i actually wouldn't do any of that i am having trouble making health insurance payments and i need to see a doctor also i may make a joke like that but i wouldn't sincerely do something to upset someone's tastes i'd mock them teasingly but not actually bully
>>378532 >he wouldn't sincerely do something to upset someone's tastes PUSSY
pussy would imply cowardice would imply there's something in it for me that i'm not afraid to take by actually doing it there isn't not being a pointless asshole isn't being a pussy
Life is pointless though
citation needed
My brother said it he's very smart
>>378527 I not only saved it I also stole it >>378537 I'm gonna kick your brother in the dick
I don't see why they don't just bring it back permanently
sk 🖤
>>378563 I think there's tutorials on youtube for making a copy
Binging with Babish did a set of a videos on it. There's a close approximation, a "correct" approximation, an some other shit like just throwing a couple of McDonald's' other sauces in and seeing how close it gets to the taste. >>>/watch?v=lhc_bXGvmp0
>>378563 >after the promo we're having another promo
bbq sauce is the goat. its all downhill niches from there
i wonder why it's gotten so popular in a few years
bbq is the best with chicken sweet and sour is pretty good too though
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
the original chicken nugget sauce is my favourite which is>>378575
Koi...- - -...
yeah it's nice
I'm fine with Szechuan sauce in actual Szechuan-y cooking. Though I guess I've never actually had it in generic fast food or cheap restaurant dining so who knows.
I really rarely eat out so I never have a good idea of what I'm talking about here.
jack in the box has some chicken jalapeno szechuan monstrosity in their late night stoner food menu it's pretty good
>>378578 i have had it in both a traditional sense and in homemade form and i just don't like it that much especially not compared to other asian preparations of chicken and shrimp
confusing when you dont know irritating when you do know i SHOULD e lay okay
last time i used a train my trip back was delayed by 2 hours as the train i was getting on was struck by an 18 wheeler at least riding in it was nice at least i wasn't in the one that got hit lol
oh wait no it was last year that the truck hit a train that time a guy made a left turn onto the tracks and got hit because he supposedly didn't see or hear the fuckin train either way they sent a shuttle bus over and both of them immediately filled past capacity so they told me i was shit out of luck until they get the other train on the line to this station my station doesn't really love me
and they don't give a fuck about bagging anything. they'll just throw all your groceries at you as fast as they can. it's great.
More grocery stores ought to let their cashiers sit down. It's not like standing up drastically improves morale. And I don't think society is at a point anymore where most people see someone sitting down and think "oh yeah, that person is being lazy".
>>378648 yeah i don't really need some disabled kid to put my stuff in a bag anyway there was a place called sack and save near me that just had a table in the front with a bunch of bags so you could bag your own shit if you wanted or just like walk up and get some plastic bags for free incidentally they went out of business
>>378655 Imagine getting up at 6:00am in the middle of winter to make half the legal minimum wage to pick up bags of potatoes and put them into boxes for several hours.
While your Italian co-worker with only a loose grasp of English talks to you about how many women he's slept with.
whenever the people at the supermarket ask me if I'm having a nice day it feels so hollow We both know they're just asking because their boss told them to
when i was in highschool my mom used to complain that i looked like Castro
Koi...- - -...
>wear warm clothes on Saturday, guys. if its not snowing, we're going outside. >but what about Saturday? question thrown out of his mouth immediately as the instructor says this you can hear the necks turning and this is after like five minutes of him having confusion about the schedule for the next two weeks and then the OJT afterwards.
there are these procedurally generated dungeons called chalice dungeons and there are an infinite amount of things so occasionally new enemies pop up that haven't been seen before because they have low spawn rates
sk 🖤
Oh, it's apparently cut content that someone modded to get to or something
they did find an enemy recently it was in the launch trailer for the game but nobody found it until a few months ago
sk 🖤
>>378721 Oh wow That's amazing game design though The replay value
Kirara 🚗
well the chalice dungeons can be unfun sometimes but they do add tons of new value they're fun to do coop Jan and i used to go coop that shit did it with ton too
Bloodborne is one of the few games that a lack of dlc is a crime it has one dlc with tons of gameplay and it's amazing dlc but i always want more Bloodborne that game was a masterpiece
PC release when tho
I think in like 6 years Cause PS4 exclusivity contract was supposed to be thatong *that long
Kirara 🚗
>>378726 it showed up on steam once but it got taken down really quick well, the logo and stuff did, not the actual game it had an entry is what I mean
I'm running more dungeon crawl classics shit today.
