fug my tax stuff are still with my previous boss hmm maybe I will just create a new thing, though doing it on the LAST DAY OF THE YEAR is bit... sketchy
Oh yeah it's new years eve tonight What are y'all doing for it
tired but today's drive was really good driving out of arkansas was really great, the entirety of west arkansas is scenic drives and there were tons of super curvy roads that are fun to drive down and louisiana is really nice too mississippi is like a crack house version of louisiana
i don't see any news about it on google i don't really use it very often anymore though
>>381167 Mississippi was the worst and most boring place I've ever driven. I can honestly say that Mississippi would be worse than Florida if it were as hot as Florida.
>>381171 Kratom is illegal in quite a few states. I couldn't bring any on this trip, for example, since it was illegal in like 3/5 states I'd be in.
Oh wow, that's still a long way to go, then Sucks that it's illegal here I wanna give it a shot, and if it can help people get through addiction that's also super good
I was saying to Fish earlier that we should have launched fireworks at them when they were fucking with us. We bought some big fireworks since you can't buy them in Florida. Fish thought it'd burn the mountain down, though.
Today I "died" on the tracks. Tried to lift a track. I wasn't prepared and lost my footing. If it were an elevated structure, I would have died, my partner would have died, and, unrelatedly, the entire left section also would have died because of some guy's helmet falling under the third rail Well, maybe not all of them but at least him. >>381189 it was a simulation. We were in the back area of the school. My foot slipped off the wood part of the track and I was in the gap.
>r-18 touhou artist gets a serialization >no one scanlates it I just want my worksafe swimming club adventures >>381209 That's YOUR worksafe swimming club adventures
i tried to go sober in like october 2016 and i was doing okay but i just decided to have a little bit on new years eve because i was craving it really bad i only drank like one sip before i poured it out but i still fucked that up being sober sucks but it's better this way i think sobriety is one of the few things i'm proud of myself for
But both hurting and helping people comes naturally for me. I'm usually just following what my heart tells me when I do either. There's no struggle or anything. It's just something that happens. So I don't feel like it's worth being proud of.
Wow, when I get home, there's like a 100% chance of nonstop rain for two days according to the forecast.
I guess the cold front that's been chasing me is going to chase me back home. It's supposed to be in the 30s when I get back, too. What a weird year for weather.
Arkansas was pretty great. That might be a good place to live. They have pretty bad internet in all the good places, though. So Wyoming or Colorado are still my go-tos. Wyoming was way more beautiful than Arkansas anyway.
If I never enter Mississippi again, it'll be too soon. Alabama is alright. It's basically just Georgia, though.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>381274 Northern or Southern Georgia? Parts of Northern Georgia are unexpectedly nice.
i think my next road trip might be Kansas > Colorado > Utah > Wyoming or maybe Kansas > Colorado > Wyoming > Utah > Arizona > New Mexico > and then make my way back to florida
>>381280 they have some good buttes and mesas in the middle of the state that's all i really care about in kansas
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>381279 I have never, even from people who grew up there, heard good things about Kansas.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>381279 Hopefully you're not terribly disappointed then...
>>381282 I'd do more road trips if it weren't for the fact that anyone I'd go with can't or won't drive. And maybe my car were slightly better off... though it's still reliable.
i was the only driver for this whole road trip i drove 11 hours today i've probably driven about 35 hours so far there's like 17 hours of driving left too
>>381295 You're the kinda guy who updates his switch without plugging it into a charger even though it says please leave it plugged in
>>381297 >not having a decent public transport system lel sucks to be you >paying for a car >paying for fuel >driving yourself and not having a personal chaffeur
i've hotwired a car before but if you put a car in front of me right now and told me to hotwire it i'd probably just fuck it up i haven't done it in like a year and i've only done it once
no, it belongs to a friend of mine i used to own a gun but my apartment community doesn't want them there i don't care about that rule anymore so i'm going to buy another gun at some point my friend left her gun with us so i can help fish learn to shoot when my friend isn't around
>>381333 I don't but I don't work until 2 >>381334 It's gonna cost me a lot of money if I want to do anything for New Years none of my friends are doing anything except staying home with family, except for my two good friends who are night bakers and have to work through new years no party invites or plans and if i decide to blow some money on a trip to this NYE event downtown, i'll be going by myself
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
We could be sad and alone together.
i'd prefer not to be sad OR alone but i'll probably just be drinking at my computer tomorrow boy that sounds fun i'm sad 2017 had to be like this it was such a great year for so long and then in the final lap it turns to shit and i want to kill myself
My cat's been really needy the past week or so. I think she's getting stir-crazy cooped up inside because of the snowfall and extreme cold temperatures. Barely ten minutes can go by without her coming by wanting me to chase her up the stairs.
