>>382107 i got pulled over today for literally no reason i was going the speed limit and the cop pulled me over and when he came over to my window, he was like "uhh never mind. be safe getting back on the road" i bought some groceries for a stranger in the middle of nowhere also i accidentally booked tonight's hotel in a different country?
also i think this hotel manager is interested in one of us because she was acting really giggly and telling us that if we need anything to call her, which isn't that weird but then she just called our room phone???? and asked if we need anything and wanted to make sure everything was okay which is something that i've never experienced in all of my tavels
Maybe she's just tucked into her celebratory stash a little early and is a bit floaty.
And yeah, she might have been drinking. We were standing in the lobby for like three minutes before she ran out of the manager room and there wasn't anyone else around
boredom turns you crazy
Samu ๐บ๐ธ !KW2DbpWwls
Weโre replacing a car battery in a Costco parking lot road trip hype
what if she murdered the real hotel staff And you just walked into lik silent hill the hotel
>>382138 I bet there'll be a moment where it turns out there's some sort of obscure clue that relates to acquatic life no one can figure out Then Fish will be like hol up i got this
it's possible that my grandfather stayed at this hotel since he was a big traveler but he was also rich so he probably would have stayed at a hilton or something
i saw a sign on my way here that said 1.75l of vodka was $9.99
>>382173 On christmas we did this thing my dad said was a finnish thing Where you follow up vodka with fish on top of this weird cracker but I forgot what it was called
Oh yeah this conversation happend today >random guy leans up to me >"did you know that today the microparticles in atmosphere skyrocket due to fireworks" >mfw "not another one of these fags" >okay this time I will say something back instead of "oh" >"well if you have an issue, take it to the producers, importers or the legislative bodies instead of me, mate" >"...Oh so you don't mind selling rockets knowing this" >"it pays the bills" >"so you would sell slaves if it paid the bills2 >"if it aws legal and paid well, yes" his face when
Kirara ๐
my luck today was so bad that i'm getting amazing RNG in my mobage
alsow hat is whit those people anyhow going tot he fireworks seller and going "these things blind people" "i have never bought firworks and never will" "these cause pollution" like is this something related to the I AM A VEGAN thing?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382186 It only hurts the idiots who play dangerously with them, so who gives a fuck? And if someone says they cause pollution, tell them to shut the fuck up because they're polluting too.
indeed and as for "pollution" fucking china or india produces billion times more per hour if you really want to whine about shit, stop usign anything made in high pollution countries Oh wait THAT WOULD BE TROUBLESOME AND CAUSE YOU INCONVENIENCE fucking hypocritical bullshits
we ordered delivery and i /// and the delivery guy was like a 17 year old kid so i gave him a really big tip and i said "happy new years" and he looked like he was going to explode
Then there was >lining thingson the shelf while doing dance moves >turn around >there was a customer the entire time staring at me silently >"gotta exercise to keep up" I say hastily
But i fucking sold fireworks for 7,7kโฌ of which 4k just today that were good numbers, taking in that there were 3 other firework vendors within 100m and a whole new shopping mall erected to the otherside of the road
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
nice she's not considered widely good but pantyless pantyhose is strong
I got a new Amelia, too. My last one was -spd so she was pretty bad. The new one is +atk/-def which isn't amazing but it's still pretty good and way better than -spd.
it is like 2-5 during day and -2 to -5 during night and is going to rain everyday for the first week fun fun so much ice
The highest temperature we're set to get for the next week is -7C. I'm about ready for winter to be done and spring to be here already. Fuck this cold.
oh they have actually changed it now they just fly on "ground" instead fo that "hit they bounce up and down annoyingly, making it fucking annoying to chain up anythiong"
>>382297 i don't have actual work but i have to interview a prospective client to find out some info about their business so i can figure out a plan to help them it's still kind of work though
>>382321 Yeah, I'm disappointed. I know. This is weird for me too. It's not like I EXPECT you to, or WISH that you did. I'm just disappointed. >>382329 I think it's because that $50 is SPECIAL If it ever gets used, it shouldn't be on a lap dance. But what the hell could you use it on
>>382333 I don't know, I'm not really going to probe to find out about what traumatic experiences she's had as a stripper. That'd be kind of messed up in my opinion.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382336 You don't ask about traumatic experiences. Just ones that she's had, like good or funny or whatnot. Strippers have good stories.
