the real imats can't come to the phone right now why? because he's dead
ah what a shame well tell him I said hi
where did you bury him
Kirara 🚗
on the open road
which is where im headingggg
>>380388 the open road is a pretty good place to be what a nice final stop for him
Koi...- - -...
>>380377 i am crying i started imagining snobs >using bags >not using leaves babies popping out smelling like cinnamon apple spice and sweating lemon ginger
>>380390 baby born on halloween and empowered with pumpkin spice
>>380366 not a penny she was the first roll of my first free ten roll of the day which was th first roll i did it was destined
There's so much downtime at work this week. While I appreciate having all this time to get paid to sit about, after a while it also becomes a bit of "why are you even keeping me here?"
Koi...- - -...
just in case think of it as being on call
Koi...- - -...
you sitting there is valuable because your time is valuable
spent two hours now fucking around with file formats to make them usable just so i can do my work this is time preparing for work that i don't get paid for agh
Fuuuck I have to deal with a bunch of customer service stuff today Cause I put shit off Well, really only 2 things The other crap just involves calling in like 7 prescriptions But the pharmacy's phone system is fucking terrible
Also for somereason while I was unboxing fireworks and playign 3d tetris and then smashing those boxes, I was singing whole time some weird "communist tomten killing finnish politicians" themed parody of a finnish christmas carol
i tried to make small talk with someone at a scenic overlook and they chased us down the mountain in their truck and almost ran us off the road i pissed the guy off by accident
so i was being friendly because he started talking to me and then he picked up his son and like held him over the ledge and i commented that it didn't look very safe and he was like, "you tellin me how to raise my son?!" and i said no, sorry, and then he said he could blow my brains out if he wanted to so i apologized and said i'll get going so we were driving away and this big truck came up behind us and almost hit us and was trying to bump into us so i drove down the mountain really fast i was taking corners with 15-30mph warnings at like 50mph it was like a horrible roller coaster eventually they backed off and stopped chasing us but they chased us for like 30 miles down the mountain it wasn't fun it was exciting, though
>>380485 It's happened a few times in the past year. I've never had anyone become irrationally angry with me and attack me. I don't even make people angry often.
I guess I did have someone awkwardly yell at me at a stoplight a few months ago. That was like the only time that's every happened to me though. He didn't go as far as to attack me though.
>>380522 Well, I can tell you that she doesn't want to annoy you with it. So you can rest easy.
>>380523 He is pretty good. I have lots of distant counter red swords though so I wasn't initially excited about him. I have both Ike and Black Knight, so.
alright, well maybe fittingly, i'm happy because there's two very flirtatious girls that i work with and it's nice to have that kind of exchange after a while even if it's without any actual motive behind it
>>380551 Wow maybe you'll have to choose between them They'll run up and ask who you like more They might even throw in a tilde or two
Koi...- - -...
they invited me to join their group for breakfast tomorrow i'm hanging out with kouhai so if we're still awake by then i'll probably go
>“I DIDNT GET ANYONE KILLED BECAUSE I DIDNT DISCHARGE A WEAPON AND BEING A SWAT MEMBER ISNT MY PROFESSION,” said one gamer, who others said made the swatting call. His account was suspended overnight.
>>380571 Because he was there. They were told he killed someone and had hostages, so police came to the door, Andrew opened it, and a police officer immediately shot Andrew and killed him.
apparently the guy that got killed was wrongly swatted too they swatted the wrong target so the guy that died never even had an idea of what was happening he just opened the door and got put down
>>380587 I'm gonna break your legs with a baseball bat~!
>>380589 Jesus what a way to go What was the swat team thinking anyway. For all they knew that guy could have been one of the "hostages" they were called about
>>380588 Do you think people watching the stream could have done anything? Like warned them? I guess you didn't know anymore than the streamer though
Kirara 🚗
>>380590 who knows the cop fucked up bad cops fuck up way too often
>>380590 They had a copper looking like a pizza guy. But yeah...not much to do on side to warn or anything. Would have been funny to see one look at TwitchChat though and get "wtf cops! my viewing experiance!"