VR chat looks weird. I saw one really funny clip though where anime girls are standing around doing anime girl things and all the sudden Arthas strolls into the room being a badass. That was cool.
VR chat is the future
What if all the future anime is made in vr chat using anime girl models and players are "actors"
He has that cool batman voice. It's so over the top it's funny.
Uther is best girl
i got a yeti cup for christmas i have filled it with alcohols
Gotta keep that alcohols cooler than being cool.
>someone complaining about hair in their tamale >it's literally corn husk
Does corn husk end up in tamales often?
oh boy
Ah I see. I was familiar with the name but I'd never actually seen one before.
i'm just sorry living without tamales is not really living
Well I guess it's fitting. I've managed to tumble through most my life without really living.
Try tumbling into somewhere with good mexican food sometimes sometime I'd say mexicans are only behind American southerners and the Chinese when it comes to cuisine
I feel there might be a bias for a fair bit of that for you.
Well I feel that fried chicken is the peak of humanity's pursuit of delicious
>>381534 The symbol on Pyra's chest thingy is also the same shape as the macguffins in Xenosaga.
I think it was more COS-MOS was a bit wrapped up in legal stuff so it was a surprise she made it in. Or something.
there are a lot of references to the other xeno games in this one the attacks the big bad guy uses are even the same arts as the Monado Arts shulk had in xenoblade 1 as well
http://xenoblade.wikia.com/wiki/Monado under the arts section Malos has all of the same attacks called the same thing and they do the same shit it's like fighting shulk
on the other hand pyra // mythra has foresight, which is the other special ability of the monado from the first game.
>>381555 If you go to bed at 4 AM and sleep for 8 hours you wake up at noon and it's nor morning anymore. If you go to sleep at 3 AM you get one (1) hour of morning before it isn't morning anymore. 3 AM is an advanced hour in the morning!
>>381558 I go to bed at 5 AM and wake up at noon. Waking up any time before that is just not good for my health!
I don't have a set up and down time!
I've been out of school for a bit so my sleep has shifted to where it best accomodates my work hours and night life. Which means sleeping at four or five in the afternoon and waking close to midnight.
It's always weird to be staring in a mirror when you get an involuntary muscle twitch in your face. I can both feel and see my eyebrow contorting and know it's something entirely not of my willpower. Kind of freaky, really.
>>381565 Might be meme'd by those stupid multipliers though. Best choice tho'.
I was in the washroom, washing my hands. Not like I have a particular phobia of mirrors but why do you immediately assume the mirror is in my room.
I don't think someone went to the bathroom first thing? /moe/ says a thing I figured it happened in their room.
I am not a gross thing / pervert like SOME people.
I have a big mirror on my dresser but I don't ever use it.
There's a mirror in the hallway right outside my room so I've never really had the use for one in mine. It's the tallest mirror in the house too so it's always where people go when they want to see how their entire outfit ensemble looks. Which means a lot of clunking of boots down the hallway and back up it in the morning. Not the easiest sleeping because of it, I tell you.
Mirrors at night really don't catch you guys off or nothin'? I fucking hate mirrors. Damn horror movies and video-games...nothing good happens with mirrors...
No less than a coat hanging from a chair or a doorcorner, or an object in my room that looks menacing in the darkness of my room, or the black space that shows through a crack in a bedroom door out into a pitch-black hallway. Or the view from my bedroom window out into the backyard and street in the distance. Things are only really spooky to me if my brain gets hung up on a particular terror-inducing train of thought.
