Hey kirara you still doin the kratoms It's been so long since i got this i don't remember what strain it is was wondering if you had any suggestions the one i've got seems something of a blend between stimulating and pain relief but not very much pain relief have you come across any that are good at that
>>377631 red seems pretty good for pain that isn't like muscle spasms green works for me for that but red kills other kind of pain more effectively mixing them works almost as good as a weak opioid
green is kind of stimulating as well as muscle relaxing on me
>>377635 yeah i kind of like the personal opinions because people are so different a little context if i know who it is at least >>377636 like bone hurt pain i think what i've got is a green red mixture but i forget
>>377644 how much is a mg, like half a tea spoon? >>377641 yeah, even though ive got major pain, that's not what i'm taking it for if i relieve some pain while working, then i don't cause myself the discomfort from trying to rush through it, and thus the evening is easier on me major pain relief would be necessary if i was cramming it all like before
>>377647 yeah half a tea spoon is about right really finely powdered stuff like what i have is like 2.5g in a level tsp the stuff my coworker bought is a little more coarse than what i have though so i guess it varies depending on source
>>377647 i can dig it i use it mostly for anxiety and alcohol cravings
>>377651 i usually do a heaping teaspoon >>377658 yeah, it does help with anxiety quite a bit and that's a real bad issue for me the pain relief isn't as strong with it although the stimulation isn't great for the anxiety either
i use it because i slipped a disc or whatever and fucked my back up earlier in the year and it still hurts if i lift heavy things it's not very major pain but the kratom doesn't completely kill it it loosens my back up enough that it isn't painful to bend or lift though
>>377659 my coworker uses the red to relieve anxiety supposedly i'm not sure how much anxiety he has but since he works overnight by himself a lot i imagine quite a bit
Each year I have to do more shit before going to sell rockets I bet by 2020, if I am still in the business, I will have to fly to china to get the fireworks myself.
>>377677 i haven't tried it with adderall honestly i usually take that when i wake up with something light to eat then take kratom either later in the day if i am staying long and eat at work or after i get off work and eat i don't really eat much at all for the first 8 hours i am awake if i take adderall.
Kirara 🕎
i got a book on the panama canal from 1913
and a book with senator Barry Goldwater's autograph from the 20s
i take kratom and Vyvanse at the same time usually and it's not any different from if i take kratom alone, aside from the fact that i also have the amphetamines effects
i // my biggest concern is that taking addy makes me crave alcohol when it wears off like nobody's business and i'd like to not do that i can go forever on benzos without drinking but i don't like being sedated full time
>>377709 irread dr pepper at first at any point in that and just felt like throwing up dr pepper is the shittiest beverage man has ever made especially diet i would literally rather drink my own piss than diet dr pepper
Koi...- - -...
>>377702 thats the same dude who said to put pepper in chocolate milk
jammy does the kratom taste bother you at all? for me it's fine; i just put it in milk and shake it up and drink it like i would milk and it's pretty good i'm trying to get my mom to take it for her problems but she can't because of the taste she keeps coming up with stupid ideas on how to take it without tasting it, by doing it all in one gulp or something but like i don't see what's wrong with it
>>377734 it doesn't bother me honestly i just put it in my mouth and drink whatever is available water works ok but it kind of sticks to my teeth the best thing to wash it down with is hot tea with honey
i actually like the taste but the texture is mildly bothersome
my mom dislikes the texture a lot so she uses capsules
i do have a capsule making set actually but you would need to take so many of them to amount to a teaspoon wouldn't you
Kirara 🕎
i don't really like the taste but the texture is what really fucks me up I often use a shot glass orange juice, honey, and kratom then chase with water
the taste and texture seem kind of like the bolthouse farms veggie super drinks i used to get imo it's like if you took veggies and blended them up with a splash of milk >>377742 i dunno man they're like capsule sized