Running Elzemon and the blood drinking box Also the book i ordered came in the other day It says features adventures for parties of levels 1-5 But that's wrong There are no level four adventures in it Just two level 1 ones, two level 2 ones, two level 3 ones and two level 5 ones. And then i forget which one there are three of Maybe 3
I'm considering complaining to the company. Cause the main reason i ordered this one was because it was supposed to have adventures for levels 1-5
"we promise to make the bosses in bloodborne 2 deal as much lightning damage and fx as possible" "every effort was made to ensure that when the boss attacks, it covers the entire arena and drops as many frames as possible"
Kirara 🚗
>electric doggo that spawns babby electric doggos in a chalice dungeon
>also there is a small moat of infinite depth so you kill yourself on the edge of the arena
i didn't really sperg was a derogatory term for somebody with aspergers i thought it was just like being spastic like calling someone a spaz i should probably be more careful
>>378750 haha spaz was originally a slur for someone with cerebral palsy sperg is definitely still uses /// used like that though
>>378752 was it really i know spastic has to do with spasms but that seems kind of specific i use it (spaz) when someone's mind is having a spasm and they're just bein very whatever there's no other word to describe it than spastic
Kirara 🚗
>In the United States, the terms are inoffensive; in the UK, they are typically taken as denigrating references to those with cerebral palsy, and consequently University of Sussex linguist Lynne Murphy has described spastic as "one of the most taboo insults to a British ear"[1] and in a 2003 survey by the BBC it was voted the second-most offensive word relating to disability (after retard).[2][3] I guess it's only offensive in UK/Commonwealth
>>378748 the bad hunter got fucked up by the werewolf and died in the clinic
well what words can i even use instead that aren't derogatory to the cripples
Kirara 🚗
i have no idea
i started saying shit like trash golem and garbage goblin as replacements for words like dumb like replacement insults
but i guess words like spaz might be fine if you're talking about a spasm?
instead of saying retard, i use a word replacement so it's less offensive i say fucktard
>>378758 not retard, sperg or spaz when someone's being spastic i would have said they're being a spaz or they're sperging out >>378757 fuckin, something weird that i came across in town of salem is it has become ubiquitous that people use "savant" to insult people who are making bad decisions in the game i get it, but it's so arbitrary and bizarre
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's pretty weird
it's hard to insult people these days without accidentally offending your friends
they don't even make a sentence just SAVANT JAILOR FFS
just don't have any friends and then you'll never offend your friends
>>378761 how many people on the internet actually communicate in complete sentences anyways that shit is for the birds
i have to figure out how to work this pension stuff it doesnt work like my dad's so its not worth doing overtime like he did
yeah our generation isn't blessed with those good things hurr durr why dont you work harder bc im not gettin shit for it
Koi...- - -...
im still getting pension but in tier 6, theres a limit. you can only deviate from your base pay by 15k. so if my base gives me 50k but my actual is like 80k because of overtime and differentials, it would only be looked at as 65k when they consult my years for my pension time. it's pretty lame
>>378850 that would be a neat place to live in in a more scenic place than florida, though
>>378866 Yeah that is the thing I do want to buy it legally but if I am actually paying money for it, I want a version that is supported in my local region while 2hu in finnish would be "dafuuug" english will do and if it is on a storefront on this side of planet and available and they expect me to pay money I expect to get it in a language that I can understand
I wouldn't blame you at all for pirating it But personally I don't care because I've already got the game in English. In my case the game on steam itself isn't important, it's more about sending money Zuns way
I just expect some steps to be taken when you actually put your game on "storeshelf" even if it is a digital shelf steps towards making the product for example actually supported in your region for example or for it to work
>>378892 wrong right, but wrong artist yes but also it is "art" >>378893 that is what reads on the painting and yes it has a title
wait i said picasso but it's the melting clock guy i can't remember the name sorry i had to pee before and wasn't thinking >>378896 yeah that one i knew about the lobster phone the others elude me
third one was either a clever stab at pretentious art community or just dickery, but it has spawned shitty idiots who actually think that is "art" the first two however are even in my opinion legitimate art pieces. for all its pretentiousness, the pipe is even without the "message" a good painting of a pipe
imo if a piece of art can be explained, it's not art art is what's already in its irreducible form
e.g. photography as art or photography as a product
A pile of feces is art nowadays if you define art by "what the pompous people int heir ivory towers call art" then indeed, everything is art.