>>380593 To get close ti a "hostage situration" house apparently.
Lucky didnt get to see the guy shot. He got to explain Twitch to Cops.
>>380591 admittedly it is a very high stress environment which requires split second decisions But that's no excuse for how retardedly high the amount of civilian deaths is
>>380592 >turn on twitch >turns into an episode of C. O. P. S halfway through
Weird shit happens on Twitch... There was also the guy that passed away on stream during a 24hour stream...
Kirara 🚗
>>380593 yeah it's because the training sims are shit
police sims are all like >there's a shooter >you tell him to put the gun down >instructor chooses >1. guy puts gun down >2. guy shoots at you >3. guy pretends to put the gun down and then shoots you
so like people don't do that third one in real life but they emphasize it and it makes people jumpy as shit because it teaches you that nothing is safe and you always have to be ready to kill
even working with cops makes you jumpy the whole thing fucks you up
i got spooked in the hotel room last night and /// it just messes you up
>>380597 No one does the third one? Surely it's happened at least a few times Probably not to the extent they empaphise
Kirara 🚗
im sure it's happened several times in the history of police but the training is bad
Kirara 🚗
anyway let's abolish the police and go back to frontier justice
>>380602 Yeah, it seems really silly to me. I don't really see it as a legitimate addiction.
Kirara 🚗
>>380609 you probably aren't aware of the 20+ years of research that disagrees with your opinion and shows that behavioral addictions are very much legitimate
>>380609 Have you seen those koreans and their starcraft If you're so addicted to games that it's impacting your life in a highly negative way then you have a real problem I'm talking about the sorts of people who game for 24 hours and die because they forgot to eat
Kirara what's required for someone to be diagnosed as having gaming deficiency?
>>380613 >>>380610 I mean they can research all they want, but it isn't going to make me agree with them.
What does this statement mean Rika That even if they came up with definitive proof through research you wouldn't agree?
>>380616 i used to be an awful heavy gambler i actually made pretty good money doing it it was kind of scary how intense it got, but tbh it doesn't seem particularly more addicting than working the job ive got now does i think i was immersed in it the way you'd treat any job but i doubt that i was addicted i thought i may have been at the time, but now i think that's just my work ethic phasing out distractions
i never got that level of deep into gaming but i imagine it could be the same if i was playing tournaments to win money to survive with
>>380616 What do you define as an addiction If you are feeling compelled to do something despite it being clearly bad for you and you can't stop then how is that not an addiction
>>380620 Since when did addiction require withdrawls to classify as addiction?
>>380618 Tell me more Gambling fascinates me What's the most you bet? I think you talked about this before but I forgot It was poker wasn't it?
>>380621 Did scientists find that people go through phyiscal withdrawal?
>>380619 Which is why I said it's stupid to use the same word for the two very different conditions.
Kirara 🚗
>>380622 it sounds like you have a surprisingly poor conception of addiction im on vacation so im not going to argue with you for hours about something you won't accept even if presented with evidence
>>380622 Why can't there just be addictions with and addictions without withdrawls The concept of withdrawls is just one elment of an addiction That is often present but doesn't necessarily have to be present
>>380625 in my case i don't think it was compulsive it was obsessive maybe, but i'm obsessive about my work too it's just how i am i don't really have a perspective of what a compulsive gambler feels
>>380626 Compulsive behavior is an aspect of addiction.
But yes, this is something that's pointless to argue about because I will not agree. I feel very strongly that it is wrong to put things like video game addiction on the level of drug addiction.