>>377747 here are the common ones you are going to need like 000 or 00 if it's packed really tight to approach 1g 3 is more like 200-400mg max so if you have really small capsules you would need a bunch of them it would be kind of a waste
>>377751 yo but those nanomachines that sniff out cancer tumors and literally drill into them and are supposed to stop when they detect regular tissue that spooks my guts out
imagine a suppository that puts nanomachines in your digestive system to stop heart burn that is the furture you all chose you only have yourselves to blame
man i was working on some market research files and there was this harley davidson guy who kept talking about how the motorcycle salesmen were real nice because they didn't try to jew him on the sale and then he was talking about the feeling of riding a harley davidson and he was like "man, it's like pure freedom. it's already great being a white alpha male, but to be on a harley, that's where it's at you know what i'm sayin"
as long as i have something to handle my anxiety, life's better for me without alcohol i never enjoy it while drinking, but it does feel nice to wake up in the morning with all the noise cleared out of my head the worst is having no break from the anxiety ever and it constantly snowballing together, then i wake up in a panic all the time
i'll spoil this but somehow it seems not lewd when it's matoi in undergarments
Kirara 🕎
i can't believe I used to be such a fuckin rurus nerd
unlimited bangarang
i can
same i was there >>377856 makes sense i'm pretty sure that you are the one who linked me to that looking at the videos before and after in the list of favorites
>>377865 well i poked fun at you for it a bit i think but i'm not the kind of guy who goes into a china shop and rattles the displays for kicks i obey the rules more or less
>>377868 different explicit causes i guess probably same underlying causes manifested differently you can be very compulsive sometimes (as can i obviously) and for some reason i hate my own compulsions so much that it irks me when other people do it literally hating myself through others
Kirara 🕎
>>377871 yeah fair enough >>377869 yeah true if probably still be a rurus nerd if y'all didn't put up with it
>>377878 good things come to those who wait supposedly surely someone important will recognize his talent and boost the name eventually
Kirara 🕎
isn't it weird how easily a shirt can turn inside out compared to a person
unlimited bangarang
>>377880 San Holo's been doing that for a minute he played Eastghost's version of Light for longer than his own at Something Wicked, which means he's probably been doing that everywhere on his tour
>>377918 Well, I think Dash may continue to be difficult to keep a hold of, but SC has done a good job showing back up over the past few days. I hope I can drag Sugoi back, that's usually how things go with him.
>>377937 I'll probably use Iote's Shield primarily on an anti-bow tome flier. Although it'll work on Minerva to use her without fear of bows sometimes.
Heavy Blade stacks, I think. I wonder if I could put two heavy blades on Alm.
I am excited for Iote's shield. I could do a good anti-bow build for Corrin. Corrin has a really good stat spread, she's very tanky with flyer emblem buffs.
>>377940 Yeah, she is. Spring Camilla has like 30 base DEF, though, so I'd use her since I don't have her built yet and have no other use for her.
My main flier emblem team is going to have Corrin and Nowi on it, so there won't usually be room for Camilla unless I make her niche and use her in certain situations. I need to get blade+ for Corrin, still, though.
Koi...- - -...
heavy blade most likely does not stack
Kirara 🕎
Oh, you're right I was thinking of the pulse skills
Koi...- - -...
yeah. charge altering skills usually only go with the strongest skill still this is nice you wont have to waste an ike or find an ike for that matter
>>377941 That's the dilemma I have. I have a spring camilla that would be well suited to be an all-around horse remover, but I already have Nowi and Corrin on my flyer team.
Koi...- - -...
theres also kingdom battle.. id probably go odyssey anyway
According to court paperwork, Robert Resendiz told police he pressed his 6-month-old son's legs over his head and did not release until his son stopped moving and was "limp."
>>377990 Yeah, we'll be good! The first day will be kind of rushed because we're staying in Alabama and most of the drive is Florida, and who cares about that. The last day is all Florida driving, too, so there's not too much free time planned and it'll be fine if something happens anyway because we'll be on our way home.