>>378905 i dont think it's shallow i think it's shallow when art can be constructed to mean something it means that there's a more innate way of expressing that meaning when it's irreducible, it's just its own expression and its meaning is its own existence
>>378912 I think just about anything can be reduced and explained with words. It might not be the best medium for such a thing, >>378911 It can be but not all piles of feces are art. To take a urinal and make it iconic is something special.
let me try a different approach it's kind of like in literature, the idea of showing verse telling you want to express something that can be felt, not encode an underlying message that just gets preachy
and im not saying the urinal isn't art, i just think that if it is, it evoked something greater in the artist than just a stab at the status quo
>>378913 it became iconic when people were in the mindset that supported such crap post-relativistic cancer basically
>>378916 and so it had value. There's a level of absurdity to it which makes it iconic. That "it was just a joke but then it was taken seriously somehow" to such an extent that it is now ART HISTORY makes it art.
>>378917 Peopl will value garbage and worship dead fish heads doesn't make it any less retarded
Like, YES. IT'S DUMB. YES. THE PEOPLE TAKING IT SERIOUSLY ARE SILLY. But that's part of the joke. Had no one taken it seriously, it wouldn't have been anything more than a bad joke. But it proved its own point. Which makes it so much better.
>>378921 Yeah, but those little jabs and stabs spawned the post-modern and well "post-post-modern" andw hatnot "post-bullshit" you may have and that led to "this unmade bed is art" >>378924 and it has also led to arcitechture becoming shit
>>378914 I wouldn't call that "not art" just "not as good art". or not as meaningful That there is a way to express the meaning in words isn't a bad thing but the choice of medium is different and its the artist's job to convey And //there's no and here
There's a lot of things that are hard to express in words, too
oh of course. But I mean the things that still can be. Just because you can doesn't mean you want to. Or perhaps it's not as effective in just words? People empathize more with visuals. reasons on top of reasons
mm I finally managed to make the egg covering good and soft and delish though the rice got too much flavour in it with my accidental addition of too much soy
>>378925 i think the artist would not be able to succinctly express it in words if someone else can, that's different but for the artist, it's something of its own
>>378957 is it gonna have as much meaning in words as it is in the visual medium? if it doesn't, then it's not really being conveyed through words if it does as equally be conveyed in both realms then that's a very talented expressionist and i think each would be very valuable
Kirara 🚗
>>378959 right now, Alabama tomorrow, Mississippi next day, Arkansas after that, Louisiana
>>378966 Deer aren't that assholeish reindeer and moose those guys are just ass hats >oh a car >oh well not that I care, better stay here and eat some moss on the road >maybe take a nap >yeah take a nap >oh and I should call over all my friends too >50 reindeer napping in the middle of the road
and moose? fuck those they know NOTHING can take them on 1o1 wolverines prove that to be wrong, but they are fuckers too but NOTHING can take moose 1o1 in their head so they see a car "HAH no antlers, wimp bitch" and just stay there posturing
Kirara 🚗
today is mostly driving through florida so it's boring because florida is a big strip mall anywhere people live
but we drove through an abandoned town where all the roofs were caved in
would have, but it's getting dark and fish would have been too anxious >>378974 nah got like flashlights and shit but that's it
oh yeah you don't have camping gear prolly with you'
>>378967 as an observer i don't really enjoy being preached at i like feeling something some artists definitely like to encode that meaning and preach something and it doesn't really resonate with my value of art it's not my most educated area but i do have my interpretation
not my most educated as in i never studied art formally or anything i sound very stupid in artsy circles but i think it's good for people to still have their own value in it and stuff
Is not like all post-modern et al art is bad I for one enjouyed that dot artist yayois work quite much dot mirror but she wasn't throwing some "this is my unmade bed, it is art" at me with some bullshit description attached that "you weren't equipped with enough intelligence to understand" most post-modern artist are essentially rick and morty fans
or are the artist actually that at all but all their fans and followers and the artist just make the easy money off of the gullible? Who knows
Also, since it is bit ahrd to tell from pictures of pictures zoom in to say >>378886 the "smartphone" and you'll see that they aren't actually just x-rays of stuff but rather
bye bye miss american bang through my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry dem good old boys were drinkin whisky and rye singin this will be the end of our lives this will be the end of our lives
I mean I understand the reasoning behind it >those who use and wanted it should fund it with tolls yeah but not everyone can just dish the X amount if you could make the X% amount it would be more fair, but that would be just ludacriously complicated to organise. and as for funding it with taxes, well... then the people who will never use that particular road just got their money wasted on something. Of course, equally there would be some other road or project funded with the very same taxpot, that would never benefit the ones who got that particular road for them.