>>382338 SOMETIMES it starts that way but it doesn't stay that way. Strippers make hella money, dude. You're thinking of drug addicted whores, I think.
>>382335 Wouldn't most strippers be poor otherwise they wouldn't be strippers?
>>382337 I bet strippers have lots of stories about funny customers
I'm certain some strippers are drug addicts
>>382340 You don't have to pay her to strip I'd pay a stripper to play all the games with me that no one else will play because they have shit taste
>>382334 Not only would it have been wrong to spend the 50 dollars he found in the Bible on a stripper It would have pissed his girlfriend off. And most important of all, I would have been disappointed in him!
>>382340 You're more important than his girlfriend?
>>382343 >monopoly Jesus Notso I think getting someone to play that is like human exploitation I'd pay her to play F-zero X with me I'd train her up into a great player Until she surpasses me
>>382351 I just think it's fun to learn about people that you normally don't get to interact with.
>>382353 >boot up a wii emulator so that you can boot up an n64 emulator in the wii emulator It's fucking sad that THIS is the most efficient way of doing it
>>382354 I wasted energy being upset. For about 10 seconds. Now that upset energy has nowhere to go. And now I have to spend my time being upset at my schedule instead.
>>382355 i've known strippers before, i've heard all kinds of stories from them
>>382357 So you feel misled because you assumed I used that money on a stripper?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382356 Well, for netplay it kinda is... and it's not that surprising. Dolphin prides itself on accuracy, which most N64 emulators were started in a time when that was neigh impossible with the hardware on hand. Dolphin also had a lot of work go into netplay, where as most N64 emulators have had half-ass third party attempts shoehorned in. Dolphin is probably also a lot easier to use, and easier on the hardware because the most accurate N64 emulators are hella resource demanding. And the N64 is a VERY complex system, partially due to the fact you could essentially make the hardware do whatever you wanted it to do with microcode, and emulation has focused on implementing common microcode at the high level rather than low level emulation of the hardware.
>>382358 I mean, you 'found a use'. you just happened to not take it but really you ordering a stripper is so not you that it doesn't really seem like you 'found a use' at all. The option was greyed out from the start.
>>382360 It is! Fish didn't realize she was a stripper at first. When we were walking back to our room, Fish was wondering what kind of dances the lady did. I was like, "fish, she's a stripper" and fish lost her shit
>>382361 I did technically find a use. It just wasn't a path I was willing to take.
>>382361 Yeah it's a disappointment It's not a use if using it is completely out of the question Like technically you could donate it to isis as a "use" but that's out of the question It's not a use because it's not useful
>>382369 The term "a use" implies that it's useful This isn't useful at all so it's not a use
>>382374 Yeah but there's been plenty of ways for you to use that $50 then You could have probably bought food on the way But you don't mention all those So hence the fact that you distinguished this use from all the others by mentioning it where you did NOT mention this implies this use is special and useful which it is not because it is unviable
>>382373 the term "a use" means "i have found a way in which i can exchange this $50 for a good or service" in this context in this sense, the $50 would be useful as the use would be hiring a stripper
>>382372 you can probably find a private belly dancer somewhere but i'd feel kind of creepy hiring a private dancer just to watch dance
>>382374 im sure you can, but i think it'd be neat if it was ubiquitous like something you might find in a fantasy pnp game your crew relaxes at the pub in a small village and hear the songs and dance of this land's culture
Kirara ๐
>>382373 you're ignoring the context of this situation the situation is that rika wants me to find something special to use the $50 on, hopefully something that saves me but instead, i was presented with a situation in which i had a choice to spend the $50 on a stripper
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382376 If a situation doesn't arise, are you going to put the money back? Because I'd say it wasn't meant for you...
