heart attack or something if it gets bad and that is our most venomous animal
but lots of shrooms and berries ehre can kill you
You could get bitten by a rabid animal.
>>389788 true but I can outfight a bear well maybe not outfight but outroar
Oh that gives mr a good idea for a show "I bit it" It's about people who ate poisonous plants or mushrooms
>>389790 shamans of old fed reindeer poisonous mushrooms and then when it began to die out of it either or both drinked its blood or urine to get high without dying of the actual poison basically filter poison through reindeer, get hallucigenics
I'd say piss and that the reindeer didn't die would be real waste to kill a reindeer for just visions
They could also eat it.
>>389794 nah stuff wouldn't be in the meat and that would ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstill be killing a lot of reindeers at times fuck is wrong with my s button
Are you a ssssssssssssnake?
now it works proper
it just didn't register hits unless I held it down for a while
i thought they were just machines like the cybermen or whatever
i mean in a genocidal sense they are machines but no theres little aliens inside those cylinders
Daleks are fucked humanlike beings that can only feel hate and disgust for all other life. They fucked up their planet with weapons of mass destruction, so they are now angry sardines
i work here the first thing i figured out how to put it back
Oh I used to get into.the coke machine menu. It is something like 4231 With the buttons. I used to try and see if i could get free coke
Densha Koitoko
this is the pepsi machine with the 12 big buttons with pictures of soda on it. I did it at another ll location and tthen tried it here and it worked again these have a diff code though five button code
Yeah the same as coke machine , you press the 4th button then the second button, third , First . Abd it gives a menu
>>389868 Does it give free pepsi? The coke one doesnt give anything but numbers of sales
Batoto is going to die and madokami is suffering. fun desu
What happened with mado?
Mado's disk are failing so it is being transfered over to a new disk but currently is in failsafe mado
>The current server's disks are on their last legs, as you may have noticed in the past month or so. We're currently copying data onto a new server, which should take another few days, after which normal service will be restored. Until then, get comfy and enjoy PANIC MODE madokami, which can serve you in a limited, readonly fashion if you absolutely must have your mangos. Please don't abuse it.
greentext fail dammit
Densha Koitoko
mado should be fine they have backups
Also, hi nagi
Yeah they'll be fine
Also the horriblesubs guy matt apparently passed away recently. not that horriblesubs actually needs any work since it is autoripped using a program.
Densha Koitoko
is that the guy who broke into mangatraders? because if so, bye bitch
The daiz being the secret hand behind the curtain shit was just a small meme when it started and now it even appears on other places on the internet. it lacks a bunch of content // context outside of /a/.
Well, when I say Daiz is great I'm referring to his expertise in video encoding. And developing encoding software.
Well, I'm still irritated that they made you have to login to read stuff other than really recently uploaded chapters.
Also I don't know the specifics of why they're closing. But if its related to decline in ad revenue I bet that was a direct result of requiring registration.
The admin doesn 't want to run the site anymore and for some reason refuses to hand the site over to someone else.
Fucking autists
It wouldn't be a problem if he let someone else take up the mantle of admin but he doesn't want to do that.
Yeah, that's whats pissing me off.
> Going forward, some of the staff members have and still are in the process of backing up the entire Batoto comic content as they have been notified of this decision well in advanced. They may choose to create a new Batoto or something simpler. That will be up to them, but I will no longer be part of running it. Goddammit
Anyways I would consider a site made by former batoto staff to be an official successor.
>>389938 Also after reading the full post I sort of get why he won't do that. It needs to die.
Also I hope the successor drops the korean, chinese and western comics
I hate how the archives started expanding to include everything under the sun and then have trouble handling the load they should have just stuck with /jp/ and /a/. It lasted years with just those two. and the new ones barely work and keep dying because of the load
Also, fun fact The madokami newspost(s) about people bitching on irc about having non japanese comics are about me
Well not "bitching", i forget the exact wording
Concerning you, bitching is approproate anyway.
Something about starting long discussions. >>389947 Savage
The discussions started with me talking about how those uploads violated their rules.
And probably ended with more people thinking "oh would he get his head out of his ass or fuck off".
More people thought it was funny than not is my guess. Its not a very active irc channel.
Not a lot of IRCs are "active" anyway outside of handful of insiders.
Yeah, but compared to the handful of other channels I use its less active.
I used to use IRC a lot years ago but now I just use #NIBL occasionally #/jp/ and #/a/
I only don't right now because my laptop is borked. I'm gonna work on it this week afyer ckeaning out the basement.
But I would lurk in #nethack #madokami and sometimes #4chan
I've never had a reason to use an IRC. I'm still not really comfortable having an identifier in a public environment either.