Also Netflix is simulcasting Violet Evergarden. I wonder if that might have an impact on fansub groups interested in subbing it. Or maybe HorribleSubs might be able to rip it since it's on Netflix.
im gonna take my morning benzo because it's the weekend and lay here with my kitty and i'm gonna watch the new super do you want to join me
i accidentally snorted some kratom and this has got to be the most painful reaction to insufflation i have ever experienced
the nasal drip tastes like grass too this sucks so bad lol
why would you do that the sheer amount you'd have to snot to get a reaction would make it not very feasible
i did it on accident when i went to put the teaspoonin my mouth i missed my mouth a little bit and reflexively inhaled for some reason it sticks in your nasal passage and burns like a motherfucker my god i can't even tell if it would work this way because most of it got in my mouth
there are no accidents only happy little mistakes
well it's not caustic like most things so i imagine it could be worse
that's true i could have snorted hydrochloric acid
snorting pram would be awful shit i oughtta get you to try pram sometime
Tadaimasu >>381594 That's not funny, my brother died way
i need to be doing less drugs probably
that's okay pram's not a drug it's just a supplement but it's pretty fucking foul tasting you'll never bitch about kratom's taste again
The fuck is.pram?
pramiracetam a very specific racemic derivative taken alone it'd just give you a headache and brain fog it needs a strong base of cholines to function as a substrate before it really is effective
i'd rather just smoke weed but weed doesn't do anything for the pain i get from lifting things wrong
piracetam derivative* not racemic sorry
Everyone I had plans with for stuff this afternoon and evening has blown me off.
>>381610 it doesn't matter what size they are as long as they are different enough shapes and sizes to make picking various types of coins out easy same goes for bills it improves the efficiency of handling money
>>381613 Fair point For coins anyways I mean, in the sense that yes it makes it easier for humans to sort and differentiate this bills by hand But it does make it more difficult for machines to since now they need to be set up to deal with a variety of sizes
>>381613 same goes for cocks too it's nice to be able to sort through all the cocks in my wallet quickly
>>381614 yeah, that's what i'm talking about. from a machine's perspective it is all the same shit. difference being instead of scanning for different serial numbers and information encoded in the material of the bill, it looks for the size as well. it makes it slightly easier for humans to sort the money, though.
>>381617 >>381614 also makes counterfeinting even more difficult
>>381617 It makes it more difficult to design bill feeders and outputters Cause they need to accept/give out multiple sizes Without mangling them
>>381619 >make max size' >shoot/ttake in all bills from it ... gow is tgat hard?
>>381619 so what some people aren't put off by difficulty
>>381619 yeah, but european bill acceptors have been able to accept bills up to 85mm in width for a long time by now i imagine that it is more expensive to produce one than a bill acceptor that doesn't account for larger width but the cost is probably not that much more. they are already several thousand dollars anyways
Anyways, I'll admit that my biggest issue with it is that they bother me.
i don't have a strong opinion about it because i don't use cash and most modern cash registers are adjustable so you can change the compartment sizes at will so it wouldn't make a big difference to me in the end might save me a few seconds on the off chance i bring cash somewhere like a local market but otherwise wouldn't matter in the end
what mainly bothers me about american currency is how worn out it gets we need plastic dollars already
plastic lasts for like hundreds of years our bills last for about 40 max
in circulation anyways
it's more common to see a coin from 100 years ago than it is to see a dollar from 1960-70 where i am at the least
It's been a long time since I last saw a non-plastic Canadian bill. Probably not even this year. We've done a pretty thorough job of exterminating them from circulation.
Huh I don't think I've ever actually seen a plastic bill in person I find them to be interesting, but I don't know much about the non obvious pros and cons of using them over the sort of regular paper+cloth mixture we use in ours.
i have only seen them a few times, from people that had traveled overseas and kept the currency for a souvenir. from my impression they look really nice and feel sturdy.
Japanese Yen is still made from cotton or paper or whatever the fuck you make "organic" bills of. They must use a different composition from American dollars though; since they don't get that greasy, unclean feeling that American dollars gets.
>>381632 it's like linen and wood pulp and some secret bullshit for security reasons invisible ink and holographic images embedded inside the bill
at least that's what an american dollar is made of let's ask google
>>381633 I mean even if the ingredients are the same the ratios might be different, which would have an impact on the texture of the bill.
the japanese yen notes are made of a special fiber used in japanese paper making since ancient times apparently and also wood pulp and cloth but that's the distinguishing factor
Yeah that makes sense. They feel more papery than American bills. Or maybe they just replace circulation more often and keep the bills in circulation more crisp.
