Thread #389604
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3 gatsu yuki yuna pop team epic kokkoku mitsuboshi colors gakeun babysitters
I had a feeling.
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 811x702, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 12 [7(…).jpg )
Oh yeah, I was going to link it. I was busy checking to make sure I didn't miss anything on the list. and notifying ika
Are you not interested in watching Cardcaptors?
what should bang watch?
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
>>389615 I just didn't see it. Add it to the list.>>389616 hmmm I don't know what a lot of these shows are.
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 621x712, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
I'm thinking like pop team epic kokkkou cardcaptors mitsuboshi colors That's all new stuff for Bang.>>389619 yeah it's a meme anime but I heard it was funny. It's odd to see something like it get full length episodes.
Pop Team Epic is an adaptation of a series by bkub, the guy who draws those CHEEEEEEEEN comics.
i'll watch anything new i'm okay with dropping something mid-first-episode if i hate it
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
There's Ika. Pop Team Epic XD bang? yeah we lost Ika are you still there ika? okay we got ika back let's start!
Tepic>>389624 >>389625 Paging Doc Squid Beep boop
oh shit right now okay need 10 seconds
opening CR
okay ready sorry truly sorry fcu // fuck i'm sorry i wasn't ready
Well this wasn't really what I was expecting.
this is good shit right here
This is more in line with what I was expecting.
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Different voice actors than I expected!
Hah hah hah.
bkub is a special kind of insane.
i like this
this has some serious production value going on
why is that censored....
the fuck
Things are getting out of whack.
jesus fuck
what is this
this is a 20-minute show
>There's no way a silly 4-cell manga can become an anime
that's a fidget spinner....
That it is.
The fuck.
>>389647 It's been nine minutes and already feels like twenty.
... What.
mid-episode ED
Did it just restart or something.
second impact
it's not the first time but different it's the second time
Is it just the whole first half but with different main character voices.
wait i didn't even notice that until you said that
Well I'll take this Kimi no na wa reference a second time gladly.
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 537x669, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 09 [(…).jpg )
This is really something.
The fuck is Macbeth's minature garden anyway.
is this what rick and morty is like
Not really. Well maybe for one or two episodes.
you've never seen rick and morty? it's fair to be repulsed by some of the more vocal fans but it's a pretty decent show
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 719x703, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
THey really like those properly drawn characters. That was something! kokkoku>>389677 hmm no bang? okay let's start
kokk>>389671 whens overlord being suibbed
Kokkoku-san Kokkoku-san>>389675 No clue. Anime Charts has it airing in one day and seven hours, so there's a decent chance the subs will be out for Tuesday-night anime.>>389678 Weird, there's no indication of it being Amazon. Oh Amazon is streaming it internationally. Yeah it won't be on CrunchyRoll.>>389679 It's got a pretty funky OP you might like.>>389674 Beep boop
i can't find it
oh ok watch without that's shitty i'll watch it tonight though
sorry the lasagna is real
>>389680 Bitch lasagna
if it downloads fast enough i'll join in the middle somewhere
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 08 [(…).jpg )
Good OP.
i'm watching now i'll just be a bit behind don't worry
oh boy that girl's face looked wrong
wait what
The faces in the show are a bit weird. They remind me of stuff from the early 00s' anime actually.
>Sending a scruffy-looking NEET out to pick up a little kid Yeah that's gonna end well.
Well that got bad fast.
And then got weird fast.
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 555x719, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
He knows like black magic or something.
Being able to slip into a stopped time world whenever you wanted would be pretty nice.
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 650x673, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Seems like there are dangerous people there though.
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 397x485, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 02 [(…).jpg )
And that's a bit more dangerous than dangerous
This is a good use of 3D CGI. Fully embracing the otherworldliness it can make something feel like is a good style touch.
this is an odd show
Oh hey this endcard is by the artist for House of Five Leaves.
This was an interesting show. It was refreshingly different. Still feels like it was plucked out of the early 00s' though.