>>389957 Some networks automatically mask your ip More than not these days
That's not the identifier I'm talking about.
Is it tthe nane? *name
You can login with unregistered name for most channels unless they enforce registered names in any case I don't have to care too much about having a name. since I namefag on /moe/
Also some friends of mine used to have an irc channel.
Also I need to change the name i use on one irc channel since its related to my account on a nethack server And it confuses the bot that replies with game stats if your name isn't the same on irc
Oh cool, that email was a lot better than I thought it would be.
i thought you learned your lesson about sugar-free things
I'm overdue by two weeks on a cheesecake for my birthday too. It's normally a part of our Christmas festivities but Christmas was kind of messy for us this year.
Sugarfree sweets are evil sugarfree other things seem fine
>Oprah to CNN "I am considering running for presidency so what 2020 Trump vs Oprah? How crazy can this shit get?
Densha Koitoko
ah service but yeah >>389938 he really shouldnt it would be for the best well, potential best. because as long as batoto remains, distribution wont get better i dont have hope for anything that much better though.
wat do you think batoto prevents manga from being carried over to west in official translations? hah
>>389979 running for president and attempting to be president are very different things campaiging for presidency allows you to leverage a lot of political resources for instance, you can be competitive against someone and be stealing a portion of their votes, and drop out to endorse them in exchange for them letting go of some policy or enforcing some policy that matters to your representative group
>>389982 Yeah but just imagine the campaign with oprah being the democrat candidate versus sitting trump two billionaires famous from tv And then imagine going 10 or 20 years back and say this is 2020 presidential run they'd laugh at your face
Oh the Takagi-san anime's first episode is out and subbed.
>>389987 there are three main things reading, acquisition, and archival. the last two are kinda tied together. There is no system right now that facilitates all of these well. Readers: slow Acquisition: convoluted Archival: opaque Any site that shines in any of these three becomes a loadbearer. and that load comes with heavy costs in terms of traffic and legal issues shutting down and allowing for something new to pop up "resets" legal issues. what was told to batoto does not apply to a new entity traffic cant be helped. people like to gravitate to what they like and will recommend it.
which is a joke to me because when you look at madokami or any new solution to this power vacuum, /a/'s desire to be lowkey is counterintuitive to what would make it a solution.
>>389989 this is really interesting thank you for sharing these insights
>>389989 I don't mind madokami's system I don't even mind a bare basic ftp I was and still do use some of the jp / g ftps they are super useful and fairly lowkey to
>>389992 It's not so much about whether you mind it or not. It's about what is best and available. My frustration over woxxy and co. not completing whatever site they were going to make because "madokami just does the job fine enough" is that if batoto ever went down GUESS WHAT COULD BECOME A LOADBEARER? Madokami's system is tedious at best but people will do it. batoto went down and madokami's IRC hit record numbers. /a/ wants something that's good but they don't want to be loadbearers but being good is exactly what will get you there lol. who's trying to keep secrets nowadays?
>>389995 of course it didn't. because they have no rigor for things when they aren't loadbearers. That's ~the joke~ The people who WOULD, will not. They're only energized by shit like this and won't start work before because "things are alright". "We have the goddess". "Readers are shit anyway." They're a pack of fools. The last thing that they actually want is for people to agree with them because their services always get worse when people enjoy them. But they can't stop opening their mouths with their opinions because having the winning opinion is cocaine to them.
>why don't we make something like Hentai@Home The same reason why you didn't make it when mangatraders dropped or when madokami's servers died and the admin almost let everything lapse or any of the other sites caved
arnold has experience we can't have him. makes way too much sense to have prior experience. >>390036 that is such a sensible criteria it should be the only criteria. not qualifications!
>>390031 yeah you're right i misread that i thought you meant the markets for political predictions like man i can't even remember the name of it now but the analysts
Kirara 🚗
>>390039 oh yeah i see what you mean now that's a little confusing
personally i think it's way too early to be betting on 2020 presidency too much will change by then
has oprah said she is gonna run? I wonder if people will seriously vote for her?
Kirara 🚗
some of oprah's friends said she was actively thinking about running and she made a speech yesterday that people loved
Christ She better not
Kirara 🚗
NBC's official twitter made a tweet with a pic of oprah that said "Nothing but respect for OUR president"
I guess it skips the celebrity endorsement part of the campaign if you are a celebrity with celebrity friends
>>390052 Nothing changes for three years and seven months, and then all of a sudden there's a MONUMENTAL restructure of the institution that redefine's the public's concept of it.
>gaben becomes president >someone else runs valve >they restart making games
For example my brother's phone broke, well screen broke so he send it for repairs - it being a work phone so it was free - and it took about 2 weeks because the parts were already scarce and it was what honou 8 or 9+ but less than a year old model and phone. they don't really make that many replacement parts it seems, since people tend to just buy a new one.
