Oh wow I'm reading the maid dragon spin off And apparently Kobayashi wears makeup I'm actually pretty surprised
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>map where you're forced to only use bow units >everything in the game that isn't pegasus trumps bow units >three dragons run to my base >sakura just fucking dies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Allied troop morale raised after Swordmaster was saved immediately followed by >Mission failed, allied units were not saved WHAT x
Heh Serves you right
a null pleasure indeed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>allied commander is going to the enemy base WHY
Whenever I try to pet my cat in the winter I always end up giving her a big static zap right on ner nose. Poor girl.
>>386959 same she sleeps on my leather jacket so she doesn't get all staticky i feel really bad when i have to take it away to wear it and she gets really upset
hello are you on lunch or // oh it's the weekend isn't it right fuck me i'm stupid
Koi...- - -...
im actually clocking out right now thanks
i'm going to clock out when i fuckin die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"Thank you for saving me oh I'm Celica btw" "What are you going to do now" "I'm going to help you guys I guess"
Today is teophany
>>386963 Yeah, it's the weekend. I basically slept all day but I have no regrets.
โ Kannagiโ
Sleeping all day is great but fills me with regrets!
>>386968 i've got a lot of research to do this weekend so i forgot it was the weekend and a lot of new consulting work to do this upcoming week but i'm excited for it i have phone conferences and all sorts of important people stuff so i feel like an actual important person
Koi...- - -...
>>386969 same but im going to work nights soon so it will be life
Leonardo Da Vinci being a girl is probably more of a stretch.
>>386989 I think Leonardo Da Vinci being a girl is less of a stretch. He was just a smart artist. It's easy for a girl to be smart and artistic.
King Arthur was a) a king and b) a really strong knight! It would have been hard for a girl to get the respect of all those burly men and it would have been hard for a girl to be strong enough to compete physically with knights and stuff!
Kirara ๐
>>386990 There aren't any historical documents proving King Arthur ever existed, though. So it's possible that he could have just been a really strong girl. We don't know anything about it!
Leonardo Da Vinci has a lot of primary sources relating to him so it'd be harder for him to be a woman without us knowing.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Girls can be strong knights too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Thanks Merlin
>>386991 I'm talking about the plausibility of actually being able to do the job though!
>>386992 Being as strong as men as one of the few things that girls actually can't do.
Kirara ๐
>>386994 Well, raw strength isn't the only thing necessary to be a knight. She could have just been incredibly skilled and reasonably strong and been able to function very well as a knight.
>>386994 I think that actress taht plays the sheknight in game of thrones could rival some men though not someone who is her size
As for king arthut, he most likely was a roman commander or some local lord post roman age before the saxons invaded proper
Koi...- - -...
jeanne did it
or all of them and is maglamation of many "heroes" of an age where historical recording was bit sketchy
>>386998 she never fought though just boosted morale
Koi...- - -...
she did it though
Kirara ๐
>>386999 I think that's the leading theory these days; that Arthur is just a conglomeration of legends and myths originally associated with various leaders
that was the word I was thinking of I doubt maglamation is a word >>387002 most likely just the name of one of them stuck or a form of it
People even know that the myth changed a lot when the normandian invasion hapened and english and french courts started sharing the tale and it became romanticised according to the feudal era so whatever it was before that is a fun question
I mean for example, the classical tales cut out one story of king arthur dueling a giant, who had gone around england cutting the beards of every king or lord and making a giant cloack out of them the king and the giant ripped each others beards off and then started dueling with swords untill king arthur killed the beast
>>386995 She didn't just keep up with knights, though, she kept up with legendary knights! THose guys were at the peak of strength and skill.
maybe the court of camelot were actually hero-gods for the locals take for example our national epoch kalevala, whose main cast is made up of people who were also deities to the ancient finns
Kirara ๐
>>387005 Which is possible! With enough skill, the strength is less important.
also if king arthur was actually a girl, all her deeds could be waved away with >magic sword and merlin
Kirara ๐
Yeah, the sword alone should be enough to give her amazing strength.
cause even in the classic tale arthur was just nobody before he took the sword and then he began his conquest though in some tales there were TWo swords
sword in stone being calibur, gifted by merlin to arthur'รคs father but then sealed in stone after the king uther? was it turned bad and then arthur took it when the king was dead and became new king but the sword broke so merlin took arthur to the lady of the lake and the lady gave arthur the excalibur
Koi...- - -...
i am hearing all the cool gossip now track sounds like fun
>>387007 I don't think so! Strength is super important. Testosterone is a hell of a drug!
Koi...- - -...
but with high enuf dex and cha, you can be a cool leader
Also arthur is kinda scrub when he loses say the magic scabbard that healed his wounds he pretty much died in the next battle
Kirara ๐
>>387013 Raw physical strength is basically a gate which can prevent you from doing things if you don't meet that requirement, but women can meet the strength requirements for Arthur's feats so all that's necessary is the skill.
And >>387015 Most of Arthur's greatness comes from the blessed items. So Arthur from the legend could have plausibly been a woman.
It's more plausible than Da Vinci being a woman, at least.
his wife cucked by lancelot
and he banged his sister/cousin whatever and then that son birthed from that union killed him
BUt it really depends which version of the tale the classical knight tale could be fulfilled by a skilled woman, though not someone of saber's size more like that sheknight brianne or something from the game of thrones nearly 2 metres and as wide as most men
Kirara ๐
Not accounting for magic, yeah, they'd have to be BIG
and well with arthur being king, aside from some fights he/she could just genrally pose there all monarchly and go "fiiight" rare kings actually were frontline commanders actually
>>387024 it has its uses not really in arena though
Kirara ๐
Looks like I don't have my first session until Thursday. I forgot that intake sessions are like four hours long, though. That kind of sucks.
>>387024 You can make it work with like, fury, or something pretty easily. Especially in tempest or chain battles.
Kirara ๐
not that it's something i'd consider using in many situations even if i did use reinhardt
Wow, double savage blow healer builds seem to be really popular now. And pretty effective.
Kirara ๐
Yeah. I guess the game had to throw a unit like that at them for most people to pick it up. It's really annoying, though. There needs to be a way to protect from it. Especially considering you can easily make a unit that you can't counterattack that can have pain and double savage blow.
>>387028 i think the BHB gave a bunch of people that cheeky idea i've been seeing a lot of it lately too >>387026 the old go-to was ardent sacrifice reinhardt plop it once and your vantage is set
>>387029 Yeah, it kinda kills your whole team if they have a dancer.