Kirara 🚗
>>380629 they're not on the same level rika they're classified as different things despite having similar neurological effects
>>380629 When was it implied that it was on the level of drug addiction It's like, stealing 10$ and 100$ are both different levels of severity, but they're both still called theft
>>380632 Are they? $100 is ten times more Stealing $100 from someone could be like stealing their rent money from them I didn't say anything about embezzlement I was talking about theft
The point is that two things can be in the same category whilst being different levels of severity
>>380631 embezzling $10 and embezzling $100 are basically the same though
>>380631 yeah but embezzlement is usually like in the millions
Rika what DO you like Tell me all about it The thing you like
>>380642 >couple hundred tops That's still a lot It sounds like something I could get addicted to The thrill Brushing with such huge losses based on estimates and probability A hundred can mean the difference between eating and not eating
>>380619 most ive bet at once? in a night chasing a streak? at once, probably not much a couple hundred tops if we're talking about actual games i guess a couple thousand if you consider moving for a new life opportunity a gamble, which i would
>>380640 It's disrespectful to addicts and paints their condition in too light a light to put them on the same level as people who play too many video games.
>>380641 I like taking it easy and when people agree with me.
There are a lot of people walking around and the fridge keepa making noises.
>>380665 One of the guys I travelled in Japan with brings earplugs and a sleeping mask with him when he travels to ensure he can always be removed enough from sensory stuff like that. I don't know if I could fall asleep easier with plugs like that in my ears though.
>>380668 I'd probably have an even harder time relaxing if I did that, I think.
>>380666 Why did you decide to work in an area like that?
video games can be a life ruining addiction to very few people they aren't physically addictive and don't induce as much mental stress as something like a gambling addiction either I think while they can lead to addictive behavior and compulsions they aren't really on the same level as other addictive substances
it's like being addicted to caffeine Mostly a benign affliction
>>380660 yeah my two friends that play aren't online at the moment that was a scav run where i was very fortunate i got in during the last 30 minutes on customs and didn't cross paths with any players but dead ones found a quest item, a 60-round 5.45x39 mag, and some good shit
it's always crazy and kind of amazing to me the difference a good pair of headphones makes i've been listening to this song forever on speakers at work and then listening to it on my 555HD's now i'm hearing all these subtle things i never even knew were there
>>380686 do you have the game? i got the holiday rewards and then purchased and upgrade and was very sad to learn i'd lose the keybar if i wanted to use the upgrade
I have a lot of do not repost images from that artist. I repost them anyway.
I've never been to rank 20. Doing deathless runs is too much of a pain.
I don't think it's that common to scare people off. I guess he is on vacation and trying to relax though, and I argued with him. I shouldn't have said anything.
>>380707 I don't have problems killing her. The problem is taht half the time she'll kill someone before I can get to her.
She will kill at least one unit if she is in a team with a dancer or a team with draw back or reposition that keeps pulling her back on some of the dumber maps. It wouldn't be a problem if distant counter worked against her.
>>380709 Corrin will kill Horse Lyn every time. The problem is that Corrin has low BST and I am trying to run an armor team in arena that has all around high BST to make up for the fact that I have to drag silver Anna along for points. And Horse Lyn is ruining my fun.
Which is why I hate horse Lyn, you can't really do anything fun because you have to build your teams with the fact that you can't escape her in mind.
Water you up to tonight SC? It's friday! >>380713 i really like athena's art, though people flame it a lot for some reason fjorm has some nice artwork i think olwen's is pretty nice too veronica's is also good
>>380714 What I'm always up to! I am trying to write my story, being alone in my room! But...I also got a Dorito Taco, and sitting on here too. Desu is at work.
People really HATE that guy's art for some reason. Personallty I think it's fine too...I'm more hating Rebecca's eyes. ...would you trade me for something for one of my Fjorm's if you could?
...i forget that i have unfinished stories sometimes even though i think about them a lot i wish i had the motivation to finish them
where is sui working? >>380718 you're held in contempt of court and life in general
what are the legal ramifications of being bang
this is a question we had fun with at work
a stranger walks up to you and asks you to kill somebody, anyway anyhow, as long as they die in the next two months what is the minimum offer in straight lump-sum cash you would take?
>>380717 Writing is hard! I get the feeling though...
He works at a psychiatrist's place as a guard, and back-up for nurses and stuff.
>>380720 Blazing Blade and Alm's are tied for best.