I wonder if things would be different if my grandmother was jewish rather than my grandfather. since it is maternal. I doubt much would change though! still interesting. >>390129 Nope. My grandfather married a catholic woman.
>>390130 I don't like people anyway. >>390133 wow I'm amazing aidoru tomo?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara and Kannagi are the same person so it's ok
>>390128 You'd know a lot more doctors and lawyers.
>You're naive, and that's kind of beautiful >But the world isn't, and it's not "out there" >It's here Night in the Woods is a pretty nice game even if I'm not sure what's quite happening yet.
Kirara 🚗
I've been meaning to play that for a while. I like the author a lot on twitter.
If you want a quality hamburger, you have to pay for it. Hamburgers are one of those things where it's worth shelling out some extra money for some extra quality.
Though you can buy some pretty nice hamburgers to make yourself though. They have blue cheese hamburger patties that are great. Where the blue cheese is in the patty. Good stuff!
>>390151 I had once on a cruise, they had hired a bunch of argentinian chefs to just make their best beef and then walk around the restaurant area with beef plates I had prolly like 2kg of beef on both days of the cruise
It was amusing how they quickly learnt to avoid the ehavy eaters when trying to bring the beef to other people as the heavy eaters like me would half empty their platter when they walked past us
i have to ask them questions about their problems for two hours each based on a list of structured questions and then i have to go watch them take an online test for two hours each well not watch them because i won't be in the room with them but i have to be around for if they have questions
>>390211 kind of i guess but i'm pretty apprehensive about it too intakes are a lot of work as well it's the eight hours of that shit plus it'll be like three hours of paperwork and i have to come up with a preliminary diagnosis for them both
the school makes $25/hr off me because we do low income counseling which i'm happy about but it's $25 for an hour and all the money goes to the school wish sucks because i have to work so hard
i super impressed some undergrad today somehow we were talking about our breaks and i said i drove to arkansas and she was like, "wow, you're like a real adult. you just go wherever you want to" i don't think she's that much younger than me, either she wears a niqaab (or some other kind of hijab) so i can't see her face to see how old she is but she's an undergrad and i think she's probably 21 or 22
being able to drive to another state isn't really my idea of adulthood though
It's all relative. I think being able to drive to another state is pretty adult-ish. Not only does it need a car, but that's a sizeable trip that benefits from planning and fund allocation. Those aren't really things that most kids ever need to put much thought into.
some people have longer index fingers than middle fingers
>>390232 nah generally it is longer ring or index and middle is always longest or atleast "furthest" from hand
Yes, generally. And some people do not adhere to the general.
>generally >somepeople
This game is filled with animal people but they have pet cats and squirrels roam the streets and there's feral rats hiding in decaying parade floats. It's all very weird.
>>390241 Too early to tell, but I liked Mitsuboshi Colors.
Well that was interesting. Now Yuru Camp! Oh they have kansai accents nice desu ne
>>390195 I've seen bacon chocolate at stores before. In highschool my friend and I forced his younger brother to eat one. It was purportedly okay but not anything else.
Food soon
>>390191 Tony Who's blowing up all these balloons on rainbow island?
Oh, have you ever looked into Wada's mirror? It updates based on your clothes and stuff.
>>390272 If only North American public camping grounds were as well-serviced as Japanese ones. I can NOT stand public toilet and sanitary buildings at any camping ground I've ever been to.
>>390273 I think I have but I should do it a bit more often
I'd like to camp but I'd die without a computer.
>>390273 Also Lobco and jellyfish girl have the best designs
>>390276 Bring a computer and a car battery to charge it with
I'm of the opinion that those situations are even better experiences than when things go perfectly sometimes
sitting there in complete misery not only puts things in perspective but it gives you a great story and i love having stories to tell (surprising, i know)
one of my professors was using a behavioral technique to encourage certain behavior from me today and it really pissed me off because i realized how reinforcing it was on me
so now i have to sabotage myself and become less functional or they'll win
>>390309 I dunno. I woke up this morning and couldn't figure out why I looked weird in the mirror. But it turns out a bunch of my hair has turned grey.
I wake up occasionally with white hair. It is a bit scary.
Also Maria continuing the undersea adventure has gotten me all excited for the good stuff he's about to deal with. And the bad stuff The bad stuff is a different kind of excitement. Good luck surviving!
>>390352 Bound hero battle. It's a fire emblem heroes thing.
>>390357 Wow that looks pretty nice actually. >>390358 Oh right! I forgot you and a few moes were Fire Emblem maniacs. >>390360 I could live in it permamently! as long as it was warm!