Large groups of people riding around on segways, wearing ugly yellow helmets with yellow vests on. Buildings shaped like mermaids and dinosaurs that looked like they were made out of paper machete. A giant gift shop shaped like an orange with a sign that said "fruit gifts" A large gift shop that was painted with American flags, but also most of them were painted incorrectly. And tons of traffic. Most of Florida is super lame. But that area is just radiating with some kind of maleficence.
i don't want to spend time with two cute girls rika is saying she's spending time with a cute girl referring to herself so if she can do that, then i can say i'm spending time with two cuties (me and fish)
that one wasn't even like "yeah that's so bad that it's nice" that one was just sad tbh
unlimited bangarang
>>379080 there's probably a foundation/company that is in with the hotels in one way or another (business arrangement, good faith agreement, etc) and they just arrange for the bibles to be in each room
I don't think it'd be stealing either And I feel like one of the reasons they're there is so people take them
fish thinks it'd be wrong to take it
unlimited bangarang
it's comparable to the soaps in the bathroom that they leave there
If you eat the mints on hotel pillows are you stealing them?
unlimited bangarang
it's only wrong to take it from a moral standpoint if you are going to be wasting a book that someone else might have use for once again i'll bring up the hotel soap is it permitted for you to dump the contents of them onto the bathtub floor and wash them down the drain? absolutely are you a dick if you do it for no reason? absolutely
man i thought i was the shit walking around with my lieel PDA remember when PDA was a word people had blackberrys for the UTILITY WITHOUT PHONE SERVICE
>tfw search engines ruined bible games where you had to flip to the page quickly
Kirara 🚗
now PDA only means public display of affection
unlimited bangarang
>a central point of Doom3's plot was the use of PDAs by most of the staff
Kirara 🚗
haha shit i remember that you had to find all those damn PDAs to get into rooms and shit too i wonder if young people know what a PDA is they'd probably just assume it was a phone
unlimited bangarang
i used to use my PDA to plan out my day and shit i'd have entries like "go bike riding with joshua" and "study the bible" and i'd use it to cross-reference shit with the bible open >>379122 joshua was a real person the kind of friend you had as a kid where you saw them every day but now you don't even remember their last name or what their face looked like
Kirara 🚗
was joshua a living person or was that a bible study bike ride
Kirara 🚗
i knew a guy named joshua in middle school he taught me a bunch of curse words and we used to shout them at people out of the school bus windows
I remember when they fed thousands of people with bread and fish. Jeremiah was an amazing person
unlimited bangarang
>>379132 that's extremely new in terms of technology in fact i can't think of another device as insanely transformative for society that has been around for so little and most other technological advancements took much longer than 5-6 years to change the world even the telephone took decades the internet as well i think the closest comparable advancement is maybe automatic cartridge-fed weapons the time from the Maxim machine gun's invention to the outbreak of WW1 is only about two decades and that's lightning fast smartphones took maybe half a decade
I don't have to leave until noon I can get a full night sleep
i've been using a Nexus 5x since june 2016 and i'm really sad i'm going to have to replace it ever seriously underrated phone i'll probably get a pixel
>>379134 the impact was so big that I barely remember what it was like before smart phones were a thing and now they're the norm
if i want to keep using project fi (i do) my only choices are the moto x4 and the pixel or pixel2 once this nexus 5x dies i guess i'll end up picking the pixel but that makes me sad the nexus is so good
>>379147 trying to fix my sleep schedule if i go to bed at 2am, i will just need to do so for one or two more days in a row and be done with this constant sleep-schedule fuckery i've endured the last tweek
Cause their Jewish population has almost dwindled to nothing.