Kirara ๐
>>387031 Especially considering that so many healers are super tanky and attacking them will just deal a ton of damage to you and surrounding units unless you can kill them. So even if you can't counterattack and manage to get a hit in, they can mess you up pretty bad still. There's not even a staffbreaker skill or anything.
omurice is good
Wow, this was an impressive team. It's a 60 attack Tana, with a firesweep lance, and a goad flyers flying Azura behind her.
Kirara ๐
you can do something like this with a 4* maria
How do they inherit stats from others?
Kirara ๐
the character with the skill you want becomes fodder for the character you want the skill on so that first character disappears and then the second gets the skill
so strong characters are ground into paste and fed into the ones you want to keep
Kirara ๐
oftentimes yeah a lot of weak characters can be made incredibly strong by feeding them strong units for good skills
like >>387035 is normally one of the weakest things possible but this set-up allows her to deal 24 damage (which is around 50% of many units' HP) to anyone without repercussion
would make for some gurodoujins
>>387035 Pain+ has a "No Counterattack" variant, right?
Kirara ๐
>>387041 Yeah. In this scenario, you'd be using that
High speed makes it impossible to double (generally) and high res and def make it hard to kill her on the first attack after not killing on the first attack, her def gets raised by 7 and she becomes even more difficult to kill attacking her without killing her means taking 10 damage to the attacking unit and surrounding units
it's incredibly annoying and there's no real way to counter it a dancer + healer like this can obliterate you
I thought healers couldn't get Savage Blow but either that changed or that was only a restriction on Poison Strike
Kirara ๐
they've always been able to get savage blow but yeah, they can't get poison strike
>>387060 yeah without too much trouble you can kill her but she'll probably ruin your perfect arena streak
I'd probably WoM Soleil rather than rush for Aether if you really want to ruin Arena Streaks but Wrath sounds nice offensively
She's red so just Blue Mage her for 51
Kirara ๐
yeah, pretty much a good brave bow will fuck her over too most blue units and units with swordbreaker won't have too much trouble with her
Speaking of arena, I have ten arena defenses this time too. I'm really happy with it.
Kirara ๐
what's your defense team, again? i have two defenses this week
Corrin, Amelia, Black Knight, and Olivia. I don't really have a decent bonus unit so I didn't even bother.
Kirara ๐
The bonus units this time were all crap except for the event ones.
My defense team is Black Knight, Amelia, bow Jakob, and Nowi.
Maybe I should switch Jakob out for one of my dancers. I wish I had a distant counter.
I was thinking about putting Close Defense on Amelia since I don't have a good A skill for her.
I was getting a good number of defendses with Mia in Black Knight's place, but BK gets more. I think it's definitely my very liberal abuse of distant counter/vantage that trips up so many teams. I really like my Corrin, she gets a better win rate on the mass dueling simulator than any Nowi I tried to build.
Kirara ๐
I've never used the mass dueling simulator
It's a useful tool for testing builds, I think. Without tweaking it, it only tests you against default units though. But it's a good tool for knowing how effective your build generally is.
>>387071 That's only natural since Corrin has high speed
โ Kannagiโ
I kind of want a VR headset but I feel like if I did buy one I'd have fallen for a market ploy and brought something completely worthless.
>>387073 Yeah, that's the case. Nowi has more tanking power, but Corrin is better at getting kills. I think she surprises a lot of people in the arena.
>>387076 They look like fun but are pretty expensive, I don't think I can justify the cost for one. VR chat looks super silly though!
>>387078 It looks fun, and there are some other fun games for it too.
I think I'm going to upgrade my graphics card, it needs it anyway. Then if I'm still craving it in a few months I may get it.
I work all the time and make pretty good money, so the cost doesn't bother me too much. I don't want to get buyer's remorse though.
โ Kannagiโ
>>387079 I updated my graphics card a while ago. I got a GTX 1060 3GB I think it could be capable. I am not too sure.
Kirara ๐
>>387075 Looks like I can get Nowi to just five fewer wins in the simulator compared to your Corrin.
>>387080 Yeah that sounds like it's pretty close to the "maybe yes, maybe no" territory. The GTX10xx line is pretty good and has sort of been tailored for VR hardware but the 1060 is starting to get down in quality within that.
>>387080 I'm using a radeon 290 or something. It's not good enough.
Now is a bad time to have to get a new graphics card since bitcoins are big. I kinda hope bitcoins crash so that GPU prices will go down.
I know! fuck bitcoin they have raised the prices so much
Kirara ๐
>>387083 I just had to switch to vantage and +spd lightning breath.
โ Kannagiโ
>>387082 1060 is a big improvement over what I did have. I got it a while ago now. last year or maybe the year before that?
>>387085 What turn order are you using? Nowi can get pretty close to corrin if you go Challenger to Enemy. Corrin has a much higher win percentage if it's just a single enemy turn though.
Kirara ๐
>>387087 Oh, I dunno. I didn't see that I could change the turn order.
>>387088 Yeah, that's a useful tool. Corrin's strength is one round killing units that attack her, particularly ranged units.
The only two units in the game that can attack my Corrin and kill her are Julia and Deidre. Well, before SI. I had a +10 Reinhardt with horse buffs attack my Corrin and kill her in one round. That made me mad, so now I make sure the only unit available to Reinhardt when I see him is Amelia.
>>387086 Yeah, the 10xx line is a decent improvement over the previous 9xx line even, let alone older lines. Honestly I don't really know much about minimums and basic components needed to get into VR but I'd imagine for the stuff which actually looks of decent resolution you'd need a pretty strong card.
โ Kannagiโ
>>387090 I also wear glasses and I don't think VR headsets are meganekko friendly
>>387091 I also wear glasses. The internet says glasses will fit into most of them. The vive supposedly has like lens adjustment so you can fit your glasses in. Samurai knows more about this topic I think.
Kirara ๐
>>387089 How many inconclusive results does your Corrin get?
โ Kannagiโ
>>387092 I hope so! I don't want to buy one and have the lens of my glasses smushed against my eyeballs
Honestly for most major VR headsets a "do glasses fit into [specific headset]?" Google would clear that up.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara ๐
eat them
โ Kannagiโ
>>387095 Apparently it depends on how big your lens are.
>>387102 Hard question. There was a lot of really good stuff from last year.
I started watching Just Because! yesterday, liking it so far.
Yeah, I really liked Just Because!. There was a nice, almost nostalgic sort of feeling to it. Nice cast of characters too.