>>382381 if God puts $50 in a hotel bible and your girlfriend just happens to open the bible to the page it was in because it was a section about anxiety, you should probably keep it
rika's right, it'll be useful eventually
Samu ๐บ๐ธ !KW2DbpWwls
I put the 50 dollars there
figure that out
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382383 It sounds like it's hers to spend to me. Maybe she'll come up with the need.
And her belief in pre-destination is showing.
>>382384 i wish you would 50 dollars in me, sammy-kun
>>382387 hey you said you got sick from too much kratom once right? how much was that so i don't do it >>382389 oh so am i put it in baby stuff it in there
How can you call a stripper temptation when you're with your girlfriend? It'd have to be something like... I don't know, what would Kirara recklessly throw mone-
I'll leave /moe/ to their strippers. Im gonna go play with my bunny girl.
You should have used that money here. There's a nice New Year's party at a restaurant my friend is connected to. I'd go but >$55 which I can afford now but I don't know if anyone's going and I'd be to myself if no one else went. And a meal by myself isn't worth $55
yeah on holidays whenever /moe/ drinks it's just talking about drinking for hours basically there might be short intermissions where people talk about something else but then it's right back to talking about alcohol
>>382463 didn't eku have something to do with radio at some point? yeah i'm not touching that shit with a ten foot pole buddy i'm just a weeb that's all
>>382467 well, I'll just label this as you being in the future.
>>382469 i'm just bitter that we all just sat in whoa-kun's rented condo in dallas playing league of legends in the same room instead of doing downtown shit literally down the street
>>382468 Nothing screams Australian patriotism like two bogans scrapping it out behind a pub.
>>382470 that would imply i'm letting r/a/dio's filthy broadcast sully my ears
Kirara ๐
r/a/dio brought us blue and rook and saku
but it also brought us inaban hmm
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382475 I thought Rook was around before r/a/dio? It also brought TN.
Kirara ๐
>>382476 no, saku rook and jan showed up at the same time saku and rook were r/a/dio and jan randomly showed up around the same time after searching for /nagano/ or whatever
i wonder how many people will blow themselves up this time
>tfw MX is fucking dead and never coming back >>382503 DATABASE DATABASE
wow i'm having so much fun right now wow wow
Kirara ๐
don't lie
Kirara ๐
in 2014 saku rook jan and i were playing the witcher board game and getting drunk for new years i don't even remember 2015 or 2016 new years i only remember having a sip of alcohol on new years for 2016 and then pouring it out because i realized i fucked up
My family was boring and played monopoly on new years
Kirara ๐
oh shit wait last year i was super fucking sick on new years too
i made a bunch of stir-fry for everyone but actually i'm alone in my house and
Last year I went out to a nomihoudai with friends and then karaoke. The new year ticked over in the middle of one of my friends and I trying to find our way back to our AirBnB. I think the year before that I did the same thing I'm doing this year.
last year i didn't do anything same as this year and every year since 2012 because i'm a fucking loser who lost everything
Kirara ๐
metal gear rising takes place in 2018
>>382508 >think Tony, quick. Say words. Talking words.
To be fair though, it wasn't like he said 'shit happens' as though the guy's life didn't matter. From his tone it was more like he was talking about the fact that sometimes you can't do anything about these things. And it IS kind pf *of a bullshit move to try to make his statements political.
>>382514 He's like a bobblehead I don't think what he said was wrong, because in war shit DOES happen and sometimes you can't do anything It's just funny that he spent 20 seconds without coming up with a response It's not that Tony's bad, it's that the man didn't know what he was doing which was really funny Actually Tony's bad but that's another story
>>382519 >Not the response that Tony thought was necessarily appropriate >but the response they DESERVE You know when you think about it that's a fucking badass statement He didn't give them a response because they didn't deserve one
>>382558 My life just feels like an endless whirlpool of pain and misery so I hate every year. The only redeeming thing in this year that made life slightly less painful was Fish.