>>380719 depends who it is most of the quote comes from risk assessment
ephreak the og sister fucker
>>380723 the person selected is of no serious importance they're someone you don't know and probably wouldn't ever know, who leads a simple middle-class life doing whatever they do
>>380725 do they have kids or dependant family members
>>380726 whichever answer would be of least importance to you
>>380719 i would not kill anyone unless i could be certain i would not face criminal charges regardless of the amount of money involved so under those exact terms, infinity dollars
One thing that is strange about the fire emblem fanbase is that it creates memes like other fanbases create fanart.
>>380719 who am I killing and why I would probably refuse unless it was someone who was a really big threat to the wellbeing of others
>>380727 probably 70k if nobody is dependant on them that would allow me to put my family in a position that i feel like the sacrifice wasn't wasted it's pretty shallow to say but i would rather kill someone else than kill my family and my family's dying, so
>>380734 I like fanart too! I wish they did fanart a little more diligently.
>>380719 Paid in advance or after the murder is comitted.
>>380739 Paid in advance, but if you don't commit the murder after accepting, you die
probably half and half
>>380740 I haven't really looked at what the cost would be is, but then whatever amount of money it would take for me to live comfortably and quietly for the next sixty or seventy years. The amount of money that would take would mean the actual death would be pretty cheap to accomplish, but I'm not going to be responsible for killing a person unless I can ensure I would never have to be compelled to do it again.
another interesting caveat i thought of was that you simply owe someone who pays for people to kill other people a sum of money worth killing someone over
>seeing which /moe/s will murder someone
Oh my...
i want it to be known i have no intention of murdering anyone so far use that in court
>>380743 i owe a crack addict 40 bucks and a rock to kill his family
those were some interesting answers! and some lame ones but whatever
mine was probably lame, a simple 150k would be the minimum before i'd start considering but i think in the end i'd turn it down hard to say
>>380749 Invest everything Then sell it Then I now have 200 thousand
oh i should explain some parameters the money is cash, so converting it into digital currency and spending it would require quite the cooperation of a bank! and it just so happens to be a bank holiday
two kilograms of blow and a fucking boat probably take a week off work and go boat around the gulf say hello to the cartels
>>380749 Buying land. Real estate is always a good investment.
>>380754 There's a store downtown here that buys and sells BitCoid. No problemo.
BitCoin even.
>>380755 this is an interesting answer one i don't condone, but to each their own >>380753 you sound like the kind of person who would wish for more wishes >>380751 i wonder about crypto it seems like a good way to make a quick buck short term, and probably an amazing investment in the ultra long term but there's going to be some massive issues in the future at certain points like when governments decide to start meddling
>>380754 Okay try invest in physical commoddities But if that doesn't work then I'm much more out of luck since it's all in cash And I can't digitalize it because the banks are out Now I COULD try giving cash to a bunch of people and then asking them to deposit digital money into a paypal I'd let them skim a bit off the top I say this because there's not all that much to buy in my city that I can buy in cash I guess I could buy a boat or property but I doubt that they'd accept cash I would LIKE to buy stuff like g *games and gunpla but for the good shit I gotta order it by mail because my city has fuck all
>>380759 I mean I just need to let it sit there for three or so days and then I can just take it out and invest on a normal, not bank-holiday. >>380762 You're not wrong, but when it comes to money I'm pretty pragmatic about it.
of course the "right" answer it to game the question and figure out a way to keep the money this is about what would you blow 200k on if you had to blow it
>>380762 I don't think I could blow 200,000 dollars so easily. There isn't really anything immediate and impulsive in this world that I want. When faced with that lack of things to run around buying, I'm only really left with the interest of saving it and spending it slowly over the future.