Kirara ๐
>>387089 i tested it out and my nowi is a lot better than your corrin in terms of one-shotting enemies attacking her and also not getting killed if i use hp+ seal on nowi, no enemies will be able to kill her if they initiate the attack and she'll kill way more of the attackers err wait she'll kill like 4 fewer attackers but none of the attackers can kill her
>>387107 Oh, that's interesting. That's one of the things I like about that tool. Sometimes you will learn that seals that you didn't think were very helpful to you actually are. I would have not thought that hp+5 would have made all that difference for Nowi.,
>>387093 With the build I use, I get 136 wins, 2 losses, 52 inconclusive.
>>387094 Yeah, it would be nice if there was a way to test it out first.
Everyone DIED while I was in the shower.
Kirara ๐
I hope you'll mourn me well.
>>387109 Yeah, I'm surprised an HP seal is so effective for Nowi. With atk+ or spd+, only like 2-5 units can kill her.
It's pretty handy! That tool was able to show me that a +def refine was actually best for my summer Robin. I would have never guessed that.
Kirara ๐
I'm trying to find a way to make Caeda usable with it.
It's good for that sort of thing too. I wasn't able to make many of the less viable units really good though. It seems like the units that it's easiest to make really good are dragons and armor units. I've also had success with some speedy swords like Mia.
>find orc encampemnt being attacked by a giant >go help cause giants fun to kill >just before death blow launches one orc npc into stratosphere >a minute later falls down >immediately comes back up >Halt you have no business here skyrim is fun
Kirara ๐
>>387114 Yeah, I can't seem to get Caeda above like 110 wins.
>>387116 I don't think moderately low ATK is that big a problem. Caeda's is extremely low though. I don't think she can be fixed becuase of that.
Kirara ๐
Fae isn't particularly in a good position since she's green, but I managed to figure out a 40 speed version of Fae with Wins: 169Losses: 19Inconclusive: 2 for enemy -> challenger
โ Kannagiโ
It is hilarious reading headlines in Japanese news about Trump. >ใใฉใณใๅคง็ตฑ้ ใ่ชๅใฏใจใฆใๅฎๅฎใใๅคฉๆใ โๆด้ฒๆฌโใซๅ็บ
i had trouble with Fae too. THere are too many good red units that just absolutely run over her. She also has kinda middling stats.
Kirara ๐
>>387120 Young Tiki is pretty easy to work with but old Tiki not nearly as much.
I hope they start introducing more dragons soon. They should start off the year right with a bunch of older characters.
>>387121 We still need some really basic goad and fortify skills for dragons too that all the other unit families have.
And yes Old Tiki has some problems, her lack of speed can't really be fixed.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"I am the crown prince of nohr Xander. You are no one." d-damn
YuuKirara ๐
This is a fun little tool.
I put together a new years corrin with Wins: 175Losses: 7Inconclusive: 8 fir enemy->challenger
Oh, that sounds really good. Seems like he will be a very capable unit.
Kirara ๐
It needs close counter, though! I can get it to Wins: 168Losses: 21Inconclusive: 1 without close counter
I want to make a really good close counter unit.
Kirara ๐
I wish they'd make those skills a little easier to get.
Like, maybe give us GHB units or Tempest units that have it or something.
Yeah. They're extremely important skills and if you are lucky enough to get one you can make an amazing top tier unit.
Buffing lightning breath was a definite step in the right direction, though. Maybe they should offer distant counter on some weapons through the refinery like you can do with lightning breath.
Kirara ๐
Yeah, that'd be good.
If you look at the top units in the arena assault thing, you notice that every single unit in the top 50 has distant counter.
Those skills skew the game towards whales way too much.
what the hell is a distant counter? grabbing a pipe and redirecting an arrow/spell back tot he launcher?
It means you can counterattack people even if your weapon isn't ranged.
Kirara ๐
you can make your sword extend
Kirara ๐
>Wins: 183Losses: 5Inconclusive: 2 >SELIPH
being home is a nice feeling
Kirara ๐
>Wins: 184Losses: 2Inconclusive: 4 damn seliph has potential
no more dust sleeps
pic related
>>387137 >>387135 How did you build him? I actually really like Seliph, i think his art looks good.
Interesting. Seliph wouldn't be hard to get a high merge on either if you wanted to put some feathers into it.
Kirara ๐
That's for enemy->challenger the reverse has like 25 losses and the rest are wins you can get Wins: 184Losses: 2Inconclusive: 4 with glacies instead of ignis too
it's a reasonably easy build except for wrath
Kirara ๐
switching wrath out for anything puts you at ~10 losses
Kirara ๐
and he loses to delthea and subaki lol
That's still a pretty good unit.
Kirara ๐
Yeah, might be fun to use. Would be even better with an ally bonus
It would surprise people too. I think a big part of getting lots of arena wins is putting units in front of people that surprise them. I would not take a Seliph seriously until he was killing my units.
Samurai Duckface !KW2DbpWwls
I already had dinner I don't need a burrito.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>unlock Lyn >She's fast as fuck I know I should have expected this but I sure didn't
Kirara ๐
>>387147 here's an interesting navarre >Wins: 184Losses: 6Inconclusive: 0 for challenger->enemy->challenger
yeah, a little mia is a little cooler because she has flashing blade though
She's cuter, too!
There are too many guys that look better than Navarre.
Kirara ๐
Yeah, I don't think I'd ever actually use him.
I ran for the first time in awhile a few days ago. My foot kinda hurts still. It feels better today though.
Kirara ๐
It's too cold to run here. It kinda sucks. How far did you do?
2.5 miles, that's my regular run. I didn't really feel that out of shape despite taking a break from running for awhile.
Kirara ๐
Wow, nice. Do you know what your time is?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I should commit to exercising except actually do it unlike the last couple times I've thought about it.
I think the healthier diet is probably going to be good though. As long as I keep things like delicious 100 pepperoni pizza like today to a minimum.
Kirara ๐
You can eat junk food occasionally.
If you want to lose weight, you should do some calculations.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yup, that's what I'm going for.
Er, context, I meant that in regards to the junk food, I've been keeping tabs on that. As for calculations, you mean like what I should do for x time to burn calories yadda yadda that?
>>387165 Nah, it's not terribly fast though. I run at 5.0 mph on the treadmill.
>>387166 I don't really watch my diet all all. I just eat what I want to and exercise.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>387169 Yes, you see, you're doing the latter half of that. I am not really doing much exercise is the thing.