Going alone wouldn't worry me. I take pride in my SELF SUFFICIENCY
but yuh know.. It will be a pain to find parking.
It's going to be around -18C around midnight today for me. I'm fine with fireworks but I'm not going to go out in cold like that just to stand around and look at the sky.
who needs to go out and watch fireworks i have my job
It's going to be a high of -14C too. I wanted to walk out and get a pizza for New Years but it's going to be a bit of effort to will myself out into that cold.
>for some reason MOGRA is a special Twitch consideration, you know. Things had to change for mogra to be allowed. Of course a special event like this on a special day like this would get the BOOST
>you know I don't really know. I was pretty out of the loop for the months around its move from USTREAM to Twitch.
ah... I guess you were. Well, just know that the first few times they tried Twitch, they were shut down because DJ sets aren't "music creation", so they didn't belong in "Creative" or "Music". So they had either filed to be an exception with Twitch or Twitch updated their ToS which allowed them on there.
>kei. gets on >Anisong begins
>i missed Oblongar, HyperJuice, and PLS no wonder the City Lights count is already this high
>Some parts of Australia use DST and some don't I was trying to wish another friend of mine elsewhere a happy new year and discovered this. The fuck are you all on about.
>>381718 I will have to get the tea ready for you when you finish driving across the ocean! Nothing much. I've been pretty busy with work and visiting family.
Pretty tired. I feel a little worn out. I need to get my energy back!
And that's the first PORTAH ROBEENSON of the stream. I wonder if we'll get Shelter and/or Sad Machine too.
>>381744 It's like that shitty copypasta about how the "stage audience" for the Big Bang Theory will laughtrack at any dumb shit the cast says.
>>381748 They hold up signs for the audience for when they should laugh and clap.
Oh I dig this Pokemon Battle Theme mix.
I hope some day the Pokemon games attain the tier of amazing music they put into Black/White 2 again someday. Those games had some really, really amazing tracks.
>>381749 Yeah, I know. I think it's just an edited-in laugh track for Big Bang Theory though.
Kirara 🚗
when i get home, i'm going to buy a physical cd
>>381754 I will sell you a CD-R of me singing all the anime music for $1
The mogra stream chat is terrible I preferred it when it was just UNTZ and repeated stuff. Now it is normies chatting about shit. Please
>>381769 It's going to get worse as we move through the next few hours and people across the Americas wake up. The stream is featured on Twitch's main page so there'll probably be a bunch of people that don't know what the fuck is going on dropping in.
That said I kind of look forward to the utter confusion that will happen when we get to a song like DATABASE or MAWARE and all the people who know what's going on will be spamming 回れ回れ回れ回れ回れ回れ回れ回れ回れ回れ回れ
Well we got the greetings out of the way. Damn that made me laugh.
>>381799 Are you still using your hotel discounts?
>Evangelion is already shirtless Or not? This lighting makes him look shirtless some times.
Kirara 🚗
>>381803 nah no fbi discounts AAA discounts but that's like $10 off i got cheap hotels by booking last minute that's probably what I'll do for the next philly trip all of my rooms except the one ill be in tonight were less than $100
Nice glowstick torii
>>381806 That's neat; I'll try to remember it. But also man, you can drive. I can't just up and decide to hit the empty road one day. If I'm travelling places; I gotta fly. Which kind of suits me better; a lot of the places I like/want to go are not really places I can just drive off to. But it does jack my costs up, hah hah.
Ten. Sad Machine, Miku Track, RE::NDZ Track (The Jackson Five mix), Tell Your World, ClariS Track, Good Time, Porter Track, Hoodie/hat, UNTZ Track, Normalfag Track.
Oh one of the MOGRA DJs Tweeted out about 4chan. I guess /a/ made itself heard.
I have my sake now
Hot stuff. I've got to get out to the shop at some point so I can get something to mix my rum with. If not during some less-enthralling MOGRA set, after it ends.
which days are those? Personally, i'm pretty glad that this fever dream ofma year is coming to a close
gosh, that does sound fun this year was uneventful for me but i've got a feeling things are gonna turn around soon
so here's to an interesting 2018, i guess
Jan 1st through 9th, which I got to spend with some of my longest friends in Japan goofing about and living a life of satisfaction. And then five or six days in May where I went on a roadtrip up the East Coast USA with some of my other close friends. Everything else has been average or mediocre at best but those few days have made this an okay year for me.