>>380749 This was also a JoJo fight There's a stand that gives away money and you have to spend it all or else you die It was a really good fight I liked it
>>380762 i'd go lease a commercial unit that has a freezer, like a butcher shop, buy five lambda blades and a bunch of interfacing equipment from microcenter just pay several years' lease up front and i guess pay someone like // i dunno but there'd be some left
>>380763 there's a lot of different creative ways to blow a lot of money in two days the obvious ones are drugs and hookers and cars and shit but there's meaningful and inventive ways to spend 200k
>>380769 Making good investments and spending money wisely can be rewarding in the short term, too. I like the satisfaction that comes with making good decisions.
hmmm let's try the Richie Rich approach maybe
You're given $200k USD in cash, you own choice of 100's, 50's, and 20's. You must spend as much of the 200k in two days as you possibly can, and anything you spend money on will be gone at the end of the second day. What do?
>>380770 As do I Like any rational minded human being with a modicum of self control But do you have the self control to blow the money instead of doing the obvious kneejerk reaction of trying to keep it?
>>380771 i'd buy 400 of those $500 frozen meat deluxe packages that are delivered to your door and i'd maill them all to your doorstep for asking dumb questions
>>380771 If I was a murderer, I'd use this to murder people Since the murder weapons would disappear by the second day
Maybe I'd hire a group of really expensive escorts and make them watch anime with me
>>380782 >13 hookers struggling to sit through OreImo
>>380782 you could buy like a thousand handjobs at once man
>>380785 Yeah but that'd distract us from the anime
>>380784 >pay them more or less based on how correct their opinions on the anime is
I wonder what would happen in this scenario - You post on social media as aggressively as you can about a flash protest happening the next day and contact news companies with a tip that something big will go down, and then you stack the money in a pyre and burn it all in front of as many people as you can
/moe/ what a year it has been I may not see you on new years but it has been a tremendous 363 days, and it wasn't all easy, but it was important thanks for keeping this website alive with your presence
>>380789 HOLY SHIT BANG I JUST HAD THE BEST FUCKING IDEA EVER You buy a bunch of people clothes so they're wearing these clothes right walkin around town with their fancy new threads THEN SUDDENLY All their clothes come off because of the disappearance rule And you could laugh about it and make a joke about the emperors new clothes
>>380796 Anyone rational is going to invest a large amount of money. 500 bucks isn't really enough to be a meaningful investment. You get better answers with a smaller amount of money.
Really what's more interesting is the aspect of things disappearing after two days You could pay for someone to get new brakes on their car THEN IN THE NEXT TWO DAYS THEY HAVE NO BRAKES AND THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW IT It's the perfect crime
for 500 bucks i'd probably just pay bills or some shit
>>380795 probably groceries and maybe a little cocaine
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
have you ever been fighting an angel in space when the lord of dreams decides to throw a giant catfish at you
I'll fix your question if someone payed you ten thousand dollars to suck them off and swallow it what drink are you gonna buy at the bar to get the taste out of your mouth
>>380797 no that's the point! it's an amount of money too big to actually blow through and you'd have to be crazy to do it! so what would you go crazy on?
>>380802 i'm going to assume the amount of money is actually just "however much you'd have to be paid in order to do that" so for several millions of dollars i would probably buy a coca-cola
no because some people would do it for free the money is relevant for those people
if i had ten thousand dollars though i might follow it up with a shot of hennessy
>>380806 i didn't know we were getting *your mother* involved HEY OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>380805 you really wouldn't suck a guy's (or girl's) penis for ten thousand dollars?
>>380817 i don't typically like asking questions like this but who is fucking? i'd be way more willing to get pegged by a oh shit the rock i'd probably be willing to accept less money from the rock than most possible answers actually then you get to tell people you fucked the rock
>>380817 i'd expect at least a sushi dinner at a nice place and a fancy bottle of sake, and probably a gift like a sleek watch or piece of jewelry so 400-ish bucks i guess if they have a good attitude and play their cards right probably about six thousand if they aren't very charming
The Rock would probably cuddle with you afterward too
>>380825 nah because I would only accept the money if it came with a blowie
>>380825 there's no tilde because it's not gay we're both gonna say no homo first
>>380829 well how much would it take for you to fuck The Rock
>>380829 are girls "expected" to be cool with anal
>>380829 you're probably focusing on the wrong parts of why
>>380832 make sure to tuck away the balls so they don't touch
>>380829 I don't expect anyone to be cool with it.