We'll spend New Years Eve in a really nice hotel that I got a really great deal on in Panama City, FL and watch the fireworks over the Gulf of Mexico.
>>377997 Deshou? I'm super excited about it. I think it'll be a great New Years Eve place. I've never really been in a place like that and have relatively no experience with cityscapes outside of being in Denver once and Philly twice.
>>378004 Yeah, but it'll be good. Seeing that spontaneity can be fun and good is good for people with a lot of anxiety. She'll probably forget how nervous she is by the end of the first day. I want to see some beautiful things with her.
>>378007 I love mountains a lot, and we'll see some, but we're gonna see some other stuff, too. We're going to head into Alabama, then to Mississippi, then up to Arkansas.
Mississippi has a lot of prairies, savannas, and floodplains which I don't have a lot of experience seeing, so I want to see those. And then the Ozark mountains are in Arkansas, and we're going to take the scenic route that goes through them.
We'll hit Louisiana on our way back to Florida, which has different swamps and marshlands from Florida, and then we'll stay on the panhandle in Panama City in Florida for the last night, and watch the fireworks from a really nice hotel.
Just remember if you end up anywhere cold or high altitude enough for snow to drive safely.
I made sure there won't be any snow anywhere I'll be driving. I'd be fine with driving in snow for the first time, but definitely not driving in snow for the first time on a fucking mountain.
It'll be like 16F/-9C over in the mountains in Arkansas, though. That'll be the coldest I've ever been. I was up on a really high mountain which was covered in snow, but it was in Spring, so it was like 26F/3C there.
Yeah you're going to want to dress warmly for that then! Especially since you don't have much body fat; you'll get cold super fast if you underestimate it.
Yeah. I've got some good stuff I can layer. If it winds up being too cold for what I have, I can just buy another jacket at a shop, but I think I'll be okay. I'll probably be getting in and out of my car a lot out in the mountains to take pictures and stuff.
I've never had a burger with an egg before, but I like my eggs over medium if I have steak and eggs.
I've had a breakfast sandwich which was effectively a burger with an egg. It's not really my thing, but I'm not huge on egg to begin with. I'd rather get something like onions and peppers as add-ons to the basic burger formula if I was going for a fancier burger than just cheese and meat.
>>378022 Erie, right? I saw a news blurb about it. I'm pretty sure they got the full brunt of the blizzard that was dumping a tonne of snow on us all throughout the night of Christmas Eve.
>>378023 I'm not entirely sure I get your terminology here. Do you mean a burger where some kind of onion replaces the patty, or a burger with a lot of onion piled on top?
I eat a lot of eggs because they taste pretty good, they're easy to make, and they're highly nutritious. I have problems eating enough food everyday so I need to eat stuff that's pretty nutritious in order to keep my body going.
>>378024 Yeah, Erie. Pretty crazy! That blizzard is going pretty hard.
>>378026 Onions and meat are one of those 11/10 combinations in pretty much any situation, so I feel just pile as much onion on top of that burger as you can personally tolerate! I love the crunch and juiciness of biting into onion, it gives a nice contrast to the softness of the bun and patty.
A lot of central Canada is under a cold weather warning too. Like, so cold the authorities are strongly recommending people don't leave the house if at all possible. Fortunately that hasn't made its way here, but there's less severe warnings not far off from my city.
Apparently there was a blizzard in 1899 that reached as far as Florida and actually managed to put the temperature below 0F, which is the only recorded instance of Florida getting so cold.
I was just making sure the blizzard wouldn't impact my trip at all. When I googled the blizzard, I found out about Erie and then I googled blizzard Arkansas and found this 1899 blizzard.
>>378029 Wowie. I hope you don't lose power or anything.
>>378031 I always keep tabs on the weather in my area, and some times that means I learn of other trivial information concerning weather. The discussion here was leaning towards weather talk and I had some good fuel to keep that burning.