/moe/ i need to go into a quick lil coma i gotta occupy myself for 10 hours without using up any of my reserves of social energy or physical energy or any energy for that matter
There's a somewhat cute VJ up on the stage in MOGRA (cute namely in being one of the exceedingly few girls who've appeared on stream tonight) and Internet people have found her Twitter and are flooding it with followers. Apparently it's freaking her out a bit.
Also a bunch of the DJs have called out 4chan on Twitter, and WILDPARTY even gave a shoutout on stream.
>>381917 Should be about an hour and a half of accounted-for time left. But as usual it's impossible to actually predict when it stops.
You missed some pretty excellent sets if you were asleep for everything up to now.
oh, is mogra still going? i thought i had slept throught it
There's only three hours left until midnight ticks over in UTC+2. If I'm to take a nap and get some sleep for the next fourteen or something hours this is my best chance.
Of course the only person to wish a good new year in that timezone is TN so whatever.
Also amusingly, most finnish men are superb at making their beds, however for some reason post age 20 they get kinda "enough of ever doing it" and promptly don't do it untill they have a family
Haha, >>381949 we did this too I guess it is an anti-air tradition
lol their beds and piles wouldn't have passed in the 2nd battery
I was watching an Escape From Tarkov stream and he just hosted a russian streamer who also plays EFT but it's extra funny because it will be 2018 in Russia in like 3 minutes
that would take a few months of saving... i mean, i've tried some cheapo stuff but it wasn't very useful or interesting if you try it, i'd like to know whether the higher-end experience is maybe better >>381976 yeah i had something that would do only vr phone apps and the device wasn't very enjoyable in itself
>>381975 It's a good bit of money for something I'm not sure if I'd enjoy. but I have a pretty big check coming in in the next few months for some extra stuff I did at work.
Did you complete all the versions of the new bound hero battle?
>>381979 It was surprising how much damage those healers were doing. I did complete all the maps, it took me about two stamina potions to figure out how to do it.
What team did you use? I used Amelia, Halloween Jakob (with brave bow), Olivia, and Azama.
I used Reinhardt, Olwen, 4*+10 cecilia, and a kagerou kagero? i was having a day that i didn't want to get out of bed in the morning so i stayed in bed and tried until i beat it a big factor was having the teleport B skill on cecilia and drag back, i don't remember what it's called oh, wings of mercy
i packed my horsies into that little wall on the left then baited lucius with kagerou cecilia tanks the blue spear horsie then doubles the archer to kill it, eats the second healer nuke kagero eats a second blow from lucius and has one hp because it can't kill her TP // oh kagerou still has some hp i think but i clean up the lucius with kagero and rein and drag back kagero to safety, blow up the spear horsie with olwen, bait the red made with reinhardt finish off the red mage on my turn, reposition to safety i forget the rest it was fun though
>>381982 I basically just brawled it out with careful positioning. Azama has rehabilitate, there were lots of points at which he healed someone nearly dead all the way up.
i think i might have been able to do it that way with bride lyn, and candlestick would help a lot too i didn't end up trying it though i don't have a lot of brawlers
Samu 🇺🇸 !KW2DbpWwls
>>381974 it was originally seated only and it’s got the Touch controllers it can also do roomscale albeit not quite as good as the Vive, but the Vive is overkill for sitting-only
>>381987 My armor and flying teams are my strong point, and the flyers weren't particularly well suited to that map. Amelia and H.Jakob both handle damage really well though. That was a map with a lot of incoming damage no matter what approach I tried.
>>381988 Oh, so it's just an overkill thing? I wonder if I could make a space for full motion stuff.
is the full motion setup a lot more expensive? how well does it actually work i think i'd get pretty motion sick
Samu 🇺🇸 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🇺🇸 !KW2DbpWwls
Room scale needs I think at least 2m x 1.5m space it’s significqntly more expensive than the basic Rift setup though if you get all the bells and whistles the rift setup gets conparable
Is my eyesight going to be a problem? I do wear glasses and my eyes are bad and only getting worse.