>>380829 wait what >girls are just expected to be cool with? what did you mean by this exactly wouldn't it be the same societal pressures reinforcing this kind of thought that would be reinforcing the idea that it's embarassing for men to suck men's dicks
i expect every tom dick and harry on the street to suck my cock if i flash a big enough wad in front of their faces tbh
>>380838 >>380829 isn't it more that something like that is something you should really only be doing with someone you want to do that with because you have feelings for eachother and less about the gender or the act in question
And if you don't want to do it with anyone than that's whatever.
And if there's no money value that would make you comfortable doing it with someone, that's not a bad thing.
as i'm applying different genders to the question, i would probably accept less money to suck certain male's dicks than i would accept to eat out certain females for instance, i'd much more willingly get frisky with The Rock than for instance Queen Elizabeth so actually now i'm going to invoke the snowflake's right to be offended that you would dare question my moral superiority with you BIASED AND PREJUDICIAL QUESTION
if someone wanted to spoil me with a fancy dinner and then pay a certain amount in cash, i think i'd probably sympathize with them for it being that important to them and i'd feel contented by helping them
What would you do to get a 24 episode S2 of your favourite anime What's your limit
i'd spend the 200k on a fancy las vegas venue and then i'd buy like i dunno like 400 cattle or something and then at the end of the 48 hours i'd host a big magic show and be like hey wanna see me make 400 cattle disappear and i'd make so much money from it
Truthfully I'd want to see if the giving =/= spending loophole worked. That give it up and it's not yours anymore technally. Split it up to /moe/s and [???]...either success and item keep over the 48 limit or...still disappears, shit's-sad-yo.
200k fun spending would be too easy.
>>380887 One of the particulars was that the money is in cash and the banks are closed, so it can't be put into an account that would be able to buy things online.
>>380903 I liked it, it was pretty good. The OP was very good too.
>>380903 It was fun to watch. In a lesser season it might've been a bit more outstanding but there was just so much good stuff this season and it ended up being a bit middle of the pack.
Can you believe it came from the Gantz and HEN guy? >implying /moe/ has read Gantz
I don't know anything about HEN but yeah I knew about Gantz. Inuyashiki even references Gantz and outright mocks it.
But yeah I can believe it. Inuyashiki definitely gets a bit zany in the same way Gantz does. I don't think it's weird to consider them from the same author.
Was it one that you dudeos were watching together?
There's very little these days that we don't watch together, Rika, Squid, and myself. So yeah. If there's a show one of the three of us has seen from a season, we've probably all watched it.
>nia is actually a fucking cannibal holy shib nia is myy waifu
If something is trash do you guys still watch it or group-drop-it?
it depends on the show if around half of the viewers dislike it usually they drop it
>>380912 Some times we still end up watching something that's trash for some bizarre reason. Gluttons for punishment or something. But generally if the majority isn't interested in watching something, it gets dropped. And there's the odd show that one person might not be watching while the others do.
What do you guys think of the Fate soon to be done? I think it's fucking awful.
Apocrypha? I've really enjoyed it. I wasn't sold on the two-sided Grail War at first but I really like how they've taken it. And I'm always really partial to artificial beings learning to be human so the Sieg storyline that it seems a bunch of other people didn't like is a positive part of the show for me. Plus there's some really good Heroic Spirits involved with the war and really spice up the show with engaging character arcs. I only wish they'd had a better animation staff that could have worked full time on the series and had better standardized quality. I don't have any particular issue with the actual story the show has been telling.
>>380921 i thought the art was really nice the story was kind of strange but it's not like they had a really well designed story to base anything off of just a huge gallery of characters with a few sentences of backstory each
>>380923 Were you one of those people that liked the "holograms are people too" in Star Trek?
I haven't ever gotten into Star Trek so I have no opinion on what you're referencing here.