>>378032 The blizzard did knock out power for a bit of the city as it passed through here. We kept our power here, but somewhere else that my brother was at Christmas Day had lost power. But we should be good even in the cold weather unless another blizzard or ice storm passes through.
>>378034 The fact that it had to cross the ocean to do that is pretty crazy. The Gulf is pretty warm water compared to a bunch of other bodies of salt water so it's double surprising.
>"hows the weather is a serious thing on /moe/ Goddamn it you guys.
...at least you make me thankful for predictable California weather.
Well we come from all over the world. It might be a blizzard over my heads, but down in Australia it's fucking summer. Talking about the weather starts to get a little interesting once you start talking on a global scale.
>>378037 The blizzard itself wouldn't be the danger if power was lost, for most people. But once power gets knocked out in the winter you have to start worrying about the window of time before cold temperatures start fucking things up. Like once houses can't provide internal heating, the water in your pipes will start to freeze, Frozen water expands, and that bursts pipes. In worst-case scenarious where it's beyond frigid you'd also have to start worrying about getting too cold yourself, but that's in most cases easy to manage. When you live somewhere cold you end up with a lot of thick clothes to pile on if you're getting too cold.
Kirara 🕎
also this 1899 blizzard was in february wow
Did you guys get more Euros? Or is it still mostly Murrika, Canada, Aus?
We have a couple Scandinavians, but I think that's as far as Europeans go, other than Kannagi which I'm sure you already know is in England. We're still mostly america, canada, and aus/NZ I guess
>At 8:00 p.m. visitors young and old will want to make their way down S Pier Park Drive. “Ten…Nine…Eight…” When the crowd finishes their countdown, it’s time for the city’s first Beach Ball Drop of the evening, with 10,000 inflated beach balls descending from above, floating down on the festival goers below like warm snowflakes. This initial Beach Ball Drop may cater to those with early bedtimes, but it will be hard to sleep after the first round of fireworks begin exploding over Panama City Beach and lighting up the night sky as revelers continue to keep beach balls bouncing over the heads of the thousands gathered. >As tens of thousands of revelers join the chorus of the final ten-second countdown, the evening’s second Beach Ball Drop begins. The giant beach ball descends further down Celebration Tower with each tick of the clock until it reaches the bottom, signaling the New Year. It’s also the cue for a second round of fireworks, launched from the end of Russell-Fields Pier, to begin igniting in the sky over Panama City Beach, home of “The World’s Most Beautiful Beaches.” The pier, which reaches out more than a quarter-mile into the Gulf of Mexico presents the perfect night-sky backdrop against which to enjoy the bright lights and sharp cracks of sound that send out the old year and welcome in the new.
>>378047 Yeah, that sounds pretty partyful. Big-ish cities always have really fancy New Years celebrations. There's always one here but I I've never went.
>>378049 Yeah but they're an arm and a leg more expensive than what you pay down in the States. They're the best cost Cost-product ratio for fries though.
>>378050 Kinda feels like I should try to go since I'm probably never going to be there on New Years Eve again but it also sounds like it might be a little overwhelming for me since I've never been around something like that. so bringing fish there would be kind of mean haha
I've never been in a big city on a holiday, I don't think. Although I was in Vegas on Christmas Eve last year.
>>378049 >losing someone to the east Noooooooooooo!
It would probably freak me out since I'm already hypervigilant. It'd probably be better to watch the fireworks from our hotel, though.
There's no way I could have developed something like that. I've been way too jam packed into dense crowds and subway trains to be able to fret about that. If anything I'm more comfortable in a crowd than I am as someone walking through a space with a small number of people milling about. In a sense.
I don't like having people up against me very much. I'll generally avoid touching other people if I can. But what's more is when there's a sparse number of people around me, I get worried that one of them is going to come up and interact with me. Not even, y'know, try to assault me or anything. But I don't look forward to getting talked to by complete strangers. And once the amount of people around get into crowd numbers, that's no longer a real concern, so I don't have to really deal with that anxiety anymore.