Kirara ๐
I also pretty much just eat whatever I want I just tend to not want gross bad stuff
>>387168 I mean more about for adjusting your diet. You'll want to take exercise into account, but the calculations for adjusting your diet are more immediately important because they're what you use to determine the pace at which you plan to lose weight by telling you how many calories you can have.
I've been paying attention to calories lately My lunch tends to hover around 500, the cafeteria is nice and labels their stuff online. Breakfast is probably also around 500 just because it varies, I usually have an orange juice and a cappucino as well as whatever breakfast food which ranges from toast and a breakfast bar to [pop-tarts] >>387173 At both my last job and this one I sit down 99% of the time. I guess I do use my brain for it, though it's very repetitive so I don't know if it's doing a lot of work up there.
I snack and eat whatever. I have a real bad sweet tooth. I spend a lot of time on my feet at work though. I use my brain a lot too, using your brain burns calories.
>>387173 I have to. I used to be all about the slow pacing and long distances, but ever since I fucked up my knee, I can't run at a slower pace than like 7mph without my knee getting messed up for a few days. I have to have a higher speed because of that, haha.
I wouldn't mind losing weight until I manage to take that tiny bit over the ridge into overweight turns into healthy, but honestly I wouldn't mind not "losing weight" at all if I could look a little more toned. Which is why I should probably consider exercise more seriously. My general build is mostly okay but I'm , well, less lean than I could be.
>>387174 Oh, that's pretty weird. You should get you knee looked at!
Kirara ๐
>>387176 It's not that weird. My knee moves a little differently when I'm running at a slower pace so the different angle and repetitive stress on it is what messes it up. I know I should get it looked at but I don't think there's a way to fix it.
>>387175 Well, a pound of fat is basically around 3500 calories. So, for example, if you cut 500 calories out of your diet every day for a week, you'll probably lose a pound that week. You can also burn those calories, of course, but you'd want to overall have 500 fewer calories everyday that week.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
You know what I just realized would probably help A scale I have no idea where that thing went when I left for college.
Kirara ๐
Your mom doesn't have one?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
We used to but I don't know where it went.
Kirara ๐
Do you have body fat calipers?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Plus it'd be an opportunity to nab one of those electronic ones instead of an old tick tick one. >>387181 What the heck is that
Kirara ๐
You use them to measure your body-fat percentage.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sou I do not have those
Kirara ๐
Your BFP is a good thing to know when you're starting to get healthy. It'll give you an idea of how fit you currently are and you'll be able to see progressions in your fitness that may not be immediately visible in your body shape. BFP is better than BMI or anything like that when it comes to measuring an individual's fitness.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I went ahead and grabbed one of those whenever I feel like making a purchase.
Kirara ๐
It can also help you figure out what kinds of exercises you want to do.
For example, I just measured my body fat percentage in a few locations, and around my stomach, it's 14%. Which is a little higher than I'd like but I haven't been exercising too much lately. So that tells me that I can lose some fat there and exercises that focus on that area are a good idea.
My thighs are around 9% body fat. That's pretty good and it'd be dangerous if I lost body fat stored there right now, so I'd want to avoid doing things that focus too heavily there, even though I kind of wish I had slimmer thighs. My thighs aren't slim because they're really muscular. But you can't necessarily tell that without checking your body fat.
Kirara ๐
Oh, but I'm not saying you should just ignore stuff because there's low body fat somewhere. The minimum body fat you need to survive is something between like 5 and 10 percent. Closer to five is bad news, so if you do get that low somewhere, it could be a problem. If you wanted to gain muscle in your arms and you had a low fat percentage there already, that wouldn't be a problem unless your fat was dangerously low.
I absolutely could work on my thighs but it wouldn't make them look slimmer because there's not a lot of fat there to slim down. That's what I meant.
>>387189 I've always been underweight, so I had to learn all this stuff to make sure I didn't get so underweight that I was ill.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
huh I like how informed you are
Kirara ๐
it's easier to get in shape when you know the mechanics of how the body gains weight and fat and stuff it's good to be able to look at ingredients and nutrition labels and figure out if something's good for you or not, too you don't really have to learn anything complicated and there's a lot of good info on google about reading nutrition labels
it's good to research the exercises you're going to do before you do them, too because a lot of them are done incorrectly by most people for example, the way people's put their hands when they do pushups where the wrist is basically at a 90 degree angle is very bad for your wrists most people do it that way because they're taught wrong and they're taught wrong because you need equipment to comfortably do pushups properly you can do proper pushups using pushup bars which you hold onto and they lift you slightly above the ground so you're not putting tons of weight on your weak wrists, or you can use good pillows and do pushups on your fists
not knowing how to properly do an exercise can result in chronic injuries and stuff you might not injure your wrists doing those pushups wrong for example, but the stress will build up in your wrists and make them more prone to injury in the future as well as weaken the ligaments and potentially weaken the bones (depending on your weight)
it's a little safer for me to do pushups like that than normal people because i have abnormally loose ligaments and am highly flexible, but i still try to avoid doing it incorrectly
some exercises can damage your spine if you do them incorrectly so you gotta watch out
I'm not nearly as scholarly about it, I just do whatever.
Kirara ๐
I also generally just do whatever. I just eat when I eat and exercise frequently.
You gotta know this stuff if you're under or overweight though and want to fix it
Kirara ๐
oh they brought the ephraim and eirika bhb back i hate that one
Oh, neat. I don't think I did that one because I wasn't playing at the time it was out.
Kirara ๐
I never did the hardest difficulty because it's too ridiculous. It should be a walk in the park for you with Amelia, though.
I decided to update my BIOS, and my computer stopped working! I fixed it though. What a rush!
Kirara ๐
Why would you decide to update your BIOS?
Cause I was looking at it and it's like 17 versions out of date. Or it was. Now it's not!
Kirara ๐
I see
I should see some minor performance improvement from it, most notably with RAM. It's also compatible with 7th generation processors now so I can upgrade it if I want to.
thank you nhato
It wasn't booting because it forgot what my boot drive was. A computer illiterate like me probably shouldn't be messing around with stuff like that.
Kirara ๐
I ranked like 15k in Lissa's army with like 1 million score. The top players have like 3.2 million. I don't get how they manage that.
There's an app that tells you when you're up and what the multiplier is for the hour.
Kirara ๐
well i can just check periodically for that having an alarm would never allow me to reach 3 million points
being late by a single second removes a single game, which is normal. but then time stacks by 30 minute intervals.
Kirara ๐
but you're heavily limited by the number of flags you can get
the people with 3mil now had 2mil in the last round so i know they weren't saving up flags
They're not last minute stacking. They burn based on multiplier.