Kirara 🚗
maybe that's because jesus is making them into Christians by slipping them $50 bills in Bibles
Nah It's cause Dothan fucking sucks And so does Alabama
I think all my relatives from Alabama fgoing back three generations descendants have left Alabama. For good reason
Kirara 🚗
well im only here one night
I have no idea which town that part of tthe family is from though. All I know is that in some dinky little town, in a small one story one room library is a giant portrait of one of my ancestors
I saw a $50 note a few days ago when I withdrew it from an atm.
Kirara 🚗
i have two $50 bills on me now
>>379210 Most ATMs here only give $20s and hundreds. Or just $20s There are these special ATMs they have at the bank that give fives and tens and singles and possibly fifties. But i rarely stop by the branch
>>379234 No, not really. I already have Charlotte, Amelia, and Elise. The only one I like on that banner but don't have is Spring Lucina but she isn't a very good unit. So I don't see al ot of purpose in rolling on it.
>>379250 I have some strong units. I think I could do okay!
Do you know which /moe/ has the units to be wary over?
>>379252 I mean "see rock city" ads. Also I'm not sure if thats a window.
I think only about one then... Don't know what it is or why tho'.
It's a tourist attraction in Georgia that is notable for having ads painted on the sides of barns all over the south for it. Many of which are dilapidated and only continue to exist to display the message.
>>379249 i would like to play against friends but it will have to be a new mode somehow currently the fights are designed for the AI battle and have asymmetric win conditions i would be happy if i could just even set up teams for my friends to attempt to play against, doesn't have to be real time
Okay I may have found a reason for it to be in cali http://www.rubicontheatre.org/event/068a95485458ae1007001c4cdca09de7 Could be an ad for that they forgot to take diwn *down
live play would probably not be a good idea co-op sounds interesting i think head to head would really need a rework otherwise you'll have people stalemating forever because it's not built for symmetric win conditions you can't just bait them on a unit when they've got the same idea in mind as you >>379274 i would definitely enjoy making some creative teams that would be fun to play against i don't want to bully people with gimmicky teams, that's not very fun i'd try to balance the challenge to make it fun
>>379273 Head to head seems like it could be frustrating. I welcome any new game mode, though.
Also I've never been to rock city. I asked to go all the time when i was a kid. The one time wwe almost went something happened and we needed to get home sooner so we skipped it.
>>379277 with a game like this, frustration is something you don't want in your game it's different with arena because while it is still another player, you're not gritting against each other and being frustrated it's more like a frustration you want to overcome player to player battles i think would get people annoyed enough to close the app and not feel like launching it again later on unless it's only against friends
>>379281 how you gonna kill their horse lyns if they don't put her in the danger zone the matches would just be like 20 turns of posturing and positioning and then either a stalemate condition arises or someone gg's out
>>379287 Pictures of me, or pictures that I've taken. I also have confidential documents on my phone, it would be really bad if I accidentally uploaded one of them.
My life is built around a fundamental distrust of myself and constant vigilance for my tendency to thoughlessly mess things up. Uploading pictures from my phone is too dangerous because there's a chance I could screw something up and upload either a picture of myself or a document that it would be really bad to upload.
>>379297 Yeah, but if I were to upload an image that I didn't mean to upload, for example, at this very moment, nearly all of you would see if before I could fumble to delete it.
It's not just about preventing accidents, anyway. It's about the peace of mind that comes with knowing that there won't be an accident.
Not pictured: Elise and Jorge. Because they have low ratings.
>>379325 He's 40+7. That is my tempest auto-battle team up in the fourth slots. He goes along with them, he has no weapon equipped so he just runs around healing. He has 41 def and 26 res so he can run around being stupid and still live as long as he doesn't get attacked by a speedy mage.
>>379331Oh, Oh, do they not stack? I didn't know that. Yeah, she usually just needs to exist. I run Halloween Nowi on my flyer team, so she takes care of most of the greens. Palla just ends up tanking stuff sometimes.
Lucina is a 1.2x unit for this Tempest. I havent' I haven't built "Marth" yet.