This happened a few days ago...but how would /moe/ feel if you were just crossing an empty parking lot, someone almost sideswipes you, turns to get by your side, ... then asks to buy your shirt (litterally, off your back)?
Well I'd feel like "the fuck you smoking you fuck". But I'd decline and hope that this person doesn't keep at it.
>>378072 1: Youll wip out the wallet, theyll take it and run 2: Youll get a disk! ....with nothing on it. 3: You get a disk! ...its a terrible mix tape. 4: You get a disk! ...its fucking on FIRE!
bought a fuggin bottle of md 20/20 because it was three dollars and i haven't drank in months besides an ipa i tossed out thought it'd be shit but it's actually kind of tasty i always saw these but never knew what they were apparently it's wine whodathunk
>>378080 I'm just having a glass of raspberry wine for the holidays. I've been clean off it for a long time, but it's the holiday and I've had a crummy holiday.
Actually not too big on chocolate i have a hard time with sweet things >>378085 man, you missed out on the fuckin toasted ravs watchin da cards and eatin toasted ravs you and fish and jam oughtta all come out and we can do a ballpark double date and get toasted ravs and st louis style pizza and gooey butter cake
>Wyoming lost 1.0 percent of its population in 2017
>>378100 That's not exactly what I said but I don't think that's an old man thing The cities I'll go to are places I barely care about and won't explore too significantly It's about the sights and memories we make along the way
>schedule changes to add Saturday morning class to this week I can still enjoy my party >schedule changes again to make Friday class in the evening. I can no longer go to the party
Kirara 🚗
>A research paper published by Google this month—which has not been peer reviewed—details a text-to-speech system called Tacotron 2, which claims near-human accuracy at imitating audio of a person speaking from text.
unlimited bangarang
>Tacotron 2 >not the revamped version of a robot that makes mexican street tacos
>>378109 I guess that's because it's related to lived experience. My experience with Jan and Tilde in the car with me found the best stops where we had fun weren't on the interstate.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>378109 They're often clearer of traffic and have better scenery.
I have a client tomorrow and I still can't hear very well this is going to be fun
I don't travel with people nor drive so I don't know much about old man navigation but ... woah, that was almost a really bad copypaste https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/24/nyregion/traffic-apps-gps-neighborhoods.html Backroads are now the hip, cool, in-thing. To the detriment of anyone local to the area
are you guys saying that kriara has an old man thing
what makes it an old person thing anyway are they trying to escape traffic or are they looking for more interesting things are old men hipsters or something
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>378121 Avoiding the interstate is key to making good time because that's where more people wreck and speeding gets you pulled over.
>>378147 Theres usually stuff in stores too that break gunk up in ears and forces it out. Unno if youd have it, or time to get it though... And small con that it needs cottonballs...obvious reasons.
unlimited bangarang
should I [_] play a video game [_] lay down [_] die
>>378153 Nah. There was another poster named Teacup that died on January 2nd 2015. Saku (the one i mentioned) died on April 9th 2015. There was a former /moe/ that died in March of that year, too.
2016 was basically me trying to manage the PTSD I got in 2015 while being an alcoholic and also working a stressful job while being stalked by my boss and simultaneously starting graduate school.
2017 I was sober but I still struggle with PTSD, but I'm not alone anymore and I have someone that can help me function like a normal human being, but also the world went completely mad.
but I also didn't have much enjoyment in 2017 both of them blur together
OFFICIAL BAD YEAR RANKINGS 1. 2015 2. 2010 3. ALL THE YEARS AFTER 2015 4. 2000
2015 was all of my loved ones dying and me quickly getting PTSD and then blaming myself for someone's death, missing the deadlines for grad school, and sleeping like 3-4 hours a night from January until like October.
One time Sam played kiss from a rose and had an anime girl pop up and dance around our screens.