Kirara ๐
this much is obvious '
my confusion lies in the fact that they're getting 3 million points which does not appear to be possible to me even using the multipliers especially considering most of the multipliers are only 4-5x until the end these are people that are getting their first million points within the first few hours of the voting gauntlet
The first few hours is highly volatile. That's when you have the first set of heavy multipliers since the point totals are small and a few points can mean a big difference in % difference. What's the highest multiplier? 7? 9? in a single hour you can get 200*100*2 so 40000. a 5x multiplier grabs you 200k
Kirara ๐
the first few hours were all under 4x multiplier
Kirara ๐
the first 5x multiplier occurred at 23 hours into the game
Kirara ๐
and you can get 1500 flags and they got like 1 million points using what, 1100 flags maybe during the early multipliers? and manage to get 3 million still?
i'm pretty sure there's something we don't understand about the way scoring works because i understand what you're explaining to me, but assuming that's true, they shouldn't be scoring like this
1500 per round. I dunno, either they're cheating, they're INCREDIBLY DILIGENT, or you're remembering it wrong. >>387230 No, I get that they weren't saving. I mean that, they get 1500 per round so they manage 1mil per round with 1500 flags.
they weren't saving up because they were scoring the same in the last round
i know i'm not remembering it wrong because i've been checking the leaderboards almost hourly because i've been examining all the lead units people use
Kirara ๐
>>387229 nooooo i have 1 mil in this round and 2.1 mil overall
these people got 2 mil last round and 3 mil this round their 3 mil doesn't include the cumulative score
oh, so you're saying that their total score is probably like 7-9m
Kirara ๐
yeah, which seems incredibly ridiculous to me there's got to be something to scoring
Well, if there were anything new to scoring, I wouldn't know. check your new-fangled elements and stuff maybe they have some oh wait, yeah, there's also the 10 or 20% bonus from the main unit being used 10% I think So there's that
>>387224 I think Lissa needs a last round multiplier to win!
Kirara ๐
>>387235 We're already in the last hour and Azura has the 7.5x multiplier.
>>387234 Are you sure? There's nothing in the rules that says that.
>>387236 lol, you guys gave Azura the multiplier? what are you doing
>>387236 If you take the character that you're representing in the gauntlet into battle, you get like 10% bonus points.
This is part of the reason why it's nice to roll before deciding to jump in the Gauntlet.
Kirara ๐
that is not mentioned in the rules anywhere so i'm doubtful
what the rules do say, though, is that the more friends in your friend list the more points you get
maybe I gained more friends and just thought it was the power of using the same character
no, I'm right. >1.1x boost if a player's lead hero is the same as the Hero of the army they joined (eg. Using Sharena as a lead hero while supporting Sharena's hero army)
Kirara ๐
still seems crazy to manage 3 mil even with that
ah, the multiplier is based on the duration of the round. So the later it is, the stronger it is.
Kirara ๐
azura gained more than 10,000,000,000 points in the last hour
Kirara ๐
Google keeps giving me more and more ads about whether or not my girlfriend is cheating on me. I really don't get why,
If Google is trying to make me distrustful, it's not working
Google is conspiring Don't listen to google
>now I know what you're thinking - Google, 20XX
>>387248 >Take this short quiz to find out if he's cheating on you!!
it's cold what is this cold chill following me around at night
Kirara ๐
As far as I can remember, I've only googled like one thing recently that even had anything that could be interpreted as being about a girlfriend And I don't think it'd easily be misinterpreted as maybe my girlfriend is cheating on me All I searched was information about late periods
left my phone in someone's car is it going to get damaged from being in the cold
>>387253 i love the shit that people search for like "What does it mean when my girlfriend asks me to buy tampons???" like there's a hidden meaning or something
>>387236 Yeah, kinda lame but oh well. At least I get a lot of feathers.
>>387255 Men are really stupid it's almost amazing how stupid they are when it comes to shit like that, especially young men
I can't imagine searching for information on late periods would make Google think I'm worried about my girlfriend cheating on me though I can't imagine how it'd come up with something like that even aggregating my data
Kirara ๐Yuu
What What What What What What What if What if What if What if What if What if What if it dfs
Kirara ๐
What the fuck?
okay I don't know what that was all about, some kind of auto-prediction turned on.
I don't even remember, all that was so shocking that I forgot what I was going to type!
Kirara ๐
It certainly was shocking. I thought maybe bang was posting with your name or something.
>>387253 ... that's enough of a connection to make sense
Kirara ๐
>>387267 It's barely a connection at all. I can understand a line of thought that it could come up with it from using that, but it'd have to be ignoring a lot of previous data Google has on me. Also, most people searching for late periods aren't doing so because of infidelity.
previous data like what? and I'm sure most people searching for late periods aren't but what about unmarried, male, living with their partner for X years, coming back from a road trip kinds of people?
Kirara ๐
Well, I searched for information on late periods while I was on the trip. And Google was likely aware that I was on the trip with my girlfriend, too.
i'm sorry but i'm laughing
google is the fucking worst, oh my gooooood
my way of thinking about this is rather than "why would it think I am curious about possible infidelity" but "what kind of person in my situation would be thinking about this" "who is this aimed at" Being afraid that your girl may have cheated either before or during the road trip is something else.
Kirara ๐
Well, during wouldn't make much sense. I guess it could think I was worried about before it.
But I also think Google might think I'm a woman?
It wouldn't make "biological sense" but >sexual education but yeah. Was it giving you those ads before you came back? Like during the trip?
Kirara ๐
I didn't see any during the trip, but I also wasn't doing a lot of browsing during the trip aside from a few searches, so I wasn't exposed to many ads.
okay It would greatly bother me if Google did something like that mid-trip. It's like a bad Black Mirror episode >What if Google knew you were cheating and was trying to warn your girlfriend but it made you paranoid about it instead on a field trip?
What if google thinks you're a cheating woman?
What if google thinks you're a murderer and reports you to the fbi >look up ropes, knives, and gasoline on amazon >police pay you a visit
I remember when I was talking to my friend who was worried about his gf cheating in the past and I was like bitch, weren't you cheating on her with that other girl from Ohio?
>yeah but that's... NAH NIGGA SHUT THE FUCK UP How does this always seem to happen
Kirara ๐
>>387278 That's plausible because Google doesn't have a good idea of my gender, since it frequently gives me ads for makeup and women's clothing. But these ads in particular show a male and a female together and it asks if I want to find out if my girlfriend is cheating on me. The male in it is holding a phone so I assume the male there is supposed to represent me.