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 446x502, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
That was pretty neat. okay Cardcaptor Hopefully Bang is back with us.>>389710 I didn't either! Watch the first ep and see if it's okay. okay let's start!
i ddont think im gonna watch this i didnt finish the first
Neither did I but that's not going to stop me. Apparently there's a quick recap of the original series right at the start. Cmon Squid give it one episode.>>389713 Cardcaptors Sakura Clear Card.>Funimation will be simuldubbing the show Oh I guess it's on CrunchyRoll then. Okey dokes.
i'm looking for it
does this one have a specific name?
ok i'm ready
I guess this is Madhouse's A-studio work this season.
that mascot was getting fucking hype
I wonder how long we've got before this series goes full CLAMP.
What's really weird is this is the same seiyuu for Sakura as it was when the original show was running. How she's managed to hold this tone for like, twenty years is crazy.
that's kind of insane
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 518x684, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Loyd oh Lots of practice, I guess!
Syaoran Shaoran
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Sakura's voice is really similar to Cag's cute voice too. It's kinda funny.
Wow they've got teachers AND an assistant to the class.
That looked like high school math concepts to me. I guess Japanese schools are crazy.
They had a really nice instrumental of an ED from the original series there I think.
Aw hell yeah it's not-Watanuki-kun.
Wow someone swapped out all her cards for card protectors.
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 605x713, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Am I the only one having trouble with the file? I guess so. WHat time are we at?
13:45 13:50 13:55
crunchyroll is best girl
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 07 [(…).jpg )
>>389767 okay, got it.
There's a lot of weird nostalgia I'm getting from this show. I wasn't even particular invested in the 4Kids dub of the show when I was a kid. But it's ringing home all the same.
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 431x693, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
It has a classic feel to it.
i could get into this
Yeah I'm enjoying it so far. There hasn't really been an honest-to-goodness mahou shoujo show since Madoka threw the entire formula for a spin.
This is a pretty well-animated ED.
Search [iqdb] (516 KB, 800x600, 1515114293108.png )
okay mitsuboshi colors! I assume bang is watching, yes. it would be nice if bang could maybe update us on what he was up to though okay let's start!
ok is bang watchng
Mutsubishi Corollas
oh my bad i thought we were done yeah im on it
this seems like a moe-ish show
I think the mangaka or at least the character designer is well-known for doing loli-service shows. Nothing sexual but kind of "surely you wouldn't draw so many little girls unless you had a fascination with them, right?" sort of thing.
Kirara found it pretty funny though so it's probably good.
it won't be like this next time i watch anime sorry attention being diverted
Honestly we're still more or less on normal time for watching stuff. You underestimate how distracted Squid can get inbetween shows.
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 570x850, 1515301167360.jpg )
>>389811 >>389812 Yeah, we're making more or less normal itme. No worries!
What a peaceful place, that three kids like that can wander around a shoutengai like that without a care.
That really is a cat that looks like a panda. Like aside from the pointed ears it's pretty much a minature panda.
this is cute
Search [iqdb] (545 KB, 703x720, 1465269625803.png )
Yeah, that is a panda cat. I want a panda cat.
>I wanted to kill it, though
Get wrecked.
Oh shit.
Well the kid did ask Colonel Monochrome to find her a weapon.
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, 1430036069749.jpg )
Wow, where did they get one of those?
It was up on the shelf the cat jumped up onto from the sadistic girl's helmet.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, 1435112264750.jpg )
It's going to be real, isn't it?
It's got a safety. How many imitation bazookas need a safety?
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Maybe it's a really good imitation? A real one would actually be really heavy, but I think it possible that the anime doesn't acknowledge this. actually he's talking about the weight right now oh good It was fake.
He's got good trigger...whatever that's call. Called, even. Wow she actually caught it with a palm clap.
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colo(…).jpg )
I think the yellow one might be Sana from Alice to Zouroku.
Oh no I got it totally wrong. She is one of the three girls from Sore ga Seiyuu! that were literal nobodies at the time that show ran.
Oyaji is a pretty decent guy, setting up a treasure hunt for the kids.
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colo(…).jpg )
Comfy show!
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 01(…).jpg )
okay, thanks for anime! bedtime for me.
Thanks for amine