I think my Lucina has fairly neutral IVs, I think she's like -res +def or -def +res or something like that. She's 40+2 though, so she's better than "Marth" could be without heavy investment. If I were to build another falchion healer, I'd use Alm and not Marth.
yeah TA and gemmed weapons don't stack i usually just put the silver weapon on them instead if i have TA, or get a more useful A slot >>379341 why bonfire? the 30% atk or moonbow seems like more damage hm i guess with a falchion renewal recipaid you might wanna have a longer special since you won't be attacking every turn
>>379368 Oh good. It would have been awful to be broken by.
>>379370 Usually if someone has 30 or more DEF then Bonfire hit harder. It's been awhile since i checked my Marth on KaguroChart...but it should be the same or greater than Luna anyway--but main reason...I just had a spare, looked at the future +10 version of him and auto-slapped it on him. I also greatly dislike skills with 4-charge unless on someone with Slayer. They work better in arena and used more in Endurance running anything.
I'm on the fence about rolling it. On one hand, I kind of want the new green lady. But maybe I should save my orbs. But at the same time there aren't any upcoming banners that I'm excited about.
It's deadly game! --should check her end stats first if you go for her. Her Chilling-Seal looks very meme.
Well, it sucks that all my orbs are dead but it isn't a bad haul I guess. Spring Chrom is one of those units taht can be good with good IVs, and Ryouma is just good. Another stack on my Amelia is always good too, she's 40+3 now.
So at 8%, and rolling around 40 times, which is probably around what I got off that many orbs, I should have seen around 3 hits. Which is what I got. So I guess I was somewhat fortunate that I got decent characters, but at the same time, I didn't get what I was going for!
>>379463 No I haven't heard that before Wtf I love Amuurdurrika now I like in BK you just ask for a cup and you can go mix whatever drink you feel like
Does America do the McCafe stuff? Wendys straight up doesn't exist here
Geeze...the /moe/ Americans never tell you anything good, do they? The experiances I've seen first-hand from an Aus that now lives here has been: Shock at free refills everywhere, more-so at when waitress appear out of nowhere and drop anther full drink next to your empty cup. That when ordering pizza...the surprize and joy that Aus/NZ large pizzas are ACTUALLY American-mediam sized pizzas. That our ranch and hollinday sauce is apparently different. That our bread tastes like cake.
And yes...some McDs do. Those are the fancy and good ones. In this hick town though...you just have McDs that say they have McCafe...when really it's just their coffee machine and no one understanding on how to make a good cup or anything.
One more bad add though to America...
We apparently can't make good coffee. But our beer and alcohol can be found in shopping centers (like Walmart) and it's hella cheap...again...shocking Aussies.
I think that last one is a universal difference. Pizza sizes tend to be smaller in other parts of the world on principle.
McCafe is a pretty standard accompaniment in Canada. Though Canadian McDicks is by standard a good bit higher in quality than the ones in America.
McCafe actually makes okay coffee though compared the machine made Hungry Jacks coffee
...fast-food usually doesn't make good coffee.
About the time that Tim Hortons dropped their coffee provider due to shareholder insistence on cutting costs, McDonald's of Canada picked up the provider and went on an intensive, costly ramp up of their restaurant capacity to make coffee. The end result was that as far as quality goes, McDonald's in Canada makes the best coffee out of any major cafe chain here. Naturally you might find better coffee in small scale chains or independent cafes. But as far as bang for your buck goes, McDonald's is the best.
>>379465 Isn't alcohol in shopping centers normal? Like just walk into a supermarket What's walmart like?
>>379471 Yes. It's pretty much everywhere though...gas stations being the most popular.
Proably exactly like you've heard... Hell.
Low-prices (at least here), but the people that go there are freaks...and will run you over for candy-bars. It's proably just like any low tier shopping center though... It's the SUPER Walmarts you wanna go to.
Big, cheap, clean, organized and...at least the ones I went too, fucking fancy lookin'.
Normals ones are more tolerable now though with their Phone App...pick-up ordering, no need to run around and get plowed over by carts.
unlimited bangarang
>>379470 that's a funny predicament nice one tim's you fucked it
>>379473 You betcha. Tim's used to be Canadian spirit but they got bought on the stock market by some firm from South America or something and basically slaughtered all the charm and care that went into what made Tim's good. Pastries are no longer baked on site, coffee is mediocre and more expensive than their better competitors, lunch food is for the most part unimpressive. They're on a decline and everyone knows, even if they're reluctant to admit it.