If Google thinks I'm a cheating woman afraid that my period is late, I guess that would make sense, though.
Google is a snitch.
Kirara ๐
oh i was misremembering who was holding the phone
>>387283 what do you think this actually does if you enter a number
Kirara ๐
maybe google thinks i'm a lesbian? but then it wouldn't think i'm worried about my own period being late so that doesn't make sense either hmm
>>387284 It gathers a bunch of information that it can find about the person connected to the phone number. Including court records, summons, home purchases, etc.
I was asked to find information about a certain person who was doing real estate scams in NYC, got deported, and started doing similar scams in the Caribbean. InstantCheckmate wasn't that helpful but it did get me something else that I was able to look up on my own by going to the actual court records place. ...Then I spent like 30$ on printing court documents.
I remember I looked up a couple people with some similar service and the info i got was pretty outdated Accurate to about 5-10 years ago >>387289 >$30 to print how many pages?
or was it $20. I think it was 20 .25 a page
Kirara ๐
There was also that girl that asked me if Jews have sex using a sheet I wonder if Google latched onto that somehow too
The info on IC wasn't bad though. It just didn't give us what we needed. It confirmed some addresses though and that helped with confirming which court docs to grab.
>>387292 Haha what Where did she get the idea there was a sheet involved
I saw a business card for a taco shop today some shitty local business but the fucking name was literally "Taco Kike" i showed it to my nepali coworker and he didn't know what Kike even meant it was weird
Well that is fun I got a solid 20-30 minutes added to my trip from here to centre bceasus SUBWAY IS SOOO USEFUL EVERYONE MUST USE IT t. official
Kirara ๐
>>387294 It's an old, widely spread myth about orthodox Jews.
Kirara ๐
I'm looking through my search history and there's this one day where my search historu /// history is like "steal gideon's bible" and then "late period"
>>387283 well Let me tell you, women woh are cheating get very paranoid about the guy cheating too.
>>387296 I didn't know that. how can such a strange notion even exist?
Kirara ๐
>>387297 and before this it's all searches about knife laws in the states i was going to visit
I can't figure this out and it's bothering me so much
Kirara ๐
But Google didn't give me those ads until after the trip!
>>387304 I dunno. I don't think Fish would be googling anything that might make Google think there are worries about infidelity or anything.
>>387303 ah i get ads about auto finance and insurance a lot but i don't even have a car
>>387306 Okay, maybe I wrote that wrong. Google "THOUGHT" that you would do something terrible. And the ads are advertising services for people who think that way
google just wants to help
Kirara ๐
>What the fuck, dude, you went on that trip and came back without doing anything >Look, let me give you hand >check this out and find out for sure so you can kill her >don't bitch out
She's Kaguya Luna. A.I. already wants to collab with her
>>387367 She's the newest youtube whore. She is like that other youtube whore, except that she's rendered at like 10 FPS and her voice is messed up, she sounds like she's voiced by either a retard or a guy using a voice changer.
My god that boobthing is annoying 10fps and fucking annoying voice
You guys will never find my youtube channel lol
>>387389 i bet i can find it by reviewing quarx's subscribers
i bet you can find a youtube channel that i own, but not the one with 40k subs
i bet you can find these dicks if you use a mirror to look in you're mouth
you're right i will never find your youtube channel probably
you can't find what doesn't exist
wow i'll just keep all my characters to myself then
i have a youtube channel with like 300 videos of gameplay footage
i have one with a couple hundred videos that are all set to private they're literally just videos of bejeweled
and like 10 subscribers idk how they even found me i don't have tags i just use it to upload funny shit at least used to, now i just use twitter
>>387397 I don't think that qualifies as being a youtuber.
>>387395 Don't feel bad! I don't dislike her, even though she's a youtube whore. I think she's like the only one that hasn't sold out and started doing pubg videos, so there's that!
what doesn't kill you makes you a crippled piece of shit for the rest of your life
rat regs
Kirara ๐
rat legs
Lab-grown river rat legs.
Kirara ๐
oh fuck i forgot about the river rats
I always remember.
what are they just muskrats what is it
this really sucks i just want a normal weekedn my body is dying
Do you get any sort of double-day off?
Kirara ๐
river rats are just the rats that are in the river
you gotta clone them in a lab so you can eat them
my days off keep shifting because of holidays and I don't get holiday pay for the first 30 days and training isn't something that you can just have an off day of so I have to make those days up and I keep losing my saturdays because of it Christmas and New Years And next will be MLKJ Day all down the tube this is trash
that's rough man you're pretty brave for enduring all that i don't know if i could i'm garbage
I know it probably doesn't serve as much of a consolation but a month isn't a long stretch of time once you get into it. It'll be over before you know it. And things will probably stop shifting around so much before that time is up.
>>387483 okay well whatever word you want to use to describe that i am sure it's hard work and takes a lot of dedication to deal with those shifts and i'm proud of you for getting through it or whatever
It's not so much that a month is taking a long time. But that "You don't get holiday pay until you have at least 30 days on the job" coincides with "there are three national holidays that coincide with your first 30 days" is really lame.
Kirara ๐
monay it's a gas grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
Like, if I had started in November. I'd have been off those days AND be making money at the same time.
in November LIKE I SHOULD HAVE If the office didn't send me home for whatever unknown reason that they did that day.
>>387485 "Lucky" "Fortunate" "Having a decent tactical backup plan when all your dreams of your own vocations fail"
grab the stash and dash
>>387493 That still doesn't cover the nuisance and irritation of dealing with the shift work though.
>>387494 grabbing dash sounds hazardous to one's health
The shifts become stable after training finishes. The shifts WOULD be stable if I weren't in training in December. Honestly, everything bad happening right now is happening because I started at the worst time. After this, it'll be cake. >>387501 I recommend the Samsung Galaxy Note 8
oh To be honest,that's a hard question to answer. I only knew that it was going to rise back up after new years
hey blue I want to upgrade my graphics card. When are bitcoins going to crash?
>>387514 everyone's buying gpus for machine learning and for processing graphics people but asics for mining and there are cpu-based mining setups now that are pretty cheap to manage and even if it was, the high demand drives innovation fast enough that prices will be driven down with new releases quickly as new stuff comes out
Honestly, I thought you had bought some and wanted to sell at a nice peak so you can enjoy a nice purchase lol
silly ko-shi
Kirara ๐
surely rika of all people would never buy something unless she sold bitcoins for it
... wait why would they buy gpus for bitcoins is that how those things work
That's how you mined a long time ago. With high end graphics cards.