>>378174 All my friend-driven activity in the past few years has been entirely with online friends. I live in Ontario, Jan in Texas, and Kirara in Florida, but we grouped up to do a road trip anyway. And when I flew to Japan I was meeting a bunch of people there for the first time. We had people from the UK, Germany, New Zealand, Canada, and all over the States. For the most part we'd never met in person before but we'd gotten to know each other for years over the Internet.
>>378175 it was pretty neat when sam introduced DUAL SIDED text
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah I forgot about it because it never gets used
>>378169 the start of self-hatred and doubting everyone around me >>378172 retaking the same three courses three times in a nine month span and "failing" my final group prokect days before christmas and setting the team back three months because no one really understood what my milestones were.
>>378180 Rough. That sounds like an early time for that to start
>>378179 I don't know what's wrong with either of those things.
>>378263 Is that really what you want? Me to post while I drive?
I might post if Fish is driving and I'll probably post in the evenings when we're winding down for bed. And I'll be posting pictures and stuff. I won't be too scarce, so don't worry about missing me!
>>378262 I'm pretty good at sleeping when I'm excited.
oh boy my tolls went through okay I was worried they'd fuck up and it would cost more >>378447 Oh so that's why It's keeping you up That very well may be the solution
i was invited to some korean proam afterparty dota inhouse and i wasn't acting p dumb because i didn't know it was being streamed live oh boy
Streamed live to how many people though? If it it's only another one or two, is it so bad?
>>378460 Yeah I kind of get that. I've got an online friend that digs that -the shitty jeering and apathy attitude they take over there and it makes it hard to feel decent thoughts for the guy because of it.
Welcome back would you like to pick from your options
Tell me the options, then I'll decide if I pick or not.
this stupid cat ran outside when i came in and it's very cold outside i'm on a back brace and a cane and i couldn't chase it down, and it ran away from me anyway and now it doesn't seem to want to come back stupid asshole cat
Oh it's gotten really cold here too. No wonder my legs were starting to become icicles.
i mean, i played semipro from a makeshift desktop at home on meh internet by home i mean dorm i feel like if i had good equipment, like one of those luxurious two-button mouses and a gaming mouse+keyboard and not a drifty bluetooth keyboard that might work sometimes, i would have done a lot better hard to break into gaming under abject poverty
Yeah, at that point you've got to be sacrificing something else to break in. Like when you hear of those poor-ass kids who play only at net cafes or on some shitty eight-year-old PC who get to go pro, that's because they're spending far more time playing the game then they arguably should, whitling away time that most others are spending for education or simpler means of employment. It's the kind of field that you're spending a lot of something before you can get involved in it.
>>378477 yeah those stories aren't real though you don't do that you start off maybe getting into it that way but you can't be that level without fast i/o
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
at least this stupidass cat came in and i can close the door probably wasted 30 dollars in heating just to get him in asshole cat
I don't own a cat anymore but I think it was one of my first days as a careworker that I had to spend like a half an hour looking for a cat at this lady who own all these animals
>>378486 lol no What do you think I am some sorta nerd? I tried learning in HS actually but it was too complex for me. I have a lot of respect for programmers. Shit's like wizadry
>>378490 Pugs are pretty cute What's she doing with a lamb though? I knew a girl whose family had a paddock out back and they had too many animals to count They had dogs, cats, sheep, chickens, one of those big blue birds with fancy tails
>>378503 I have work at 2pm, so my ideal sleep would be something like 4am to noon now my sleep schedule is super fucked
That's 7 hours, austin is in central
>>378503 I find them cute in an ugly way I love them
>>378500 Jessie >>378494 Pugs aren't cute imhotbqwyf Dunno why they had the lamb Daughter bought it for some reason Yeah that's like a lot of my relatives >>378509 Meant to be imhotbqwyf In my honest opinion to be quite honest with you can fam *fam >>378510 Night dudarino
>>378504 Ah yeah, that's going to be rough to get it realigned. Probably means at least one shittier than usual day or work before things start to get normal-ish for me.
>>378507 >in my honest opinion to be quite wyf what does the wyf stand for?