>>379471 In Canada you can (for the most part) only buy retail alcohol from province-owned stores. LCBO and The Beer Store are the two chains here. Recently major grocery chains have been permitted to sell a small selection of beer, but that's maybe only half a dozen brands tops, and it's all major stuff.
Fortunately craft breweries seem to be allowed to sell their own craft, but for distribution, you have to go through the province-owned stores.
unlimited bangarang
>AC: Origins how is that game anyways
>>379475 I found it kind of clunky at first -- and I still kind of do, but I understand the clunk now. They've put a lot of work into developing the set pieces of Egypt, an aspect of the AC games I've always really liked. It's not quite my thing, compared to Rennaissance Europe or Industrial Revolution London, but it's still great to walk around these environments.
It also continues the series' trend from recent games to RPG-ify the game mechanics a fair bit. Levels are incorporated more intensely than Syndicate, and damage and health stats are numbers now instead of dots filling up a meter. The combat is part of the clunk I mentioned earlier, but I'm also playing on their hardest difficulty which means I end up punishedm more for the mistakes I make. It's a bit of an entertaining combat system for a one-on-one fight, but it quickly starts feeling like there's no reasonable way you can respond to every incoming threat around you once the gang-ups start coming. Which in the end is kind of reasonable for a game based around ASSASSINATING. Supposedly.
>>379472 >run you over I wanna visit on black friday it sounds like fun
>>379474 lel we can buy alcohol from any old convenience store
>>379481 I'm not sure yet. I have a lot of time with Syndicate and I really enjoyed how functional the combat system was in it. As long as you had good reflexes you could always handle a fight. The combat in Origins is more technical in comparision and they don't give you allowances like the "murder everyone in a quick chain" stuff in Syndicate. And I'm not sure which I like more.
They've also totally changed the free-running controls again from Syndicate to Origins and it's a real pain some times to adapt to that.
unlimited bangarang
Truthfully I haven't played much of an AC game since Brotherhood (except for maybe 15ish hours is Black Flag) but I've heard Syndicate is the one to beat I plan on playing it eventually
>>379485 Hey fuck you Syndicate easily has the best aesthetics of any of the AC games for me by far.
Syndicate did feel a bit more of a fiction than Origins does. I guess that's mostly because they were starting to get pretty close to modern history with it and couldn't rely on real events anymore and had to make up most of the characters and motivations. Where Origins has a pretty neat political intrigue kinda story set in the civil war between Cleopatra and her ursurper brother.
Did /moe/ get into Destiny 2?
Don't own a modern console aside from a Switch so no dice for me.
What do you gots on the Switch? Got Mario, Zelda, PuyoPuyo...and Mario+Rabbits, and Sanic soon. #Soon
I've got Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, ARMS, Splatoon 2, and Disgaea 5.
How fun is ARMS? And do you enjoy BreathofWild? It shot up to top 4 Zeldas for me.
I enjoy it a good bit. It's an amazing sandbox and hopefully puts a lot of fresh wind in the series' sails. The inevitable backing away of intensity of story in it because of the sandbox was a little disappointing for me; I've always really enjoyed the story arcs in those games. And like most people I mourn the lack of proper, intense dungeon experiences in the game. What excites me most though is seeing what they do now having gotten feedback on the open world experience and seeing how they might merge that with some of the aspects that people were disatisfied with/disappointed were missing.
Or maybe eschew all that and just go in some totally new direction. Nintendo is good at doing that.
unlimited bangarang
Hey tilde, can you give me the three steam cards i need left for the badge?
>>379495 Yeah, they really need to learn and hone it. I agree with the story bit. But I also started feeling the rewards wern't worth it after a while... >starting: Oh hey a shrine!~ >over mid-way: Oh...another shrine...? Or just getting one of those little plant-guys' seeds.
Really glad was able to swtich to Japanese voices too.
...sometimes fun to think if it had mod-ability like Skyrim.
ARMS is interesting. If you're the kind of person that really likes the super technical, button-precise input of fighting games, it's probably not quite up your alley. But it's still a different kind of technical, and in player-versus-player, really involves being able to read what your opponent is aiming to do by moving and throwing out punches. And there's a lot of customization, with a decent sized roster with the later updates the game has received, on top of dozens of different ARMS you can mix and match on your character. So if you're into fighting games and want something which breaks from the usual mold of the genre, it's a pretty interesting game.
unlimited bangarang
>>379497 I need Even Better, Whoooaa, and The World is Grim
Sure, I've got doubles of all those. You got any doubles of Suspension, Labor, Choices, or Vitruvius?
unlimited bangarang
i've got vitruvius and labor oh and suspension actually yeah
>>379486 >ZZ above MSG and Zeta Why? Why does 0083 look so amazing?
