Thread #379300
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youkai apt two car kino souma boku no bitch
The slut show will have its last episode out tomorrow, so watching it today might be good.
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I'm thinking youkai apt kino souma boku no bitch
Okey dokes.
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okay youkai apt oaky lets start
>Same as a golf swing I don't know any golf swings that involve hammering the club downwards in an arc like that.
>Running around the tundra in light winter clothes like those They'd be so utterly frozen solid there wouldn't be any fun to be had.
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The Christmas episode is weird.
Crazy sensei and the stupid girl's plot thread never got resolved, eh.
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Maybe in the next season!
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kino! okay let sstart!
Sheep stampede
Whoever thought sheep could be so menacing.
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So the biggest crisis that Kino has faced this season is sheep.
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Those are some mean sheep.
Couldn't escape the SHEEP
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I can understand running from them on a bike, but why in a jeep?
Holy FUCK Kino.
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Kino was thinking the same thing I was.
What the fuck Kino.
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These are evil sheep. They need to be destroyed.
And it ends with a motorcycle jump off a ramp with a raging wall of flame behind them. What is this, an action flick.
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>our country raised bloodthirsty sheep and turned them loose in the wild
Makes more sense than anything. It's not like sheep end up rabid and crazy like that for no reason.
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Wow, a title drop and a meta conversation about the journey ending. I guess this is quite possibly the last episode of this ever, and it was about Kino murdering sheep.
What a weird topic to end on.
That did have a really final feeling to it though. I wonder if the production studio has any inclination to consider animating more. Production team, even.
She did wake up and get back on Hermes though.
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That's hard to say. I never expected this to get this season in the first place. Another Kino season was a real surprise. This was a really good season though.
It came out of the relative blue too. I think there was at most one season's worth of time between them announcing this alongside a new manga adaptation and the actual airing of the first episode. Usually there's news about adaptations a couple of seasons before they actually drop.
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oaky souma!>>379369 Yep. Not sure why they animated it but I'm glad they did. The backstory episode for Kino was great. okay let's start!
ME GU MI ME GU MI Eeeeeeeekaaaa>>379374 Oh there you are. I was going to start wondering if you'd fallen asleep.
There's so much cooking SCIENCE to learn from this show.
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I want to see these guys battle!
Tsukasa is really kind of "my pace"-y. Though he's also a bit of a self-absorbed ass at times.
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I like him. He's refreshing.
Souma really does so much with such basic stuff.
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His really does look better.
You've got to hand it to the girls for being impartial about it at least.
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I did expect Souma to lose. I didn't expect Tsukasa to give up on taking him to Central, though.
The Polar Star dorm really finds any opportunity to hold a celebration.
Oh huh it's this scene. I've been waiting on it.
Aw they took out Erina's more comical reaction to finally realizing they're related.
that ending was neat
I guess it'll be continued>
season 4 is confirmed
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okay boku no bitch episode 10 right? okay lets start
That's the latest one I've got, so probably. It feels like it's been so long since we watched this show.
>Ochin park
They've made a 69 joke twice this epsiode so far.
Oh that was the girl that bought a pack of chocolate condoms.
What the fuck.
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I'd forgotten how exhausting this show can get.
It's only been half the episode.
It can be sweet and heartwarming but some times the jokes get a bit too much for me.
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They're all somewhat dangerous people.
At least.
Well that's certainly a tree.
His lousy drawing of her had a de su wa speech bubble.
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That stupid girl is a dangerous person too.
How romantic.
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I thought they were already dating, what was with the big confession?
He hadn't really ever said he loved her. I think it was supposed to be more than a "I've liked you from a distance, please go out with me" this time, unlike the actual pre-dating confession.