>>382557 I don't want to kill you But I do really want to punch god in the face Nuffin personal
>>382583 you oon the kpins notso? i think it's a great medication but the onset for that one is so long that you might not know you need it until it's too late
>>382584 lol, i thought you meant that being miserable can happen
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382585 As needed for anxiety. I'm on generic effoxor every day, which I hope I didn't forget to take
>>382587 just general anxiety, not anxiety attacks? i guess that's not as much of an issue for you then >>382590 oh okay so you can prevent it beforehand yeah, kpin is not so good at stopping it once it's started since it'll take like an hour although sometimes it's relieving to the anxiety just to know you've done something to help it stop
>>382586 Well that's still accurate! I can't claim any particular gift of foresight.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382588 Anxiety attacks, yes. I generally know when I'm going to do things that I need it for.
Yeah. It's a preventative measure, not so much a stop. And it's usually social stuff, which is easy to predict.
If you're going to jump back in time make it cool. Like high school or elementary school or something.
This isn't even jumping in time though. It's just 2017 never ending
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382617 If we jump back do we get a round two at everything? Because that makes it a good thing...
im hoping i can save a lot more money next year by not buying cigarettes or alcohol but i'll have to use a ton to pay my taxes it's almost 40% for me being self-employed, or at least last year's was thanks obama
i'm going to make significantly less money next year if i don't get a raise thanks healthcare
>>382620 is it just a flat % rate regardless of how much you make?
>>382618 I want to groundshog day at a better time of year if we're going to do that.
>>382619 That's usually how that type of story usually goes.
>>382622 there's a flat self employment tax that's not even percentage-based, then i have to pay double the FICA tax that an employee does, and then i have to pay a percentage based on my tax bracket
yeah and also i don't get benefits like employees do, so i have to pay a ton if i want health insurance, dental, or eye insurance life insurance isn't an option disability insurance is necessary but not very feasible it's a hard life
I have lost all of my easy in the span of twenty seconds. Things are alright but I feel very NOT alright right now. I really need to not freak out over things that didn't happen
my sister was out drinking tonight She's in Brooklyn with our cousin. They passed by some people. One of them told her to duck. She almost didn't pay it any mind. Then they started shooting
What the shit.
They're fine. But fuck if I don't feel collapsed right now.
Well, it's okay to freak out a bit over near misses. Last month I worked late one night, and about the time that I normally go through a certain intersection, there was a horrible accident right in the turn lane that I normally use. I freaked out over that for a few days even though I was on the other side of town when it happened.
2018 is already trash I can't believe. how is this possible I'm sitting here thankful that they had the courtesy to tell her to duck. Is time trying to break records or something
I don't need those kinds of reminders. I think about what I have more than I should. It's a sizable chunk of my anxiety. >where the hell would I be without any of these people that I live off of
stuff like that is why cities give me anxiety i dont even like driving to the rural town nearby the roads are so narrow and people drive drunk on them all the time, tons of deer too i worry obsessively over all the things that could go wrong
As much as I love living in the city and could probably never happily live anywhere else, yeah, I can really agree with that. It's really convenient that I can take public transit anywhere I need to but I'm pretty sure my extreme anxiety when behind the wheel of a car is in part because of how absurd driving in a car is in a major city. I wouldn't say I'm perpetually anxious living in a city but I've lived here my whole life so I'm acclimatized.
>>382663 you'd be somewhere we're good at figuring something out to get by even if we think we're bad at it
i was asleep until about 30 min ago, what'd i miss
Nothing much.
Samu ๐ช !KW2DbpWwls
should i get out of bed and try to find some fireworks
you missed all the good shit jesus just left the party, you should have seen that guy i did a couple lines of blow through a kazoo rika got drunk and was last seen with a lampshade on her head
good night I have to wake up for mogra also... it is fascinating to see multiple people that I know and love very much who will never know each other all in one place. I think that is my favorite thing about my position. Time to set alarms.
Samu ๐ช !KW2DbpWwls
good naito enjoy fluffy
>>382703 Socializing is a weird and magical thing. Try and rest easy, Blue, I'll see you with the sunrise.
>>382719 Yeah it really is. What is this coldfront.
it was so cold today, Ijust wore my jacket all day. I wonder how people deal with subzero all the time.
Layers and fleece hoodies on my part.