Kirara ๐
>>387524 what ignorance i thought you were a techie
>>387529 Remember when I said my friend made that big box that mined 12 coins a day back a long long time ago. Well, people made more of those. Vastly stronger ones. And the more power in the network, the harder the difficulty it is to mine. ASICs make graphics card mining worthless. Some cryptocurrencies are ASIC resilient (Ethereum) so people use their cards on those instead.
>>387529 application specific integrated circuits gpus are still big in data processing and neural nets but there's other optimized stuff there too GPUs being used in these things were mostly because of their market presence and affordability, but things are getting more specific now that there's a market to drive the specialized hardware
>>387562 you can save money on your GPU spending if you consider that to be important and every single time you regret spending that money on your GPU instead of spending more money on a better GPU, you can look at your bank account instead of the video game and feel really good about it
what kind of graphics card are you looking at
>>387567 My computer guy told me to get a 1080 TI.
I mean that would set you for the next five years of whatever you want to do. But that's way over the top for VR right now. That would pretty much be second place from top-of-the-line in cards.
>>387569 of course he did if you can afford it, it's probably a decent answer
He told you to get a Graphing Calculator?
is there anything super specific you are wanting to do with it or just general purpose
>>387570 Yeah, I asked for a good one that was kinda future proof.
if you're going nvidia, the 1060 6GB is enough to run anything 1080p at refresh rate if you want 4k res or VR before your next GPU upgrade, you probably want a 1080
Kirara ๐
>>387577 of course you want it to be cheaper if you're looking at something like that
Yeah, regardless of cryptocurrencies influencing prices or whatever else is, a 1080 TI is going to be expensive. Nothing is going to change that. You pretty much are going to have to cross your fingers and hope a manufacturer puts one on sale for some reason if you want to settle for a 1080 TI at a cheaper price.
>future proof >cheap CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY
>>387579 Yeah, it's pretty expensive. I want it to be cheaper.
rika youre looking at a new york strip and going why isnt this as cheap as that other sirloin
Kirara ๐
>>387583 Something like that won't be cheap for years.
>>387584 Yeah, I wish steak were cheaper too You can find pretty good cuts at decent prices though if you're willing to cook them yourself.
>>387581 It's actually hard to even find them in stock!
I want my steak future proof
Kirara ๐
>>387586 There is actually a way to get a 1080 TI for free (legally)
>>387586 Yeah, that that'll drive up market price from retailers too. I got my 1070 pretty early on and supply was super low. It was pretty expensive but will probably serve me another two or so years (having served 1.5 already) unless I want to get into VR, which frankly isn't likely.
borrow it
>>387593 it's still not a bad price looking at how other cards are priced now but holy shit also a 1080 ti is like 1200 bucks your friend probably knows what your income is though, so he's probably still right
>>387601 Yeah, but if we abolish capitalism I won't be allowed to have a graphics card or any other nice things. All we will have is mines to work in.
go look at the tesla p100 for a while so you can feel better about the 1080 price
ToNKirara ๐
>>387609 No way. Nobody can make us work in mines. We'll be free. No government and no capitalists to steal everything from us
the graphics cards will be the ones mining wwwwwwwwww
>>387608 The ones for 1200 dollars seem to be price gouging. It seems like they run 745-850 or so.
>>387613 So we won't even have mines to work in? Just dirt?
>>387620 i still say a 1060 6GB is your best bet am i biased because i have one? absolutely am i still really happy with the card and have al ot less money than you? also yes
just buy it for $700
Kirara ๐
>>387620 You can do whatever you want and work whatever you want wherever you want if you want
>>387623 I'd love to, but they don't seem to be in stock anywhere.
>>387625 so who is going to make my graphics card then
The people who want to experience their waifus in virtual reality. They'll still get made.
>>387620 Once supply improves and demand goes down you might find it dropped down a couple hundred dollars or so. You still probably won't find it for the suggested retail price anywhere though. But that point in the future when the supply/demand balances out is probably difficult to pinpoint.
>>387628 Maybe not. Who knows! Who will bring it to my house?
>>387645 the type of work you're involved in If you want to roadtrip to the graphics card factory and talk to the nerds who are groping their husbandos in virtual reality, I'm sure you will be okay.
>that means you're a roll >what >you meant you're on a roll, but that means you're just a roll >you're bread dude how do I stop getting bullied by my inner voice
Kirara ๐
damn, you has /// had a single roll 9 times in one week
i cant believe blue is fucking dead
wait shit i mean bread fuck
under florida law, lotto jackpot winners can't remain anonymous that's pretty fucked up
the only thig under florida is water dude
>>387658 Anarchy seems even worse than communism well I guess the result of either is my likely death so maybe they're equally bad.
bip bop
>>387680 is that some sick 60 fps dragon loli bip bopping around
Kirara ๐
>>387679 Anarchy is just the abolition of heirarchy. It doesn't actually mean like, mad max lawlessness.
can my graphics card even render that if i dont pay 500 more dollars
>>387680 she looks like she's gonna box and punch someone square up
fucking samurai making fake people this has to stop
>>387753 Well it's more like seme is the pitcher and uke is the catcher. I guess I'm not well informed on how real gay men do it, but the power bottom is a pitcher, right?
>>387755 stop having all that unprotected sex then
>>387779 they could be riding they could be physically submissive but still very controlling of the situation it's a rich and complex tapestry
>>387783 Yeah, but even in that situation it's still like the same dynamic or whatever.
power bottom seems like a phrase that implies that the bottom is the one doing the thrusting.
#flip (true) No, flip. I refuse.
a bottom doesnt have to be physically beneath you
Kirara ๐
>>387788 No way. If the female is the dominant partner, she's the powerful one. Even though she's not trusting a dick. Power isn't just physical thrusting of a penis
>>387788 the person who has the power and control in the relationship is receiving the penis and the person who's doing the penetration is emotionally submissive in the relationship
you wouldnt trust a dick
>>387792 well when you use the phrase in the context of gay men it brings a certain image to mind! It's not my fault, I had no way to know.
Kirara ๐
>>387798 I'm not blaming you for not knowing, but you totally could have known.
Well, you did have a way to know but no one's going to put that against you.
>>387800 nope there was no way for me to know! An innocent maiden just has to use her imagination. Like a female doujin artist who can't draw penises right because she's just in high school!
>>387813 I really couldn't have, because I didn't realize my understanding was wrong!