>>380926 Is a robot--well, /can/ a robot be human? Yes / No?
A sufficiently advanced robot with hardware that can perfectly emulate the procudures of the human brain, equipped with the necessary components to behave in an exceedingly close approximation of a human, to me, is for all intents and purposes an artificial human. Within that framework, yes, a robot can be human. I'm not going to throw out the award of being human to every robot like candy on Halloween though.
This is where we have trouble on our starship.
A robot is a robot.
Well what do you mean to "be human". Do you mean a literal flesh and blood, organic being. In that case, when does a person stop being a human? Once they've subbed the vast majority of their organic body for inorganic components, or transferred their conscious into an entirely inorganic body? Are we talking about the psychological capacity to act as a human does? Where does the boundary of that even exist?
Just saying "a robot is a robot" is oversimplifying the matter and intentionally avoids the actual questions of the deliniations here.
>>380943 My toaster can't feel! I wouldn't throw it out if it could though.
>>380945 what if you needed to get a better toaster are you just going to unplug him and leave him around just because he has feelings your toaster will just get depressed
You don't sell your friends when they get old and useless!
a toaster that can't toast is no friend of mine!
i always imagined appliances would be controlled by a sentient AI that has control over the entire house in the future like that smart house nonsense combined with HAL
What's the point then? You want to be warm when you're sleeping.
It gets warm when I am in bed for a long enough time anyways, I would just want it to be ready for me!
Yeah, I get that. My bed never gets too cold when I'm resting in it; it's just that initial period of getting under the covers that I'm feeling frigid. And by "never gets too cold" I mean it's always warm when I'm in bed.
I was nodding off at my friend's house But getting up and making my way back home has woken me up a bit
/moe/ do you sleep with your head under the covers?
i like to sleep with a bunch of blankets when its cold so it's insulating! if I had something to heat up the bed before going to sleep that would be cool. >>380972 no, I need to breathe.
I've got the same duvet on my bed year round. It gets a bit hot in the heart of summer but I like being hot so that's not a problem for me. In the winter it's more than enough to insulate me so I'm never cold. Providing the heat in the house doesn't go out.
>>380968 Yuu* want to be warm when you're sleeping
>>380973 I also don't sleep with my head under the covers Although it's because my head gets too hot
I usually sandwich my head between two pillows and hold one with an arm on it to keep it still My left shoulder hurts right now so I'm not sure which side to sleep on though
>>380977 I could never sleep naked. It might drench my legs in sweat but I'll always have pyjama pants on even if it kills me.
>>380977 That's kind of gross But if its really hot I can get why you would do it >>380979 I sleep in underwear and a tshirt Anything more than underwear will get too hot much of the time
>>380979 i don't like wearing anything heavy especially not pajama pants no wait i'm thinking of sweatpants for some reason pajama pants i might be able to do i dunno i haven't worn pajamas in years
>>380981 That's fine the majority of my pyjama pants are as thick as sweatpants. I get that other people don't like it but my discomfort of wearing nothing supercedes my discomfort of the heat by a huge amount.
I need to get another cooling pillow or something
Ah fuck I forgot to call in those medicine refills I need to pick them up before the first since my insurance deductible or whatever resets on Monday
>>381021 im suited up in bright orange and ready to shovel debris hope you had a nice holiday i dont get out for seven hours but lets hang out later >>381022 morning
Koi...- - -...
also these goggles make my glasses fog up. this has to be a hazard
>>381021 Welcome back from the holidays, Kannaglee. I'm good enough. You?
>>381023 Wow, hard labour! I had an alright holiday, it was tiring! Definately!
>>381024 How moe. I forgot you were a glasses archtype! what a moe character. >>381025 Yoho. I am sleepy. The heating is too high I think. I am too sleepy from the heat! but it is cold outside.
blue what if i told you you either have a new 2hu to love forever and cherish or that yoi have been made into one
Don't you know Blue is already a moe railroad working mahoushoujo
>>381026 Sounds like a good reason to keep napping. Dozing off in a nice toasty place is lovely.