HAPPY NEW YEAR PST! I don't know if anyone who still posts here lives on that coast but Happy New Year! All of North America aside Alaska is in the new year! \
Samu ๐บ๐ธ !KW2DbpWwls
Wooo! Happy 2018!
Happy GNU/Year.
>>382724 alaska meanwhile is still in the last century
I really wanna go out for popsicles right now. Even though its like -1ยฐF right now.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382726 Should expect a joke like that from you...
I actually got it in a text ffrom someone eelse. I'd been pulling back on the amount of stupid GNU jokes, but apparently a few of my friends still find them to be really funny.
*amount of stupid gGNU jokes I make
Also I saw a BotW Link nendo at target the other day. I took it to the price scan thing to see how much it was, the machine said "item not found". Kind of weird
Samu ๐ช !KW2DbpWwls
dammit i forgot to bring my toon link amiibo again
>>382733 now how will people know how cool you are?
>>382732 there's a lot of things in my store that aren't in the electronic database, it's probably an accident
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>382730 Nothing wrong with it, just should've expected it.
I'm going to go make breakfast. MOGRA is really chill today.
Kirara ๐
welcome to 2018 only a year left until next year
>>382777 I'm also making breakfast RIGHT NOW. Gotta start the new year off right. With taters. Lots of taters.
There are no ingredients in this house do these people just eat outside when I'm not here. Am I the reason they brought stuff to cook on any given day I don't need these feelings right now
>>382784 Yeah but if you follow the arc of the curve of the line where it hits Florida it kind of matches where it ends up in Mexico.
oh it's moving down? rip have fun
Kirara ๐
yeah the cold from the blizzard is going down
good job kirara you brought the cold
>>382780 My family always keeps a bunch of simple stuff at least. But it means some times all I have to eat when I'm home alone for a while is grains with no compliments
Kirara ๐
i brought the rain too it rained everyday on my way down from Arkansas and it's going to rain for three days straight at home
I'm going to the corner stor e
I've brought in the new year my job here is done.
Kirara ๐
it was like 19 degrees in Arkansas and i was so comfy
it's like 32 outside here in panama city and it's fucking miserable
Florida takes everything good and makes it bad
there was a sign on the way into Florida with the state motto "open for business!" the first three businesses i saw were abandoned and run down and the fourth was a liquor store with 1.75l bottles of vodka for 9.99 and it felt so Florida
Abandonment and alcoholism. A metaphor for the whole south, really.
Mornings after nights where I've had too much to drink always end up with a made-up glass of drink on my desk, perfectly untouched. It's kind of a shame to waste liquor like that but I'm also a bit proud of drunk me knowing where my limit is.
my keys, that are attached to an orange lanyard, was wrapped around someone's orange wallet, which were both on the table yesterday. Before that, they were, somehow, in my sister's bag. She took them out before she left but wouldn't have even noticed if she weren't looking for her OWN wallet, which my mom also moved while cleaning. >>382803 I dunno, time me. I'm leaving the house
How long does it take for you to go to the corner store and back?
Kirara ๐
my drive today kind of sucks because i have to dress for like 20f to leave but it will be like 70f when i get home
Koi...- - -...
isnt that standard lorida living
Kirara ๐
it doesn't usually get like 20f maybe on the panhandle where i am? idk
Geez fucking louise. We don't have any one left young enough to be that stupid but we keep the case for ours up on a shelf in the laundry room where no one really goes except to do laundry. It would be hard for a kid to get into them,
adults are putting them in their mouths now it's a big meme eating them, that is people aren't actually eating them generally but they're putting them in their mouths for pictures and stuff
Improving my taste for veggies aside, I'm still not a big fan of tomatoes and I still don't like mayo.
Lettuce can kind of be there but I'd rather it not usually. So basically I'm saying that sandwich is like 80% garbage.
mayo isn't something that I'm particularly a BIG fan of. Too much of it ruins it and it's easy to have too much. of the three, tomatoes are the only thing that I would enjoy in excess.
>>382834 It's a nice base for other things but the moment my tongue comprehends "mayo" more than any of those other things, it's bad. It's the equivalent of licking a stick of butter to me.