>>387813 to be fair, if she asked i think people would have came up with bogus answers to be tricky tricksters
>>387814 For someone who claims to be a skeptic you're awfully convinced in the righteousness of your own understanding.
I think you guys would have looked at me funny if I showed up asking about power bottoms.
>>387817 Well you can't really ask if you're wrong about something if you don't know that you're wrong.
Kirara ๐
Maybe you should get some gay friends.
>>387816 That's the prize for those who know. >>387818 In the end, we still get to look at you funny. I mean, if anything, "how else would an innocent maiden know", right?
>>387818 >looked at me weird if i came asking about power bottoms probably not i doubt anyone would think much of it
Kirara ๐
it'd be kind of weird if that made someone came
hey do yoj know what caeda's canonical weapon is
>>387819 I don't think I know any gay people in real life. If I do, I don't know that they're gay.
I have a gay friend on the internet but I don't ask him about his sex life.
>>387821 You really can't! If you are mistaken about something, but have no reason to suspect that you're mistaken about it, why would you ask?
>>387824 fuck i was just trying to save keystrokes i didn't look back at what the actual sentence was
>>387826 to be fair i was being anal when i think about it since you can ask for clarification but youd still need to suspect you may be wrong so you have a point
Kirara ๐
>>387826 I have some gay twitter and Discord friends that are pretty open about it. I don't think many people would be open with you about their sex lives, though.
>>387835 If Fire Emblem, then most likely a Spear because she's a pegasus knight and they almost always start with Spear. The only ones that ever start with sword are like... super classed versions
>>387843 dang i was hoping for skmethig else because all three fire emblem warriors pegasus gals use spear which means their movesets are unpleasantly similar i was hoping for sword since i think shes sword in feh >>387849 yeah but shes a wyvern rider thats super different
Kirara ๐
doesn't camila use an axe
Kirara ๐
same shit
>>387843 What would a pegasus knigh do with a sword even?
Same only in FEH
Kirara ๐
>>387852 same shit in awakening and fates basically
Come to think of it, why would you ride a flying mount to batyle, if it isn't somewhat arrowproof ir proofable? Hirses already are bug targets unarmoured >>387873 Yeah balance and all,but i startedthinking about real strats
>>387872 we've done it online on /moe/ before i only did it once though
We played Catan on moe? I don't remember that.
Kirara ๐
A few of us did. I don't think you were one of them. I barely remember it but I do remember it happened.
you didn't want to
i should watch the second aeason of new game
If i had pegasus mounted unit, i'd just use them as skurmishers Fly to a, fire, flee go b, fire, repeat And occasionally fly while glying Or drop shit down on enemy But to charge at them? That would be silly
i think a game night would be kind of fun but with the internet being what it is it's not quite as special than a game night in person >>387900 it's actually clamando but okay
Kirara ๐
that /moe/ magic tournament was pretty fun
what is it called when a woman goes "free-balling"
dang it kirara you were supposed to use your free time to stay inside and waste away finishing jrpgs i want you to play anf instead tou go on a road trip that enhanced your life experiences
Kirara ๐
if i had stayed home the chance of me doing that would have been the same as if i went on the trip
yeah probably dang id like you to enjoy Tales of Berseria sometime though
Kirara ๐
>>387915 Poor Sugoi lost because of his horrible internet connection.
i didn't and still don't know how to play sugoi tried to teach me i'm just very averse to being taught things
i used cards that werent in standard and was poked at for it
>>387917 Yeah, Sugoi disconnected and I beat Gamma with my meme deck and I won the whole thing.
except wait i didnt play with you guys kn that
Use wind up kitten
>>387922 wind ups used to be p good fun times their gimmick is that their effects only work once while theyre up but they have support to flip them face down and when you pop them back up again that resets and yoi can use their powers again get it? you wind them up
we had a poker tournament once that was pretty fun samurai won it whoakun just all-inned every hand regardless of what he had
Kirara ๐
>>387920 It's pretty fun playing games with /moe/.
>>387926 we wouldn't have the players mahjong's not really a tournament style thing anyway since a game is already several sessions >>387930 i would probably play stakes mahjong that sounds fun
>>387929 That's okay we can do a highstakes game with 4 people instead >>387929 We bet money but you don't actually get to win it. Whoever loses just has to film themselves burning it
Yeah, mahjong takes awhile to play.
Kirara ๐
/moe/-themed Clue game
or an anime Guess Who
>>387932 i was thinking about a murder mystery game with moe over the holiday season but only tilde responded
>>387930 i don't believe in that that's so wasteful are you actually interested in a skins mahjong game that would be fun oh you're just talking about akagi
>>387938 the point of gambling is to die a meaningless death >skins nani I'm not 100% memeing I'd play for like 25 bux
>>387939 it really makes the game a lot more immersive but i don't think i'd want to do stakes against moes people could get sore and that'd be awkward
Play for pennies. Or nickels or dimes in this era I guess. My parents used to do that with card games with some of their friends.
>>387937 it would have been kind of like mafia/town of salem/TTT we'd have a secret killer picking people off and some stages of activity a lot of narrative and dialogue and that kind of social gameplay i thought it would be pretty fun but maybe not i'd have had to look at how those types of games are done in other settings to get a gist for how to do it on an imageboard but since nobody responded to i didn't bother to do the research >>387948 yeah but we'd have to have similarly skilled people i don't even have four people who play it at all
>>387943 well I don't really mind losing. The thrill is the real reward
>>387946 I know a few guys. One's really good though he'd kick your ass. And mine. I'm actually bad. I've been in joukyuu for a few months and my r fell to sub 1500 levels
A game where a player is a shitposting assassin
I would win that game too easily.
I was thinking instead of a murderer though It might be fun to do a space version on an old abandoned space ship and there's aliums infesting people and you have to figure out who the aliums are and work with your team against the alium (only one to start) but as each stage progresses, more of the player team becomes aliums and has to play into the alien deception
>>388034 That's not true, I took your tastes into account when posting. You're always trying to claim that Shigure is your wife despite the fact that you never married her!
Curious arc OVA when
>>388032 why have you made two furry jokes in one night how could you hurt me with such old and busted material
Kirara ๐
I can't believe Rikas pimping out her wife
>>388041 It's just a picture. It's like bragging at work because you have a cute wife.
alright blue wins tonight's episode of "post a cute girl"
Kirara ๐
>>388056 Fish would probably kill me if I showed pictures of her to my colleagues but I'd never want to show them to someone that wants to steal my wife.
wow I would like to thank Dash and all my friends at the academy love y'all momma I made it Black Lives Matter we out