>>379495 I really hope Nintendo does something like a BotW 2.0 at some point. I don't think the Zelda franchise should necessarily remain open world forever but I think there was a lot of potential left unused in BotW. Like being able to stumble upon natural dungeons out in the wild
>>379502 Coolio. Yeah, I'll give you all you need for whatever you're interested in parting with.
unlimited bangarang
oh shit i gotta reinstall the steam mobile app
For authentification bullshit or something?
>>379503 I had more fun watching ZZ. MC also wasn't a pansy. The '79 MSG really kinda dropped off at the end for me cause muhNewTypes. I didn't like MC of Zeta at all.
Best Gundams always 08th and G tho'.
Still need to get on watching many of the other Gundams though too. >needing to watch Wing >needing to watch SEED
>>379507 That is understandable, although Kamille is actually one of my favourite MCs I like that Kamille starts out as a massive spaz and mellows out over the show
Wing is fun. Dorothy will forever be the best girl in that show. Dorothy and the Aries.
unlimited bangarang
idk why it will take until tomorrow but i guess i'll be able to finish the badge tomorrow
>>379509 Oh did he ever mello out at the end. Hahaha.
Ooooh. Girl tier-able huh? That's gonna be fun...even though Wing looks like pure Fujo' shit.
Heard nothing but bad about SEED.
I also forget about Build Fighters. S1 was fun. Need to see that S2.
I also need to figure out if Iron-Blood Orphans is good or not... Shit's so split when hear about that one.
I really enjoyed Iron-Blooded Orphans, but I haven't seen a single full series of Gundam so that's not the opinion of a Gundam fan. It had a nice, character-driven story and dealt with some themes I really enjoyed and did it in a pretty mature way.
...how could you not seen a full series? It just sounds...odd.
I do love me some character driven.
I never really intentionally picked out Gundam to watch on my own. I really got into watching anime maybe around 2009 or so, and prior to that my only real experience with Gundam was watching Seed/Destiny subbed on public television. Er, dubbed. So I never got the full picture of that because there would be weeks where I'd miss an episode and had no means of going back to see it. And I kind of got the feeling while watching it that Seed/Destiny wasn't really my thing either. The only real Gundam television series I had a chance of seeing in full before Iron-Blooded Orphans was G-Reco, and that one was off-norm enough to kind of shake my interest off it.
So it isn't a particular spite that's kept me from ever watching a Gundam series, just a general disinterest or matter of situation.
Not a mecha fan?
I don't dislike it. I wouldn't say it's an inherent attractor for me though.
Sounds like you should watch 08th Team!~
--Now tell me your top five anime.
Oh I don't think that's an answer I can give a satisfying answer to. I've seen a lot of anime; it's hard to narrow down favourites to a select few like that. And the choices would probably differ even a month or two down the line. There's a lot of stuff that stands on very decent merits of its own within a particular genre or theme and some times one excellent series does have quantifiable faults once looked at from a perspective outside one that favours the genre or theme it deals with. It's just one of the inherent issues with determing quality of fiction.
>>379511 Well, sorta By the end I guess I'd say Kamille is a lot less autistic, and I mean that as literal as possible and not in the memesense. He's less of a hot head and doesn't hold grudges like he does at the start of the show
Seed is bad but in a bizarre way I really enjoyed it. You go into Seed expecting it to be bad and with a willingness to laugh at it and maybe even engage on a shoujo level and it'll be fun
Personally I really hate IBO but I see the appeal. Which is why that show stings so much for me because it has a lot of stuff that sounds cool on paper but isn't executed well at all. I'd say it's the sorta show you gotta watch and form your own opinion on Also Thunderbolt is basically the best thing to come out of Gundam lately alongside gbf s1
>>379518 give us 5 anime that you generally enjoyed and may or may not br *be in a top 5
>-21C outside I really really really really really don't want to leave for work. Why this.
>>379519 wow I should really have spoiler tagged this