Samu 🇺🇸 !KW2DbpWwls
>>381993 glasses will fit inside the Vive min not sure what the oculus situation id
do your eyes actually focus on things as if they were far? does the depth-of-field effect that real life has exist in VR, unsimulated?
Kirara 🚗
Samu 🇺🇸 !KW2DbpWwls
>>381995 nopes everything is focused at the same plane objects that are too close to your face are a little weird for that reason
is it like, if you're farsighted you have to wear glasses/contacts? i was just confused how eyesight was a potential issue i don't wanna get lasik just to play video game
Samu 🇺🇸 !KW2DbpWwls
I’m sure there are good options, I’m just not aware of them contacts would work great I bet i’m Part of the 20 20 master race so shrug emoji
but i mean like what is the issue though i'm very nearsighted if i'm focusing on a plane within a foot of my face i should be fine though
if there's a well-designed VR workspace i would try to save up the money for a good one if it doesn't cause eyestrain i would love having word processors and other work interfaces in that format it's so calming to the brain
Samu 🇺🇸 !KW2DbpWwls
one day when we have 4K HMDs perhaps
would it need to be 4K? the monitor i work on sure isn't then again i guess it's further away
>>382042 I just want to meet him cause he seems cool. I doubt I'd talk about 4chan for more than a couple of minutes. We'd probably just talk about music for a while.
>>382051 Cause he pushed for people to use modern video encoding technology.
And also success breeds jealousy. Nyaa was pretty successful.
aa the smell of gunpowder
Oh yeah I got some moist nugget shell casings the other day The cupholder in my friend's car was filled with them. He said I could have as many as I wanted. I took about 8.
You already congratulated me there is no one else important
Don't be silly with all due respect you're pretty trivial compared to some of the people left for me to wish in.
My phone's battery can't seem to handle the EXTREME COLD conditions we've been getting this winter. I leave the house with it above 20% and it plummets to shutting down due to low battery pretty fast. Couldn't even make it through the thirty minute or so round trip of store and pizza parlor.
My absolute favourite moment of random disciplinary action through commands basically there is "taakse poistu!" - exit behind where you leave the rank/file and just keep running 180 degrees from the direction you were facing untill told otherwise so the officer in charge of our shooting range drills did that to us so we just began to ran towards the targets however, there was a bank filled with snow from the place where we were standing and where the field between shooting positions and targets was and it was like 2m etres deep with snow so the WHOLE company just flump sank into the snow everyone was just "so what if we just stay here untill spring melts the snows?" well we were eventually forced to come back, but it was a fun moment
other fun bits >winter forst drill >move and shoot at targets >my turn >start doing >see target >dive into ground aim try to fire >gun is frozen >TN WHY AREN'T YOU FIRING >sir, liutenant sir, my gun is frozen, can I ram it against a tree to unlodge it? >YO MAY PROCEED
>late service days >I am ordered on church stuff business for a week >afterwards take 5 day vacation >unit back home has intense training >bunking with drivers in the same room >when I come back late night and just jump on my bed >rest of unit isn ow on vacation >smell bed >has been soaked in hand disinfectants never leave your bed unguarded
BUt worst best thing are the so called "rag drills" basically, your unit is ordered to gather outsidei n various gear settings and then ordered back inside immediately after for some kind of check up and to change back to normal gear only for another order to be made to get in gear and outside in file in like 5 mins and this can last for hoooours and then it is ended always in complete room, bed, and closet check up and you have just spend last few hours rummaging your closet for whatever weird combinations the drill officers came up with in order to fuck with you so your closet is in NOWAY in condition to pass through the check ups so no evening leave or free time
>>382089 Do you think it'd be fun to be a training officer And bully the trainees like this
basically is an eternal cycle of doing unto others whatr was done to you Only restrictions on bullying and such limit it and even those aren't enforced anyhow >>382093 gotta hammer the weak out and the unit into a *into good discipline part of being a soldier isto instinctually follow orders
The weak should fear the strong
>>382092 >hammer the weak out Can people avoid conscription by just being shitters and getting kicked out on purpose?
No you do army or you do civil service, which is slave labour tot he state in some state facilities though you kinda get frowned on if you do the latter, though it isn't as stigmatising as it used to be.
So tired Might go to sleep and wake up in 2018.
>>382099 civil service lasts always a year army is 6-12months